Mathematics ZorillaBSED1science

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Republic of the Philippines


Impig, Sipocot Camarines Sur

Mathematics in the Modern


Submitted By:
Rica Pearl Zorilla

Week 1
Introduction to Mathematics in the Modern World

Activities to do:
Online Discussion

1. What is mathematics ?
Mathematics are used in everyday life. It involves calculation, measuring,
relationship, properties of quantities and sets using numbers and symbols and word as well. In
attaches in our daily living, it is a thing that applicable for all through simple counting,
measuring, analyzing of situation or event and etc. that helps one mind to improved critical,
intelligence, and being reasonable thinking.

2. Where is mathematics ?
Mathematic are can be applied in anything, anytime and everywhere. By simply
counting days, monitoring clocks, measuring and computing something, any kind when there is
money involved such as change, budget, etc. and more things can be applied by the

3. What role does mathematics play in your world?

Mathematics have a great roles that plays important in our world.

Post-competency Checklist Literature

1.Short-response essay writing at the end of one class question.
a. What new ideas about mathematics did you learn?
Mathematics is one of the most things that we used in everyday living. By simply
computing, measuring, analyzing and etc. also in the high standard of skills that these capable
are very useful such us solving a problem, used as planning, infrastructure and so on.
b. What is most useful about mathematics that might have changed your thoughts about it?
A quality of this subject is giving me a lot of taught. This is not only used for a
particular event in life in which mathematics are applied but also it suits for solving a problem,
which nurtured us through creativity, reasoning, abstract or spatial thinking, critical thinking,
problem solving and even in communicating skills.
c. What is most useful about mathematics for humankind?
It helps a lot one’s mind and skills, through the way we seen about the concept in
everything, particularly in solving, building mental discipline and encourage our logical
reasoning and mental rigor.

2.Two to three-paragraph synthesis paper focusing on one of the following aspects of

a. Mathematics helps organize patterns and regularities in the world.

Mathematics will be belong to the part in our living in the world. In aspects of living, how
this Mathematics would be help to organized patterns in this world? As students, it was so
revealing for me, because the nature of Math in this world are everyday used and useful.

Everything we seen are the existing of what the patterns and regularities of the world
has, this means that it will be always be in our life. With the regard of existing, our history that
was came from the word Mathematics are now alive, it never disappeared but it developed and
more progressive. Likewise at the beginning where Math being found in the old times, I think it
has only a tiny lessons that need by everyone to learned, however because of our living and a
lot of seeks and new thing that people discovered and understood, and continuously passing of
times and year which also corresponding to the progress and development of Mathematics wit
attached to the things or event that it was applicable. The different concept of Mathematics are
those huge and useful contribution in different aspects of life, for instance, by simply computing
or budgeting for infrastructure in order for us to able to do easier when it comes on how people
can build infrastructure such as house, buildings and etc. that require the high standard skills of
Mathematics that brought clarity and reliability for anything that the world has.

In relation with our topic which is Fibonacci Sequence, we all know that it was already
exist in the old times and still existing nowadays. The contribution of this are very essentially
especially for the situation or thing that must suits by this. Through painting, picture or anything
were applicable by that kind of sequence, mostly in measurements. A practice that brought by
this is a results of a thousands of refinement, clarity and reliability were not specifically
explained by the Science but only in the nature of the Mathematics. However, Mathematics slow
and difficult, cant deny by an everyone that it was also an arguable by means of intellectual of
human. We have different kind strategy to learned and be with the Mathematics but in our own
perception. And if everyone were looking forward at the world, somehow in the pattern, we will
see the importance and beautiful natured by Mathematics. That’s why it helps us to organize
regularities in the world. There are just some of things that nature and mathematics joined
together without even our sense which creates the wonderful world.

b. Mathematics helps predict the behavior of nature and phenomena in the world.

With belong of Mathematics in our daily living, some people don’t like Mathematics
because of the consequences that brought by this. But some of us realized that it was just a
numbers, analyzing symbols, patterns and regularities and formulas, understanding the word
problem that found in a particular situation.

Predicting is a reasonable guess as to what will happen. In regard with mathematics,

predictions are very useful. A method involved was analyzing of abstract phenomena and
nature. Through of that, it will detect size, location, timing of the natural hazard was given take
by our nature and possible to happen anytime, anywhere. With the help of this, calamities will
be able to determine such us hurricanes, floods, earthquake, volcanic activities, wildfires, and
other natural phenomena. Mathematics has different designed of model and created in order to
use in specific calamities that we has, through measurements and observation in the world to its
reality. Moreover, it make sense in which it will be generalized or find a rule for what they
observed, stimulation or what could possible may happen. It gave us way o understand patterns
and regularities to quantifies relationship and predict the future. Knowing the fact as I’ve learned
by this is to show the correctness and possibilities to our everyday life using the nature and
nurture don by Mathematics

c. Mathematics helps control nature and occurrences in the world for our own needs.

In my previous written synthesis, Mathematics is one of the most important aspect in our
life, it belong to our daily living, it is our hand for us to be able to fully live and know and
understand the meaning of the world has. It help us to organized patterns and regularities, as
well us helps to predict the behavior of nature and phenomena and lastly, is I will further discuss
with this the nature and occurrence in the world for our own needs. There is a lot to be
mentioned on how and what Mathematics being beneficial for us who lived on this wonderful
world. It was spread around and even out of the world even in the smallest or tiny things it would
be applicable.
Mathematics is helpful especially when seeking to explain limitless feeling one gets
when contemplating the natural world exist. It helps in controlling nature and occurrence
because some of them are behave mathematically. The logic of any idea that explain by the
natures of Mathematics in order for us to deliver and understand as well as persuade a larger or
evidence as the capability of Mathematics to each everyone a lot. By simply calculate or
compute for something in order to be easier for us to do a task mentally forward to doing an
specifically a task. Therefore, we can continue to do other things, for instance building or
creating of something, making solution to a problem, analyzing to a situation, predicting and
evaluate an event. These just an examples but look as the huge help for us to be productive
living with the used of nature and nurture done and give by the Mathematics.

3. Cite the mathematical application that you commonly do in each of the following situations
and state your appreciation.

Situations Application and Appreciation for


1. Market Mathematics is applicable here when it comes

to budgeting. Analysis of data in prices, sales,
significant or must to buy.

2. Bus/Jeepney Distance of bus/jeepney traveled.

3. Church We all know that this places are sacred which

is full of symbols, and we as the devotees, we
tend to analyzed the symbol and find the
meaning of it.

4. Club Meeting It has involve of many people in the session,

which take the time to talk and think about their
encountered problem and promote new
concept of ideas in order to solve the problem
and make their plan more progressive.

5. Clinic It uses time for balancing the patient to take

their corresponding medicine and they should
to take the suitable or required weight or how
often the patient will take it.

6. Court In the court, in order to resolved the problem, it

requires an firm evident, so they need a people
who will be the probability that is match to the
crime scene.

7. Laboratory It involved experiment, so will used visualized,

manipulate, balance, requires time and reason.

8. Watching games Other principles of mathematics are consisting

in a particular game; time management,
strategies of work, transformation which is
created in sets of a game.

9. Birthday party Identifying specific dates.

10. Police station It conduct an investigation, analyzing and

solving the crime.

Week 2
Mathematics in Nature
Pre-Competency Checklist
1. Go to the garden, and start counting leaves and petals. Write the results on this form:
Plant Name or Description: Sunflower- is an annual herb with a rough hairy stem, high
and brood coarsely toothed, rough leaves, long arranged petals in spiral.
a. Do leaves grow in Spirals? (Yes/No) Yes. What is the pattern of this leaves?
Fibonacci Patterns
b. Are there flowers? (Yes/No). YesWhat is the arrangement of the petals?Fibonacci
2. Look at the outer skin of pineapple. How many designs are in the outer skin of pine apple? Is
there a pattern ? (Yes/No). Justify your answer.
It consist of 13 scales, its scales has patterns, it has 3 series of spiral which called as
hexagonal patterns, as I observed the eye in the pineapple become more and increases.

Discussion Board
What is the 9th term? Answer: 34

How did you solve the 9th term?

Answer: through the used of Formula or simply adding the previous 2 terms in the

What is the pattern of the Fibonacci Sequence ?

Answer: According to the lessons, it is a set of numbers with one or zero beginning and it was
continually based on the rule that each number is equal to the sum of preceding two numbers.
Find the 11th to 15th term of the Fibonacci Sequence.
a. 11th term: 89
b. 12th term: 144
c. 13th term: 233
d. 14th term: 377
e. 15th term: 610

VI. Post Competency Checklist

1. Write your conclusion on how evident is golden ratio on the human body.
There are many proportion of the human body were the golden ratio is applicable.
Including our perfect face, ratio of the height of body, the length of our hand correspond to our
other hand and other which has same ratio.

2. Layout collage of photos using the golden ratio diagram.

Week 3
Number and Patterns
Pre Competency Checklist
Describe the pattern of each sequence
1. 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, . . . A pattern which is increasing, each number has adding 1
2. 5, 10, 20, 40, 80, . . . I notice that the pattern of the set is each number was multiply
constantly by 2.
3. 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, . . . each number was constantly adding by 11.
Create a sequence satisfying the following: Prove that it satisfies the given condition.

1. The tenth term is 100.

The tenth term of the set is equally to 100.
2. The first term is 12.
The first term is 12, in the sequences shows number is growing and
increasing and has coordinates ratio.

3. The Third term is ½.

The number shows it was increasing with their coordinates ratio.
Discussion Board
A. Answer the following

1. What is the 8th term of the Fibonacci sequence?

F8= 21
2. What is the 16th term of the Fibonacci sequence?

F8= 21

3. What is the next term of the sequence 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, . . .

Next term = 64
Using analyzing the pattern {1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64…..}
Which the ratio of the pattern has also ratio which constantly adding by
2. Behind that patterns the ratio will be {3,5,7,9,11,13,15..} as we can see this ratio has also
patterns which is adding constantly by 2.

4. What is the missing number in the sequence 3, 5, 9, __, 15, 23, 33 ?

Missing term= 11

5. Describe the nature of the number pattern 88, 77, 55, 22, . . .
The nature of the sequence shows that every next number are decreasing and the
operation of being subtracted is came from the following 2 terms and the equal is the
next of the 2 terms which continually to the sequences.
Post Competency Checklist

1. After learning about the number and its pattern , how will you categorized Fibonacci
In the lesson presented, Fibonacci shows up unexpected places of sequence or
pattern of different sets. Sometimes it could be ascending or descending order with the
corresponding ratio or what we called the golden ratio in order to create pattern in the

2. Write a short essay about why Mathematics is indespensible.

There are many qualities that Mathematics nurtured us in which help us in our
daily living in this world. It is a foundation upon in the old even in this modern society. It
is also helped to contribute immensely to the general and basic education of the people
and for the developmental of someone alone.

Mathematics has the qualities were the world is definitely defined. It gives us
way of apprehending patterns, quantifying, relationship and predicting future. It provides
instruments for us to understand and dealing with the different concept of life such as
finances, social choices, appreciating the different aspects, designs, language, symbols
and other that brought by the mathematics as the valuable sense and make our work
easier, clear and being systematic. And as students, in vocabulary learning it is a vital
part of our process to be more productive and improved our mind in means of
sharpening cognitive thinking, skills, shaping our reasoning ability as well as our
personality. Our experience with the Learning of Mathematics can be made us to quickly
and enjoyable in activities, work or even in a game that Math was applicable. An abstract
of this lesson, because of these significant things that is needed in our life in a big or in a
tiny things but we have to let everyone to be with Mathematics in order for us to learn
and applied our own skill and capability how we used Mathematics in our life.

Week 4
The Language of Mathematics

Pre-competency Checklist (Formative Assessment/Diagnostic)

The students will be assessed through question and answer. This part of the course is intended
to be light and easy. The intention is to exposed the students to the world of mathematics as a
language in order that they may be able to read and write mathematics text and communicate
ideas with precision and conciseness

Activities to do:

Discuss the characteristics of the language of mathematics and give an example to supplement
your explanation.
1. The language of mathematics is precise.
The Precise in Mathematics is referring to the mathematical precision of the items,
the exact and accurate, it involve planning or doing something very accurately and
carefully able to make very fine distinction.

Example: √25=5 (an square root of 25 is 5, which is true) . As example presented, it was showing or
presenting an exact or accurate mathematical operation and it can prove by everyone.
2. The language of mathematics is concise.
In the language of Mathematics, it is able to say things briefly.
Example: My favorite color is Pink, (it was expressing a few words but clear and direct to the
3. The language of mathematics is powerful.
A language of Mathematics which is able to express complex thoughts with relative
Example: Mathematics produce calculator in order to ease calculation and less time to
consume. Given by the example, Mathematics has the concept of things that is applicable in life,
become ease and because of the invention, it make us become productive and ore easier in
everything in life.
V. Discussion Board

1.Writing Mathematical language as an expression or a sentence

-The sum of a number x and two is equal to twelve
- X + 2 = 12
Expressions is a mathematical language of English which is correct arrangement of
mathematical symbol used to represent a mathematical object of interest, while sentence is the
correct arrangement of symbols that was stated in a complete thought. Language is used to
communicate mathematical ideas using themselves.

2. The language, symbols, syntax and rules of mathematics

Syntax is concerned with the rules used for construct, transforming the symbols and
words of language, which is concerned to as the true meaning of it. Symbols is referred to
represent concepts such a mathematical operation, expression and statements and entities in
which the operation is performed. Rules is defined on how or the overall process of
Mathematical operations.

3.Perform operations on mathematical expressions.

In performing the operations in Mathematics we have to consider and should follow the
rules, syntax and symbols in order for us to make the operation correctly, concise and precisely.

4.The four basic concepts of mathematics (sets, relations, functions, binary operation)
There are 4 Mathematical Theory of well determined collections. It consist of sets,
relation, function and binary operation. Sets are often relationship between variables, relation
are referring between sets of values, function is a binary relation between 2 sets that associate
each element of the first exactly one element of the second set, and lastly is the binary which is
the calculation that combine 2 element to provide another elements.

VI. Post Competency Checklist

A. Classify each equation as a mathematical expression or a mathematical sentence

1. a + c Mathematical expression
2. c + 0 = c Mathematical sentence
3. s/100 Mathematical expression
4. 3.1416 Mathematical expression
5. y + z = z + y Mathematical sentence

B. For each of the following expressions, write each in the most conventional way.
1. √ 5 5^1/2
2. a * b * 7 7(ab)
3. 12 * y * z 12(yz)
4. x2 * a4 * b2 * 7 7(a4b2x2)
5. 11* x10 * s * y6 11s(x10 y6)

C.. Below are examples of a function. Each item is labeled as a function or mere relation.
Represent each item correctly depending on the labels by either drawing arrows or writing
ordered pairs.
{ ( W ,−2 ) , ( 0 ,−1 ) , ( R , 0 ) , ( L , 1 ) ,(D ,2)} Function

Letter Number

W → -2

O → -1

R → 0

L → 1

D → 2

1. Function
Letter Number
W -2
O -1
R 0
L 1
D 2

2. Mere Relation
Letter Number
W -2
O -1
R 0
L 1
D 2

3. Function
Letter Number
W -2
O -1
R 0
L 1
D 2

4. Function
Letter Number
W -2
O -1
R 0
L 1
D 2

For numbers 5 to 7, use the same set of letters from the previous items.

5. { (W, ), (O, ), (R, ), (L, ), (D, ) Function { ( , -2), ( , -1), ( , 0), ( ,1), ( , 2)}

f(n) n
W -2
O -1
R 0
L 1
D 2
FUNCTION ((W,-2),(O,-1),(R,0),(L,1),(D,-2))

6. { ( , -2), ( , -1), ( , 0), ( ,1), ( , 2)} Mere relation { ( , -2), ( , -1), ( , 0), ( ,1), ( , 2)}
7. { ( , ), ( , ), ( , ), ( , ), ( , )} Mere relation { ( , -2), ( , -1), ( , 0), ( ,1), ( , 2)}

D. Use the distributive property, write the equivalent expressions of the following:

1. a(-x + y – w) -ax+ay-aw
2. -5(81 + 9m + 8s -405-45m-40s
3. m(Si –Sf) mSi-mSf

Week 5-6
Elementary Logic: Connectives, Variables, Quantifiers, and Negation

. Pre- Competency Checklist

Write five examples of simple statements and five examples of compound statements about
Philippines. These can be trivia or recent news.

Simple Statement Compound Statement

Philippines are the home of the world Philippines is known as the one of the
longest underground water. best travel destination because of its
pristine beaches and historical places.

Philippines are the home of Asian’s Mindanao trench, which located near in
basketball league. the Philippines and known as the
deepest trenches in the world, with the
depth reaching 6.5 miles.

The national symbol of the Philippine Due to the large volume of text
is eagle. messages sent throughout the country,
the Philippines has earned nickname as
the “text capital of the world”

The country of the Philippine is made The Philippines is made up of 7,641

up of 7,641 islands. islands, making it one of the largest
archipelagos in the world. But more
than 5,000 of the islands remain
unnamed on most international maps.

Philippines consist of 175+ The eight rays of the sun on the

languages. Philippine flag symbolize eight province,
which is the Manila, Cavite, Bulacan,
Laguna, and Batangas, and declared as
a state of war almost at the very start of
the uprising during the Philippine

Write the compound statements on the activity using the correct symbols.

Compound Statement





Discussion Board

A. Write a negation of each of the following statements.

1. All school gates are open.

Negation: All existing school is closed.
2. Some drinks in the school canteen are espresso-based.

Negation: There is no more expresso-base drinks in school canteen.

3. No students are wearing their uniforms.
Negation: Students are wearing their uniform
B. Write 5 quantified statements together with its negation regarding the latest news
/issue/trends in our countries.

Quantified Statement Negation

The active cases of Covid – 19 were The active cases of Covid -19 was
continuing increasingly as the time notably decreasing.
goes by.

Vice Leni Robredo has the the Vice Leni Robredo has the least
greatest record of mentioned and record of mentioned and social
reaction in social media as being media as being the candidacy of
candidacy for the President in 2022. the President in 2022.

The face-to-face class will be There will no having face-to-face

resumed in this coming November. classes in this coming November.
Philippines had brought the most Nowadays, Philippines doesn’t
political issues nowadays. brought political issues.

The election 2022 will be conducting The election of 2022 will not
in an online platform. conducting in an online platform.

VI. Post-Competency Checklist

Write the correct symbols

Word Phrases Symbol

1. and

2. for all

3. the set of real numbers

4. an element of the set of integers

5. a member of the set of real numbers
6. or

7. if . . .then

8. for some

9. if and only if

10. the set of irrational numbers

11. for every

12. the set of natural numbers

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