Paper 2
Paper 2
Paper 2
Religion 1300
A Comparison and Contrast of the Three Western Religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
Humans have always been very curious about the meaning of life and why and how we
are here. Believing in something such as a God or gods helps humanity with this by giving them
faith and giving them the answers that they may be looking for. There are hundreds of religions
in the world ranging from a variety of different beliefs. There are also many similarities in
multiple religions. Some religions believe in there being one all mighty being, a God, this is
known as monotheistic. One big thing that Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have in common is
While many religions originated in different parts of the world, these three came from the
same place, the middle east. More specifically, Jerusalem, being their holy city. Judaism was
founded first by Abraham around 1800 B.C with Christianity being born from it, in 4 B.C by
Jesus Christ. Islam was founded around 570 A.D. by Muhammed. Judaism, Christianity, and
These are also the some of largest religions in the world. Christianity is the worlds largest
religion with 2.2 billion followers. Islam is the second with 1.5 billion followers. Judaism is also
in the top five with 14 million followers. These three religions are also all separated into
different sects. Christianity has three main groups being, Orthodox, Protestant, and Roman
Catholic. Judaism is separated into three main groups as well, Orthodox, Conservative, and
The reasons these religions separated into different sects is slightly different. Christianity
split off in 1054 when the Patriarch of Constantinople was excommunicated, which created the
Orthodox and Roman Catholic beliefs. Roman Catholic’s believe that the church tradition is
equal to the Bible and look to the Pope as the main authority over the Church. Protestant
Christians split from the Catholic Church due to corrupt practices of the Church. They believe in
respecting the Scripture as the highest authority and not the Pope. Orthodox Christians believe in
having many bishops instead of one Pope. They believe in achieving a better union with God to
achieve salvation and not just doing good deeds like the Catholics believe.
Islam split into different groups because of the argument of the legitimacy of the prophet
Muhammad’s successor. The Sunni people believe that the successor should have been chosen
by elite members of their community. The Shia people believed that the successor should have
been someone who was in Muhammad’s family, much like how the royal family chooses its next
King or Queen. While this is the main reason for the split, these two groups still coexist
Judaism has different groups because each group views the laws of Judaism slightly
different. Orthodox Jews practice most like the ancient Jews. They observe the Torah in a literal
way and are the most traditional of the groups. Reform Jews view the Torah as a document that
changes with time, and they have changed a lot of traditional Jewish beliefs. Conservative Jews
pick and choose which laws they observe. Conservative Jews also see the Torah as being both
known as God. God exists in three persons, The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit, known as
The Holy Trinity. Judaism also believes in the same God as in Christianity, but they do not
believe in the holy trinity. In Judaism he is also known as Jehovah or Yahweh. They reject the
Christian concept of God being on Earth in his Human form as Jesus Christ. The God in the
Christianity, Judaism and Islam all have a Holy Book as well. Christianity has the Bible.
This was given by God to man and was man written. The writers of the Bible are said to have
been “inspired” by God and that is why this is known as the “Word of God”. In Judaism they
have the Hebrew Bible. This is comprised of the Torah which is comprised of Genesis, Exodus,
Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy, the same that are in the Christian Bible. It is also
comprised of Hebrew scriptures, the Nevi’im and Ketuvim. In Islam they have the Quran. The
Quran is said to have been revealed to Mohammad over the span of two decades and is the final
All these religions’ view Jesus Christ differently as well. In Christianity they believe him
to be The Son part of The Holy Trinity. He was God’s only son sent to Earth to save mankind.
While Jesus was Jewish, the Jewish people did not agree that he was the Messiah and saw him as
just an ordinary Jew. In Islam, they view him as a Prophet sent by Allah and born of the Virgin
Since all these religions’ view Jesus differently, it would only make sense that they view
his reason for being and his death differently. For Christian’s, Jesus was sent to Earth to absolve
mankind of their sins with Jesus being the sacrificed to forgive them. Judaism rejects Jesus as
anything other than a normal person so for them his death was just his claim to be divine. Islam
does not believe that he was crucified, but that Allah called him to Heaven.
In Christianity, we sin because we inherited that nature from Adam, when he rebelled
against God. Jesus atoned for our sins when he was sacrificed on the cross. In Islam, there is no
original sins or atonement for sins. Islam sees all humans as sinless, but humans are weak which
can lead to sins. In Judaism, you atone for your sins through asking for forgiveness from God
In addition to this, Christianity, Islam and Judaism all view salvation and damnation a
little different. In Christianity you reach salvation by grace through your faith. In Islam it is
achieved through being a good person and doing good things. The personal righteousness of a
person must outweigh the personal sin. In Judaism it is also through good works and by prayers
and the grace of God himself. With Christianity, Hell is a place where you are punished for
eternity for the unrighteous. In Islam, Hell is known as Jahannam, and it is a place of torment
and fire. The main difference between Islam and Christianity is that in Islam, Jahannam has
many levels, and a person may not spend all of eternity there. In Judaism, the idea of the afterlife
has varied quite a bit through the different groups, but for the most part Judaism does not really
Judaism and Islam have a few things in common with each other that Christianity does
not. They both have dietary laws that they follow. These are known as being kosher and halal.
They are incredibly similar with a few differences. Some examples are, with both, the animals
have to be ritually prepared and slaughtered according to the religion laws. They both prohibit
eating any type of swine, rodents, insects, and blood. An example of a difference with this, in
Islamic Law alcohol is prohibited under any circumstance but under Jewish Law if it is grape
Judaism and Islam also both take part in fasting. In Islam it is known as Ramadan. In
Judaism it is known as Yom Kippur. Ramadan is a month long of self-reflection and fasting from
sunup to sundown. Yom Kippur is Judaism’s holiest day and is all day fasting and prayer to
repent for your sins. Yom Kippur is a day for atonement and Ramadan is more so to practice
Something interesting is that while Christianity came from Jewish texts, they do not
follow any Jewish Law. The relationship between the two is usually difficult as well. This would
make sense considering Jewish communities were often exiled and were discriminated against by
Christians all throughout history. Christianity also has a rough relationship with Islam as
Christians reject Muhammad as a prophet. Christianity has seen Islam as a threat in many ways
for a very long time. As already mentioned, Jewish people do not believe that Jesus was the
Messiah, as well as they do not believe in any prophets after the Jewish prophets, so they do not
Unlike Judaism, Islam does recognize many Jewish and Christian prophets. In addition to
this, Islam views both Judaism and Christianity as early versions of Islam. Jewish people and
Christians are even both protected people in the Quran. They view these religions as having the
same traditions and beliefs by Allah, but it just got misunderstood over time. Islam is seen as the
final and compete revelation for these three faiths. The similarities between Muhammad and
Jesus are a big reason for this. Muhammad being a prophet chosen by God to deliver his message
much like Jesus Christ. While it is very easy for us to see the differences between these three
religions, and maybe even to have biased and think one is “better” than another, it should also be
very clear to see just how similar they all are. It can even be said that these religions came from
one another.
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