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Design and Analysis of a Dual Input DC-DC

Converter for Hybrid Electric Vehicle

Sivaprasad A, Jijo Joseph, Kumaravel S, and Ashok S.
Department of Electrical Engineering,
National Institute of Technology Calicut, Kerala, India – 673 601
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract—Green energy sources such as solar - PV, wind, fuel replaces the conventional way of integrating different sources.
cell, battery, ultra capacitor etc. are highly recommended in Number of MICs topologies have been already reported for a
hybrid electric vehicle applications. Power electronic converters variety of applications in the literature. The sources like solar-
play an essential role in the incorporation of these green energy PV, wind, fuel cell, battery, super capacitor, etc. are connected
sources in to the vehicle system. Design and analysis of a non - through MICs to supply the load [5-12].
isolated dual input DC-DC converter for the integration of
nonlinear V-I characteristic DC sources for the vehicle The multi input DC-DC converters in the literatures are
propulsion system are discussed in this paper. Computer different types like isolated and non-isolated multi input
simulations of the DC-DC converter for integrating two input converters. The complexity of isolated converters is high
sources has been carried out in MATLAB/Simulink. A hardware compared to non-isolated converters due to the presence of
prototype of the DC-DC converter has been fabricated single winding or multi winding transformers. Thus in order to
successfully. The fabricated converter hardware has been tested minimize the complexity and cost of the overall system, most
for the 5 HP DC motor drive in the laboratory. Performance of the applications require a multi input DC-DC converter
comparison has been carried out between the simulation and the which eliminates the use of transformers in their circuit. The
experimental results of the dual input DC-DC converter. This multi input DC-DC converters have different operating modes
converter topology has low component count and offers ie., boost, buck, and buck-boost. Hence, a multi input DC-DC
simplicity in operation of two nonlinear V-I characteristic converter which can perform both buck and boost operation of
the input voltage, is highly flexible compared to those
Keywords— Dual input DC-DC converter, Hybrid electric converters which are capable of operating in only one mode
vehicle, hybrid energy, Super capacitor, solar-PV (either buck or boost).
I. INTRODUCTION In this paper, design and analysis of a dual input non-
isolated DC-DC converter topology for the EV application is
Increase in the requirement of petroleum products and presented. The schematic diagram of the EV is shown in
growing concern about global warming has paved a way Figure 1 which consists of two input DC sources, a dual input
towards the exploration of alternative energy resources for DC-DC converter and a DC motor drive. Compared to other
vehicular application. Electric Vehicles (EV) are an alternative topologies, this DC-DC converter is flexible for the selection of
to conventional fuel powered cars and are efficient, more input sources and also simple. This paper is organized into four
reliable, significantly less complex, cost effective, and sections. Section II deals with the operating modes of the dual
environment friendly. To overcome the limitations of the EV, a input DC-DC converter. Section III covers the simulation and
new concept called as Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) is hardware results of the DC-DC converter and Conclusion is
proposed in the field of vehicle technology. Different green presented in the Section IV.
energy sources such as solar - PV, wind, fuel cell, battery, ultra
capacitor etc., are highly utilized as a primary energy sources
in the modern HEV [1] [3] [4]. The comparison of different
types of electric vehicular technologies reveals the advantages
of HEVs over the conventional IC engine vehicles, battery
powered EV, and fuel cell vehicle [3]. The electrical energy
source, power electronic converters and motors have high
influence on the performance of EV.
Each energy sources delivers power to the load through a
single input DC-DC converter in the conventional scheme.
Hence, part count, size, cost and overall weight of the multiple
number of single input DC-DC converters increases. Further it
reduces reliability and overall efficiency of the system. Thus
the concept of Multiple Input DC-DC Converters (MIC) Figure 1. Block Diagram of Electric Vehicle system

978-1-4799-1823-2/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE

II. DUAL INPUT DC-DC CONVERTER TOPOLOGY FOR HEV mode, Switch S1 and Diode D are in OFF state and the inductor
current starts from I1 and reaches Imax.
Figure 2 shows the circuit diagram of the dual input
DC-DC converter. Each input sources are connected in parallel
through a power semiconductor switches and share a common
inductor (L). Only unidirectional power flow from the sources
to inductor is allowed in this configuration. In this converter
topology at least a switch (S1/S2) or a diode (D) is conducting S1 S2 D
at a time, hence current flow through the inductor is continuous
in nature. Power flow from each source ie., Source 1 and
Source 2, to load is controlled by operating switches S1 and S2 L
with different duty ratios for the same switching frequency.
Hence, it results three modes of operation of the converter. C M
vs1 vs2

S1 S2 Figure 4. Mode 2 operation of the dual input DC-DC converter

Mode 3: When both the switches are turned OFF, energy stored
L in the inductor is delivered to the DC motor as shown in Figure
C 5.
vs1 vs2

Figure 2. Structure of the dual input DC-DC converter

Mode 1: When switch S1 is turned ON, Source 1 delivers

energy to the inductor (L) as shown in Figure 3. During this
mode, Switch S2 and Diode D are in OFF state. Inductor
voltage and current will be computed as given in eqn. (1) &
VL V1 (1)
L1 ³V dt  i(0)
1 (2) Figure 5. Mode 3 operation of the dual input DC-DC converter

The voltage-second balance in the inductor can be expressed

For the continuous inductor current, i(0) = Imin and at the as given in eqn. (3):
end of the period D1T inductor current reaches I1.
V1T1  V2 T2  T1  Vo T  T2 0 (3)

V1 D1  V2 D2  D1  VO 1  D2 =0 (4)

When V1>V2; D1<D2; Output voltage of the dual input DC-DC

converter is given by:
S1 S2
D (V1D1  V2 D2  D1 )
VO (5)
1  D2
C When V2>V1; D2<D1; Output voltage of the dual input DC-DC
M converter is given by:
vs1 vs2
V2 D1  V1 D2  D1 (6)
1  D2

Figure 3. Mode 1 operation of the dual input DC-DC converter III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
The simulation of the dual input DC-DC converter is
Mode 2: When switch S2 is turned ON, Source 2 delivers
carried out with ideal characteristics of various components
energy to the inductor (L) as shown in Figure 4. During this
presents in the converter topology in the MATLAB/Simulink
environment. Various parameters used in the simulation of the
DC-DC converter topology are given in Table 1. The Inductor
of 10 mH is designed to operate the in the continuous
conduction mode (CCM) operation of the converter.
Simulation studies for the dual input DC-DC converter is
performed for the boost mode of operation by considering the
duty ratio D1 as 45% and D2 as 80%. Results of voltage and
current signals of sources, gate signals of the switches,
inductor, and capacitor are shown in Figure 6. In the boost
mode of operation of the dual input DC-DC converter, for the
period D1T the inductor is charged by voltage V1 and for the
period > D2  D1 T @ the inductor is charged by voltage V2. Thus
by adjusting the duty cycles D1 & D2, the inductor current can
be controlled and hence the output power delivered by source 1
and source 2 is controlled.


Parameter Specifications (d)

Input voltage of Source 2 (V2) 36 V
Input voltage of Source 1 (V1) 48 V
Duty ratio D1 45 %
Duty ratio D2 80 %
Switching frequency (f) 5 kHz
Capacitor (C) 1000 —F
Inductor (L) 10 mH
Output Voltage (V0) (e)
240 V
5HP, 240 V,1750
DC Motor




Figure 6. Waveforms obtained from simulation of the DC-DC converter (a)
Switching pulse of S1, (b) Switching pulse S2, (c) Input Voltages of source 1
and Source 2, (d) Inductor voltage, (e) Inductor current,
(f) Load voltage (g) Load current
From the figure 6, It can be observed that when switch
S1 is turned ON, voltage across the inductor is equal to source
1 (i.e., 48V) and when S2 is ON the voltage across the inductor
is equal to source 2(i.e., 36V), hence continuous conduction
mode of inductor results variation of current from Imin to I1
when S1 is ON and then I1 to Imax when S2 is ON. A filter
capacitor which is connected in parallel to the motor minimizes
the voltage ripple considerably as shown in figure 6. Similarly,
large inductance present in the DC motor reduces the current
ripple as shown in figure 6.
A hardware prototype of the dual input converter is
fabricated successfully in the laboratory and it is shown in
Figure 7. The switches are controlled by the pulses generated (c)
using a control strategy which is developed in LABVIEW
platform. Firing pulses for both switches S1 & S2 are
generated at the same switching frequency. Generated control
pulses in LABVIEW platform is connected to the hardware
through SCB 68 DAQ connector. Fabricated converter
hardware has been tested for the 5 hp DC motor drive and
observed waveform from various unit of the hardware
prototype using DSO is reproduced as shown in Figure 8.


Figure 7. Hardware prototype of the dual input DC-DC converter



(b) (g)
Design and analysis of the dual - input DC-DC converter
for the integration of energy sources such as solar-PV, wind,
fuel cell etc. for electric vehicle application has been discussed
in this paper. This DC-DC converter has the advantage of low
component counts and simplified structure. This converter is
capable of operating in different modes of operation such as
boost, buck, and buck - boost. Due to this capability of
operating in different modes, this converter topology attains an
important role in the energy diversification of different sources
(h) in electric vehicle application. Analysis of the dual - input DC-
Figure 8. Waveforms obtained from the hardware prototype of the DC-DC DC converter with the simulation and experimental results are
converter (a) Switching pulse of S1, (b) Switching pulse S2, (c) Input Voltage presented. Performance comparison between the ideal
of source 1, (d) Input Voltage of Source 2, (e) Inductor voltage, calculation and results obtained from the hardware and
(f) Inductor current, (g) Load voltage, (h) ) Load current.
simulation are closely matched.
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