Revised Authentic Assessment LP
Revised Authentic Assessment LP
Revised Authentic Assessment LP
Before we move forward to our new
lesson. Let’s have a quick and exciting
activity. I have prepared here a game
called building a tower.
Who is familiar with the game? All: We are familiar/ not familiar ma'am.
(After 5 mins)
All: Okay ma'am!
Alright! Time is up, please refrain from
touching the tower you built.
Student: The game really needs group
Follow up question: collaboration and requires critical thinking
a.)What can you say about the game? especially in making strategies to build a
B. Presentation
Today we are going to learn about authentic (Everyone is listening to the teacher’s
assessment in which you are expected to: discussion)
1. Identify what is authentic assessment
and its nature;
2. State the different characteristics of
authentic assessment;
3. Explain the related terms of authentic Everyone: Yes Miss! We’re ready!
Brilliant idea (student 3)! Thank you very (Everyone is listening to the teacher’s
much! discussion)
Everyone: No miss!