Revised Authentic Assessment LP

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Before we move forward to our new
lesson. Let’s have a quick and exciting
activity. I have prepared here a game
called building a tower.

Who is familiar with the game? All: We are familiar/ not familiar ma'am.

I guess some of you are familiar and some

are not.

Now, I will divide the class into three


(divides the class into two groups)

This activity is good for 5 mins. The goal

of this game is to build a tower using the
provided materials in each team. The team
who will build the highest tower will be the
winner. It is up to each group on what
strategies they implied in order to build a
tower. Hence, this activity requires group
collaboration, critical thinking, and
problem solving skills. Any questions?
Everyone: No/yes ma'am
Are you all ready?

Alright! Time starts now.

(After 5 mins)
All: Okay ma'am!
Alright! Time is up, please refrain from
touching the tower you built.
Student: The game really needs group
Follow up question: collaboration and requires critical thinking
a.)What can you say about the game? especially in making strategies to build a

Student: With the time allotted, it is important

b.) Why it is important to have a group to brainstorm ideas in order to build a tower
collaboration in the game? and it is impossible to build a tower in your
own it really needs group cooperation.

Correct! Yes, in the game you need to think

of the strategies on how to build a tower.
You think of on "where to begin" or
imagine a possible way to come up and
build a highest tower as much as you can.
Maybe you applied your knowledge on
building a house that it has four pillars in
order to have strong foundations. Hence,
this also requires your critical thinking
skills and problem solving skills that can be
applied in a real life situation.
Student: Authentic assessment teacher?
Now what do you think is our lesson for

Yes correct! Our lesson for today is about

authentic assessment. Now, I give the floor
to miss Frejoles for further discussion.

B. Presentation

From the activity that we have done is where

authentic assessment comes into play.

Today we are going to learn about authentic (Everyone is listening to the teacher’s
assessment in which you are expected to: discussion)
1. Identify what is authentic assessment
and its nature;
2. State the different characteristics of
authentic assessment;
3. Explain the related terms of authentic Everyone: Yes Miss! We’re ready!

Are you all up for the task?

That's the spirit! Now, let's unlock the

term authentic assessment.

What is authentic assessment? (Everyone is listening to the teacher’s

We have pictures of two experts namely: Grant discussion)
Wiggins and Wendy Barber. Grant Wiggins
believed that assessment is authentic when you
examine students’ performance on worthy
intellectual tasks. While Wendy Barber
believes that assessment is defined within the
context of stimulating authentic life related (Everyone is listening to the teacher’s
tasks. discussion)
Meaning to say, its authentic when we engage
students on worthy problem wherein, they have
to use knowledge to come up with effective
and creative performances on tasks that are
similar to the kinds of problems people face in (Everyone is listening to the teacher’s
the real world. discussion)

Best example is creating an authentic activity

that applied what the students were learning
into the real world. This involved things that
they may or may not have been familiar with in (Everyone is raising their hands)
order for them to get engage and make the Student 1: If I were the teacher miss, I would
learning meaningful. use projects such as reports, journals, speeches,
videos and interviews with the students to
Now, can somebody give me another example measure their understanding of the subject
of integrating authentic assessment in the material.
classroom? Anyone?

(Everyone is raising their hands)

Student 2: As a future Mathematics teacher

miss, I would love to let them demonstrate
Wow! Brilliant idea. Thank you (student 1)! what they have learned and how to solve
Let’s have another student! Anyone? problems through a collaborative effort in
solving a complex problem together. Not only
do they learn how to work in a team, but also
how to brainstorm and utilize their separate
grains of knowledge to benefit the whole.

Very good! Thank you (student 2).

I am very pleased you were able to give such (Everyone is listening to the teacher’s
brilliant answers on the task given to you. discussion)

Therefore, authentic assessment is a course

evaluation method where the students apply
their knowledge to unique real-life contexts or
(Everyone is listening to the teacher’s
The goal of authentic assessment is to enhance discussion)
the learning process and help students gain
knowledge while completing tasks that are
beneficial to their “real-world” experiences. Its Everyone: None so far, miss!
concept is basically the application of what the
students have learned inside of the classroom.

Do you understand class? Am I making myself

clear? Do you have any questions?

Okay! Very good.

(Everyone is listening to the teacher’s
Now, let’s move on to the nature of authentic

What is the nature of authentic assessment?

1. Authentic assessment does not ask the
students to memorize and regurgitate
theoretical information. It takes the
learning process to a realistic context
where knowledge is all about (Student 3 is raising his/her hand)
Student 3: Rather than simply learning facts
Now, anyone from this group have any and basic skills, they need to acquire more
takeaways on the first nature of authentic complex skills in conceptualisation and
assessment? Anyone? All your opinions are problem solving. They also need learning
accepted! experiences of the kind of tasks that they may
expect to meet in adult life.

Brilliant idea (student 3)! Thank you very (Everyone is listening to the teacher’s
much! discussion)

Therefore, this means class that rather than just

asking students to memorize and recall facts,
authentic assessments ask students to actively
participate in situations that require them to
apply the principles they’ve learned about in
the instructional material. Thus, learning isn’t
about recalling; it’s about performing, which,
ideally, will motivate students to engage in the
course and succeed in their endeavours.

2. An authentic assessment usually (Student 4 is raising his/her hand)

includes a task for students to perform
and a rubric by which their Student 4: Rubrics help ensure teachers are
performance on the task will be grading fairly and consistently from
evaluated. assessment to assessment and student to
student. By having rubrics, they know what
Can somebody share their takeaways on the you expect of them and can more readily gauge
second nature of authentic assessment? their own performance.

Alright! Let’s have (student 4).

(Everyone is listening to the teacher’s

Wow! Very good (student 4)! Thank you very discussion)
much. (Student 1 reads the definition number 3)
“Authentic assessment stimulates critical
thinking, facilitates the direct application of
Therefore, this means class that In performance knowledge, connects to current issues, and is a
task, it is important to include the clarity of learning experience itself.”
instruction and of course the analytical rubrics
for students to be guided on their task. Okay
kindly read the third definition of authentic.

(Student 2 reads the definition number 4)

“This mode of assessment requires students to
demonstrate skills and amplifies their learning
Basically, the activity should help students to by engaging in relevant, real-world tasks.”
develop their critical thinking. Aside it should
be relevant wherein they can relate and apply
their knowledge/experience.
Now, let’s proceed to definition number 4.
Kindly read the slides.

One example of real-world task is performing a All: no ma’am.

vlog concerning social issues or any other. In
real world task, students are given an
opportunity to develop socially. It also makes
them interested to learn/participate when they
are able to experience.

Alright! Any questions for the nature of

authentic assessment? If none then let’s

Now, I have here a picture. It’s an illustration

of a professor with his different kinds of

Everyone: No miss!

(Student 5 and student 6 are raising their

Now, let me ask you, do you think that this hands.)
teacher is doing an authentic assessment?
Student 5: For me miss, what I have observed
first is that the professor is unfairly assessing
Then, why? Anyone? his students. From the illustration, he is not
doing an authentic assessment mainly because
Yes, let’s hear first from (student 5) and then he’s not integrating a cognitively complex task.
followed by you (student 6).
Student 6: The professor is not doing an
authentic assessment miss because he’s only
offering students simple task such as climbing
and we all know that part of authentic
assessment is integrating multiple tasks.

(Everyone is listening to the teacher’s

Very good! All of your answers are correct and
that your opinions matter to me. But do you
know that the answer is maybe “yes” or “no”?

As we look into the illustration, we could

directly conclude it as not an authentic
assessment merely because the teacher is just Everyone: Yes, miss!
doing a standardized text. The teacher is asking
his students with different capabilities: who
can fly, who can swim and can just walk to
climb a tree knowing that some of them cannot
climb the tree. One thing the teacher is just (Everyone is listening to the teacher’s
asking is offering a simple task which is discussion)
climbing and that no multiple tasks are
involved. Remember that authentic assessment
offered various tools in assessing. We are
dwelling on a lot of tasks and we are
highlighting collaboration. Am I right, class?

Now, how does it become an authentic

assessment? It can become an authentic
assessment if we look into the different
perspective. Let’s not look the teacher itself but Everyone: Yes, miss!
with his given task, why? Because it’s a natural
occurrence that these animals need to climb a Everyone: None so far, miss!
tree and in real life, they really have to climb a
tree. We should not belittle the students by
doing a difficult task for them mainly because
all of the students have the potential to do it.
Maybe they will be able to do it. In the aspect
of not belittling the students, this can be an
authentic assessment and at the same time
seeing the context in a real-life situation, this
can be an authentic assessment. Am I correct,
class? Am I making myself clear?

Do you have any questions class?

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