Beverly: Genre-Based
Beverly: Genre-Based
Beverly: Genre-Based
Beverly Derewianka
[email protected]
The increasing influence of genre-based approaches in English language
teaching is now well-attested by the growing literature on the subject. The
author in this article first sets out to clarify what is meant by ’Genre Theory’
with its focus on text, purpose, meaning and choice. In the second part of
the article she addresses the specific area of genres in the classroom and the
importance of contextual analysis, planning and implementation. Finally in
the conclusion issues are raised with regard to the need for effective imple-
mentation in syllabus design, materials development and the professional
development of teachers.
Genre-based approaches are becoming increasingly influential in the
field of English language teaching. Rodgers {2001) identifies genre-based
approaches as one of the major trends in the new millennium, with dis-
course and genre analysis, schema theory, pragmatics and systemic func-
someone how to make a toy boat, buying fruit in the market, sharing what
happened on the weekend, reviewing the literature in a particular field,
persuading someone to your point of view, and so on.
One of the first issues to arise in any discussion of genre is how to
define the term. Those working within different genre approaches will em-
phasize different aspects depending on their particular interest. Most,
however, would agree that genres are social practices that have evolved to
enable us achieve our goals (Martin 1985; Painter 2001). As we go about
our daily lives, we engage in numerous situations that involve predictable
students need to be able to deal with texts that are blends of different
genres or that contain embedded genres.
One of the issues posed by an emphasis on meaning at the text level,
particularly in EFL contexts, is the perception that students have difficulty
with whole texts (even short ones) and that it is first necessary to master
’the basics’. While not denying the value of exercises that provide practice
in specific points, most theories today suggest that it is the engagement
with creating and comprehending meaning within the context of a text that
promotes effective language learning.
Focus on Purpose
Genre theory starts from the premise that language use is goal-oriented.
Genres evolve within a culture to enable members of that culture achieve
their social purposes. Certain purposes might involve satisfying basic needs
such as shopping for food or telling the doctor about an illness. Some,
such as casual conversation or gossip, might have a more interpersonal
purpose in terms of establishing and maintaining social relationships.
Others, such as poems and songs, might be of a more aesthetic nature.
The following table outlines the social purpose of a number of genres
identified as critical to success in educational contexts through an exami-
nation of syllabuses, textbooks, student texts and assignments, and the
language challenges posed by the school curriculum.
For further details on the genres of schooling, see Butt et al. (2001),
Derewianka (1991) and Feez and Joyce (1998).
In order to
accomplish their purpose, genres generally move through a
number of stages (Martin 1985).
These stages are relatively predictable because they are functional, that is,
each stage (or ’move’) plays a particular role in the developing text. In the
above text, for example, the function of the first stage is to provide some
background information for the reader and outline the issue.
There are a number of pedagogical issues surrounding the teaching of
genres as purposeful and staged activities. First, in many cases, they have
come to be taught as ‘items’ in a syllabus or textbook. Rather than asking
’what is my purpose in this situation?’, students are often simply taught
the name and stages of the genre, detracting from students’ ability to relate
their writing and speaking purposes to an appropriate generic choice. By
focusing first on a text’s social purpose, students are able to understand
why the text unfolds in a particular way, instead of simply ’following the
recipe’ .
Secondly, it is often the case that only a small handful of genres are
taught across the years of schooling, as if these were the only ones that
students would encounter. In addition, the various subtypes are often not
recognized, so it might be assumed, for example, that just because a stu-
dent has leamt to write a recount of personal experience, they are therefore
capable of writing a historical recount, which calls for the ability to stand
back from individual events and synthesize great stretches of time.
Thirdly, the stages of a genre are often taught prescriptively as if they
were ‘given’-structures imposed upon a text rather than moves arising
Language in Context
While genre theory stresses the notion of language as a system of choices,
it recognizes that such choice is constrained by the cultural and situational
context in which the genre is used. We have seen that the social purpose,
for example, influences the choice of genre and the stages it passes through.
Our grammatical choices are also influenced by the context of the imme-
diate situation-in particular, ’what the text is about’ (the field), ’who is
interacting with whom’ (the tenor), and ’what role language is playing’
(the mode). Together these variables form the register of the text. This
does not mean, however, that the register determines the choices that
can be made, as sometimes heard in (misinformed) criticism of the model.
Rather, it is a starting point that indicates that certain choices are more
probable than others. As the text is in the process of being constructed
(orally or in writing), the choices made at any particular point form the
context for subsequent choices, moving the text in a particular direction.
At any point, however, the choice can be made to change the direction.
Melrose (1995), for example, states that the situation is always fluid and
Teachers need to keep in mind, however, that the language features of the
oral mode will differ from those of the written mode. The language will
generally be embedded in the ’here and now’ and more exploratory, with-
out the considered attention to the stages and to grammatical structures of
the written mode. This oral ’rehearsal’ is a very important phase in the
learning process, as students come to grips not only with the concepts
involved but with the language for expressing those concepts.
In addition to the oral counterparts of the various written genres, stu-
dents need to learn genres not encountered in the written mode, such as the
language of playground interaction, of groupwork and of classroom dis-
course. If, as current theory suggests, language is leamt through engage-
ment in problem-solving, interactive tasks, then students need access to
the language needed to participate in such interactions and teachers need
to be aware of the kinds of linguistic resources required by these oral
Apart from written and oral modes, students increasingly need to be
able to comprehend and create texts involving a variety of modalities: dia-
grams, icons, maps, video, charts, and the like. They also need to be able
to perceive the relationship between a text and its
graphic elements. Work
has started on the grammar of images (Kress and van Leeuwen 1996;
Lemke 1998; Stenglin and Iedema 2001; Unsworth 2001), but little has
made its way as yet into genre-based pedagogy.
mary) and the emphasis placed on particular aspects of pedagogy (e.g. the
degree of explicitness). Here we will concentrate on how genre theory has
been applied in Australian educational contexts (e.g. Christie and Martin
1997; Feez 1998; Paltridge 2002) and some of the issues surrounding these
Genres and Learning
The learning of genres (and the role of genres in learning) has primarily
been theorized in terms of learning a first language. According to Bakhtin
(translation 1986), learning genres is a fundamental part of language de-
velopment-it is our ability to predict the compositional structure and
length of genres that enables us to communicate. Little work has been
done, however, on developing a genre-based theory of second language
learning, though functional linguists such as Lock (1996) and Melrose
(1995) have sought to lay the groundwork. Lock contends that learning a
second language means gaining progressive control over the systems of
options in the new language, learning which options to select to make
which meanings in which contexts. Beginning learners have very limited
options (a few structures, some lexical items, some unanalysed chunks).
More advanced learners have developed a greater range of options and are
able to make more delicate distinctions of meanings appropriate for differ-
ent contexts. Learning new genres is seen as extending the learner’s
meaning-making potential.
Genre pedagogy in countries such as Australia is based on Vygotskian
learning theory. Language is learned through guidance and interaction in
the context of shared experience. The teacher inducts learners into the
linguistic demands of those genres that are important to participation in
the school and wider community. Gradually responsibility is shifted to the
learners as they gain increasing control of the genre.
While many of the principles apply equally well to learning both the
mother tongue and a second language, further research is needed into the
learning of genres from a second and foreign language perspective. Recent
work by Hammond (2002) and Gibbons (2002) has investigated the micro-
processes of scaffolding in ESL contexts, but little has been done in the
area of EFL in terms of genre-based learning theory. More vigorous en-
Contextual Analysis
As with any other pedagogical innovation, genre-based approaches should
not be wholeheartedly embraced without reflection on whether they are
sensitive to the prevailing views and practices regarding language teaching
and learning (Holliday 1994). Before developing a genre-based program
of study, the teacher or institution will need to conduct an analysis of the
teaching/learning context. At its broadest level, this should take into account
the culture, history and traditions of the educational setting as well as con-
straints posed by access to materials, teachers’ confidence and English
proficiency, learners’ expectations, assessment requirements, and so on. A
period might be needed in which the principles of genre pedagogy are
adapted to the local context and trialled, evaluated and modified by groups
of educators.
A further level of contextual analysis might involve the identification of
the specific language demands encountered by the students in a particular
educational context (e.g. writing explanations in science, reading narra-
tives in English, participating in groupwork) or in a target situation (e.g.
tertiary studies, business meetings). It is now a common practice to under-
take a ’language audit’ of a school, university department or business in
terms of the genres regularly encountered. This information can be used
to develop objectives and outcomes in planning the teaching/learning pro-
gram. The Disadvantaged Schools Program in Australia, for example,
undertook a massive survey of the genres over which students needed to
gain control in order to participate successfully in the different curriculum
areas in primary and secondary schools (e.g. explanations, reports, re-
In the planning phase, the teacher needs to select an appropriate genre (or
genres) to investigate over a period of several lessons. In a first aid course,
for example, the teacher will want to make sure that students can read
instructions, so it would be appropriate to spend some time on procedural
genres. Or if the learners are doing projects on natural disasters, the
teacher might familiarize them with the genre of explanation. In such
cases, the choice of genre is determined by the nature of the topic or theme
of the unit of work.
In other circumstances, the teacher might decide to make the genre itself
the point of departure. If, for example, the learners need to know how to
write an argumentative essay, the teacher might spend a few lessons look-
ing specifically at that genre as a topic in its own right. Or in an English
lesson, the teacher might choose to look specifically at the genre of quest
narratives. In this case, the starting point is the genre rather than the sub-
ject matter.
It is generally agreed that, as far as possible, students’ knowledge of
genres should be developed by participating in tasks which would natur-
ally require the use of a particular genre. It is the role of the teacher to
create contexts in which students can engage purposefully with the ‘genre
as process’. Johns (1993), for example, recounts how her students leamt to
write argumentative texts in response to the raising of tertiary fees, enabl-
ing them to experience the genre as a socially embedded, goal-driven
The practical application of genre theory has taken a variety of forms. In
Australia, however, perhaps the most influential model has been the cur-
riculum cycle developed by Rothery and Macken for the Disadvantaged
Schools Program. (See Macken-Horarik for an example of the curriculum
cycle in action, describing a ten-week unit of work on human reproduction
focusing on the explanation genre with a Year 10 class.)
Based on the notion of scaffolding (Bruner 1978) the curriculum cycle
provides opportunities for both teacher and learners to take responsibility
at different phases in the teaching/learning process. In the early phases, the
teacher takes a more direct role in developing the necessary knowledge
and skills, with the learners in an ’apprentice’ role. As the learners develop
greater control of the genre, the teacher gradually withdraws support
and encourages learner independence. The cycle consists of a number of
developing an understanding of the field;
familiarization with the genre;
developing control over the genre;
independent construction;
extending and critiquing;
creative exploitation of the genre.
Developing control over the genre. For those students needing additional
support before writing independently, it is useful to do a joint construction
of a text so that they can experience what is involved in writing this type
of text. In a joint construction, the students actively participate by pro-
viding the ’subject matter’ for the text. The role of the teacher is to demon-
strate how that subject matter can be organized into a coherent text.
Using an overhead projector or the board, the teacher might start by
brainstorming j otting down in fairly random order ideas on the topic
suggested by the students. The teacher might then ask the students to start
grouping these ideas, perhaps drawing their attention to one of the model
texts examined previously. Having thought about the content of the text
and how it might be organised in broad terms, the students collaboratively
write a text with the guidance of the teacher.
Extending and critiquing. When students feel comfortable with using the
genre in question at a basic level, provision should be made to extend into
more complex areas and to critically analyse texts. Beyond looking at the
core stage/s and the more typical optional stages, students might examine
Genre-based pedagogy is not without its critics. Even within the ‘genre
community’, concerns are expressed about whether it is feasible or desir-
able to teach genres. The assumption that students will benefit from the
explicit, supported initiation into academic genres is questioned by North
American genre researchers (Freedman and Medway 1994b), who argue
that genres are too ineffable to be subject to instruction, by social practice
theorists who believe genres are too complex and varied to be removed
from their original contexts and taught in classrooms (Lave and Wenger
1991 ), and by Australian critical theorists (Luke 1996) who question whether
genre pedagogy genuinely empowers students or simply reinforces the
status quo.
As genre-based approaches become more firmly established in sylla-
buses and curricula in a variety of international contexts, it is salutary to
recall their pedagogical and theoretical origins. Will they reinvigorate and
perhaps radicalize the curriculum, providing a focus for the coherent inte-
gration of grammar, vocabulary, discourse and culture within the context
of socially embedded, text-level activity?’ Or will genres become just
another discrete component of the syllabus, a list of text types to be covered?
Critical to the effective implementation of such approaches will be factors
such as well-informed syllabus developers and materials designers, the
professional development of teachers, continuing research into the learn-
ing of genres by second and foreign language learners, further analysis of
genres and sub-genres in a variety of social environments, and culturally
sensitive adaptation of genre approaches in local contexts.
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