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The Role of Financial Economics in Securities
Fraud Cases: Applications at the Securities and
Exchange Commission
Litigants, including the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC),
increasingly have applied modem financial economics in securities fraud
cases. One of the most important applications of financial economics for
securities law comes from the efficient markets hypothesis. This Article
presents an overview of areas where securities fraud law has adopted some
of the reasonings and applications of the efficient markets hypothesis and
provides examples of the use of financial economics in SEC enforcement
actions. Specifically, this Article discusses how techniques developed by
financial economists can be used to establish the materiality of information
allegedly used in securities fraud, and to compute profits (or losses avoided)
resulting from fraudulent actions. It then shows how the methodology was
applied in recent SEC enforcement cases.
A leading expert on the efficient markets hypothesis, Professor Eugene
F. Fama of the University of Chicago's Graduate School of Business, re-
cently reviewed the empirical evidence on the efficient markets hypothesis
and defined market efficiency with the simple statement that security prices
fully reflect all available information.1 Fama noted that, while no market
is perfectly efficient, the idea that prices quickly adjust to the release of
new information is a useful tool to analyze many situations, especially when
information and transactions costs are low, as in the United States stock
An event study, a technique developed and refined by financial econ-
omists, can be very useful in securities fraud cases. An event study relates
changes in stock prices to the release of new information. Researchers
have applied event studies to all types of events ranging from mergers to
regulatory actions. In securities fraud law, event studies are particularly
*Both authors formerly worked at the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.
The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views
of the Commission.
1. Eugene F. Fama, Efficient Capital Markets: 11, 46 J. FINANCE 1575 (1991).
546 The Business Lawyer; Vol. 49, February 1994
2. Oliver Wendall Holmes, Jr., The Path of the Law, in COLLECTED LEGAL PAPERS 167, 187
3. For example, it was not until 1990 that the Nobel Prize Committee recognized finance
as a legitimate scientific area of study within the field of economics and awarded the Nobel
Prize in Economics to three researchers, Harry Markowitz, Merton Miller and William Sharpe,
for their seminal contributions to the field of finance.
4. 485 U.S. 224 (1988).
5. Id. at 246.
Securities Fraud: Financial Economics 547
ation, and damages. 6 While courts have not followed Fischel's suggestion
unanimously, they have relied directly on the efficient markets hypothesis
in recent years with the use of evidence provided by expert testimony of
financial economists and indirectly through the acceptance of many of the
implications flowing from the hypothesis.
The seminal adoption of financial economics in securities fraud litigation
is in the fraud-on-the-market theory, which enables a plaintiff who has not
actually seen a misleading statement to satisfy, nevertheless, the reliance
requirement in a fraud suit. Fischel noted that the fraud-on-the-market 7
theory originated to ease the proof of reliance in large class action suits.
A derivative of the efficient markets hypothesis, the fraud-on-the-market
theory assumes that investors rely on the market price of a security as a
reflection of its value. 8 Thus, a misleading statement that distorts securities
prices is fraudulent even if the average securityholder has no knowledge
of the statement. 9 Applying the fraud-on-the-market theory, a court can
presume the plaintiffs relied on the integrity of the market price for the
securities they bought or sold, therefore dispensing with the traditional
reliance requirement that the plaintiff relied on the fraudulent statement
in making his or her investment decisions)10
The acceptance of the fraud-on-the-market theory varied among lower
courts until Basic, Inc. v. Levinson. IIn this case, corporate officers of Basic,
Inc. falsely denied the existence of on-going merger negotiations with
Combustion Engineering during 1977-1978. In fact, "[n]ot only was Basic
[Inc.] involved in negotiations, but on December 20, 1978, Basic [Inc.]
announced that its Board of Directors had approved a tender offer by
Combustion Engineering."'12 Stockholders, who sold stock after officers in
Basic, Inc. first denied merger negotiations and before the merger an-
nouncement, sued claiming a violation of rule 10b-5.13 The United States
Supreme Court held that plaintiffs may use the fraud-on-the-market theory
to presume reliance so long as plaintiffs can show the affected shares traded
in an "efficient" market.'
A key element of a rule 1 Ob-5 case is proof that the fraudulent or inside
information is material.' 5 The plaintiff must establish the importance of
information provided in the fraudulent statements or of information ex-
ploited in insider trading.
15. See Donald C. Langevoort, Investment Analysts and the Law of Insider Trading, 76 VA.
L. REV. 1023 (1990), for an extended discussion of materiality in SEC insider trading cases.
16. TSC Indus., Inc. v. Northway, Inc., 426 U.S. 438, 450 (1976).
18. Basic, Inc. v. Levinson, 485 U.S. 224, 231 (1988) (quoting TSC Indus., 426 U.S. at
19. See id. at 230.
20. Id. at 239 n.16.
Securities Fraud: Financial Economics 549
21. Id.
22. JAcoBs, supra note 17, § 61.02[b][ii].
23. 401 F.2d 833 (2d Cir. 1968), cert. denied, 394 U.S. 976 (1969).
24. Id. at 848 (quoting Arthur Fleischer Jr., Securities Trading and Corporate Information
Practices: The Implications of the Texas Gulf Sulphur Proceeding, 51 VA. L. REV. 1271, 1289
25. Basic, Inc. v. Levinson, 485 U.S. 224, 238-39, 250 (1988).
26. Texas Gulf Sulphur, 401 F.2d at 849-50.
27. See, e.g., JACOBS, supra note 17, § 61.02[b] [ii].
28. 638 F. Supp. 596 (S.D.N.Y. 1986).
29. Id. at 623.
550 The Business Lawyer; Vol. 49, February 1994
The other potential application of financial economics in SEC enforce-
ment actions involves disgorgement calculations. 3' Disgorgement requires
defendants to " 'give up the amount by which [they were] unjustly en-
riched.' " Thus, disgorgement depends on the profits the defendant made
from his or her fraudulent conduct, not the victims' losses. Additionally,
the Insider Trading Sanctions Act of 198433 allows for punitive penalties
up to three times the amount of disgorgement. 4 The application of fi-
nancial economics is especially relevant because the implication drawn
from the efficient markets hypothesis that security prices react quickly to
the release of new information reduces the subjectivity in estimating profits
from fraud.
35. Several cases arose as a result of insider trading in Texas Gulf Sulphur stock. The
most famous case is SEC v. Texas Gulf Sulphur, Co., 401 F.2d 833 (2d Cir. 1968), cert. denied,
394 U.S. 976 (1969).
36. 312 F. Supp. 77 (S.D.N.Y. 1970), aff'd in part, rev'd inpart, 446 F.2d 1301 (2d Cir.),
cert. denied, 404 U.S. 1005 (1971).
37. Id. at 93-94.
38. Id. at 93.
39. Reynolds v. Texas Gulf Sulphur, 309 F. Supp. 548, 563 (D. Utah 1970), aff'd inpart,
rev'd inpart sub nom. Mitchell v. Texas Gulf Sulphur, 446 F.2d 90 (10th Cir.), cert. denied,
404 U.S. 1004 (1971).
40. Id. at 558-62.
41. 494 F.2d 1301 (2d Cir. 1974).
552 The Business Lawyer; Vol. 49, February 1994
merger. 42 The court required Berman to disgorge his paper profits based
on the average price, $23.80, of all transactions on February 18, the date
of the public announcement of the tentative merger agreement, on the
basis that he could have sold his stock at that price. 43 The Second Circuit
explained that "[o] nce public disclosure is made and all investors are trad-
ing on an equal footing, the violator should take the risks of the market
While the courts applied paper profits in the Texas Gulf Sulphur cases
and Shapiro, the SEC argued in favor of actual profits in a subsequent,
influential insider trading case-SEC v. MacDonald.45 The defendant, James
E. MacDonald, purchased stock in Realty Income Trust (RIT) based on
information regarding a pending acquisition and lease agreement.
MacDonald, chairman of the board of trustees of RIT, learned of the
agreement on December 15, 1975 at a board meeting and then purchased
100 shares at $4.25 the following day4 6 and 9500 shares at $4.625 on
December 23. On December 24, RIT issued a press release detailing the
acquisition and lease agreement, disseminated by Dow Jones News Service
and Reuters, and the stock price increased 19% to $5.50. RIT's stock price
steadily increased after the announcement for several days, and by the end
of the next month the price climbed to $7.125. 47 Figure 1 displays the
daily closing price for RIT from one week before MacDonald's trades,
December 8, 1975, through January 29, 1976.
MacDonald did not sell his shares immediately after the announcement;
instead he waited more than a year before selling at roughly $10 a share.
The SEC argued that MacDonald should disgorge his actual profits. 48 While
the district court accepted the SEC's argument, 49 the United States Court
of Appeals for the First Circuit reversed the disgorgement decision holding
that disgorgement should only be the amount of profit attributable to the
inside information. 50 The First Circuit stated that profit should be based
on the difference between the purchase price and the price "a reasonable
time after the inside information had been generally disseminated. ' 51
Moreover, "the court should consider the volume and price at which RIT
shares were traded following disclosure, insofar as they suggested the date
42. SEC v. Shapiro, 349 F. Supp. 46, 54-55 (S.D.N.Y. 1972), aff'd, 494 F.2d 1301 (2d Cir.
43. 56.
44. Shapiro, 494 F.2d at 1309.
45. 699 F.2d 47 (1st Cir. 1983).
46. MacDonald placed a limit order to buy up to 20,000 shares at $4.25 but only 100
shares were available at this price.
47. See infra Figure 1.
48. MacDonald, 699 F.2d at 52.
49. SEC v.MacDonald, Litigation Release No.0073, (1981 Transfer Binder] Fed. Sec. L.
Rep. (CCH) 98,009 (D.R.I. Apr. 23, 1981).
50. MacDonald, 699 F.2d at 55.
51. Id.
Securities Fraud: Financial Economics 553
'5 2
by which the news had been fully digested and acted upon by investors.
The case then was remanded to the district court to determine a reasonable
Upon remand, the district court used the price movement of RIT stock
as evidence of full assimilation of the information. 54 The district court
stated that the market did not fully digest the news immediately because
the price continued to rise for several days after the December 24 an-
nouncement.55 The court held that the price stabilized on January 13 and
used the average price of $6.50 on that day for disgorgement. 56 Thus, the
court of appeals and the district court on remand did not follow exactly
the approach of the courts in Texas Gulf Sulphur and Shapiro-the full
information price was the closing price on the day after the public release
of the information-claiming the information in MacDonald was "consid-
erably less spectacular" 5 than the Texas Gulf Sulphur ore strike. 58 Addi-
tionally, the district court recognized that part of the price increase sub-
sequent to the lease-agreement announcement corresponded to a
favorable Wall Street Journal story on December 31, 1975 regarding the
sale of properties by RIT.5 9 While the district court held that the Wall
Street Journal story brought creditability to the press release, 60 the Wall
Street Journal story did not pertain to the lease agreement announcement
that was the basis of the insider trading. 6' MacDonald therefore appealed
the finding of the district court and argued that the Wall Street Journal
article was "an intervening, superseding, cause of the RIT stock price surge
in early 1976."62 The court of appeals affirmed the judgment of the district
court, 6 saying it was "unable to conclude that the district court committed
clear error in rejecting defendant's argument.
The MacDonalddecision is an important precedent for determining SEC
disgorgement calculation. First, the court of appeals in MacDonaldreversed
the lower court's method of profit calculation and recommended paper
profits as in Texas Gulf Sulphur and Shapiro, strengthening the use of paper
52. Id.
53. Id.
54. SEC v. MacDonald, 568 F. Supp. 111 (D.R.I. 1983), aff'd, 725 F.2d 9 (1st Cir. 1984).
55. Id. at 113.
56. Id. at 112.
57. MacDonald, 699 F.2d at 54.
58. Id.; MacDonald, 568 F. Supp. at 114 n.5.
59. MacDonald, 568 F. Supp. at 112 n.1. The Wall Street Journal reported that a Boston
firm planned to buy 15 of RIT's properties. During the three-day period surrounding the
announcement, RIT's stock price increased from $5.25 to $5.875. See Realty Income Trust
Says Boston Group Bids for 15 Properties, WALL ST. J., Dec. 31, 1975, at 8.
60. MacDonald, 568 F. Supp. at 113.
61. SEC v. MacDonald, 725 F.2d 9, 11 (1st Cir. 1984).
62. Id.
63. Id. at 10.
64. 11.
554 The Business Lawyer; Vol. 49, February 1994
profits over actual profits. 65 Second, the MacDonald decision held that a
reasonable time must take place after the public release of information
and before complete dissemination occurs.66 Because the court of appeals
held that the pattern of the price and volume movements after the an-
nouncements should be considered in determining a reasonable time pe-
riod, 67 the SEC and the courts have had leeway in determining when a
"reasonable time" has taken place.
MacDonald also illustrates that the use of financial economics analysis
reduces the ambiguity in determining the reasonable time period. For
example, financial economic analysis could have been applied to show that
the price increase around the unrelated Wall Street Journal article was
specific to the information in that article and not at all to the information
that MacDonald used in his trading. Further, while the courts and the SEC
held that the price increases that continued until January 13 were related
to the inside information,68 it so happens that the overall stock market
increased substantially over this period. 69 To the extent that RIT's stock
price moved with the overall stock market, part of the increase in the price
of RIT over this period could have been due to general economic con-
73. See Wayne H. Mikkelson & Richard S. Ruback, An Empirical Analysis of the Interfirm
Equity Investment Process, 14 J. FIN. EcoN. 523 (1985); Clifford G. Holderness & Dennis P.
Sheehan, Raiders or Saviors? The Evidence on Six Controversial Investors, 14 J. FIN. ECON. 555
74. 890 F.2d 1215 (D.C. Cir. 1989).
75. Id. at 1223.
76. Id. at 1219. Under a put and call agreement, a broker buys stock for its own account
with the understanding that its client, the investor, can purchase the stock from the broker
at a set price, plus interest and commissions. To protect itself from market risks, the broker
has the right to put the stock to the investor at the same price. In First City, the defendants
argued that a misunderstanding occurred between Bear Steams and First City in that First
City merely meant to tell Bear Steams that buying Ashland stock would be a good investment,
not to buy and hold the stock for it. See id. at 1217-20.
77. Id. at 1220-23.
78. Id. at 1223-24.
79. Id. at 1230.
556 The Business Lawyer; Vol. 49, February 1994
86. Eugene F. Fama et al., The Adjustment of Stock Prices to New Information, 10 INT'L ECON.
REV. 1 (1969).
87. See Eugene F. Fama, Efficient Capital Markets: A Review of Theory and Empirical Work,
25J. FINANCE 385 (1970) and Fama, supra note 1, for reviews of the literature on the efficient
markets hypothesis. From time to time, the efficient markets hypothesis comes under intense
criticism. For example, in the aftermath of the stock market crash of 1987, many commen-
tators suggested that the crash invalidated the efficient markets hypothesis. For the most
part, however, this hypothesis withstood such criticism and continues to be the most viable
theory offered. In fact, two studies reconcile the stock market crash with the efficient markets
hypothesis. See Mark L. Mitchell & Jeffry M. Netter, Triggeringthe 1987 Stock Market Crash:
Antitakeover Provisions in the Proposed House Ways and Means Tax Bill?, 24 J. FIN. EcoN. 37
(1989) and CharlesJ. Jacklin et al., Underestimationof Portfolio Insuranceand the Crash of October
1987, 5 REV. FIN. STUD. 35 (1992). More importantly, with respect to event studies described
herein, even critics of the efficient markets hypothesis concur that the efficient markets
hypothesis is relevant. See Lawrence H. Summers, Does the Stock Market Rationally Reflect
Fundamental Values?, 41 J. FINANCE 591, 596 (1986). This is because, as Fama points out,
there is little debate that individual firm's stock prices respond quickly to the release of new
information about that firm. See Fama, supra note 1, at 1601. The debate about the efficient
markets hypothesis is more concerned with the determinants of overall market fluctuations.
88. See generally James M. Patell & Mark Wolfson, The Intraday Speed of Adjustment of Stock
Prices to Earnings and Dividend Announcements, 13 J. FIN. ECON. 223 (1984); Larry Y. Dann
et al., Trading Rules, Large Blocks, and the Speed of PriceAdjustment, 4 J. FIN. EcON. 3 (1977).
558 The Business Lawyer; Vol. 49, February 1994
price performance around the event; and (iii) test for statistical significance
of the abnormal stock price performance.
89. For information regarding news releases sent to Dow Jones & Company and their
subsequent dissemination and impact upon the stock market, see Mark L. Mitchell &J. Harold
Mulherin, The Impact of Public Information on the Stock Market (1993) (unpublished manuscript,
on file with The Business Lawyer, University of Maryland School of Law) and Robert Thompson
et al., Attributes of News About Firms: An Analysis of Firm Specific News Reported in the Wall Street
Journal Index, 25 J. FINANCE 245 (1987).
90. See Mark L. Mitchell & Michael Maloney, Crisisin the Cockpit? The Role of Market Forces
in Promoting Air Travel Safety, 32 J. LAw & EcoN. 329 (1989).
91. Id. at 340.
92. Id.
Securities Fraud: Financial Economics 559
several days or perhaps even weeks before the market receives all the
relevant information; in these cases, a longer event window is more nec-
essary than for a crash in which all information is available within a few
hours following the crash. 93 In most cases, however, the bulk of the in-
formation is released at the announcement of the event. Because the mar-
ket processes information rapidly, it is conventional to expand the window
only a short period after the announcement. The current academic stan-
dard is to extend the event period to the close of trading on the day after
the release of the pertinent information.
For those events that are subject to leakage, defining the beginning of
the event window can be problematic. Consider the case of a merger in
which the target company is rumored to be "in play" prior to the an-
nouncement. 95 For such a case, the event window should begin prior to
the actual merger announcement, perhaps as long as a week or two. Ideally,
the first day of the event window corresponding to a merger would be the
date on which investors began trading on news about the upcoming
merger, regardless of whether the news was based on rumors, inside in-
formation, a Schedule 13D filing, or a public announcement that merger
talks were in process. In practice, this date is difficult to define and some
degree ofjudgment is required generally based on price and volume move-
ments prior to the merger announcement.
With respect to securities fraud cases, there is substantial variation in
the complexity of determining the length of an event window. In some
fraud cases, choosing the appropriate event window is straightforward. An
example is an insider trading case where the information used by the
investor is revealed subsequently in a single public announcement. On the
other hand, in many securities fraud cases the relevant information is
revealed slowly over time, while during the same period investors receive
other, sometimes unrelated, information about the firm(s) in question. In
the latter case, it is relatively difficult to choose an appropriate window.
The main advice is to carefully identify the exact dates during which the
information in question reached the market, and then restrict the window
to a short period if possible, generally two or three days around each
release of new information.
93. Id.
94. This is particularly true when the researcher examines a sample of several occurrences
of the same type event such as a merger announcement. For a single event that is generally
the norm in a securities fraud case, depending upon market factors, the window often can
extend beyond the close of trading the day after the public announcement.
95. See Gregg A. Jarrell & Annette B. Poulsen, The Returns to Acquiring Firms in Tender
Offers: Evidence From Three Decades, 18 FIN. MGMT. 12 (1989) and Lisa K. Meulbroek, An
Empirical Analysis of Illegal Insider Trading, 47 J. FINANCE 1661 (1992), for a discussion of
stock price movements prior to major events. Gregg Jarrell and Annette Poulsen document
evidence of substantial stock-price run-up in target firms prior to takeover announcements.
Lisa Meulbroek shows that insider trading often accounts for a large part of this stock price
560 The Business Lawyer; Vol. 49, February 1994
P, = price at end of period
P0 = price at beginning of period
DIV, = dividend paid during period.
Thus, the return is simply the change in the stock price during the period
plus any payout of dividends during the period, relative to the stock price
at the beginning of the period. 96 This discussion focuses on daily stock
or as
r = natural logarithmt[P, + DIV]/P}.
The logarithmic return is a continuously compounded return whereas the return described
in the text is a simple return. For practical purposes the distinction between these two return
measures is relatively minor. One benefit of the logarithmic return method is that in statistical
terminology, the transformation makes the distribution of the returns closer to a normal
distribution, thus improving the validity of statistical testing. For ease of exposition, the simple
return measure is focussed upon. Further, it is also the case that the simple return measure
provides better estimates for disgorgement purposes.
Securities Fraud: Financial Economics 561
price returns, which is the standard time interval used in most event studies,
although returns can be calculated over any increment of time such as
hours or months. In securities fraud litigation, daily stock price returns
are typically the appropriate measure. In some cases, an examination of
hourly, weekly, or monthly data may be warranted-in such cases, the
methodology as described can be applied similarly.
An example of a major event to examine abnormal stock market per-
formance is the Tylenol poisonings of 1982. 91 On September 30, 1982,
Johnson & Johnson, the maker of Tylenol, announced that three people
died as the result of ingesting cyanide-laced Tylenol capsules. 98 Four more
deaths were reported within the next two days. 99 The Tylenol poisonings
resulted in 125,000 stories in the print media alone-an event unprece-
dented in American business.
To the extent that investors expected the Tylenol poisonings to reduce
future cash flows to the stockholders ofJohnson &Johnson, its stock price
should have declined in response to the announcement of the poisonings.
According to the efficient markets hypothesis, the stock price decline will
occur quickly. Correspondingly, the return to Johnson & Johnson stock
on September 30, 1982, the day that Johnson & Johnson revealed the
Tylenol poisonings, is:
97. See Mark L. Mitchell, The Impact of External Partieson Brand-Name Capital: The 1982
Tylenol Poisonings and Subsequent Cases, 27 EcoN. INQUIRY 601 (1989).
98. Id. at 601.
99. Id.
562 The Business Lawyer; Vol. 49, February 1994
4.45% that day. 100 The fact that there is only one return during the prior
one-year period that is of the magnitude of the September 30, 1982 decline
suggests this decline is significant.
To assess the significance of the -6.50% return on September 30, 1982,
a well-known metric of variation in statistics is relied on, the standard
deviation. This metric measures the dispersion in a variable around its
mean value. The standard deviation for stock returns is formally expressed
,7- -(r,TY
S =
where f is the mean return over the sample period and N is the number
of trading days in the sample period. As the formula indicates, the greater
the variation around the mean value in the sample, the larger the standard
deviation. Suppose for example that all the returns had the same value.
In such a case, there would be no dispersion around the mean value and
thus the formula would indicate a value of zero. Note that the term (r, -
f) is squared-the rationale is the magnitude of the deviation of returns
from the mean value is what matters, not whether a return is above or
below the mean. The division by N - 1 adjusts for the number of returns
in the sample. The intuition behind the N - 1 term is straightforward. If
this divisor were not included, the calculated standard deviation would
increase in magnitude as the number of returns increased. Thus, the nu-
merator keeps track of total deviations while the denominator keeps track
of the number of deviations. In this light, the ratio represents an average
deviation between an observation and its mean.
The standard deviation of the daily return forJohnson &Johnson stock
during the 253 trading days period prior to the Tylenol poisonings is
1.84%. What can be inferred about the impact of the Tylenol poisonings
on Johnson & Johnson's stock price when there was a - 6.50% return on
September 30, 1982 and the historical daily mean return and standard
deviation of Johnson & Johnson's stock is known? The most common way
to analyze this question is to consider the statistical significance of the
daily return.
100. For discussion of controlling for general market movements, see infra text accom-
panying notes 106-113.
Securities Fraud: Financial Economics 563
ANALYSIS (3d ed. 1988).
102. See Eugene F. Fama, The Behavior of Stock Market Prices, 38 J. BUSINESS 34 (1965).
103. See Brown & Warner, supra note 85, for a detailed exploration of the distribution
of stock returns. Stephen Brown and Jerold Warner state that "[t]he non-normality of daily
returns has no obvious impact on event study methodologies." Id. at 25.
104. See generally OTT, supra note 101.
564 The Business Lawyer; Vol. 49, February 1994
the probability that a z of that value or greater will occur. Thus, a re-
searcher usually will convert an observation drawn from a normal distri-
bution into a z-value in order to assess the significance of that value.
The methodology discussed in the previous paragraph is phrased more
formally in terms of hypothesis testing. In general, a test of significance
aims to answer the question of whether an observed difference is real or
simply occurred by chance. In statistical tests, the researcher usually sets
out a null hypothesis which states that an observed difference occurred
by chance. If the null hypothesis is rejected because a test statistic (such
as a z-statistic) is greater than a specified value, then it is unlikely the
difference occurred by chance. This result often is called a finding of
statistical significance.
For example, researchers apply decision rules to determine whether a
given value is significantly different from the mean value. An often used
convention is the five percent rule-values greater than or equal to 1.96
standard deviations from the mean value are considered significantly dif-
ferent from the typical value because there is only a five percent chance
that a randomly selected value will be 1.96 or more standard deviations
from the true mean. Thus, if the calculated z-statistic has an absolute value
of 1.96 or greater, the observed value could be considered significant at
the five percent level. The decision rule may be more stringent. For ex-
ample, there is only about a one percent likelihood that a randomly selected
value will lie outside 2.58 standard deviations or more from the average
value. Thus, if the z-statistic is greater than or equal to 2.58, the observed
value can be considered significant. A third commonly used decision rule
is ten percent-here, the probability is ten percent that a randomly selected
value will lie 1.65 standard deviations or more from the mean value. Gen-
erally, researchers use a decision rule based on one percent, five percent,
or ten percent significance levels.
Stock returns provide a good example of a test of whether an observation
is significantly different from the mean. In the case of daily stock returns,
the mean daily return is very close to zero: the mean annual return on
the stock market over the past thirty years was roughly twelve percent with
a corresponding mean daily return of 0.045%. Because the daily return
is so small, it is assumed that it is zero for statistical tests and thus a test
of whether a daily stock return is different from the mean is just a test of
whether a daily return is different from zero. Therefore, the z-statistic is
simply the daily return divided by the standard deviation. If the z-statistic
is 1.96 or greater (based on a decision rule of five percent), the results
indicate the daily return is significantly different from the mean return.
In an article published in the Virginia Law Review in 1991,105 the authors
(with Jonathan R. Macey and Geoffrey P. Miller) provided guidelines as
to the magnitudes of daily stock price returns that are statistically different
from zero. For the stocks of the largest equity-value New York Stock Ex-
change (NYSE) listed firms, a stock price movement of 2.86% could be
considered significantly different from zero at the five percent level. In
contrast, for the smallest equity-value NASDAQ firms, the necessary price
movement to be considered significant at the five percent level is 10.02%.
Therefore, because stock price volatility varies widely across firms, infer-
ences about the significance of a firm's stock returns are made with respect
to a comparison with that stock's own return history.
Statistical tests of significance are useful both in establishing materiality
and in calculating disgorgement. A finding that a stock return associated
with the release of information is large enough that it is unlikely that the
return occurred by chance is strong evidence that the information was
important. Therefore, if that information was used allegedly in securities
fraud, the finding that the associated stock return is large enough to be
statistically significant implies the information is material. Furthermore, a
finding of statistical significance for stock returns data used in calculations
of disgorgement is an indication that the estimates are accurate.
For example, suppose a firm's stock price increases seven percent on
the day that management releases a favorable earnings announcement.
Suppose, also, that the prior day an insider of the firm purchased stock
based on his or her knowledge of the forthcoming announcement. The
insider subsequently is charged with illegal insider trading. A finding that
the seven percent return on the earnings announcement day is statistically
significant is strong empirical evidence that the news was important. Stated
differently, it is unlikely that the seven percent increase in the stock price
occurred by chance. Furthermore, in calculating profits for disgorgement
based on the stock price increase on the announcement day, if the return
is statistically significant, then a more credible argument can be made that
the seven percent return represents the value of the defendant's inside
Returning to the Johnson & Johnson example, recall that the standard
deviation during the year prior to the poisonings was 1.84%. Dividing the
return to Johnson & Johnson stock of -6.50% by this standard deviation
yields a z-statistic of 3.53. It is highly improbable that a randomly selected
return from Johnson & Johnson's return history would yield a value that
is more than 3.53 standard deviations away from zero. Thus, one can claim
with a high degree of confidence that Johnson & Johnson's stock price
decline on September 30, 1982 did not occur by chance and thus the
decline is likely due to the public announcement of the Tylenol poisonings.
It is preferable, however, to correct for overall market movements before
calculating the significance of abnormal returns.
106. For examples of event studies that examined specific announcements during the
October 1987 stock market crash, see Mitchell & Netter, supra note 87 andJeffry M. Netter
& Mark L. Mitchell, Stock-Repurchase Announcements and Insider TransactionsAfter the October
1987 Stock Market Crash, 18 FIN. MGMT. 84 (1989).
Securities Fraud: Financial Economics 567
107. Note that the net-of-market daily return standard deviation of 1.42% is less than the
standard deviation (1.84%) of Johnson & Johnson's actual returns over this period. This
difference is attributed to the fact that the actual return incorporates marketwide as well as
firm-specific factors, and thus is more volatile than the net-of-market return.
568 The Business Lawyer; Vol. 49, February 1994
sensitive to market movements (e.g., airlines) typically have betas that are
greater than one, highly diversified firms have betas that are close to one,
and firms that are relatively insensitive to market movements (e.g., regu-
lated utilities) have betas that are less than one.
The market model is estimated with regression analysis. The estimation
period for this market model equation typically ranges from 100 to 300
trading days preceding the event under study. That is, the researcher uses
the estimates of a and 3, and the movement of the market to predict how
the stock price of the firm would have changed during the event period
if there were no firm-specific information released during the event period.
The difference between the predicted return and the actual return on a
given date during the event window is known as the abnormal return. The
abnormal return expressed as:
where -6.50% is the actual return to Johnson & Johnson stock, 0.0975%
is the estimate of alpha from the market model, 1.29 is Johnson & John-
son's beta estimate and -0.89% is the market return on September 30,
1982.109 Notice the abnormal return of -5.46% is not as negative as the
net-of-market return of -5.62%. The net-of-market return approach as-
sumes beta is 1.0, whereas the estimated beta for Johnson & Johnson is
1.29. Thus, more of the decline in Johnson & Johnson's stock price on
108. The term a (i.e., the intercept of the market model), also known as alpha, represents
the mean return on the stock when the market return equals zero. Although over time and
on average, alpha approximates zero for most companies, it can be significantly different
from zero for different intervals.
109. There is a very slight rounding error in these calculations as the calculated abnormal
returns are based on parameter estimates and stock returns using five decimal places instead
of the two decimal places as indicated for exposition purposes throughout the text.
Securities Fraud: Financial Economics 569
110. It should be noted that recent works, see Eugene F. Fama & Kenneth R. French, The
Cross-Section of Expected Stock Returns, 47 J. FINANCE 427 (1992) and Eugene F. Fama &
Kenneth R. French, Common Risk Factors in the Return on Stocks and Bonds, 33 J. FIN. EcoN.
3 (1993), suggest additional risk factors to the overall market, such as firm size and market/
book equity, should be accounted for when calculating abnormal returns. Under certain
conditions, in a securities fraud case in which the information is released over a long period
of time, the additional factors may alter the calculation of the abnormal returns. In the
Johnson & Johnson example and the cases that follow, however, the Fama and French mul-
tifactor model does not alter the results.
111. For recent articles that describe statistical tests in event studies, see Ekkehart Boehmer
et al., Event-Study Methodology Under Conditions of Event-Induced Variance, 30 J. FIN. EcoN.
253 (1991) and Imre Karafiath & David E. Spencer, Statistical Inference in Multiperiod Event
Studies, 1 REv. QUANTITATIVE FIN. & Accr. 353 (1991). See also supra note 85.
113. The term s' (0.0002) is the estimated residual variance from the regression model.
The square root of this term is 0.0141 or 1.41% and is simply the standard error of the
regression model. Notice that this term is virtually identical to the standard deviation of the
net-of-market returns over the estimation period. The major distinction is that the standard
error from the regression model is a measure of the variation in Johnson & Johnson's return
accounting for a more precise relation with the overall market. The first term in brackets is
simply 1. The second term, 1/N, accounts for the number of days in the estimation period.
The longer the estimation period, the more precisely estimated the market model parameters.
This term is generally very small as estimation periods typically range from 100 to 300 days.
The third term accounts for large stock market movements on the event date. The larger
570 The Business Lawyer; Vol. 49, February 1994
CART = HI (1 +
AR,) - 1
where T is the length of the event window. 14 The CAR measures the total
impact of the event on the firm. Generally, event studies report both the
AR and CAR over the event window. For event windows where the in-
formation was released over several days, the CAR often is emphasized.
Analogously, simple returns and net-of-market returns can be cumulated
as well.
Again, the Tylenol example illustrates measuring abnormal performance
over multiday periods. A ten-day event window is constructed, covering
the period from September 30 through October 13, 1982. Table 1 reports
cumulative measures ofJohnson &Johnson's stock price performance over
this ten-day period in Panels A-C respectively." 5 Panel A displays the actual
returns performance, Panel B displays the net-of-market returns perfor-
mance, and Panel C displays the abnormal returns performance.
the absolute value of the overall stock market movement on the event date, the larger this
term, and hence the larger the standard error of forecast. Consider for example the market
crash of 1987 when the overall stock market fell approximately 20%. An abnormal return
of 4% on this day would be less significant than an abnormal return of 4% on a day when
the market was flat. In general, the second two terms are very small. For example on Sep-
tember 30, the sum of the three terms in brackets was 1.008, resulting in a standard error
of forecast of 1.42%.
114. Intuitively, cumulative abnormal returns would appear to be simply the sum of the
abnormal returns over the event window (this actually would be the case for logarithmic
returns). The problem with a simple summation of the abnormal returns is that the base in
the calculation changes from day to day. Therefore, the sum of abnormal returns does not
yield a holding period return. Note that the product of (1 +AR) over the event period is
used rather than simply summing the abnormal returns. To illustrate, consider a price move-
ment from $4 to $5 (AR = 25%) on one day and then back to $4 (AR = 20%) the next
day. Summing the abnormal returns would yield a value of 5%, yet the holding period return
is zero. Taking the product of (1 + .25) and (I + -0.20) yields the correct cumulative
return of zero.
115. See infra Table 1.
Securities Fraud: Financial Economics 571
116. The z-statistics for the cumulative returns simply are computed as the square root
of the sum of the variances associated with each of the daily returns over the event window.
For example, to compute the z-statistic for the cumulative return of -4.88% over the first
two days of the event window, the standard error of the forecast for each of the two days
is squared to obtain the variance for each of these two days. The square root of the sum of
the two variances is the standard error for a two-day cumulative return. The reason to convert
to variances before summing is that mathematically, variances can be summed whereas stan-
dard deviations cannot. Note that the variances are cumulated based on logarithmic returns
due to better specified distributional properties.
572 The Business Lawyer; Vol. 49, February 1994
118. The facts for this case originate from SEC v. Ingoldsby, Litigation Release No. 12,461,
[1990 Transfer Binder] Fed. Sec. L. Rep. (CCH) 95,351 (May 15, 1990) and Thomas
Newkirk & Catherine Shea, Civil Penaltiesand the Securities and Exchange Commission's Recent
jury Trial Experience Under the Insider Trading Sanctions Act, in SECURITIrs ENFORCEMENT
INsTITUTr 289 (PLI Corp. Law & Practice Course Handbook Series No. 741, 1991).
119. Abnormal and cumulative abnormal returns are calculated in the same manner as in
the Johnson &Johnson example. To maintain continuity in this Article, in all cases the value-
weighted CRSP index of all NYSE, AMEX, and NASDAQ stocks are used as the market proxy.
There are instances, however, in the actual cases at the SEC, depending on the facts of the
case, that staff economists also tried different market indexes as well as industry indexes in
the estimates. Likewise, in the financial economic analysis of these cases at the SEC, economists
also tried several different estimation periods ranging from 100 to 300 days to calculate
betas. The purpose was simply to test all alternatives so as to verify the robustness of the
estimates. Here, however, for reasons of simplicity only the results based on the broad-based
CRSP index and on estimation periods that cover the 253 days (one year) prior to the event
are presented.
574 The Business Lawyer; Vol. 49, February 1994
120. Bowman Crowned Chairman, CEO of Artel Communications, FIBER OPTics NEWS, Feb.
16, 1987, at 1.
121. Id.
122. See generally Dirks v. SEC, 463 U.S. 646 (1983); Chiarella v. United States, 445 U.S.
222 (1980).
123. See Eugene P. H. Furtado & Vijay Karan, Causes, Consequences, and Shareholder Wealth
Effects of Management Turnover: A Review of the Empirical Evidence, 19 FIN. MGmrr. 60 (1990).
124. See Michael S. Weisbach, Outside Directors and CEO Turnover, 20 J. FIN. EcON. 431
125. See Karl-Adam Bonnier & Robert F. Bruner, An Analysis of Stock Price Reaction to
Management Change in Distressed Firms, 11 J. Accr. & EcON. 95 (1989).
126. According to the review article by Eugene P. H. Furtado and Vijay Karan, see supra
note 123, the research has centered on NYSE and AMEX firms. It is likely the stock price
reaction is larger for NASDAQ firms, especially small ones such as Artel, which had an equity
value of only about $6 million prior to the announcement, because managerial capital ar-
guably represents a greater proportion of total value at smaller firms.
Securities Fraud: Financial Economics 575
turns are very large on the announcement day, February 10, and the prior
day, as well as February 18 in conjunction with the Fiber Optics News story.
Even so, it is especially important to test for statistical significance because
Artel is a thinly-traded stock. For example, during 1986 the daily average
trading volume for Artel's stock was only 25% of the average daily trading
volume for the average NASDAQ stock and only about 5% of the average
daily trading volume for all publicly traded stocks. As noted supra, small
stocks are considerably more volatile than large stocks-thus, the abnormal
returns must be larger before a given abnormal return can be considered
significantly different from zero. This general fact is true for Artel as well.
For example, the standard deviation of Artel's stock returns over the prior
one-year period is 5.57%. Thus, for a given day, Artel's stock return must
be about 11% before significance can be asserted. In contrast, recall from
the Tylenol example that the standard deviation of Johnson & Johnson's
return was 1.84%. Here, for this large NYSE firm that exhibits less volatile
price movements, significance on a given day can be asserted with a much
smaller stock price movement.
In spite of the fact that Artel's stock price is very volatile, the abnormal
returns on the announcement day, February 10, the prior day, and Feb-
ruary 18 (associated with the Fiber Optics News article), the positive ab-
normal returns are highly statistically significant largely because of the
magnitude of these abnormal returns.
Even though the abnormal returns are statistically significant around
the information release dates, trading volume also is very high on these
dates. It is possible that the high trading volume might have created tem-
porary price pressure on Artel stock. The stock price, however, remains
stable until the negative earnings announcement at the end of the month,
buttressing the SEC's establishment of materiality. Furthermore, the cu-
mulative abnormal return remains significant at the five percent level
throughout the entire month.
This analysis suggests that Ingoldsby could have profited from the inside
information, thus warranting disgorgement. Ingoldsby purchased 23,500
shares for $72,000 (average price of $3.06). On February 24, Ingoldsby
sold 3000 shares at $4.125 and one day later he sold 1000 at $3.875. He
then held on to the remaining 19,500 shares until the spring of 1989 when
he sold at an average price of $2.00. Thus, Ingoldsby realized actual losses
of about $17,000 on his investment based on inside information. As noted
supra,12 7 however, paper profits, not actual profits, theoretically provide a
better benchmark with which to calculate disgorgement.
In calculating paper profits, the full information price is the first date
when Artel's stock price fully reflected the information regarding the Bow-
man hiring. While most of the price reaction occurred at the announce-
ment, Artel's price also increased significantly one week later subsequent
to the Fiber Optics News story which noted that Bowman would remain a
director at Telco Systems, increasing the likelihood of potential business
combinations between the two competitors. If Ingoldsby knew that Bow-
man would remain a director at Telco, then the full information price
would reflect the February 18 price increase. The SEC argued that the
full information price extend out to February 18 to reflect the price impact
of the Fiber Optics News story.'28 In contrast, Ingoldsby claimed the court
should follow the standard set by Texas Gulf Sulphur and base disgorgement
on the closing price the day after the announcement. l2 9 Thus, he argued
for a full information disgorgement price of $3.75, the closing price on
February 11.s0
The court accepted the SEC's argument and held that the full infor-
mation price was $4.50, the closing price on February 18.11 The court
calculated disgorgement at $24,663, accounting for commission costs
($0.10 per share), bid ask spread ($0.25 per share), and other factors.
Thus, while Ingoldsby actually lost money on his transactions, he was re-
quired to disgorge the paper profits realized from his trading. In outlining
its decision, the court stated:
Artel was a relatively small company with limited media attention and
exposure. Although a story regarding the new Artel president ran in
the Wall Street Journal on February 11, 1987, I find that the news
was not fully disseminated, absorbed and digested by the investing
public until after the Bowman articles appeared in the fiber optics
trade publications.1
In sum, this case illustrates the application of financial economics in an
insider trading action. The event study technique is applied to show that
information about a pending managerial appointment is material. Addi-
tionally, the event study analysis is used to calculate the value of inside
information for disgorgement calculations.
128. The SEC and the court cited the MacDonald case as precedent for extending the
event window a few days beyond the date of the original announcement. SEC v. Ingoldsby,
Litigation Release No. 12,461, [1990 Transfer Binder] Fed. Sec. L. Rep. (CCH) 95,351,
at 96,694-95 (May 15, 1990). Despite the apparent similarities between the two cases, how-
ever, the argument for a longer window is stronger in this case than it was in MacDonald. As
previously discussed, there are two problems with the district court's reasoning in the
MacDonald case. First, in MacDonald the follow-up Wall StreetJournal story was unrelated to
the information on which MacDonald traded. Second, the overall stock market increased a
great deal during the long event window used in MacDonald.Both of these factors are different
in the Ingoldsby case. In Ingoldsfy, the subsequent Fiber Optics News story is directly related
to Ingoldsby's inside information. Also, there were no market swings during the long window
in Ingoldsby that could have caused the significant increase in Artel's stock price.
129. Id. at 96,694-95.
130. Id. at 96,695.
131. Id.
132. Id.
133. Id.
Securities Fraud: Financial Economics 577
134. The facts of the case originate from SEC v. Slattery, Litigation Release No. 11,856,
1988 SEC LEXIS 1758 (Sept. 2, 1988).
135. The SEC did not charge Slattery with buying the Avia stock based on inside infor-
mation, only the subsequent sale of Avia shares was considered illegal. Id.
136. See infra Table 3.
137. Slattery, 1988 SEC LEXIS 1758.
578 The Business Lawyer; Vol. 49, February 1994
138. See Jarrell & Poulsen, supra note 95; Michael Bradley et al., Synergistic Gains from
CorporateAcquisitions and Their Division Between the Stockholders of Target and Acquiring Firms,
21 J. FIN. ECON. 3 (1988).
139. Mark L. Mitchell & Kenneth Lehn, Do Bad Bidders Become Good Targets?, 98 J. POL.
EcoN. 372 (1990).
140. See Neil W. Sicherman & Richard H. Pettway, Acquisition of Divested Assets and Share-
holders' Wealth, 42 J. FINANCE 1261 (1987); Randall Morck et al., Do Managerial Objectives
Drive Bad Acquisitions?, 45 J. FINANCE 31 (1990).
Securities Fraud: Financial Economics 579
On December 18, 1987, Francis Spillman, president of Pizza Inn, bought
50,000 shares of a chain of chicken restaurants called Winners Corpo-
ration, increasing his stake from 4.3 1%to 5.56%. Because Spillman crossed
the five percent threshold with this purchase, SEC rules required him to
file a Schedule 13D within ten calendar days, reporting his ownership stake
and intention for Winners. 14 6 Spillman, however, did not file a Schedule
13D until January 6, eight days later than required. During the period
between the required filing date and the actual date of filing (December
29 through January 5), Spillman bought an additional 45,000 shares in-
creasing his stake to 6.9%. When Spillman filed the Schedule 13D on
January 6 reporting the 6.9% stake, he also revealed a tender offer con-
sideration at $4.25 per share for the remainder of the stock. Winners
rejected the potential offer, and three months later Spillman began re-
ducing his stake; by October Spillman had sold all of his Winners' stock.
In December 1989, the SEC charged Spillman with violating section
13(d) of the Exchange Act. 147 Specifically, the SEC argued that during the
period from December 29, 1987 to January 5, 1988, Spillman purchased
Winners' stock at prices that did not reflect the information that should
have been reported in the Schedule 13D. 148 Academic research in 1985
supports this argument; 149 these studies document significant, positive
price reactions to announcements of Schedule 13D filings. The SEC sought
disgorgement of the savings Spillman realized in purchasing the 45,000
shares from December 29 to January 5.150
As noted supra, the SEC first sought disgorgement for Schedule 13D
violations in First City where the court required disgorgement of the actual
profits.1 5' The court used actual profits, which it recognized were only a
reasonable approximation of the "ill-gotten gains," because they were easy
to calculate-the difference between the price the defendants received
when they sold their stock back to the corporation and the price they paid
for the stock. 5 2 In First City the defendants sold their stock shortly after
the 13D filing so that the paper profits were similar to the actual profits.
In this case, however, actual profits might not be a reasonable approxi-
mation of the paper profits from the late filing because Spillman waited
three months before beginning to sell some of his shares.
Table 4 displays the stock price performance for Winners for December
11, 1987 through January 22, 1988. l15 Table 4 also reports the ratio of
daily volume to the mean volume over the prior year in Winners' stock
and the ratio of the volume accounted for by Spillman to the mean volume
over the prior year. Table 4 shows Winners' stock price rose during the
period when Spillman was purchasing large numbers of Winners' shares,
before filing the required Schedule 13D. Specifically, from December 11
through January 5 the cumulative Abnormal Return for Winners' stock
was roughly 70% a period during which Spillman accounted for 45.5% of
the trading volume. For example on December 16, when Spillman pur-
chased 107,500 shares (accounting for all but 3000 shares traded that
day), Winners' price increased from $1.375 to $1.50, and on December
18, when Spillman purchased 50,000 shares (accounting for 42% of shares
traded), Winners' price increased from $1.50 to $2.25. Besides accounting
for a substantial amount of the trading volume on these days, the volume
of Spillman's trades often exceeded historical volume. For example, on
December 16, Spillman's volume was 12.2 times greater than the average
daily volume over the prior year.
An argument that Spillman should not be required to disgorge any
profits from the late Schedule 13D filing rests on the observation he simply
could have purchased the 45,000 shares during the ten-day period after
crossing the five percent threshold but before the required filing date (that
is, by December 28). The stock price evidence, however, suggests Spillman
could not have purchased the 45,000 shares in this period without in-
creasing the market price. Therefore, it is likely that, to the extent that
the late Schedule 13D filing enabled Spillman to spread his purchases over
a longer period, he was able to buy shares more cheaply; otherwise he
would have purchased them during the authorized time period.
The disgorgement issue focuses on the determination of the price that
Spillman would have had to pay for the 45,000 shares purchased from
December 29 throughJanuary 5 had he filed on December 28, as required,
rather than January 6. On January 6 when Spillman announced his Sched-
ule 13D filing, Winners' stock price increased from $2.50 to $3.00 (ab-
normal return = 19.98%, z-statistic = 3.72). Thus, one could argue that
if Spillman filed on December 28, Winners' stock price would have closed
at $3.00 rather than $1.875 (actual closing price on December 28th and
29th). 154 Accordingly, Spillman should disgorge the difference between the
price he paid for the 45,000 shares and $3.00.
Winners' stock price performance after the Schedule 13D filing suggests,
however, that $3.00 may be too high a price to use for disgorgement.
While the price increased from $2.50 to $3.00 on January 6, the date of
the 13D filing announcement, it began to fall two days later. The decline
in the stock price suggests the $3.00 price partly reflected the market
overestimating the probability of a successful tender offer. Furthermore,
the data in Table 4 indicate that the market reacted to Spillman's trades
during the period around the filing. Spillman often accounted for a large
proportion of the total volume and his large purchases likely led to price
pressure, as evidenced by the fact that the price increased on those days
in which he made relatively large purchases. In addition, in almost all cases
Spillman made his purchases at the high price of the day, likely due to his
large share amounts.
Consequently, the SEC based the price that Spillman should have paid
for the 45,000 shares on the estimated price at which he could have sold
these shares following the Schedule 13D filing. As argued supra, it is un-
likely that Spillman could have sold the shares for $3.00 because Winners'
154. It could be argued that had Spillman filed on December 28, Winners' stock price
would not have risen fully to $3.00, because the $3.00 closing price on January 6 reflected
the purchases of the 45,000 shares during the period December 29 to January 5. Holderness
and Sheehan, however, find little evidence of a relation between the size of the purchase by
an investor filing a Schedule 13D and the stock price reaction. See Holderness & Sheehan,
supra note 73, at 565.
582 The Business Lawyer; Vol. 49, February 1994
stock was thinly traded and Spillman's purchases often accounted for a
large amount of the trading volume. Thus, the SEC used the average price
($2.675) over the two-week period following the Schedule 13D filing as a
basis for disgorgement calculation, under the assumption that he could
have sold his shares over this longer period without having a large market
impact. Spillman agreed to a permanent injunction against further vio-
lations and paid disgorgement of roughly $24,000, without admitting or
denying the allegations. 55
155. SEC v. Spillman, Litigation Release No. 12,321, 1989 SEC LEXIS 2384 (Dec. 13,
156. The facts of the case originate from SEC v. Stevens, Litigation Release No. 12,813,
1991 SEC LEXIS 451 (Mar. 19, 1991).
157. Id. This case is the first in which the SEC charged that a corporate insider violated
insider trading laws by providing material information to analysts. While the analysts did not
pay Stevens for the inside information, the SEC argued that Stevens benefitted by enhancing
his reputation among analysts. Id. Stevens' reputation recently was tarnished as a result of
issuing positive forecasts only to be followed by unexpected bad earnings announcements,
such that some analysts actually ceased covering Ultrasystems.
158. See Meulbroek, supra note 95, for an empirical analysis of insider trading cases. She
shows that stock prices often move prior to material announcements as a result of insider
trading. Id. at 1675.
Securities Fraud: Financial Economics 583
tions, Stevens settled with the SEC by disgorging more than $125,000
based on the losses the59analysts' clients avoided by selling the stock prior
to the announcement.
Modern financial economics is becoming increasingly influential in se-
curities fraud law. The efficient markets hypothesis has provided a frame-
work for the analysis of certain questions and a basis for generating em-
pirical evidence on the value of information in individual cases. Clearly,
there are certain areas of securities law where the efficient markets hy-
pothesis continues to have an impact. Of particular importance is an em-
pirical technique derived from the efficient markets hypothesis-the event
study. Event studies are useful to establish, among other things, materiality
and calculate damages in securities fraud litigation. Event study analysis
already was applied in five SEC enforcement actions.
There are many areas in securities fraud litigation where empirical tech-
niques from financial economics may be useful. Indeed, event study tech-
niques potentially are much more valuable than described in this Article.
Event study analysis is useful at all stages of litigation to both defendants
and plaintiffs. The analysis is applicable, not just in SEC insider trading
cases, but in all types of securities fraud actions, including private suits.
Furthermore, by providing objective, relatively precise measures of the
importance of information and of illegal profits or damages, the impor-
tance of financial economics in securities fraud litigation will continue to
163. Mesa Ltd. Partnership, [1990 Transfer Binder] Fed. Sec. L. Rep. (CCH) at 95,573.
Securities Fraud: Financial Economics 585
Stock Price Performance for Johnson & Johnson
Following the 1982 llenol Poisonings
Panel A: Actual Returns Performance
Date Stock Price Return Z-statistic Return Z-statistic
Sept. 29 46.125
Sept. 30 43.125 -6.51 -3.55 -6.51 -3.55
Oct. 1 43.875 1.74 0.95 -4.88 -1.88
Oct. 4 41.250 -5.98 -3.29 -10.57 -3.33
Oct. 5 39.000 -5.46 -2.97 -15.45 -4.21
Oct. 6 41.750 7.05 3.84 -9.49 -2.31
Oct. 7 40.375 -3.29 -1.80 -12.47 -2.77
Oct. 8 42.625 5.57 3.04 -7.59 -1.56
Oct. 11 43.500 2.05 1.12 -5.69 -1.10
Oct. 12 41.500 -4.60 -2.51 -10.01 -1.82
Oct. 13 42.000 1.21 0.66 -8.94 -1.54
Panel B: Net-of-Market Returns Performance
Net-of-Market Net-of-Market
Date Stock Price Return Z-statistic Return Z-statistic
Sept. 29 46.125
Sept. 30 43.125 -5.62 -3.95 -5.62 -3.95
Oct. 1 43.875 0.54 0.38 -5.11 -2.54
Oct. 4 41.250 -5.74 -4.03 -10.56 -4.28
Oct. 5 39.000 -5.88 -4.13 -15.82 -5.56
Oct. 6 41.750 3.96 2.78 -12.48 -3.92
Oct. 7 40.375 -5.45 -3.83 -17.25 -4.95
Oct. 8 42.625 3.77 2.65 -14.13 -3.75
Oct. 11 43.500 -0.36 -0.25 -14.43 -3.58
Oct. 12 41.500 -4.61 -3.24 -18.38 -4.30
Oct. 13 42.000 -0.65 -0.45 -18.91 -4.20
586 The Business Lawyer; Vol. 49, February 1994
TABLE 1 (continued)
Stock Price Performance for Johnson & Johnson
Following the 1982 Tylenol Poisonings
Panel C: Abnormal Returns Performance
Abnormal Abnormal
Date Stock Price Return Z-statistic Return Z-statistic
Sept. 29 46.125
Sept. 30 43.125 -5.46 -3.85 -5.46 -3.85
Oct. 1 43.875 0.10 0.07 -5.37 -2.67
Oct. 4 41.250 -5.76 -4.07 -10.83 -4.40
Oct. 5 39.000 -6.10 -4.31 -16.27 -5.73
Oct. 6 41.750 2.98 2.06 -13.78 -4.32
Oct. 7 40.375 -6.17 -4.31 -19.10 -5.47
Oct. 8 42.625 3.16 2.21 -16.54 -4.38
Oct. 11 43.500 -1.15 -0.80 -17.50 -4.33
Oct. 12 41.500 -4.72 -3.33 -21.39 -5.00
Oct. 13 42.000 -1.28 -0.89 -22.39 -4.96
Note: Returns are expressed in percents. Stock price data is from Center for Research in
Security Prices (CRSP) at the University of Chicago. Market model estimation period is
September 30, 1981 through September 29, 1982. Market proxy is CRSP value-weighted
index of NYSE, AMEX, and NASDAQ stocks. Beta estimate for Johnson & Johnson is 1.29.
Securities Fraud: Financial Economics 587
Stock Price Performance for Artel Communications
Surrounding the Announcement of Robert Bowman as Chief
Executive Office on February 10, 1987
Artel Artel Abnormal Abnormal
Date Price Volume Return Z-statistic Return Z-statistic
Notes: Returns are expressed in percents. Stock price data is from Center for Research in
Security Prices (CRSP) at the University of Chicago. Market model estimation period is
February 4, 1986 through February 3, 1987. Market proxy is CRSP value-weighted index of
NYSE, AMEX, and NASDAQ stocks. Beta estimate for Artel Communications is 0.96.
588 The Business Lawyer; Vol. 49, February 1994
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Stock price performance for Winners Corporation Surrounding
Spillman's Delinquent Schedule 13D Filing on January 6, 1988
(required filing on December 28, 1987)
Cumulative Volume/ Volume/
Winners Abnormal Z- Abnormal Z- Mean Mean
Date Price Return statistic Return statistic Volume Volume
Dec. 11 1.500 8.71 1.62 8.71 1.62 0.25
Dec. 14 1.375 -10.92 -1.99 -3.16 -0.41 5.46 1.14
Dec. 15 1.375 -0.06 -0.01 -3.22 -0.34 1.02 0.57
Dec. 16 1.500 7.32 1.35 3.87 0.36 12.54 12.20
Dec. 17 1.500 1.88 0.35 5.82 0.48 1.12 0.57
Dec. 18 2.250 47.96 8.80 56.57 4.26 13.53 5.67
Dec. 21 2.000 -11.22 -2.09 39.01 2.72 4.27 1.14
Dec. 22 2.000 0.21 0.04 39.30 2.57 5.46 0.11
Dec. 23 1.875 -7.29 -1.35 29.15 1.80 2.68 0.23
Dec. 24 2.000 7.15 1.33 38.39 2.25 0.42 0.22
Dec. 28 1.875 -3.58 -0.66 33.43 1.86 1.31 0.57
Dec. 29 1.875 0.65 0.12 34.31 1.83 6.01 2.22
Dec. 30 2.250 19.00 3.52 59.82 3.07 3.42 0.68
Dec. 31 2.250 0.44 0.08 60.53 2.99 0.90 0.90
Jan. 4 2.375 2.16 0.39 63.99 3.05 1.15 0.79
Jan. 5 2.500 4.26 0.79 70.97 3.28 1.12 0.51
Jan. 6 3.000 19.98 3.72 105.14 4.71 4.66
Jan. 7 3.000 -0.53 -0.10 104.06 4.53 3.95 1.25
Jan. 8 2.875 2.23 0.38 108.61 4.58 0.78 0.34
Jan. 11 2.875 -0.99 -0.18 106.56 4.38 0.70 0.57
Jan. 12 2.750 -3.33 -0.62 99.67 4.00 5.23 3.97
Jan. 13 2.500 -9.05 -1.68 81.60 3.20 1.21 0.57
Jan. 14 2.625 5.20 0.97 91.05 3.50 1.98 0.57
Jan. 15 2.625 -2.23 -0.41 86.78 3.26 0.84
Jan. 18 2.500 -4.58 -0.85 78.24 2.88 0.06
Jan. 19 2.500 1.01 0.19 80.04 2.89 0.77
Jan. 20 2.500 2.73 0.50 84.95 3.01 0.01
Jan. 21 2.625 5.06 0.94 94.30 3.28 6.13 4.62
Jan. 22 2.750 3.72 0.69 101.53 3.48 0.11
Notes: Returns are expressed in percents. Stock price and volume data is from Center for
Research in Security Prices (CRSP) at the University of Chicago. Market model estimation
period is December 11, 1986 to December 10, 1987. Market proxy is CRSP value-weighted
index of NYSE, AMEX, and NASDAQ stocks. Beta estimate for Winners is 1.03.
590 The Business Lawyer; Vol. 49, February 1994
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