TN Bri 2019RRT PDF
TN Bri 2019RRT PDF
TN Bri 2019RRT PDF
Teron Nguyena , Bernhard Lechnerb , Yiik Diew Wongc and Jun Yew Tand
TUMCREATE Ltd, 1 Create Way, #10-02 CREATE Tower, Singapore 138602; b Technische
Universität München (TUM), Baumbachstrae 7, 81245 Mnchen, c Nanyang Technological
University (NTU), N1-01b-51, 50 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798, Singapore, d Samwoh
Innovation Centre , 51 Kranji Cres, Singapore 728661, Singapore.
Compiled September 1, 2019
The road surface quality can be assessed with ride comfort indices because of their
strong correlation. Many studies on ride comfort have focused on cars and trucks,
but their results are not applicable to buses, which are characterised by inherently
different vehicle dynamics. In this study, a quarter-vehicle simulation concept was
used to develop a Bus Ride Index (BRI) for evaluating the effect of road irregu-
larities on bus ride comfort. A BRI model was developed to optimise ride comfort
depending on seat configuration and air suspension and validated according to tech-
nical data. The results show a good regression relationship between BRI and the
International Roughness Index (IRI). New IRI thresholds with regard to ride com-
fort and bus operating speeds were established to serve as a benchmark to develop
better pavement maintenance strategies for bus lanes and to estimate road quality
based on acceleration data.
ride comfort, road longitudinal profile, quarter-car simulation, bus lane,
International Roughness Index
1. Introduction
Road roughness (e.g., unevenness, irregularities) has a strong impact on ride comfort;
vehicles cannot operate at high speeds when traversing rough surfaces. Numerous re-
search studies have evaluated the effect of road roughness on vehicle performance and
hence ride quality by using quarter-vehicle (Sayers 1995; Prem, Ramsay, and McLean
2000; Khavassefat, Jelagin, and Birgisson 2015), half-vehicle (Sayers 1989; Múčka and
Granlund 2012) and full-vehicle models (Capuruço et al. 2005; Cantisani and Lo-
prencipe 2010) to represent vehicle system. Each representation has its advantages
and disadvantages; the quarter-car simulation (QCS) is the simplest model and is fre-
quently used in many studies. Nonetheless, all vehicle dynamic models to evaluate
CONTACT Teron Nguyen. Email: [email protected] (To cite this article: Teron Nguyen,
Bernhard Lechner, Yiik Diew Wong Jun Yew Tan (2019) Bus Ride Index a refined approach to evaluating
road surface irregularities, Road Materials and Pavement Design, DOI: 10.1080/14680629.2019.1625806)
road roughness so far have been focused on car and truck applications (Múčka 2016a);
therefore, their results are not directly applicable to the vehicle dynamics of buses.
Bus transit can be considered as a form of heavy transport that causes heavy damage
to the road surface/pavement. In many cities around the world, a bus rapid transit
(BRT) system requires a strong pavement structure and more frequent maintenance
than regular car lanes. Global BRTData (BRT+ Centre of Excellence and EMBARQ
2018) reported that BRT lanes around the world are surfaced by Portland cement
concrete (35%; around 1441 km) or asphalt concrete (65%; around 2635 km). Dense
bus networks in cities such as Singapore, London and Hong Kong are continuously
loaded with a high number of buses.
Even though buses operate at lower speeds than cars or trucks and bus lanes are
maintained well, there continues to be concerns and interest in bus ride comfort in
relation to road surface irregularities. The vibrations from road irregularities are trans-
mitted to the bodies of drivers and passengers via their seats, although bus drivers
typically have more comfortable seats than passengers. The conventional International
Roughness Index (IRI) cannot represent passenger ride comfort directly and is not
applicable to lower-speed road categories. This motivated Cantisani and Loprencipe
(2010) and Yu, Chou, and Yau (2006) to develop speed-related ride quality thresholds
based on IRI for car rides. However, there have been no studies on bus dynamics or
whether their work (Cantisani and Loprencipe; Yu, Chou, and Yau) applies to bus
lanes. Hence, the present study aimed to address this gap in knowledge and meet the
following objectives:
• To develop a vehicle dynamics model by calibrating a Bus Ride Index (BRI) for
evaluating the bus lane surface roughness and accurately capturing bus passenger
ride comfort, and
• To propose new IRI thresholds conditioned on BRI at lower speeds that are more
appropriate for bus operation, which will be beneficial for pavement monitoring
and maintenance to ensure bus passenger ride comfort.
BRI was analysed for both artificial and field-measured road profiles to find the
regression relationships between BRI and IRI.
The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. First, the relevant scientific
literature is summarised. The fundamentals of BRI and its characteristics are then
described. Road profiles for BRI analysis (i.e. artificial and measured road profiles)
are presented. Findings on the relationship between IRI and BRI at different speed
levels and the advantages of BRI are discussed. The conclusion sums up the study.
2. Literature review
road surface itself regardless of the vehicle dynamics.
Among the vehicle response approaches, IRI is recognised and used worldwide as
a standard index for road roughness evaluation (Múčka 2017). It is based on a two-
degree-of-freedom (DOF) QCS. The comfortable ride of a car driver has been proposed
as the reference roughness at various IRI levels. IRI can be interpreted as the output
of an idealised response-type measurement system known as the golden-car driving
at 80 km/h. This is expressed by accumulated suspension motions over the distance
travelled (e.g. mm/m). The algorithm was proposed by Sayers (1995) and has also
been implemented in the proposed standard CEN-PREN 13036-5 (2015) and ASTM
E1926-08 (2015).
Given its simplified model, IRI includes several disadvantages, such as being specific
to car dynamics, a single calculated speed level of 80 km/h, and an indirect relation to
ride comfort (Bridgelall 2014; Cantisani and Loprencipe 2010; Múčka 2016a). Hence,
several other approaches to quantifying road irregularity have been developed based on
QCS to include other vehicle types (e.g. trucks) and effects (e.g. ride comfort). Some
examples are the Truck Ride Index-TRI for truck driver comfort in cabin (Prem,
Ramsay, and McLean 2000), Heavy Articulated Truck Index-HATI that accesses poor
ride to occupants of heavy articulated trucks (Hassan, McManus, and Cossens 2006),
and Longitudinal Evenness Index-LWI for evaluating ride comfort, ride safety, dynamic
load of road and cargo (Ueckermann 2002). Yu, Chou, and Yau (2006) developed speed-
related ride quality thresholds using IRI for local street application, as given in Table 1.
Table 2 presents another IRI threshold at low operating speeds, where similar ranges
of values can be observed for vehicle speeds of 30-60 km/h. Cantisani and Loprencipe
(2010) conducted this study by using an 8-DOF full-car simulation.
Regarding passenger ride comfort, studies on human subjects have shown that the
human body mass has a vibration resonance frequency of 4-8 Hz at which it is most
sensitive to acceleration. To include all possible effects of vibration on health, com-
fort and perception, ISO2631-1 (1997) considers a frequency range of 0.5-80Hz. The
weighted root-mean-square (RMS) acceleration is calculated as follows:
Z T 21
aw = a2w (t) dt (1)
T 0
where aw (t) is the weighted acceleration as a function of time (m/s2 ) and T is the
duration of the measurement (s).
The frequency-weighting curves in the vertical direction are applied to calculate
the frequency-weighted RMS vertical acceleration (awz ) related to road roughness
excitation. Table 3 gives the suggested scale of awz according to different levels of
user ride comfort on public transport vehicles, which is similar to that suggested by
British Standard BS6841:1987 (1999). These recommendations have been widely used
in numerous studies to evaluate passenger ride comfort with regard to vehicle dynamics
subjected to road excitation (Prem and Ayton 2005; Cantisani and Loprencipe 2010;
Múčka 2016b).
Múčka (2016a) summarises current approaches, which include four QCS models
(SEI, TRI, LWI, HI) related to ride comfort evaluation and three QCS models (PQI,
HATI, VRI) used to measure dynamic suspension load, as given in Table 4. The QCS
models are mainly differentiated by the vehicle type, either car (SEI, LWI, HI, PQI,
VRI) or truck (TRI, LWI, HATI). Some were derived from IRI model. For urban buses,
the ride comfort is crucial because a single vehicle can carry about 100 passengers,
which can lead to public concern if any uncomfortable incidents occur because of road
irregularities. Increasing bus ride comfort will contribute to the strategy of shifting
car users to public transport. A QCS model for buses is necessary to evaluate road
surface irregularities associated with ride comfort but has yet to be developed, which
was the motivation for the present study.
With regard to bus dynamics, there have been few studies in the literature. Sekulić,
D., & Dedović (2011) used a 3-DOF QCS to evaluate the effects of the stiffness and
damping of the suspension system on optimising the vibrational behaviour of a bus.
Sekulić et al. (2013) used a 10-DOF oscillatory bus model to analyse the effects of
vibration on the comfort of intercity bus users. However, these models used only one
artificially generated road profile and focused more on the vehicle dynamics instead
of evaluating road irregularities. Recently, Sekulić et al. (2016, 2018) built the same
full bus model with MSC.ADAMS and validated it with two road profiles (poor and
good asphalt concrete pavement) to establish equal oscillatory comfort zones in which
passengers seated in the bus overhang and over the front axle or in the rear overhang
and over the rear axle are exposed to a higher level of ride discomfort. These are also
the fundamental positions for the proposed BRI in the present study. Overall, there
have been limited field surveys on the relationship between a ride comfort index and
IRI except for the experimental study by Fichera, Scionti, and Garescı̀ (2007), who
used three buses (18, 9.46, and 4.6 t) running on 12 public roads to evaluate the driver
ride comfort in bus cabins. They also built a 6-DOF half-bus model to represent the
system dynamics of an 18 t bus, whose parameters were used as a reference to develop
In this study, the proposed BRI for road roughness evaluation has several goals:
• to reflect the ride comfort of bus passengers;
• to reflect the speed variation of the bus fleet, and
• to provide a simple calculation procedure.
3. Methodology
A realistic ride comfort index to evaluate road roughness can be obtained by carefully
considering the following aspects of vehicle ride dynamics:
• properties of seat dynamics,
• vehicle suspension and associated damping characteristics, and
• human tolerance to whole-body vibrations.
These aspects are considered in the proposed QCS bus model and ride comfort
evaluation standard.
shown in Figure 1. Instead of the driver seat, which is equipped with a pneumatic elas-
tic suspension and shock absorber, BRI considers a passenger seat, which has higher
stiffness and less damping from hard polyurethane foam. The selected parameters are
described below; available bus data from bus manufacturers were used (gross vehicle
weight, axle weight, air suspension type, and specifications) by referencing previous
studies on bus dynamics (passenger weight, seat stiffness and damping, tire stiffness,
and damping). Compared to other studies, the technical parameters for BRI consider
a comfortable ride for bus passengers, as given in Table 5.
• Sprung and unsprung mass:
The bus parameters of the 2-DOF quarter-bus model were referenced from
the existing bus fleet in Singapore; technical specifications were available for the
Volvo B9L, Mercedes Citaro, and MAN NL323F but unavailable for Volo B7RLE
and Scania K230UB. These are either low-floor or low-entry buses for urban
areas and have similar dimensions and dynamics characteristics. Among these
bus types, only the Mercedes Citaro (Mercedes-Benz 2018) provided enough
technical data for reference. This single-decker bus model was used for simulation
purposes to build the BRI QCS. The maximum bus weight is 19,000 kg (including
the chassis, axles, tyres, wheels, drive train, passengers, interior, and cowlings),
while an empty bus weighs 10,770 kg. The bus weight is not distributed evenly;
the front axle carries one-third of the gross vehicle weight, while the rear axle
carries two-thirds. For BRI, a sprung mass was proposed in the case of a fully
loaded bus.
• Suspension and damping:
The Mercedes Citaro bus is equipped with an independent front axle system
(RL 82 EC) and rigid rear axle system (AV 133); both are manufactured by ZF
GmbH (2009). For the 2-DOF model, only the rear axle parameters are consid-
ered. The suspension system is an air spring for ordinary buses in the city, and
the double convoluted spring #22 was chosen from the Firestone catalogue (Fire-
stone 2014) and Enviro 500 bus specifications Alexander (2014). The dynamic
spring rate is calculated based on the following equation from Firestone:
" " 1.38 # #
V1 1.38 V1
k = [prequired + 14.7] Ac − Ae − 14.7 (Ac − Ae ) (2)
Vc Ve
where V1 is the internal air spring volume (in3 ) at the design height, Ae is
the effective area (in2 ) 0.5 in above design height, Ac is the effective area (in2 )
0.5 in below design height, Ve & Vc are the corresponding inner air volume (in3 ),
prequired is the required inflation pressure (lbs/in2 ) (prequired = loadcurrent /Aef f
and Aef f = loadmax,def ault /pdef ault ), loadmax,def ault is the maximum static load
(lbs) at default pressure per air spring, and pdef ault is the default pressure
(lbs/in2 ).
For the damping parameter, a simple approximation of a digressive damping
curve has been proposed (Fakultaet fuer Maschinenwesen 2018; Jazar 2005) in
which the damping ratio for passenger cars should be between 0.25 and 0.3 for
the best compromise between safety and comfort while favouring ride comfort.
The equivalent stiffness and damping values of the air suspension were doubled
after calculation to represent the dual-wheel rear axle.
• Tyre parameters:
The Mercedes Citaro bus is equipped with tires and wheels with the dimen-
sions of 275/70 R22.5. Because of their larger diameters and higher axle loads,
bus tyres have a larger contact area than passenger car tyres. Gillespie et al.
(1992) suggested using a filter with a length of 304.8 mm (1 ft) to represent
a 11R22.5 heavy-duty truck tyre. According to the stated axle loads and sug-
gested tyres by ZF Friedrichshafen AG, a single-decker bus can be compared to
a two-axle straight truck with the above tyres. Therefore, the base length of the
moving average filter was set to 0.304 m. The tire stiffness and damping were
referenced from (Sekulić, D., & Dedović 2011; Sekulić et al. 2013) because they
had the only available data. The equivalent tire stiffness and damping value were
doubled to represent the dual-wheel rear axle.
• Human seat model:
For the passenger 1-DOF seat model, Wei and Griffin (1998); Patten, Sha,
and Mo (1998) demonstrated that the stiffness and damping of a foam cushion
are dependent on the load and excitation level. The nonlinearity is accounted
for by the preload-dependent parameters of stiffness and damping. Note that
those values are for a vehicle passenger foam seat and that the stiffness of urban
bus seats may be higher than the proposed values. On the other hand, Sekulić
et al. (2016)’s parametric design-of-experiment study showed that the optimal
stiffness (Kp ) and damping (Cp ) for the lowest awz value of a passenger seat are
Kp = 10,000 N/m and Cp = 330 Ns/m. Hence, these parameters are proposed
for BRI model.
Table 5 presents the calculated and proposed BRI parameters based on the above
analysis on vehicle dynamics. BRI has similar parameters to other bus models from
the literature. For the specific Citaro bus model, its axle configuration, air spring stiff-
ness, and damping are calculated. Figure 1 shows the proposed BRI QCS model with
normalised values based on the sprung mass (Ms). Table 6 compares its values to those
of IRI and TRI. The calculated undamped natural frequencies of the seat and passen-
ger, sprung mass, and unsprung mass were 1.93, 1.47, and 10.14 Hz, respectively, and
the calculated damped natural frequencies were 1.89, 1.26, and 10.14 Hz, respectively.
These computed frequencies are close to the oscillation frequencies of a regular bus
service (Sekulić, D., & Dedović 2011); the air spring helps maintain a nearly constant
sprung mass natural frequency (Cao, Song, and Ahmadian 2011). The tire damping
effect is minimal, so it can be ignored in the simulation and calculation. The passenger
seat damping effect is also small compared to that of the driver seat from TRI. Table 6
describes all BRI parameters that differ from IRI and TRI. Bus speeds are much lower
than the car and truck speeds for calculation; v = 40km/h is the operating speed on
urban roads and v = 60km/h is the operating speed on highways. These values are
proposed based on field observations and measurements.
The vertical vibration of a bus passenger can be found by solving the differential
equation of motion in a matrix expression:
where [M ], [C ], and [K ] are the symmetric mass, damping and stiffness matrices; [A] is
the stiffness matrix of the input from road roughness; {z}, {ż}, and {z̈} are the column
vectors of the generalised coordinates, velocities and acceleration, respectively; {zr }
is the column vector of the road roughness vertical motion; and z = [zu , zs , zp ]T .
The differentiation of the IRI, TRI, and BRI models can be based on the transfer
functions (TFs) of the vehicle responses for both the temporal and spatial frequencies.
Fundamentally, IRI is calculated based on the displacement of the sprung mass to the
unsprung mass, whereas TRI and BRI consider the response of the sprung mass to
road profile inputs. The vibration of the sprung mass is then transferred to a seat and
the human body. The similarity and difference between the three TF curves are shown
in Figure 2 based on the parameters in Table 6.
In Figure 2a, the dominant peak of the IRI-car response is near 1 and 10 Hz, while
the TRI-truck body bounce frequency is near 2.57 Hz, and the BRI-bus response is near
1.54 Hz. TFs of BRI-bus are almost unchanged over different passenger loading factors
(n = 0-1) because of the nonlinear dynamics of the air-suspension. Figure 2b shows a
similar trend for the wavenumber: the IRI-car is sensitive to the road roughness for a
wavelength range of 30-1 m (a wavenumber range of 0.03-1 cycles/m), while the TRI-
truck and BRI-bus are sensitive to wavelengths greater than about 3 m (wavenumber
of 0.33 cycles/m). These wavenumber values are equivalent to a magnitude of 0.1 abs.
However, the BRI and TRI transfer function gains/magnitude show a clear difference;
the gains are higher for BRI from 0.01 to 0.08 cycles/m and higher for TRI from 0.08
to 0.33 cycles/m. The transfer functions for the spatial frequency were calculated at
a travel speed of 80 km/h for comparison purposes only. During normal operation,
buses travel at much lower speeds, and the stiffer and less damped seat configuration
for the BRI calculation results in a greater differentiation between the TRI and BRI
4. Road profiles for BRI analysis
Gd (n) = Gd (n0 ) . (4a)
Gd (Ω) = Gd (n0 ) . (4b)
Table 7 divides the values of Gd (n0 ) and Gd (Ω0 ) according to ISO 8608:2016 (2016)
into eight road categories, where their PSDs were calculated based on a spatial fre-
quency n0 of 0.1 cycles/m and angular spatial frequency Ω0 of 1 rad/m. The different
road classes are illustrated on a log-log scale as straight lines with a constant waviness
w of 2 for the lines slope. Múčka (2018) reviewed 27 scientific papers to show that,
for simulation purposes, road class A may represent a typical good- or average-quality
road (e.g. motorway, expressway, and first-class road), whereas classes B and C may be
appropriate for simulating low-quality paved surfaces (second- and third-class roads or
local highways). In Germany, road class B is often considered as a basic standard for
road roughness evaluation, in which G0 = 1, 3 and 9 cm3 are equivalent to the target
value, warning value and threshold value, respectively (FGSV-489 2006; Maerschalk,
Ueckermann, and Heller 2011; Ueckermann and Oeser 2015).
With ISO 8608:2016, road profiles can be generated from different mathematical
algorithms once all necessary parameters are known. Agostinacchio, Ciampa, and Olita
(2014) presented a widely used equation for generating artificial profiles:
N √ n
h (x) = ∆n.2k .10−3 . .cos(2π.i.∆n.x + ϕi ) (5)
are often associated unpaved roads (Múčka 2018), only the very good and good road
profiles were used to present urban road network in this study.
In this study, BRI was calculated for all road profiles with a default length of 100
m based on the above calibrated BRI QCS bus model. The relationships between IRI
and BRI at different speeds of 20, 40, 60 and 80 km/h were established for artificially
generated road profiles (Figure 8) and field-measured road profiles (Figure 9). The
maximum IRI values range around 10 mm/m for both artificial and field-measured
road profiles, representing realistically urban city bus lanes in the very good ISO A-B
and good ISO B-C road categories.
Lower R-squared values were observed for the measured road profiles at a speed of
80 km/h: BRI80 = 0.26IRI. For car, Cantisani and Loprencipe (2010) established the
relationship awz = 0.22IRI at the same speed of 80 km/h based on 124 road profiles
with lengths of 320 m each. Table 8 presents the b1 coefficients of BRI-IRI calculated
at 100, 160 and 320 m interval as the most used intervals worldwide (Múčka 2017) and
car awz -IRI regression at different speeds. The formers were always higher than the
latter by around 0.3-0.6, which means that the same IRI can cause greater discomfort
to bus passengers than car passengers. For BRI-IRI, similar results of coefficient b1 are
observed between the three alternatives at different speeds, however, longer calculating
intervals have improved the correlation (R-squared) in the BRI-IRI relationship. While
IRI varied at longer interval, BRI could also change accordingly. The significantly high
R-squared is nearly to 1.0 for IRI − BRI80 in the case of artificially generated road
profiles can be explained by the relatively homogeneous distribution compared to
the field-measured profiles, which contained various local obstacles such as bumps,
potholes, and distresses. Herein, a given value of IRI resulted in a range of BRI values
(i.e. different ride comfort levels), as clearly shown in Figure 9b.
The vehicle speed was found to have a high impact on the users ride comfort, and
different linear regression relationships were observed at different speed levels. Given
the different correlation R-squared values between BRI and IRI in the two datasets,
caution must be exercised when relating artificial road profiles to ride comfort. Artifi-
cial profiles are useful for vehicle suspension design but are not adequate for correctly
evaluating road irregularities and their effects on users. This finding is consistent to
the investigation by Loprencipe and Zoccali (2017) in the difference excitation effects
between ISO 8608 approach and in situ measurements of road profiles.
at IRI of 2.25-4.5 m/km to ensure good/fair ride quality. However, IRI should be
1.66-3.32 m/km for buses running at higher speeds of 60 km/h on highways.
With regard to other applications, the road roughness of a bus lane network can
be inferred from the BRI value, which can be quickly measured by using a portable
accelerometer on the passenger seat (e.g. the SV100A accelerometer used in this study).
In this manner, the road surface can be assessed, and a maintenance strategy can
be proposed for a specific road segment before/without requiring an expensive road
profiler instrument (e.g. full-day bus lanes that do not allow vehicles other than buses).
As a result, maintenance cost will be reduced as compared to regular scanning of
the whole road network. Furthermore, road surface can be up-to-date assessed once
every bus is designed as a probe to detect roughness condition automatically. Similar
approaches have been proposed (regardless of passenger ride comfort) to detect road
anomalies using a smart-phone (Seraj et al. 2015; Eriksson et al. 2008; Alessandroni
et al. 2017), to estimate road roughness Power Spectral Density (PSD) (González et al.
2008) and IRI (Du et al. 2014) from the vehicle acceleration.
6. Conclusion
BRI was developed based on a well-calibrated 3-DOF QCS derived from existing tech-
nical parameters for operating buses. The new and simple BRI model can measure di-
rectly passenger ride comfort with the inclusion of air-suspension stiffness and damping
ratio to maximise ride quality. The nonlinear dynamics characteristic of BRI enables
it to keep the low vibration frequency (around 1.2-1.5Hz) regardless of changing the
sprung mass by passenger loads. A comparison between the transfer functions of TRI
and BRI showed that BRI is more appropriate for evaluating ride comfort with regard
to bus/BRT lanes given the inherent difference in vehicle configurations.
Regression relationships were established between IRI and BRI at different speeds
for both artificially generated and field-measured road profiles. The analysis of BRI-
IRI correlation at two lengths of 100, 160 and 320 m has shown that the correlation
coefficients are unchanged, therefore, BRI can be applicable for different calculating
intervals. Based on the BRI values from field-measured road profiles, a given input
value for IRI can represent a range of ride comfort levels, which means that the con-
cerns of passengers may vary. IRI thresholds according to different speed levels and
ride quality are suggested, which will be useful for bus lane pavement maintenance
and monitoring. The findings of this study serve as a benchmark to estimate road con-
ditions with an onboard accelerometer, which is an advanced method for monitoring
citywide bus lane network more efficiently than the conventional method of using road
profiler instrument.
However, this study was based on asphalt pavement field-measured road profiles
and passive suspension and damping vehicle dynamics. Further study can involve
developing an active suspension QCS bus model to be coupled with the measured
profiles of concrete pavement for BRI calculation. Half- and full-bus models should
also be developed to consider other dynamic effects such as pitch and roll. The usage
of the proposed IRI thresholds certainly deserves careful consideration by transport
This work is a part of PhD study of the first author and financially supported by the
National Research Foundation Singapore under its Campus for Research Excellence
And Technological Enterprise (CREATE) programme. We thank Samwoh Innovation
Centre for providing the field-measured road longitudinal profiles.
Disclosure statement
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Table 1. IRI thresholds at different speeds 10-60 km/h (Yu, Chou, and Yau 2006).
Table 2. IRI thresholds at different speeds 30-80 km/h (Cantisani and Loprencipe 2010).
Table 3. RMS acceleration and levels of comfort accord-
ing to ISO 2631-1.
Table 4. Summary of road unevenness indices based on QCS (Múčka 2016a).
Table 5. Parametric review and analysis for quarter bus model at the rear axle.
Table 6. Parameter values for BRI compared to IRI and TRI.
Table 7. Gd (n0 ) and Gd (Ω0 ) according to ISO 8608.
Table 8. Different b1 values for BRI-IRI and awz -IRI regression in (Cantisani and Loprencipe 2010)
Table 9. BRI thresholds based on bus speed levels.
Very good <7.88 <3.94 <2.86 <2.25 <1.85 <1.66 <1.43 <1.21 Comfortable <0.315
Good/fair 7.88-15.75 3.94-7.88 2.86-5.73 2.25-4.50 1.85-3.71 1.66-3.32 1.43-2.86 1.21-2.42 0.315-0.63
Mediocre 15.75-22.50 7.88-11.25 5.73-8.18 4.50-6.43 3.71-5.29 3.32-4.74 2.86-4.09 2.42-3.46 0.63-0.9
Poor >22.50 >11.25 >8.18 >6.43 >5.29 >4.74 >4.09 >3.46 Uncomfortable >0.9
Figure 1. 3-DOF QCS for BRI based on Citaro bus model.
(a) As functions of temporal frequency. (b) As functions of spatial frequency (travel speed of
Figure 2. Transfer functions (TFs) of sprung mass over road input for BRI and TRI, and sprung mass over
the unsprung mass of IRI. BRI TFs are similar at different passenger loading factors (n = 0-1).
(a) On-cushion Svantek (b) The Citaro single-decker (c) The MAN NL323F.
SV100A. bus.
(a) Smooth road (section 8). (b) Rough Road (section 5).
Figure 4. Comparison of the simulated and measured awz (t) at different road sections.
(a) Artificially generated road profiles. (b) Road classification.
(a) Bus lane schemes with the highlight of full-day bus (b) Highly concentrated daily bus volumes.
lanes in city centre.
Figure 7. Distribution of IRI overall measured road profiles.
Figure 8. Relationship between IRI and BRI at different speeds for artificially generated profiles.
(a) BRI-IRI correlation at different speeds. (b) The scatter of BRI40 at speed of 40km/h.
Figure 9. Relationship between IRI and BRI for field-measured road profiles (100 m interval).
Figure 10. Ride quality based on IRI and BRI.