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1. Lateral outgrowth from the mesonephric duct forms

a. Bulbourethral gland

b. Cowper’s gland

c. Prostate gland

d. Seminal vesicles

2. Labia minora has

a. Sebaceous follicles

b. fat

3. The oocyte is derived from

a. umbilical vesicle

b. gonadal ridge

c. sertoli cells

4. In males, oestrogen is required for

a. spermiogenesis (correct answer)

5. What is the earliest time you can determine the phenotypic sex of a foetus?

a. Week 5

b. Week 7

c. Week 9

d. Week 12
6. Sexual capacity refers to…………..

7. Which of the following is expressed for the development of testis?

a. Sex determining region on Y chromosome

b. Testis Determining Factor

8. The anti-mullerian factor is produced by

a. sertoli cells

b. leydig cells

9. According to Sigmund Freud, libido is a/an ……..effect

a. conscious

b. subconscious

c. preconscious

d. unconscious

10. All the following are features of labia majora except

11. Which of these veins drain into the prostatic venous plexus?.............

1. All the following are true about the hypothalamus except

a. All its hormones are tropic hormones

b. Its hormones are stored in the adenohypophysis

2. The inferior parathyroid gland is formed from the …….pharyngeal pouch.

a. 1st

b. 2nd

c. 3rd

d. 4th
3. The signaling pathway used by aldosterone is…………..

4. Which of the following is exclusively ectodermal?

a. Pharyngeal pouch

b. Pharyngeal arch

c. pharyngeal gut

d. pharyngeal cleft

5. Cold sensitivity is a characteristic of

a. hypothyroidism

b. hyperthyroidism

c. hypercalcemia

d. hypokalemia

6. All the following are true about the thyroid gland except

a. It is larger in males than females

b. It is at the level of C2-C5 vertebrae

c. It is drained by superior thyroid vein

d. a and b

7. The superior thyroid vein usually drains into the

a. External jugular vein

b. Internal jugular vein

c. Subclavian vein

d. brachiocephalic vein
8. All the following are true about parafollicular cells except

a. They secrete calcitonin

b. They are in contact with the lumina of the follicle

9. Which of the following hormones uses a steroid mechanism of action?

a. epinephrine

b. thyroid hormone

c. insulin

d. glucagon

10. All the following group of hormones do not control calcium except

a. insulin, calcitonin, glucagon

b. vitamin D, thyroid hormone, insulin

c. calcitonin, vitamin D, parathyroid hormone

d. epinephrine, vitamin D, calcitonin

11. Arrange the following steps in the action of hormones in the correct order

i. Released from gland

ii. Transportation in blood

iii. Binds to hormone receptor

iv. Site of action

v. Activation of receptor

vi. Response

Correct answer: i, ii, iv, iii, v, vi

12. In female children and adolescents, the earliest sign of type 1 diabetes is………..

a. constipation

b. candidiasis

c. weight gain

13. The median eminence is a part of

a. neurohypophysis

b. pars distalis

c. pars intermedia

d. pars tuberalis

14. The 4-ring structure of steroids can be found in

a. thyroxine

b. aldosterone

c. epinephrine

d. adrenocorticotropic hormone

15. The herring bodies are found in the………..

Correct answer: pars nervosa

16. Which of the following stains helps to detect parafollicular cells better?..............


1. All the following are true concerning the cutaneous innervation of the skin except

a. The lesser occipital nerve innervates the skin benind the auricle

b. The transverse cutaneous nerve of the neck runs obliquely to the sternocleidomastoid muscle
c. The lesser auricular nerve innervates the skin over the mastoid process

d. Greater auricular nerve arises from the 2nd and 3rd cervical rami

2. The mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve enters the infratemporal fossa by traversing
the…….Correct answer: Foramen ovale

3. All the following are true of the pretracheal fascia except

a. It lies deep to the infrahyoid strap muscles

b. It fuses with the pericardium

c. It envelopes the thyroid gland

d. It attaches superiorly to the cricoids cartilage.

4. Concerning the cervical sympathetic trunk, all the following are true except

a. It lies behind the carotid sheath

b. Inferior ganglion is known as the stellate ganglion

c. It always has 3 connecting ganglia

d. Its inferior ganglion may fuse with the 1st thoracic ganaglion

5. All the following are true of the investing layer of the deep cervical fascia except

a. It envelopes the trapezius

b. It forms part of the roof of the posterior triangle

c. It envelopes the submandibular gland

d. It forms part of the floor of the anterior triangle

(It’s formed by the mylohyoid muscle)

6. Which of the following is not a content of the submandibular triangle?

a. Facial artery

b. Facial nerve

c. Glossopharyngeal nerve

d. Hypoglossal nerve

7. Which of the following is a branch of the posterior division of the mandibular nerve?

a. Auriculotemporal nerve

b. Deep temporal nerve

c. Masseteric nerve

d. Nerve to lateral pterygoid

8. The maxillary sinus opens into

a. Spheno-ethmoidal recess

b. Superior meatus

c. Middle meatus

d. Inferior meatus

9. The muller cells are formed from

a. Inner layer of the optic cup

b. Inner layer of the optic stalk

c. Iridopupillary membrane

d. Outer layer of the optic cup

1. Urine with a fruity smell has

a. bilirubin

c. acetone

2. Which of the following is a normal constituent of urine?

a. Glucose

b. Ketones

c. Bilirubin

d. Urobilinogen

3. Measurement of urea is used for all the following except

a. Evaluate renal function

b. Assess hydration status

c. Determine nitrogen balance

d. Determine acid-base balance

4. What is the primary problem in all cases of respiratory acidosis?

a. shock

b. alveolar hypoventilation

c. alveolar hyperventilation

5. What is the primary problem in all cases of respiratory alkalosis?

a. shock

b. alveolar hypoventilation
c. alveolar hyperventilation

6. Pneumocystis jirovecii infection is usually seen in cases of

a. Complement deficiency

b. Phagocyte deficiency

c. T cell deficiency

d. Antibody deficiency

7. Which of the following is mostly affected in primary immunodeficiency?

a. T lymphocyte

b. B lymphocyte

c. Phagocyte

d. Complement

8. In Wiskott Aldrich syndrome, there is

a. decrease in T cell function with age (correct answer)

9. A man presents to the hospital with inability to pass urine and has an enlarged bladder. What
will you do immediately?

a. Give IV fluids

b. Pass a catheter

c. Give him diuretics

10. Which of the following infection is associated with antibody deficiency

a. Haemophilus influenza
b. Mycobacterium tuberculosis

c. Candida

11. A man presents to the hospital with fatigue. Investigations showed the following: Hb of 6.5
g/dl, Plt of 9*109/L, neutrophil of 1.2 * 109/L. He also has predisposition to acute myeloid
leukemia and myelodysplasti syndrome. What is the likely diagnosis?

a. Diamond- Blackfan syndrome

b. Schwachman Diamond syndrome

c. Fanconi anaemia

d. Dyskeratosis congenital

12. Which of the following is not a major cause of heart failure?

a. Diabetes

b. Obesity

c. Ischemic heart disease

d. Viral myocarditis

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