educators that can push and make learning more effective and exciting for
their students (Abla & Fraumeni, 2019). Student engagement is defined as the
level of interest demonstrated by students, how they interact with others in the
course, and their motivation to learn about the topics (Briggs, 2015). It is a
by curiosity, participation, and the drive to learn more (Abla & Fraumeni,
According to Gray and DiLoreto (2016), one of the challenges of online learning
that the topic discussed might not be fully comprehended by the students
able to deepen their students' understanding of the subject area content (Gray
& DiLoreto, 2016). When students are motivated to do well in their courses,
involved or invested in their desire to learn, and willing to exert the effort
be a little difficult as students are not always engage, this might be because
they are shy, worried they might not be recognize or they are afraid to share
order to respond. Hand signals are used if the student has something to share,
agree upon, disagree, or even introduce relevant topic that could help the
entire class grasp the depth of the topic. In talk moves, students will take turns
in sharing their idea one after another, this may make the entire class engage
Teachers need the expertise to develop a class structure that stimulates social
the other and vice-versa (Shea et al., 2006). By providing students with choices
(Collis, 1998).
In a study conducted by Gray and DiLoreto (2016), they have found that
presence influence student satisfaction. They also found out that there is a
correlated with better performance in their online courses (Jeggars et al., 2013,
information to the class with learners who learn best by listening. Learners