Prelim CMT
Prelim CMT
Prelim CMT
Quality Control in
Portland Cement Concrete Pavement (PCCP)
The two major parts of concrete are paste and aggregates. When we understand these
two ingredients, we can now look at the bigger picture when they are combines
In DPWH, there are two ways to concrete mix design. One is through the use of ACI
211.1 Standard Practice for selecting proportions for Normal, Heavyweight, and Mass
Concrete. The other one is the traditional method being used in the Department.
PPCP is designed to last at least 20 years when constructed with good concrete. In
concrete construction, like any other, good concrete will be produced where effective
control is exercised. On the other hand, defective will certainly result where there is little
or no quality control. The quality control measures are briefly mentioned hereunder.
1. Selection of Materials
2. Design of Concrete Mix
3. Aggregate Production Control
4. Concrete Production Control
5. Control Consistency
6. Sampling Requirements
7. Curing Concrete
8. Testing of Concrete Samples
The other structures are easier than the mentioned above because the testing
requirement is based only on program of works and minimum testing requirements.
To ensure that quality control is being implemented effectively, Quality
Assurance Unit (QAU) has been created to act as the inspectors of all Public projects in
the country. The Bureau of Quality and safety creates members of QAU per region that
conducts inspection quarterly in every year. There are things to consider and must be
prepared during their visit.
According To Purpose
VACUUM CONCRETE - The cement concrete from which entrained air and excess water is
removed after placing it, by suction with the help of vacuum pump.
AIR ENTRAINED CONCRETE - Prepared by mixing aluminum in it is called air entrained,
cellular or aerated concrete. Used for lining walls and roofs for heat and sound insulation
LIGHT WEIGHT CONCRETE - Prepared by using coke breeze, cinder or slag as coarse
aggregate. Used in making precast structural units for partition and wall lining.
1. In normal construction, the water cement ratio is 0.5
2. Adding too much water will reduce the strength of concrete and can cause segregation.
Slump Test is a test conducting before concrete to use for casting. The purpose of such is to
determine the water content in concrete and its workability.