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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,399,508 B2

Lakic et al. (45) Date of Patent: Jul. 26, 2016

(54) AIRCRAFT WING-TO-FUSELAGE JOINT 4,616,793 A * 10/1986 Hassler, Jr. ................. 244f1374
WITH ACTIVE SUSPENSION AND METHOD 4,742,975 A * 5/1988 Pachomoff et al. ............. 244.54
4,776,537 A * 10/1988 Garside .................. B64D 37,04
(71) Applicant: The Boeing Company, Seal Beach, CA 5,762.295 A 6/1998 McGuire et al.
(US) 6,196,514 B1 3/2001 Kienholz
(72) Inventors: Branko Lakic, Kirkland, WA (US); FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
Jonathan B Vance, St. Louis, MO (US)
DE 483040 9, 1929
(73) Assignee: THE BOEING COMPANY, Chicago, FR 421352 2, 1911
IL (US) FR T5268O 9, 1933
FR 2915173 10, 2008
FR 2935351 3/2010 .............. B64C 17/OO
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 OTHER PUBLICATIONS
U.S.C. 154(b) by 204 days.
European Patent Office; Extended European Search Report for
(21) Appl. No.: 14/049,995 Application No. 14187327.3 dated Feb. 18, 2015.
(22) Filed: Oct. 9, 2013 * cited by examiner
(65) Prior Publication Data Primary Examiner — Justin Benedik
US 2015/OO97O76A1 Apr. 9, 2015 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Parsons Behle & Latimer
(51) Int. Cl. (57) ABSTRACT
B64C I/26 (2006.01) An aircraft includes a fuselage, a wing, and a decoupled joint
B64C3/38 (2006.01) interconnecting the fuselage and the wing. The decoupled
(52) U.S. Cl. joint can be an active Suspension system. A method of adapt
CPC ... B64C I/26 (2013.01): B64C3/38 (2013.01) ing an aircraft to attenuate forces between a main wing and a
(58) Field of Classification Search fuselage thereof includes providing a plurality of sensors
CPC .................................... B64C3/38: B64C 3/32 upon the aircraft, configured for sensing motion and/or
USPC .. . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . ... 244/46 mechanical StreSS of the main wing and/or the fuselage and
See application file for complete search history. producing signals indicative thereof, and providing a plural
ity of active Suspension elements interconnecting the wing
(56) References Cited and the fuselage, the active Suspension elements being con
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS figured to move at least in response to the signals to adjust a
position of the wing with respect to the fuselage.
4,343,447 A * 8/1982 Reed, III .................... 244,137.4
4,502,652 A * 3/1985 Breitbach .................. 244.99.13 15 Claims, 9 Drawing Sheets
U.S. Patent Jul. 26, 2016 Sheet 1 of 9 US 9,399,508 B2

FIG. 2
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FIG. 3
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FIG. 5
U.S. Patent Jul. 26, 2016 Sheet 4 of 9 US 9,399,508 B2


o 606 607
616 602
PWR 622
al H
se Fuselage
603: E.
k >ic f(2) 602
610 A

on-tr T

- FIG. 6
U.S. Patent Jul. 26, 2016 Sheet 6 of 9 US 9,399,508 B2

re- Actuator 1
601 908 YI
902 Actuator 2 /
Flight Control processor for E A. A
Input Control LaWS Generator N.
Actuator N
Other Active
Wing Suspension
Flight Control Sensor "no"
Feedback Feedback
914 906

FIG. 9

U.S. Patent Jul. 26, 2016 Sheet 7 Of 9 US 9,399,508 B2

U.S. Patent Jul. 26, 2016 Sheet 8 of 9 US 9,399,508 B2
U.S. Patent Jul. 26, 2016 Sheet 9 Of 9 US 9,399,508 B2

FIG 16
US 9,399,508 B2
1. 2
AIRCRAFTWING-TO-FUSELAGEOINT includes providing a plurality of sensors upon the aircraft,
WITH ACTIVE SUSPENSION AND METHOD configured for sensing motion and/or mechanical stress of the
wing and/or the fuselage and producing signals indicative
FIELD OF THE DISCLOSURE thereof, and providing a plurality of active Suspension ele
ments interconnecting the wing and the fuselage, the active
The present application relates to aircraft structures. In Suspension elements being configured to move at least in
particular, the present application relates to an aircraft wing response to the signals, to adjust a position of the wing.
to-fuselage joint with an active Suspension connection.

FIG. 1 is a perspective view of an embodiment of an aircraft

Fixed-wing aircraft generally include a fuselage and a having a wing-to-body joint with an active Suspension system
main wing that Supports the fuselage. Aerodynamic forces in accordance with the present disclosure;
upon the main wing are transmitted from the wing to the FIG. 2 is a cross-sectional view of an aircraft fuselage at the
aircraft fuselage, and the load of the fuselage is imposed upon 15
wing joint location, the aircraft having a pickle fork-type
the main wing. The wing-to-fuselage joint, or the structural wing-to-body joint.
connection between the main wing and the fuselage, is thus a FIG.3 is a cross-sectional view of an aircraft fuselage at the
major component of the airframe. Through this connection wing joint location, the aircraft having a pin-type wing-to
the wing transmits significant structural loads to the aircraft body joint.
fuselage, including forces that move the aircraft as a whole
and also structural stresses such as bending stress, torsional FIG. 4 is a cross-sectional diagram of an aircraft fuselage at
stress, vibration, etc. the wing joint location, the aircraft having an embodiment of
Different variants of fixed wing-to-body joints, each hav a wing-to-body joint with an active Suspension system in
ing various limitations, have been used on commercial air accordance with the present disclosure.
craft for decades. Currently, there are several common struc 25 FIG. 5 is a side view of the aircraft fuselage and wing
tural configurations for joining the main wing to the fuselage structure of the embodiment of FIG. 4, showing the fore-to
of a commercial airplane. These various configurations gen aft location of actuator components of the wing-to-body joint
erally present a structurally indeterminate wing-to-body con active Suspension system.
nection which requires the fuselage structure to be capable of FIG. 6 is schematic diagram of an embodiment of a wing
Sustaining deflections imposed by wing bending. These 30 to-body joint active Suspension system in accordance with the
deflections present the significant issue of fuselage deforma present disclosure.
tion as a result of wing bending. FIG. 7 is a block diagram of a signal processing control
Stress transmitted from aircraft wings into the fuselage via system for a wing-to-body joint active Suspension system in
the wing-to-body joint is a significant concern in aircraft accordance with the present disclosure.
design, since it affects the strength, durability and other 35
FIG. 8 is a block diagram of an embodiment of control
aspects of the aircraft. Existing rigid wing attachment points system relationships for a wing-to-body joint active Suspen
present limitations to the fuselage?wing construction and siz sion system in accordance with the present disclosure.
ing due to deflections imposed upon the fuselage by wing
bending. For example, many known wing-to-body joints FIG. 9 is a block diagram of an embodiment of the ele
transfer wing bending moments directly to the fuselage. 40 ments of an active wing Suspension control system in accor
Other known wing-to-body joints can at least partially isolate dance with the present disclosure.
the fuselage from wing bending moments, but the fuselage FIG. 10 is a top perspective view of an aircraft having an
contour can still be forced out of shape by horizontal and embodiment of a wing-to-body joint active Suspension sys
Vertical forces upon the wing. Also, Some prior wing-to-body tem in accordance with the present disclosure.
joint solutions generally do not separate wing torsion and 45 FIG. 11 is a bottom rear perspective view of the aircraft of
vibration modes from the fuselage pitch mode as a contributor FIG. 12.
to wing flutter phenomena. In addition to structural and FIG. 12 is a close-up perspective view of one set of rear
operational effects on the airframe, many existing wing-to spar active Suspension struts.
body joint configurations have significant limitations in Sup FIG. 13 is a bottom front perspective view of the aircraft of
pressing turbulence effects and wing-mounted engine vibra 50 FIG. 12.
tions, which have great effects on passenger comfort. FIG. 14 is a close-up perspective view of the forward spar
The present application is directed toward at least one of active Suspension struts.
the above-mentioned concerns. FIG. 15 is a conceptual side view of two aircraft, showing
the landing and takeoff configuration of a conventional fixed
wing, compared to the flared wing of an aircraft having an
In accordance with one embodiment thereof, the present active Suspension system interconnecting the wing and fuse
disclosure provides an aircraft including a fuselage, a wing, lage.
and a decoupled joint, interconnecting the fuselage and the FIG. 16 is a partial cross-sectional view of an aircraft
wing. 60 fuselage and active wing joint location, showing one embodi
In accordance with another embodiment thereof, the dis ment of a flexible wing-to-body fairing.
closure provides an aircraft having a fuselage, a main wing, While the disclosure is susceptible to various modifica
and an active Suspension system, interconnecting the fuselage tions and alternative forms, specific embodiments have been
and the main wing. shown by way of example in the drawings and will be
In accordance with another embodiment thereof, the dis 65 described in detail herein. However, it should be understood
closure provides a method of adapting an aircraft to attenuate that the disclosure is not intended to be limited to the particu
forces between a wing and a fuselage thereof. The method lar forms disclosed. Rather, the intention is to coverall modi
US 9,399,508 B2
3 4
fications, equivalents and alternatives falling within the spirit panel' is well known to those of skill in the field of aircraft
and Scope of the invention as defined by the appended claims. structures, and is short for trapezoidal panel. A trapezoidal
panel is a panel that is attached to the rear spar of the main
DETAILED DESCRIPTION wing, in line with the fuselage skin. Its purpose is to transfer
loads between the fuselage and the wing. Trap panels are one
Shown in FIG. 1 is an aircraft 100, generally including a step closer to a wider spread load exchange between the wing
main wing 102, an elongate fuselage 104 Supported approxi and the fuselage. A flex-tee/Pi-fitting combination is a struc
mately at its midpoint upon the main wing 102, and having a tural feature that is commonly used to join aircraft fuselage
rudder 106 and elevators 108 at the tail 110 of the aircraft. As frames to the wing in the area above the wing top skin (i.e. the
used herein, the term “main wing has reference to the entire 10 region of Smaller fuselage frames located above the wing
main wing structure of the aircraft 100, including both the left between the front and rear spars of the wing). This type of
and right portions of the main wing. Thus, the aircraft shown structure is well known to those of skill in the area of aircraft
in FIG. 1 includes a single main wing 102, having left and structures. The flex-tee/Pi-fitting combination enables a flex
right portions. The aircraft 100 also includes engines 112 for ible fuselage reaction to wing bending, while retaining a
providing propulsion, which in this case are turbojet engines 15 relatively high capacity to withstand cabin pressure loads.
mounted upon pylons 114 below the main wing 102. The While pickle fork and other types of connections provide a
aircraft 100 also includes an aerodynamic fairing 116 that relatively rigid wing-to-body joint, Vertical and horizontal
provides a smooth external transition between the main wing forces as well as bending moments are transferred from the
102 and the fuselage 104 of the aircraft. This wing-to-body wing to the fuselage, causing the fuselage shape to change
fairing 116 encloses the region in which the fuselage 104 is depending on the amount of wing displacement under aero
joined to the main wing 102, and can also enclose the aircraft dynamic loads. These wing attachment configurations can
landing gear and other components (not shown). therefore produce fuselage deformation as a result of wing
It is to be understood that the aircraft 100 shown in FIG. 1 bending.
is only one of many types of configurations of fixed-wing Another type of wing-to-body joint that is used in commer
aircraft, and application of the present disclosure is not lim 25 cial aircraft is the pin-type joint, and example of which is
ited to this particular configuration. Nor is the system dis shown in FIG. 3. This cross-sectional view shows an aircraft
closed herein limited to commercial aircraft or aircraft of any 300 having a main wing 302 and a fuselage 304. In this
particular size. Aircraft of different sizes, having different configuration, the fuselage 304 is connected to the structure
types of engines, different wing configurations, etc. can be of the main wing 302 with pinjoints 310 that connect between
configured with a wing-to-body joint having an active Sus 30 the fuselage 304 and the main spar 312 of the wing. These pin
pension system, in accordance with the present disclosure. joints 310 at least partially isolate the fuselage 304 from wing
As noted above, aerodynamic forces upon the main wing of bending moments. Pin type wing-to-body joints transmit
a fixed-wing aircraft are transmitted from the wing to the horizontal and vertical forces, indicated by arrows 314, into
aircraft fuselage through the wing-to-fuselage joint. Through the fuselage, but prevent wing bending moments from being
this joint the wing transmits significant structural loads 35 transferred directly to the fuselage. However, the fuselage
including bending stress, torsional stress, vibration, etc. into contour can still be forced out of shape by the reaction of the
the rest of the airframe. Typical rigid wing attachment points horizontal and vertical forces through the pin joints, as indi
present limitations to the fuselage/wing joint due to the force cated by the deformed fuselage contour shown in dashed lines
deflections imposed upon the fuselage by bending of the at 316. It is to be understood that the magnitude of deflection
wing. Stress transmitted from aircraft wings into the fuselage 40 of the wing fuselage 304 shown at 316 in FIG. 3 may be
via the wing-to-body joint is a significant concern in aircraft exaggerated for illustrative purposes.
design, since it affects the strength, durability and other There are other known wing-to-body joint configurations
aspects of the aircraft. in addition to those shown in FIGS. 2 and 3, but they all tend
Currently, there are several common structural configura to transmit stress from the wing structure into the fuselage,
tions for joining the main wing to the fuselage of a commer 45 and thus cause deformation of the fuselage. In addition, many
cial airplane. Two common variants of fixed wing-to-body wing-to-body joint configurations do not significantly sepa
joints are shown in FIGS. 2 and 3. Shown in FIG. 2 is a rate wing torsion and vibration modes from the fuselage pitch
cross-sectional view of an aircraft 200 having a main wing mode as a contributor to wing flutter phenomena. Many exist
202 and a fuselage 204. This aircraft 200 includes what is ing wing-to-body joint configurations also have significant
called a “pickle fork” fitting at the front and rear main spars of 50 limitations in Suppressing turbulence effects and wing
the main wing. In the cross-sectional view, a main spar 212 of mounted engine vibrations, which have great effects on pas
the wing is visible, to which a pair of pickle fork fittings 210 senger comfort.
are fixedly attached. The pickle fork fittings 210 extend Advantageously, as disclosed herein, a decoupled wing-to
upward into the side wall of the fuselage 204, and thus trans body joint has been developed that can reduce the deflections
mit horizontal and vertical forces, represented by arrows 214, 55 and stress imposed upon an aircraft fuselage by wing bend
and bending moments, represented by arrows 216, from the ing, and can also reduce the effects of turbulence upon pas
wing 202 into the fuselage 204. Because of this configuration, senger comfort. As used herein, the term “decoupled' is
when the wing 202 deflects, as shown in dashed lines at 220, intended to mean a joint in which the wing is not fixedly or
the pickle fork fittings 210 also deflect, as shown in dashed rigidly or even merely pivotally connected to the fuselage.
lines at 218, causing corresponding deflection and deforma 60 The decoupled joint disclosed herein decouples the entire
tion of the fuselage 204. It is to be understood that the mag main wing, rather than merely a portion of it, as is the case in
nitude of deflection of the wing 202 shown at 220 and of the Swing-wing aircraft, for example. In a “decoupled joint, as
pickle fork members 210 shown at 218 in FIG. 2 may be that term is used herein, the wing can move with respect to the
exaggerated for illustrative purposes. fuselage in up to six degrees of freedom (i.e. motion in X, y,
Some aircraft employ a combination of a “pickle fork” 65 and Z directions, and rotation about thex, y and Z axes). In one
fitting at the front spar, a trap panel at the rear spar, and a embodiment, the decoupled wing-to-body joint disclosed
“flex-tee/Pi-fitting over-wing attachment. The term “trap herein includes a power-actuated, computer-controlled active
US 9,399,508 B2
5 6
Suspension system that connects the aircraft main wing to the spar 408 and two rear actuator/connection units 410 are pro
fuselage. The active Suspension is integrated into the airplane vided at the rear spar 412. The actuator/connection units 406,
in order to reduce the transmission of wing bending-induced 410 are designed to effectively control all six degrees of
static loads to the fuselage structure, to dampen the dynamic freedom (i.e. motion in X, y, and Z directions, and rotation
loading that is transferred from the wing to the fuselage, and about the x, y and Z axes) of the wing 404 relative to the
to actively control dynamic interaction between the fuselage fuselage 402. Each actuator unit 406, 410 includes a pair of
and the main wing in Such cases as turbulence and flutter. motion transducers 414, Such as hydraulic cylinders, coupled
Fundamental principles of active Suspension systems have to the pivot points of a scissor mechanism 416. Extension or
been integrated into automotive and some other products. retraction of the motion transducers 414 causes the respective
Traditional Suspension systems that have been used in auto 10 Scissor mechanism 416 to extend or retract, thus changing the
mobiles and other applications have traditionally relied upon distance between the wing 404 and fuselage 402 at the loca
a combination of springs and shock absorbers to dampen tion of the particular actuator. This allows the wing 404 to be
impact loads and help maintain a relatively constant orienta tilted at-will with respect to two orthogonal axes in a hori
tion of the vehicle. More recently, active Suspension systems Zontal plane.
have been developed that rapidly sense changes in loads and 15 Since side-to-side and fore-to-aft motion of the wing 404
vehicle motion, and actively operate to counter them. relative to the fuselage 402 is not desired, the connections at
Active Suspension systems for motor vehicles have been the front spar 408 and rear spar 412 with the scissors mecha
developed by Bose Corporation and Lotus Engineering, nisms 416 allows up and down motion at each connection
USA, for example. Such systems typically use an actuator, point, but resists side-to-side motion. In the configuration
Such as a linear electromagnetic motor, at each wheel of the shown in FIGS. 4 and 5 the forward scissor mechanisms 416
vehicle in lieu of a conventional shock-and-spring setup. are oriented generally perpendicular to the aft Scissor mecha
Unlike conventional fluid-based shock absorbers (dampers), nisms 416. The scissor mechanisms 416 of the forward actua
the actuators in an active Suspension system are not limited by tor units 406 are connected to the base structure 426 of the
their own inertia. Instead, the actuators can extend and com fuselage 402 at forward pin connections 418. The scissor
press at a much greater speed than conventional shock 25 mechanisms 416 of the rear actuator units 410 are connected
absorbers, and do so under the command of a computer con to the base structure 426 of the fuselage 402 at aft pin con
troller, which extends or retracts the actuator in real time in nections 422 of a mounting bracket 424. With this configu
response to sensor inputs and other data. These sensors detect ration, attenuated vertical forces, represented by arrows 420,
motion of different parts of the vehicle, and the controller can are transmitted into the fuselage 402, but the fuselage is
receive the sensor input and make adjustments to the system 30 substantially isolated from lateral forces and bending
fast enough that adjustments are made before the vehicle moments being transmitted from the wing, and side-to-side
inertia is overcome by any new force or stress. Increasingly and fore-to-aft motion of the wing 404 relative to the fuselage
fast computing capabilities and the increasing reliability of 402 is resisted.
mechanical actuating systems are part of what has made FIG. 6 provides a schematic diagram of an embodiment of
active Suspension systems a reality. The speed of the com 35 a wing-to-body joint active suspension system 600 in accor
puter controller can compensate for a much wider range of dance with the present disclosure. The system 600 generally
motion, shock and vibration in the vehicle than is possible includes a central computer controller 601, sensors 602,
with conventional shock and spring configurations. For actuators 604, a power source 606, and flight control system
example, the motion of each wheel of an automobile can be 607. While only one actuator 604 is shown, this is intended to
controlled so that the body of the car remains substantially 40 be representative of multiple actuators, also referred to herein
level regardless of what’s happening at each wheel. The as active Suspension elements. In the schematic diagram of
actuators of an active Suspension system can also counteract FIG. 6, “Disturbance'' 608 represents any surrounding affect
the body motion of the car while accelerating, braking and exerted on the airplane, such as the effect of air turbulence,
cornering, giving the driver a greater sense of control and symbolically represented as a semi-soft contact of the turbu
reducing pitching and rolling of the vehicle cabin. 45 lent air to the wing Surface. The wing structure, indicated
While active Suspension systems are known in the automo generally at 609, is represented to include a mass 610,
tive world, it does not appear that the concept of an active denoted m, a level of structural elasticity suggested by a
Suspension system has previously been applied to the wing spring 612 and denoted k, and a shock absorbing capacity
to-body joint of an aircraft. One embodiment of a wing-to suggested by a damping strut 614 and denoted c. For pur
body joint having an active Suspension in accordance with the 50 poses of this diagram, the fuselage 615 is represented as a
present disclosure is shown in FIGS. 4-5. Provided in FIG. 4 mass 616 labeled me.
is a cross-sectional diagram of a fuselage 402 and wing 404 of The active suspension system 603 is interposed between
an aircraft 400, the cross-section taken at the wing joint loca the fuselage 615 and the wing 609, and includes three physi
tion. Provided in FIG. 5 is a side view of the fuselage 402 and cal characteristics: a level of structural elasticity Suggested by
sectional view of the wing structure 404 of the aircraft 400, 55 a spring 618 and denoted k, a shock absorbing capacity Sug
showing the fore-to-aft location of actuator components of gested by a damping strut 620 and denoted c, and a variable
the wing-to-body joint active Suspension system. The views dynamic force Suggested by an actuator 604 and denoted f. In
of FIGS. 4 and 5 are taken at right angles to each other, and the practice, the variable dynamic force and some or all of the
relative X, y and Z coordinate axes are shown in the respective structural elasticity and damping is provided by the multiple
views. 60 actuators 604 of the active suspension system 603. Control
A wing-to-body joint having an active Suspension system, inputs to these physical actuators can be provided by hydrau
as disclosed herein, provides computer-controlled hydraulic lic or electro-mechanical servos (not shown). Each actuator
or electro-magnetic actuators 414 at the main attachment 604 can be an active Suspension strut, which can be a hydrau
points in the wing-to-fuselage joint. The actuators 414 are lic, pneumatic, electromechanical, or any other type of Suit
strategically grouped and connected to at least the four major 65 able force and motion device. The actuator 604 is under direct
wing-to-fuselage joints or connection points. Two forward control of the controller 601, and actively extends or retracts
actuator/connection units 406 can be provided at the front in real time in response to commands (i.e. output signals)
US 9,399,508 B2
7 8
from the controller 601 to change the position of the wing duits, etc.) to support control of the actuators 604 and to direct
609. This real-time control of the wing position and orienta sensor feedback/input signals from sensors 602 and other
tion and of the wing-fuselage connection allows dynamic sources to the controller 601. As will be appreciated by those
control of the actuators 604 in direct response to flight con of skill in the art, the signal distribution system 622 can also
ditions. include redundant signal distribution and actuator feedback
The sensors 602 measure the relative position and/or networks (not shown) as a safety feature. Power supplies 606
motion of different parts of the aircraft and different compo and/or power Supply paths to the Subsystem components can
nents of the active suspension system 603 and provide sensor also be made redundant to aid system reliability.
signals to the controller 601. One exemplary arrangement of From a dynamic perspective, the system 600 operates by
sensors is schematically illustrated in FIG.1. The aircraft can 10 monitoring and recording wing motion parameters, monitor
include multiple sensors 602 along the main wing 102, sen ing and recording fuselage motion parameters, comparing
sors 602 in the fuselage 104, and sensors 602 associated with wing and fuselage motion signals in the controller unit 601
the actuators 604 and/or joints of the active Suspension sys and applying corrective actuation via the active Suspension
tem 603, which are shown in FIG. 6. A variety of sensor types system 603 between the wing and fuselage. The corrective
can be used, including accelerometers, mechanical stress sen 15 actuation is calculated to reduce and/or eliminate fuselage
sors, proximity sensors, position sensors, orientation sensors, short wave dynamic motion induced by wing vibrations (tur
etc. The sensing systems can be configured and positioned to bulence or flutter). From a static loading perspective, the
detect vibration, tension, flexion, speed, position, direction, system helps to reduce or eliminate fuselage deformations
acceleration and other factors, in addition to the sensors that induced by wing bending, and can also be used to adjust the
are normally included in aircraft that do not have an actively relative position of the wing and fuselage at specific phases of
Suspended wing control system. flight, such as takeoff and landing. This latter feature can help
The signals from the sensors 602 become part of the input reduce the need for high lift devices, and is discussed in more
signals to the computer controller 601 that controls the active detail below.
suspension system 603. The controller 601 can be a micro Shown in FIGS. 7-9 are block diagrams that show the
computer device that is provided with a processor and system 25 major components and functional interactions of an embodi
memory, and programming code for controlling the actuators ment of the active wing Suspension control system. Shown in
in response to sensor and other input to modulate dynamic FIG. 7 is a block diagram of a signal processing control
system response. The controller 601 and related components system 700 showing how the wing-to-body joint active sus
provide control system electronic processing hardware, pension system is integrated with the aircraft flight control
including a real-time, high bandwidth processor that can 30 system 702. The flight control system 702 provides input,
receive numerous feedback signal inputs. This processor 601 Such as airspeed, altitude, attitude, as well as flight control
can include multiple processors or a multicore CPU that is surface status, etc., to an FPGA embedded system 601, which
programmed to execute distributed threads of control system is the controller that controls the active suspension system
application Software or firmware. Alternatively, the processor (603 in FIG. 6). The FPGA 601 is programmed to run a state
can be a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) with a digital 35 machine corresponding to the selected system control law. It
signal processor (DSP) configured to handle the time require is Supported by high-throughput random access memory, and
ments and complexity of active wing Suspension control laws. includes drivers 706 for the actuators/servos. These drivers
The control system software, which is stored in memory in provide the actual actuator control signals, which are sent to
the controller 601, is based on an understanding of aircraft the actuators 604.
dynamic system behavior, and provides corresponding soft 40 The actuators or servos 604 include sensors or transducers
ware code for effectively controlling the wing-to-body con 602 to detect actual motion of these devices. These sensors
nection. The Software can include an aircraft system model, 602 provide feedback to the drivers for the transducer signals
and an actively-suspended wing model, and is configured to 712, which convert these signals into input back to the FPGA
provide output via those models based on input signals from 601. In this way, a feedback loop is created in which the
the system sensors 602, feedback from the flight control 45 signals that are sent to the actuators 604 can be continually
system 607, flight parameters, and conditioned inputs from adjusted based on actual operation of the actuators, as well as
the flight control system 607 as a result of pilot or autopilot commands of the system to adjust for external effects on the
input. Very fast computing speeds and increasing reliability of aircraft.
mechanical actuating systems allow the application of adjust The block diagram of FIG. 8 illustrates one embodiment of
able dynamic systems in primary structural joints on an air 50 the control system relationships 800 for a wing-to-body joint
craft, and allows the controller 601 to dynamically control the active Suspension system in accordance with the present dis
actuators 604. The central computer 601 receives dynamic closure. As a pilot oran autopilot system operates the aircraft,
input signals from the sensors 602 at various locations on the the flight control system 607 (e.g. flight control computer)
aircraft, and combines and/or compares the sensor readings receives conditioned inputs 802 from the pilot or autopilot.
with other data, Such as airspeed, attitude and other indica 55 These inputs include commands for aircraft control Surfaces,
tors, such as from the flight control system (FCS) 607. Using engines and other mechanical systems affecting flight perfor
custom-created software, the computer controller 601 can mance that are not specifically related to the active wing
calculate an optimal dynamic response and send output in the suspension control system. The flight control system 607 also
form of command signals to the actuators 604. The actuators receives input from flight control sensors 806. This can
604 dynamically adjust relative position between the main 60 include sensor input from flight control system components
wing 609 and the fuselage 615 in response to the output that are not specific to the active wing Suspension system,
signals from the controller 601 to compensate for relative Such as servo feedback from flaps, rudder, or elevator actua
motion of the wing and fuselage, as detected by the sensors tors, for example, as well as input from altitude, airspeed,
602. attitude, and other indicators that are associated with the flight
The active wing suspension control system 600 also 65 control system 607.
includes a signal distribution system 622, which provides a The flight control system 607 interfaces with the active
network of connections (e.g. electrical wires, hydraulic con wing suspension system controller 601, described above with
US 9,399,508 B2
respect to FIG. 6. The active wing Suspension control system ger windows 1012 and an emergency egress door 1014 over
601 can be programmed into the same physical computing the main wing 1004. The lower part 1016 of the fuselage can
device that also includes the flight control system 607, or it include a forward cargo hold forward of the main wing 1004,
can be associated with a separate computing device. The and an aft cargo hold aft of the main wing 1004 and the
active wing Suspension control system further receives input landing gear bay region.
from the active wing Suspension sensors 602, which include In the embodiment of FIGS. 10-14, the front main spar
the sensors on the wings, fuselage and sensors associated with 1006 and rear main spar 1008 of the wing 1004 are attached
the active Suspension joint actuators 604 and related devices, to the floor 1020 of the aircraft fuselage 1010 via four groups
as discussed above. The sensors associated with the active 1018 of actuators, two attached at the left and right sides of the
Suspension joint actuators 604 and related devices in turn 10 forward main spar 1006, and two attached at the left and right
receive and report inputs that come from the active Suspen sides of the aft main spar 1008. These actuators can be
sion components, allowing the feedback loop discussed in hydraulic cylinders or other actuators. In this embodiment,
FIG. 7 to operate. each group 1018 of actuators includes three hydraulic cylin
Provided in FIG.9 is a block diagram showing the elements ders 1022, attached to their respective spar in substantially
of an active wing Suspension control system 900 in accor 15 orthogonal relationship. The actuators 1022 shown in FIGS.
dance with the present disclosure. Flight control input 902, as 10-14 are exemplary only, and are not necessarily intended to
discussed above and indicated at least in part by block 802 in represent the actual size and shape of actuators that are or can
FIG. 8, is provided to the active wing suspension control be used in this application. However, those of skill in the art
system 601, which includes a processor that is programmed will recognize that since the primary forces that lift and con
with the control laws for the active wing Suspension, as dis trol the aircraft act upon the main wing 1004, the connection
cussed above. The active wing Suspension control system also between the wing 1004 and the fuselage 1010 must be suffi
receives input from sensor feedback 906, as discussed above. ciently strong to withstand these forces in a wide variety of
With these inputs, the processor 601 provides signals to an situations.
output generator 908, which provides real-time control sig Shown in FIG. 12 is a close-up perspective view of one set
nals to the actuators 604, numbered 1 to N, of the active 25 or group 1018 of active suspension struts 1022 at the rear spar
Suspension system. The control system generates appropriate 1008. These struts 1022 are pivotally attached to a structural
outputs for the actuators 604 based on control laws derived lobe 1024 protruding from the rear of the rear spar 1008, and
from the airplane active Suspension model and flight perfor pivotally attached to floor 1020 of the aircraft fuselage 1010.
mance parameters from other aircraft resources Such as the The struts 1022 are oriented substantially perpendicular to
control Surfaces and vehicle models. As discussed above, the 30 each other, generally defining a downwardly-pointed corner
actuators 604 produce positional and/or performance feed of a tetrahedron oriented at about a 45° angle relative to the
back signals via active wing suspension system sensors 602, axes of the aircraft 1000. This configuration allows each of
and this sensor data, along with signals from additional sen the struts 1022 to affect the position and motion of the wing
sors 602. Such as wing and fuselage sensors 602, shown in 1004 with respect to all of the three standard axes (x, y and Z
FIG. 1, can also be provided to precisely control the active 35 axes) of the aircraft. By virtue of the angle of the struts in
Suspension system for desired aircraft performance. The sen relation to the aircraft, in the configuration shown in FIG. 12,
sor feedback 906 is provided to the processor 601, and is also two of the struts 1022a, b, are aligned to have a fore-to-aft
provided as flight control feedback 914 to the flight control component of motion (in addition to a vertical component of
system, so that the aircraft operator can be aware of the motion), while the third strut 1022c does not, and only pro
operational status of the active Suspension system. The active 40 vides a side-to-side component of motion. The opposing lat
Suspension system can also be configured to allow operator eral side of the rear main spar 1008 includes a similar group
control inputs in certain circumstances, such as for wing flare 1018 of three Struts.
during takeoff or landing. On the other hand, as shown in FIGS. 13 and 14, the
The system described above thus provides an active sus actuators 1022 attached to the front main spar 1006 are also
pension that moves the wing relative to the body of an aircraft 45 arranged in an inverted tetrahedral arrangement, with two of
to avoid disturbances, rather than the disturbance moving the the struts 1022d, e, aligned to have a side-to-side component
wing. This system can provide many benefits. It can improve of motion (in addition to a vertical component of motion),
passenger comfort by significantly reducing turbulence while the third strut 1022f in this group only provides a
effects and passenger cabin vibrations caused by the trans fore-to-aft component of motion. The opposing lateral side of
mission of wing bending and vibration and wing-mounted 50 the front main spar 1006 includes a similar group 1018 of
engines. This softens the ride for passengers. three struts. This arrangement of the active suspension struts
Another embodiment of a wing-to-body joint with an 1022 thus provides twelve total struts 1022 connecting the
active suspension system is shown in FIGS. 10-14. Shown in wing 1004 to the fuselage 1010 of the aircraft 1000, with six
FIG. 10 is a top perspective view of an aircraft 1000 having an of the struts 1022 having a side-to-side component of motion,
embodiment of a wing-to-body joint active Suspension sys 55 six of the struts having afore-to-aft component of motion, and
tem 1002 in accordance with the present disclosure, and FIG. four struts 1022, one at each corner of the wing 1004 in the
11 is a bottom rear perspective view of the same. In these Suspension region, having only a side-to-side or fore-to-aft
views the wing-to-body fairing (116 in FIG. 1) is removed to component of motion, in addition to any vertical component
reveal the components of the wing-to-body joint 1002, and of motion. This provides the active suspension 1002 with
the main landing gear and related structures, which normally 60 Substantially equal and symmetrical strength in all directions
liejust aft of the main wing 1004, are not shown. Additionally, of possible motion of the wing 1004.
the wings 1004 are truncated and simplified, to show only the Though not shown in FIGS. 10-14, additional attachment
front spar 1006 and rear spar 1008, with general connecting devices can be provided between the wing 1004 and the
structure therebetween. For illustrative purposes, the full aircraft fuselage 1010. For example, in addition to the active
wing span is not shown, and the leading and trailing edges of 65 Suspension elements, passive connection devices, such as
the wings, along with related wing structures are not shown. Struts, passive linkages and Scissor devices like those shown
As with aircraft generally, the fuselage 1010 includes passen in FIGS. 4 and 5, but without active suspension elements, can
US 9,399,508 B2
11 12
also be provided to increase the strength of connection of the extends and retracts between the wing 1612 and the fuselage
wing. Additionally, safety devices and/or redundant connec 1610, thus enclosing the wing-to-body joint 1608, while
tions can be provided in case of failure of any of the active allowing relative motion of the respective parts. Similar flex
wing Suspension system components. ible wing-to-body fairing joints can also be provided at the
As noted above, the active Suspension system disclosed leading and trailing edges of the wing 1612, and at fore and aft
herein can also be used to change the angle of attack of the lower body transition regions. It is to be understood that this
main wing without moving the fuselage. This can allow inde configuration of a flexible wing-to-body fairing is only one
pendent control of the wing pitch angle relative to the fuse possible configuration, and other configurations can also be
lage, thus reducing the flare angle of the aircraft fuselage used.
during takeoff and landing. Shown in FIG. 15 are conceptual 10 The application of the decoupled wing-to-fuselage joint
side views of two aircraft in a landing or takeoff configura disclosed herein thus helps to alleviate loads going into the
tion. The first aircraft 1502 shown at the top of FIG. 15 is a fuselage structure, helps eliminate fuselage deformation
conventional fixed wing aircraft, with a main wing 1504 in a induced by wing bending, and helps resolve some design and
fixed orientation relative to the aircraft fuselage 1506. During static/fatigue sizing constraints imposed by more conven
takeoff and landing, flaps 1508 are extended from the trailing 15 tional rigid and fixed-point wing-to-fuselage attachments.
edge of the main wing 1504 to provide additional lift and With a decoupled wing-to-fuselage joint, structural loads that
control of the aircraft. However, during actual takeoff or transfer from the wing to the fuselage are reduced to the
landing, the pitch of the whole aircraft 1502 is flared, with the dampened vertical force components, which can provide a
nose 1507 up and the tail 1509 down. During takeoff this is more weight-efficient design of the fuselage and wing joint
done to change the angle of attack of the wing 1504 to allow Support structure. By decoupling the fuselage and the wing,
the aircraft to climb. During landing, this is done to slow the this active Suspension system can also reduce wing flutter
aircraft and to take full advantage of ground effects. In both effects, so that wing oscillations are dampened. The com
cases, if the flare of the aircraft 1502 is too great, there is a puter-controlled wing-to-fuselage joint/interaction can allow
danger of a tail strike. isolation and control of fuselage modes of vibration indepen
Advantageously, in addition to the advantages in the ability 25 dent of corresponding wing vibration modes, thereby allevi
to modulate dynamic interaction between the wing and the ating one of the common sources of wing flutter. That is, the
fuselage that the present system provides, the active Suspen system enables isolation of the pitch modes of the fuselage
sion system disclosed herein can also be used to adjust the from the torsion modes of the wing, and thereby helps to
relative wing/fuselage position for takeoff and landing. That alleviate wing flutter and vibratory modes. This can allow
is, the pitch of the main wing relative to the fuselage can be 30 aircraft weight to be reduced because flutter loads are
adjusted to lift the aircraft prior to fuselage roll during takeoff, reduced. This system also helps to reduce gust load effects on
and to provide the proper wing flare for landing while having the fuselage, and can also help enable the application of
a reduced flare of the whole aircraft, thus reducing the risk of software that manipulates load distribution between the wing
a tailstrike on landing. Shown in the bottom portion of FIG.15 and fuselage.
is an aircraft 1510 having a main wing 1512 and a fuselage 35 Although various embodiments have been shown and
1514. In this aircraft, the main wing 1512 is attached to the described, the present disclosure is not so limited and will be
fuselage 1514 via an active suspension system 1518, as understood to include all Such modifications and variations
described above. The active suspension system 1518 allows are would be apparent to one skilled in the art.
the entire main wing 1512 to be flared relative to the fuselage
1514. This allows the angle of attack of the wing 1512 to be 40 What is claimed is:
adjusted without any change in the pitch of the aircraft fuse 1. An aircraft, comprising:
lage 1514, which helps reduce the need for high lift devices a fuselage;
Such as flaps. Specifically, in the image shown at the bottom a wing having a main spar assembly; and
of FIG. 15, the wing 1512 includes a single flap 1516, rather an active Suspension system, interconnecting the fuselage
than the more extensive double flap 1508 on the conventional 45 and the wing, the active Suspension system including
fixed wing 1504. The ability to adjust the pitch angle between four groups of actuators, positioned at one of four cor
the fuselage 1514 and the main wing 1512 can help minimize ners of the main spar assembly, each actuator group
the risk of tailstrike during takeoff or landing, and can thus comprising three actuators oriented at Substantially
potentially eliminate the need for tailstrike pads. This can be orthogonal angles to each other.
particularly beneficial in the development of stretch models 50 2. The aircraft of claim 1, wherein the active suspension
of existing aircraft, for example, which otherwise can involve system receives inputs and adjusts a position of the wing to
modifying landing gear and other significant modifications. account for the inputs.
With a main wing having an adjustable angle or position 3. The aircraft of claim 1, wherein the active suspension
relative to the fuselage, a flexible wing-to-body fairing can be system is configured to selectively adjust a relative position of
provided to provide a smooth transition surface between the 55 the wing and fuselage in response to dynamic loads upon the
wing and the fuselage, while also maintaining desired aero wing and/or the fuselage.
dynamic operation. Shown in FIG. 16 is a partial cross-sec 4. The aircraft of claim 3, wherein the active suspension
tional view of an aircraft fuselage 1610 and wing 1612 in the system further comprises:
vicinity of an active wing-to-body joint 1608, showing one a plurality of sensors, attached to at least one of the wing
embodiment of a flexible wing-to-body fairing 1614. This 60 and the fuselage, each sensor configured to produce a
fairing 1614 includes a fixed fairing support 1616, which is sensor signal indicating a motion and/or stress condition
attached to the side of the aircraft fuselage 1610 above the at a location of the respective sensor; and
wing 1612. A rub strip 1618 is provided on the top surface of a controller, configured to receive and analyze signals from
the wing 1612, and a flexible and moveable fairing extension the plurality of sensors, and to control the plurality of
1620 extends between the fixed fairing support 1616 and the 65 actuators in response to the sensor signals, to dynami
rub strip 1618. As the wing 1612 moves relative to the fuse cally adjust the position of the wing in response to forces
lage 1610 of the aircraft, the fairing extension 1620 slidably from and/or motion of the wing.
US 9,399,508 B2
13 14
5. The aircraft of claim 4, wherein the sensors include at provide output signals to control the active Suspension ele
least one of stress sensors, accelerometers, proximity sensors, ments to dynamically adjust the position of the wing in
position sensors and orientation sensors. response to forces from and/or motion of the wing.
6. The aircraft of claim 1, wherein the active suspension 11. A method in accordance with claim 10, further com
system can be manipulated to flare the wing for takeoff and/or prising interconnecting the controller with a flight control
landing of the aircraft. system, flight parameters, and pilot or autopilot input, and to
7. The aircraft of claim 1, wherein the wing is disposed provide output based on the actively suspended wing model,
substantially below the fuselage. to dynamically control the active Suspension elements.
8. The aircraft of claim 1, further comprising a flexible 12. A method in accordance with claim 10, further com
wing-to-body fairing, enclosing the active Suspension sys 10
prising providing the controller with programming code
including an actively Suspended wing model, configured to
9. A method of adapting an aircraft to attenuate forces dynamically compute adjustments to the position of the wing
between a wing and a fuselage thereof, comprising:
providing a plurality of sensors upon the aircraft, config in response to forces from and/or motion of the wing with
ured for sensing motion and/or mechanical stress of the 15
respect to the fuselage.
wing and/or the fuselage and producing signals indica 13. A method in accordance with claim 10, further com
tive thereof, and prising programming the controller to actuate the Suspension
providing four groups of active suspension elements inter elements to adjust a pitch of the wing in connection with
connecting the wing and the fuselage, each group takeoff or landing of the aircraft.
including three actuators oriented at Substantially 14. A method in accordance with claim 9, wherein provid
orthogonal angles to each other, the active Suspension ing the four groups of active suspension elements comprises
elements being configured to move at least in response to attaching each group of active Suspension elements to one of
the signals to adjust aposition of the wing with respect to four corners of a main spar assembly of the wing of the
the fuselage. aircraft.
10. A method in accordance with claim 9, further compris 25 15. A method in accordance with claim 9, further compris
ing providing a controller, interconnected between the plu ing enclosing the active Suspension elements within a flexible
rality of sensors and the active Suspension elements, the con wing-to-body fairing.
troller configured to receive signals from the sensors and k k k k k

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