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Adobe Scan 06-May-2023 PDF
Adobe Scan 06-May-2023 PDF
86. The fec cnergy chage ior hc iollowing rcactions are (!) 3-ncliyl-|-buicne
gven bclow, (2) 2. 3-dincByi |-biiCne
(3) 2,3-dimethyl-2-pentcné
(4) 2,3-dimchy-2-bulenc
2 2COz(g) + izO(0), AG° =-1234K)
C(s) +O,(g)’ cO,(g); aG =-394 kJ .(ii) 93. Cij--u-n,(X|
H;(g) +0,(g)
2 -> H,0(), 4G° =-237 kJ ...(ii) Zis:
What is tte standard free cnergy change for he rcacion
H, (g) +2C (s) - - CH, (g)? {1) (2)
209 < (2) --2259 kj OH CH
(3) + 225.9 kJ (4) +209 kJ
87. The nnbci of aioms m 100 g oB an ícc Crysal with (3) (4)
density, d =10 g/cm' and celi cdge cqual io 100 pu, is
NCER-XI,Pagc-22 94. Aa onic conpound A° B Is most likely to be forn
() x0- (2) 2 %10'5 (3) 3 x 102 (4) 4 x 925 when NCERT-XI, Page-88
88. Maich Column-i with Culumn-ii () ie iONNzaion encIgyofA high and cleciron affin
of B is low
(2) the ionization cnergy of A is low and electr
Coiwn-i Colwnn-i affnity of B is high
(A) Ciack's pncihod t) MgO,), 2Ca(OH), (3) boh, the ionizaiion energy of A and eleciy
-’ 2CaCO,* Mg(OH), affinity of B are bigh
(4) both, the ionization energy of A and elect
(B) Calgon's neibod (q) 2NaZ(s) *+ M²*(aq) > affinity of B are low
MZ,(s) * 2Na'(aq) 95, Statenent i :Rcactions with the mnolecularity three
very rare and slow to proceed.
() Boling () Ca(HCO,), -’ CaCO, Statement Il:Conplex rcaciionsinvolving more than tl
molecules take place in more than one siep.
(D) fon exchange (s) M + Na,P,0s ’
mehad + 2Na* () Both statement I andil are correct.
{Na,MP,0, (2) Both statemnent I and IIare incorrect.
(1) (A) - (s): (B) - (q); (C) -(r): (D) - (p) (3) Stalemcnt ! is correct but statement l] is incorre
(2) (A) -(q). (B) - (p): (C) - (r): (D) - (s) (4) Sta tementlis correctbut statement ! is incorre
(3) (A) - (p): (B) - (s): (C) - (). (D) - (q) 96. Among the
(4) (A) - (r): (3)- (9): (C) - (p): (D) - (s) following, the intensive properties are
89. Streptomycin is effective in the trcatmeni of () molar conductivity (u) electromotive force
(u) resistan ce (iv) heat capacity
(4) tuberculos1s (2) malaria () (i) and (ii)
(3) Iyphoid (2) (i).(i) and (iü)
(4) cholera (3) () and (iv) (4) () only