A Project Report
( January 2022 )
School of Education
Indira Gandhi National Open University
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Date : Name – Dr. Mudit Rathor
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“The previous teaching practices of teacher directed, ‘chalk and talk’ no longer can engage the learner,
nor can it provide the learner with the knowledge needed to connect and stay connected in this digital era
(Siemens, O’Neill & Carr, 2008).
The New York Times (2011) observed, “Learning, like culture, is a dynamic thing. It was an oral thing
once, then it became a printed thing and is becoming a digital thing.” The much-hyped 21st century
education is bold. It breaks the mould. It is flexible, creative, challenging, and complex.
“With the emerging new technologies, the teaching profession is evolving from an emphasis on
teacher-centered, lecture-based instruction to student-centered, interactive learning environments”
(John Daniel, 2002).
Today, the world of education stands loaded with unprecedented hope for a new paradigm of ‘anybody,
anytime, anywhere learning’ through collaborative and constructive pedagogical models, thanks to
the all-new web technologies. According to Douglas Kellner (2008), this technological revolution will
have a greater impact on society than the transition from an oral to a print culture.
George Siemens (2009) observed, “Technology is altering (rewiring) our brains. The tools we use de-
fine and shape our thinking”. Today’s teachers, whether in school or college are working with students
whose entire lives have been immersed in the 21st century media culture.
In today’s era, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is having a magnanimous influence
on education system of any country. India is likewise one of them and the examination intends to de-
cide the viability of ICT in fortifying the procedure of education framework in this nation. There are
four factors which have been properly identified from various secondary sources and those are avail-
ability, usage, knowledge and cost. Analyzing these four factors, the research is trying to explore the
impact of ICT in school education. The study has been conducted in The Aditya Birla Public School
(ABPS), Khor (M.P.) India and its sister branch The Aditya Birla Higher Senior Secondary School (AB-
HSS), Khor (M.P.)
450 examples have been gathered with the assistance of an organized poll and 5 point scale has been
utilized to lead the overview. Convenience sampling technique has been utilized to gather the exam-
ples. To test the hypothesis and find out the result Exploratory Factor Analysis and Multiple Regression
Analysis have been used. The findings of the survey claim that use of ICT is the most influencing tool to
extend the effectiveness of education system for the students.
Department of School Education & Literacy
National Council of Educational Research and Training
Digital India-https//:
Geeta Hota, C. V. Raman University, Bilaspur (C.G.),India
Information communication technologies (ICT) at present are influencing every aspect of human
life. They are playing salient roles in work places, business, education, and entertainment. Moreo-
ver, many people recognize ICTs as catalysts for change; change in working conditions, handling
and exchanging information, teaching methods, learning approaches, scientific research, and in
accessing information communication technologies. In this digital era, ICT use in the classroom is
important for giving students opportunities to learn and apply the required 21st century skills. ICT
improves teaching and learning and its importance for teachers in performing their role of creators
of pedagogical environments. ICT helps of a teacher to present his teaching attractively and able to
learn for the learners at any level of educational programmes. Today in India teaching training pro-
grammes making useful and attractive by the term of ICT. Information and Communication Tech-
nologies (ICTs) exemplified by the internet and interactive multimedia are obviously an important
focus for future education and need to be effectively integrated into formal teaching and learning
– especially in a teacher education institution. Information and communication technology has
brought profound changes to almost all aspects of our lives in recent years. It has transformed activities
as basic as how we work, communicate with each other, treat illnesses, travel, shop and enjoy our
leisure time. The pace of change shows no sign of slowing: indeed, the development of ICT and its
applications to areas such as the integration of media, are continuing at even faster rates than hereto-
fore. In a relatively short period of time, ICT skills have become as fundamental to living a full life as
being able to read, write and compute. Ireland has been a leading player in the development of the ICT
industry. We have been a leading exporter of ICT hardware and software, and many of the key busi-
nesses in the industry have important bases here. Like other countries, we have also recognised that if
our young people are to live full lives in a world transformed by ICT, they need to have opportunities
to acquire and develop ICT skills from an early age. Since the late 1990s, we have made considerable
investments in ICT infrastructure in schools, and in training for teachers and other professionals. Until
now, little national research evidence has been published on the impact that the new technologies
have had on schools and especially on teaching and learning. This report examines the extent to which
ICT has been used in schools at both primary and post-primary levels and, more importantly, assesses
the impact that ICT has had on teaching and learning, including the ways in which ICT is used to support
the learning of students with special educational needs.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………….................................4
2. Need and Significance of the Study.............................................................................................. 5
3. Statement of Problem ................................................................................................................. 6
4. Nature of Problem ........................................................................................................................ 6
5. Relevance & Potentials of ICT in School Education……………………………………………. ……………..7
6. Operational Definition………………………………………………………………………………………………………..7
7. Significance of the Study…………………………………………………………………………….…………………….. 8
The Introduction
Definition of ICT
ICT stands for “Information and communication technology”. It refers to technologies
that provide access to information through telecommunication. It is similar to Infor-
mation Technology (IT) but focuses primarily on communication technologies. This in-
cludes the internet, wireless networks, cell phones and other communication mediums.
According to UNESCO “ICT is a scientific, technological and engineering discipline and
management technique used in handling information, its application and association
with social, economic and cultural matters”.
Teacher is the main part of the educational field in our society. Skilled teachers can make
the creative students in form of the good social worker, politician, poet, philosopher etc.
for the society.
•The impact of ICT on the overall development of the personality can be extremely signif-
icant. In particular its effect on the improvement of communication skills is treated as a
central goal of the ICT curriculum. Language barriers and isolation can deny students ac-
cess to the wide range ofdigital information and resources.
•Physically challenged particularly the visually impaired and auditory impaired needs ad-
ditional support. Heightened awareness on the part of the system will help address these
students’ problems of access.
•Based on the availability of ICT infrastructure and the provisioning of an ICT class in the
timetable, different schools or Boards of School Education can exercise the choice to
begin the ICT programme with any appropriate class, but ensure that every student com-
pletes the advanced stage outlined in the National Policy on ICT in School Education be-
fore completing schooling.
•This curriculum is recommended for use with students of classes 6-12. It should not be
used at the primary stage (classes 1 to 5). A structured ICT programme at the primary
stage is not desirable and can be complicated.
•The ICT curriculum for students is also conceived as an important vehicle for the realisa-
tion of the goals of the National Curriculum Framework. It attempts to introduce stu-
dents to a dynamic, immensely popular field, exposing them to a wide range of infor-
mation and resources, motivating them to explore and participate in.
•It can not only support learning, but also introduce them to diverse activities which chal-
lenge their intellect and imagination.
•An observation of international trends in application of ICTs in schools indicates that it is
directly related to the development of schools and the teaching and learning environ-
ment. It is observed that new and emerging technologies are being integrated with the
older technologies to make ICT applications in education more effective
Statement of Problem
The Study of ICT in Teaching, Learning and Assessment in the Schools is based on present
need of the digital education for the students.It will check the learning of the students if
they are able to create different programs using a variety of hardware and software
tools. ICT literacy, defined as the knowledge and ability to wield tools and devices, shall
be an incidental outcome of this learning.
This is not to say that all the changes have had a positive impact on people’s lives. ICT are
powerful technologies. private schools are experimenting with ways to integrate ICT into
their education processes; from providing a laptop / tablet to every student, to smart
classrooms and integrated on-line school systems. Central and state governments have
attempted to implement ICT education in schools through different programs. The poten-
tial for ICT to improve the quality of school education is generally accepted.
In the last two decades, the world has moved from being an ‘industrial society’ to an ‘in-
formation society’, thanks to the digital revolution. Digital technologies, popularly known
as Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are having a profound impact on
our lives.
ICT are powerful technologies, private schools are experimenting with ways to integrate
ICT into their education processes; from providing a laptop / tablet to every student, to
smart classrooms and integrated on-line school systems. Central and state governments
have attempted to implement ICT education in schools through different programs. The
potential for ICT to improve the quality of school education is generally accepted.
Over the years of ICT implementation, there has been a gradual shift from using media
tools for educational and information purposes and promoting computer literacy to a
more comprehensive approach towards integrating ICT into the school education sys-
tem. The use of ICT in education could have two broad aims; improving quality of educa-
tion by enhancing the teaching- learning process, and for the enhancement of the educa-
tion processes
• ICT assists the development of good social skills in the classroom, the development of
cooperation between students and teachers, and the promotion of peer tutoring in
• ICT facilitates the development of students’ recording and presentation skills, fol-
lowed by independent and self-correcting skills and research and information retrieval
• ICTs in the developing world have the potential to enhance the education experience
for children who live in rural and remote-rural locations.
• have special learning need.
• Allow application of information
• Provide access to world of information
• Bring the world into the classroom
• Offer collaborative opportunities and communication
• Offer collaborative opportunities and communication
• Teachers and learners in the developing world are no longer solely dependent on
physical media such as printed textbooks which are often times outdated.
• In India, various ICTs have been employed over the years to promote primary and
secondary education.
• ICT is an important source, which teachers may use to keep themselves abreast of
emerging issues, share knowledge, and reach out to students.
Operational Definition
• Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has become, within a very short
time, one of the basic building blocks of modern society. New National Education
Policy (2020) viz., access, equity and quality could be served well by harnessing the
huge potential of ICT. Understanding of ICT and mastering the basic skills as part of
the core of education, alongside reading, writing and numeracy.
• The present curricula for ICT in education is a step towards realizing the goals of both
the National Policy, the National Curriculum Framework (2009) and the recommen-
dations of Digital India Campaign.
For the teacher, it is an initiation into exploring educational possibilities of technology,
growing to become a critical user of ICT in favor of students.
Significance of the Study
The rapid development in technology has made creatively changes in the way we live, as
well as the demands of the society.
*Recognizing the impact of new technologies on the workplace and everyday life, to-
day’s teacher education institutions try to restructure their education programs and
classroom facilities, in order to minimize the teaching and learning technology gap be-
tween today and the future.
*Education should be highest priority for the development of any country. Government
of India (GOI) has taken many imitative towards better utilization of ICT in education
both in schools as well as in higher education institutions. Following are the major pro-
gram of ICT in Teaching-Learning.
Need for the Research on the Topic ‘Use of ICT in School Education’
Although ICT has several definitions depending on the nature of its use, for this review
ICT (information and communication technology) is used as an umbrella term that in-
cludes any communication device or application, encompassing: radio, television, cellular
phones, computer and network hardware and software, satellite systems, as well as the
various services and applications associated with them, such as videoconferencing and
distance learning.
The Researcher refers to ICT in the particular context of ICT provision, policy and
teacher factors that variously support teaching, learning and a range of activities in ed-
(UNESCO, 2005b). Certainly, it is difficult to imagine how any modern society could con-
tinue to function without ICT.
In that sense, ICT ushered in a revolution: there can be no going back to the old ways.
Objective of the Study
Facilitate the use of ICT as a tool for assessment and evaluation of edu-
cation, as well as administration and management;
Facilitate the use of ICT resources in schools and colleges by the neigh-
bouring community.
After the ICT intervention games, the students will be able to create digi-
tal art and textual materials.
ICT a Tool in the Process of Education
Informative tool: It provides vast amount of data in various formats such as au-
dio,Video, documents. Situating tool: It creates situations, which the student ex-
periences in real life.
Thus, Simulation and virtual reality is possible. Constructive tool: To manipulate
the data and generate analysis.
Communicative tool: It can be used to remove communication barriers such as that of
space and time (Lim and Chai, 2004). The following mediums are used for the delivery
and for conducting the education process:
• Voice – Instructional audio tools that include interactive technologies as well as the
passive ones
• Video - Instructional video tools that include still images, prerecorded moving images,
and case studies. (Bhattacharya and Sharma, 2007; National Programme on Technol-
There will be a significant positive gain in the digital learning of the students as well as
the teachers after the implementation of the ICT tools in the school.
The research shall promote the full utilisation of infrastructure and resources, integrat-
ing it with the school’s programme. Universal access and fostering of a sense of own-
ership shall be encouraged to ensure maximum impact. Innovative ways of teaching
the unreached population shall be promoted.
1. The focus of the research shall be on learning to compute, which includes
learning to create using a variety of hardware and software tools. ICT lit-
eracy, defined as the knowledge and ability to wield tools and devices,
shall be an incidental outcome of this learning.
2. The research shall provide adequate opportunity for hands on learning
Design of the Study
In the past educational institutions have provided little choice for students in terms of the
method and manner in which programs have been delivered. Students have typically been
forced to accept what has been delivered and institutions have tended to be quite staid
and traditional in terms of the delivery of their programs.
ICT applications provide many options and choices and many institutions are now creating
competitive edges for themselves through the choices they are offering students. These
choices extend from when students can choose to learn to where they, they learn.
Research Methodology
The researcher has used the Quantitative research for this study using Descriptive meth-
odology. The research method used for this Study is Survey Method as the survey
method gathers data from a relatively large number of cases at a particular time.
This method is selected because of following reasons:
It is the most appropriate in collecting the data regarding the personality param-
eters to be studied in this research from a relatively large sample.
Data could be easily collected after deciding the sample form the vast population
using survey method.
It is quantitative techniques can be easily incorporated in Survey method and gen-
eralization is possible.
Manipulation of variables was not the plan of action decided by the researcher.
The essential information has been gathered for the research through a pre-tried
The Researcher gathered the information from The Aditya Birla School and The
Aditya Birla Senior Secondary School.
Convenience sampling technique has been used to find out the responses from
various students of schools and colleges, teaching staff and non-teaching staff.
The Researcher distributed 450 questionnaires among various respondents and
386 properly filled up questionnaires have been returned to the researchers.
A simple, easy to understand questionnaire consisting of close ended questions
has been used for data collection from various respondents.
Questionnaire – ICT Education in School
This questionnaire to have questions about ICT in school education. There are questions
about what kind of equipment, support and courses are provided by the institution, and
the formal requirements of teacher trainers, mentors and student teachers.
How many computers are available at the institution for the students to
How much money was spent on technological equipment
Does the institution have a Learning management system (LMS), Virtual
learning environment (VLE), e-portfolio system or equivalent?
What brand is this LMS/VLE/e-portfolio system?
Does the institution provide Internet access to the student teachers?
Does the institution have broadband access to the Internet?
Does the institution have a Wi-Fi network?
Does the institution apply technical measures (such as filtering) to prevent
access to certain content
Questions about Technological skills
Questions about Infrastructure at School for ICT
Interactive whiteboards
Projection system
Any Other
Does academic department in the school have a policy to foster and sustain ICT-
based innovations in course teaching?
Have you ever been engaged personally in a project aimed at using ICT in
new and innovative ways as a teacher or teacher trainer?
Is there support available for teacher trainers regarding pedagogical use of
ICT at your institution?
Questions about Pedagogical use of ICT
To what extent do you think the use of technology No Useful Very Highly
described below is important for a student teacher to Use To Useful Useful/
acquire? some Essential
a) Use of technology for communicating and/or
…with their pupils
…with parents
...with school management and educational admin-
b) Use of technology for student teachers’ own
development and learning
c) Use of technology as a management tool…
…for organising their work and keep records
…for preparing lessons
…for finding digital learning resources
…for designing and producing their own digital
learning resources
d) Student teachers’ future integration of technol-
…to facilitate teaching specific concepts or skills
…to support various student learning styles and to
personalise learning facilitate teaching pupils with disabilities (cog-
nitive, physical, be- havioral)
…to support activities that facilitate higher-order
…to support creativity
…to foster pupils’ ability to use technology in their
own learning
Other (please specify below):
Do you teach the use of the technological de- Some-
vices below to student/ teachers? Never Rarely times Regularly
Personal computers
Interactive whiteboards
Video conferencing systems
Learning Management Systems/VLE
Audio equipment (including software)
Digital photo cameras (including editing soft-
What importance do you attach to the fol- No im- Quite Very great im-
lowing sugges- tions for helping future por- Little great por- tance
teachers to increase the integration of tech- tance at im- im-
nology in their teaching? all portanc portanc
e e
Better access to technological equipment
Reliability of equipment
Availability of high quality equipment
Training/courses in pedagogical use of ICT
Pedagogical ICT-support (e.g. “hotline”)
Technological hands-on training/courses
Technological support (e.g. “hotline”)
Policies on using ICT across curriculum
Population & Sample
(1) The population for this study is the students enrolled for the classes III to XII of the
school, The Aditya Birla Public School. Total number of 760 students and 45 teachers
were involved in this research process.
A panel of 16 teachers from the nearby sister school The Aditya Birla Higher Secondary
School was selected as a random sample for the study
Research questions
What is the present status of use of ICT in the practice teaching schools of Shivam College
of Education?
How does the use of ICT affect the teaching learning process?
The Method of Sampling
The Population of the present study is the group of all the practice teaching staff of The
Aditya Birla Public School and Aditya Birla Higher Secondary School. 750 students from
classes III to XII of The Aditya Birla Public School. The students were selected based on
the and the readiness to participate in the study.
Survey method of research has been used in the present study. Sample random sampling
technique was adapted for the selection of sampling in the present study.
Data Collection & Analysis
Data collection for the study completely based on reliable sources. The rich li-
brary ,sources from the internet and deep discussion with the renowned schol-
ars of the field of computer were the basic source of data collection.
However, even more significant benefits can be derived through use of IT to en-
able identification of students in need of remedial education, focused and cus-
tomized teacher training, faster feedback to teacher training institutes, and bet-
ter monitoring of the under-performing schools and training institutes, all of
which can significantly impact the quality of learning. Decision support services
built on student performance and attendance data capturing the underlying stu-
dent-teacher linkages can provide continuous feedback on the student and
teacher performance to schools, training institutes and administrators.
Convenience sampling technique has been used to find out the responses from
various students of the schools and teaching staff. Researchers have distributed
450 questionnaires among various respondents and 386 properly filled up ques-
tionnaires have been returned to the researchers. A simple, easy to understand
questionnaire consisting of close ended questions has been used for data collec-
tion from various respondents.
Factors Analysis
Here Accessibility of ICT, Usage of ICT, Knowledge from ICT and Cost of ICT
are the four major factors extracted from the factor analysis which consist
of 23 important variables. In “Availability of ICT” related factor the most
influencing variable is “Availability of all- around outfitted Information Tech-
nology lab inschool”.
*Digital education is influenced by Availability of high-speed internet for IT
lab and for personal devices via Wi-fi, Availability of online multime-
dia/video-conferencing during lectures in the classroom (Smart Classroom),
Availability of digital library in IT Labs and Availability of IT lab for 24 × 7
access within the institute premises or outside through smart phone apps.
*In “Usage of ICT” related factor the most influencing variable is “Usage of
most recent innovation of ICT in schools and after that other influencing fac-
tors are Use of sight and sound gadget instead of Chalk and Board.
*Usage of web for doing assignments and activities not withstanding ebooks
*Usage of video-conferencing for monitoring the activities of the students
and teacher during the class and Usage of ICT for attendance recording sys-
tem respectively.
*In “Knowledge from ICT” related factor the most influencing variable is
“ICT in education system provides information to operate different de-
vices” and at last in “Cost of ICT” related factor the most influencing variable
is “IT Lab facilities to the students bears nominal charges as a part of tuition
fees.”Now, to find out from these factors which are the most influencing factor
for effectiveness of ICT in education, regression analysis have been used.
The four factors which have been identified from the Factor Analysis
(1) Accessibility of ICT Usage of ICT
(2) Knowledge from ICT
(3) Usage of ICT
(4) Cost of ICT.
Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) by SPSS 21 has been utilized in this examina-
tion. By the estimation and model, legitimacy test and wellness of the model
have been inspected.
Result of Factor Analysis - Rotated Component Matrix
Accessibility of ICT Usage Knowledge Cost of
of ICT from ICT ICT
Q1 0.914
Q2 0.883
Q3 0.816
Q4 0.772
Q5 0.698
Q6 0.842
Q7 0.814
Q8 0.797
Q9 0.752
Q10 0.726
Q11 0.703
Q12 0.672
Q13 0.836
Q14 0.801
Q15 0.769
Q16 0.691
Q17 0.643
Q18 0.891
Q19 0.764
Q20 0.753
Q21 0.672
Q22 0.637
Q23 0.608
Variance Ex- 24.127 17.892 14.561 11.742
Cronbach Alpha 0.863 0.892 0.875 0.898
The four factors which have been identified from the Factor Analysis are, Accessibil-
ity of ICT, Usage of ICT, Knowledge from ICT and Cost of ICT. Here the Effectiveness
of ICT in education has been used as a Dependent Variable and the remaining four
factors have been used as Independent variables.
Model Summaryb
Predictors: (Constant), Accessibility of ICT, Usage of ICT, Knowledge from ICT, Cost of
Dependent Variable: Effectiveness of ICT in Education
Here Accessibility of ICT, Usage of ICT, Knowledge from ICT and Cost of ICT are
the four major factors extracted from the factor analysis which consist of 23
important variables. In “Availability of ICT” related factor the most influencing
variable is “Availability of all- around outfitted Information Technology lab in
college/school”. In present digital era education is also influenced by Availability
of high-speed internet for IT lab and for personal devices via Wi-fi.
In “Usage of ICT” related factor the most influencing variable is “Usage of
most recent innovation of ICT in school education” and after that other influ-
encing factors are Use of sight and sound gadget instead of Chalk and Board,
Usage of web for doing assignments and activities notwithstanding ebooks/e-
journals, Usage of Wi-fi in school to access information via smart classes etc,
Usage of video- conferencing for live class lectures for the students who are
not able to attend the class.
In “Knowledge from ICT” related factor the most influencing variable is “ICT in
higher education system provides information to operate different devices”
At last in “Cost of ICT” related factor the most influencing variable is “IT Lab
facilities to the students bears nominal charges as a part of tuition fees.”
Model Sum of df Mean F Sig.
Squares Square
Regres- 213.475 4 53.369 69. 0.000
sion 753 b
Residual 291.509 381 0.765
Total 504.984 385
a. Dependent Variable: Effectiveness of ICT in Education
b. Predictors: (Constant), Accessibility of ICT, Usage of ICT, Knowledge from ICT,
Cost of ICT
c. Coefficientsa
connection between the autonomous factors and variable (Effectiveness of ICT
in education). The R square 0.562 or 56.2% which is very noteworthy. Here the
criticalness level additionally suggests
i. From the coefficient table, the specialists have discovered that Cost of ICT factor
is having most elevated un-institutionalized B estimation of 0.412 with most
noteworthy t value 9.802. So Cost of ICT is the highest influencing factor on
Effectiveness of ICT in education. After that the second most elevated will be
Usage of ICT with the B estimation of 0.267 and testimation of 4.800. Accessibil-
ity of ICT is the third highest with un-standardized B value of 0.193 and
knowledge from ICT is following after that.
It is also evident from the result that all the independent variables; Accessibility
of ICT, Usage of ICT, Knowledge from ICT and Cost of ICT are statistically signifi-
cant and all the variables are below 0.01, which means all are statistically
significant at 1% significance level. Though it is statistically significant, so the hy-
potheses are explaining that null hypotheses have been rejected in all the cases
and alternate hypotheses have been accepted. Along these lines, the multiple
regression equation can be communicated as,
k. [Where, Accessibility of ICT = X1, Usage of ICT = X2, Knowledge from ICT = X3,
and teachers can refer to it in order to design more interesting and engaging lesson
for students
I think the use of 1 10 59 31 1.81 0.64
ICT helps to pre- (1%) (9.9%) (58.4%) (30.7%)
pare teaching re-
sources and ma-
The use of ICT 0 9 58 34 1.75 0.61
enables the stu- (8.9%) (57.4%) (33.7%)
dents’ to be
more active and
engaging in the
I have more time 0 26 55 20 2.06 0.68
to cater to stu- (25.7%) (54.5%) (19.8%)
dents’ need if ICT
is used in teach-
I can still have an 3 19 58 21 2.04 0.72
effective teach- (3%) (18.8%) (57.4%) (20.8%)
ing without the
use of ICT.
I think the use of 24 48 27 2 2.93 0.76
ICT in teaching is (23.8%) (47.5%) (26.7%) (2%)
a waste of time.
I am confident 12 63 23 3 2.83 0.66
that my students’ (11.9%) (62.4%) (22.8%) (3%)
learn best with-
out the help of
The classroom 23 54 22 2 2.97 0.73
management is (22.8%) (53.5%) (21.8%) (2%)
out of control if
ICT is used in
Students’ pay 24 54 23 0 3.01 0.69
less attention (23.8%) (53.5%) (22.8%)
when ICT is used
in teaching.
Students’ makes 23 56 20 2 2.99 0.71
no effort for their (22.8%) (55.4%) (19.8%) (2%)
lesson if ICT is
used in teaching.
Besides, most teachers agreed that the use of ICT will definitely provide lots of op-
portunities for an effective teaching as well as ICT supported teaching makes learn-
ing more effective with the sharing mean of 1.72. This situation shows that teachers
view the use of ICT in teaching and learning process as something positive where
ICT is the aid needed by teachers to ensure the effectiveness of both teaching and
learning process. Next, from the data obtained, it also shows that the use of ICT in
teaching enable the students to be more active and engaging in the lesson prepared
by the teachers with score mean of 1.75. This is because students are familiar with
ICT and they find it easier learning by ICT and allows them to be engage more in the
Teacher’s familiarity and competency in handling ICT also obtained from the data
where the mean of 1.81 shows that most teachers feel confident learning new com-
puter skills and they are able to use ICT to find teaching materials and resources. In
this context, it shows that teachers are open towards the use of ICT in teaching, not
being resistant and feels comfortable in learning new things. Other than that, teach-
ers believe that it is easier to teach by using ICT with the mean score of 1.93 but at
the same time, they still believes in the conventional way of teaching where teach-
ers are the center of learning and stated that they can still have an effective teach-
ing without the use of ICT with recorded mean of 2.04. On the other hand, most
teachers disagrees that the use of ICT allows them to cater to students need with
score mean of 2.06 because of clerical works and other works that needs to be com-
pleted other than teaching responsibility. The use of ICT just makes it easier for
them to teach but other things in school remain the same.
Most teachers believe that the use of ICT benefits teaching and leaning in
various ways and saying that ICT integration is not a waste of time with
total mean of 2.93. However, there are also negative part of ICT integra-
tion where the result shows that classroom management is out of control
when ICT is used in teaching with mean of 2.97, followed by students
make no efforts for their lesson and learning process with score mean of
2.99 and most teachers agreed that the use of ICT in teaching only cause
students’ to pay less attention with the highest mean recorded of 3.01
which shows teacher’s less acceptance towards ICT integration due to stu-
dent’s attitude whom being too dependent on ICT and not taking respon-
sibility for their own independent learning which frustrating and disap-
pointing the teachers.
The result shows that the effectiveness of ICT for students in learning are it encour-
ages students to communicate more with their classmates as well as it increase the
students confidence to participate actively in the class with shared mean of 1.84. It
is effective in a sense that students are occupied with adequate knowledge that en-
ables them to be more confident in sharing and exchanging their opinion with their
classmates. Lastly, it shows that students are more behaved and under control with
the use of ICT in learning but it is also considered as fewer acceptances by teachers
as the score mean is the highest of all with 1.88. This might give the ideas to teach-
ers that students are a little bit out of control when ICT is used in teaching as teach-
ers are not the main focus of learning process.
teachers and classmates. ICT helps to provide latest and current issues where stu-
dents can obtain it very easily and integrate it into their learning process.
Besides, ICT helps students to learn more effectively as well as it helps students to
find related knowledge and information for learning with shared mean of 1.71. The
technology always acts as a medium for students to find related knowledge and in-
formation for their learning. It is best when the students are able to gather infor-
mation, relate it back with what they have learnt and have a discussion on the infor-
mation with teachers and their classmates so that they can see the relation of what
is new and what the latest issues they need to catch up for effective learning. Other
than that, there a lot of educational videos provided for students online which it helps
to improve student’s ability in language learning skills such as reading, writing, lis-
tening and speaking with total mean of 1.72. It is good for students to watch videos
and learn from it so they can gather the confidence needed when it comes to argu-
mentative issues in the classroom where they are able to provide clear clarification
and their judgments on certain issues. The use of ICT also allows students to be more
creative and imaginative with mean score of 1.80 followed by their ability to express
their ideas and thoughts better with mean of 1.81. This shows that the use of ICT en-
hances students thinking and enables them to think out of the box and make the best
use of their learning process.
3. Little access to ICT 3 16 62 20 2.02 0.69
prevents me from (3%) (15.8%) (61.4%) (19.8%)
using it in teaching.
4. Lack of supports 6 20 51 24 2.08 0.82
from the school top (5.9%) (19.8%) (50.5%) (23.8%)
management dis-
courages me from
using ICT.
5. Teaching time are 1 21 53 26 1.97 0.71
not enough for me (1%) (20.8%) (52.5%) (25.7%)
to use the ICT for
teaching and learn-
ing purposes.
6. There is enough 19 57 17 8 2.86 0.81
training and profes- (18.8%) (56.4%) (16.8%) (7.9%)
sional development
provided for teach-
ers about ICT use in
7. All ICT tools in my 6 21 39 35 1.98 0.89
school go to waste (5.9%) (20.8%) (38.6%) (34.7%)
and less used by
8. Teachers are given 25 55 17 4 3.00 0.76
more time to learn (24.8%) (54.5%) (16.8%) (4%)
and be comfortable
with the use of ICT
in teaching.
9. There is computer 28 34 29 10 2.79 0.96
lab in my school in (27.7%) (33.7%) (28.7%) (9.9%)
which I can bring
students there to
watch educational
10. Teachers’ are given 26 33 33 9 2.75 0.94
the freedom to de- (25.7%) (32.7%) (32.7%) (8.9%)
sign their own
teaching with the
helps from the ICT.
Reliability Testing
The Cronbach’s Alpha reliability testing is used to test the internal consistency of an
instrument and its items . It is also considered as a measurement for scale reliabil-
ity. For this study, the scale used is Likert scale ranged from 4= strongly disagree, 3=
disagree, 2= agree and 1= strongly agree. According to Kline (1999), the most gener-
ally accepted value of alpha value is something greater than 0.7 and alpha value
greater than 0.6 is ranged acceptable. For this research, reliability test is done ac-
cordingly by section that includes in section B, C and D of the questionnaire.
The reliability test for the effective elements of ICT integration in teaching(for
The ICT facilities in my school are well-functioning and can be used. 0.54 0.54
-The technical supports are provided if teachers are faced with diffi- 0.59 0.53
-Little access to ICT prevents me from using it in teaching. 0.05 0.65
-Lack of supports from the school top management discourage me 0.01 0.66
from using ICT.
-Teaching time are not enough for me to use the ICT for teaching and - 0.67
learning purposes. 0.08
-There is enough training and professional development provided for 0.60 0.54
teachers about ICT use in teaching.
-All ICT tools in my school go to waste and less used by teachers. - 0.70
-Teachers are given more time to learn and be comfortable with the 0.59 0.55
use of ICT in teaching.
-There is computer lab in my school in which I can bring students 0.44 0.57
there to watch educational videos.
-Teachers’ are given the freedom to design their own teaching with 0.50 0.55
the helps from the ICT.
Time of Education happens within the Education happens within the
given time-frame class as well as out of the class
on java, qtm.
Framework For ICT Use
In the past educational institutions have provided little choice for students in
terms of the method and manner in which programs have been delivered. Students
have typically been forced to accept what has been delivered and institutions have
tended to be quite staid and traditional in terms of the delivery of their programs.
ICT applications provide many options and choices and many institutions are
now creating competitive edges for themselves through the choices they are offer-
ing students. These choices extend from when students can choose to learn to
where they, they learn.
A. Any Place Learning
The concept of flexibility in the delivery place of educational programs is not
new (eg. Moore & Kearsley, 1996). Educational institutions have been offering
programs at a distance for many years and there has been a vast amount of re-
search and development associated with establishing effective practices and pro-
cedures in off-campus teaching and learning.
However, has extended the scope of this activity and whereas previously off-
campus delivery was an option for students who were unable to attend campuses,
today, many more students are able to make this choice through technology- facil-
itated learning settings. The scope and extent of this activity is demonstrated in
some of the examples below.
• In many instances traditional classroom learning has given way to learning in
work-based settings with students able to access courses and programs from their
workplace. The
• The advantages of education and training at the point of need relate not only
to convenience but include cost savings associated with travel and time away from
work, and also situation and application of the learning activities within relevant
and meaningful contexts.
• The communications capabilities of modern technologies provide opportuni-
ties for many learners to enroll in courses offered by external institutions rather
than those situated locally.
• These opportunities provide such advantages as extended course offerings
and eclectic class Cohorts comprised of students of differing backgrounds, cultures
and perspectives.
• The freedoms of choice provided by programs that can be accessed at any
place are also supporting the delivery of programs with units and courses from a
variety of institutions,
There are now countless ways for students completing undergraduate degrees
for example, to Study units for a single degree, through a number of different in-
stitutions, an activity thatProvides considerable diversity and choice for students
in the programs they complete.
B. Anytime Learning
In concert with geographical flexibility, technology-facilitated educational pro-
grams also remove many of the temporal constraints that face learners with special
needs (eg. Moore & Kearsley,1996). Students are starting to appreciate the capa-
bility to undertake education anywhere, anytime and anyplace. This flexibility has
heightened the availability of just-in-time learning and provided learning opportu-
nities for many more learners who previously were constrained by other commit-
ments (eg. Young, 2002).
•Through online technologies learning has become an activity that is no longer set
within programmed schedules and slots. Learners are free to participate in learning
activities when time permits and these freedoms have greatly increased the op-
portunities for many students to participate in formal programs.
•The wide variety of technologies that support learning are able to provide asyn-
chronous supports for learning so that the need for real-time participation can be
avoided while the advantages of communication and collaboration with other learn-
ers is retained.
• As well as learning at anytime, teachers are also finding the capabilities of teaching
at any time to be opportunistic and able to be used to advantage. Mobile technolo-
gies and seamless communications technologies support 24x7 teaching and learn-
ing. Choosing how much time will be used within the 24x7 envelope and what peri-
ods of time are challenges that will face the educators of the future (eg. Young,
The continued and increased use of ICTs in education in years to come, will serve to
increase the temporal and geographical opportunities that are currently experi-
enced. Advancements in learning opportunities tend to be held back by the ICT ca-
pabilities of the lowest common, Denominator, namely the students with the least
access to ICT. As ICT access increases among students so they too will use these op-
Challenge and Barriers To Use ICT In School Education
80 percent of online content is in English. A large proportion of the educational soft-
ware produced in the world market is in English. For developing countries in the
South Asian region where English language proficiency is not high, especially outside
metropolitan areas, this represents a serious barrier to maximizing the educational
benefits of the World Wide Web.
Monitoring and evaluation: Many of the issues and challenges associated with ICTs
in education initiatives are known by policy-makers, donor staff, and educators.
However, data on the nature and complexity of these issues remains limited because
of the lack of good monitoring and evaluation tools and processes. Where evaluation
data is available much of the work is seen to suffer from important biases. Another
problem in this area is the lack of a common set of indicators for ICTs in education.
And, where data has been collected, it is often quantitative data related to infrastruc-
ture (number of computers, for example) rather than data that can help policy-mak-
ers gauge the impact of ICT interventions on student learning
Lack of teacher’s competency to handle ICT equipment’s, is one of the biggest bar-
rier in Indian school education system for making it ICT based,
Lack of infrastructures and equipments are another problems for back warding In-
dian school education than other country. Lack of interest in teachers and learners
keep the Indian school education to his past place,
Lack of investigation for fruitful the schemes of ICT in education, which can be
shared by means of ICT, can foster better teaching and improved academic achieve-
ment of students. The overall literature suggests that successful ICT integration in
While we glorify the role of ICT in the education sector, we also need to assess the
problems and prospects in its implementation. Literature on ICT in education con-
tinues to project that it can help improve India’s education system by providing
greater equity, better access and improved quality. There is a growing apprehension
that Information and Communication Technology can transform India towards be-
coming a knowledge society.
Lack of content in Local Language-In terms of population where majority of the ru-
ral people do not speak English. Therefore, the need to develop content in all the
official languages of India becomes all the more important. While there are many
challenges in development of local language content particularly due to the absence
of script and font standardization, local language computing becomes problematic
though not impossible. In a multi- lingual country like India, this standardization be-
comes even more difficult. However, this needs to be addressed immediately. As
ambitious ICT based initiatives in education is envisioned, it is necessary to embark
on a well-articulated ‘Action Plan’.
• Enhances learning opportunities and resources to the students and teachers
• Stimulates, motivates and sparks students’ appetite for learning and helps to
create a culture of success
• Relates classroom experience to work place, provide opportunity for connec-
tion between classroom and world
•The wide variety of technologies that support learning are able to provide asyn-
chronous supports for learning so that the need for real-time participation can be
avoided while the advantages of communication and collaboration with other learn-
ers is retained.
• As well as learning at anytime, teachers are also finding the capabilities of teaching
at any time to be opportunistic and able to be used to advantage. Mobile technolo-
gies and seamless communications technologies support 24x7 teaching and learn-
ing. Choosing how much time will be used within the 24x7 envelope and what peri-
ods of time are challenges that will face the educators of the future (eg. Young,
The continued and increased use of ICTs in education in years to come, will serve to
increase the temporal and geographical opportunities that are currently experi-
enced. Advancements in learning opportunities tend to be held back by the ICT ca-
pabilities of the lowest common, Denominator, namely the students with the least
access to ICT. As ICT access increases among students so they too will use these op-
Improve teaching and learning quality
As Lowther et al. (2008) have stated that there are three important characteristics
are needed to develop good quality teaching and learning with ICT: autonomy, ca-
pability, and creativity. Autonomy means that students take control of their learn-
ing through their use of ICT. In this way,they become more capable of working by
themselves and with others. Teachers can also authorize students to complete cer-
tain tasks with peers or in groups. Through collaborative
learning with ICT, the students have more opportunity to build the new knowledge
onto their background knowledge, and become more confident to take risks and
learn from their mistakes.
Further, Serhan (2009) concluded that ICT fosters autonomy by allowing educators
to create their own material, thus providing more control over course content than
is possible in a traditional classroom setting. With regard to capability, once stu-
dents are more confident in learning processes, they can develop the capability to
apply and transfer knowledge while using new technology with efficiency and effec-
tiveness. For example, in an ESL listening and speaking
class, students may be asked to practice their pronunciation using an online
audio dictionary.
They are required not only to listen to the native pronunciation from the dictionary,
but also to learn the definitions and examples of a new vocabulary item. They then
have to make a recording of their own pronunciation and provide examples of how
this new word is used in context. Before completing this task, they have to know
which browser to use in order to search a suitable online audio dictionary. They will
have to browse several online dictionaries, and select the one that best meets their
learning needs. In addition, finding good software to record their voice is another
prerequisite for these learners. Therefore, the whole learning process enriches stu-
dents’ learning
skills and broadens their knowledge beyond what they already know. By using ICT,
students’ creativity can be optimized. They may discover new multimedia tools and
create materials in the styles readily available to them through games (Gee 2007,
2011), CDs, and television. With a combination of students’ autonomy, capability,
and creativity, the use of ICT can improve both teaching and learning quality.
Support teaching by facilitating access to course content
Watts-Taffe et al. (2003) found that teachers can act as catalysts for the integra-
tion of technology through ICT. If the encouragement, equipment, and necessary
technological support are available from institutes for the teachers, developing an
ICT class will be easier for them. The main responsibilities of these teachers will be
changing their course format, creating and
explaining the new assignments, and arranging for the computer lab through their
technologylearning specialists or assistants.
In sum, as Reid (2002) has indicated, ICT offers students more time to explore be-
yond the mechanics of course content allowing them to better understand con-
cepts. The use of ICT also changes the teaching and learning relationship. Based on
the findings of Reid’s study, teachers reported that the relationship between
teacher and learner is sometimes reversed with regards to information technology.
This relationship boosts students’ confidence when they are able to help teachers
with technical issues in the classroom. Therefore, ICT changes the traditional
teacher centered approach, and requires teachers to be more creative in customiz-
ing and adapting their own material.
While ICT is changing teaching and learning for the better in several ways, the exist-
ing literature has also identified some barriers. In the following sections, these bar-
riers are classified into four categories based on the perspectives of students, teach-
ers, administrators, and ICT infrastructure.
Barriers And Solutions: Student Perspective
Although the advantages of using ICT in the classroom have been demonstrated in
previous research, barriers or challenges associated with its use still exist. Frederick,
Schweizer and Lowe (2006) showed that student mobility, special needs, and anxi-
ety over standardized test results are the main challenges associated with ICT use.
These challenges can be solved by providing more
authentic group- and problem-based learning activities, and adequate learning sup-
port (Whelan 2008). Whelan (2008) also identified more barriers from the student
perspective, including: subpar technical skills that reduce access to ICT in classroom;
an insufficient number of academic advisors and lack of timely feedback from in-
structors; and reduced interaction with peers and instructors. Therefore, the author
recommends the following strategies to facilitate the
learning process: more induction, orientation, and training for students; an in-
creased emphasis on the importance of instructor access and effective administra-
tion; and the expansion of podcasting and online conferencing tools. In general, ca-
pacity building, curriculum development, infrastructure, policy, and government
support are required in order to lower student barriers and
improve the effectiveness of ICT use in the classroom. In addition, Castro Sánchez
and Alemán (2011) encourage students to acquire specific technical skills to facili-
tate learning in ICT environments.
• Uncertainty about the possible benefits of using ICT in the classroom (Yildirim
• Lack of specific and definite ideas about how integrating technology into instruc-
tion will improve student learning (Al-Bataineh et al. 2008).
Several Strategies For Dealing With These Challenges Have Been Suggested.
Schools Are
encouraged to:
• Provide professional development activities related to technology to update
teachers’ skills and knowledge, and offer technical support when needed (Al-Ba-
taineh et al. 2008);
• Support partnerships that help teachers share effective technology practices and
experiences (Ertmer and Otternbreit-Leftwich 2010);
• Provide workshops that allow teachers to reflect upon effective strategies for
technology integration into instruction and unveil issues that are central to under-
standing the process of technology integration into instruction (Almekhlafi and Al-
meqdadi 2010);
• Offer opportunities to virtually observe teachers who use technology (Frederick,
Schweizer and Lowe 2006);
• Augment curricula with technology-enhanced materials (Goktas, Yildirim and Yild-
irim 2009);
• Provide enough freedom for teachers in selecting and covering curriculum materi-
als (Honan 2008);
• Provide effective, timely, and continuous training to improve ICT skills and man-
age a technology-rich classroom (Hutchison and Reinking 2011);
• Encourage positive attitudes about the significance of integrating ICT into instruc-
tion (Lim,2007); and
• Provide adequate technical support (Liu and Szabo 2009; Tezci 2011a; Yildirim
According to Tezci (2011a), teachers should learn not only how to use technology
to enhance traditional teaching or increase productivity, but also should learn from
a student centered perspective how ICT can be integrated into classroom activities
in order to promote student learning. This means that teachers need to use ICT in
more creative and productive ways in order to create more engaging and rewarding
activities and more effective lessons (Birch and Irvine 2009; Honan 2008).
To help teachers cope with these difficulties,Chen (2008) suggested that rather than
only providing education theories, ICT researchers should also document examples
of how teachers accomplish meaningful and effective technology
integration to meet their pedagogical goals and needs.
In addition to the challenges faced by both students and teachers in the use of ICT,
other obstacles also exist in terms of an administrative and ICT infrastructures. Such
barriers include:
• School inspectors focus more on the quantity of course content and student test
scores than on ICT usage (Yildirim 2007);
• A lack of appropriate administrative support for the effective use of ICT (Lim
2007);ICT in Education 117
• Administrative mandates to improve examination results, which shifts the focus
away from using ICT to engage students in higher-order thinking activities (Goktas,
Yildirim and Yildirim 2009);
• A lack of appropriate course content and instructional programs (Yildirim 2007);
• A lack of appropriate hardware, software, and materials (Yildirim 2007).
To address these barriers, Yildirim (2007) suggested that schools need to provide
appropriate access to technology. Furthermore, schools and related institutional
systems need to employ new policies to involve teachers in the decision-making
and planning processes regarding ICT in their classrooms. Lim (2007) conducted a
qualitative study examining effective and ineffective ICT
integration in schools in order to provide tangible solutions. The results showed
that the availability of ICT tools, the establishment of disciplinary and educational
principles and procedures, as well as the division of labour among teachers, teach-
ing assistants and students are crucial elements to establishing a well-managed ICT-
integrated class. By emphasizing these elements, a learning process that is more
likely to engage students in higher-order thinking can
be facilitated.
Ertmer and Otternbreit-Leftwich (2010) reviewed the existing literature on the nec-
essary elements to enable pre-service and in-service teachers to apply ICT as a
meaningful pedagogical tool. They recommended that schools provide
teachers with solid evidence supporting the positive impact of technology-based
and student-centered instruction on student learning and achievement on stand-
ardized tests. For instance, schools can provide opportunities for preservice teach-
ers to observe a variety of examples and models, which they can then apply with
real learners. Schools need to help pre-service teachers understand difficulties they
may face when they begin to use ICT in their classrooms, and present effective
strategies for addressing them.
In sum, school leaders should ensure that teachers understand that the ultimate
objective of technology integration is to advance the teaching and learning process,
not replace it.
Developing a pedagogical model requires a strong link between theory and applica-
tion in order to help teachers overcome the obstacles faced in technology integra-
tion (Keengwe and Onchwari 2009). Thus, Staples, Pugach and Himes (2005) stated
that good planning for technology integration requires a special understanding of
specific hardware and software related to the
curriculum. Staff development and teacher training are also indispensable to sup-
porting the curriculum with technology integration.
Among these external factors, the most common are lack of access to computers
and software,insufficient time for course planning, and inadequate technical and
administrative support (Chen, 2008). Al-Ruz and Khasawneh (2011) found that
some external factors were positively associated with technology integration, in-
cluding availability of technology and support
from technicians, teachers, and principals. Thus, technology availability and
overall support are important to technology integration.
Several internal factors also influence technology integration outcomes (Sang et al.
Internal factors related to teachers include: understanding of ICT use; beliefs,
which may conflict with the application of ICT; attitudes toward technology inte-
gration; perceptions, including intention or motivation to use ICT; self-confidence
and knowledge; technology skills; readiness to use ICT; and technology self-effi-
cacy (Al-Ruz and Khasawneh 2011; Chen 2008; Lin, Wang and
Lin 2012; Sang et al. 2011; Tezci 2011a).
Chen (2008) discovered two common issues associated with internal factors. First,
teachers may implement policies based on limited or
improper theoretical interpretations and comprehension of ICT use. Second,
teachers may be under pressure to cover all content and be unwilling or hesitant
to let students spend more time exploring content on their own with technology
due to their other conflicting beliefs.
These issues imply that teacher beliefs may not resonate in their practices. A school
culture emphasizing competition and a high stakes assessment system can discour-
age teachers from integrating technology into their classrooms. Thus, teacher be-
liefs influence ICT use in the classroom (Chen 2008).
Expanding the Pool of Students
In the past, education has been a privilege and an opportunity that often was
unavailable to many students whose situation did not fit the mainstream. Through
the flexibilities provided by technology, many students who previously were una-
ble to participate in educational activities are now finding opportunities to do so.
The pool of students is changing and will continue to change as more and more
people who have a need for education and training are able to take advantage of
the increased opportunities. Interesting opportunities are now being
The discoveries for Effectiveness of ICT in Education Model clarifies that all the free
factors Availability of ICT, Usage of ICT, Knowledge from ICT and Cost of ICT are
measurably huge and have a solid positive effect on viability of ICT. It is additionally
obvious from the exploration that, Cost of ICT is the most noteworthy impacting
factor on Effectiveness of ICT in advanced education and utilization, accessibility
and learning are following that.
It tends to be inferred that ICT in instructing can support a few procedures identi-
fied with educating and learning through transmission of data and assistance of
information. ICT makes educating and learning process less demanding on the rec-
ord of being broad and orderly and in this manner fundamental abilities can be
produced to take additional profit of the same. In such manner, it ought to be
thought about that change in the learning results is by and large connected with
the utilization of imaginative mechanical practices in training. It is normal that an
easy to understand and proper condition can be produced in the schools, estab-
lishments and colleges by the instructors and managers to expand the utilization
of ICT.
ICT likewise centers change of the educators’ job during the time spent on ad-
vanced education where not with standing classroom instructing, different abilities
and obligations of the instructors would lead them to go about as virtual aides for
understudies utilizing electronic media. The learning encounters of understudies
will be upgraded using ICT that would likewise make them energetic in deduction
freely and imparting inventively. The understudies can assemble fruitful vocations
and lives, in an undeniably focused world. Quick changes in the innovations are
demonstrating that the job of ICT in future will develop massively in the training.
Accordingly, the job of ICT in the training is repeating and unavoidable. It may very
well be reasoned that the way ICT is utilized during the time spent on advanced
education framework can be a key achievement factor for development, instruct-
ing and change of learning forms which can inspire the educators, chairmen and
These are the methods for building up a real instructive framework that can be
open to financial, progressive and all-around satisfaction. Every individual will be
furnished with the keys to enhanced and practically perpetual learning through
such framework.
The teachers should increase the use of ICT for content transaction, prepara-
tion of the teaching-learning materials, academic planning, project work and mak-
ing presentations as these are the components directly related to the teaching-
learning process, rather than using it for maintaining records, examination purpose
and downloading information. For the fulfillment of this objective, training pro-
grammes need to be conducted on a large scale and at regular intervals.
The management and the higher authority should encourage and support the
schools to develop language laboratory and use it for the teaching of languages.
The management should motivate teachers to use ICT for the teaching-learn-
ing process by providing the incentives and framing the policies at the institute.
INTEL should collaborate with Teacher Education colleges to provide training
to in-service teachers for using ICT in teaching-learning process.
The self-financed colleges of education should organize training programmes
for the teachers of practice-teaching schools.
changing environment. ICT can change the traditional concept of learning process
and develop new processes based on digital technology. It can definitely create in-
formation-rich society. It is essential to redefine the role and responsibility of teach-
ers to meet the challenges of ICT in 21st century.. The new ICT will be able to reach
these untrained teachers and can provide quality teacher education all around the
Advantages of ICT in Education to the Main Stakeholder
1. Student • Increased access,
• Flexibility of content and delivery,
• Combination of work and education,
• Learner-centered approach,
• Higher quality of education and new ways of interaction
It is clear from the above table that ICT allows higher participation and greater in-
teraction. It challenges the concept that face-to-face traditional education is supe-
rior to it. The web and the Internet is the core ICTs to spread education through e-
learning. The components include e-portfolios, cyber infrastructures, digital libraries
and online learning object repositories.
All the above components create a digital identity of the student and connect all
the stakeholders in the education. It also facilitates inter disciplinary research. The
experience of many teachers, who are early innovators, is that the use of ICT is mo-
tivating for the students as well as for the teachers themselves. Some of the experts
mention that the use of ICT can improve performance, teaching, administration,
and develop relevant skills in the disadvantaged communities. It also improves the
quality of education by facilitating learning by doing, real time conversation, de-
layed time conversation, directed instruction, self-learning, problem solving, infor-
mation seeking and analysis, and critical thinking, as well as the ability to communi-
cate, collaborate and learn. ICTs also provide a platform for sharing information and
knowledge. This can be used for the betterment of program delivery in terms of
replication of best practices. It also helps researchers by provision of information,
networking, online journals, libraries and data. The possibility of real time interac-
tion in all the different aspects of the education system like teaching, collaboration,
debates etc. hold great promise for the future.
Research findings show that technology can support pedagogical, curricular, and
assessment reforms, which intend to support the process of knowledge creation.
Students and teachers plan their learning activities and build on each other’s
ideas to create new knowledge.
It also facilitates monitoring of their progress in understanding and preparation for
lifelong learning and participation in the information society. Besides cost effective-
ness, research has proved that ICT is most effective to tackle problems like expand-
ing number of students in each class. ICT enabled distance education provides envi-
ronmental benefits, as there is a major reduction in the amount of student travel.
ICT facilitate delivery, dialogue and feedback over the Internet. It allows mass cus-
tomization in terms of content and exams. E-education can provide access to the
best gurus and the best practices or knowledge available. It is possible to leverage
the on line environment to facilitate teaching techniques like role-play across time
and distance. It can also facilitate the development of scenarios, which can be rarely
witnessed in practice. ICT can play a valuable role to monitor and log the progress
of the students across time, place and varied activities. ICT based education can be
expected to provide greater reliability, validity, and efficiency of data collection and
greater ease of analysis, evaluation, and interpretation at any educational level. In
absence of ICT, most of the responsibility of teaching and learning lies on the teach-
ers. However, with the help of ICT one can transfer the responsibilities to the stu-
dents so that they can self manage. It helps to individualize the teaching or guid-
ance method as per the student’s need. It also boosts the confidence level and the
self-esteem of the students who acquire the ICT skills through the process of being
exposed to such kind of learning and also puts forth the view that ICT- based regis-
tration, evaluation, and administration helps to link different levels of information
and facilitate an overall view of the whole educational setup. It facilitates the evalu-
ation and examination of the learning process and results by the students and the
parents in a flexible and convenient way.
The globalization process has also created a large market of offshore students. To
reach them, information technology is the only convenient medium, which can of-
fer education as a service. It increases education provision substantially and can
contribute to mass education.
It also creates competition among the institutions for providing education and
hence improves the quality. India is making use of powerful combination of ICTs
such as open source software, satellite technology, local language interfaces, easy
to use human-computer interfaces, digital libraries, etc. with a long-term plan to
reach the remotest of the villages. Community service centers have been started to
promote e-learning throughout the country.
It might be too common for issues and challenges of ICT integration to be discussed
but in-depth study of ICT integration in core subjects in schools is least discussed.
It is good if further studies can be made based on what barriers teachers are facing
in using ICT in their daily classrooms in schools. Besides, rather than just focusing
in public schools, it is best if this study can be conducted in 3 major schools we
have in Malaysia that includes public schools, Chinese school as well as Indian
school. This is because some schools might have more funding that makes ICT im-
plementation much faster and easier. It is good if comparison can be made be-
tween different schools in which it can take the good side as examples and make
improvements needed from the flaws identified.
Other than that, it is highly recommended for comparison studies about ICT in-
tegration in teaching and learning to be done between public and private schools.
This is because most private schools permit students to bring gadgets to school and
teaching and learning process takes place within the use of ICT. It would be exciting
to see the findings between the effectiveness of ICT integration in public and pri-
vate schools.
Hardware & software technologies and facilitate teaching learning process. Using
Information Technologies learners are now able to participate in learning communi-
ties throughout the world. They are independent and free in choice of their pro-
grammes of study and access to the resources. They may learn collaboratively,
share information, exchange their learning experiences and work through coopera-
tives. Information technologies facilitate teaching learning process in more produc-
tive fashion. Similarly, the role of teacher is also different in new setting than in the
conventional system. Teacher facilitates and guides the learners in their study play-
ing the role of a coach or mentor. Now teacher is not at the center of the instruc-
tion and sole source of information as in conventional classrooms. He/ She decides
contents/experiences and/or learners how to have access and utilize the infor-
mation for required outcomes. In nutshell, information technologies are restructur-
ing teaching learning process to meet the International standards
The results of this study show that technology-based teaching and learning is more
effective in compare to traditional classroom. This is because, using ICT tools and
equipment will prepare an active learning environment that is more interesting and
effective for both teachers and students. The results are in line with a research find-
ings by Macho (2005) that proved using ICT in education would enhance students’
learning. However, most of teachers in this study agree that ICT helps to improve
classroom management as students are well-behaved and more focused. Moreover,
this study proved that students learn more effectively with the use of ICT as lesson
designed are more engaging and interesting. Accordingly, the participants agreed
that integrating ICT can foster students’ learning.
In conclusion, the very first stage of ICT implementation must be effective to
make sure that, teachers and students are able to make the best use of it. Thus,
preparations of a technology-based teaching and learning begin with proper im-
plementation and supports by the school top management. If the implementation
process of technology integration in schools take place appropriately from the very
beginning stage and the continuous maintenance are adequately provided, ICT in-
tegration in schools will result in a huge success and benefits for both teachers and
students. The use of ICT especially in teaching and learning is more about practi-
cality as compared to theories and that is why teachers must be given time to learn
and explore it, face the “trial-and-error” phase before they are completely com-
fortable with its usage and able to make use of it for teaching and learning.
Finally, the integration of ICT in classroom needs serious consideration in the gov-
ernment needs to improve and change the teachers’ belief about the integration
of ICT in classroom. The changes that is taking place is driven by advanced technol-
ogy and communication devices that should be available to students wherever
they are either at school or home.
In addition , the needs for teachers to be literate and have good skills and
knowledge in using ICT to improve their teaching methods and approach is desired
to promote effective learning as well as to meet the demand of the 21st century
teaching skills.
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The End