D7498D7498M.14066 - Vertical Strip Drains Using A Large Scale Consolidation Test
D7498D7498M.14066 - Vertical Strip Drains Using A Large Scale Consolidation Test
D7498D7498M.14066 - Vertical Strip Drains Using A Large Scale Consolidation Test
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
ε1 NOTE—Units information and designation were corrected and editorial changes were made throughout in February 2014
5. Significance and Use
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D35 on
Geosynthetics and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D35.03 on Perme- 5.1 As this is a time intensive test, it should not be
ability and Filtration. considered as an acceptance test for commercial shipments of
Current edition approved Jan. 1, 2014. Published February 2014. Originally
prefabricated vertical strip drains.
approved in 2009. Last previous edition approved in 2009 as D7498–09. DOI:
5.2 Prior to the development of vertical strip drains, when it
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or
was desired to increase the rate of consolidation of a compress-
contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on ible soil on a construction project, large diameter sand drains
the ASTM website. were installed. Vertical strip drains can be installed in areas
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
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D7498/D7498M − 09 (2014)´1
where it is desired to increase the rate of soils consolidation in Drainage Ports—Six 3.18-mm [0.125-in.] drainage
place of these large diameter sand drains. ports are located 152.4-mm [6-in.] from the top, and equally
5.3 This test method can be used to compare the perfor- spaced around the perimeter of the cylinder.
mance of vertical strip drains to that of sand drains. On the outside of the cylinder, at 180° to one
another, two 19.05-mm [0.75-in.] thick acrylic hooks are
6. Apparatus
located 25.4 mm [1 in.] from the bottom of the test chamber for
6.1 The apparatus for this test method is a specialty piece of the purpose of fastening the test chamber to the base plate.
equipment that must be capable of safely handling loads up to 6.1.3 Base Plate:
206.8 kPa [30 psi] using compressed air.
6.1.1 As this is a time intensive test, it is recommended to A 361.95-mm [14.25-in.] diameter PVC flat plate,
have three test apparatus setups. This will allow simultaneous 38.1 mm [1.5 in.] thick.
testing of three vertical strip drain specimens. The base plate has a 12.7-mm [0.5-in.] wide by
6.1.2 Test Chamber—A 254.0-mm [10-in.] diameter by 6.35-mm [0.25-in.] deep concentric groove, having an inside
558.6-mm [22-in.] high by 12.7-mm [0.5-in.] wall thickness diameter of 254.0 mm [10 in.], located on the top side of the
PVC pipe. (Fig. 1) base plate.
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D7498/D7498M − 09 (2014)´1 A 3.17-mm [0.125-in.] by 228.6-mm [9-in.] diam- NOTE 2—The quantity of soil needed shall be figured based on filling
eter rubber O-ring is stretched and placed in this groove. the test chamber to a height of 381 mm [15 in.] at the desired density. The test chamber is seated into the groove on top of 7.2 Silicone Spray—The spray is used to lubricate the inside
the O-ring. surface of the test chamber to minimize friction between the
6.1.4 Tension Rods: soil and the chamber surface. Equally spaced around the base plate, 158.75 mm
[6.25 in.] from the center of the plate, are six 0.952-mm 8. Hazards
[0.375-in.] diameter by 76.2-mm [30-in.] long threaded tension
rods. 8.1 There are no known hazards with the materials, or in Each tension rod is attached to the base plate by two performing the test.
hex nuts, one above the plate, and one beneath. On two 180° opposing tension rods place a wing nut 9. Sampling, Laboratory Samples, and Test Specimens
that is used to secure the test chamber to the base plate via the 9.1 Lot Sample—As a lot sample for acceptance testing, take
hooks referred to in the number of units as directed in Table 3 in Practice D4354.
6.1.5 Double Cup Seal Assembly: Consider rolls of the vertical strip drain to be the primary This is used to evenly distribute the consolidation sampling units.
load over the soil in the test chamber. It consists of the
following parts: 9.2 Laboratory Sample—Take for the laboratory sample a Two 254.00-mm [10-in.] diameter by 4.76-mm sample 1829 mm [72 in.] in length from each of the lot
[0.3125-in.] thick rubber cup seals that are placed back to back. samples. Before taking the laboratory sample, remove the outer
They are sandwiched between two 241.3-mm [9.5-in.] diam- layer of drain from the sample roll to avoid testing any
eter by 12.7-mm [0.5-in.] flat PVC plates. damaged material. A 12.7-mm [0.5-in.] diameter by 228.6-mm [9-in.] 9.3 Test Specimens—From each laboratory sample cut three
long center rod centrally located on the cup seal assembly. It is test specimens, each 508.0 mm [20 in.] long, making sure each
attached to the assembly by a ball and socket device. end of the specimen is cut square. A removable PVC platform that is attached to the 9.3.1 At one end of each test specimen cut three notches
center rod after the test chamber is completely assembled. This 6.35 mm [0.25 in.] x 12.7 mm [0.5 in.] long. Each notch should
is used to seat the deflection dial or transducer on. line up with the mounting bolts in the specimen mount. See
6.1.6 Top Plate: Fig. 1. An identical plate to the base plate, including the
9.3.2 Place a 25.4-mm [1-in.] wide piece of masking tape
groove for test chamber seating, and holes for tension rods to
around each test specimen, covering the area from 374.6 mm to
go through.
400.0 mm [14.75 to 15.74 in.] of the length of each specimen. A 3.17-mm [0.125-in.] by 228.6-mm [9-in.] diam-
eter rubber O-ring is stretched and placed in the groove.
10. Test Set-Up A threaded 6.35-mm [0.25-in.] diameter hole going
completely through the top plate into which a brass fitting is 10.1 Compute the total wet mass of soil to be used in each
mounted. The air supply line is attached to this fitting. The chamber by multiplying the desired wet density by the volume
consolidation loads are applied through this air line. the soil will occupy. This is the initial mass of soil. The double cup seal assembly is mounted through a
10.2 Taking a small portion of the wet soil from 10.1,
hole in the center of the top plate. The cup seals are placed such
determine and record the initial moisture content of the soil to
that they will be inside the test chamber.
be placed in the test chamber using Eq 1: A pressure gauge for reading the applied air pressure
is mounted to the top plate such that it reads the pressure inside w i 5 @ ~ W T 2 W S ! /W # 3 100 % (1)
the test chamber. where:
6.1.7 A deflection dial or electronic displacement transducer
wi = Initial Moisture Content (%)
graduated in 0.0254-mm [0.001-in.] divisions. WT = Total Wet Mass of Soil (g) The deflection measuring device is attached to the WS = Dry Mass of Soil (g)
top plate by mounting it on a rod mounted to the outer edge of
the top plate. 10.3 Secure the test chamber to the bottom base making
6.1.8 Vertical Strip Drain Mount: A flat PVC plate cut to fit sure that the O-ring seal is in place in the base plate.
the inside of the test chamber. 10.4 Draw a line around the inside of the test chamber 381.0
NOTE 1—See Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 for schematic diagrams of the test mm [15 in.] up from the top surface of the base plate. This is
apparatus. the height to which the soil will be placed, and is the initial
7. Materials height of soil in the test chamber.
7.1 Project Soil—A quantity of in-situ compressible soil 10.5 Spray non-stick silicone spray around the inside sur-
large enough to perform the number of required tests shall be face of the test chamber. This will reduce sidewall fiction
obtained from the project site. This does not have to be between the soil and the test chamber as consolidation takes
undisturbed soil. place.
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D7498/D7498M − 09 (2014)´1
10.6 Assemble the test specimen to the specimen mounting 10.8.1 The moisture content, percent saturation, and place-
plate by placing the three pre-cut notches over the assembly ment density shall be as required by specifier.
bolts and tightening these bolts. Place the assembly in the test 10.8.2 Clean any excess soil from the walls of the test
chamber. chamber and then unlock the scale and check to see that the
10.7 Weigh and record the test chamber, bottom base plate, desired mass of soil has been placed in the chamber.
prefabricated vertical strip drain and holder, and assembly rods
10.9 Apply another coating of non-stick silicone spray to
the inside exposed test chamber wall.
10.7.1 Leaving the items in 10.6 on the scale, tare the scale
out. 10.10 Place a 9.52-mm to 12.7-mm [0.375 to 0.5-in.] layer
NOTE 3—If the scale can be locked, lock the platform in place after of molten wax on the entire top surface of the soil, allowing it
taring out. Then set the scale for the desired mass of soil to be added in to seal against the taped section of the test specimen. Make
the next step. sure that wax does not splash on exposed portion of test
10.8 Soil Placement—Holding the prefabricated vertical specimen or the walls of the test chamber.
strip drain in a vertical position, start placing the soil into the 10.11 With a thin bladed spatula carefully cut around the
test chamber. Distribute evenly around the drain using hand perimeter of the test chamber between the wax seal and the
pressure and kneading to eliminate voids and achieve a wall to break any bonding of the seal to the wall.
uniform density. Add soil in layers of equal thickness until the
final placed layer reaches the line drawn in 10.4. Be sure to 10.12 Place a uniform 25.4-mm [1-in.] layer of moist silica
keep the test specimen in a vertical position as the chamber is sand on top of the hardened wax seal. Fold the test specimen
filled with soil. which extends up through the sand layer over on top of the
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D7498/D7498M − 09 (2014)´1
sand. Place an additional 76.2-mm [3-in.] layer of moist silica 11.10.1 Remove the top plate assembly and remove the
sand over the test specimen. Level and smooth the surface of cushion sand from the top of the chamber.
sand. 11.10.2 Weigh and record the cylinder base assembly and
NOTE 4—Be careful not to crimp the test specimen or break the wax soil. This is the final wet weight of soil in the chamber. (WF)
seal when bending the specimen over the sand. 11.10.3 Remove the soil cylinder from the chamber intact.
10.12.1 Record the height of the sand layer. 11.10.4 Slice the soil cylinder down along the edge of the
vertical strip drain. Photograph and record the condition of the
10.13 Place the double cup seal assembly inside the cylin- vertical strip drain. If necessary, apply a coloring to the edge of
der. Be sure that it is level and in contact with the sand layer. the vertical strip drain so that there is a noticeable color
10.13.1 Place the top plate down over the center rod of the contrast between the drain and the soil. Be sure to place a test
cup seal assembly and tension rods on the cylinder. Be sure that identifying card in the photograph.
the O-ring seal is in place in the top plate. 11.10.5 Take a representative soil sample from the center of
10.14 Connect an air line from the air supply to the fitting in the soil cylinder, approximately 1 kg [2 lbm]. Weigh and record
the top plate. the mass of the sample.
10.15 Attach the deflection dial or transducer platform to 11.10.6 Dry the soil sample in an oven at 110 6 5°C for a
the center rod. minimum of 16 h. Weigh and record the mass of the dried soil
10.15.1 Attach the deflection dial or transducer to the top sample.
plate, being sure that the follower of the dial or transducer is 11.11 Repeat 11.1 – 11.10.6, only in place of the prefabri-
contact with platform in 10.14. cated vertical strip drain insert a 50-mm [2-in.] diameter sand
10.15.2 Set up remaining two test chambers in the same drain.
11.12 After placing the test soil in the chamber, push a
50-mm [2-in.] diameter soil sampling tube down through the
11. Test Procedure
soil in the center of the cylinder.
11.1 With the air supply valves in the off position, adjust the 11.12.1 Withdraw the tube with soil in it leaving a 50-mm
air regulators to read 103.42 kPa [15 psi], or as otherwise [2-in.] diameter hole down the center of the cylinder of test
specified, but within the safe operating limits of the air supply soil.
11.13 Fill the 50-mm [2-in.] diameter soil with 20-30 silica
11.2 Record the initial, or zero load, deflection dial/ sand.
transducer readings.
11.14 Finish setting up the test equipment as for the
11.3 Open air supply valves so that the air pressure from prefabricated vertical strip drain.
11.1 is applied to the test soil.
11.15 Perform the loading and data collection as with the
11.4 Take the following timed deflection readings:
prefabricated vertical strip drain.
11.4.1 Day 1: 1, 2, 5, 10, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210,
240, then hourly;
12. Calculations/Data Reduction
11.4.2 Day 2: Morning; Mid-day; End of the work day.
NOTE 7—The following information is calculated for the tests per-
11.4.3 Remainder of the test: Morning; End of the work day. formed with both the prefabricated vertical strip drain and with the sand
NOTE 5—If electronic timing and data collection are used, after the first drain.
day, readings every 6 h are suggested. 12.1 Compute the final moisture content (wf) of the soil.
11.5 The following plots are constructed during the test Use Eq 1 only using the masses as determined from 11.10.5
phase: (1) Deflection readings versus the log of elapsed time; and 11.10.6.
and (2) Deflection readings versus the square root of time. 12.2 Compute the dry weight of soil in the chamber using
NOTE 6—These plots will be used to determine the ending of each Eq 2:
loading phase.
W S 5 W F / ~ 11w f ! (2)
11.6 When the plots from 11.5 show that there are a least
three data points beyond the 100 % primary consolidation where:
phase for the soil, proceed to the next loading phase. WF = Final Wet Mass of Soil from 11.10.2 (g)
WS = Final Dry Mass of Soil in Test Chamber (g)
11.7 With the air supply valves in the off position, adjust the wf = Final Moisture Content of Soil from 12.2
air regulators to 206.84 kPa [30 psi], or as otherwise specified,
but within the safe operating limits of the air supply system. 12.3 Compute the final height of the soil sample in the test
chamber using Eq 3:
11.8 Repeat 11.2 – 11.6.
H F 5 H I 2 ~ C 1 1C 2 ! /K (3)
11.9 When the plots for the second load meet the condition
of 11.6, the test is complete. where:
11.10 Shut off the air supply and release the load from the HI = Initial Height of Test Soil in Chamber from 10.4
HF = Final Height of Test Soil in Chamber (mm)
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D7498/D7498M − 09 (2014)´1
(C1 + C2) = Total Consolidation for the Two Applied Loads (cv); determine the cv for 50 % and 90 % consolidation for each
(mm) load applied to the soil.
K = 1 if using SI units, or 12 in./ft if using English 12.9 The information calculated and determined in this
units. section can be used to compare performance of different
12.4 Compute the initial and final volumes of soil in the test prefabricated vertical strip drains and/or;
chamber using Eq 4: 12.9.1 To determine the prefabricated vertical strip drain
field spacing requirements. This will be covered in a Standard
V 5 A 3H (4) Practice under development.
where: 13. Report
For the initial volume H = the initial height of soil in the
13.1 The test report shall include the following for both the
test chamber (mm)
For the final volume, H = the final height as computed prefabricated vertical strip drains and for the sand drains:
with Eq 3 (mm) 13.1.1 The test was performed according to ASTM Test
A = Cross-sectional Inside Area of Method D7498;
the Test Chamber (mm2) 13.1.2 Any variations from the test method as described
V = Initial and/or Final volumes of herein;
test soil in (mm3) 13.1.3 Provide a description of the soil used including a
visual description and initial moisture content;
12.5 Compute the initial wet density of the test soil using Eq 13.1.4 Identify the prefabricated vertical strip drain tested
5: providing the manufacture and specific identifying information
γ w 5 W T /V 1 (5) such as style number or other appropriate information to
differentiate materials tested;
where: 13.1.5 The test results including initial and final moisture
γw = Initial Wet Density kg/m2 [lbm/ft2] contents, initial and final dry densities, and the final height of
WT = Initial Wet Weight of Soil from 10.1 the test soil following completion of the loading;
V1 = Initial Volume of Test Soil 13.1.6 The plots of deflection versus square root of time and
12.6 Compute the initial dry density of the test soil using Eq deflection versus the logarithm of time;
6: 13.1.7 The coefficients of consolidation as determined from
the plots in 13.1.6.
γ D 5 γ w / ~ 11w i ! (6)
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