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1 Technical Data

Module ID LS251

General Information

Model Number 5LS251.60-1

Type Standard PCI Half Size Card, Plug & Play

Output Power
without LS071 max. 7.75 W

Logic Scanner
with LS071 max. 8.5 W

Chapter 2
Operating Temperature 0 - 55 °C

Humidity 0 - 95 % (not condensing)


Processor Architecture 32 Bit

Typical Command Cycle Time 0.13 µsec

Data and Program code Cache 2 x 256 Byte

Standard Memory Construction

Operating Memory 2 MByte DRAM
System RAM 174 KByte SRAM
User RAM 850 KByte SRAM
System PROM 512 KByte FlashPROM
User PROM 512 KByte FlashPROM

Real Time Non-volatile

Resolution 1 sec

Data Buffering
Buffer Battery Lithium battery 3 V / 950 mAh
Battery Monitoring Yes
Buffer Life min. 4 years

Standard Communication
User Interface 1 RS485 interface (for remote I/O)
Connection Type 9 Pin D Type connector (F)
Electrical Isolation Yes
Baudrate Expansion Distance
100 kBit/sec max. 1200 m
181 kBit/sec max. 1000 m
500 kBit/sec max. 400 m
1000 kBit/sec max. 200 m
2000 kBit/sec max. 100 m
User Interface 2 CAN interface
Connection Type 4 Pin connector block
Electrical Isolation Yes
Max. Baudrate 500 kBit/sec
(see chapter 1 "General Information",
section "CAN Field Bus")

Logic Scanner LS251 21

Module ID LS251


Remote I/O bus

Access Procedure Master/Slave principle
Number of Slaves max. 31 (without repeater)
Intelligent Slaves with CPU Yes
possible ?
Protocol Handling through own processor
Transfer Time 897 µsec for 64 digital I/O and 16 analog I/O
Topology physical bus
Coupling to Bus direct
Transfer Method twisted pair cable
Terminating Resistance external

CAN Field Bus

Multi master capable Yes
Number of stations max. 64 (without repeater)
Controller Controller 82527
Priority through object identifier
Protocol from CiA/CAL
Transfer method 4 wire twisted pair cable
Terminating resistance optional external cable

Interface Expansion with expansion card LS071

in neighboring slot
1 x CAN
1 x RS232

2 Overview of the Components

22 Chapter 2
3 Description of the Components

3.1 RS485,
Remote I/O Bus
The cabling of remote I/O networks is explained in chapter 1 "General
Information" section "Remote I/O Bus.

Pin RS485 Interface, 9 Pin D Type Connector (F)


Logic Scanner
1 Shield Shield connection (casing)

Chapter 2
2 - Reserved

5 3 DATA Data
4 CNTRL Transmit Enable (control wire)
5 GND Isolated Supply
6 6 +5 V / 50 mA Isolated supply
(e.g. for Bus connection)

7 - Reserved

9 Pin D-Type Connector (F) 8 DATA\ Data\

9 CNTRL\ Transmit enable\

3.2 CAN Field Bus

A 4 pin terminal block and a 120 Ω bus terminating resistor are included
with every delivery.
The resistor must be attached between pins 1 and 3.
The cabling of a CAN field bus is explained in chapter 1 "General Infor-
mation" section "Can Field Bus".

Connector CAN Field Bus, 4 Pin Terminal block
1 1 CAN_H CAN High

2 CAN_GND CAN Ground

4 3 CAN_L CAN Low
4 Pin Terminal 4 CAN_SHLD Shield

Logic Scanner LS251 23

3.3 CAN Node
Number Dials


CAN High






The hex dials are used to set the CAN node number. The position of the
dial can be evaluated by the application program. When the dial is turned
during operation a relevant warning message can be generated. The
dial status can only be identified by the operating system during star t-

Positions 00 and FF are reserved for special functions.

Dial position: 00 ... System flash programming

(see section 6 "Operating System")
FF ... Diagnosis mode

3.4 Buffer Battery

The Logic Scanner LS251 is equipped with a lithium battery. This bat-
tery is used for data and real time buffering.

3.4.1 Battery Data

Lithium-Battery 3 V / 950 mAh

Order Number 0AC201.9 (5 Lithium batteries)

Storage Time max. 3 years at 30 °C

Humidity 0 to 95 % (not condensing)

B&R recommends changing the battery after 4 years.

3.4.2 Data/Real Time

The battery voltage is tested cyclically. The cyclical load test does not
shorten the battery life but serves to give an early warning of weak-
ened buffer capacity.
The status information "Battery OK" is available from the B&R-TRAP
function "SYS_battery".

24 Chapter 2
3.4.3 Changing the
The product design allows the battery to be changed when the PC is
turned off (Logic Scanner LS251 is at zero volts) and also when the PC
is turned on. Changing the battery under operating voltage is, however,
not allowed in many countries.

Data stored in the RAM will be lost if the battery is changed while
the PC is switched off!

1) Touch the mounting rail or ground connection (not the power sup-

Logic Scanner
ply!) in order to discharge any static charge from your body.

Chapter 2

2) Remove the battery from the holder by pulling the removal strip
(don't use uninsulated tools-> risk of short circuit).
The battery should not be held by its edges. Insulated tweezers
may be used for removing the battery.

Right: Wrong:

3) New batteries are to be inserted with proper polarity. The removal

strip ➊ should be pulled straight, and the battery inserted with the
"+" side facing down ➋.
The removal strip must be left protruding from the upper side of the
battery so that it can be changed in the future.

➊ ➋

Logic Scanner LS251 25

4) Now push the excess part of the removal strip under the battery so
that it does not hang loose.

Lithium batteries are considered hazardous waste and should be

disposed of accordingly!

4 Memory
The LS251 is equipped with 512 KByte User FlashPROM and 850 KByte
User RAM. System modules are provided with 256 KByte FlashPROM.
If the FlashPROM memory for the user program is not sufficient for the
user program, it can be transferred to the LS251 from the hard disk
using the DL tools.
The complete SRAM can be addressed via the PCI Bus.

5 Online Connection
The online connection is made via the PCI bus and the SRAM of the
A suitable driver is included with PG2000 version >V 2.35. Otherwise,
the online connection must be made using the RS232 interface on the
LS071 expansion circuit board.
The LS251 can be programmed via CAN like every other B&R CPU.
Programming through a CAN network is possible when PG2000 is cou-
pled to a processor using CAN interface. This processor routes to the
LS251 via CAN.

6 Operating System
The Logic Scanner LS251 comes with a pre-installed operating sys-
tem. The operating system can be updated using the PCI bus and the
programming system PG2000 >V 2.35.
If the Expansion Card LS071 is being used, upgrades can be made
using the RS232 interface together with the older versions of PG2000.

26 Chapter 2
Upgrading the operating system must be carried out in the following

1) Turn off the power supply to the PC

2) Switch both node number dials on the LS251 to position 0
3) Turn the power back on
4) Establish online connection with the PC
5) PG2000 start (no connection will be show in the message
6) Choose menu point "SYSTEM" - "SERVICE" - "PCCSW UPDATE"

Logic Scanner
(starting with PG-Version 2.30)

Chapter 2

7) The window System Download will be opened
8) Set desired baudrate and connection in this window
9) Press "OK" to start system download

User Flash will be deleted!

Download progress is shown in the status bar.

10) When download is 100 % complete, the node number dials must
be switched to a position other than 00 and FF
11)Turn PC off/on

It is possible that connection to LS251 is not created immediately dur-

ing operating system download, in which case a red message window
may appear.
It is then necessary to repeat the download.

7 Visualization

7.1 DOS Visualization

With DOS visualization, the LS251 Logic Scanner can be accessed
through the PCI bus with a NET2000 driver. The NET2000 driver must
be programmed separately on the LS251 in the System FlashPROM or
in the User FlashPROM.
A NET2000 PCI driver must also be loaded on the visualization device.
B&R can provide NET2000 DDK (Driver Development Kit) to create the
Visualization can be coupled to the expansion card using the CAN in-
terface or the RS232 interface. This module can be used with all stand-
ard PCC drivers.

Logic Scanner LS251 27

7.2 Windows®
32 Bit operating systems such as Windows® 95 or Windows NT of-
fer the possibility to couple the visualization using the new B&R proc-
ess imaging PVI (Process Visualization Interface). Using the PVI, every
visualization device is able to read/write data (internal variables, in-
puts/outputs or extra modules) from the LS251.
A driver is provided for the PVI that can serve the LS251 over a PCI
bus. The driver will be available for delivery from the start of the second
quarter of 1998. At present, a PVI can be coupled with a DLL interface
(C, C++) or using a DDE interface (e.g. Visual Basic).
Coupling with applications using an OLE interface (Active X) is planned
for subsequent expansions.

8. PC Resources

8.1 PCI Bus

The Logic Scanner LS251 is supplied as a PCI bus card. The PCI bus
has the following advantages:
❍ Fast data transfer
❍ 33 MHz transfer frequency
❍ 32 Bit data bus size
❍ Plug & Play

8.2 Plug & Play

Plug & Play technology has made the operation of plug-in cards far
The BIOS identifies the PCI module during the booting procedure and
assigns it an address. If a module is added or taken away, the user
does not have to make any setting changes.

8.3 Interrupt
The LS251 Logic Scanner reserves an interrupt. It is automatically as-
signed during the boot procedure by the Plug and Play technology.

28 Chapter 2
8.4 Memory
Logic Scanner LS251 uses the following memory areas:

Memory Size Memory Area

1 x 16 Byte Memory area <1 MByte

1 x 4 KByte Memory area <1 MByte

1 x 1 MByte Extended Memory (>1 MByte)

1 x 2 MByte Extended Memory (>1 MByte)

Logic Scanner
Chapter 2

Memory is automatically assigned during the boot procedure.

9 Installation in the PC

9.1 Protection
against Electrostatic
Static discharges can damage the electronics of the Logic Scanner
LS251. Please pay attention to the following points to prevent acciden-
tal damage:
❍ Leave the LS251 Logic Scanner in the antistatic packing until
you are ready to install it.
❍ Any static charge must be discharged before you touch the
LS251. Before moving the LS251, touch a grounded metal sur-
face e.g. the PC housing.
❍ Only hold the LS251 by its edges. Do not touch any connectors
or components.
❍ Do not place the LS251 on any metal surfaces.
❍ Move the LS251 as little as possible to prevent new electro-
static charge from clothes, carpets or furniture.

Logic Scanner LS251 29

9.2 Installation of the
1) Before beginning installation you must first discharge any electro-
static charge. Before installing the LS251, touch a grounded metal
surface such as the PC housing.
2) Turn off the computer and all peripheral devices (monitor, printer
etc.). Disconnect all connections to peripheral devices including the
power supplies.
3) Take out the screws and remove the PC housing. This procedure is
fully described in the computer manual.
4) Locate a free PCI bus expansion slot and remove the slot cover.
Screws are necessary to fasten the LS251.
Keep the expansion slot cover safe so it can be replaced if the LS251
is removed. The cover must be in place for the cooling and spark
protection of the system to function properly.
5) Hold the LS251 by the top edge and push it into the expansion slot.
6) Adjust the slots on the mounted side panels to line up with the screw
holes on the side panels of the PC. Screw the LS251 in place with
the screws removed from the expansion cover.
This step is important because it grounds the LS251.
7) Replace all the cables in the PC and stow them away so that they
will not be damaged when removing the PC housing cover.
8) Replace the PC housing cover and screw it down securely.
9) Reconnect all power cables and connections to the periphery de-

30 Chapter 2

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