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In almost all the countries people use mobile phones as a necessary tool for
communication. Now a day’s the number of mobiles is more than mobile phone users as
technology becomes advanced, very convenient to use, and also the low-cost device. But people
can't travel long distances with their mobile phones as the average battery life of the mobile is
less than 10 hours. So, we designed a wireless solar mobile charger that uses solar energy to
provide sufficient electricity to charge mobile phones. The aim of using a wireless solar mobile
charger is that we are using a renewable energy source so that we generate electricity free of
cost, and it will give a better solution to people who travel long distances with their mobile
phones. For wireless charging principle of inductive coupling is used to transfer power between
transmitter and receiver wirelessly. As solar energy is free and abundantly available the
proposed device will provide the best solution for outdoor mobile phone charging. It is portable
and doesn’t require electric supply as it uses solar energy from the solar panel. Its main
advantage is to the trekkers, farmers, travelers, and people who are roaming for personal or
industrial use. As this charger is not useful for smartphones it will use in many industries that
are not using old mobile phones as compared to smartphones in their industries.

As technology becomes advanced day by day that made our mobile phones smaller also
straightforward to use, but still, people are facing the problem that is we need to plug our
charger into the walls to charge our mobile phone battery. Also, we can carry the chargers of
our mobile phones everywhere, but we can’t give the assurance that everywhere there is the
availability of electricity. So to avoid this problem most people carry extra batteries like power
banks with them. But still, in case of a power failure, we can’t charge our mobile phones using
extra batteries like power banks. So to avoid this problem we have designed the mobile charger
which is based on solar energy. As we are using solar energy the cost of the system reduced so
the common people can easily by that and get the advantages from that. The main purpose of
using a wireless solar mobile charger is that we are using a renewable energy source so that we
generate electricity free of cost. The mobile phone will charge at any time and anywhere when
there is the presence of sunlight. This system we can use in remote areas where the problem of
power failure occurs.

In recent years, there has been increasing interest in research and development of wireless
power technology to eliminate the “last cable” after Wi-Fi becomes widely accepted. Imagine
sitting down for a cup of coffee, and placing your mobile phone on the table. The phone lights
up, and starts to automatically charge without connectors or cables. You could simply grab your
mobile phone on your way out in the morning, and charge it wherever you needed to at home,
the office, the library, the local coffee shop. It would be even better if you did not ever need a
charger. We could simply forget about USB cables, chargers and, when traveling, adapters.
Inuctive power transfer is being used in numerous applications for transferring power wireless-
ly. Inductively coupled chargers are being used for wireless charging of mobile phones, MP3
Player and other handheld devices as proposed in this project. WPT can be divided into 3 parts
components. First, transceiver. The transceiver electromagnetically transfers power via induc-
tive coils which supply a wireless transfer of power to receiver units. Second, inductive cou-
pling, the inductive coupling in this case as the antenna and forward to the bridge rectifier
which act convert the induced AC voltage to the DC voltage. Third, rectifier. The rectifier final-
ly will supplies DC voltage to the load.

Hari Mohan Rai, Piyush Sisodiya is coming up with the concept, of the design of a solar
power wireless charger for the smartphone which said that there is no need for communication
wire to attach to the supply facility to charge it. The device mobile phone can charge wirelessly
in a short range of distance. No need to sit around to the phone. Even we do not need electricity
to charge the phone. The device is user-friendly and cost-effective. M. Fqreq M. Fitrq (2014) in
this paper, he said, working about the inductive coupling. It is based on the principle of mutual
inductive. The power is transferred from transmitter to receiver wirelessly. The wireless power
transfer using the inductive coil is divided into 3 parts of components transceiver for
transmission of the power via inductive coil and rectifier which convert AC to DC voltage.
Anand M., Yogesh Kannan in the paper in which they are publishing the review about the solar
panel. The solar panel comprises a small solar cell and converts solar energy to electric energy.

1. Block Diagram
This is the block diagram of the proposed model of the project. It consists of Arduino
Nano as a controller, Relay driver, ESP8266 Wi-Fi module, Buzzer and LED power supply, and
LCD . The power supply provides a fixed 5 V voltage through the voltage regulator on which
Arduino Nano operates. The Arduino controls the solar voltage, battery voltage, and wireless
power voltage with the help of coding. The LCD is used to display the solar voltage, battery
voltage, and the voltage which transferred wirelessly Esp8266 is a Wi-Fi module. It operates on
3.3V which is provided by Arduino. Its transmitter pin is connected to the transmitter of
Arduino. It will control our mobile phones with the help of the Blynk app. It will create a
hotspot and also connect to Wi-Fi The buzzer, and LED is used for indication of perfect
operating conditions. When Arduino is in well operating conditions then the buzzer and led
will glow. The relay is used for switching purposes. The mobile is connected through the USB.

Fig. 1:- Block Diagram

2. Components

A. Arduino Nano
The Arduino Nano is a small, complete, and breadboard-friendly board based on
the ATmega328P released in 2008. It offers the same connectivity and specs of the Arduino
Uno board in a smaller form factor. The Arduino Nano is equipped with 30 male I/O headers, in
a DIP-30-like configuration, which can be programmed using the Arduino Software integrated
development environment (IDE), which is common to all Arduino boards and running both
online and offline. The board can be powered through a type-B mini-USB cable or from a 9 V
battery. In 2019, Arduino released the Arduino Nano Every, a pin-equivalent evolution of the
Nano. It features a more powerful ATmega4809 processor and twice the RAM. The Arduino
Nano has a number of facilities for communicating with a computer, another Arduino, or other
microcontrollers. The ATmega328 provide UART TTL (5V) serial communication, which is
available on digital pins 0 (RX) and 1 (TX). An FTDI FT232RL on the board channels this
serial communication over USB and the FTDI drivers (included with the Arduino software)
provide a virtual com port to software on the computer. The Arduino software includes a serial
monitor which allows simple textual data to be sent to and from the Arduino board. The RX and
TX LEDs on the board will flash when data is being transmitted via the FTDI chip and USB
connection to the computer (but not for serial communication on pins 0 and 1). A
SoftwareSerial library allows for serial communication on any of the Nano's digital pins. The
ATmega328 also support I2C and SPI communication. The Arduino software includes a Wire
library to simplify use of the I2C bus.

Fig. 2:- Arduino Nano

Technical Specification

 Microcontroller: Microchip ATmega328P

 Operating voltage: 5 volts
 Input voltage: 5 to 20 volts
 Digital I/O pins: 14 (6 optional PWM outputs)
 Analog input pins: 8
 DC per I/O pin: 40 mA
 DC for 3.3 V pin: 50 mA
 Flash memory: 32 KB, of which 2 KB is used by bootloader
 SRAM: 2 KB
 Clock speed: 16 MHz
 Length: 45 mm
 Width: 18 mm
 Mass: 7 g
 USB: Mini-USB Type-B
 ICSP Header: Yes
 DC Power Jack: No

B. ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module

The ESP8266 is a low-cost Wi-Fi microchip, with built-in TCP/IP networking software,
and microcontroller capability, produced by Espressif Systems in Shanghai, China. The chip
was popularized in the English-speaking maker community in August 2014 via the ESP-
01 module, made by a third-party manufacturer Ai-Thinker. This small module allows micro-
controllers to connect to a Wi-Fi network and make simple TCP/IP connections using Hayes-
style commands. However, at first, there was almost no English-language documentation on the
chip and the commands it accepted. The very low price and the fact that there were very few ex-
ternal components on the module, which suggested that it could eventually be very inexpensive
in volume, attracted many hackers to explore the module, the chip, and the software on it, as
well as to translate the Chinese documentation.

Fig. 3:- ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module

Pinout of ESP8266

 GND, Ground (0 V)
 GPIO 2, General-purpose input/output No. 2
 GPIO 0, General-purpose input/output No. 0
 RX, Receive data in, also GPIO3
 VCC, Voltage (+3.3 V; can handle up to 3.6 V)
 RST, Reset
 CH_PD, Chip power-down
 TX, Transmit data out, also GPIO1
C. Relay Driver

Relay is one kind of electro-mechanical component that functions as a switch. The relay
coil is energized by DC so that contact switches can be opened or closed. A single channel 5V
relay module generally includes a coil, and two contacts like normally open (NO) and normally
closed (NC). This article discusses an overview of the 5V relay module & its working but be-
fore going to discuss what is relay module is, first we have to know what is relay and its pin
configuration. The relay uses the current supply for opening or closing switch contacts. Usually,
this can be done through a coil to magnetize the switch contacts & drags them jointly once acti-
vated. A spring drives them separately once the coil is not strengthened. By using this system,
there are mainly two benefits, the first one is, the required current for activating the relay is less
as compared to the current used by relay contacts for switching. The other benefit is, both the
contacts & the coil are isolated galvanically, which means there is no electrical connection
among them.

Relay modules are available in two types based on the control signal type used for activa-
tion of the relay. One relay module comes with an NPN transistor whereas another module
comes with a PNP transistor. If the relay module uses an NPN Transistor, then it will activate
the relay by applying an active high signal to the control pin. Alternatively, if a PNP is used
then the relay will be activated through an active low signal on the control pin. It’s working in
proteus simulation software is, when we provide an active high signal toward the control pin in
a relay module, then the coil in the relay activates to make the relay active through the connec-
tion of the NO pin through the COM pin. Likewise, once we provide an active low no signal
toward the relay’s control pin, then the coil deactivates using a freewheeling diode so that the
relay will be deactivated. In the same way, for PNP based relay module, the relay is activated
through an active low signal, whereas an active high signal will deactivate the relay. The con-
trolling of a 5v single channel relay module can be done by interfacing any kind of microcon-
troller. For that, we use a GPIO pin like a digital o/p pin which gives an active high & low sig-
nal toward the control pin. Once the relay activates, we can listen to an audible sound that
comes from the module.
Fig. 4:- Relay Driver

 A remote device can be controlled easily
 It is triggered with less current but it can also trigger high power machines
 Easily contacts can be changed
 At a time, several contacts can be controlled using a single signal
 Activating part can be isolated
 It can switch AC or DC
 At high temperatures, it works very well
 When contacts of relay modules are used overtime then they may damage
 Noise can be generated through the opening & closing of the contacts.
 Time taken for switching is High


 Used in over voltage/under voltage protection system

 Mains Switching
 Speed control of motors through start-delta converters
 Automatic electrical appliances
 Electrical isolation in between high & low power sources
 Lights
 AC voltage load switching using less voltage DC
 Delivery of Isolated power
 Home automation projects
 Switching with High Current

a) Solar Panel A solar panel also called a module and is a group of photovoltaic cells.
Photovoltaic Cell It is defined as an electrical device that converts the energy of light into
b) Battery In this project, we are using the battery to store electric energy which is obtained
from the solar panel. The battery used in this project is 12v/1.2Ah Lead Acid Battery. It
stores energy coming from the solar panel and transferred it to the remaining system.
c) Inductive Coupling Inductive coupling functions for power transfer wirelessly in the
system. This principle of inductive coupling is based on mutual inductance.[4] The
maximum amount of energy is transferred through the magnetic field using Faraday’s law
of electromagnetic induction. The working of inductive coupling is similar to the working
of the resonant transformer. The inductive coupling principle operates on AC voltage. It
consists of one coil at the trans mitter side which is called the primary coil and the one at
the receiver side is called the secondary coil. The amount of inductive coupling between
the two coils is measured by their inductance. At the output of the inductive coupling, the
voltage will generate up to 5V.
1) Control Unit

 Arduino Nano The Arduino Nano is used in this project. It is used as a controller. It has 30
analog pins, digital pins, reset pins, and power pins. It operates on 5V supply. It has the same
functions as Arduino UNO but it is in s mall size. The LCD is controlled by this Arduino and
which is connected to the pin no D2-D7 of Arduino Nano.  Esp8266 The ESP8266 is WiFi
Module. It is a low-cost WiFi microchip with a microcontroller capability. It is a singlechip
device capable of connecting to the WiFi. Because of its features, this module can be used in the
charger to control its activity using WiFi.  Relay The relay isn't energized when there is an
open contact. So this is a top-quality single pole-double throw (SPDT) the sugar cube relays
sealed are 12v. And its use for modification of high voltage (240AC), and high current devices
(7A). The maximum voltage this relay's coil is up to 14V, with a minimum switching voltage of
10V. The contacts are up to 7A rated i.e.250V AC and 7A i.e.24V DC  LCD Display In this
project, we are using liquid Crystal Display (LCD) it is an electronic display in this display has
a 16x2 LCD means it can display up to 16 characters and there are 2 lines. It is cost-effective
and its common use in electronics devices or circuits.


The basic structure of the model consists of a solar panel, battery, transmitter circuit, inductive
coupling, and receiver circuit. The solar panel is used to avoid the use of nonrenewable source
i.e. to save electricity. It converts solar energy into electrical energy and transfers to the battery.
For storing this energy we use a battery. The electric energy from the solar panel is transferred
to the transmitter circuit. The transmitter circuit consists of a BD139 transistor with capacitor
and resistors. BD139 is used to measure the charge voltage of the battery. At the output of the
trans mitter circuit, the inductive coil is connected as well as at the receiver side also inductive
coupling is connected. The principle of inductive coupling is used to transfer the power from
the transmitter to the receiver section wirelessly. The principle of inductive coupling is based on
mutual inductance. The mutual inductance occurs when the current flowing through the
conductor will induce the voltage in another conductor which is placed near to it. At the
receiver side, the voltage regulator will maintain the fixed 5v voltage from the output and this
voltage will be sufficient to charge our mobile.

II. RESULT The result of our project is as follows. When the number of turns of coils is
increased the output voltage also increases. To transfer power wirelessly using
inductive coupling we used 20 turns coil at the transmitter and 20 turns coil at the
receiver side. This 20 turns coil has a diameter of 4.5cm and approximately 1.3 amp
current will flow through this coil. We will get approximately 5v voltage across the
inductive coupling. The output obtained is mentioned in the table given below:

VI. APPLICATIONS 1. In case of power failure, it can be used in house’s, industries, or any
applications where the mobile phones are used as a communication medium. 2. It is can be
effectively used in regularly used electric equipment such as a calculator, portable s mall fans,
watches, etc. 3. It can also use the devices which are portable like iPods, mobile phones, etc. 4.
It can also be used in a small torch and chargeable bulbs in rural areas for lighting. VII.
CONCLUSION Solar energy is renewable energy and may be used to provide electricity i.e.
wireless solar mobile charger it is a simple and portable and it is used in remote areas also and
normally wireless charger consumes a lot of power but we are using a renewable power source
so we don't have any scaring issues there is the safety of overload charging, electric shock, and
its environment friendly. VIII. FUTURE SCOPE The design of this wireless solar mobile
charger is made for charging the mobile battery. But in the future, advancements and
modifications can help this Wireless Mobile Battery charger to be used in different portable
equipment such as laptops, walky-talky, digital cameras, etc. IX. ACKNOWLEDGMENT
Today we take this opportunity to express our hearty gratitude and deep regards to our guide
prof. A.V.Sutar of Electronics and telecommunication Department for his exemplary guidance,
monitoring, and constant encouragement throughout this project work. He has been
emboldening us throughout our journey.

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