DAT PowerControl EN
DAT PowerControl EN
DAT PowerControl EN
Advanced Functionality
The enlarged station display provides accurate, easy-
to-understand information to users. Extensive data
like self-explaining user instruction, name, system
status and clock can be displayed in each and every
Statistics Scheduler
Detailed statistics provide information on each Professional task and time management is offered by
station, user, carrier and transfer. History and the Scheduler plug-in. PIN codes as well as forwards
evaluation software delivers a complete report of to other station and fixed targets are set and
system transfer and analyses trends in system’s graphically depicted in the program and operated by
performance. the system. Moreover the advanced calendar module
By means of customized tables, charts and time offers a precise, flexible time scheduling.
periods, a decisive basis for optimising the
effectiveness of the system can be generated.
The access to the pneumatic tube system can be
limited to authorized persons. If required the system
STATISTICS provides detailed accepts only carriers, which are equipped with RFID
history and evaluation tags and ID cards or PIN codes . This protects the
system from misuse. With the RFID Manager the
Message independent allocation of authorized users can be
Immediate event notification for users and administrated.
engineering staff is provided by the Message
plug-in. When receiving a carrier, the addressed user
is informed by E-mail and in case of a failure in the
system the technician is informed.
© Sumetzberger, 02/2010
User identification
by ID card