Ikoh Fitk
Ikoh Fitk
Ikoh Fitk
“A Skripsi “
Presented to faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training in Partial Fulfillement of
the Requirements for Degree of Strata 1 in English Language Education.
IKOH, 2016. The Effect of Using Song Lyrics on Student’ English Prhasal
Verbs Mastery” ( A Quasi Experimental Study at The Tenth Grade of SMK
Nusantara Ciputat Tangerang Selatan). Skripsi, Department of English Education,
Faculty of tarbiyah Teacher’s Tranining, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.
The objective of this study is to get the empirical data about the effect of
using song lyrisc on students’ English phrasal verbs mastery at the tenth grade of
SMK Nusantara 01 Ciputat Legoso especially in marketing majoring. The method
used in this thesis was quantitative method the quasy-experimental research
design. The sampling technique used in this study was quota sampling. The
sample of this study was 60 students taken from the tenth grade of SMK
Nusantara Ciputat legoso, which are 30 students as experimental class and 30
students as controlled class. In collecting the data, the writer conducted post-test
about phrasal verb that using song lyrics test which consisted of 30 multiple
choices. In this reaearch, there were seven meetings for treaments include pre-test
and post-test that use the song lyrics as the main subject for learning phrasal verb
in the class.
The gained score of Pre –test and post –test in the expermental class was
72,83 and for the controlled class was 66,13 The testing of hyphothesis was
analyzed using t-test formula. The result of this study shows that there is
significance difference on srudents’ achivemement in mastering pharsal verbs that
is taugh be using English song lyrics. In the table of significance, it can be seen on
the df=58 and in significance degree or α (alpha) 5% was 2.00. Then, t-test score
was 17,84. By comparing the value 𝑡𝑜 is bigger than 𝑡𝑡, that is 17,84 > 2.00 or the
t-test> t-table, the alternative hyphothesis (Ha) is accepted and null hyphpthesis
(Ho) is rejected alternative it can be concluded that song lyrics is effective on
students’ phrasal verb mastery at the tenth grade of SMK.
IKOH, 2016. The Effect of Using Song Lyric on Student’ English Prhasal
Verbs Mastery” ( Sebuah penelitian Eksperimental semu di kelas X SMK
Nusantara Ciputat Tangerang Selatan). Skripsi Jurusan pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif
Hidayatullah Jakarta.
6. All friends who always give me support, help, and knowledge they have
Finally, the writer admits that her wrting is still far for being perfect.
Therefore, she hopes some suggetion and critique from the reader
especially who are interested in English Education Department.
The Writer
TABLES OF CONNTENTS..................................................................................v
LIST OF TABLES...............................................................................................vii
LIST OF APPENDICES....................................................................................viii
CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION..........................................................................1
A. Background of study.................................................................1
B. Identification of the problem.....................................................3
C. Limitation of the problem..........................................................4
D. Formulation of the problem.......................................................4
E. Objective of study......................................................................4
F. Significance of study.................................................................4
A. Conclusion...............................................................................34
B. Suggestion...............................................................................35
Table 4.3 The Result of Comparison of Post Test from Eperimental Class and
Controlled Class
Appendix 6 viii
: Post Test Instrument.....................................................................98
A. Background of Study
As regard the reality, learning new vocabularry or phrasal verb is not easy. It is a
fact when the reseacher practiced The Integrated Teachers’ Training – Praktek
Profesi Keguruan Terpadu ( PPKT), there were some students said” There were
words that were still difficult to understand. They did not know the meaning and
the differences of words such as “put on, put in, put back, and also looking for,
knocked on, knock out” etc. Those words often appear in any reading text of
TOEFL, News or Songs etc. Then the reseacher tell those words are contain verb
and preposition and that is phrasal verb.According to Benjamin J White on
America Dictionary Heritage said ” Phrasal verb is combination an ordinary verb
Mc Carten Janne.Teaching Vocabulary(Lessons from the Corpus,Lessons for the
Classroom), New York, Cambridge University Press, 2007. P21
and a preposition or an adverbial particle that has at least one partical meanings of
the verb and the preposition or particle”2
Therefore to make students motivated and enjoyable to study phrasal verb, the
teacher should be creatively in delevering material. The teacher should use
variative strategies in teaching learning. One of strategy that can be used by
teacher is using media to support the teaching learning process. One of the media
is English song lyrics.
Song is practical and easy to follow. Every human certanly would listening to the
music whenever and wherever through Mp3, Mobile Phone, Radio, Televition,
Laptop etc. Music is always fun to do because music is familiar with human habit.
In order to get the most out of experince in speaking, reading or prononciating;
learning vocabulary with music, song and lyric together is one of the first steps of
learning a foriegn language.
However, music and song are not just entertaiment, it is also valuable to be a
language teaching tool because in the song, there are some kinds of lyrics. Song is
flexible for any puprose, moreover for getting a number of vocabulary. Especially
in English song, there are some kinds of vocabulary forms, pattern, idiom and
phrasal verb. Moreover Students usually like singing even in the classroom, it
builds confidence for students to reach good achievment in learning of new
White J Benjamin. A Conceptual approach to the instruction of phrasal verb,(The
Modern language Journal)Vol. 96, No. 3 (Fall 2012), pp. 419
vocabulary. Musics and songs are available in many countries around the world.
Song may employ to enhance the listening, pronunciation, acquiring grammatical
and vocabulary.
Toward students’ difficuties in phrasal verb, song lyric can help student to
enrich English phrasal verb. According John M. Purcel ”Often as student learn
song there will be number of vocabulary” 3 Then with song lyrics, it is expected
to help students interested, confident, motivated and easy to follow an activity of
English classroom with fun and meanigful way and also easy in memorization,
repetation and recalling the word with comfort, inetrestedin learning language of
phrasal verb.
John M. Purcell. Using Songs to Enric Secondary Class, Hispania Vol. 75 No 1, March
1992. P 193
Based on the identification above, the limitation of the study is to find out the
effectiveness of song lyrics to enrichstudents’ phrasal verbs for SMK (Vocational
school)at the tenth grade.
Is there any effectbefore and after using song lyrics on student’s English
phrasal verbs mastery?
E. Objective of study
The Objective of this study is to get the empirical data of using song lyrics on
students’ English phrasal verb mastery.
F. Significance of study
The researcher expected this research has many impact and advantages for
students in learning. So that they can be motivated, interested, fun, enjoyed and
comfortable in language classroom. For the teacher in these finding can improve
their teaching’s ability and be creative learning in vocabulary.
This chapter present theoretical framework that discusses some topics. The
first one is phrasal verb which cover definition of verb, definition of phrasal verb,
type of phrasal verb, the important of phrasal verb, the difficult of phrasal verb,
idiom and phrasal verb, technique in teaching phrasal verb. The second discusses
about music, song and lyric.
A. Phrasal verb
Studying language can not separated from phrasal verb, because phrasal
verbs are very important in English language. Students who want to learn a target
language and improve their languagae quality, have to learn this component.
1. Definition of Verb
Every sentence has subject and verb. Who or what the sentence speaks about
is called subject; what the sentence says about the subject is called the verb1. In
Barron‟s book of Toefl Test, a verb is a word or phrase that expresses existence,
action and experience.2 A Verb also is a word that used in present and past tenses;
it has both an-s form and an-ing form.3
The verb is the important part in learning English and also phrasal verb. The
verb has many different form. Based on the book of a Students‟s Introduction to
English Grammar said that Verb are Variable Lexemes. That is, they have a
number of different inflectional form that are requared or permitted in various
grammatical contects.
Langan John. Sentencce Skill, From A Seventh Edition, (New York : Mc Graw Hill 2003) p
Barron‟s. How to Prepare for the Toefl Tes, (Jakarta Barat: Binarupa Aksara 2000) p 81
Kolln Martha and Funk Robert. Understanding English Grammar Eighth Edition, ( New
York: Longman 2010) P23.
For example the lexem Fly has a form flew that is permitted in a contects like Kim
has flown home or kim flew home.4
Pharasal verb is important part in English learning spoken or written and also
language style in communication. Generally phrasal verb is defined as a verb and
particle combination. Pharasal verbs they contain two words. In phrasal verb, the
first word is a verb and the second word is called a partical.5
In the Ultimate of Phrasal verb, phrasal verbs are either separable and
nonseparable. Separable phrasal verb can be separated by their object. E.g I took
my shoes off. Nonseparable phrasal verb cannot be separates by their object. E.g
he run into tree.6
Based on Scott Thornbury said” Phrasal Verbs are another instance of the
fuzziness at the boundary between words and grammar. They are partuiculary
problematic for learners both because of lexical meaning (which are often
idiomatic) and their grammatical form.7
Phrasal verbs has many types, and to be mastery Pharasl verb, it is very
important to know the difference about it. Based on Scott Thornbury there are
four types of phrasal verb: 8
Huddleston Rodney and Pullum Geoffrey K. A Student’s Introduction to English Grammar,
(New York: Cambridge University Press 2005). P29
Altenbergh EveleynP and and Vago Robert M. English Grammar Understanding Basic,
(New York: Cambridge University Press 2010). P 38
Carl W.Hart. The Ultimate Phrasal Verb Book, (New York : Barron‟s 1999)P 01
Thonrbury Scott. How to teach Vocabulary, ( London: Longman, 2002) p123
Thonrbury Scoth.Op.cit, P 123
Type 3 : transitive separable e.g put off (postpone)The object can either come
between the verb and the particle or after the verb. If we use pronoun
than it must go between.
Type 4: three parts e.g put up with (endure) these are always intransitive
Insparable. From these type, student can learn the different of phrasal verb
in English. It is more easy to understand for student to know the clasify of
phrasal verb.
Phrasal verb are very important for learners because they are so prevalent in
everyday spoken and informal written language. It is something sooner or later,
students have to learn of phrasal verb because a native speaker use them all the
time and it is also important part of the English language. Phrasal verbs are in
very common use in spoken and colloquial English. However they are idiomatic
and students need to give them special attention if they wish to speak the language
fluently.9 Therefore Learning phrasal verb make it language be quality, familiar
more than one or two meaning of language, in addition learning to use phrasal
verb will encourage students sound natural in casual converstaion. Idioms and
phrasal verb are an important part of every language. Therefore, as a language
learner, knowing idioms is useful in at least two ways: The more idioms that
learner know, the more native-like a language will sound; By learning idioms,
students will learn a lot about the culture of the community speaking the language.
Marion Caragounis. Phrasal Verb and Their Importance In Spoken.
https://linguistics.knoji.com/phrasal-verbs-and-their-importance-in-spoken-english-2/ accesed on
July 16/07/2016. 06:01 PM
Pharsal verb are extremly common language and it is still difficult to learn
for students because many of them are idiomatic and also have more than one
meaning. There are the main reason for this:10
a. In many cases the meaning of the phrasal verb can not be deduced from
its element, ie., it is being used idiomaticaly.
b. Many phrasal verb are polysemous; i.e., they have more than one
c. There are difficult with grammar of phrasal verb, particulary with the
position of the particels.
In other words, even though phrasal verb are still difficult to learn, phrasal
verb also a common language which is used of many native speaker and also used
in everyday spoken and written language. There fore song lyrics are very useful
tool for leraning phrasal verb because it was fun and entertaining.
Most phrasal verbs are not informal, and slang words. Usually many the
words of phrasal verb often appear in song lyrics. Sometimes phrasal verbs are
also idiomatic built has different idioms use as a way of expressing ourselve.
Idiom are very important language. Idiom and phrasal verb also make a language
sound very creative, often the good writer use idiomatic expressions and
sometimes they have different meaning. Both of them are part of the language
which is used in common foreignlanguage. Idiom Usually they have a meaning
other than the exact word expressed.11 Idioms are saying people used to express
themselves in converation. They have another meaning other than what actually
Shoebottom Paul. The Impotant Information about Phraal Verb,
http://esl.fis.edu/voca/phrasal/prsasal-important.htm. accesed on February 02/16/2016/4:55 PM
George Watson. 190 Ready to Use Acitivities That Make English Fun, ( San Francisco:
Jossey Bass 2002) p 161
There are hundreds of phrasal verbs and phrasal verbs is not easy stuff to
learn. Actually many techniques for leaning vocabulary and phrasal verb in the
class. The teacher can use anything of teaching tools according what the lesson
and material.
Phrasal verbs sometimes the less common teaching lesson in the class. Not all
students concern in learning vocabulary of phrasal verb. Students need to know a
lots of phrasal verbs, if they they want to reach a good English level. Therefore to
make student interesting in learning phrasal verb, teacher have to creatively to
make material more interesting. There are the technique which is teacher can use
it as teaching tool in the class.
According Ruth Grains and StuartRedman say” there are many techniques of
vocabulary teaching. There are: visual aids, verbal explaination, and contectual
1) Visual Aids.
In this technique, teacher can use paper or screen slide show of song
lyrics or whiteboard. The teachers use paper to song lyric and underline
the words that we needs and writing the words and meaning at
whiteboard as visual aid.
Ibid., P 162
Andrew Radford. Analysing English Sentences A minimalist Approach, (New York:
Cambridge University Press, 2009) p 241
Ruth Gairs and Stuar Redman, Working with Word: A Guide to Teaching and Learning
Vocabulary, ( New York: Cambridge UniversityPress, 2003), p 73.
2) Verbal Explanation
3) Contextual Guesswork
In this technique, the students learn vocabulary from a text of song lyrics.
The students can understand the meaning of difficulty word from text
through song lyrics. They can guess from the meaning of lyrics.
Oxford. Oxford Children’s Encyclopedia, ( UK: Oxford University Press, 2004)p 60
Godt Irving. Music: A practical definition, The Musical Times, Vol. 146, No. 1890
2. Definition of Lyric
Lyrics is the important part of the music element. Lyrics with music are
revealing feeling, emotion, mode, state of mind, expression or thought etc. lyrics
is musical only in a symbolic way; it is created by lyric Poets paying attention to
such matters as patterns of repetition and variation.18
In other definition lyric are words that make up a song usually consisting of
verses and choruses. Lyric is piece of the words and short poem that be
sung.19Lyric is a short poem expressing personal emotion or having to do with
such a poem : a lyric poet.20 Lyric also has the number of words, poem, methapor
or language.In other hand, the lyric has many word of grammatical such as verb,
pronoun, phrasal verb etc. Song lyric hasmany useful for learning new
3. Definition of Song
Song has a role in language learning. Song is useful for practiceing new
vocabulary for English learner because song is eassy to make change the mood,
feeling and emotion and all people are often singing and practicieng with lyrics.
Song is something to sing; short poem set to music. 21 With song lyrics it help
students to learn phrasal verb is more eassy, simple and also fun. Song is not just
Francis Blessington. Is There a Lyric Center?,The Sewanee Review,Vol.107, No. 2
( Spring, 1999) p 216
http:// en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyrics. accesed 02/26/2016 5:11 PM.
Opcit. World Book. P 1247
World Book. The World Book Dictionary, (Chicago:World Book Inc, 2007) P 1993
for enjoyment, but song is an art that is setting of a poem to music, specifically
concevied to enhance the meaning of the text.22 Hence teaching and song are unity
of an art where teacher should be creatively to deliver material in the class as good
way as possible.
Songs are often a welcome change from the routine of classroom activity in
learning a language. Songs also make the experience of learning English and
Opcit:Jean Ferris.P 222
Akis Davanellos. Methodology:English teaching profesional,(Issues thirteen, 1993)P13
Using song in the classroom have some disadvantages, there are some
potential problems with songs. They are:
2. Choice of song
Before using song in classroom it is important to make sure that the song is
suitable for teaching to their own students. Teacher should know what must to do
with song. The song must be update, interesteing, popular, positive massage and
also appropriate with the topic.
Ontesol. Using Song with Adult Learner. http://how-to-teach-
english.ontesol.com/usingsongs-with-adult-learners/ accesed on February 02/16/2016 5:46 PM
The chooice of song is better of what people know, liked, there was the
lyrics and also full of spirit. Therefore a song or rhyme should suit to pupil‟s age
group and their interest, match their level of English and have cathcy, and eassy
to remember melody.26
Music can enric spirit of students in the class. Many homework, exercise or
problem of student‟s personality, sometimes that makes it feel stressing or bored
in class. Then with music it is could make students relax and fun. Music also
canset the mood in the star of lesson. Music can also be useful in classroom, there
are: 27
a. To set the mood at the star of lesson. It is mean the teacher can open the
lesson in the calssroom by mucic to support student‟s motivation.
b. To give teacher something to talk about with his students at the star of
lesson (especially useful with class that is not known)
c. As background music while students work on “dull” exercises;
d. As background music to set the scene while students so particular task.
e. Simply pleasure or as a break between activities;
f. To help students relax;
g. To close down, conclude, round of the lesson-tosay goodbye with.
M.P.Kun Herrini. Teaching English to Young Learners Throught Songs: Lingistic
Conference of the Year, ( Jakarta, Atma Jaya 2010) P 484
Mary Slatery and Jane Wills. English for Primary Teachers : A handbook
of Activities & Classroom Langugae,( New York: Oxford University Press). P 45
Jim Scrivener. Learning Teaching : A Guidebook for English Language Teachers Second
Edition, (UK: Macmillan 2005) P 339
Based on the website, the writer said that Chris Brewer, M.A., a noted
authority on the integration of music throughout the curriculum, there there are
some outcome and benefit for student while studying English with song lyric and
music. They are:28
a. Play music to set a possitive mood at the start of the day or at the
beginning of a class.
b. Raise student energy levels with upbeat music as needed throughout the
c. Play music reduce stress levels, relieve frustation and creat a peacful
classroom enviroment.
d. Play music to help sustain student attantion and concentration.
e. Play music to motivate and inspire your student.
f. Play music to encourage interaction and build classroom community.
g. Use music in the classroom to increase the joy of learning.
a) The teacher plays the song while the students look at the words
b) The students reapet the words without singing them.
c) The teacher points out vocabulary, idiom, grammar items, and gives
pronuncation cues.
d) The teacher plays the song again, letting students join when in they
feel confidents enough about singing along. It also will make good
atsmosphere while teaching English.
http://Benefits of Using Music in the Classroom by Chris Brewer, M.A.htm
John M. Purcell. Using Songs to Enric Secondary Class, Hispania Vol. 75 No 1, ( Mar
1992) P 195
D. Previous Study
There are some reseacher that already have conducted the research about the
effectiveness about song lyric technique in improving student‟s vocabulary.
The similiraty of all the reseachers above with this skripsi is that this skripsi
was aimed to measure the effectiveness of using English songs in teaching
vocabulary as material in English language teaching. But it has different focus.
Masining Zahro used vocabulary of verb to improve students English and Dagmar
Siskopa focused on popular songs to teaching vocabulary. This skripsi will try to
another research related them. The reseacher will do another reseach to teach
Phrasal Verb through English song lyrics. In those two studied this research will
be farther reseach of those studies in order to improve students‟ vocabulary of
phrasal verb.
E. Thinking Framework
Vocabulary is central of language teaching learning, but many students still
have problem in learning vocabulary. Memorizing and understanding word are the
major problem. They often found unfamiliar word such as phrasal verb. They did
not know the meaning and the differences of words such as “put on, put in, put
back, and also looking for, knocked on, knock out” etc. Those words often appear
in any reading text of TOEFL, News or Songs etc. It can be said the students have
lack of phrasal verb. Therefore teaching phrasal verb should be need more
attantion, tenacity, and repeatation. One of variation ways in teaching phrasal verb
is using song lyrics.
The song is not just for entertaining, but also reinforcing course features, such
as pronunciation, listening, grammar and vocabulary. Teaching vocabulary by
using song lyrics was interesting and positiveley affect memory. The song is a
very specific kind of everyday expression and has been lifestyle of human being.
Then, song is one of capable tool of teaching technique in languge classroom and
it is build students‟ motivation to enrich vocabulary more in daily activity with
fun, useful and meaningful.
Based on the statemnet above, the researcher can say that using song lyrics
could enrich students‟ phrasal verb and help student in learning vocabulary. Song
lyrics are also considered to be one of effective teaching techniques in teaching
vocabulary especially in phrasal verb of SMK Nusnatara 01.
F. Research Hyphothesis
Based on statement above, then the researcher hypothesize that using English
song lyric is effective toward students‟ phrasal verb mastery.
This chapter discusses the research design and method, the place and time of
thereseacrh, the population and sample of the research, the data collection technique, the co
statisstical hypothesis.
This research has conducted at SMKNusantara 01(Vocational School) at the Tenth grade which is
Table 3.1
NO Date Activities
1 10-12-2014 Approval of Proposal
3 18-03-2016 Asking permission to headmaster
4 21-03-2016 Conducting Pre-test of X-1
5 21-03-2016 Conducting Pre-test of X-2
6 22-0-32016 1𝑠𝑇 meeting at X1-X2
7 24-03-2016 2𝑛𝑑 meeting at X1-X2
8 25-03-2016 3𝑛𝑑 meeting at X1-X2
9 28-03-2016 4𝑛𝑑 meeting at X1-X2
10 11-04-2016 Conducting post test XI-X2
The population of this reseach was the whole students of the tenth grade
students of SMK NUSANTARA 01. There are only two classes of the second
classes of Marketing Major, therefore the technique of sampling is quota
sampling. It means, there is no random sampling because limitation of population.
Instrument is a tool to gather data. In this study the writer uses the form of
test. The test is givento measure the students’ competency or students’ learning
achievement. The form of test as the instruments to get the data isusing
multiplechoice tests.
In this study, the writer administered pre-test and post-test. Pre-test and post-
test were given to both experimental and controlled group.
The pre-test is conducted before the treatment. The purpose is to know how the
students’ achievement in phrasal verb before the treatments carried out. Meanwhile
the post -test is conducted after the treatments is conducted. It is also given to both
experimental and controlled group. The purpose is to know is to know the students’
achievement in phrasal verb after the treatments carried out.
John W Creswell. Educational Reseach : Planning, Conducting and Evaluating
Quantitative and Qualitative Reseachfourt Edition, (Boston : Pearson 2012) P 310
The gathered data are used to find out the differences of students’ achievement
in experimental class and controlled class. In line with this, the writer uses statistic
calculation through t-test formula is used to eximine the significance difference
ofstudents’ phrasal verb achievement test between experimental class and
controlled class.
There are several stages taken to get the ccalculation of t-test, it can be seen as
Anas Sudjiono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, (Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada,
2006), P314
M =∑X
1 𝑁1
2. Determining Mean of Variable Y, with formula:
M =
2 𝑁2
3. Determining Standar of Deviation Score of Variable X, with formula:
∑ Y2
1 √
4. Determining Standarof Deviation Score of Variable Y, with formula:
SD2 = √∑ Y
df = (N1 − N2)−2
Furthermore, calculating the effect size of t-test score result used cohen’s
dformula. It is know the measurement wether the effect of using song lyrics is
strong or weak. The formula for this effect size is as formula:
d=M1 − M2/𝑄𝑝𝑜𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑑
These are the Cohen guidelines for determining wether our effect size is stong.
The guidelines used as follows:
The reseacher has hypotesis that reveal the using English songs (lyric) is effective to improve stude
The formulation as following :
𝐻0: {𝜇1=𝜇2}
𝐻𝑎: {𝜇1❜𝜇2}
Note :
𝐻0= Null hypothesis
𝐻𝑎= Alternative hypothesis
𝜇1= students’ phrasal verb achievement, who are taught through song lyrics
𝜇2 = students’ phrasal verb achievement, who are taught without song lyrics.
phrasalverb acchivement between student who are taugh through song lyrics
and students who are taugh without song lyric.
2. If t0 < ttable, the Null hypothesis (H0) is accepted and alternative hypothesis
(Ha) is rejected. It means there is no significant difference of students’phrasal
verb achivement through song lyric and students who are taught without song
This chapter talks about the finding of the research. This chapter also present the description of the
After conducting the reseach, the reseacher got data from students’ score in pre-test and post-test. Th
1. The Data of Experiment Class
The resecher makes a table of students’ score in both pre-test and post-test.
The table aslso shows the scores gained by student.
Table 4.1
13 45 70 25
14 60 75 15
15 58 80 22
16 50 75 25
17 56 70 14
18 40 70 30
19 44 75 31
20 46 70 24
21 50 80 30
22 45 70 25
23 40 75 35
24 50 70 20
25 60 75 35
26 42 75 33
27 60 60 20
28 65 70 32
29 50 70 20
30 60 75 35
∑ 14,08 2185 777
X 46,93 72,83 25,90
The table above shows the score of the experiment calss. It also mention the score of pre-test and pos
The table also informs that the total score if pre-test is 1408, the total score post-test is 2185, and the
Beside masking the table for experiment calass, the resecher also makes a
table for controlled calss. This table is table of controlled class students’ score in
both pre-test and post-test. The table aslso shows the scores gained by student
Table 4.2
The table above shows the score of the experiment calss. It also mention the
score of pre-test and post-tets of each student. Based on the table, the minumum
score of pre-test is 40 which is owned by one student and the maximum score is
80 which is also owned by a student while minimum score of post-test is 53 and
the maximum score post-test is 85.
The table also informs that the total score if pre-test is 1773, the total score
post-test is 1984, and the total score of gaine score is 211. It also shows the mean
of pre-test is 59,10 the mean of post-test is 66,13 and the mean of gained score is
After getting the score od studentd’ acchievementt, then the resecher made a
table that compares the post-test score from experiment class and controlled class
to know the final result of the test. From the table the reseacher analyzed whether
song lyrics technique is effective or not to be used in mastering phrasal verb for
the second grade of SMK Nusantara 01.
Table 4.3
The result of comparison of the post-test score from experimental
class and controlled class.
Based on the data in table 4.3 it has been calculated the result of ∑X=
2185 and ∑Y= 1984Than the reseacher tried to find out the mean of variable X and the mean of v
After calculating the mean of variable X and the mean of variable Y, the
reseacher got M1= 72,83 and M2= 66,13.The next step is calculating the standar
deviation score of variable X and standar score of variable of the Y. Standar
deviation is used to know the homogenity of the data that is gotten from the
reseach.1 This is the formula to calculate standar deviation:
From the calculation of standar error mean of varibale X and standar error of
Anas Sudjiono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, (Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada,
2006), P 170
= √0,182 + 0,332
=√0,0324 + 0,1089
Based on the calculation of standar error of different mean of variable X and varibale Y (SEM1−M
Determinig t0with formula:
= M1 − M2
= 72,83 − 66,13
= 17.84
From the calculation above the reseacher got score t0 = 17,84. Then, the
reseacher calculated the degress of fredom (df) with formula:
df= N1 − N2)−2
= (30 − 30) − 2
= 58
The result of calculation above was df = 58. Based on the table, the valueof
degrees fredom 58 at thedegress of significane 5% or t −table is 2.00, after the
writer has gotten the score of t0and t −table the reseacher can analyze the
testing of hyphothesis of the data from this reseach.Before calculating the test of
hyphothesis, the reseacher calculatedthe effect size df t-test result to know
whether it has strong or weak effect with formula:
d= M1-M1/𝑄 −𝑝𝑜𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑑
d = 72,83-66,13/7,2
According to the calculation above, the reseacher got d=3,35 Based on cohen
guiedlines, the score 3,35 at the measurement between 0,51-100 means strong
efffect. In other words using song lyrics has moderate effect on students’ pharasal
verb mastery.
C. Test of Hyphthesis
Based on the hyphothesis that has been explained in chapter 3, which is:
From the calculation of pharsal verb test result between the experimental
class and the controlled class can be seen the result of t-test of this reseach. The
result is 17,84 for the score of t0, and the result of ttableis 2.00. based on
significant degree or α (alpha) = 0,05 and df= 58. Therefore, H0 is rejected and
Ha is accepted. It because 17,84 > 2.00 or t-test > ttable. It can be concluded that
there is significant difference student’score between the eperimental class and the
controled class.
D. Data Intepretation
The last calulation was testing the hyphothesis. The was crucial calculation to
answer the problem formulationof this reseach that the whether there is significant
difference between on students’ pharal verb mastery using song lyrics and
students’ phrasal verb mastery in controlled class which were not. From the last
calculation, the reseacher got the comparison of students’ s achievement in mstery
phrasal verb, especially between students in experimental calss which were given
technique in mastering phrasal verb and students in controlled class that is taught
without tecnique in mastering phrasal verb. The reseacher use t-test formula in the
significant degree (α) of 0,05. The result of the data showed that t- test t0 < ttable
(tt ) (17,84 > 2.00). in other word, t-test was higher in the value 0,049 than t-table.
The null hyphothesis (Ho ) is rejected. It means the alternative hyphothesis (Ha) is
accepted that there is significance different after teaching student’s pharasal verb
using song lyrics. In other words it could be said that song lyrics is effective in
mastering phrasal verbs.
This chapter talks about the conclussion oh the reseach. The cchapter
also identifies some suggetion gotten from the resecher result.
A. Conclussion
Teaching and learning phrasal verb subject is important to select the good
technique to enhance the students’ skill. According the data, using song lyrics to
enrich students’ English phrasal verb is effective and it had been proved on the
second grade of SMK Nusantara 01, Legoso-Ciputat. In this reseach both
Experimental Class and Corontrolled Class were treated for five meetings. in which
experimental class was treat by using song lyrics technique whereas controlled class
was treated by using textbook. The result showed that the gained score of
experimental class was higher than the controlled class. The gain score of
experimental class was 25,90 and the gain score of controlled class was 7,03.
The result of comparison of the post-test score from experimental and the
controlled calss was analyzed by using t-test formula in the significant degree (α) of
0,05. The data showed that t-test ( 𝑡0) > t-table ( 𝑡𝑡) or 17,84> 2.00 The t-test was
higher in value 0,49 that t-table. So the null hypothesis ( 𝐻0) is rejected and it means
alternative hypothesis ( 𝐻𝑎) is accepted. Therefore there is significant difference on
students’ achievement after they use song lyrics technique to enrich English phrasal
verb mastery.
To sum up, it may be intferred from the above findings that song lyrics
technique is effective to enrich students’ English prasal verb mastery.
B. Suggestion
1. Song lyrics technique is one of the method that can be considered effective
in teaching in order to help students to enrich their vocabulary in English
phrasal verb mastery.
2. The teacher should be detail and clear explanation to students how to use
phrasal verb in written, spoken English and also in daily conversation.
3. By applying this technique, the students have to force theirselves to listenig,
looking for songs lyrics and select more phrasal verbs. That could express
their idea in the classroom of every topic of their material even for daily
4. The teacher should master the material that will be taugh to the class so
that they can choose the best media to teach the material.
5. The teacher should provide a fun class circumstances to reduce students’
6. Fof further reseachers who want to so same reseach, it is hoped that they
could develop their study deeply from any resources because the reseacher
relized that her writing is still far from being perfect.
Barron’s. How to Prepare for the Toefl Tes, Jakarta Barat: Binarupa Aksara 2000
Carl W.Hart. The Ultimate Phrasal Verb Book, New York : Barron’s 1999
George Watson. 190 Ready to Use Acitivities That Make English Fun, San
Francisco: Jossey Bass 2002.
Godt Irving. Music: A practical definition, The Musical Times, Vol. 146, No.
1890 (Spring, 2005), pp. 84
Jack Ricard. Songs In Language Learning, TESOL Quarterly, Vol. 3, No. 2 Jun,
Jean Ferris. Music: The art of Listening sith edition, ( New York : Mc Graw-Hill,
2003) P05
Kolln Martha and Funk Robert. Understanding English Grammar Eighth Edition,
New York: Longman 2010.
Langan John. Sentencce Skill, From A Seventh Edition, New York : Mc Graw Hill
Mary Slatery and Jane Wills. English for Primary Teachers : A handbook
of Activities & Classroom Langugae,( New York: Oxford
University Press). P 45
Mc Carten Janne. Teaching Vocabulary (Lessons from the Corpus,Lessons for the
Classroom), New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007.
Masning Zahro, The Use of Song Lyrics to Improve students’ Vocabulary of Verb,
English Departement of Tarbiyah Faculty Walisongo State Institute
for Islamic Study 2010.
Ruth Gairs and Stuar Redman, Working with Word: A Guide to Teaching and
Learning Vocabulary, New York: Cambridge UniversityPress,
World Book. The World Book Dictionary, Chicago:World Book Inc, 2007.
Appendix 1
Uji Validitas
Rata2= 23,60
Simpang Baku= 6,77
KorelasiXY= 0,82
Reliabilitas Tes= 0,90
Butir Soal= 45
Jumlah Subyek= 35
Appendix 2
a. hold back
13. To wait a while b. hold for
a. Hang in c. hold down
b. Hang out 20. To examine someone or something
c. Hang on a. Look at
14. To have used up most of the alloted b. Look for
time; to have no time left c. Look after
a. Run out 21. To move closer to someone or
b. Run in something; to make advances or
c. Run off aggressive movement toward someone
15. Get into someone; get bother someone or something
or affect someone a. Move in
a. Get up b. Move on
b. Get out c. Move off
c. To realx; to become less busy o 22. To place someone or something oo
d. Get into someone or something for protection or
16. r active concealment.
a. Calm out a. Cover up
b. Calm down b. Cover off
c. Calm up c. Cover fot
17. To hurry along with someone 23. To shine lights on someone or
a. Come on something
b. Come in a. Light with
c. Come out b. Light on
18. To yell something at someone or c. Light up
something 24. To turn onself to avoid someone or
a. Shout at something
b. Shout out a. Turn back
c. Shout for b. Turn down
19. to keep someone or something from c. Turn away
Appendix 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
A a a a a a a a a a
B b b b b b b
C c c c c c
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
A a a a a a
B b b
C c c c
Appendix 4
A. Standar Kompetensi
B. Kompetensi Dasar
C. Indikator
Siswa dapat :
1. Menjelaskan pengertian phrasal verb
2. Mengidentifikasi phrasal verb dari lyrics lagu
D. Tujuan Pembelajaran :
Siswa dapat :
1. Memahami makna phrasal verb
2. Mengidentifikasi phrasal verb
E. Materi Ajar
1. Phrasal verb.
2. Song lyric
Marry that girl Can I have your daughter for the rest of
Marry her my life?
anyway Marry Say yes, say yes 'cause I need to know
that girl You say, I'll never get your blessin
Yeah, no matter what you
say Marry that girl
And we'll be a
family Why you
gotta be so Rude
F. Metode Pembelajaran:
1. Music
2. Song Lyrics
G. Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran :
Nama Accuracy
No. Fluency Pron. Into. Pv. Total Kompeten/belumkompeten
(4) (2) (2) (2) (10)
C. Hasil: Penilaian dilakukan pada akhir satu atau beberapa kegiatan pembelajaran
Mengetahui, Peneliti
Guru Bahasa Inggris
A. Standar Kompetensi
B. Kompetensi Dasar
C. Indikator
Siswa dapat :
1. Menjelaskan pengertian phrasal verb
2. Mengidentifikasi phrasal verb dari lyrics lagu
D. Tujuan Pembelajaran :
Siswa dapat :
1. Memahami makna phrasal verb
2. Mengidentifikasi phrasal verb
E. Materi Ajar
1. Phrasal verb.
2. Song lyric
F. Metode
G. Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran :
Aspek Penilaian
Accuracy Kompeten/belum
No. Nama Siswa Fluency Pron. Into. Pv. Total
(4) (2) (2) (2) (10)
C. Hasil: Penilaian dilakukan pada akhir satu atau beberapa kegiatan pembelajaran
Mengetahui, Peneliti
Guru Bahasa Inggris
A. Standar Kompetensi
B. Kompetensi Dasar
C. Indikator
Siswa dapat :
1. Menjelaskan pengertian phrasal verb
2. Mengidentifikasi phrasal verb dari lyrics lagu
D. Tujuan Pembelajaran :
Siswa dapat
1. Memahami makna phrasal verb
2. Mengidentifikasi phrasal verb
E . Materi Ajar
1. Phrasal verb.
2. Song lyric
Karmin- 24 Inside out with the inside where the outside Di luar
Brokenhearte should be reverse.
F. Metode Pembelajaran:
1. Music
2. Song Lyrics
G. Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran :
Aspek Penilaian
Accuracy Kompeten/belum
No. NamaSiswa Fluency Pron. Into. Pv. Total
(4) (2) (2) (2) (10)
C. Hasil: Penilaian dilakukan pada akhir satu atau beberapa kegiatan pembelajaran
Mengetahui, Peneliti
Guru Bahasa Inggris
Appendix 4
A. Standar Kompetensi
B. Kompetensi Dasar
C. Indikator
Siswa dapat :
1. Menjelaskan pengertian phrasal verb
2. Mengidentifikasi phrasal verb dari lyrics lagu
D. Tujuan Pembelajaran :
Siswa dapat
1. Memahami makna phrasal verb
2. Mengidentifikasi phrasal verb
E. Materi Ajar
1. Phrasal verb.
2. Song lyric
You're insecure,
Don't know what
You're turning heads when you
walk through the door,
Don't need make-
up, To cover up,
Being the way that you are is enough,
Everyone else in the room can see
it, Everyone else but you,
s] [All]
Baby you light up my world like nobody
else, The way that you flip your hair gets
me overwhelmed,
But when you smile at the ground it ain't
hard to tell,
You don't
know, Oh, oh,
You don't know you're
beautiful, If only you saw what
I can see,
You'd understand why I want you so
desperately, Right now I'm looking at you and I
So c-come on.
You got it
wrong. To
prove I'm right I
put it in a song.
I don't know
why You're
being shy,
And turn away when I look into
your eye-eye-eyes,
Everyone else in the room can see
it, Everyone else but you,
s] [All]
Baby you light up my world like
nobody else,
The way that you flip your hair gets
me overwhelmed,
But when you smile at the ground it
ain't hard to
You don't
know, Oh oh,
You don't know you're
beautiful, If only you saw what
I can see,
You'll understand why I want you
so desperately,
Right now I'm looking at you and I
I got the eye of the tiger, a fighter,
dancing through the fire
'Cause I am a champion and you're gonna
hear me roar
Louder, louder than a lion
'Cause I am a champion and you're gonna
hear me roar
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
oh Oh oh oh oh oh
oh oh Oh oh oh oh
oh oh oh
You held me down, but I got up
(HEY!) Already brushing off the dust
You hear my voice, you hear that
sound Like thunder gonna shake the
ground You held me down, but I got
up (HEY!) Get ready 'cause I've had
I see it all, I see it now
I got the eye of the tiger, a fighter,
dancing through the fire
'Cause I am a champion and you're
gonna hear me roar
Louder, louder than a lion
'Cause I am a champion and you're
gonna hear me roar
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
oh Oh oh oh oh oh
oh oh Oh oh oh oh
oh oh oh
(You're gonna hear me
roar) Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
(You're gonna hear me
"Me And My Broken Heart" [Chorus:]
All I need's a little love in my life
[Chorus:] All I need's a little love in the dark
All I need's a little love in my life A little but I'm hoping it might kick start
All I need's a little love in the dark Me and my broken heart
A little but I'm hoping it might kick start I need a little loving tonight
Me and my broken heart Hold me so I'm not falling apart
I need a little loving tonight A little but I'm hoping it might kick start
Hold me so I'm not falling apart Me and my broken heart
A little but I'm hoping it might kick start [Verse 2:]
Me and my broken heart Maybe some part of you just hates me
You pick me up and play me
Yeah... How do we call this love? (whoa oh oh oh)
One time tell me you need me tonight
[Verse 1:] To make it easy, you lie
Shot gun, aimed at my heart, you got one And say it's all for love (whoa oh oh oh)
Tear me apart and then some
How do we call this love (whoa oh oh oh) [Pre-Chorus:]
I try to run away but your eyes It seems like we've been losing control
Tell me to stay, oh why, Somebody tell me I'm not alone
Why do we call this love (whoa oh oh oh) When I say
[Pre-Chorus:] [Chorus:]
It seems like we've been losing All I need's a little love in my life
control Somebody tell me I'm not All I need's a little love in the dark
alone A little but I'm hoping it might kick start
When I said Me and my broken heart
I need a little loving tonight
Hold me so I'm not falling apart
A little but I'm hoping
F . Metode
3. Music
4. Song Lyrics
G . Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran :
Aspek Penilaian
Accuracy Kompeten/belum
No. Nama Siswa Fluency Pron. Into. Pv. Total
(4) (2) (2) (2) (10)
Appendix 5
Standar Kompetensi
Kompetensi Dasar
Siswa dapat :
Menjelaskan pengertian phrasal verb
Mengidentifikasi phrasal verb
Tujuan Pembelajaran :
Siswa dapat :
Memahami makna phrasal verb
Mengidentifikasi phrasal verb
E.Materi Ajar
1. Phrasal verb.
F. Metode Pembelajaran:
Tanya jawab
G. Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran :
Proses: Penilaian dilakukan melalui pengamatan kinerja siswa (performance) selama kegiatan pembelaja
Aspek Penilaian
Accuracy Kompeten/belum
No. Nama Siswa Fluency Pron. Into. Pv Total
(4) (2) (2) (2) (10)
C. Hasil: Penilaian dilakukan pada akhir satu atau beberapa kegiatan pembelajaran
A. Standar Kompetensi
B. Kompetensi Dasar
C. Indikator
Siswa dapat :
1. Menjelaskan pengertian phrasal verb
2. Mengidentifikasi phrasal verb
D. Tujuan Pembelajaran :
Siswa dapat
1. Memahami makna phrasal verb
2. Mengidentifikasi phrasal verb
E. Materi Ajar
1. Phrasal verb.
F. Metode Pembelajaran:
Tanya jawab
G. Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran :
Aspek Penilaian
Accuracy Kompeten/belum
No. Nama Siswa Fluency Pron. Into. Pv Total
(4) (2) (2) (2) (10)
C. Hasil: Penilaian dilakukan pada akhir satu atau beberapa kegiatan pembelajaran
Mengetahui, Peneliti
Guru Bahasa Inggris
Standar Kompetensi
Kompetensi Dasar
Siswa dapat :
Menjelaskan pengertian phrasal verb
Mengidentifikasi phrasal verb
Tujuan Pembelajaran :
Siswa dapat :
Memahami makna phrasal verb
Mengidentifikasi phrasal verb
E. Materi Ajar
1. Phrasal verb.
F. Metode
Tanya jawab
G. Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran :
Proses: Penilaian dilakukan melalui pengamatan kinerja siswa (performance) selama kegiatan pembelaja
Aspek Penilaian
Accuracy Kompeten/belum
No. Nama Siswa Fluency Pron. Into. Pv. Total
(4) (2) (2) (2) (10)
C. Hasil: Penilaian dilakukan pada akhir satu atau beberapa kegiatan pembelajaran
Standar Kompetensi
Kompetensi Dasar
Siswa dapat :
Menjelaskan pengertian phrasal verb
Mengidentifikasi phrasal verb
Tujuan Pembelajaran :
Siswa dapat :
Memahami makna phrasal verb
Mengidentifikasi phrasal verb
E. Materi Ajar
1. Phrasal verb.
F. Metode Pembelajaran:
Tanya jawab
G. Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran :
Proses: Penilaian dilakukan melalui pengamatan kinerja siswa (performance) selama kegiatan pembelaja
Aspek Penilaian
Accuracy Kompeten/belum
No. Nama Siswa Fluency Pron. Into. Pv. Total
(4) (2) (2) (2) (10)
C. Hasil: Penilaian dilakukan pada akhir satu atau beberapa kegiatan pembelajaran
Appendix 6
13. The act of running away 19. Get into someone; get bother
a. Run Out someone or affect someone
b. Run In a. Get up
c. Run away b. Get out
14. Get in someone’s way; to interfer c. Get into
with someone purpose or movement 20. To realx; to become less busy o
a. Get out reactive
b. Get into a. Calm out
c. Get in b. Calm down
15. To approach someone or something c. Calm up
on foot 21. To hurry along with someone
a. Walk off a. Come on
b. Walk out b. Come in
c. Walk up c. Come out
22. To yell something at someone or
16. To wait a while something
a. Hang in a. Shout at
b. Hang out b. Shout out
c. Hang on c. Shout for
17. To move closer to someone or 23. To examine someone or something
something; to make advances or a. Look at
aggressive movement toward b. Look for
someone or something c. Look in
a. Move in 24. to keep someone or something from
b. Move on creature
c. Move off a. hold back
18. To have used up most of the alloted b. hold for
time; to have no time left c. hold down
a. Run out
b. Run in
c. Run off
Appendix 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
A a c a b a a a a a a
B b b b b
C c c c c c c
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
A a a a a a
C c a c c