Post Assessment Survey
Post Assessment Survey
Post Assessment Survey
c Degree/certificate programs
f Research opportunities
Q2. Please indicate areas which were refined during your exchange program. Select all that
a) Content and performance standards in my main subject field
b) Student assessment practices
c) Classroom management
d) Knowledge and understanding of my main subject field(s)
e) Knowledge and understanding of instructional practices (knowledge mediation) in my main
subject field(s)
f) Information and communication technology (ICT) skills for teaching
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g) Teaching students with special learning needs
h) Student discipline and behavior problems
i) School management and administration
j) Teaching in a multicultural setting
k) Student counselling
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Thinking and reasoning processes are more important
than specific curriculum content.
Q4. How often do you plan to incorporate the Scale 1-5: Weekly, Monthly, 3-4
following in your school? times per year, Once per year,
1 2 3 4 5
Q5. Which of the following activities are most Habitual Sometimes Never
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likely to happen in your classroom?
Q6. Rate the following factors on their level of importance. Scale: 0-3: not important,
low importance, moderate
importance, high
0 1 2 3
Lesson planning
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Formulating learning outcomes
Q7. What aspects of your leadership skills have improved during the TEA program?
a) Emotional Quotient
b) Punctuality _________________________________
d) Personal development
Q8. What aspects of your communication skills have improved during the TEA program?
a) How to use body language
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Q9. How will the TEA Exchange journey impact your attitude as a teacher?
As a teacher, I believe that Tea Exchange journey has revolutionized my professional as well as personal
life. I must say that these 42 days of my life are more solid than my 13 years of professional journey. I
got the chance to see and learn from the international mentors and educators. They taught us the
boundary of teaching and learning is not limited to an educational institute. I learned that how to
educate us and then facilitate others which is the prime purpose of the teaching. I learned that there are
many aspects still unattempted and we must pay heed to them as well. Final, I must say that we should
propagate what I have learned and this nexus should go on to achieve a self-sustainable system.
Q10. How did the Teaching Excellence & Achievement Program meet your expectations?
Also, please share how it can be further improved?
Teaching Excellence & Achievement Program not only met but exceeded of expectations. I was
expecting that our cohort will have to live on their own. In addition, we have to invest some
money in order to training from the highly trained mentors.
I was expecting that there would be a small hall or hotel where will be given a training session
but reality was amazingly pleasant. I was expecting a few topics of teaching but it was not so.
The range of the topics was more than my expectations. Particularly, the topic of Psychology and
service learning so beyond my expectation. I really enjoyed them.
I want to suggest one thing that when Pakistani teachers step in USA, they are hailed by many
shocks. Food items and the variety of food is one of them. Most of the participants face problems
regarding halal food items. I would say that it will be a great favour if a certain amount of food is
provided to them in their rooms and its cost can be deducted from their per diem.
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