Backpressure Turbine Generator For Boilers (Has Efficiency)
Backpressure Turbine Generator For Boilers (Has Efficiency)
Backpressure Turbine Generator For Boilers (Has Efficiency)
Estimating Your Savings power output by multiplying this number Resulting reductions in fuel costs are due
by your known steam flow rate. solely to the higher efficiency of the new
Since you have already determined that
you need a boiler to satisfy your process
thermal loads, the marginal cost of power Example New LP Boiler Fuel Cost
produced from the backpressure turbine- A chemical company currently uses a = Fuel Price x Steam Rate x Annual
generator is: 100-psig boiler with 78% boiler efficiency Operation x Steam Enthalpy Gain/E2
(E1) to produce 50,000 lb/hr of saturated = $8.00/MMBtu x 50,000 lb/hr x 6,000
Cost of Power Production = (Annual steam for process loads. The boiler oper- hr/yr x (1,190 Btu/lb – 150 Btu/lb)/
Boiler Fuel Cost after Pressure Increase – ates at rated capacity for 6,000 hours per (0.80 x 106 Btu/MMBtu)
Annual Boiler Fuel Cost before Pressure year (hr/yr). The boiler has reached the = $3,120,000 per year
Increase)/Annual kWh Produced by end of its service life, and the company
Turbine-Generator is considering replacing the boiler with a Step 3: Calculate the boiler fuel cost of
new 100-psig boiler or with a high-pres- a new high-pressure (HP) boiler capable
The cost of boiler fuel before and after sure 600-psig boiler and a backpressure of producing 600 psig, 750ºF super-
a proposed pressure increase can be steam turbine-generator. Both new boiler heated steam: $3,318,300 per year
calculated directly from the boiler fuel alternatives have rated efficiencies (E2) of We must now take into account the
cost, boiler efficiency, and inlet and 80%. The company currently pays $0.06/ additional enthalpy necessary to raise the
outlet steam conditions. The annual kWh kWh for electricity, and purchases boiler pressure of the boiler steam to 600 psig.
produced by the turbine generator can fuel for $8.00 per million Btu (MMBtu). With a 50% isentropic turbine efficiency,
be calculated from the inlet and exhaust Condensate return mixed with makeup the exhaust steam from the backpressure
pressures at the turbine, along with the water has an enthalpy of 150 Btu/lb. What turbine is at 100 psig and 527ºF and must
steam flow rate through the turbine, in are the relative financial merits of the two be desuperheated by adding 5,000 lb/hr of
thousand pounds per hour (Mlb-hr). systems? water. In order to provide an equivalent
To estimate the potential power output Step 1: Calculate the current annual amount of thermal energy to the process
of your system, refer to the figure below, boiler fuel cost: $3,200,000 per year loads, the boiler steam output is reduced to
which shows lines of constant power 45,000 lb/hr.
output, expressed in kW of electricity Current Boiler Fuel Cost
= Fuel Price x Steam Rate x Annual New HP Boiler Fuel Cost
output per Mlb-hr of steam throughput as
Operation x Steam Enthalpy Gain / E1 = Fuel Price x Steam Rate x Annual
a function of the inlet and exhaust pressure
= $8.00/MMBtu x 50,000 lb/hr x 6,000 Operation x Steam Enthalpy Gain / E2
through the turbine. Look up your input
hr/yr x (1,190 Btu/lb – 150 Btu/lb) / = $8.00/MMBtu x 45,000 lb/hr x 6,000
and output pressure on the axes shown,
(0.78 x 106 Btu/MMBtu) hr/yr x (1,379 Btu/lb – 150 Btu/lb) /
and then use the lines provided to estimate
= $3,200,000 per year (0.80 x 106 Btu/MMBtu)
the power output, per Mlb/hr of steam
= $3,318,300 per year
flow rate for a backpressure turbogenera- Step 2: Calculate the boiler fuel cost of a
tor. You can then estimate the turbine new 100-psig, low-pressure (LP) boiler: Step 4: Estimate the electricity output of
$3,120,000 per year the steam turbine-generator: 6,750,000
kWh per year
At 600-psig inlet pressure with 750ºF
Estimating Power Output Using Steam Inlet and Exhaust Pressures
superheated steam and 100-psig exhaust
300 pressure, the system will satisfy exist-
ing steam loads but will also produce
approximately 25 kW of electric power
per Mlb-hr of steam production (you can
10 kW/Mlb-hr use the figure on page 2 to estimate your
Exhaust Pressure, psig
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