Alejandro Royo-Villanova Seguí - REINFORCEMENT ACTIVITIES - 2º - 2SHEET - ACTIVITIES
Alejandro Royo-Villanova Seguí - REINFORCEMENT ACTIVITIES - 2º - 2SHEET - ACTIVITIES
Alejandro Royo-Villanova Seguí - REINFORCEMENT ACTIVITIES - 2º - 2SHEET - ACTIVITIES
1. He hasn’t got a car. He has to walk to work. 5 Write rules for the local swimming pool
2. We are very late. We _____. using have to or mustn’t.
3. Mum said you _____ because it’s already 1. run
done. You mustn’t run.
4. We are going to London. We _____. 2. wear trainers in the pool area
5. I brought Chinese takeout. You _____. _______________________________
6. We painted the house last year so this year 3. shower before entering the pool
we _____. _______________________________
4. dive in the shallow end
3 Rewrite the sentences using the words in _______________________________
brackets. 5. wear a swimming cap
1. You’re not allowed to use your phone on a _______________________________
plane. (mustn’t) 6. do as the lifeguard says
You mustn’t use your phone on a plane. _______________________________
2. It’s a good idea to brush your teeth after every
meal. (should)
You _______________________ every meal. 6 Complete the text.
3. The car is clean. (have) There are some things I have to remember every
You _______________________ the car. year before going to summer camp. I 1 have to
4. It’s not obligatory to have the latest bring enough clothes for a week. I 2 _____ bring a
technology. (don’t) mobile phone because we aren’t allowed to. I 3
You _______________________ the latest _____ bring a torch because it gets very dark,
and I’m afraid. My mum says I 4 _____ be afraid of
5. It’s not a good idea to listen to music at high
volumes. (shouldn’t) the dark, but I can’t help it. Also, I 5 _____ bring
You _______________________ music at my swimsuit or I can’t swim in the lake. Finally, I
high volumes. 6
_____ forget to take my diary so I can write
6. It’s illegal to drive faster than the speed limit. about my week!
You _______________________the speed
9 Complete the sentences using comparative forms of the adjectives in the list.
sweet | early
11 Complete the New Year’s resolutions with a form of going to and a verb from the list.
12 1 Fill the gaps with will or won’t and a verb from the list.
4. He __________ his best friend this summer because she’s going to England.
watch my favourite TV programme | if I can do this | if you can’t see | can you help me with something | as soon as I
can | when he visits his grandmother
1 go went _____
4 be ______ ______
16 Complete the sentences with verbs from the list in the present perfect and your own ideas.
1. I have eaten paella, but I have never eaten fish and chips.