I Plugins

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----------------------------------------------------------------------------File : 'Plugins.txt' - Information for IrfanView PlugIns Author: Irfan Skiljan E-Mail: [email protected] WWW : http://www.irfanview.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------------!*!

Please use always the current IrfanView and PlugIn version !*! - How to install IrfanView PlugIns? 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Visit IrfanView's homepage: http://www.irfanview.com Go to "Download->PlugIns" Download PlugIns Click on the PlugIn file PlugIns will be installed into IrfanView "PlugIns" directory

Download: You can download all PlugIns from the Internet: http://www.irfanview.com/plugins.htm http://www.irfanview.net/plugins.htm ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Available PlugIns: * 1. 8BF_FILTERS.DLL - This PlugIn allows IrfanView to load Adobe Photoshop 8BF filters. Note: some older/special 8BFs may require additional syst em DLLs. You can download these DLLs here: http://irfanview.tuwien.ac.at/plugins/8bf_tools.zip Copy/unzip these DLLs into your Windows->System or System 32 folder. * 2. ANSI2UNICODE.FLL - This PlugIn allows IrfanView to read filenames with Unic ode characters. Thanks to Christophe Paris! * 3. AWD.DLL - This PlugIn allows IrfanView to read Artweaver files. Thanks to Boris Eyrich. * 4. B3D.DLL - This PlugIn allows IrfanView to read BodyPaint 3D files. * 5. BURNING.DLL - This PlugIn allows IrfanView to burn slideshow to a CD. Windows XP or later required, Nero option can burn Data DVD a nd VCD. * 6. CRW.DLL - This PlugIn allows IrfanView to read Canon CRW/CR2 files. Note: this PlugIn requires additional Canon DLLs: http://irfanview.tuwien.ac.at/plugins/canon_crw.zip (check "Readme_Canon.txt" for instructions and install!) * 7. CADIMAGE.DLL - This PlugIn allows IrfanView to read CAD formats: DXF, DWG, HPGL, CGM, SVG. Check "http://www.cadsofttools.com/download/irfanviewplugins

.zip" for newest versions and licenses. (Shareware, Third party PlugIn ) * 8. DICOM.DLL - This PlugIn allows IrfanView to read Dicom medical files. Thanks to Wolfgang Krug and Chris Rorden. Note: DICOM/ACR/IMA format hasn't a specific header and IrfanVi ew can't recognize all such images. If you want to read Dicom/ACR/ IMA images with IrfanView, the file extension MUST BE ".dcm", ".acr " or ".ima" ! * 9. DJVU.DLL - This PlugIn allows IrfanView to read DjVu files. * 10. EAFSH.DLL - This PlugIn allows IrfanView to read/save EA Sports FSH files. Thanks to GreyMana: http://www.greymana.de. * 11. ECW.DLL - This PlugIn allows IrfanView to read/write ECW files (Enhanced C ompressed Wavelet). * 12. EFFECTS.DLL - This PlugIn contains some image effects. Thanks to GENiEBEN! * 13. EMAIL.DLL - This PlugIn allows IrfanView to send images as emails. * 14. EXIF.DLL - This PlugIn allows IrfanView to show EXIF information from file s with EXIF data. * 15. EXR.DLL - This PlugIn allows IrfanView to read EXR files. * 16. FFACTORY.DLL - This PlugIn allows IrfanView to use Filter Factory 8BF file s (Photoshop plugins). The DLL is based on the Filter Factory library from Michael Johannhanwahr: www.icnet.de. Thanks Michael! * 17. FLASH.DLL - This PlugIn allows IrfanView to play Macromedia's Flash/Shockw ave/FLV files. Thanks to Remio! * 18. FORMATS.DLL s: This PlugIn allows IrfanView to read additional image format PSP - Paint Shop Pro format IFF/LBM format (Amiga Interchange File Format) G3 Fax format RAS/SUN format Bio-RAD Confocal image format Mosaic format YUV format XBM format XPM format MAG format (MAKI) GEM-IMG format WBMP - WAP Bitmap SGI format (Silicon Graphics Image) RLE format (Utah RLE Image) TTF format (True Type Font) RAW format (RAW data)

- Digital camera RAW formats (CRW CR2 DNG NEF RAF ORF MRW ERF DCR SRF X3F PEF EFF) - DDS format (Direct Draw Surface) - SFW format (Seattle Film Works JPG file) - CAM format (Casio CAM JPG file) - KDC format (Kodak Digital Camera files) - WAD format (WAD3 game files) - WAL format (Quake 2 textures) - PIC format (Softimage PICT) - FITS format (Flexible Image Transport System) - HDR format (High Dynamic Range) - PVR format (DreamCast textures) Note: G3 format hasn't a specific header and IrfanView can't recognize all such images. If you want to read G3 images with IrfanView, the file extension MUST BE ".g3" ! Note: Mosaic format hasn't a specific header and IrfanView can't recognize all such images. If you want to read Mosaic images with IrfanView, the file extension MUST BE ".mos" ! Note: XBM format hasn't a specific header and IrfanView can't recognize all such images. If you want to read XBM images with IrfanView, the file extension MUST BE ".xbm" ! Note: XPM format hasn't a specific header and IrfanView can't recognize all such images. If you want to read XPM images with IrfanView, the file extension MUST BE ".xpm" ! Note: WBMP format hasn't a specific header and IrfanView can't recognize all such images. If you want to read WBMP images wit h IrfanView, the file extension MUST BE ".wbmp" ! * 19. FPX.DLL - This PlugIn allows IrfanView to read FlashPix format. * 20. FUNLTDIV.DLL - This PlugIn allows IrfanView to use Filters Unlimited files (Photoshop PlugIns and filters) The PlugIn is based on the Library from Michael Johannhanwa hr: www.icnet.de Thanks Michael! * 21. FTP.DLL - This PlugIn allows IrfanView to transfer files from Thumbnails window using FTP. * 22. HDP.DLL - This PlugIn allows IrfanView to read HDP/WDP files (Microsoft HD Photo). * 23. ICONS.DLL - This PlugIn contains special icons for IrfanView file associat ions. * 24. ICS.DLL - This PlugIn allows IrfanView to read ICS files (Image Cytometry Standard). Thanks to Cris Luengo. * 25. IMPDF.DLL - This PlugIn allows IrfanView to save PDF files (Portable Docum ent Format).

Thanks to ComSquare AG! * 26. IPTC.DLL - This PlugIn allows IrfanView to edit IPTC and Comment informati on from JPG/TIF files. * 27. IV_PLAYER.EXE - This PlugIn allows IrfanView to play video/sound/audio-cd files using MS Media Player interface. (AVI, MPG, WAV, MIDI, CDA, WMA, ASF, AIF, SND, WMA/WMV) * 28. JPEG2000.DLL - This PlugIn allows IrfanView to read/write JPEG-2000 format . Note: Third party PlugIn, registration required for saving. * 29. JPEG_LS.DLL - This PlugIn allows IrfanView to read/write JLS files (JPEG-L S, JPEG Lossless). Thanks to KATO Kanryu. * 30. JPG_TRANSFORM.DLL - This PlugIn allows IrfanView to process lossless JPG t ransformations: vertical flip, horizontal flip, rotation, crop or mark er cleaning. * 31. JPM.DLL - This PlugIn allows IrfanView to read/write JPM format. (JPEG2000/Part6, Luradocument.JPM, similar to LDF) Note: Third party PlugIn, registration required for saving. * 32. KDC.DLL - This DLL is created by Kodak Eastman Company. It allows IrfanView to read KDC files (Kodak Digital Camera). It was tested with KDC120 and KDC50 files. * 33. LCMS.DLL - This PlugIn allows IrfanView to use embedded color profiles in JPG/TIF files. Thanks to Marti Maria! * 34. LDF.DLL - This PlugIn allows IrfanView to read/write LuraDocument format L DF. IrfanView can save images up to 4096x4096 pixels as LDF and max. 6 pages in one LDF file. The DLL is based on the SDK from LuraTech GmbH, Germany: www.lur atech.com Thanks guys! * 35. LOGOMANAGER.DLL - This PlugIn allows IrfanView to read to Nokia Logo Files : NLM/NOL/NGG/NSL/OTB/GSM. Thanks to Mike Bradley: http://www.logomanager.co.uk * 36. LWF.DLL - This PlugIn allows IrfanView to read/write LuraWave format LWF. IrfanView can save images up to 4096x4096 pixels as LWF. The DLL is based on the SDK from LuraTech GmbH, Germany: www.lur atech.com Thanks guys! * 37. MED.DLL - This PlugIn allows IrfanView to play MED/OctaMED audio files. * 38. MNG.DLL - This PlugIn allows IrfanView to read/play MNG/JNG files. * 39. MP3.DLL - This PlugIn allows IrfanView to play MP3/MP2/MP1 audio files. * 40. MPG.DLL - This PlugIn allows IrfanView extract frames from MPG files.

* 41. MRC.DLL - This PlugIn allows IrfanView to read MRC files. * 42. MRSID.DLL - This PlugIn allows IrfanView to read LizardTech SID files. * 43. NERO.DLL - This PlugIn allows IrfanView to burn slideshow to data or Video CD, using the FULL version of Nero Burning ROM software (www.nero.c om). Used on Win9x and Win2000. * 44. OCR_KADMOS.DLL - This PlugIn adds OCR features to IrfanView. PlugIn URL: http://rerecognition-download.ch/irfan/kadmos 44/KADMOS.htm Thanks to re Recognition GmbH. * 45. PAINT.DLL - This PlugIn allows IrfanView to paint lines, circles, arrows, straighten image etc. Thanks to Matteo Italia! * 46. PHOTOCD.DLL - This DLL is created by Kodak Eastman Company. It allows IrfanView to read large resolutions from a PhotoCD file: 1536 x 1024 and 3072 x 2048 pixels. * 47. PNGOUT.DLL - This PlugIn allows optimized PNG saving. Thanks to Ken Silver man. PlugIn URL: http://advsys.net/ken/utils.htm#pngout * 48. POSTSCRIPT.DLL - This PlugIn allows IrfanView to read PS, EPS, PDF, AI fil es. Note: Ghostscript is required: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ghostscript/ * 49. QUICKTIME.DLL - This PlugIn allows IrfanView to play Apple Quicktime forma ts: MOV, 3GP, MP4, MacPICT, QTIF and FLI/FLC. Note: Apple Quicktime must be installed and the PlugIn ena bled in: Properties->Video. Download it from Apple: http://www.apple.com/quicktime/dow nload/ * 50. RA_PLAYER.DLL - This PlugIn allows IrfanView to play Real Audio files. Note: The Real Player must be installed! Download it from Real Networks: www.real.com * 51. REGIONCAPTURE.DLL - This PlugIn allows IrfanView to capture a rectangle ar ea of the screen. Thanks to grebulon! * 52. RIOT.DLL - This PlugIn allows IrfanView to save optimized JPG/GIF/PNG. Thanks to Lucian Sabo! * 53. SFF.DLL - This PlugIn allows IrfanView to read SFF (Structured Fax) files. * 54. SLIDESHOW.EXE - This PlugIn allows IrfanView to create presentations in EXE or SCR format (stand alone executable/screen saver). * 55. SOUNDPLAYER.DLL - This PlugIn allows IrfanView to play OGG files (Ogg Vorb

is). * 56. VIDEO.DLL - This PlugIn allows IrfanView to play video/sound files. (AVI, MPG/MPEG, WAV, MOV, MID/RMI, AIF, AU/SND, WMA/WMV) * 57. VTF.DLL - This PlugIn allows IrfanView to read VTF (Valve Texture) files. Works on Win9x and Win2000. * 58. WBZ.DLL - This PlugIn allows IrfanView to read WebShots (WBZ/WBC/WB1) file s. Thanks to V. Paramoshin. * 59. WSQ.DLL - This PlugIn allows IrfanView to read WSQ (Wavelet Scaler Quantiz ation) files.

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