3 Installation - Tpo

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The information provided within this chapter may assist the contractor to install the Firestone UltraPly TPO
Systems in accordance with Firestone’s requirements. It may also help him and the designer to inspect the com-
pleted installation. For a more practical use, we collected the information in a chronological order. The reader
may consult the illustrations at the end of this document when additional information is required.

This chapter contains the following sections:

1 Membrane Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 3. 3
2 Membrane Welding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 3. 7
3 Base Tie-in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 3. 9
4 Wall Flashing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 3. 10
5 Corners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 3. 12

3. Installation
6 Pipe Penetrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 3. 13
7 Drains and Scuppers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 3. 16
8 Expansion Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 3. 18
9 Roof Edges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 3. 19
10 Wall Terminations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 3. 20
11 Membrane Repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 3. 21
12 Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 3. 22

TPO Installation
3. Installation

TPO Installation
3.1 Membrane Installation

3.1.1 Membrane Installation - General

Firestone recommends for each system the following panel widths.

System Panel width [m]

Ballasted-Inverted 2.44 – 3.05

M.A.S. 1.50 – 2.00 – 2.44

Fully adhered 2.44 – 3.05

Prior to the installation of the roofing membrane, the contractor must check if the roof substrate complies with
Firestone’s design instructions.

3. Installation
Any defects in the substrate need to be corrected and the final surface has to be prepared to meet the require-
ments previously outlined.
It is important that the substrate is free of any sharp objects and/or products that may damage the membrane.
Wipe the substrate or install a geotextile when required.

Place the TPO roll as close as possible to its final position. Inspect the wrapper and TPO roll for damage before
and during the installation. Unroll the TPO membrane and prior to any attachment, cutting or welding, allow
each panel to relax a minimum of 30 minutes. Cut a cross-shaped opening above every drain to evacuate excess
ponding water, in case of sudden rainfall.

The TPO panels shall be installed in a fashion so that field and flashing splices are installed to shed water. Straight
cuts are very important for a neat and easy application.

Allow ample material for splicing determined by the type of seam and tie-ins.

Temporary ballasting during installation may be required to keep the membrane in place until it is secured to the
substrate. Suggested temporary ballasting includes sand bags and other non-abrasive materials such as rubber
tires, etc. Never leave the project without temporary ballasting loose laid sheets.

TPO Installation
3.1.2 Membrane Installation - Mechanically Attached (M.A.S.)

This technique is applicable for the mechanically attached system M.A.S..

Installation Instructions
Consult the wind design calculation for information about the density and position of the plates and fasteners
and the size of local wind zones (zones of high wind pressure, such as perimeter, ridge, base of roof step, base
of penthouse, etc.).

Select the size of the panels in function of the wind uplift requirements. Consult the table below to identify the
most appropriate panel width.

Spacing between fastener rows (m) Panel width (m)

1.35 1.50
1.85 2.00
2.29 2.44

Position adjoining sheets with a minimum side overlap of 150 mm in case of a mechanical anchoring in the seam
3. Installation

and a minimum of 75 mm for seams with no mechanical anchoring. Allow the membranes to relax a minimum
of 30 minutes.
Orient TPO panels so that any exposed (cut) edges of a panel are used as the bottom panel in splices whenever
possible. If cut edges are exposed, they must be sealed with Firestone Cut Edge Sealant or TPO General Purpose

The inside edge of the membranes are mechanically attached to the substrate with approved plates and
fasteners. The plates need to be positioned at least 20 mm in from the edge of the membrane.

In the central zone of the roof, the membrane shall be mechanically attached with approved plates and fasteners
in the side laps of the membrane. On metal decks it is important that the membranes run as much as possible
perpendicular to the direction of the flutes of the deck, to avoid overloading of the structure.

At perimeters and in zones of higher wind pressure, the TPO membrane may be either fully adhered to the
substrate following the technique described hereafter or mechanically attached in the overlap. When wind
calculations require an even smaller spacing between fastener rows than mentioned in the table above, a
2.00  m or 2.44 m wide membrane may be cut in half on site to produce a panel width of 1.00 m or 1.22 m
providing spacing between fastener rows of respectively 0.85 m and 1.07 m.

A row of fasteners and plates shall be installed along the inside edge of the perimeter sheets, to separate the
perimeter zones from the central zone of the roof. In the case of a fully adhered perimeter zone, care must
be taken not to apply Bonding Adhesive onto the inside portion of the perimeter sheets located beyond the
fastening plates.

When working onto a continuous support (concrete, wood, …), an alternative layout for TPO sheets may be
used for practical reasons. In this layout, perimeter zone panels are laid parallel to the parapet. Field zone panels
can be laid in the most practical direction.

The fasteners must be properly engaged in the deck. Use caution not to overdrive fasteners, as this will reduce
the pull-out value of the fastener. An electric screw gun with an automatic clutch control or an automatic
installation tool may be used. Once the tools have been set, all fastener installation will be consistent.

The end and side laps of adjoining sheets shall be spliced as outlined in the following section.
TPO Installation
3.1.3 Membrane Installation With Bonding Adhesive

This technique is applicable for fully adhered systems and as an alternative to mechanical attachment in the
perimeter zones of the mechanically attached system.

Installation Instructions
Position adjoining sheets with a minimum overlap of 75 mm and allow to relax a minimum of 30 minutes.

Orient TPO panels so that any exposed (cut) edges of a panel are used as the bottom panel in splices whenever
possible. If cut edges are exposed, they must be sealed with Firestone Cut Edge Sealant or TPO General Purpose

Fold the first membrane back, evenly onto itself so as to expose the underside and the substrate. The sheet fold
should lay smooth so as to minimize the formation of wrinkles during and after installation.

Before bonding, remove excess dust or other contaminants. Wipe the substrate and the mating surface of the
sheet with a stiff broom.

The TPO-sheets are to be fully adhered with TPO Bonding Adhesive. Stir the Bonding Adhesive before and during
application to achieve a uniform mix with no sediment on the bottom. Properly mixed adhesive is critical for

3. Installation
desired performance and uniformity of the bond.

The Bonding Adhesive must be roller applied in a thin even coat on both mating surfaces. Firestone recommends
a two-man operation to facilitate equal drying times. Apply Bonding Adhesive to lighter coloured surface and/or
shady surfaces first to aid in drying. Avoid globs or puddles of adhesive during application. An excess of adhesive
will prolong the drying time and reduce production. Use large solvent resistant rollers with short hairs to apply
the adhesive evenly. Care must be taken not to apply Bonding Adhesive over an area that is to be welded to
another sheet. Use a chalkline to mark the splicing area that has to remain clean.

Let the solvents evaporate naturally until the adhesive is tacky. Drying time will differ with various climatic con-
ditions and coverage rate. Never use a hot air dryer to accelerate this process. Solvent-based adhesives tend
to surface-flash during cold weather, forming an outer skin on the surface before the entire adhesive has had
sufficient time to flash-off.

Touch the surface with a clean, dry finger to check the adhesive for dryness. As you are touching the adhesive,
push straight down to check the mass of adhesive under its surface for stringing. Push forward on the adhesive
at an angle to ensure that it is dry throughout its thickness. If either motion exposes wet or stringy adhesive
when the finger is lifted then it is not ready for mating. Allow extra time for the adhesive film to properly flash-
off before retesting. Adhering two surfaces that have not completely flashed off will result in blisters and bubbles
in the membrane, caused by the trapped solvents.

As the first sheet is flashing off, lay out the adjoining sheets and allow them to relax.

Bond the membrane, starting at the fold. Roll the previously coated portion of the sheet into the coated sub-
strate, slowly and evenly to minimize wrinkles.

Compress the bonded half to the substrate with a stiff brush to ensure proper contact. Extra compression will
strengthen the bond. Repeat the bonding procedure to complete the bonding of the sheet.

Take special precautions when the outside temperature is below 10°C, when the dew point is near the ambient
outside temperature. Certain combinations of temperature and humidity may cause condensation on the surface
of the Bonding Adhesive. This is referred to as “blushing”. If this condition occurs, do not mate the surfaces.
Wait until the ambient air conditions no longer cause condensation, dry the surface with clean, dry rags, apply
a thin additional layer of adhesive and proceed.

TPO Installation
3.1.4 Membrane Installation With Ballast

This technique is applicable for ballasted and inverted systems.

Installation Instructions
Position adjoining sheets with a minimum overlap of 75 mm and allow to relax a minimum of 30 minutes.
Orient TPO panels so that any exposed (cut) edges of a panel are used as the bottom panel in splices whenever
possible. If cut edges are exposed, they must be sealed with Firestone Cut Edge Sealant or TPO General Purpose

Cover loosely laid roofing sections as soon as possible with:

Gravel, in the form of round, smooth, river washed aggregate without broken pieces of adequate size
(nominal 16-32 mm). Make sure that the roofing membrane is completely covered. A ballast of minimum
50 kg/m² is required. However this may not always provide complete membrane coverage or meet local
Graduated, crushed gravel. This type of ballast contains broken pieces and may damage the TPO membrane
during installation. Firestone therefore recommends installing a geotextile (min. 200 gr/m²) between ballast
and membrane.
3. Installation

Concrete pavers, with smooth trowel finish. Install a geotextile directly beneath the concrete pavers.
Other types of ballast may be used (earth, poured concrete, etc.) for other types of applications (parking
decks, green roofs, etc.) but require a specific study. Consult local standards for type, adequate size, and
minimum weight of ballast and consult Firestone’s Technical Department for appropriate detailing.
In case of re-roofing, existing gravel may be re-used on the new roofing system provided it is of adequate
size and weight. It is recommended to install a geotextile (min. 200 gr/m²) between the TPO membrane and
the recovered gravel.

Do not stock pile ballast on the roof deck. Spread the ballast over the TPO membrane as specified, using soft
tools (rubber-tyre buggies, squeegees, etc.), avoid direct contact with the membrane when projected.
Spread the ballast around details by hand/foot so as not to damage the freshly installed detail. Any ballast that
is displaced by a walkway pad, should be distributed around the pad so as to maintain the specified average
coverage rate.

On roofs with a flat edge, the installation of TPO walkway pads within 3 m of the roof edge is not allowed. Use
concrete pavers.

For Inverted Systems, install the extruded polystyrene insulation directly over the TPO membrane. The insulation
boards shall be installed within 6 mm of all projections. Do not bond the insulation boards to the membrane or
to each other.
Unroll a protection mat over the insulation overlapping at side laps a minimum of 100 mm and at end laps a
minimum of 150 mm. The mat shall extend up at all vertical penetrations 10 mm above the ballast.

TPO Installation
3.2 Membrane Welding

General Requirements
All lap splices need to be hot air welded. Wherever possible, all field splices on the horizontal surface (including
flashing) should be completed using an automatic heat welder that has been designed for hot air welding of
thermoplastic membranes. Handheld welders should only be used on vertical welds or where an automatic is
not practical or can not be used.

Set-up of the welding equipment is the responsibility of the installer. The air intake, temperature and speed of
the machine must be adjusted to provide proper seam strength. Practice welds should be made and tested to
insure proper set-up of the automatic welder.

Typical welding conditions on a 10°C day in the sun are as follows: 565 – 621°C at 2.4 – 3.7 m/min. with
2 weights added at 80 -100% air flow. For these typical equipment settings the ambient temperature should
be from -6°C to 33°C.

When weather conditions vary, adjustments to the welding machine must be made. It is recommended that
this be done using spare material. In addition, there must be destructive tests performed at the beginning of
each working day and every time there is an interruption in the welding process (i.e. power failure, welder shut
down, job site conditions change and after lunch). There should be periodic checks to verify good peel strength.

3. Installation
A proper weld will always delaminate at the scrim when peeled open.

An ample power supply must be provided to all heat welding equipment. A generator, which is dedicated to
the heat welding equipment, is recommended on all installations. Using generator equipment eliminates power
surges or lapses that would occur if the particular building electrical services were used. Minimum power requi-
rements are 220 volts, 30 amp, 7500 watts or greater if the equipment manufacturer recommends so. It is
recommended that each piece of automatic welding equipment has its own generator. More than one piece of
welding equipment can be run of a generator providing the proper increase in generator output is provided. In
most cases an increase from 7500 watts to 10000 watts is sufficient.

Installation instructions
Position the sheets at the splice area with an overlap as described in table hereafter.

System Min. membrane overlap

Ballasted, Inverted, Adhered 75 mm

M.A.S 150 mm (laps with mechanical anchoring)

75 mm (laps without mechanical anchoring)

Using a clean white cotton rag dampened with Firestone Splice Wash (Acetone or Xylene may be used alter-
natively) thoroughly clean an area on both sheets at least 150 mm wide if the seam area has become heavily
contaminated with dirt, debris, mud, etc..

Set up the welding equipment as per the general instructions above. When welding, if the material becomes
liquid, the welder is too hot. When making an automatic weld, very slight amount of the dark gray material will
be visible at the seam edge.

Seams made with an automatic welder must be a minimum of 38 mm wide. Seams made with hand welders
must be a minimum of 50 mm wide.

Probe all completed welds using a slotted screwdriver or dull cotter pin puller type tool to verify seam integrity
daily. Do not probe welds until they have had time to cool. Any welds found to be insufficiently welded need
to be repaired.

TPO Installation
Special Considerations
T-joint patches are recommended if probing reveals the presence of voids or cold welds and are required at all
intersections of field seams if a membrane thicker than 1.2 mm is used. T-joint patches can be cut from unsup-
ported TPO Flashing.

Orient TPO panels so that any exposed (cut) edges of a panel are used as the bottom panel in splices whenever
possible. If cut edges are exposed, they must be sealed with Firestone Cut Edge Sealant or TPO General Purpose

In case of a mechanically attached system, the inside edge of the membranes are mechanically attached to the
substrate with approved plates and fasteners. The plates need to be positioned at least 20 mm in from the edge
of the membrane. Spacing between fasteners should not exceed 250 mm.
3. Installation

TPO Installation
3.3 Base Tie-in

3.3.1 Base Tie-in General

In order to account for structural movement of the substrate, stresses inherent in the handling and production
of TPO sheets and thermal variations, the TPO membrane should be mechanically attached at all locations where
the membrane ends or passes through an angle change greater than 15%, such as roof edges, curbs, interior
walls, around roof penetrations, etc. If the securement is inadequate to resist these stresses, the membrane may
tear or pull away from the termination and allow water to enter the building. For situations where the instal-
lation of a base tie-in detail is required but not feasible, consult Firestone’s Technical Department for advice.

3.3.2 Base Tie-in With Plates

Installation instructions
Plates and fasteners are either installed on the flat roof substrate or on the wall. The selection for vertical or
horizontal attachment is related to the ease of application (nature of substrate, thickness of insulation).

Horizontal installation

3. Installation
Install the plates as close as possible to the angle change but no closer than 15 mm from the membrane edge.
The TPO membrane must extend 15 mm beyond the edge of the plates. The plates should be fastened at max.
300 mm centres with appropriate fasteners. Plates should be positioned as close as possible to the inside and
outside corners and no more than 150 mm out from the corner.

Vertical installation
The TPO field membrane should be positioned against the upstand, extending 15 mm above the top edge of
the plates. For curved curbs, the membrane should be cut to the shape of the curve to avoid wrinkles in the
field membrane.

Install the plates on the vertical within 15 mm of the angle change but with the fastener no more than 150 mm
out from the angle change. No bridging of the membrane at the angle change is allowed. The plates should be
fastened at max. 300 mm centres with appropriate fasteners.

Use a vacuum machine to pick up all dust, when holes are pre-drilled, prior to starting wall flashing.

3.3.3 Base Tie-in With Coated Metal

Installation instructions
Mechanically fasten Firestone UltraPly Coated Metal to supporting structure using appropriate fasteners. Install
the fasteners so as to avoid buckling of the coated metal. Plates can be used to provide a better clamping of
the coated metal and to allow a bigger spacing between fasteners (max. 300 mm). Position the fasteners no
closer than 15 mm from the metal edge. Plates and fasteners should be positioned as close as possible to the
inside and outside corners.

Install the pieces of Coated Metal with 3 to 6 mm between adjoining sections.

Use a vacuum machine to pick up all dust, when holes are pre-drilled, prior to starting wall flashing.

Install a 50 mm wide duct tape over joints in UltraPly TPO Coated Metal to act as a separator to prevent normal
thermal movement from affecting the watertight hot air weld to the coated metal. Heat weld the field TPO mem-
brane to the coated metal flashing. Heat weld a 150 mm wide piece of UltraPly TPO membrane or Unsupported
Flashing over the joint as per Firestone specifications. Seams must meet requirements mentioned in § 3.2.

TPO Installation
3.4 Wall Flashing

The Wall Flashing details are in line with the two methods of base tie-in, previously described. Either the field
membrane has to be welded onto Firestone UltraPly Coated Metal flashing (see § 3.3), or the upstand can be
flashed with separate strips of TPO membrane. The wall flashing should always be terminated with one of the
details illustrated at the end of this document.

3.4.1 Flashing Using TPO Membrane

General installation instructions

Evaluate the substrate and the quality of all existing flashings. The substrate must be secure and allow for
adequate adhesion. Textured masonry, corrugated metal panels, uneven substrates and some insulation mate-
rials may require an overlayment in accordance with the requirements previously mentioned. If adhesion is
not sufficient, remove loose, unsecured, mineral surfaced or coated flashings to provide a smooth and sound

Intermediate attachment of the TPO wall flashing is required regardless of wall height when TPO membrane is
3. Installation

not adhered to the wall or curb, under the conditions mentioned in the table below.

Wall Height Intermediate attachment requirements

up to 0.45 m None
> 0.45 m Every 0.6 m, using approved fasteners and plates 300 mm o.c. max.

When the TPO membrane is adhered to the wall or curb, intermediate attachment is required under the condi-
tions mentioned in the table below.

Wall Height Intermediate attachment requirements

up to 1.0 m None
From 1.0 to 2.0 m One attachment at ½ wall height, using approved fasteners and plates 300 mm o.c.
Above 2.0 m One attachment every 1 m, using approved fasteners and plates 300 mm o.c. max.

All seams must meet requirements mentioned in § 3.2.

When measuring the width of the TPO material, allow the TPO strip to cover the wall to the height required,
plus min. 150 mm for the seam onto the horizontal TPO sheet and an additional 150 mm for every intermediate
attachment required as per indications above. The longest pieces practical can be used to flash high walls to the
specified height. Selecting the correct cut for TPO strips is a time saver.

3 • 10
TPO Installation
Adhering TPO membrane to the wall/curb
Position the TPO strip 150 mm from the angle break along the wall to be flashed. Apply Firestone UltraPly TPO
Bonding Adhesive at about the same time to both the membrane flashing and the surface to which it is being
bonded so as to allow approximately the same drying time. Apply the adhesive by rolling it onto the mating
surfaces evenly, avoiding globs or puddles. Make sure not to apply any adhesive to any area to be welded.

Allow the TPO Bonding Adhesive to flash off until tacky. Touch the Bonding Adhesive with a clean, dry finger to
be certain that the adhesive does not stick or string. As you are touching the adhesive, push straight down to
check for stringing, also push forward on the adhesive at an angle to ensure the adhesive is ready throughout
its thickness. If either motion expresses wet or stringy adhesive when the finger is lifted, then it is not ready
for mating. Flash off time will vary depending on the ambient air conditions. When flashing to metal work, the
metal will act as a barrier to the solvents. The solvents can only dry through one surface (the adhesive), this will
make the drying process slower than onto the membrane.

Roll the TPO flashing into the wall, keeping a rounded leading edge. Mate the flashing by hand and broom with
a stiff brush.

Complete the splice between membrane flashing and the main roof sheet by hot air welding. Please refer to
§3.2 for further details about lap splicing.

3. Installation
Special Considerations
Adjoining wall flashings are overlapped using standard seaming techniques. The installation of a joint cover piece
at the base is required.

3 • 11
TPO Installation
3.5 Corners

3.5.1 Corners General

This section provides information with regard to detailing in and around corners.

All corners should be flashed using one of the following techniques:

Pre-Molded Corner (inside & outside).
Field fabricated corner flashing.

Installation instructions
TPO corners come in groups of 1 inside/outside corner piece which must be cut individually for specific
application. Cut the corner out of the pre-molded piece and round off all corners prior to heat welding into

Care should be given during the heat welding process in order to prevent heat build up that could damage the
TPO pre-molded corner.
3. Installation

Please refer to the drawings in chapter 5 of these guidelines for further details about inside and outside corners
using pre-molded corners or unsupported flashing.

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TPO Installation
3.6 Pipe Penetrations

3.6.1 Penetrations General

This section provides information with regard to detailing around circular and odd shaped roof penetrations.

All penetrations passing through the membrane should be flashed using one of the following techniques:
Pre-Molded Pipe Flashing.
Field fabricated pipe flashing.
Penetration pocket.

For re-roofing applications, all existing flashings should be stripped off (i.e. lead , existing roofing membranes,
mastic, etc.) prior to installation of the new detail. The flashing seal must be made directly to the penetration.

All pipes must be anchored to the deck, as loose pipes move and may damage the flashing.

All TPO components should be protected from direct contact with steam or heat sources when the in-service
temperature of the penetration is in excess of 60ºC. In such cases the flashing can be installed directly to an
intermediate insulated cool sleeve.

3. Installation
All metal edges used at pipe penetrations must have rounded corners.

3.6.2 Pre-molded Pipe Flashing

Firestone UltraPly™ TPO Pipe Flashings are specifically designed to be used in roofing applications for flashing
of round penetrations.

The Universal Pre-molded Pipe Flashing is designed for circular pipes from 25 to 152 mm in diameter where
the top of the pipe is accessible. The Large Pre-Molded Pipe Flashing is designed for circular pipes from 106 to
203 mm in diameter where the top of the pipe is accessible.

This technique is not applicable for the following situations: structural steel tubing, multiple penetrations close
to one another, when the pipe is too close to the wall, flexible penetrations such as cables, on uneven surfaces,
for thin metal stacks or hot pipes.

Installation instructions
Clean the pipe and the field membrane around the pipe (approximately 150 mm) with Splice Wash if the seam
area has become heavily contaminated with dirt, debris, mud, etc.. If the pipe is rusted or cannot be cleaned
with Splice Wash, clean it with a steel brush, then when possible with Splice Wash.

Each pipe boot will fit various penetrations and shall be cut at the correct place to insure a tight fit before instal-
lation. Select the pipe boot size that corresponds to the outside diameter of the penetration to be flashed. Cut
out a circle on the outside of a level ring of the pipe boot that is smaller than the penetration.
Cut the extra material from the pipe boot base around the indented circle. Heat weld the boot into place and
install the clamp and sealant per current UltraPly TPO specifications.

Install the stainless steel clamping ring and tighten the locking screw. It is important that the clamping ring seats
onto a flattened surface of the boot. Finish by applying a bead of General Purpose Sealant around the entire
circumference of the pipe.

3 • 13
TPO Installation
3.6.3 Field Fabricated Pipe Flashing

This technique applies to circular pipes or supports where the top is not accessible and for accessible pipes larger
than 203 mm in diameter. This technique cannot be used for multiple penetrations, flexible conduits, cables,
small pipes less than 25 mm in diameter and hot pipes.

In many cases, the field membrane should be cut to work around the penetration. The cut must be repaired
prior to installation pipe flashing. The covering piece must lap a minimum of 75 mm beyond the cut in all

Installation instructions
Refer to the illustrations at the end of this document for additional information.

3.6.4 Penetration Pocket

3. Installation

Penetration Pockets are designed as a last resort for flashing penetrations that cannot be flashed in any other
way. This technique applies to clusters of pipes, odd shaped roof penetrations, I-beams, small pipes less than
25 mm in diameter. Up to a pipe diameter or cluster of 90 mm a pre-molded TPO Penetration Pocket can be
used, for larger openings a pocket can be made out of TPO coated metal.

Installation instructions
Seal around the penetration prior to installation to prevent Pourable Sealer from flowing into the roof system
and possibly into the building.
In many cases, the field membrane should be cut to work around the penetration. The cut must be repaired
prior to installation of the penetration pocket. The covering piece must lap a minimum of 75 mm beyond the
cut in all directions.

Option A: Pre-molded TPO Penetration Pocket

Open the PVC ring and place it around the penetration. If required, cut the TPO Penetration Pocket through
the flange and side in one place and install it over the PVC ring so that the ring fits completely inside the top
overhang of the pocket. Then cut a piece of TPO flashing long enough to cover the cut in the pocket and
the membrane. Heat weld the flashing on the vertical cut in the pocket and to the lip in the cavity. Center
the pocket around the penetration and weld the flange to the membrane. Next, weld the flashing onto the
flange and cut membrane. Weld and roll the flange step-off thoroughly.

3 • 14
TPO Installation
Option B: Penetration pocket using TPO Coated Metal.
The flange corners of the penetration pocket must be rounded prior to installation. There must be 25 mm
spacing between all penetrations and between each penetration and the side of the penetration pocket. The
minimum height of the penetration pocket is 50 mm being the minimum acceptable thickness of Pourable
Sealer. Secure penetration pocket as per base tie-in detail and flash per Firestone details. Refer to the illustra-
tions at the end of this document for additional information.

Apply the TPO QuickPrime with the dauber to all areas of the penetration and all surfaces that the pourable
sealer will contact within the cavity. Make sure that the top of the pocket is primed also. Allow the primer to
dry and add pourable sealer, being careful to mound it from the penetration to the top of the pocket to shed
water away from the penetration. Refer to the product information sheet for information with regard to storage,
mixing, preparation and application of the Pourable Sealant material. Use a stick to force the sealant between
all penetrations while pouring it into the penetration pocket. Make sure that the sealant is worked between the
pipes. Crown the penetration pocket by cresting the sealant in the centre and tapering it to the sides.

Refer to the illustrations at the end of this document for additional information.

3. Installation

3 • 15
TPO Installation
3.7 Drians and Scuppers

3.7.1 Drain With Clamping Ring

Roof drains with clamping ring are designed for vertical drainage of new roofs.

Installation instructions
When re-roofing, existing flashing, roofing materials must be removed down to the metal sump. Broken
clamping rings must be repaired or replaced. Broken drain bolts must be drilled, tapped and replaced.
Provide a clean even finish on the mating surfaces between the clamping ring and the drain bowl.
Taper insulation around the drain to provide a smooth transition from the roof surface to the drain. Use tapered
insulation with suitable bonding surface to create a slope. The slope shall not exceed 1:12.
Position the TPO membrane, then cut a hole for the roof drain. Cut a circular drainpipe, but allow 10 to 20 mm
of membrane extending inside the clamping ring past the drain bolts.

Make round clean holes in the TPO membrane to align with clamping bolts. Use a paper punch or a hammer.
Do not cut the membrane back to the bolt holes.
3. Installation

Place Water Block on top of the drain bowl below the membrane where the clamping ring will sit. Use a mini-
mum of one half tube per drain.

Place the clamping ring over the TPO membrane and install the clamping bolts. Tighten the clamping bolts to
achieve a constant compression.
Install the drain basket and twist-lock if the drain has a twist-lock system.

3.7.2 Roof Drain Insert

Drain inserts are typically used on drains with little or no sump and for re-roofing applications.

Installation instructions
Remove the existing drain inserts on re-roofing projects.
The field sheet must be in place prior to installation of the drain insert. Cut a circular hole over the centre of the
drain. The hole should be as large as the drainpipe.
Install the drain insert in the hole. Apply a layer of Water Block sealant between the flange of the drain insert
piece and the TPO membrane around the drainpipe. Use a minimum of one quarter of a tube per drain. Drain
insert flanges may be fastened using plates and fasteners.

Heat weld a piece of TPO membrane or TPO Unsupported Flashing to the flange and onto the field membrane.
Please refer to the § 3.2 for overlap and welding requirements.

All cut edges with scrim exposed must be sealed with Firestone UltraPly TPO Cut Edge Sealant or TPO General
Purpose Sealant.

Refer to the illustrations at the end of this document for additional information.

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TPO Installation
3.7.3 Scupper

Scuppers are used for roofs with a horizontal drainage system in vertical walls.

Installation instructions
The scupper insert piece usually consists of a welded metal sleeve fabricated using TPO Coated metal or of a
pre-molded TPO scupper insert piece.
The entire interior of the flange needs to be flashed if the scupper insert is not welded watertight. All corners
of the flanges need to be rounded. Remove existing scuppers and provide new watertight ones on re-roofing

The TPO wall flashing membrane must be in place prior to installation of the scupper insert. Cut a hole over the
centre of the drain. The hole should be as large as the drainpipe.
Install the drain insert in the hole. Apply a layer of Water Block sealant between the flange of the scupper insert
piece and the TPO membrane around the drainpipe. Use a minimum of one quarter of a tube per drain. Scupper
insert flanges may be fastened using plates and fasteners.

Heat weld a piece of TPO membrane or TPO Unsupported Flashing to the flange and onto the field membrane.

3. Installation
Please refer to the § 3.2 for overlap and welding requirements.

All cut edges with scrim exposed must be sealed with Firestone UltraPly TPO Cut Edge Sealant or TPO General
Purpose Sealant.

Refer to the illustrations at the end of this document for additional information.

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TPO Installation
3.8 Expansion Joints

Expansion joints should be installed at all locations as specified by the designer.
Expansion joints have an extreme durability due to the high resistance to tear and long life performance of
the TPO membrane when exposed to intense sunlight and external weather conditions, provided the detail is
installed in accordance with the following instructions.

Installation instructions
The TPO membrane should be mechanically attached at both sides of the expansion joint using approved plates
and appropriate fasteners, 300 mm on centre.
Install a compressible tube over the expansion joint. The diameter of the insulation tube must exceed the deck
or insulation opening by minimum 25 mm. Weld a TPO cover piece onto the field membrane using standard
welding techniques.

Refer to the detail drawings at the end of this document for additional information with regards to other types
of expansion joints.
3. Installation

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TPO Installation
3.9 Roof Edges

A roof edge detail should be installed as specified by the designer at all flat edges of the roof where the field
membrane ends and at internal and external gutters. The standard roof edge details in this section are generally
applicable. Consult Firestone’s Technical Department for assistance when designing an alternative detail that is
more suitable for specific roof conditions.

Installation instructions
Allow the TPO field membrane to pass over the edge by minimum 100 mm and fully adhere it to the front of
the wall over its full length. Use stainless steel screws to fasten the metal edge profile at 100 mm on centre.
Whenever possible, fasten as close as possible to the edge of the flange. Make sure that the front part of the
profile extends a minimum of 25 mm over the edge of the TPO membrane. Flash the horizontal flange of the
metal profile with TPO QuickSeam Flashing using TPO QuickPrime Plus. Ensure adequate overlap.
Special considerations should be made at the end of a roll, at field splices, corners and where adjoining pieces
of metal edge profile overlap.

Metal external gutters require the installation of an appropriate metal edge profile, which is adjusted to the

3. Installation
shape of the gutter. Install the profile as previously explained and use TPO QuickSeam Flashing to flash in the
flange of the profile. Alternatively the profile can be fabricated using TPO Coated Metal and the membrane can
then be welded onto the profile.

Concrete external gutters should be flashed with separate strips of TPO membrane. The flashing membrane
should be fully adhered onto the substrate over the full extent of the gutter.
Make sure that the flashing strips for the gutter extend a minimum of 150 mm at the internal edge of the
gutter, so as to provide sufficient overlap for a welded seam detail including a mechanical anchoring. The exter-
nal edge of the gutter must be terminated with a wall termination detail.

Internal gutters are to be flashed with separate strips of TPO membrane. The flashing membrane needs to be
fully adhered onto the substrate over the full extent of the gutter. Where possible avoid seams in the gutter, by
using long pieces of membrane.
Make sure that the flashing strips extend a minimum of 150 mm at both edges of the gutter, so as to provide
sufficient overlap for a welded seam detail including a mechanical anchoring.

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TPO Installation
3.10 Wall Terminations

A wall termination detail should be installed as specified by the designer and is applicable at all locations where
the TPO flashing ends at wall or curb upstand. The standard termination details in this section are applicable for
each Firestone TPO system. Consult Firestone’s Technical Department for assistance when specific roof conditions
require the design of an alternative detail. Coping stones, metal copings and metal edge profile details are used
for upstands to be completely covered with TPO flashing. Counterflashing and termination details can be used
at upstands that are not flashed over their entire height.

Installation instructions
Coping stone
Stop the TPO flashings at a sufficient distance of the wall edge so as to allow a good adhesion of the mortar
to the wall without compromising the watertightness of the detail. The TPO flashing should be fully adhered to
the substrate over its entire length.

Metal Coping
Install a wood nailer on top of the wall. Allow the TPO flashing to extend beyond the wall edge by minimum
3. Installation

50 mm and fully adhere it to the wood nailer over its full length. Use galvanised nails with large head (ø 10 mm)
to nail the TPO flashing 150 mm on centre at the vertical face of the wood nailer. Ensure that the front part of
the metal coping extends beyond the underside of the wood nailer by a minimum of 25 mm.

Metal edge profile

Fasten the metal edge profile fabricated from TPO Coated Metal at 100 mm centres with appropriate fasteners.
Fasten the flange as close as possible to its edge to ensure sufficient overlap of the flashing material at both
sides of the fastener. When necessary, clean the membrane and metal edge flange with Splice Wash, following
the previously described procedure. Weld the TPO membrane wall flashing onto the TPO Coated Metal using
standard welding techniques as per §3.2.

Termination Bar
The required height for the TPO flashing should be determined by local regulations. For situations where this
condition cannot be satisfied, Firestone requires that the flashing height exceeds the potential water level of
a blocked drain. Suitable substrates for a Termination Bar are concrete, smooth bricks, blocks or masonry. A
termination bar may never be mounted to a wooden substrate. The termination bar must be installed directly
to the wall surface, not to existing flashings, sheet metal, etc. Pre-drill holes into the brick, masonry or concrete
and not into the soft mortar joint.
Keep a minimum space of 5 mm between two adjoining bars. A Termination Bar must be cut at inside and
outside corners. Do not bend the bar around the corners.
Prior to installation of the Termination Bar, pull back the topside of the membrane flashing 20 mm and apply a
bead of Water Block between the membrane and the wall.
Install the Termination Bar with an acceptable fastening system at max. 200 mm on centers. A continuous com-
pression is required and may need additional fastening. Each Termination Bar must be fastened a maximum of
25 mm from the end. Apply a bead of General Purpose Sealant on the topside of the bar.
At all locations where base flashings end, install the Termination Bar vertically. Apply General Purpose Sealant
to both sides of the bar.

The TPO membrane flashing shall be mechanically attached at the top with a metal batten strip. Apply a bead
of General Purpose Sealant on the topside of the metal bar.
Allow the counterflashing to cover the top of the metal strip by minimum 100 mm.

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TPO Installation
3.11 Membrane Repair

Repair of cuts and punctures in the TPO membrane or Unsupported Flashing, contamination of the membrane
with hazardous products, voids in heat welded seams.

Installation instructions
Reinforced Membrane
Patches must be at least 150 mm x 150 mm in size and made to be a minimum of 75 mm longer on all sides than
the repair area. The patch must consist of a solid weld. These patches are used for deck sheet repairs only.

Strips of reinforced membrane can be used in long areas such as seams or cuts. Strips must be 150 mm wide
minimum and 75 mm longer on each end than the repair area. A 38 mm wide seam is required on all sides of
this repair.

NOTE: Pay particular attention when welding in step-down areas to roll into these areas while welding. Also, use a pre-weld to hold
strip in place while welding.

3. Installation
Unsupported Membrane
Unsupported membrane is to be used when repairing any detail areas with angle changes, such as pipe wraps,
wall seams, corner patches and pitch pans. All unsupported patches must be fully welded and be 50 mm or
larger on all sides of the repair area. Minimum patch must be no less than 100 mm x 100 mm.

Voids can be cleaned and re-welded after probing. Use your probe to hold the fold open, insert heat gun nozzle
and weld. If the void is in a difficult area, use a patch over the void using the patch specification.

NOTE: Be careful when welding repairs. You can cause more damage by overheating these smaller areas. Turn the heat down to
avoid burning and scorching. Use a smaller nozzle with repairing voids in seams. Always clean before repairing.

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TPO Installation
3.12 Miscellaneous

Roof Walkways
Prior to heat welding the walkway pad to the TPO Roofing System, the membrane needs to be clean and free
of dirt, dust or debris. Allow it to relax sufficiently. For best results, installation of the pad should occur during
the warmest part of the day. Installing the walkway in colder temperatures can cause the sheet to expand later
and cause buckling. Cut the material into manageable lengths (maximum 3 m) and place the TPO Eco Walkway
Pad over the TPO Roofing System with the textured side up.
Heat weld the perimeters of each Walkway Pad section to the UltraPly TPO roof membrane using techniques
similar to splicing of the UltraPly TPO Roofing System membrane panels. Different welding settings might be
required because of the thickness of the Walkway Pad. Special attention must be given when welding occurs
over roof membrane seams, to assure that a proper weld is achieved, and no damage to the membrane seams
occurs. The perimeter should be heat welded in 600 mm long sections, allowing for a 200 mm space between

Temporary closure
Temporary closures can prevent moisture from damaging the completed section of the new installation but are
the responsibility of the roofing contractor. Flashings, Terminations and temporary closures must be completed
3. Installation

to provide a watertight condition at the end of each working day.

Mark the free edge of the uncompleted section on the substrate. Fold the membrane back a minimum of
200 mm. Use a chalkline to mark a straight line on the substrate 100 mm within the first marks. Apply a bead
of WaterBlock over the chalkline at a rate of 3 lin.m./tube. Let the membrane fall freely into the WaterBlock
and install some temporary ballast to put the seam under continuous compression. The next working day, use a
chalkline to trim a portion of 200 mm at the end of the membrane.

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