8th Grade Lesson Plan Feb 13 - Feb 17 Math

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Saint Mary School

Study area Math Subject Math

Level High School Teacher Mr. Arosman Aguilar
Frequency 6 Hours Grade 8th Grade
Week: February 13th to February 17th, 2023.
Unit I: Transformation and congruence.
Topic: Tools of geometry: Representing and describing transformations / Reasoning and proof.
Purposes: To establish relationships among points, straight lines, and planes; use transformations to
draw congruent figures determining their properties.

Greets and Instructions:

In this lesson, you are going to do an evaluative practice class, and we are going to begin a new
topic: Reasoning and proof, A conjecture is a statement that is believed to be true. You can use
reasoning to investigate whether a conjecture is true. Inductive reasoning is the process of
reasoning that a rule or statement may be true by looking at specific cases. Deductive reasoning is
the process of using logic to prove whether all cases are true.
Resources: pencils, colored pencils notebook, Online student book 8th Grade, Computer,
Whiteboard, Markers.


Monday Topic: Practice class: Representing and Describing Transformations.
February 13th Purpose: Represent transformation in a plane.
2 periods of Vocabulary: Point, line, plane, line segment, ray.
Strategy: Critical thinking, Solving problems individually.
1. Equipment connection | attendance | Class organization. 5 minutes.

2. Individually on a sheet of paper: on a coordinate grid, draw each

figure and its image under the given transformation. Then
describe the transformation in words:
35 minutes.
3. Class wrap-up: What was the most difficult when you apply the
5 minutes.
Second Period of class:

Topic: Introductory class: Reasoning and proof.

Purpose: Using inductive reasoning to make conjectures.
Vocabulary: Conjecture, Inductive reasoning, deductive reasoning,
theorem, Counterexample.
Strategy: Inference, Critical thinking, Solving problems.
1. Equipment connection | attendance | Class organization.
2. With the teacher´s help: Complete the steps to make a conjecture
about the sum of three consecutive counting numbers:

5 minutes.

15 minutes.
Recall that postulates are statements you accept are true. A theorem is
a statement that you can prove is true using a series of logical steps.
The steps of deductive reasoning involve using appropriate undefined
words, defined words, mathematical relationships, postulates, or other
previously-proven theorems to prove that the theorem is true.

15 minutes

1. Class wrap-up. Discussion A counterexample is an example that

shows a conjecture to be false. Do you think counterexamples
are used mainly in inductive or deductive reasoning?
10 minutes.
Tuesday Topic: Collective class: Reasoning and proof.
February 14th Purpose: Using inductive reasoning to make conjectures.
Vocabulary: Conjecture, Inductive reasoning, deductive reasoning,
theorem, Counterexample.
Strategy: Critical thinking, Solving problems.
1. Equipment connection | attendance | Class organization.
2. Pay attention to the three principles explanations: Introducing 5 minutes.
proofs, using postulates about segments and angles, and using
postulates about lines and planes. Discuss the properties of
equality and examples proposed in the book 35 minutes.
1. Class wrap-up. Discussion: What is the difference between a postulate
and a definition?

5 minutes.
Wednesday Topic: Evaluative practice class: Reasoning and proof.
February 15th Purpose: Using inductive reasoning to make conjectures.
Vocabulary: Conjecture, Inductive reasoning, deductive reasoning,
theorem, Counterexample.
Strategy: Critical thinking, Solving problems in pairs.
1. Equipment connection | attendance | Class organization /
Make pairs. 10 minutes.

2. In pairs solve the exercises proposed, using the different

postulates presented in the last class:
30 minutes.

3. Class wrap-up. Homework: Exercises 9 – 16, on page 46 of

your online book.

5 minutes.
Thursday Topic: Introductory class: Translation.
February 16th
Purpose: Represent transformation in a plane.
2 periods of
class Vocabulary: Vector, order pair, initial point, terminal point, translation.
Strategy: Inference, methodology of the question.
1. Equipment connection | attendance | Class organization. 5 minutes

2. Identify the vocabulary used in this topic:

15 minutes
3. Watch the introductory video about how to do the translation in
the coordinate plane, and pay attention to the pauses given by
the teacher explaining the procedure to solve it.
video.html#videoID=ref:7904_AI1_en – Login to the platform to
watch the video.

4. Class wrap–up. Discuss with the class: What is a vector?

Second Period of class:

15 minutes.
Topic: Collective class: Translation.
Purpose: Represent transformation in a plane.
Vocabulary: Vector, order pair, initial point, terminal point, translation.
Strategy: Inference, methodology of the question.
5 minutes.

1. Draw a coordinate plane in your notebook and pay attention to

the teacher’s explanation about how to solve exercise 5, pg. 61 in
your book:

2. Individually, read carefully and apply the knowledge learn to solve

exercises 6-8 on page 61.
15 minutes
3. Class wrap–up. Homework: Solve exercise 10 pg. 61
20 minutes.

5 minutes.

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