96 20220613155343 Croatia2022 PDF
96 20220613155343 Croatia2022 PDF
96 20220613155343 Croatia2022 PDF
Global Data
24.8% of Total
Economy 13.2% of Total
Economy 16.1% of Total
HRK 105.3BN (USD 16,550.1MN) HRK 51.5BN (USD 8,099.1MN) HRK 69.1BN (USD 10,872.3MN)
Change: -51.1% Change: +34.2%
Economy change: -7.8% Economy change: +10.0%
3 3
Inbound Arrivals : Outbound Departures :
Rest of world 55% Rest of world 40% Rest of world 41% Rest of world 41%
1. All values are in constant 2021 prices & exchange rates. As reported in March 2022
2. Where the country or region has implemented job support schemes and supported jobs are still recorded as employment by national statistical authorities, job losses
exclude those supported jobs (where known)
3. Source: Oxford Economics, national sources and UNWTO