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93-Article Text-183-1-10-20180503
Background. The study was carried out with the aim to examine the construct validity and reliability of a
Prosocial Tendencies Measure–Revised (PTM-R) (Carlo, Hausmann, Christiansen, & Randall, 2003).
Methods. The study process was done following four stages. In stage 1, 984 adolescents between ages of
13 to 16 years (M age = 14.9, SD = 0.97; 50.3% girls) completed a translated version of the scale. In this stage
Exploratory Factor Analyses (EFA) was carried out in order to measure the structure of the PTM-R. In stage 2, 757
adolescents between ages of 13 to 16 years (M age = 14.24, SD = .81; 51.78% girls) completed the questionnaire
and Confirmatory Factor Analyses (CFA) was made. In stage 3, validity of the PTM-R was investigated. In stage 4,
reliability of the measure was tested by evaluating Cronbach’s alpha values.
Results. Exploratory Factor analysis of the PTM-R revealed four-factor solutions. A six-factor solution as
in original measure was not obtained. Confirmatory factor analysis confirms four-factor structure of PTM-R and
supports the multidimensional definition of prosocial behaviour. Three types of prosocial behaviour as anonymity,
altruism, and public prosocial behaviour was the same as in the original measure. Other three types of prosocial
behaviour emerged as one factor and were entitled as help in emergency. Correlation analyses between prosocial
behaviour and different types of aggression showed good level of discriminant validity.
Coefficient alpha was used to estimate of reliability based on the internal consistency among items. Alpha
coefficients were .85 for help in emergency, .71 for anonymous prosocial behaviour, .68 for altruistic behaviour,
and .59 for public prosocial behaviour.
Conclusions. In conclusion, the four-factor structure of PTM-R was obtained. Results showed that the adapted
measure was valid and reliable for Lithuanian adolescents aged between 13 and 16. Contradiction to the original
measure structure and future research directions are discussed.
n recent years, there has been an increase interest by a number of scholars (Kokko, Tremblay,
in social and psychological research on Lacourse, Nagin, & Vitaro, 2006; SelahShayovits,
the various forms of youth aggression and 2014). It is not thus accidental that parents, teachers
their differential associations with social and and other members of the society commonly
psychological adjustment (Kamper & Ostrov, believe that children first of all strive to satisfy
2013), social cognitive factors (Bradshaw, their individual needs. It consequently determines
Goldweber, & Garbarino, 2013) as well as other their egoistic and selfish actions (Carlo, 2006).
social and situational factors (Winstok, 2010). On the other hand, the formal standards and rules
The problematic behaviour of adolescents in the adopted by the society not always ensure prosocial
school setting has been addressed with prominent behaviour (Carlo, Knight, McGinley, Zamboanga,
44 Saulius Šukys, Edita Šukienė
& Jarvis, 2010). Not surprisingly, in addition to & Arshadi, 2012). One of the instruments that
the most recent studies of aggression, prosocial measures different types of prosocial behaviour is
behaviour has also been investigated with the ever Prosocial Tendencies Measure – Revised originally
increasing interest. developed by Carlo, Hausmann, Christiansen, and
Even though the causes of prosocial behaviour, Randall in 2003. This 21-item instrument measures
especially those of altruism, have been extensively six types of prosocial behaviour. Firstly this
researched (e.g. see Kurzban, BurtonChellew, instrument was used with Lithuanian adolescents
& West, 2014), the number of such studies has analysing links between pupils’ participation
increased during the recent years (Carlo et al., in extracurricular activities and their prosocial
2010; Hardy, Carlo, & Roesch, 2010; Kumru, Carlo, behaviour (Šukys, 2010). Although the translation
Mestre, & Samper, 2012). On the other hand, the of the instrument was explained in this study, more
interest in the prosocial behaviour of adolescents information about its validity was not mentioned.
and other related qualities of a personality is Another study aimed at establishing relationship
of utmost importance when drafting efficient between 16-18-year-old students’ participation
educational programs aimed at the prevention of in extracurricular activities and their prosocial
antisocial and problematic risk-bearing behaviours behaviour as well as their value orientations
or measuring moral behaviour relationship with (Baltakienė, 2013) applied the same instrument.
pupils’ involvement in different prosocial activities. In this study exploratory factor analyses revealed
Prosocial behaviour is defined as any act that four factor structure but no additional analyses and
benefits another person or other persons (Aronson, explanation was made.
Wilson, & Akert, 2005). Analyses of such The need for new knowledge related to the
behaviour in sports setting is important as sports evaluation of adolescents’ prosocial behaviour
by nature is a social context in which participant in relation with their involvement in sport and
interacts with, related to, and influence each other physical education urges us to apply a valid
research instrument to measure such behaviour.
(Kavussanu, 2008). Moreover, sport has a unique
Based on the earlier studies that lack information
social and educational environment, where, unlike
about the validity of adapted Prosocial Tendencies
other life contexts, moral decisions have to be
Measure – Revised (PTM-R) the aim of this
made within a very short period of time under
study was to validate adapted PTM-R with two
psychological pressure (Naylor & Yeager, 2013).
independent samples.
Not surprisingly researchers focus on prosocial
and antisocial behaviour expression towards team-
mates and opponents (Boardley & Kavussanu,
2010; Kavussanu & Boardley, 2009), association The first study (stage 1) was conducted to
of different sport context with athletes’ prosocial examine the structure of the measure using
and antisocial behaviours (Rutten et al., 2011), exploratory factor analysis (EFA) with one
achievement goal orientation relationship with sample. In the second study (stage 2), factor
athletes’ behaviour (Boadley & Kavussanu, 2010), structure was examined using Confirmatory factor
athletes’ perceived motivational climate effects analysis (CFA) with the second sample. In stage
on prosocial and antisocial behaviours of hockey 3, discriminant validity was tested evaluating the
and netball players (Boardley & Kavussanu, measures against each other. We examined whether
2009), athletes’ perception of social identity prosocial behaviours were related or unrelated to
association with their prosocial and antisocial another construct (aggressive behaviour). Finally,
behaviours (Bruner, Boardley, & Cote, 2014). On in stage 4, reliability of the measure was tested by
the other hand, these studies focused primarily on evaluating Cronbach’s alpha values.
athletes’ behaviour in sports settings. Recently, Participants. The first sample of participants
there has been only one study pubished analysing included 984 adolescents between ages of 13 to 16
athletes’ prosocial behaviour in different settings years (M age = 14.9, SD = 0.97; 50.3% girls). The
(Kavussanu, Boardley, Sagar, & Ring, 2013). participants were recruited from one district in the
Recent studies have shown that prosocial centre of Lithuania. The sample was drawn from
behaviour is a broad and multidimensional construct schools representing the main schools, secondary
(Carlo & Randall, 2002; Carlo et al., 2003; Carlo schools and gymnasiums. In total, 16 schools and
et al., 2010; Azimpour, Neasi, Shehni-Yailagh, four different age groups (i.e. four classes) were
randomly selected and included into the study. (version 19.0). CFA analyses were performed
The second sample of participants involved 757 using AMOS 18. CFA was performed to test factor
adolescents between ages of 13 to 16 years (M age = structure retained from the EFA. A model with the
14.24, SD = 0.81; 51.78% girls). The participants four factor structure, based on EFA, was created
were recruited from the same district of Lithuania. and submitted for confirmation on the second
Measures. Prosocial Tendencies Measure – sample. Chi-Squared test (values closer to zero
Revised (PTMR) proposed by Carlo, Hausmann, indicate a better fit), root mean square error of
Christiansen, and Randall (2003) was adapted approximation – RMSEA (a value of .06 or less is
to Lithuanian respondents using backtranslation indicative of acceptable model fit) (Hu & Bentler,
procedure described by Hambleton, Merenda, 1999), comparative fit index – CFI which value
and Spielberger (2005). Participants completed > .90 indicate good model fit, value > .95 – very
the translated version of the Prosocial Tendencies good model fit (Arbuckle, 2006).
MeasureRevised (PTMR) to access how likely
they were to engage in prosocial behaviours across RESULTS
a variety of situations. Participants rated the extent
to which statements described them using a 5point Exploratory factor analysis using the principal
Likerttype scale (from 1 = does not describe me at components method of extraction and varimax
all through to 5 = describes me greatly). Original rotation was performed on all 21 items. Four factors
version of PTM-R assesses six types of prosocial with eigenvalues >1 emerged, explaining 50.73%
behaviours: altruistic, public, emotional, dire, of the total variance (Kaiser Meyer Oldkin = .88,
anonymous, and compliant. Bartlett’s test of sphericity yielded χ2 = 6457.80,
Aiming at establishing validity participants df = 210, p < .001). The first factor was defined by 10
of the second sample completed the Aggression items containing three types of prosocial behaviour
Questionnaire (Buss & Perry, 1992). This is a 29- (dire, compliant and emotional), and explained
item instrument used to assess four components of 25% of the variance. This factor was referred to as
aggressive behaviour: physical aggression, verbal Help in emergency. The second factor (anonymous
aggression, anger, and hostility. The students had prosocial behaviour) was defined by four items and
to assess each statement on a 5-point scale from 1 explained 14% of the variance. The third factor
(extremely uncharacteristic of me) to 5 (extremely (altruism) was defined by four items and explained
characteristic of me). This instrument earlier was 10% of the variance, whereas the fourth factor
validated with children (Dumčienė, Sipavičienė, (public prosocial behaviour) consisted of three
Malinauskas, Klizas, & Ramanauskienė, 2010), items, and accounted for 8% of the variance.
and adults (Čėsnienė & Kašinska, 2011). As a six-factor solution was not obtained,
Procedure. Firstly the study was contacted with the four-factor structure identified in EFA was
the school administration. After the permission was examined using CFA in the second sample.
given from the appropriate administration bodies The model had a good fit χ2= (164) = 569.039,
in schools, investigators arrived at the schools. p < .001, CFI = .907, RMSEA = .053 [ .047- .058].
Children with parental consent who also assented This confirms the four-factor structure of PTM-R
to participate were given questionnaire booklets and supports the multidimensional definition of
during regular class hours within their normal prosocial behaviour (Table 1).
classrooms. Questionnaires were administered Next correlations among the four types of
by the investigator at the beginning of the class. prosocial behaviour were examined (Table 2). As
Participants were informed about the purpose of the table shows, correlations ranged from .32 to
the study, they were explained that all responses .39 indicating that all subscales related with one
would be kept anonymous and confidential and construct. Additionally validity was examined
used only for research purposes, that participation by computing the correlations between prosocial
was voluntary, and that participants could withdraw behaviours and aggression (Table 2). Help in
at any time. emergency, anonymous and public prosocial
Data analysis. Descriptive statistics, behaviour correlation with the different types of
Cronbach’s alpha analyses on each of the subscales, aggression were small or not significant. Negative
correlational analyses and EFA were performed correlation was observed between altruistic
using IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows software behaviour and aggression types.
46 Saulius Šukys, Edita Šukienė
Variable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Help in emergency
2. Anonymous .33**
Standard deviation 0.80 0.90 0.83 0.87 0.77 0.79 0.75 0.69
Cronbach alpha .85 .71 .59 .68 .73 .69 .72 .71
Note. **p < .01.
Coefficient alpha was used to estimate the six types of prosocial behaviour (Azimpour et al.,
reliability based on the internal consistency 2012); however, no data has been found on previous
among items. Alpha coefficients were .85 for adaptations of this scale in Eastern or Central
help in emergency, .71 for anonymous prosocial European countries.
behaviour, .68 for altruistic behaviour, and .59 for Some authors suggest that the reliability level
public prosocial behaviour. is acceptable at .80, and the value of .60 to .69 is
minimally reliable (Cohen, Manion, & Morrison,
DISCUSSION 2009) although the value of reliability for one of
the subscales was lower than minimum cut-off
The study aimed to validate adapted Prosocial value. Nevertheless the reliability of the subscales
Tendencies Measure-R for Lithuanian adolescents is appropriate as in other studies it ranged from
aged between 13 and 16. For this reason, .59 to .86 in younger adolescents and from .75 to
exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory .86 in middle-aged adolescents (Carlo et al., 2003).
factor analysis were done. Discriminant validity In other studies with Lithuanian adolescents aged
and reliability were measured. One of the main 16-18 years, alpha values ranged from .55 to .86
findings of this study was the validation of a four-
(Baltakiene, 2013). The low value of alpha may
factor model of prosocial behaviour. Although such
be justified if the number of items in the scale is
types of prosocial behaviour as dire, emotional and
relatively low (Schmitt, 1996). This may explain
compliant constitute a single form of prosocial
low alpha value for public prosocial behaviour as it
behaviour, yet this proves that prosocial behaviour
was defined by three items.
is a multidimensional construct (Carlo & Randall,
2002; Carlo et al., 2010). When commenting upon
the four-factor model, attention should be paid to
several factors. In previous research, the scores of
In conclusion, the four factor structure of PTM-R
these three types of prosocial behaviour were the
was obtained. Results showed that the adapted
highest (except for altruism), and they correlated
measure was valid and reliable for Lithuanian
far more prominently (Carlo et al., 2003).
adolescents aged between 13 and 16. This measure
Meanwhile, public, anonymity and altruism factors
could be used while analysing peculiarities of
are singled as separate forms, and the results
adolescent prosocial behaviour and also behaviour
corroborate the data obtained by other researchers
relationship with their involvement in sports
(Carlo & Randall, 2002; Carlo et al., 2010). The
cultural factor should also be considered. Other activities and other extracurricular activities.
studies suggest the existence of differences while This measure also could be used by assessing
comparing prosocial behaviour in adolescents effectiveness of the educational programmes for
of different cultures (Kumru et al., 2012) as the improvement of adolescents’ moral behaviour
behaviour of adolescents is determined by their specifically in sport settings or generally on school.
cultural values (Brittian et al., 2013). By applying this instrument we recommend that
The prosocial behaviour of adolescents is researchers should carefully consider which type
affected by the behaviour of their parents such of prosocial behaviour is of the greatest interest in
as parent-child connectedness (Hana, Xin, & their studies. As different subscales reflect different
Randall, 2013) and parental monitoring, especially types of prosocial behaviour we do not recommend
for such types of prosocial behaviour as emotional, calculating only the total value of measurement.
dire and compliant (Carlo et al., 2010). Cultural As this study was aimed at validation of
differences in parenting practices have been proven adapted PTM-R to Lithuanians, further research is
to exist (Yagmurlu & Sanson, 2009). Even though needed focusing on the reliability applying other
the most up-to-date researches adapting the scale methods of estimation, for example test-retest
of prosocial behaviour in other cultures (in this measure. Additionally, studies focusing on other
particular case, in Iran) confirmed the existence of types of validity measure are encouraged.
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