Effect of Bubble Behavior For A Stopper Rod With Multiple Side-Channel Injection On Bubble Size Distributions in Nozzle and Mold During Continuous Casting of Steel
Effect of Bubble Behavior For A Stopper Rod With Multiple Side-Channel Injection On Bubble Size Distributions in Nozzle and Mold During Continuous Casting of Steel
Effect of Bubble Behavior For A Stopper Rod With Multiple Side-Channel Injection On Bubble Size Distributions in Nozzle and Mold During Continuous Casting of Steel
Effect of Bubble Behavior for a Stopper Rod With Multiple Side-Channel Injection on Bubble
Size Distributions in Nozzle and Mold During Continuous Casting of Steel
Seong-Mook Cho and Brian G. Thomas
Keywords: continuous casting; argon; bubbles; size distributions; breakup; coalescence; accumulation; water model
Argon gas is often injected to prevent nozzle clogging during continuous casting of steel [1]. In addition, it is well known that
the argon gas bubbles help to remove non-metallic inclusions in the mold by capturing the inclusions onto the gas bubble
outer-surfaces and floating them upward towards the top slag layer [2,3]. However, unoptimized argon gas injection may be
detrimental to final steel product quality. Abnormally high gas flow rate compared to the molten steel flow rate can produce
annular or slug flow inside the Submerged Entry Nozzle (SEN) [4,5]. This results in asymmetric jet flow [4,5], shallower jet
angle [6], and more turbulence [6], causing excessive surface velocity and severe surface level fluctuations in the mold. In
addition, very large bubbles float directly upwards to the surface near the SEN, which may cause slag entrainment into the
molten steel pool [7,8,9]. Finally, bubbles can be entrapped by the solidifying steel shell, especially if those are smaller than
the primary-dendrite arm spacing [10,11] or if deep hooks form in the meniscus [12,13]. This can lead to bubble-related
defects, including blisters [5,14], segregation [15], and slivers from the associated inclusions covering the bubble surface
[14]. To decrease these bubble-related defects, it is important to better understand bubble behavior and size distributions in
the nozzle and mold.
In this work, the behavior and size distributions of bubbles, injected through a stopper rod with multiple downward-inclined
channels in its head, are investigated using 1/3-scale water-model measurements, analytical model calculations, and
computational model predictions. Bubble formation at the gas channel exits, bubble breakup, coalescence, and accumulation
in the nozzle, and bubble size distributions in the nozzle, port, and mold regions are quantified by visualizing the phenomena
using a high-speed video camera, measuring the gas pressure and the bubble size distributions, and analyzing those
phenomena, including calculations of gas pressure for bubble formation, initial bubble size, bubble terminal descending
velocity, residence time, and changes in bubble size distribution due to bubble accumulation. This paper builds on previous
work [16] as velocity and turbulence of the fluid flow in the nozzle are calculated with Computational Fluid Dynamics
(CFD). Finally, the initial bubble size model validated with the water model measurements, is extrapolated to estimate argon
bubble size and bubble frequency in the molten steel caster.
qW q R( 1873 K) λq R( 273 K)
QW qW Q R q R( 1873 K) Q R λq R( 273 K)
where QW is water volume flow rate, QR is molten-steel volume flow rate, qW is air volume flow rate at 298 K, q R ( 1873 K) is
argon volume flow rate at 1873 K, q R ( 273 K) is argon gas volume flow rate at standard temperature and pressure conditions (1
atm, 273K), and is gas expansion factor. Because argon gas injected into the molten steel pool is greatly affected by the
high temperature of the molten steel and pressure at the branch channel exit, is calculated as follows:
where, ρ R( 273 K) is argon gas density at standard conditions (1atm, 273K), ρ R( 1873 K) is argon gas density at 1873K, P273K is
1 atm, and P1873 K is molten steel pressure at the branch gas channel exits. Ps, tundish_level is pressure at the top surface of the
tundish (1atm), ρs is molten steel density, and Htundish – Hbc is hydrostatic pressure head distance from the tundish top surface
to the branch-channel exit near the tundish bottom. In this work, is 4.1, and fluid properties for both molten steel-argon gas
and water-air systems are given in Table III.
Once the water-air flow reached steady state in the stopper rod, nozzle and mold, bubble behaviors in the nozzle (Regions 1-
7) and mold (Region 8) were captured using a high-speed video camera at 1200 frames/s. The recorded image snapshots were
analyzed using the image-analysis program, Image J [17], to quantify the size distributions of the bubbles in each analysis
window (ie. region). In addition, during gas injection, instantaneous gas pressure at the main channel inlet was measured
every 0.01 s for 10 s using a pressure gauge with 0.05 kPa pressure resolution and a data logger as shown in Figure 1(b).
Figure 1. One-third-scale water model showing (a) photos and (b) schematic including region numbers and (c)
details of the stopper rod with multi-channels for gas injection.
Table II. Dimensions of the stopper rod with the gas channels
Dimension Value
Diameter of stopper rod: Dst 42 mm
Diameter of main gas channel: Dmc 10 mm
Diameter of branch gas channel: Dbc 1 mm
Length of main gas channel: Lmc 517.3 mm
Length of branch gas channel: Lbc 15.7 mm
Gap size between stopper and tundish well: Lg 2 mm
Vertical-angle of branch channel: θ v 15o (downward angle)
Horizontal-angle of branch channel: θh 60o
Height from tundish bottom to branch channel exit : Hbc 10 mm (for water flow rate 35 LPM)
Table III. Comparison of physical properties between molten steel-hot argon and water-air systems
Molten steel-hot argon system Water-air system
Liquid density: ρl 7000 kg/m 3
998.2 kg/m3
Cold (at 273 K): 1.623 kg/m3
Gas density: ρ g At 298 K: 1.225 kg/m3
Hot (at 1873 K): 0.399 kg/m3
Liquid dynamic viscosity: μl 0.007 kg/mꞏs 0.001 kg/mꞏs
Gas dynamic viscosity: μ g -5
2.1 × 10 kg/mꞏs 1.8 × 10-5 kg/mꞏs
Interfacial tension coefficient: σ 1.192 N/m 0.073 N/m
Analytical Modeling
where Pin is inlet gas pressure at the top of the main channel, ρ g is gas density, umc is gas velocity in the main channel, ubc is
gas velocity in the branch channel, g is acceleration of gravity, Hmc is height from the tundish bottom to the main channel
inlet, Hbc is height from the tundish bottom to the branch channel exit, and ΔPchannels is total pressure drop including three
pressure drops: across the main channel ( ΔPmc ), across a branch channel ( ΔPbc ) and due to sudden contraction of the cross-
sectional area from the main channel to the branch channel ( ΔPcont ).
Rearranging the above equations gives the minimum pressure at the main channel inlet, Pin, that is needed to exceed the
threshold pressure at the exit of at least one branch channel and initiate gas bubble formation:
where ρl is liquid density and H tundish is height of the top-surface water level above the tundish bottom.
Surface tension force is maximum with the largest bubble-surface curvature when the hemisphere bubble diameter equals the
branch channel diameter.
2σ (6)
σκ max
where σ is surface tension coefficient and rbc is radius of the branch channel exit. ΔPchannels is calculated as follows:
where μ g is gas dynamic viscosity, Dmc is main channel diameter, D bc is branch channel diameter, Lmc is main channel
length, Lbc is branch channel length, q g,mc is total gas volume flow rate in the main channel, and q g,bc is gas volume flow
rate in each branch channel (qg,mc/6).
Cd ρl ul π rex π rex ρl ρg gcosθv πrexσfθ ul
2 2 4
3 1
πU tun ar 22 / 7
5.2692 r ar b
15 / 7 3/ 2
ar b1/ 2 dr 2rel,s e3 / 2 Dbc rex (9)
qg,bc Dtun
1/ 7
2 2
where qg,bc is average gas volume flow rate into each active branch channel (qg,mc/nact), nact is number of activated branch
channels, Utun is average liquid velocity near the branch channel exit, Dtun is hydraulic diameter in the tundish bottom region,
a and b are constants related with rex, the expansion radius, rel,s , the horizontal radius of the elongated bubble to be solved,
and e, the elongation factor of the bubble [18].
Figure 2. Bubble formation mechanism (left: photo and right: schematic) showing: (a) initiation, (b) expansion,
(c) elongation, and (d) detachment.
where dg,i is gas bubble diameter i, ul is liquid velocity in the nozzle, Ai is cross sectional area, which is calculated as
π d g,i / 4 , and Cd is drag coefficient which varies with relative Reynolds number and Weber number for the tap water-air
system [20].
where Ql is liquid flow rate in the nozzle and Anozzle is cross-sectional area of the nozzle.
where i is bubble diameter, f is bubble frequency, tresidence,i is residence time of a bubble between Regions 3 and 6, calculated
as follows:
t residence,i (13)
u g,terminal,i
where L3-6 is vertical distance from Region 3 to 6. From the total number of bubbles of each diameter calculated to reside
within Regions 3-6, the number of bubbles in Region 6, n6,i was estimated as follows:
n6 , i n36 , i (14)
where L6 is the vertical height of the analysis window in Region 6. Finally, the population proportion of each bubble diameter
in Region 6, P6,i is calculated as follows:
n3 , i
n6 , i u g, terminal, i (15)
P6 , i 100 100
n n
n3 , i
i 1
i 1 u g, terminal, i
Computational Modeling
A three-dimensional finite-volume CFD model was applied to quantify the fluid flow velocity and turbulence in the stopper-
rod nozzle of the 1/3 scale water model. The steady-state Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations with the
standard k-ɛ model have been solved with a commercial CFD program, ANSYS FLUENT [21] to quantify the time-averaged
single-phase (water) turbulent flow in the nozzle. The model used a half domain (adopting 1-fold symmetry) and included the
stopper-rod head and nozzle. The domain consists of 0.24-million hexahedral cells. Constant velocity (1.06 m/s) was fixed as
the inlet condition at the nozzle inlet which is between the nozzle inner wall and stopper-rod head outer-surface, along with
10-5 m2/s2 for Turbulent Kinetic Energy (TKE) and 10-5 m2/s3 for TKE dissipation rate. The velocity was calculated according
to the flow rate in the water model and the surface area of the inlet. At the nozzle port, pressure-outlet boundary conditions of
~650 Pa of gauge pressure considering the hydrostatic pressure due to the head of water in the mold, 10-5 m2/s2 for backflow
TKE and 10-5 m2/s3 for backflow TKE dissipation rate were applied. The inner walls of the nozzle were given by a stationary
wall with the no-slip boundary condition. Convergence of solving the equations was defined when all scaled residuals were
stably reduced below 10-4.
6 q g,mc 3 (16)
d avg, g
These average initial bubble sizes measured in the water model at several gas flow rates are compared in Figure 3(c) with the
analytical model predictions of d g using Eqs. (8) and (9) and with several empirical models suggested by other researchers
[22-24]. As shown in Figure 3(c), the empirical models for stagnant liquid flow systems overpredict the initial bubble
diameter at the branch channel exit in the stopper rod. This is expected because in the current work, the shearing effect from
the high velocity liquid flowing into the gap between the tundish bottom and the stopper rod shortens the time of bubble
formation and results in smaller bubbles with higher bubble frequency. In contrast, the two-step analytical model [18]
predictions show much better agreement with the measurements. This is because the analytical model was formulated for gas
injection into downward flowing liquid, such as encountered in the current flow system. Thus, the analytical model is
validated, and can be applied to molten steel-argon gas system in the real plant.
Figure 3. (a) Predicted gas pressure threshold compared with measured gas pressure at the main channel inlet, (b) bubble
frequency and (c) initial bubble size at the branch channel exit in the water-air model.
Figure 4. Bubble evolution down the nozzle showing (a) bubble formation (upper), velocity and turbulence near the
stopper-rod tip, and resulting breakup into small bubbles (lower), (b) bubble coalescence between Region 3 and Region 4,
150-160 mm below the stopper-rod head tip (1.7 ms between snapshots), and (c) bubble breakup and coalescence in
Region 7.
3 i
d 32 i 1
d d
2 n
i 1
d d 32
σb i 1 (18)
Bubble size distributions in the analysis window of each nozzle region, with air gas flow rates of 0.8 LPM, are given in
Figure 5. Going down through the nozzle regions, both average size and standard deviations increase, which agrees
qualitatively with previous work in a nozzle below a slide gate [28]. This is due to both bubble coalescence and the
accumulation of large bubbles in the descending nozzle flow. Between Regions 3 and 4, the number of bubbles smaller than
1.5 mm decreased greatly (by ~53%), likely due to the coalescence mechanism shown in Figure 4(b). Correspondingly,
bubbles larger than 1.5 mm diameter increased in number by 3 between Regions 3 and 4. In Region 6, bubbles larger than 2
mm diameter are slightly more frequent than those in Regions 4 and 5. This suggests that small bubble coalescence occurs
mainly between Regions 3 and 4, while larger bubbles gradually accumulate with distance down the nozzle.
Figure 5. Bubble size distributions in the nozzle with 35.0 LPM (water) and 0.8 LPM (air):
(a) Region 3, (b) Region 4, (c) Region 5, and (d) Region 6.
Figure 6(a) shows how terminal descending velocity of bubbles decreases with increasing bubble diameter up to 2.3 mm, as
calculated using Eq. (11). Bubbles larger than 2.3 mm diameter have ~0.96 m/s terminal descending velocity, ~20 % lower
than the mean liquid flow velocity (~1.2 m/s). Thus, bubbles larger than 2.3 mm diameter have ~ 20% longer residence time
in the nozzle than 0.5 mm diameter bubbles. Thus, both the bubble coalescence phenomenon, and the accumulation of larger
bubbles due to their longer residence time in the nozzle, are expected to cause the bubble size distribution inside the nozzle to
increase with distance down the SEN.
Figure 6. (a) Bubble terminal descending velocity and residence time in the nozzle, and (b) predicted bubble accumulation
from Region 3 to Region 6 inside the nozzle and measurements, with 35.0 LPM (water) and 0.8 LPM (air).
In the mold, smaller bubbles typically have longer residence times and accumulate in the mold more than large bubbles,
which exit quickly to the top surface [29,30]. Measurements of bubble size distributions were taken in the mold (Region 8),
in the yellow rectangular analysis window shown in Figure 7. Larger average and broader size-range (higher standard
deviation of bubble size) of bubble size distribution are produced in the mold, as shown in Figure 7. In addition, both average
diameter and standard deviation of the bubble size in the mold increase with higher gas flow rate. As the breakup and
accumulation mechanisms both tend to decrease the average bubble size in the mold, bubble coalescence in the upper port
(Region 7) is clearly the most important mechanism to explain these measured findings.
Figure 7. Bubble size distributions in the mold (Region 8) with 35.0 LPM (water) and (a) 0.2 LPM (air), (b) 0.8 LPM (air),
and (c) 1.6 LPM (air).
λq R( 273K ) (19)
π d g,R
1 3
Compared to the measured total bubble frequency in the 1/3 scale water model (Figure 3(b)), the argon bubble frequency in
the real caster should be smaller. This is because the bubble formation time is longer in the molten steel-argon system than in
the water-air system and the bubble size is bigger in the real caster.
As investigated from the water-air model measurements, all 3 mechanisms of breakup, coalescence, and accumulation in the
nozzle are very significant to determination of the bubble size distributions in the nozzle and mold. Thus, CFD two-phase
flow models should include all of these complex bubble phenomena [31,32], if they aim to predict realistic argon bubble size
distributions in the nozzle and mold of the real steel caster.
Figure 8. Predicted initial bubble size and bubble frequency of argon gas in the real steel caster.
The authors thank Seon-Hyo Kim and Dae-Woo Yoon, POSTECH for help with the 1/3 scale water model experiments, and
Shin-Eon Kang, POSCO Technical Research Laboratories for providing the water model. Support from the Continuous
Casting Center at Colorado School of Mines, the Continuous Casting Consortium at University of Illinois at Urbana-
Champaign, POSCO, South Korea (Grant No. 4.0002397), and the National Science Foundation GOALI grant (Grant No.
CMMI 18-08731) are gratefully acknowledged. Provision of FLUENT licenses through the ANSYS Inc. academic
partnership program is also much appreciated.
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