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International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)

ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-9 Issue-10, August 2020

Evaluation of Distributed Generation Impact

on Reliability of a Distribution System using
DIgSILENT PowerFactory
Ravishankar B S, Vijayendra V K, K. T. Veeramanju

Abstract: As an effective supplement to the centralized fossil In order to reduce these losses, DGs integrated to the
fuel based traditional generation, Distributed Generation (DG) distribution system will be a good option. DGs may be based
has become an effective alternative choice and has been rapidly on renewable energy or non-renewable energy technologies.
increasing since past few years due to growing demand for However, with the increased environmental concerns,
electricity and the new policies of governing bodies for usage of renewable energy based DGs are gaining more importance.
green energy. In overall power system, distribution systems are
Renewable energy based DGs have many techno-economical
more vulnerable to faults and reliability aspects of such systems
becomes an important issue. With higher penetration of DG into and environmental advantages. Due to increased customers
the distribution network, it will be necessary to study the impact of demand for reliable and quality power supply, evaluation of
such generation on the various aspects of distribution system. the impact of DG integration to improve performance of the
Thus, increase in rate of penetration DGs into the distribution system, especially reliability and reduction of losses is
system on one side and increased faults in distribution network on gaining more importance in the present distribution system
another side, will make the study of impact of DG integration on operating scenario. Improvement in reliability and reduction
distribution system reliability an interesting topic of research. The in losses can be achieved only by optimal selection,
present work focuses on evaluation of impacts of integration of
placement and sizing of DGs. This will in turn have added
such DGs on reliability of local distribution network, typically in
an urban scenario By using the simulation method using benefit of improved voltage profile, better power quality,
DIgSILENT PowerFactory software, the impacts of integration of optimum system loadability, enhanced system security. This
DG in terms of enhancement in distribution system reliability will also lead to reduced capital investments, repair and
indices and reduction in system losses for different scenarios are maintenance costs, fuel cost for conventional units and
studied and presented in this paper. Based on the simulation operational costs. Renewable energy based DGs will have
results obtained and after analysis of the distribution system, advantage of no-emissions, free availability and so on. With
overall results are summarized by focusing on the installation of increase in DG, the integration of such DGs into the
suitable capacity of DG and the location of DG which are
important factors affecting the system losses and system reliability
distribution networks has to be taken care and it is necessary
indices. to study the impacts of DG integration in terms of reliability
and system losses. Otherwise, if DGs are not properly
Keywords: Distributed Generation (DG), RBTS, Simulation, installed at proper locations, it may lead various problems viz.
DIgSILENT PowerFactory. Radial distribution system.
increased losses, protection co-ordination problem, power
quality issues. This problem of optimal selection, sizing and
I. INTRODUCTION siting of DGs has been dealt with in literature using several
techniques. Analytical techniques are suitable for small
The Distribution systems which were passive in nature systems and not performing well for complex systems.
earlier with uni-directional power flows are transforming into Various meta-heuristic techniques are developed for large and
active distribution systems with bidirectional power flows in complex system which provides good results. Many
the present scenario due to gradual increase in integration of simulation techniques are adopted by using different power
small-scale DGs [1]. Integration of DG into the distribution system simulation software which also provides good output
system results in increased system availability and improved indicators to arrive at suitable conclusions based on the
reliability of the system. Also, there is possibility of increased simulation results. Simulation studies are carried out using
system complexity and problem of increased losses due to Neplan software in [1], [24], [26] using ETAP in [3], [8],
improper placement, sizing of DGs in distribution networks. [12], [16], [17], [18], [19], [21] DigSILENT PowerFactory in
About 65-70% of the losses occurring in the power system [7], [14], [25], [28]. [29], using MiPower in [6],[15], using
can be attributed to distribution system losses [30]. DISREL in [30] and using MATLAB in other works. Real
time feeder data has been considered in [4], [13], [14], [17],
[24], [27] for case studies. Along with the objective of
improvement of reliability of the system, reduction in system
Revised Manuscript Received on August 05, 2020. loss and improvement in voltage profile has been considered
Mr. Ravishankar B. S., Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical & as the objective in [2], [3], [4], [6], [8], [9], [10], [11], [15],
Electronics Engineering, JSS Science & Technology University, Mysuru, [20], [25]. Concept of DSM has been considered in [7], [22].
Karnataka, India. E-mail: [email protected].
Mr. Vijayendra V K, PG-Scholar, Department of Electrical &
Solar PV has been considered as choice for DG in most of the
Electronics Engineering, JSS Science & Technology University, Mysuru, literature.
Karnataka, India. E-mail: [email protected].
Dr. K T Veeramanju, Professor, Department of Electrical & Electronics
Engineering, JSS Science & Technology University, Mysuru, Karnataka,
India. E-mail: [email protected].

Published By:
Retrieval Number: J75860891020/2020©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.J7586.0891020 381 and Sciences Publication
Evaluation of Distributed Generation Impact on Reliability of a Distribution System using DIgSILENT PowerFactory

Energy storage has been considered in [1], micro hydro in B. System reliability indices
[13], Diesel generator in [26] and wind in [7], [9], [12], [13], For complete understanding of the system, system oriented
[15], [18], [22], [26]. and energy oriented reliability indices are required in addition
This present work addresses to assess the reliability of to basic indices. These system oriented indices, namely
distribution system in presence of DGs for RBTS test System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI),
distribution system and practical system of 11kV feeders
System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI),
emanating from 66/11 kV Hebbal sub-station coming under
Customer Average Interruption Duration Index (CAIDI),
Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited
Average System Availability Index (ASAI), Average System
(KPTCL), Mysuru and distribution feeders coming under the
jurisdiction of Chamundeshwari Electricity Supply Company Unavailability Index (ASUI) considered in the present work
(CESC), Mysuru. Both test system and practical system are represented by (4)-(8) and energy oriented indices namely
feeders are modeled using DIgSILENT PowerFactory. Average System Interruption Frequency Index (ASIFI),
Failure rates are taken as per the test system values. Average System Interruption Duration Index (ASIDI) and
Reliability indices of the test system and practical system are Energy Not Supplied (ENS) are represented by the (9)-(11).
determined for different cases of DG integration. Simulation Sum of no. of cust interrutpions  i Ni
results are summarized by focusing on the installation of SAIFI   f/Ca…... (4)
suitable capacity of DGs and the location of DGs which are Total no. of cust served  Ni
important factors affecting the system losses and system
reliability indices Sum of cust interrutpion duration  U i Ni
SAIDI   h/Ca.. (5)
This paper has been organized into IV sections. This Total no. of cust served  Ni
introduction section is followed by section-II which provides
overview of Reliability analysis of a distribution system; Sum of cust interrutpion duration  U i Ni
CAIDI   hrs….…….. (6)
section-III provides the problem formulation for DG Sum of no. of cust interrutpions  i Ni
integration, section-IV provides both test system and practical
system data, simulation and analysis for difference cases, Customer hours of available service  Ni x8760   Ui Ni
ASAI   .. (7)
section-V deals with results and discussion and section-VI Customer hours demanded  Ni x8760
provides conclusions based on case study results.
ASUI = 1-ASAI………………………………………… (8)
Sum of connectedkVA of load interrupted
ASIFI  …….….. (9)
TotalonnectedkVA served
This work mainly concentrates on radial distribution Sum of connectedkVA durationsof load interrupted
system. IEEE standard 1366 provides a set of indices for ASIDI  (10)
determining reliability of power distribution system. Data TotalonnectedkVA served
related to reliability for set of power system components, load ENS   La xUi ………..……………………………. (11)
points and customers are statistically interpreted using
Where, λi is the failure rate of the components i =
reliability indices. These indices are classified into load point
1,2,3……N Where Ni is the number of customers at the load
indices and system indices [18].
point i = 1,2,3…….N. Ui is the annual unavailability at the
A. Basic load point reliability indices load point i = 1,2,3…….N.
Average failure rate (λs), average outage time (rs) and Total energy demand in the period of interest
average annual unavailability (Us) are the basic elementary La 
indices called load point indices [5]. These indices denote the Period of interest
average values. Average failure rate provide information
regarding the number of failures happening at load point for III. PROBLEM FORMULATION
the specific time interval. Average failure time interval at the With higher penetration of DGs, distribution system are
load point is expressed by average outage time. Average becoming similar to transmission systems where load and
supply outage at the load point for a period of one year is generation node points are mixed and reliability of such
termed as average annual outage time. systems are becoming important. Evaluation of the DG
Depending on failure rates for each system components, integration impact on reliability of distribution system is
repair times and feeder configurations, these basic indices are important from both utility and consumer point of view.
expressed using the following equations: This present paper addresses to evaluate the reliability of
 s   i f/yr ………….…..(1) distribution system in presence of DGs by simulation method
using DIgSILENT PowerFactory. RBTS test distribution
U s   i  i hrs/yr…………(2) system and practical system pertaining to Hebbal sub-station

 
is modeled using DIgSILENT PowerFactory. Reliability
s  
i i
hrs….….(3) indices of the test system are determined for different cases of
s i DG integration.
Where, λi and ri are the failure rate and the average repair
time of component-i, and Ui is the annual unavailability at the
load point i.

Published By:
Retrieval Number: J75860891020/2020©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.J7586.0891020 382 and Sciences Publication
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-9 Issue-10, August 2020

The cases considered are: i) Without DGs (Base Case), ii) points and loads are shown lumped at 415V level. For
With one DG (Synchronous / PV) to determine optimal size, industrial bulk consumers, loads are shown lumped at 11kV
iii) With two DGs (PV / Synchronous DG) to determine level itself. Overall system peak load is 20MW and average
optimal size, iv) DGs at different distance from the source to load is 12.29MW with total of 1908 customers at 22 load
determine optimal location. points Feeder-wise peak and average loads considered for
The objective in all the case studies above is to reduce the RBTS is show in the table-I. The defined average load is
system losses and to improve the reliability indices of the based on the fact that this will be value at the load point due to
given system. The impacts of DG integration on reliability are diversity factor between customers and normal load variations
throughout the day and through the year [35].
analyzed through simulation method using DIgSILENT
Power Factory software. The system losses and the reliability Table- I: Feeder-wise data for RBTS Bus2 system
indices obtained from the above case studies are used to Line Avg No. of
Feede Load Peak load
illustrate the impact of DG integration and in improving the r No.
Points (in MW)
load (in customer
reliability of the distribution system. Step by step in km MW) s
methodology adopted for the carrying out the work is: i) F1 2.85 LP1-7 5.934 3.645 652
Modeling of RBTS test distribution system and practical F2 2.35 LP8-9 3.5 2.15 2
Hebbal system using DIgSILENT PowerFactory software, ii) F3 2.9 LP10-15 5.046 3.106 632
F4 2.9 LP16-22 5.521 3.39 622
Determination of the real power loss in the system without
DG integration, iii) Determination of the reliability indices of Total 22 20.001 12.291 1908
the test system using reliability analysis tool without DG
integration, iv) Carrying out case studies with one DG and Line lengths, transformer capacities, load data are considered
two DGs and determine the power losses and reliability as per the RBTS data in [35]. The reliability data considered
indices, v) Carrying out case studies by placing the DGs at for 33kV and 11kV system components are shown in the
different distances from the source to determine the optimal table-II.
location, vi) Carrying out case studies to determine optimal
size of the DG for individual feeders of test system.vii) Table- II: Reliability relate data for 33kV and 11kV
comparison of results for test and practical system. Flow chart system components
showing the proposed methodology is shown in the fig.1. 33/11 kV Transformers
Start Active Failure Rate in f/yr.km 0.015
Repair time in hrs 15
Modeling of test system using
DIgSILENT PowerFactory 11 / 0.433 kV Distribution transformer
Active Failure Rate in f/yr.km
Load flow using modified NR method 0.015
without considering DG integration
Repair time in hrs 200
Ploss (without DG) = P(Gen) – P(Load) 11 kV lines
Active Failure Rate in f/yr.km 0.065
Determine the reliability Indices (SAIDI, SAIFI, ASAI, ASUI,
ENS, ASIFI & ASIDI) using Reliability analysis tool Repair time in hrs 5

Determine the DG location using load flow

& reliability analysis results
The line parameters and transformer parameters considered
are shown in the table-III and table-IV respectively.
Optimal sizing of single DG using load flow
and losses.
Table- III: Line parameters for 11 kV OH lines
Load flow analysis after DG integration
Ploss (with DG) = P(Gen) – P(Load)
Conductor type Coyote Rabbit
Determine the reliability Indices with DG integration using
Reliability analysis tool Rated Voltage (in kV) 11 11
Rated Current (in A) 386 183
Ploss (with DG) <= No
Ploss (with out DG) Resistance (Ω/km) 0.248 0.616
Yes Reactance (Ω/km) 0.337 0.366
No RI (with DG) <=
RI(without DG)
Table- IV: Transformer parameters for RBTS
End Parameters Value
Rated Power 2 MVA
Rated Voltage 11/0.433kV
Fig. 1.Flow chart showing the proposed methodology.
Vector group Dyn11
% impedance 6%
B. Hebbal practical system data
A. RBTS system data The practical system identified for study is 66/11 kV
Hebbal Sub-station (SS) coming under the jurisdiction of
RBTS bus2 system is considered in this work. RBTS
KPTCL, Mysuru.
Bus2 system consists of 4 numbers of 11 kV feeders (F1-F4)
with a total of 22 load points with voltage level of 11 kV.
11/0.415kV distribution transformers are modeled for
residential, commercial and Government installation load

Published By:
Retrieval Number: J75860891020/2020©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.J7586.0891020 383 and Sciences Publication
Evaluation of Distributed Generation Impact on Reliability of a Distribution System using DIgSILENT PowerFactory

The 66/11 kV Hebbal SS is fed from 66 kV transmission condition, DG is connected to distribution network with a
line emanating from upstream 220 kV Hootagally Receiving circuit breaker iii) It is assumed that, the operation of the
Station (RS). The upstream network has been modeled as grid breaker is 100% reliable and it operates in case of any fault in
for analysis purpose Modeling and Simulation 3 Nos. of 11 the system and isolates the faulty portion so that power supply
kV Feeders viz. F1-HPCL, F2-Hebbal and F4-Birla which is available for the other customers of the healthy portion of
connected to 11kV Bank-1 at 66/11 kV Hebbal SS has been the system, iv) Either a synchronous DG (for 1-DG studies) or
considered for practical system study. 11kV Bank-1 and PV-DG with synchronous-DG (for 2-DG studies) is
above 11 kV feeders are connected to 66/11 kV, 12.5 MVA considered for case studies.
Transformer-1 at the SS.Line lengths, transformer capacities, The RBTS system and Hebbal feeder-1 system modeled
load data are considered as per the actual field data collected. using the DIgSILENT PowerFactory is as shown in the fig.2
The line parameters are as per table-3 and transformer and fig.3 respectively.
parameters considered are as per table-V.
Table- V: Transformer parameters for Hebbal System
Parameters Values

Rated Power (in kVA) 63 100 250 500

Rated Voltage 11/0.433kV
Vector group Dyn11 Dyn11 Dyn11 Dyn11

% impedance 4.5% 4.9% 5% 6%

The reliability data considered for 66kV and 11kV system

components are shown in the table-VI.
Table- VI: Reliability data for 66kV and 11kV system
components of Hebbal system
66/11 kV Transformers

Active Failure Rate in f/yr.km 0.015

Repair time in hrs 15

11 / 0.433 kV Distribution transformer

Active Failure Rate in f/yr.km 0.015

Repair time in hrs 200

11 kV lines
Active Failure Rate in f/yr.km 0.065
Repair time in hrs 5

Few assumptions are made for modeling the system and to

carry out the load flow studies and reliability studies using
DIgSILENT PowerFactory. Assumptions for load flow Fig. 2.RBTS Bus2 system modeled using PowerFactory.
studies are i) Network above 33kV voltage for RBTS and 66
kV for practical system is represented by grid, ii) Modeling is
limited and truncated at 415V level, iii) DTCs (Distribution
Transformers Centers) i.e. 11/0.415kV transformers are
modeled and all the loads are assumed to be lumped at
distribution transformer LV (Low Voltage) side i.e., at 415V
level, iv) Residential, commercial and government
installation loads are metered on the LV side and the
transformer belongs to utility and hence included in the
analysis. The bulk user loads are metered on the HV (High
Voltage) side and the transformer belongs to customer and
hence not considered for analysis, v) Loads are placed on 11
kV bus itself for small users, vi) All the 11kV lines are
assumed to be overhead with Coyote conductor for trunk lines
and Rabbit conductor for spur lines, vii) Modified
Newton-Raphson method is used for carrying out load flow
which provides acceptable results for distribution systems.
Assumptions for reliability studies are i) The feeder operation
is considered to be radial mode with normally open
sectionalizers if provided, ii) This work focuses on DG as a
source rather than technology and is considere that DG is used
with its full capacity. In order to isolate the DG in fault

Published By:
Retrieval Number: J75860891020/2020©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.J7586.0891020 384 and Sciences Publication
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-9 Issue-10, August 2020

D. Analysis with single DG

Only Feeder-1 is considered for study with all other
feeders being out of service. Load flow analysis and reliability
evaluation has been carried out for base case i.e. without any
DGs connected to the feeder and for different scenarios with
DGs connected. In the base case, only the system components
on feeder-1 are considered without any DGs. The system
losses and reliability indices for RBTS feeder-1 base-case are
presented in table-VII.
Table- VII: Base case loss & reliability indices for
RBTS feeder-1
Parameters Base case (No DG)

MW Losses in MW 0.09

SAIFI (1/Ca) 0.13041

SAIDI (h/Ca) 3.577
CAIDI (hrs) 27.429
ASAI 0.999592
ASUI 0.000408
ENS (MWh/a) 13.679
ASIFI (1/a) 0.165572
ASIDI (h/a) 3.752859

Initially, 1-DG with a capacity of 500 kW is placed at the

tail end of the main trunk line. System losses and reliability
indices are determined. Gradually, the capacity of DG is
increased in steps of 500kW such that beyond a certain
Fig. 3. Hebbal system modeled using PowerFactory capacity of DG, there will be increase in the system losses.
The system losses and reliability indices for placing different
C. Steps for carrying out the analysis capacities of DG at tail end are presented in the table-VIII.
For carrying out case studies for individual feeders, Table- VIII: Loss & Reliability indices for Feeder-1
following steps are adopted. i) For base case study, the (With 1-DG at tail end).
existing system without any DG interconnections is %age
Parame 1-DG
considered, ii) For studying the impact of DG integration on Base 1-DG on 1-DG on impro
ters \ on F1
case (No F1 F1 vemen
the feeder, case studies are performed with different DG
(2000kW) (2370kW) t w.r.t
capacities of DGs at different locations on the feeder, iii) capacity kW)
Initially, 1-DG with a capacity of approximately 15% of the Loss in
0.09 0.07 0.06 0.07 33.33
loading is considered and gradually increased in steps 15%, MW
iv) Single DG will be placed at the tail end of the main trunk 0.12588
SAIFI 0.13041 0.125568 0.108754 16.61
line initially which will be considered as the tail end case or
SAIDI 3.577 3.554 3.553 3.469 3.02
100% of the line length case, v) Initially for lower capacity of 0.99959 0.99959
DGs, there will be reduction in system losses along with ASAI 0.999594 0.999604 0.001
2 4
improvement in reliability.vi) Gradually, the capacity of DG ASUI
0.00040 0.00040
0.000405 0.000395 3.04
is increased such that beyond a certain capacity of DG, there 8 5
ENS 13.679 12.94 12.359 12.186 10.91
will be increase in the system losses. This capacity of the DG 0.16557 0.12499
is considered to be the optimal capacity for the feeder beyond ASIFI 0.093108 0.083636 49.49
2 1
which there is increase in the system losses, vii) Case studies 3.75285 3.54995
ASIDI 3.390541 3.343181 10.92
9 7
with different capacities of DGs are repeated for DG
placement at 75%, 50% and 25% of line lengths for each From the above, the following observations are noted.
feeder, viii) Case studies are also repeated with 2-DGs There is improvement in the reliability with placement of
considered at different locations i.e. Both at the tail end, 1-DG 1-DG at tail end. Losses will decrease to an extent of 33%
at tail end and 1-DG at 75% line length, 1-DG at tail end and with placement of DG capacity up to 2370kW. For DG
1-DG at 50% line length, 1-DG at tail end and 1-DG at 25% capacity ≥2370kW, there will be increase in system losses.
line length, 1-DG at 75% line length and 1-DG at 50% line
length, viii) The reliability indices are also determined for
different capacities of DG placement to measure and quantify
the effect on the system performance.

Published By:
Retrieval Number: J75860891020/2020©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.J7586.0891020 385 and Sciences Publication
Evaluation of Distributed Generation Impact on Reliability of a Distribution System using DIgSILENT PowerFactory

Hence optimal DC capacity can be considered as 2370 91

kW i.e. around 65% of loading on the feeder. Further, the ASUI 0.000405 0.000405 0.000389 4.63
system losses and reliability indices are determined by ENS 13.679 12.947 12.352 12.091 11.61
placing different capacities of 1-DG at 75%, 50% and 25% of 0.1655
ASIFI 0.125383 0.092745 0.078428 52.63
the line lengths. The bar chart showing percentage loss 72
reduction and percentage improvement in reliability indices ASIDI
3.551917 3.388726 3.317139 11.61
for single DG placed at different locations is shown in the
fig.4. From the above, the following observations are noted: i)
When 2 DGs are placed at the tail end, loss reduction is almost
same as that of placing an equal capacity single DG at tail end.
Ii) From loss point of view, combined capacity can be
increased up to 2570kW i.e. 70% of loading when
synchronous DG and PV DG is considered. iii) If both DGs
are synchronous DGs, then the optimal capacity is same as
that of single DG, i.e. 65% of loading. iv) Reliability
improvement in terms of all indices are comparatively much
better than placing an equal capacity single DG.
Further, the system losses and reliability indices are
determined by placing 2-DGs at different locations i.e. 1-DG
at tail end and 1-DG at 75% line length, 1-DG at tail end and
Fig. 4. %age loss reduction and %age improvement in 1-DG at 50% line length, 1-DG at 75% line length and 1-DG
reliability indices for single DG placed at different at 50% line length, 1-DG at tail end and 1-DG at 25% line
locations. length. The bar chart showing percentage loss reduction and
Based on the case studies with single DG, following percentage improvement in reliability for two DGs placed at
conclusions are drawn. i) The optimal capacity for maximum different locations is shown in the fig.5.
loss reduction would be 2370 kW (i.e about 65-70% of the
loading of the line). Ii) For maximum loss reduction and
reliability improvement, it is optimal to place DG between
75% of line length towards the tail end for lower DG
capacities below optimal, iii) For higher DG capacity, it is
best feasible to place the DG between 50% to 75% of the line
length for better reliability improvement, iv) It is not feasible
to place the DG nearer to the source in view of both higher
losses and poor reliability compared to placing DG away from
the source.
The case studies presented above with single DG for
feeder-1 of RBTS bus2 system are carried out for all the other
RBTS feeders i.e. feeder-2, 3 & 4. Also, the case studies are Fig. 5.%age loss reduction and %age improvement in
carried out for all the feeders of practical Hebbal system. reliability indices for two DGs placed at different
E. Analysis with two DGs
Based on the case studies with two DGs, following
For carrying out case studies with 2 DGs, initially 2 DGs conclusions are drawn. i) Reliability will further improve with
(1 synchronous + 1 PV or both synchronous DGs) are placed
2-DGs when compared to 1-DG placement, ii) For maximum
at the tail end of main trunk line. System losses and reliability
indices are determined. Gradually, the capacity of DG is loss reduction and reliability improvement, it is optimal to
increased in steps of 500kW such that beyond certain place DG between 75% of line length towards the tail end for
combined DG capacity, there will be increase in the system lower DG capacities below optimal, iii) For higher combined
losses. The system losses and reliability indices for placing DG capacity, it is best feasible to place the DGs between 50%
different capacities of DGs at tail end are presented in the to 75% of the line length for better reliability improvement,
table-IX. iv) It is not feasible to place the DGs nearer to the source in
Table- IX: Loss & Reliability indices for Feeder-1 view of both higher losses and poor reliability compared to
(With 2-DGs at tail end). placing DGs away from the source.
Parame %age
case 2DGs
DG (1000+10 (1570+10 ement
(No (500+500)
capacit 00) 00) w.r.t The case studies presented above with two DGs for
y base
feeder-1 of RBTS bus2 system are carried out for all the other
Loss in
0.09 0.07 0.06 0.07 33.33 RBTS feeders i.e. feeder-2, 3
0.1304 & 4.
SAIFI 0.125887 0.125564 0.097326 25.37
SAIDI 3.577 3.554 3.553 3.412 4.61
ASAI 0.9995 0.999594 0.999594 0.999610 0.002

Published By:
Retrieval Number: J75860891020/2020©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.J7586.0891020 386 and Sciences Publication
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-9 Issue-10, August 2020

Also, the case studies are carried out for all the feeders of for RBTS and Hebbal system feeders for two DG case are
practical Hebbal system. presented in the table-XI and the bar chart in the fig.7.
The percentage loss reduction, optimal capacity of DG
Table- XI: Comparison of %age loss reduction,
than can be connected, percentage improvement in reliability optimal DG capacity and %age improvement in
in terms of SAIFI, SAIDI, ENS, ASIFI and ASIDI for RBTS reliability for RBTS Bus2 feeders & Hebbal system
bus2 system feeders and Hebbal feeders with single DG are feeders with 2-DGs.
presented in the table-X. Paramet RBTS Bus2 system Hebbal System
ers /
Table- X: Comparison of %age loss reduction, optimal Feeders F1 F3 F4 F2 F1 F2 F4
DG capacity and %age improvement in reliability for Optimal 70.0
72.00 80.00
90.0 60.0
50.00 77.00
RBTS Bus2 feeders & Hebbal system feeders with 1-DG. capacity 0 0 0
Paramet Loss
RBTS Bus2 system Hebbal System 33.3 50.0 60.0
ers / reductio 37.50 44.44 20.00 66.67
3 0 0
Feeders F1 F3 F4 F2 F1 F2 F4 n
Optimal 25.3 62.7 55.5
65.0 66.0 74.0 80.0 55.0 50 74 SAIFI 29.87 52.81 24.05 79.00
capacity 7 6 9
Loss 66. 62.7 16.4
33.3 37.5 44.4 50.0 40.0 20 SAIDI 4.61 5.94 10.47 10.65 31.55
reduction 6 0 7
24. 76. 11.6 65.0 35.0
SAIFI 16.6 23.4 47.8 57.8 60.7 ENS 12.24 14.51 5.41 38.34
0 3 1 5 8
10. 30. 52.6 65.0 56.1
SAIDI 3.0 4.6 9.4 57.9 18.0 ASIFI 58.41 60.43 12.59 82.86
6 5 3 4 5
5.4 37. 11.6 65.0 35.1
ENS 10.9 11.5 14.1 60.3 32.6 ASIDI 12.24 14.51 5.41 38.33
1 7 1 4 0
12. 81.
ASIFI 49.4 55.2 58.8 60.4 52.2
6 5
5.4 37.
ASIDI 10.9 11.5 14.1 60.4 32.6
1 7

The above values are represented in the form of bar chart

as shown in the fig.6.

Fig. 7.Optimal capacity, %age loss reduction and %age

improvement in reliability indices w.r.t base case for
RBTS bus2 feeders (with 2-DGs).
From the above results and comparison, following
conclusions are drawn. i) The optimal capacity of DG
connection with 2-DGs may be increased up to 70-84% of
feeder peak loads, ii) Loss reduction with 2-DG
Fig. 6.Optimal capacity, %age loss reduction and %age interconnection will be less than that of 1-DG case and will be
improvement in reliability indices w.r.t base case for in the range of 33-44% normally, iii) SAIFI improvement will
RBTS bus2 feeders (with 1-DG). be between 25-62%, SAIDI between 4-11%, ENS between
From the above results and comparison, following 11-15%. ASIFI between 52-60% and ASIDI 11-15%, iv) In
conclusions are drawn. i) The optimal capacity of DG case of RBTS feeder-2 and Hebbal feeder-4 being
connection with 1-DG may be increased up to 50%-74% of predominantly industrial or bulk consumer feeder, optimal
feeder peak loads. This also coincides with the general 2/3 capacity of DG connected can be between 77-90% of feeder
rule. ii) Loss reduction with 1-DG interconnection will be in peak. v) For RBTS feeder-2 and Hebbal feeder-4, reliability
the range of 20-44% normally, iii) SAIFI improvement will be improvement will be much higher than normal feeders.
between 16-48%, SAIDI between 3-10%, ENS between The actual value of indices depends on lots of factors such
10-15%. as, location of placing the DGs, length of the feeder, number
ASIFI between 49-60% and ASIDI 10-15%, iv) In case of of customers connected to each load points which is different
RBTS feeder-2 and Hebbal feeder-4 which are predominantly for different feeders and network configuration. Hence there
industrial or bulk consumer feeders, optimal capacity of DG will be variation in the indices for different feeders due to
connected can be between up to 74-80% of feeder peak, v) above factors.
For RBTS feeder-2 and Hebbal feeder-4, reliability
improvement will be much higher than normal feeders.
Similarly, the percentage loss reduction, optimal capacity
of DG that can be connected, percentage improvement in
reliability in terms of SAIFI, SAIDI, ENS, ASIFI and ASIDI

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Retrieval Number: J75860891020/2020©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.J7586.0891020 387 and Sciences Publication
Evaluation of Distributed Generation Impact on Reliability of a Distribution System using DIgSILENT PowerFactory

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Mr. Ravishankar B. S. is working as Assistant
Professor in the Department of Electrical &
Electronics Engineering. He obtained his B.E. and
M.Tech. Degrees from Visveswaraiah Technology
University. His research interests are in the field of
Applications in Power Systems, Distributed
generation and reliability of Distribution systems.

Mr.Vijayendra V K is a PG-scholar pursuing M.Tech

in Energy Systems & Management at JSS S&T
University. He obtained his B.E degree from
Visveswaraiah Technology University.

Dr. K. T. Veeramanju is working as Professor in the

Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering. He
graduated from University of Mysore. He obtained his
M.E. degree from Indian Institute of Science,
Bangalore, and Ph.D. from Kuvempu University. He
has been guiding several graduate, post-graduate and
research candidates.

Published By:
Retrieval Number: J75860891020/2020©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.J7586.0891020 389 and Sciences Publication

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