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Physical Education 9
Learning Activity Sheet
Quarter 4 – MELC 1


PHYSICAL EDUCATION 9 – Indoor and Outdoor Recreational Activities
Activity Sheet No. 1
First Edition, 2021

Published in the Philippines

By the Department of Education
Region 6 – Western Visayas

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This Learning Activity Sheet is developed by DepEd Region 6 – Western Visayas.

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Development Team of Physical Education 9 Activity Sheet


Illustrator/s: ELDIARDO E. DELA PEÑA

Layout Artist/s: JOE ART D. MALA-AY

Schools Division Quality Assurance Team:


Division of Escalante City Management Team:


Regional Management Team


Learning Activity Sheets (LAS)
Name of Learner: _____________________ Grade and Section: ______________
Date: ___________________


Indoor and Outdoor Recreational Activities
I. Learning Competency with Code

Discusses the nature and background of indoor and outdoor recreational

activities. (PE9GS-IVa-6)

II. Background Information for Learners


Recreation- activities done during free time which gives enjoyment and satisfaction.
Indoor Recreation- activities done within the confines of a building.
Outdoor Recreation- activities done outside the building usually with nature.


 Badminton is believed to have originated from the game “poona” that was played by
English Army officers stationed in India during the 17th century.
The game requires the skills in service, strokes in hitting the
shuttle such as smash, drop, lob or clear and net shorts, and
power of the leg in footwork. The game is played by either single,
doubles, and mixed doubles.

 Volleyball is a team sports with six players in each side of the court with a 9x18
meters dimension. The beginning of volleyball can be traced from
the ingenuity of William J. Morgan in 1895 at Holyoke
Massachusetts. The object of the game is to send the ball over the
net and avoid it from grounding into your own court. Scoring
follows a rally point system. A game is won in a two out of three
sets. A set is won by reaching a score of 25.

Benefits of Sports

Badminton and Volleyball are good recreation activities that involved the physical
dimension. It enhances the metabolism of the body which in turn is a factor in losing weight.
Aside from the physical dimension, the games also have claims on affecting the different
dimensions of health of a person. When players control their feelings during games, the
emotional dimension is involved. Since a sport is fun, the emotional wellbeing is improved.
Playing with strategies and tactics involves the intellectual dimension. Thinking of ways on
where to direct the shuttle and the ball gives you an advantage of winning and enjoying the
game. The social dimension is seen when players build good relationships. Trusting your
teammate builds camaraderie and teamwork.

 Dance is another indoor alternative recreation for those who enjoy the beat of rhythm
and movement. It is a fantastic and fun form of exercise that
gradually raises heart rate. That’s why dance is a very good cardio
work out.

 Zumba Dance is an alternative indoor recreational activity with fitness benefits

claims. It was accidentally discovered by Alberto “Beto” Perez, a
celebrity fitness trainor of Colombia in the mid 90’s.

Benefits of Zumba

 It improves cardiovascular health- the combination of cardio intervals brought about by

the fast and slow rhythms makes this dance a great cardio interval workout the fast and
upbeat moves of Zumba improve the delivery of blood which carries oxygen to the
different parts of the body through the veins, arteries, and heart.
 It helps in losing weight- cardio interval effect of Zumba maximizes the burning of
 It relieves stress- it is believed that Zumba dancing releases more altering endorphins
that melts away worries away.
 It improves mood- it releases feel good hormones called “endorphins” that improves self-
esteem, self-confidence, and self-image.
 It tones the abdominals- the dance moves work on firmer core abdominal muscles.

Basic Zumba Steps

 Zumba involves a combination of latin dance steps such as salsa, samba, raggaeton,
merengue, cumbia, cha-cha-cha, mambo rumba, flamenco. Many steps have been
included to make the dance more exciting such as belly dancing, hip hop and the like.

 Hiking is going on an extended walk for the purpose of pleasure and exercise.
Pleasure includes having close encounter with nature, enjoying
the beauty of the environment, smelling the natural aroma of
flowers and trees, and being one with Mother Nature. Exercise on
the other hand pertains to the fitness benefits that we get from the
activity. Hiking is more adventure.

Benefits of Hiking
 It offers cardiovascular fitness
 It gives the feeling of relaxation
 It balances your daily life routine
 It’s a good option for weight management activity

Essential Tips for the Outdoors

1. Pick a partner
2. Pick a destination
3. Know your time and distance
4. Be physically ready
5. Choose your gear and your backpack
6. Pack and wear appropriate clothing
7. Plan your meals
8. Keep communication lines open
9. Wilderness ethics

The Ten Essential Checklist for Backpackers (for safety, survival and basic comfort)
1. Navigation 6. Fire
 Map (with protective case)  Matches or lighter
 Compass  Waterproof container
 GPS (optional)  Fire starter
2. Sun protection 7. Repair kit and tools
 Sunscreen and lip balm  Knife or multi-tool
 Sunglasses  Kits for stove, mattress; duct tape
3. Insulation 8. Nutrition
 Rain jacket (extra layers for  Extra day’s supply of food
cold conditions)
4. Illumination 9. Hydration
 Headlamp or flashlight (plus  Water bottles
spare)  Water filter or other treatment
 Extra batteries system
5. First-aid supplies 10.Emergency shelter
 First-aid kit  Tent, tarp, or reflective blanket

Before the Hike

 See to it that your body is in a certain level of fitness for a safe and pleasant climb. For
you to enjoy the scenery more and enjoy the company of other backpackers, you must
 Attend to the following concerns:
 Your travel plan (itinerary)
 Possible transportation
 Budget
 Food and water to bring
 What equipment to bring

During the Hike

 On group Formation
 Follow a single file formation. Overtaking should be avoided, but in case of a
need to do it, inform the hiker in front of you.
 Maintain a certain distance in between hikers
 Pacing
 Start with a slow pace gradually change as the group desires
 Do not leave anyone behind
 Inform the group if there is a need to rest
 The pace of the group should be that slowest member or the person who has the
heaviest load.
 Trail Signs
 Man-made/alternative
 Any colored materials such as yarn can be used but it is known by all
members of the group
 Natural trail signs
 Materials found in the environment like rocks, grass, and twigs


 Orienteering course consists of a series of control points which have to be

located in order in the shortest possible time.
Orienteering as an outdoor recreational activity offers much benefits to you: Here
are some claims:

1. Conceptual aspects
2. Physical aspect
3. Personal aspects
4. Social aspects
5. Environment aspect

III. Accompanying DepEd Textbook and Educational Sites

Physical Education and Health Learner’s Material Grade 9 by Jose P. Doria, pp. 174-182

Wood, T.D. (2013). Backpacking for beginners. Retrieved from: http://www.rei.com/learn/expert-


REI. (2009). Backpacking checklist. Retrieved from: http://www.rei.com/ content/ dam/

documents/ pdf/backpacking.pdf

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/ thumbs/7/71/Notepad_ icon. svg/500px-


IV. Activity Proper

Activity 1: Let’s Move!
A. Direction: Dance

1. Gather your family members at least four.

2. Choose a video of Zumba, Tiktok or any kind of recreational dance.
3. Practice the steps in your family member.
4. Record your performance.
5. Submit your output through messenger or flash drive to your teacher.

B. Rubric for Scoring

Point Scale Criteria

Mastery and Energy and Fitness Behavior/Teamwork
4 Displays high shows impressive Exhibits outstanding
Outstanding level of mastery level of proficiency level of discipline and
and creativity. in the execution of teamwork before, during
steps and dance and after the
combination. performance.
3 Displays mastery Shows high level of Exhibits very
Very Satisfactory and creativity but proficiency in the satisfactory dance
with minimal execution of steps discipline and teamwork
relevance of and dance during and after the
movements. combination. performance.
2 Displays mastery Shows medium level Exhibits satisfactory
Satisfactory and creativity but of proficiency in the discipline and teamwork
with no relevance execution of steps before, during and after
of movements. and dance the performance.
1 Displays low level Shows low level of Exhibits improving
Needs of mastery and proficiency in the discipline and teamwork
Improvement creativity and no execution of steps before, during and after
relevance of and dance the performance.
movements. combination.

C. Guide Questions
1. What benefits can you gain as you engage yourself with dance?
2. Why dance is good for fitness?

Activity 2: Make a Scrap Book

A. Direction:
1. Create, draw, or print scrapbook containing pictures of their family playing outdoor
2. Paste pictures that they have taken while playing outdoor activities with their family
at home.
3. Put a short description.
4. Place it a folder or coupon bond and submit it to your teacher together with your

B. Rubric for Scoring

Criteria 4 3 2 1

1. Creativity & Project is Project is neat Project is Project has

Appearance excellently and shows neat, but sloppy
presented evidence of appears to be appearance.
reflecting time spent on rushed.
creativity. it.
2. Resourcefulness Materials are Materials are Some materials are
complete and complete and materials are complete and
organized to well complete but not
present ideas organized. lack organized.
as well. organization.
3. Workmanship Outstanding Above Average Below
artwork. average artwork. average
artwork. artwork.
4. Knowledge Scrapbook The The The
demonstrates scrapbook scrapbook scrapbook
a thorough demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates
knowledge of good some very little
the subject knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of
investigated the subject the subject the subject
investigated investigated investigated

C. Guide Questions
1. What is the importance of making scrapbook?
2. Is a scrap book useful? Why?

Activity 2 Guide Questions:
A. Keeping a scrapbook organizes your pictures and helps you keep a journal of
memories. Even day to day life, when recorded, becomes history. Photos and
memorabilia can be preserved for generations, if stored properly.
B. Scrapbooking will motivate you to take more photos of the important stuff and the
little things.
Activity 1 Guide Questions:
 Benefits of dance reduce stress and tension, increase energy and improve
strength, increase muscle tone and coordination, lower your risk of heart disease,
decrease blood pressure and cholesterol, help you manage your weight and
increase your stamina and flexibility.
 Dance is good for fitness because it improves the body’s flexibility, building
muscular endurance, developing upper and lower body strength, good for mental
health and dance away the calories.
VI. Answer Key
common terms you have learned in this activity.
Write an essay about indoor and outdoor activity. Include data and information including
V. Reflection

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