2020-12-09 - NEDA BLISTT SUID MP - Final Master Plan - Volume I (The Master Plan) PDF

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Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for

Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center


Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................1-1
1.1 Project Deliverables ...............................................................................................1-1
1.2 Area and Coverage ................................................................................................1-2
P .......................................................................................................................................1-2
1.3 Project Team Composition ...................................................................................1-4
2 THE BLISTT PLANNING AREA AND FRAMEWORK ..................................................2-1
2.1 Area and Coverage ................................................................................................2-1
2.2 Objectives ...............................................................................................................2-3
2.2.1 Socio-Economic Objectives ..........................................................................2-4
2.2.2 Contribution to National and Regional Development Goals .....................2-4
2.2.3 Support to Internationally Agreed Goals .....................................................2-4
2.2.4 BLISTT Development Mission and Vision ...................................................2-4
2.3 Conceptual Framework .........................................................................................2-5
2.3.1 Enablers ...........................................................................................................2-6
2.3.2 Planning Considerations ...............................................................................2-7
2.3.3 Goals and Objectives .....................................................................................2-9
2.3.4 360° Scan Assessment Tool for BLISTT ................................................... 2-10
3 THE ENABLING PLAN ...................................................................................................3-1
3.1 Summary of Issues and Concerns .......................................................................3-3
3.2 Summary of BLISTT 360° Scan Tool ................................................................. 3-18
4 THE STRATEGY BUILDING PLAN ...............................................................................4-1
4.1 Development Issues and Concerns .....................................................................4-3
4.2 Development Potentials ..................................................................................... 4-12
4.3 Overall Driving Concept ..................................................................................... 4-14
4.4 Key Spatial Strategies ........................................................................................ 4-14
5 PREFERRED STRATEGY..............................................................................................5-1
5.1 Bases of Development...........................................................................................5-1
5.2 Conceptual Land Use/ Structure Plan .................................................................5-2
5.2.1 BLISTT Clusters and Sub-Centers ................................................................5-2
5.2.2 BLISTT Growth Nodes....................................................................................5-6
6 THE ACTION PLAN ........................................................................................................6-1
6.1 Sector Summaries ..................................................................................................6-1
6.1.1 Summary of Sector Goals, Objectives, Strategies, and Targets...............6-1
6.1.2 Summary of Sector Programs, Projects, and Activities (PPAs) ............ 6-24
6.1.3 Summary of Sector Identified Major Projects .......................................... 6-38

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

6.2 Prioritization of Projects .................................................................................... 6-48

6.2.1 Selection of Top Priority Projects .............................................................. 6-48
6.2.2 Selection of Top Five (5) Priority Projects ................................................ 6-49
7 THE IMPLEMENTATION PLAN .....................................................................................7-1
7.1 Organizational Structure of BLISTT .....................................................................7-6
7.2 Institutional Requirements for Implementation ............................................... 7-10
7.3 Phasing of Projects ............................................................................................. 7-14
7.3.1 Short-Term .................................................................................................... 7-14
7.3.2 Medium-Term ............................................................................................... 7-15
7.3.3 Long-Term .................................................................................................... 7-15
7.4 Legal Framework ................................................................................................. 7-16
7.5 Governance Implementation Framework ......................................................... 7-16
7.6 Financing the Plan .............................................................................................. 7-21
7.6.1 Key Issues and Gaps ................................................................................... 7-22
7.6.2 Key Goals and Strategies ........................................................................... 7-24
7.6.3 Inputs to 360° Scan Tool ............................................................................. 7-30
7.6.4 Financing the Programs, Projects, and Activities ................................... 7-30
7.6.5 Conclusion.................................................................................................... 7-35
7.7 Monitoring and Evaluation ................................................................................. 7-36
8 THE COMMUNICATIONS & PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PLAN ....................................8-3
8.1 Linkages ..................................................................................................................8-3
8.1.1 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals ........................................8-3
8.1.2 National and Regional Development Plans .................................................8-3
8.2 Background ............................................................................................................8-5
8.2.1 Rationale ..........................................................................................................8-5
8.2.2 Key Objectives ................................................................................................8-7
8.2.3 Partners and Stakeholder Mapping ..............................................................8-7
8.2.4 Key Messages .................................................................................................8-8
8.2.5 Strategic and Operational Framework .........................................................8-9
8.3 BLISTT Strategic Components: Short-, Medium-, and Long-Term Period... 8-13
8.4 Audio Visual Presentation ................................................................................. 8-18
9 ANNEX ............................................................................................................................9-1
9.1 360° Scanning Tool ................................................................................................9-1
9.2 BLISTT Integrated Tourist Recreation Infrastructure Enterprise Development
(B-ITRIED) Program ..........................................................................................................9-5
9.3 Situational Analysis and Strategic Planning Workshop ................................ 9-22
9.4 BLISTT Governing Council Meeting ................................................................. 9-30

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

9.5 Selection of Priority Projects for Pre-Feasibility Study (FS) Workshop ...... 9-33
9.6 Indicative Investment Requirement for Programs, Plans & Activities for
BLISTT ............................................................................................................................. 9-37
9.7 Audio-Visual Presentation Proposal................................................................. 9-48
9.7.1 Revisions Leveling Guide (Creatives) ....................................................... 9-48
9.7.2 Revisions Leveling Guide (Video Editing) ................................................ 9-49
9.7.3 Storyboard .................................................................................................... 9-51

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Figure 1-1: Flow of Deliverables and Milestone Reports .......................................................1-2
Figure 2-1: The Philippine Map ..............................................................................................2-2
Figure 2-2: The Growth Nodes in the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) Map ............2-2
Figure 2-3: The BLISTT Administrative Map ..........................................................................2-3
Figure 2-4: BLISTT SUID Agenda and Vision ........................................................................2-5
Figure 2-5: The BLISTT SUID Framework .............................................................................2-5
Figure 2-6: Link Between Global Challenges and Perspectives ......................................... 2-11
Figure 2-7: The City Perspectives seen as Different Layers .............................................. 2-11
Figure 3-1: 360° Scan Result of a Balanced City ...................................................................3-2
Figure 4-1: BLISTT Development Issues and Concerns .......................................................4-3
Figure 4-2: BLISTT Roads and Administrative Map ..............................................................4-5
Figure 4-3: BLISTT Built-up and Open Spaces Map .......................................................... 4-11
Figure 4-4: BLISTT Development Potentials....................................................................... 4-13
Figure 4-5: Key Spatial Strategies ....................................................................................... 4-15
Figure 5-1: BLISTT Growth Nodes Identified in BLISTT ........................................................5-3
Figure 5-2: BLISTT Cluster Map.............................................................................................5-5
Figure 5-3: BLISTT Growth Nodes .........................................................................................5-6
Figure 5-4: Node 1 ..................................................................................................................5-7
Figure 5-5: Node 2 ..................................................................................................................5-9
Figure 5-6: Node 3 ............................................................................................................... 5-10
Figure 5-7: Node 4 ............................................................................................................... 5-12
Figure 5-8: Node 5 ............................................................................................................... 5-14
Figure 5-9: Node 6 ............................................................................................................... 5-16
Figure 5-10: Node 7 ............................................................................................................. 5-17
Figure 5-11: Node 8 ............................................................................................................. 5-18
Figure 7-1: Organizational Chart of BLISTT ...........................................................................7-8
Figure 7-2: Proposed Organizational Chart of the BLISTTDA ............................................ 7-10
Figure 7-3: IRA Dependency ............................................................................................... 7-22
Figure 7-4: Revenue Generation and Financing Strategies ............................................... 7-25
Figure 7-5: Innovative Financing Mechanisms.................................................................... 7-29
Figure 7-6: Financing Plan by Sector .................................................................................. 7-33
Figure 7-7: Breakdown of Sources ...................................................................................... 7-34
Figure 8-1: Components of the Communication Plan ............................................................8-6
Figure 9-1: BLISTT Integrated Tourist Recreation Infrastructure Enterprise Development (B-
ITRIED) Program Survey Forms ............................................................................................9-5
Figure 9-2: Situational Analysis and Strategic Planning Workshop Attendance Sheets.... 9-22
Figure 9-3: Situational Analysis and Strategic Planning Workshop Photo Documentation 9-24
Figure 9-4: BLISTT Governing Council Meeting Attendance Sheets ................................. 9-30
Figure 9-5: BLISTT Governing Council Meeting Photo Documentation ............................. 9-32
Figure 9-6: Selection of Priority Projects for Pre-Feasibility Study (FS) Workshop Attendance
Sheets .................................................................................................................................. 9-33
Figure 9-7: NEDA-CAR Letter on Final List of Priority Projects for Pre-FS ........................ 9-36

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Table 1-1: Project Team Composition ....................................................................................1-4
Table 2-1: Definition of Terms of Identified Enablers from BLISTT SUID Framework ..........2-6
Table 2-2: Planning Considerations and Principles in BLISTT SUID Framework .................2-8
Table 2-3: 360° Scan Perspective and Themes vis-à-vis BLISTT SUID Sectors .............. 2-12
Table 3-1: Summary of BLISTT Issues and Concerns ..........................................................3-3
Table 3-2: Summary of BLISTT 360° Scan Tool in Infrastructure Readiness .................... 3-18
Table 3-3: PPPPAs under Infrastructure Readiness ........................................................... 3-24
Table 3-4: Summary of BLISTT 360° Scan Tool in Service Efficiency ............................... 3-28
Table 3-5: PPPPAs under Infrastructure Service and Efficiency ........................................ 3-36
Table 4-1: Strategic Building Plans ........................................................................................4-2
Table 6-1: Summary of BLISTT Goals, Objectives, Strategies, and Targets ........................6-1
Table 6-2: Summary of BLISTT PPAs................................................................................. 6-24
Table 6-3: Summary of Identified Major Projects for BLISTT ............................................. 6-38
Table 6-4: Top Ten (10) Priority Projects Identified by the Consortium ............................. 6-49
Table 6-5: Top Priority Projects Identified by NEDA-CAR .................................................. 6-50
Table 6-6: Shortlisted Priority Projects ................................................................................ 6-50
Table 6-7: Proposed Point System for Identifying Top Priority Projects ............................. 6-51
Table 6-8: Evaluation of Shortlisted Priority Projects .......................................................... 6-52
Table 6-9: Top Ten (10) Priority Projects Identified by the Consortium and NEDA-CAR .. 6-53
Table 7-1: Selected Programs, Projects, and Activities .........................................................7-1
Table 7-2: List of PPAs and its Enabling Institutional Framework ...................................... 7-12
Table 7-3: Proposed Implementing Agencies and Type of Institutional Arrangements of
PPAs .................................................................................................................................... 7-18
Table 7-4: Utilization of 20% Local Development Fund ...................................................... 7-23
Table 7-5: Average Local Revenue Collection Growth Rate (In M), FY 2015-2017 .......... 7-24
Table 7-6: BLISTT Investment Requirements for PPAs ..................................................... 7-32
Table 7-7: Short Term Financing Plan ................................................................................ 7-34
Table 7-8: Total Financing by Source and Sector ............................................................... 7-35
Table 7-9: Indicative Logical Framework of Top Five (5) Priority Projects for Pre-FS ..........7-1
Table 8-1: Partners and Stakeholder Mapping ......................................................................8-7
Table 8-2: Communication Tools and Instruments ............................................................. 8-10
Table 8-3: Communication Plan .......................................................................................... 8-14
Table 9-1: Qualitative Questionnaire ......................................................................................9-1
Table 9-2: Consolidated Responses to Qualitative Questionnaire by BLISTT LGU
Representatives ......................................................................................................................9-3
Table 9-3: Long List of Priority Projects .............................................................................. 9-25
Table 9-4: Indicative Investment Requirement for Short-Term Programs, Plans & Activities .9-
Table 9-5: Indicative Investment Requirement for Medium-Term Programs, Plans & Activities
.............................................................................................................................................. 9-39
Table 9-6: Indicative Investment Requirement for Long-Term Programs, Plans & Activities .9-
Table 9-7: Summary of Indicative Investment Requirement for Programs, Plans & Activities9-
Table 9-8: Revisions Leveling Guide (Creatives) ................................................................ 9-48
Table 9-9: Revisions Leveling Guide (Video Editing).......................................................... 9-49

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

1.1 Project Deliverables

The Consultant Team submitted reports for review and resolution by NEDA-CO and NRO-
CAR, which included the following deliverables. This Report consolidates all the findings and
recommendations of the Master Plan study.
Under Component 1 of the Strategic/ Master Plan emerged the following:
1. Inception Report, the rationale of the BLISTT Planning Area: its evolution; institutional
setup (the BLISTT Council); current state/ condition traced from its historical
characteristics of how it started as an agglomeration of the LGUs of Baguio, La
Trinidad, Itogon, Sablan and Tuba (BLIST) in the 90s up to its present date; various
present and future challenges of the growth area.
2. Situational Analysis Report, which thoroughly described the current condition of all
sectors of BLISTT, identified all issues and concerns of the constituents, thru the 360°
Assessment Tool developed by Tractabel, derived to make a quick overview of the
state of infrastructure development in the BLISTT growth area. Henceforth, the
Consultant team presented the BLISTT Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development
(SUID) Framework consisting of three (3) strategic pillars: enablers of development,
planning considerations and goals.
3. Midterm Report (Enabling Plan and Strategy Building Plan), which included all findings
and recommendations intended to achieve the objectives of the Project with the
appropriate BLISTT SUID framework strategies and actions. The SUID Master Plan
matched the 360° Scan Perspectives and Themes with the enabling plan. The output
of the 360° Scan is a radar which represents two (2) areas – the presence and
readiness of the infrastructure, while the other reflects the efficiency of the
infrastructure service. The two (2) radars of 360° Scan for quick assessment also
presents a visual representation of infrastructure developments.
4. Action Plan thru a List of Priority Projects were developed and to be implemented in
the short-term, medium-term and long- term (2031-2040) planning period. Five (5)
identified Preliminary Feasibility Study (Pre-FS)/ Business Case projects highest in a
multi-criteria ranking were then pursued.
Under Component 2 of the Pre-FS Formulation and Master Plan Fine Tuning,
5. Draft Final/ Final Report illustrates the BLISTT SUID Plan for the next 20 years. It
discusses fully the analysis of five (5) Pre-FS projects with details on the estimated
project costs as well as the validation of the related technical, social, institutional,
environmental, financial and economic aspects.

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Figure 1-1: Flow of Deliverables and Milestone Reports

Source: BLISTT Consultant Team, 2019

1.2 Area and Coverage

The approach was based on a solid commitment to understand the real needs that
apply in each project. Based on the scope of works as stipulated in the Terms of
Reference (TOR), the Consultant proposed to adopt a methodology anchored in the
following fundamental policies:

High Quality of Service: The Consultant undertook the works and performs all
obligations under the Consulting Services contract, in line with good and sound planning
consultancy practice. Each staff was assigned to provide high quality of service and
maintain professionalism and good conduct in dealing with his/her peers, NEDA, LGUs,
and all other associated offices or people involved in the project.

Project Team Concept: Although varied expertise was employed in the project, an
orderly and systematic method for individual assignment of work efforts were adhered
to. Blending of one’s tasks against the others in terms of task relationship and activity

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

schedule sequencing resulted in more coordinated arrangement and sought to meet

specific and unique needs of the project.
Thorough Review and Assessment: The approach was supplemented by effective
utilization of Consultant’s efforts, a strong project management, and centralized data
collection and analysis system. In particular, the Team’s approach was based on a
complete consideration of factors affecting the sustainability of the Project.

Adherence to Existing Policies, Rules and Regulations: The Consultant

ensured that all experts assigned to the services have a clear understanding of
all laws, regulations, ordinances or policies of the LGU and the Philippine
Government, that are applicable to the Consulting Services and to each
subproject activity for which the experts were involved. These experts refrained
from participating in local political issues and concerns not relevant to the project.

Harmonious Working Relationship with all Involved Agencies: NEDA CO

and NRO-CAR are implementing offices for the Project hence, all transactions
and major decisions pertinent to the progress and outcome of works were
directed by the Consultant to these entities. The involvement of other
government offices such as local governments in the region at the planning stage
were considered, especially if found critical in the resolution of important
operational and implementation issues. The Consultant also cooperated with all
other concerned government offices and kept in close contact with accredited
non-government organizations (NGOs), including various community
organizations, to secure sustainability and instill ownership of the Study.
Concerned key or support staff actively participated in consultations and
dialogues that are material to the successful completion of the Study.
Consultations were conducted on a regular basis especially during the initial
weeks for the solicitation of opinions and data verification/validation, and as the
need arises as the study proceeds further.

Continuous and Responsive Internal Monitoring: The Consultant organized

the following for task coordination and depending on the urgency, and the need
to check the progress of the work and the available resources:

a. Initial Coordination Meetings, conducted immediately after receipt of the

Notice to Proceed (NTP) and on separate occasions with the Client, and
the Project Management for briefing of works and clarification of expected
outputs and milestones, among others;

b. Regular Meetings with the Client, were carried out monthly and as
requested by the Client, to discuss the status of the different work

c. Project Management Meeting conducted at least once a month among

members of the Project Team - discussed the status of works by each
expert and in relation to the Project as well as constraints, corrective
measures and other issues that may arise during the execution of the

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

d. and lastly, Special Meetings that shall be organized with the Client, and
with the prior approval of the Team Leader to solve special problems or
address special concerns that affect the completion of work activities.

1.3 Project Team Composition

The Consultant Team mobilized for the Project consists of those listed in Table 1-1.
Table 1-1: Project Team Composition

Candido A. Cabrido, Jr. President , PLANADES
Maria Concepcion V. Roxas Acting Team Leader/ Deputy Team Leader/ Land Use
Alex B. Brillantes, Jr. Institutional Development Specialist/ Governance-Policy
Mark P. De Guzman Transport Specialist
Ariel F. Lapus Water Supply, Sanitation and Sewerage Specialist
Rafael April Rivera Environmental Specialist
Mario R. Delos Reyes Solid Waste Management
Maria Cecilia M. Marcos Geotechnical Engineer/ Geologist
Thomas Tingson Geotechnical Engineer/ Geologist
Marcial T. Ocampo Energy Specialist
Mildred G. Rollolazo Housing/ Settlement Specialist
Bienvenido G. Claravall Tourism and Recreation Expert
Rodolfo R. Peñalosa Information and Communications Technology (ICT)
Dennis Thomas P. Navera Geographic Information System (GIS) and Database
Dina C. Magnaye Economic Specialist
Noemi Lorena R. Tan Financial Specialist
Daniel B. Balmori Cost Engineer
Rogelio Ricafort Communication and Public Participation Specialist
Additional Consultant Team
Jose M. Regunay Environmental and Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management (DRRM) Specialist
Ernesto Atienza Housing Specialist
Myrra B. Montano Financial Specialist
Maria Jorquesa A. Hakcholna Settlements and Indigenous People (IP)/ Gender and
Development (GAD) Specialist
Dina C. Magnaye Social Specialist
Pauline Belinda B. Palacio Communication and Public Participation Specialist
Support Staff
Anne Clarice L. Ng Project Coordinator/ Technical Assistant/ Researcher
Pauline Belinda B. Palacio Project Coordinator/ Technical Assistant/ Researcher
Bryan Carlo A. Leuterio Project Coordinator/ Technical Assistant/ Researcher
Maria Jorquesa A. Hakcholna Project Coordinator/ Technical Assistant/ Local
Abigail Joy C. Ching Project Coordinator/ Administrative Assistant
Dennis Paulo C. Jugueta Project Report Integrator/ Editor
Gene Lambert R. Giron Junior Land Use Planner/ Researcher
Venice Romero Junior Architect/ Researcher

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Florida Lachoana Draftsman/ CADD Technician

Kurt Austine G. Gabriel Project Coordinator
Marc Jill M. Dimapilis Project Coordinator
Ruby U. Gunabe Secretary
Source: BLISTT Consultant Team, 2019

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center


2.1 Area and Coverage

The Planning Area consisting of the agglomeration of the city of Baguio and the five (5)
municipalities of the province of Benguet, namely: La Trinidad, Itogon, Sablan, Tuba, and
Tublay constitutes the geographical coverage of the project.
In 1990, BLIST was adopted by the Regional Development Council (RDC) as an inter-local
cooperation and used as a spatial strategy for regional growth. Likewise, it then became the
regional growth center of the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR). At that time, the initials
of these local government units (LGUs) of Baguio- La Trinidad-Itogon- Sablan-Tuba became
what is was known as the BLIST metropolitan growth area.
In 1994, an Urban BLIST Master Plan was adopted that contained the policy and project
proposals covering population, land housing, employment, tourism, infrastructure, natural
hazards, and infrastructure amongst others. In 2014, the BLISTT (Baguio, La Trinidad, Itogon,
Saba, Tuba, with Tublay now included) Growth Area evolved through a Memorandum of
Agreement. This BLISTT inter-local cooperation is now committed to jointly provide services
and implement projects and are guided by these following laws: a) the 1987 Constitution (Sec.
13, Article X): LGUs may consolidate resources, services, and efforts for common purposes;
and b) RA 7160 Local Government Code (Sec. 33) likewise, to consolidate and coordinate all
efforts, services, and resources for purposes commonly beneficial to all.
The whole planning area of BLISTT Cooperation is governed by a Vision-Mission and Basic
Principles governed by the 5Cs of: Complementing – supporting each other; Converging –
towards a common purpose; Cooperating – sharing resources; Collaborating – working
together; and Committing- consistency in words and actions (BLISTT Action Agenda 2017-

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Figure 2-1: The Philippine Map

Source: BLISTT Consultant Team, 2019

Figure 2-2: The Growth Nodes in the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) Map

Source: BLISTT Consultant Team, 2019

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

The BLISTT growth area is the southern growth node of the two primary or regional growth
nodes/centers located in the southern and northern portions of the Cordillera Administrative
Region (CAR), which adopts a “North and South Clusters Plus” regional spatial strategy. Its
relationship with the Tabuk-Rizal-Pinukpuk-Tanudan (TRIPT) northern growth node, will be
studied as the BLISTT growth area since, it is considered to be a large settlement area that
will serve as the regional commercial and service center and interim regional government
center (refer also to Error! Reference source not found.).
Figure 2-3: The BLISTT Administrative Map

Source: BLISTT Consultant Team, 2019

The study considers that the BLISTT growth area will continue to play a special role as the
major industrial center, tourism gateway of the Cordillera, regional center for health, and
education center of North Luzon.

2.2 Objectives

The main project objective is to formulate a master plan for the SUID for the BLISTT growth
center which will guide decision-makers in the preparation and approval of plans, policies and
programs/ activities/ projects (PAPs) for implementation in the urban growth center, and thus
ultimately promote better quality of life and improve the competitiveness, security and
resiliency from disaster, and general urban conditions of the growth center.

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

2.2.1 Socio-Economic Objectives

The BLISTT SUID is drawn, drafted, and adapted with the country’s unified aspiration,
AmBisyon Natin 2040, at the forefront. It supports the general socio-economic objective of
poverty reduction through:

• Ensuring SUID that enhances mobility of resources, access to basic services and
finance, income generation potentials, environmental quality improvement, resiliency
to climate change and effective governance;
• Encouraging private sector participation in providing services in areas where public
sector funding is constrained to close gaps, especially in capital-intensive services,
based on agreed development goals, including improved living conditions in in-formal
• More proactive and transparent solicitation of sharply targeted project proposals that
are most responsive to the actual needs of BLISTT and of the local communities and
other key stakeholders; and
• Incorporating sustainability as an objective, where attention is given to all aspects of
sustainable development. Criteria are laid down to assess the sustainability of
developments, and measures that may contribute to sustainable development are

2.2.2 Contribution to National and Regional Development Goals

The Consultant team endeavors to develop the BLISTT SUID master plan containing
investments/PAPs that promotes the sustainability of the ecosystem services, cultural, and
socioeconomic values of the BLISTT growth area consistent with the relevant national
development goals related to water, energy, food security, poverty eradication, human health,
climate resiliency, and inclusive economic growth among others. The implementation of
BLISTT SUID PAPs shall complement the attainment of the development goals articulated in
various regional and local land use and development plans.

2.2.3 Support to Internationally Agreed Goals

The contribution of the BLISTT SUID Master Plan to internationally agreed goals shall be an
important consideration in the identification and implementation of PAPs. These include the
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk
Reduction 2015 – 2030, etc. The BLISTT SUID Master Plan is envisioned to contribute to the
goals of climate change mitigation, biodiversity conservation and protected area management,
and combating land degradation and desertification among others as part of the obligations of
the Philippines as a signatory to various multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs).

2.2.4 BLISTT Development Mission and Vision

The same BLISTT Development Agenda and Vision is adopted.

“A green and peaceful, and family-oriented tourist destination, a global center of spirituality,
culture, education and specialized industries, one home of caring and empowered people,
managed by a responsive team of governance.”
This mission and vision still are the overarching guiding agenda to the BLISTT sustainable
urban infrastructure development.

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Figure 2-4: BLISTT SUID Agenda and Vision

2.3 Conceptual Framework

The framework for the SUID of the BLISTT Area, as shown in Figure 2-5. The BLISTT SUID
Framework is anchored on the defined enablers and various goals and commitments of the
national, regional and local governments, in addition to important and strategic planning
considerations and approaches.
Figure 2-5: The BLISTT SUID Framework

Source: BLISTT Consultant Team, 2019

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

2.3.1 Enablers

The elements considered as ENABLERS push forward and facilitate the implementation and
the definition of the infrastructure development process. The enablers consist of policies and
regulation, institutional governance, investments and financial systems, Information and
Communications Technologies (ICTs), skills and competences, citizen’s participation,
ownership, and the kind of leadership/ political will.
Table 2-1: Definition of Terms of Identified Enablers from BLISTT SUID Framework

Information Communication An umbrella term that includes all technologies for

Technology the communication of information. It encompasses a
diverse set of technological tools and resources
used to transmit, store, create, share or exchange
information. These technological tools and
resources include computers, the Internet (websites,
blogs and emails), live broadcasting technologies
(radio, television and webcasting), recorded
broadcasting technologies (podcasting, audio and
video players and storage devices) and telephony
(fixed or mobile, satellite, visio/video-conferencing,

Investment/ Innovative Finance A set of financial solutions and mechanisms that

create scalable and effective ways of channeling
both private money from the global financial markets
and public resources towards solving pressing
global problems. This concept incorporates two
distinct facets: first, innovative financing is a
complementary source of capital to development
aid; and second, innovative financing is a way of
making development more effective and efficient by
linking financing to results, redistributing risk,
improving the availability of working capital, and
leveraging technology.

Policies/ Regulations Policy is a law, regulation, procedure, administrative

action, incentive, or voluntary practice of
governments and other institutions intended
specifically to modify behavior.

Governance/ Institutions Governance refers to structures and processes that

are designed to ensure accountability, transparency,
responsiveness, rule of law, stability, equity and
inclusiveness, empowerment, and broad-based

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

participation. Governance also represents an

institution’s norms, values and rules of the game
through which public affairs are managed in a
manner that is transparent, participatory, inclusive
and responsive.

Skilled Manpower Skilled manpower is part of the human resources,

who currently hold leadership/management,
professional or technician/associate professional
positions. Highly skilled manpower is generally
characterized by advanced education (college and
higher), possession of knowledge and skills to
perform complicated tasks, ability to adapt quickly to
technology changes, and creative application of
knowledge and skills acquired through training in
their work.

Citizen’s Participation and Citizen participation is a community-based process,

Interface where citizens organize themselves and their goals
at the grassroots level and work together through
non-governmental community organizations to
influence the decision-making process. Citizens get
most involved in this process when the issue at
stake relates directly to them. Furthermore, citizen
participation occurs when all the stakeholders
cooperate to implement changes.

Ownership Ownership refers to the degree to which dwellers

feel a sense of responsibility for common interests
and can take action on them.

Leadership and Political Will Leadership is the art of motivating a group of people
to act towards achieving a common goal. Political
will refers to the determination of an individual
political actor to do and say things that will produce
a desired outcome.

2.3.2 Planning Considerations

The PLANNING considerations and principles are further highlighted in the table below.

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Table 2-2: Planning Considerations and Principles in BLISTT SUID Framework

Integrated Area Development – The watershed covering the ridge-to-reef features of

Ridge to Reef Approach the land shall serve as the common strategic
physical planning (vertical) platform for the
formulation and preparation of all land uses and
physical plans. It shall be the unifying and
integrating (horizontal) framework in the
identification of both public and private land use and
urban infrastructure management strategies and
policies including geologic and climate risk reduction
strategies through adaptation and mitigation

Climate Change and Disaster The increasing threat and impact of climate change
Preparedness and Management and natural disaster and calamities, including
geologic risks compounded by extreme weather
occurrences further highlights the need to analyze
local physical planning and development initiatives
using an area’s bio-physical condition as critical
focal point. This is particularly significant for BLISTT
growth node where it is a part of a watershed and/or
a sub-watershed that is more clearly defined and
interrelated across geographic boundaries. The
integrated watershed or ecosystems management
framework shall also be the physical reference for
the formulation of specific sectoral and development
plans for the urban infrastructure development.

Inclusive and Expansive The master plan advocates that all three actors in
Governance and Co-Management governance, namely: government (state), civil
society, and the private sector are actively involved
in the urban infrastructure development master
planning. The plan aims to make use of private
sector investments to achieve strategic
management and development goals for inclusive
growth. The inclusive master plan will ensure that
private sector investments contribute financially,
technically and structurally to agreed development
goals, including improved living conditions in human
settlements. The master planning activities will
include mechanisms for issuing, granting and
monitoring concessions for private investments in
the development of the growth center.
Good local governance allows for collaborative
partnerships among the local government, business,
and civil society. Good governance is characterized
as sustainable, participatory, transparent,

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

accountable, legitimate and acceptable to the

people, and promoting equity and equality.

Gender Responsiveness and The integration of gender, Indigenous Peoples

Cultural Sensitivity cultural sensitivity, explicit consideration of
development (socio-economic, physical, cultural,
etc.) and population interrelationships in the entire
planning process – plan formulation, plan
implementation, monitoring and evaluation. The
utilization planning approaches ensure or provide a
mechanism for integrating sustainable development
indicators in urban infrastructure planning.

The Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development of BLISTT requires simultaneous

advances on Service Expansion, Operations Management and Maintenance, and Service
Provision and Delivery across infrastructure subsectors, as listed and analyzed in this
Situation Report. Infrastructure development refers to the construction and improvement of
foundational services with the goal of sparking economic growth and improvements. This
includes transport, energy, water, waste disposal facilities, digital services, social services, etc.
Infrastructure readiness refers to the efficient delivery of infrastructure facilities and services
that is used to improve the resilience of communities to vulnerabilities. It is also associated to
other important soft infrastructure aspects like Communication, Education, Security, and
Infrastructure and GIS Database Development.
The Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development of BLISTT involves various framework
planning for each sector, e.g. Water Supply and Sanitation, Solid and Wastewater
Management, Economic and Tourism facilities development (Economic, Tourism…), Public
Transport and Connectivity, Power and Energy, and Housing consistent with the principles
stated above. These are detailed further in each of the sectoral reports.

2.3.3 Goals and Objectives

The GOALS and key objective are based on the targets of the Philippine Development Plan
(PDP), the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Regional Development Plan and
Physical Framework, and the BLISTT strategic agenda. The project assessed the BLISTT
area’s existing situation against these objectives and future vision / aspirations in their aim for
a more balanced area – with respect to resilience, inclusivity, attractiveness, connectivity,
productivity, and economic-circularity.
The Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2017-2022 is geared towards achieving the country’s
long-term vision of a matatag, maginhawa, at panatag na buhay para sa lahat. The headline
or core targets of the PDP reflect the higher-level goals of: a) an inclusive society, b) a high
trust and resilient society, and c) a globally competitive knowledge economy. Achieving these
goals in turn depend on how well the strategies and initiatives are implemented and realize
the sub-sector and sector outcomes in every chapter of the PDP.
The SDGs, also known as Global Goals, build on the success of the Millennium Development
Goals (MDGs) and aim to go further to end all forms of poverty. The new Goals are unique in
that all countries, poor, rich and middle-income, to take action and promote prosperity while
protecting the planet. It is recognized that ending poverty must go hand-in-hand with strategies

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

that build economic growth and addresses a range of social needs including education, health,
social protection, and job opportunities, while tackling climate change and environmental
protection. (UN.org). The BLISTT SUID Framework specifically contributes to the following
PDP and RDP goals: a) Accelerating Infrastructure Development (Chapter 19) and b) Building
Safe and Secure Communities (Chapter 12).
The SDGs and targets are integrated and indivisible, global in nature and universally
applicable, and take into account different national realities, capacities and levels of
development and respecting national policies and priorities.

2.3.4 360° Scan Assessment Tool for BLISTT

The BLISTT 360° Scan is used as a high-level assessment of the current situation of the
BLISTT area which is comprehensively discussed in each sectoral analysis. The 360°-
Scanning Tool will enable the following:
1. Profiling of the study area’s current physical infrastructure development and
2. Analysis of the state of the study area’s physical infrastructure systems and services;
3. Assess and identify the level of efficiency and quality of infrastructure, provide an
inventory of basic infrastructure implemented, and identify infrastructure-support
service gaps for priority investment programming.
The current global challenges that urban areas must deal with are climate change, resource
scarcity, integration of new technologies, demographic changes, social transformation and
To investigate the current state and future urban vision, TRACTEBEL has defined six
perspectives that give a holistic view on the growth area and reveal the underlying principles
on how the area functions. The six perspectives are Circular, Inclusive, Attractive, Productive,
Resilient, and Connected. The perspectives are related to the current global challenges and
illustrate the status of the area against threats.
Each perspective has a set of pre-identified themes and indicators to determine the current
state of any built environment. The assessment of the urban area through these predefined
perspectives reflects the status of its responsiveness to the area’s challenges and threats. In
a nutshell, it shows the area’s maturity in relation to sustainable development.

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Figure 2-6: Link Between Global Challenges and Perspectives

Source: Tractebel Engie-Philippines, 2019

The perspectives work together as a whole towards a balanced urban area. The perspectives
must be seen as different layers. A balanced urban area encloses all the different perspectives
in a good ratio. When one perspective is underdeveloped, the urban area does not work
properly or excludes citizens. Preferably, each intervention should have a positive impact on
all the perspectives.
Figure 2-7: The City Perspectives seen as Different Layers

Source: Tractebel Engie-Philippines, 2019 The 360° Scan Themes and Perspectives

The Circularity Perspective defines the urban area as a circular system: production,
consumption and waste as an integrated chain, minimizing inputs and outputs; a continuous,
positive development cycle based on reducing, recycling and reusing. It identifies the BLISTT
growth center’s independence to its resources / surrounding environment. The specific themes

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

look at the existing infrastructure and services on water, energy, materials, and land/water
The Inclusivity Perspective values all people and their needs equally. It is an urban area in
which all residents have a representative voice (citizen engagement) and equal access to
livelihoods, housing, education, health care, and citizen engagement.
The Productive Perspective is a mixed area with a productive economy and urban
manufacturing based on innovative and green technologies; a place where production is
encouraged and is allowed to be seen and connected to daily life. The perspective evaluates
the area in terms of economic production and local employment. The assessment focuses on
the productive support infrastructure and services that promote a dynamic economy, green
economy, diverse economy, and local employment.
The Attractive Perspective is an inspiring, attractive and hospitable place to live and work in;
a healthy environment in which communities and individuals are invited to interact and are
active on creating public life. This perspective looks at the diversity of public infrastructure
within the BLISTT growth center. Specifically, the perspective identifies whether the area
promotes a healthy environment, provides efficient public space / parks, green infrastructure,
and conserves culture and heritage.
The Resilient Perspective has the capacities to absorb future shocks and stresses to its
social, economic and environmental systems; an urban area ready to face the challenges
posed by climate change, disaster events, rapid urbanization and the economic downturn.
Specifically, the perspective looks at the following themes climate change, safety, security,
and protective ecosystems.
The Connected Perspective is an urban area with strong and efficient connections both on
a local and global scale among places, people and things. The assessment focuses on the
following themes communication, logistics, partnerships, and transportation infrastructure and
For the purpose of the BLISTT growth area sector analysis, the following sectors were
analyzed in response to the 360° Scan perspectives:
Table 2-3: 360° Scan Perspective and Themes vis-à-vis BLISTT SUID Sectors

360° Scan Perspective 360° Scan Themes BLISTT SUID Sectors

Inclusive BLISTT Housing Population and Structure
Education Social
Healthcare Housing and Settlements
Citizen Engagement Communications and Public
Productive BLISTT Innovation Local Economy
Resilient Economy Institutional Arrangements
Local Economy Fiscal Management and
Green Economy Innovative Financing
Attractive BLISTT Healthy Environment Tourism and Recreation
Public Space Indigenous Peoples and
Built Environment Gender and Development
Culture & Tourism
Resilient BLISTT Climate Change Geotechnical and
Safety Environmental

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Protective Ecosystems
Connected BLISTT Pedestrian Accessibility Transport and Connectivity
Transportation Information and
Urban Logistics Communications
Connectivity Technology
Circular BLISTT Energy Power and Energy
Water Water Supply and Sanitation
Materials and Waste Solid Waste Management
Land Urban Structure and Land
Use/ Geographic
Information System (GIS)

The output of the 360° Scan is a radar which represents two areas. The solid shaded area
represents presence and readiness of the infrastructure, while the hatched portion reflects the
efficiency of the infrastructure service. BLISTT 360° Scan Limitations

In the Derivation of the 2040 Spatial Strategy

The 360° Scan result will assist the stakeholders identify the lagging themes and perspectives
vis-à-vis sectors where priority programs and projects may be proposed to address the gap.
The result of the tool can be used as a first level evaluation to verify that the priority projects
that will undergo pre-feasibility/ business case studies will contribute to addressing the gaps.
The tool to identify the BLISTT Spatial Strategy will still be GIS, which will serve as basis for
guiding the growth area into the long-term future.
In the Formulation of Infrastructure Master Plan
It consists of cross cutting sectoral policies, programs and projects anchored on the
sustainable urban development plan. These will be defined with the participation of the
members of the community which include stakeholders, representatives of NGAs, NGOs and
interest groups during a public consultation. The 360° Scan is limited in scope in the sense
that it only provides a high-level assessment of the current condition of the BLISTT growth
area, and not for the use of formulating the master plan.

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center


The Enabling Plan illustrates the BLISTT existing profile and trends through assessment
of issues and concerns, and inputs to 360° Scan Tool. The Issues and Concerns are
summarized in each sector and inputted through the 360° Scan balanced city perspective.
The input of the 360° Scan is a radar which represent two (2) areas: Infrastructure Readiness
is the measure of the presence of the physical infrastructure of the BLISTT, while the Services
Efficiency is the quality of the services delivery that pertains to the Operations and
Management (O&M) and Assets Management (AM) within the BLISTT.
The output of the 360° Scan Tool from the two (2) radars present interesting predefined
perspectives that reflect the status of its responsiveness to the challenges and threats of

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Figure 3-1: 360° Scan Result of a Balanced City

Source: BLISTT Consultant Team, 2019

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

3.1 Summary of Issues and Concerns

In the Table below, the shaded box is reckoned against each other.
Table 3-1: Summary of BLISTT Issues and Concerns


Urban Structure &

Communication &

Management and

Power & Energy

Water Supply &

Local Economy

Geotechnical &

Land Use/ GIS

Population &



Transport &

Solid Waste

Housing &

Tourism &





Population & Structure
Further increase in population will exceed the urban carrying
capacity of Baguio City
Population growth is correlated with increase provision of basic
social services and utilities
Double daytime population puts pressure on the provision of
support infrastructure
Increase in demand for services is translated to potential
provision of infrastructure and services that are not within the
standard requirements
Inadequate health personnel to fully cater the health service
requirements of the local population
Inadequate manpower for the management of local nutrition
Inadequate Barangay Health Worker since the requirement of
one (1) BHW for every household has to be satisfied
Not enough number of security personnel
Security personnel such as police are not adequate since LISTT
posted police-population ratio ranging from 1:796 to 1:1,136
compared with the standard requirement of 1:500 population

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

While the police to resident population ratio in the BLISTT are

within standard, the area’s population balloons during school
season. Thus, this delays response time
Continuous increase in the population of BLISTT posting an
annual growth of 2.16% per year from 2010 to 2015. This implies
increasing requirement in terms of basic social infrastructure
and personnel.
Notable concentration of social infrastructure (facilities for
health, tertiary education, finance, among others) in Baguio City
(as cited in the BLISTT Action Agenda).
Housing & Settlements
Validation through GIS mapping of the geological hazard zones,
buildable site suitability, sites of more than 18-degrees
topography for public and the Indigenous community awareness
Formulation of Implementing Rules and Regulations of the
Presidential Decree No. 1998, series of 1985 and its eventual
Full-force implementation on building and occupancy permits
Deliberate plans/projects for roads/ transport construction for
the accessible and easier as well as lessened travel price of
construction materials
Support and regulate the small private housing landlords for
affordable and livable living spaces
Encourage socialized housing in a rent-to-own options
Promote affordable university community lodging for the
Establish a strong link between recognized IP leaders and
elders with the NCIP for the land management of the ancestral
Communication & Public Participation
Lack of a comprehensive information and
communication/advocacy plan for the BLISTT
Need for an updated communication strategy

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Local Economy
Relatively high unemployment rate in the Municipalities of
Sablan, (42.40%), Tuba (42.40%) and Tublay (21.09%)
High poverty incidence for the Municipality of Tublay (11.70%)
compared with other municipalities such as La Trinidad (1.70%),
Sablan (9.2%), Tuba (4.6%) and Itogon (4.80%) in 2012
Dominance of the tertiary sector specifically wholesale and retail
trade result to uneven development in BLISTT
Expansion of agriculture in forestlands
Institutional Arrangement
Continuing search for appropriate governance mechanism
Strengthening the existing governance mechanism with the
governing council as the highest policy making body
Formalize and institutionalize BLISTT through the BLISTTDA
The formal administrative and political relationships between
BLISTTDA and the other institutions in the region should be
clearly defined
Financing mechanisms – should be studied when the
BLISTTDA is established by law
Respecting the rights of the indigenous community in the
Cordilleras and in the BLISTT LGUs should be observed
The free prior and informed consent (FPIC) principle as
provided for the Indigenous People’s Rights Act (IPRA) should
be religiously observed
A capacity building program should be designed for the
personnel of BLISTT (aligned with the in accordance to the
capacity development (CAPDEV) agenda of LGUs as required
by the DILG)
Fiscal Management and Innovative Financing
Varying degrees of creditworthiness
High IRA Dependency
Low efficiency of public spending

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Borrowing capacity not maximized

Revenue generation efficiency
Tourism & Recreation
Inadequate access and connectivity between the composite
LGUs’ recreational site and tourist attraction. The most critical
road infrastructure being the completion of the outer
circumferential road
Lack of tourism facilities as a result of ad hoc and spotty
Weak institutional linkages and coordination with national
government agencies, the provincial government and among
the six LGUs.
Limited technical skills in tourism, hospitality, technology, arts
and crafts, and entrepreneurship
Absence of a strong tourism brand for consistency as one
integrated tourist destination.
Urbanization may result to acculturation. It would be difficult to
preserve the IPs culture and traditions especially among the
young generation of IPs who easily adopt modern lifestyles.
This is already evident in the scarcity of use of native dialects in
The Benguet pine (pinus insularis) trees and other flora such as
wild sunflowers and raspberry (duting/ pinit) within the BLISTT
may become extinct due to massive and unending construction
of infrastructures.
Desecration of sacred sites (such as burial caves) and
destruction or disappearance of traditional sites by insensitive
Inadequate consultation of IPs on matters that affect their future
as an IP in relation to development efforts spearheaded by
government and non-government organizations.

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Less participation and decision-making among women sector

(including senior citizens, youth & children) in the design and
safety of facilities and public places that may be provided under
BLISTT which may limit their access or utilization.
Geotechnical and Environmental
Constraints due to mountainous and rugged physical
Majority of land areas are restricted for development;
prevalence of illegal encroachment due to additional residential
and agricultural land requirements.
Exposure to natural hazards and climate-change stressors.
Transport & Connectivity
Almost all major intersections in Baguio City have reached their
maximum carrying capacity at Level of Service E or F (Source:
Urban Carrying Capacity of Baguio City, 2018)
RRW (Road Right of Way) issues are prevalent when increasing
the capacity at key entry point major intersections from LISTT
area to Baguio City
Flyovers are not possible in and around the CBD (Central
Business District) of Baguio City
Some road widening projects decreased the capacity of
Major highways leading to Baguio City such as Kennon Road,
Marcos Highway, and Itogon are prone to landslide occurrence
Bus terminals are located within the Central Business District
There are no PUJ terminals in Baguio City since majority of the
PUJ lines use public roads in and around the CBD as staging
areas. Thus, passengers queue along sidewalks.
There are more PUJs having short trip distances as compared
to long distance travel.

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

There is no control of the increase of PUJ franchises especially

for short distance trips.
Some operators and drivers are negligent on the maintenance
and replacement of the safety features of the PUJs such as
hand brakes, foot breaks busted headlights and tail lights, worn
out tires, etc.
Some operators and drivers are also neglecting regular
maintenance of PUJs which results to deterioration of engine
power and performance, more fuel wasted, more expenses of
future repairs, and high carbon monoxide emissions.
PUJs coming from the LISST area utilizes the Central Business
District of Baguio City as a staging area and terminal which
results to further congestion
Some PUJ associations are not consolidated to minimize
conflicts in servicing passengers on designated routes.
Average waiting time of passengers for PUJs for the four trunk
lines is 28 minutes
Passengers queue along sidewalks and worse along the road
during afternoon and evening peak hours, which may result to
passenger accidents.
No covered sheds for waiting passengers
Huge establishments like malls disregard pedestrian access,
which creates traffic congestion and pedestrian accidents on
adjacent streets.
Sidewalks and pedestrian overpasses have reached their
maximum carrying capacity

Loakan airport is not utilized as a domestic airport because of

the following reasons:
• Insufficient length of runway
• Limited waiting area for arriving and departing

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

• Plane crash occurrence because of weather conditions

such as fogs and continuous rains due to zero visibility.
Kennon Road is closed for rehabilitation due to landslide
occurrence in 2018 and tunnel projects were discontinued as a
bypass road in the past years because of inter government
agency coordination and technology issues in construction
Most huge establishments like malls, condominiums,
universities, etc. have no Traffic Impact Assessment Studies as
part of ECC (Environmental Compliance Certificate).
With the effects of TIA studies neglected or not coordinated,
these huge establishments are contributing much to the traffic
congestion on the following factors such as parking, traffic
circulation, etc.
Difficulties in Cell Site Construction in Some Parts of BLISTT
Poor Mobile Signal/ Limited Internet Availability of Service in
Most Areas of BLISTT
High Infrastructure Cost
Limited/ No Internet in Public Places in Some Areas of BLISTT
Provision of Adequate and Affordable Broadband Access
Capacity in BLISTT
Power & Energy
Balance national power supply security vs. local power supply
security concerns:
• Insufficient power supply in the national grid also
impacts the local power supply in the BLISTT growth
• Maximize use of local energy resources to contribute to
the national power supply
• Will minimize impact of insufficient national supply to
local supply of BLISTT growth area

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

• Optimize land use by generating power from Wind and

Solar PV in mountainous areas not suitable for human
settlements, commercial, agricultural and industrial
activities or barren flat lands with no irrigation
• Improve the capacity factor of intermittent RE
technologies like conventional wind and solar PV thru
energy storage technologies (compressed air energy
storage or CAES for new wind turbine generator and
large-scale battery for solar PV)
• Encourage private developers to set up distributed
renewable energy systems in isolated, remote and off-
grid communities for inclusive growth in these poor

Address climate change and global warming issues –

renewable energy vs. fossil energy (oil, coal, natural gas) and
enhance security of energy and power supply:
• Additional power supply from growth area needs to be
clean, green, smart, sustainable and renewable
• Use RE technologies such biomass, wastes, hydro,
wind and solar incorporating energy storage whenever
technically and economically viable

Improve the growth area’s environmental and public health

when solutions are generally expensive:
• Need to improve the growth area environment and
promote public health and safety thru cost-effective
municipal solid waste and liquid waste to power
technologies to provide by-product LCOEs (tipping
fees, power and energy sales) to reduce LGU fees for
solid and liquid waste disposal of residential,
commercial and industrial wastes

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

• Use domestic solid and liquid wastes, hospital,

commercial, kitchen and public market and abattoir
wastes to bio-digester to generate biogas for power,
cooking and heating applications
Water Supply & Sanitation
The BLISTT areas have limited groundwater potential. Surface
runoff is high because of the location and topography of BLISTT.
The level of service delivery in BLISTT is assessed to be very
low as water shortages are prevalent in many areas and people
resort to more costly water delivery service.
The actual production levels of BWD and LTWD are 36.13 MLD
and 10.10 MLD, respectively. The 50-MLD rated capacity of the
BWD sources however has yet to be fully utilized while that of
LTWD is already running at peak. Both BWD and LTWD should
be able to develop additional water sources as soon as possible.
The BLISTT area registered only 81% of households with
access to safe and potable water. This is way below the national
target of 95% by year 2022.
The BLISTT areas have 61% connected to Level 3 systems,
13% getting water from Level 2 systems, and 26% from Level 1
sources. Itogon and Tublay have low level 3 coverage.
The groundwater map of the BLISTT areas, taken from the
Regional Water and Sanitation Master Plan of CAR (Cordillera
Administrative Region) prepared in 2018, shows the area to be
classified as less productive and with limited groundwater
Of the total water permits issued by NWRB, only 10% of the
volume is allocated for municipal/domestic water supply. It can
be seen that the private owns most of the big Water Rights
mining and hydropower corporations. The water sources may
not be at all scarce but re-allocation into domestic use should
be prioritized especially the dormant water rights. Domestic use
can be derived from the water discharge from hydropower

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

plants. The distances and elevations relative to the service

areas are also major concerns.
Unregulated drilling of wells especially those by big
establishments such as hotels is causing the water level of the
aquifers to get deeper and deeper. Unregulated numbers of
wells affect the yield of the existing ones. Excessive
groundwater abstraction may also eventually affect the stability
of the soils and structures above them.
Bulk water supply offers are as high as PHP 100/m3 and are not
affordable when passed on to consumers. Existing water rates
are only at PHP 37/m3 level.
Households with basic sanitary toilet facilities range from 66-
99% across the BLISTT areas with 75% as overall average.
Tuba has the highest percentage with unsanitary toilets at 20%
while Baguio City and La Trinidad have practically nil. Tuba also
posted the highest percentage with no toilets at 12% while
Baguio City and La Trinidad again have practically nil.
The households with access to improved sanitation are about
79% of the BLISTT population and a considerable 16% of the
population mostly in Baguio City are unaccounted households.
The national target is 97% by year 2022 and 100% by year 2030
Municipal sanitation program / septage management program
needs to be implemented to reduce pollution. One peculiar
feature of the communities is the absence of roadways or very
narrow roadways in the cliff communities. Vacuum trucks cannot
reach the areas and innovative ways are needed to collect the
Solid Waste Management
Enforce the segregation of wastes
Establish the functional MRFS in barangays or cluster of
Practice of recycling and composting by the LGUs
Garbage collection in barangays

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Closure of open/controlled dumpsite and construction of

sanitary landfill
Urban Structure & Land Use/ GIS
Gap in the metropolisation of BLISTT growth area as a spatial
urban form structure and governance for shared benefits of
Baguio City has exceeded its capacity threshold
High traffic and vehicular volume in Baguio City and in
managing road accessibility to and from the LISTT
Reliability in transport of goods, services, interconnectivity,
growth and development
Planning for the unique upland/ mountainous settings of BLISTT
such as fog and related precipitation, topography and physical
profile of BLISTT, climate change and natural disasters
(earthquake induced landslides, sinkholes, and other geological
hazards not suitable for development) of structures and
Planning for the cultural heritage and tourism where most areas
are considered ancestral domains, housing indigenous people,
culture, architecture and tradition
Planning for suitable locations of utility systems in BLISTT such
solid waste, water and sanitation, ICT, energy and power
supply, tourism and recreation, social Infrastructure, and the like
Planning for land use density maps and zoning controls for an
inclusive and sustainable BLISTT agglomeration
Planning for an integrated land information system for efficient
land administration and management for BLISTT

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

In the exhibit above, the shaded box is reckoned against each other. In summary, the Results
in ISSUES AND CONCERNS clearly south the following:
1. That the population and structure, institutional arrangements, communications and
public participation, IPs and GAD, and urban structure and land use are the only
sectors in the Issues and Concerns that crisscross the theme perspectives in all
the other 360 scan tool of a balanced city. They are the radar of
INFRASTRUCTURE PLAN STUDIES (from the 360° Assessment Tool) that
determine the policies and regulations, leverage/ measure of services and efficiency
in the SUID sector plans in Chapter 6.
2. That the Action Plan per sector in the BLISTT SUID Plan determines the radar of
a. Transport and Connectivity Plan;
b. Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Plan;
c. Power and Energy Plan;
d. Water Supply and Sanitation;
e. Solid Waste Management;
f. Social Infrastructure Plan;
g. Housing and Settlements; and
h. Tourism and Recreation Plan.
These are discussed thoroughly per theme per sector of the 360° Balanced City tool
assessments in Chapter 6.
The implications and outcomes of the issues/ concerns gathered are as follows:
1. In the themed INCLUSIVE BLISTT, all the issues/concerns in the Population and
Structure sector crisscrossed other sectors. It revealed that population growth is
correlated with increase provision of basic social services and utilities; hence, the
increase in demand for social and utilities services translates to potential provision of
infrastructure and services that are not within the standard requirements. It is observed
that daytime population puts pressure and is doubled on the provision of support
infrastructure, particularly in Baguio City, whereby, the urban carrying capacity has
exceeded. In the Social sector, alone, the continuing increase of population in BLISTT
posted an annual growth of 2.16% per year from 2010 to 2015, which implied notable
concentration of social infrastructure facilities for health, tertiary education, finance,
among others) in Baguio City (as cited in the BLISTT Action Agenda).
Except for sectors in social; local economy; institutional arrangements; and fiscal
management and innovative financing; common policies and regulations need to be
addressed in the Housing and Settlements sector. Public policies in Implementing
Rules and Regulations (IRR) of the Presidential Decree (PD) No. 1998, series of 1985
and its eventual enforcement; implementation on building and occupancy permits
which mainly include suitable sites of more than 18-degrees topography for public and
the Indigenous (IPs) community awareness; and a strong link between recognized IP
leaders and elders with the NCIP for the land management of the ancestral lands; good
farm to market roads; are most essential. Public and private partnerships (PPP)
policies and regulations in livable living spaces; socialized housing in a rent-to-own
options; and affordable university community lodging for the students; are to be
addressed. Finally, the Communications and Public Participation sector need to
develop a comprehensive information and communication/advocacy (IEC) plan for the
BLISTT with an updated communication strategy.

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

2. In the themed PRODUCTIVE BLISTT, the Local Economy sector has a relatively high
unemployment rate in the Municipalities of Sablan, (42.40%), Tuba (42.40%) and
Tublay (21.09%). There is also a high poverty incidence for the Municipality of Tublay
(11.70%) compared wih other municipalities such as La Trinidad (1.70%), Sablan
(9.2%), Tuba (4.6%) and Itogon (4.80%) in 2012. It also revealed a high expansion of
agriculture in forestlands. With the exception in tourism and recreation, is observed
dominance of the tertiary sector specifically wholesale and retail trade. Crucial in the
Institutional Arrangements sector is the search for an appropriate governance
mechanism whether to strengthen the existing governance mechanism with the
governing council as the highest policy-making body and/ or institutionalize BLISTT
through the BLISTTDA. The free prior and informed consent (FPIC) principle as
provided for the Indigenous People’s Rights Act (IPRA) should be religiously observed.
In the Fiscal Management and Innovative Financing sector, some issues/concerns are
those of varying degrees of creditworthiness; high internal revenue allotment (IRA)
dependency; low efficiency of public spending; borrowing capacity not maximized; and
revenue generation efficiency.

3. In the themed ATTTACTIVE BLISTT, the Tourism and Recreation sector is another
sector that crisscrossed all the others. Policies and regulations are observed in weak
institutional linkages and coordination with national government agencies, the
provincial government and among the six LGUs; limited technical skills in tourism,
hospitality, technology, arts and crafts, and entrepreneurship; absence of a strong
tourism brand for consistency as one integrated tourist destination; lack of tourism
facilities as a result of ad hoc and spotty planning; and inadequate access and
connectivity between the composite LGUs’ recreational site and tourist attraction,
where most critical road infrastructure being the completion of the outer circumferential
As a result of acculturation due to urbanization, Indigenous People (IPs) and Gender
and Development (GAD) sector experience difficulty in preserving their culture and
traditions; such as the Benguet pine (pinus insularis) trees and other flora, extinct wild
sunflowers and raspberry (duting/ pinit) within the BLISTT due to massive and
unending construction of infrastructures. Consultation of IPs on matters that affect their
future as an IP in relation to development efforts spearheaded by government and non-
government organizations and desecration sacred sites (such as burial caves) and
destruction or disappearance of traditional sites need to be clearly established.
4. In the themed RESILIENT BLISTT, the Geo-technical and Environment revealed that
mountainous and rugged physical environment are major constraints except for the
sectors in CPP, local economy, institutional arrangement and IP/GAD. With climate
change, BLISTT experienced exposure to natural hazards and climate-change
stressors. Illegal encroachment due to additional residential and agricultural land
requirements was also predominantly observed.
In the themed CONNECTED BLISTT, heavy issues/concerns have surfaced in
Transport and Connectivity in roads and traffic circulation system; and the local Loakan
airport except for the sectors in social, housing and settlements, CPP, local economy
and institutional arrangements. Among the road issues/ concerns centered in Baguio
City (CBD) were those: RRW (Road Right of Way) issues are prevalent when
increasing the capacity at key entry point major intersections from LISTT area to
Baguio City such as Kennon Road, Marcos Highway, and Itogon are prone to landslide

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

occurrence; no bus terminals in LISTT and only located in Baguio; no PUJ terminals
in Baguio with unregulated PUJ franchises especially for short distance trips, regular
maintenance resulting to the deterioration of engine power and performance, more fuel
wasted, more expenses of future repairs, and high carbon monoxide emissions; huge
establishments like malls disregard pedestrian access, which creates traffic congestion
and pedestrian accidents on adjacent streets. On the other hand, Loakan airport is not
utilized as a domestic airport due to insufficient length of runway; limited waiting area
for arriving and departing passengers; and plane crash occurrence because of weather
conditions such as fogs and continuous rains due to zero visibility. Not applicable were
the sectors in social, CPP, local economy, institutional arrangements, fiscal and
innovative financing.
The Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector had issues/concerns in
poor mobile signal/ limited internet availability of service in most areas of BLISTT due
to cell site construction in some parts of BLISTT area including high infrastructure cost
in the provision of adequate and affordable broadband access capacity. Similar to
transport and connectivity, not applicable were the sectors in social, CPP, local
economy, institutional arrangements, fiscal and innovative financing.
5. In the themed CIRCULAR BLISTT, the Power and Energy sector need to address the
balance between the national power supply security vs. local power supply security
concerns; address climate change and global warming issues – renewable energy vs.
fossil energy (oil, coal, natural gas) and enhance security of energy and power supply;
and improve the growth area’s environmental and public health when solutions are
generally expensive. Not applicable were the sectors in social, housing and
settlements, CPP, local economy and institutional arrangements.
In Water Supply and Sanitation sector and due to location and topography, surface
runoff was high in which BLISTT areas have limited groundwater potential. The BLISTT
area registered only 81% of households with access to safe and potable water. This is
way below the national target of 95% by year 2022. The BLISTT areas have 61%
connected to Level 3 systems, 13% getting water from Level 2 systems, and 26% from
Level 1 sources. Itogon and Tublay have low level 3 coverage. The groundwater map
of the BLISTT areas, taken from the Regional Water and Sanitation Master Plan of
CAR (Cordillera Administrative Region) prepared in 2018, shows the area to be
classified as less productive and with limited groundwater potential. Households with
basic sanitary toilet facilities range from 66-99% across the BLISTT areas with 75% as
overall average. Tuba has the highest percentage with unsanitary toilets at 20% while
Baguio City and La Trinidad have practically nil. Tuba also posted the highest
percentage with no toilets at 12% while Baguio City and La Trinidad again have
practically nil. The households with access to improved sanitation are about 79% of
the BLISTT population and a considerable 16% of the population mostly in Baguio City
are unaccounted households. The national target is 97% by year 2022 and 100% by
year 2030.
Of the total water permits issued by NWRB, only 10% of the volume is allocated for
municipal/domestic water supply. It can be seen that the private owns most of the big
Water Rights mining and hydropower corporations. The water sources may not be at
all scarce but re-allocation into domestic use should be prioritized especially the
dormant water rights. Domestic use can be derived from the water discharge from
hydropower plants. The distances and elevations relative to the service areas are also

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

major concerns. The actual production levels of BWD and LTWD are 36.13 MLD and
10.10 MLD, respectively. The 50-MLD rated capacity of the BWD sources however
has yet to be fully utilized while that of LTWD is already running at peak. Both BWD
and LTWD should be able to develop additional water sources as soon as possible.
Bulk water supply offers are as high as PH₱ 100/m3 and are not affordable when
passed on to consumers. Existing water rates are only at PH₱ 37/m3 level.
Municipal sanitation program/ septage management program needs to be
implemented to reduce pollution. One peculiar feature of the communities is the
absence of roadways or very narrow roadways in the cliff communities. Vacuum trucks
cannot reach the areas and innovative ways are needed to collect the septage. Similar
to Power and Energy, not applicable were the sectors in social, housing and
settlements, CPP, local economy and institutional arrangements.
In Solid Waste Management sector, policies and regulation are in the segregation of
wastes; recycling and composting by the LGUs; Garbage collection in barangays while
developments are establishing the functional MRFs in barangays or cluster of
barangays and closure of open/controlled dumpsite and construction of sanitary landfill.
Similar to Power and Energy and Water Supply and Sanitation, not applicable were
the sectors in social, housing and settlements, CPP, local economy and institutional
In Urban Structure And Land Use/GIS sector, major issues/ concerns are those in the
metropolisation of BLISTT growth area as a spatial urban form structure and
governance; shared benefits of agglomeration; high traffic and vehicular volume in
Baguio City and in managing road accessibility to and from the LISTT; reliability in
transport of goods, services, interconnectivity, growth and development; and lastly,
planning for the unique upland/ mountainous settings of BLISTT, cultural heritage and
tourism, suitable locations of utility systems in BLISTT, density maps and zoning
controls and land information system. Similar to Power and Energy; Water Supply and
Sanitation; and Solid Waste Management, not applicable were the sectors in social,
housing and settlements, CPP, local economy and institutional arrangements.

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

3.2 Summary of BLISTT 360° Scan Tool

Table 3-2: Summary of BLISTT 360° Scan Tool in Infrastructure Readiness


Urban Structure &

Communication &

Management and

Power & Energy

Water Supply &

Local Economy

Geotechnical &

Land Use/ GIS

Population &



Transport &

Solid Waste

Housing &

Tourism &





Population & Structure
The continuous increase in population can be equated to
address the insufficient physical and social infrastructure
Social services facilities are generally adequate and available.
Rehabilitation of social infrastructure facilities (education, sports
and recreation) are undertaken to ensure timely delivery of
Housing & Settlements
The identification of housing and settlement site suitability due
to multi-hazard buildable lands is lacking.
Subdivisions lack planning designs
Communication & Public Participation
There is a need to develop a comprehensive information and
communication/ advocacy plan to encourage buy in from
NEDA CAR website is used to circulate official communication
from the BLISTT council.
There is a lack of communication materials that promote the
whole BLISTT growth area.
The BLISTT Action Agenda mentioned the preparation of an
information and advocacy plan, but its implementation was not

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

As stated in the Action Agenda, consultations, seminars,

lectures and forums are prioritized and supported by other
modes of communication, such as social media, advertising, the
regular Kapihan, and radio and TV programs.
There is a need to develop a comprehensive information and
communication/ advocacy plan to encourage buy in from
Local Economy
Generally, BLISTT possess the physical and economic
infrastructure that will facilitate exchange of goods and services
between and among the municipalities
Institutional Arrangement
Capacity-wise, and tradition-wise, the seat of BLISTT is in
Baguio and institutionally linked with the CAR and RDC with
technical support from NEDA
There is no physical building or office to house the BLISTTDA
once it is constituted
Tourism & Recreation
Basic infrastructure, facilities and services are not in the same
degree of development. ICT is scarce, and power and water are
not reliable.
Most open spaces for housing projects are available in rural
areas that are in hazardous locations.
The IPs (including women) within the BLISTT area willing to
welcome development projects that may enhance their social
and economic activities, such as farm-to-market roads, irrigation
facilities, potable water supply and other infrastructure projects
which they believe would result to their upliftment. However,
public consultation cannot be dispensed with especially when
development would affect their land and everyday life.

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Geotechnical and Environmental
Due to the major earthquake in 1990, BLISTT municipalities
became aware of the devastating impacts of non-earthquake
resilient infrastructures.
Based on the available sub-surface exploration data, competent
soil strata are present which are capable of infrastructure
development. It is highly recommended to provide stricter
implementation of earthquake codes in design and construction
including sub-surface exploration and to mainstream a more
detailed DRRM in BLISTT development plans.
Transport & Connectivity
Walkways are not in satisfactory condition
The engines of PUJs and taxis must be modernized and
No centralized parking terminal
Lacking street lights along major roads
Lacking reflectorized materials for traffic control devices
Road signages and Markings are not of international standard
Some major highways are lacking extra lanes to conform to the
standard number of lanes.
The width of sidewalks and pedestrian overpasses cannot
accommodate volume of pedestrians during peak hours and
peak months.
PUJs are outdated in design, engine design, safety features,
No PUJ terminals
Some flyovers need to be re-designed
Based on local standard of 2.4 km per 1000 population, the
existing population has exceeded the carrying capacity of
existing road.

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Road deficit is estimated at 479 km @ 2015 population and

1,392 km @ daytime 2015 population.
Population threshold of existing urban road length = 145,416
which is only 42% of 2015 population
Parking spaces in the city has a high utilization rate and are
expected to be exceeded during festivities, summer season and
In terms of telecommunication/ICT infrastructures, majority of
the developments are located in the lone city of BLISTT,
Baguio City, due to its densely populated area. Municipality of
La Trinidad comes in second in the roll-up of
telecommunication/ ICT infrastructures.
With vast portions of BLISTT located in mountainous terrain, it
is quite difficult and challenging to put up cell site tower
infrastructures needed to help in the economic
development/growth of BLISTT as a whole.
Power & Energy
There is great potential to develop renewable energies such as
hydro power plants and solar energy:
• At Sablan, there are 3 privately owned hydro power
plants and there is initiative to expand it. There is also a
potential of solar energy on the top of the growing
• At Tublay, there is willingness to develop renewable
energies such as hydro and maybe solar but too
expensive for the municipality.
Loading Analysis – One substation (Irisan SS) is overloaded at
102.54% of its 10 MVA rated capacity, out of the eight (8) total
Most open spaces for housing projects are available in rural
areas that are in hazardous locations.

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Water Supply & Sanitation

Levels 3 and 2 are established community piped water
systems and their infrastructure is assumed adequate. The
PSA records show 61% and 13% of the households in BLISTT
have access to Levels 3 and 2 facilities, respectively, for a total
of 74%.
In terms of infrastructure readiness, water supply facilities in
BLISTT as a whole are only about halfway in meeting the
projected future requirements.
Water Rights issued by NRWB where there have been 757
MLD classified for municipal and domestic use, water
resources in the BLISTT area looks more than adequate.
Based on the latest available CHO/MHO records, about 75%
of the households in BLISTT have improved basic sanitation
such as water-sealed toilets with septic tanks and other types
of sanitary toilet facilities. Only 4% of the households in
BLISTT are connected to a centralized sewerage system. This
figure does not include commercial establishments and those
served by the septage treatment facility in Baguio City. Even if
commercial establishments and possible beneficiaries of the
septage management program are included, this level of
sanitation infrastructure for the whole of BLISTT will still likely
falls below the 10% level.
Aside from Baguio City’s sewerage system, septage treatment
facility has also very limited in capacity.
Locating a proposed central septage treatment facility could be
a problem because of the “not in my backyard” mentality.
Septage collection/hauling is a challenge in mountainous
communities where roads are very steep and narrow.
Solid Waste Management
Each barangays or cluster of barangays are required to have
their own MRFs according to RA 9003. However, few barangays
in BLISTT have their MRFs

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Waste collected in Baguio City is transferred to Brgy. Irisan, a

closed dumpsite in 2008 before disposal to SLF in Capas,
Tarlac. Among the LGUs in Benguet Province, SWM of La
Trinidad Municipality controlled dumpsite in Alno Induyan was
already filled-up without having reached 10 years lifespan. An
area in Tuba was proposed to be the BLISTT ISWMF.
Urban Structure & Land Use/ GIS
This sector does not measure the readiness of the
Provide the policies and regulations including the vision and
mission to guide the direction of the city ideally, to have a strong
connection in BLISTT sustainable infrastructure projects.

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

In the exhibit above, the shaded box is again reckoned against each other. As explained, the
study process and methodology used the 360° Scan Assessment Tool has emphasized two
(2) radars: Infrastructure Readiness and Infrastructure Services and Efficiency.
1. In summary, the critical infrastructure plans and projects, so called
INFRASTRUCTURE READINESS in themed radar of 360 Scan Assessment Tool are
as follows:
o PRODUCTIVE BLISTT – Local Economy, Institutional Arrangement, Fiscal
Management and Innovative Financing;
o RESILIENT BLISTT – Geo-technical and Environment;
o ATTTACTIVE BLISTT – Tourism and Recreation, Ips and Gender and
Development; and
o CIRCULAR BLISTT – Urban Structure and Land Use/ GIS.
However, the sectors that crisscross ALL BLISTT Themed perspectives of a Balanced
City and serve as the determinants, leverage/ measure of INFRASTRUCTURE
SERVICES AND EFFICIENCY are those in Population and Structure, Local Economy
and Urban Structure and Land Use, which is the basis of any spatial development, the
shaded boxes as shown.
2. Results may be VARIED in terms of INFRASTRUCTURE READINESS as reconciled
in sectors of INCLUSIVE BLISTT (population, social, housing and settlements, and
communications and public participation); and the PRODUCTIVE BLISTT (local
economy, institutional arrangements, fiscal management and innovative financing).
These sectors highly depend in the BLISTT SUID Framework that is developed in the
preceding chapter in Strategy Building Plan.
Of the total projects analyzed by the Consultant Study team, a total of 38 projects were
developed for policies and regulation under Infrastructure readiness radar of the 360° Scan
Assessment Tool for the SUID studies. In Infrastructure readiness, projects in SUID Studies
identified the following:
Table 3-3: PPPPAs under Infrastructure Readiness

Number Issues/ Concerns Policy, Plans, Programs, Location

of Projects, And Activities
Projects (PPPPAs) Name/ Title
1 Local Economy
High unemployment rate in the Database Management BLISTT
Municipalities of Sablan, (42.40%), System Development
Tuba (42.40%) and Tublay (21.09%). Program
There is also a high poverty incidence
for the Municipality of Tublay (11.70%)
compared with other municipalities
such as La Trinidad (1.70%), Sablan
(9.2%), Tuba (4.6%) and Itogon
(4.80%) in 2012
2 Institutional
In search for an appropriate Harmonization and BLISTT
governance mechanism Resolving Conflicting

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

National Laws and Local

Ordinances; and
BLISTT Administrative
Council or Organization
and Office
The free prior and informed consent BLISTT Identity BLISTT
(FPIC) principle as provided for the Development
Indigenous People’s Rights Act (IPRA)
should be religiously observed
2 Fiscal Management and Innovative Financing
Varying degrees of creditworthiness; Institutional Arrangements BLISTT
high internal revenue allotment (IRA) related to Finance and
dependency; low efficiency of public Management
spending; borrowing capacity not
maximized; and revenue generation
Inadequate financing and mortgage in La Trinidad Community La
La Trinidad Mortgage Program Trinidad
19 Environment and Geotechnical
Need for disaster response and Protocol Development in BLISTT
protocol mechanisms Disaster Response
Including Equipment
Identify the Availability of BLISTT
Geo-Hazard Maps to the
Grassroots Level
Implementation of Soil BLISTT
Stabilization and Various
Ground Improvement
Rehabilitation of Mined- BLISTT
Out Areas in the BLISTT
Fencing of Existing BLISTT
Construction of Flood BLISTT
Control System
Implementation of BLISTT BLISTT
Integrated Solid Waste
Management System
Implementation of Buffer BLISTT
Zones along Active Faults
identified by PHIVOLCS

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Strict Implementation of BLISTT

the Structural Building
Code of the Philippines
Installation/ Improvement BLISTT
of Drainage System at
Limestone and Dolomite
Car-Less Day Policy BLISTT
Continue and Support Air BLISTT
Quality Assessment
Program of DENR
Technology Transfer on BLISTT
Waste Management
Implementation and BLISTT
Development of Green
Buffer Zone
Re-Establishment/ BLISTT
Enforcement of Minahang
Bayan Cooperative Mining
Creation or Crafting of a BLISTT
Mining Management Plan
Acquire Land of Tuba for Tuba
Solid Waste Management
Sanitary Land Fill RROW BLISTT
Creation/ Establishment of BLISTT
Sitio or Cluster Social
Development Plan (SDP)
8 Tourism and Recreation
Weak institutional linkages and Preparation of Tourism Baguio
coordination with national government Development Plan for City
agencies, the provincial government Baguio City (2016-2023
and among the six LGUs; limited Framework)
technical skills in tourism, hospitality,
technology, arts and crafts, and Preparation of Tourism La
entrepreneurship; absence of a strong Development Plan for La Trinidad
tourism brand for consistency as one Trinidad (2014-2019)
integrated tourist destination; lack of Preparation of Tourism Tublay
tourism facilities as a result of ad hoc Development Plan for
and spotty planning; and inadequate Tublay

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

access and connectivity between the Preparation of Tourism Itogon

composite LGUs’ recreational site and Development Plan for
tourist attraction, where most critical Itogon (2019-2023)
road infrastructure being the
completion of the outer circumferential Preparation of Tourism Tublay
road. Development Plan for
Tublay (2015-2025)
Preparatory Activities for BLISTT
Crafting the BLISTT
Tourism Master Plan
BLISTT Revitalize Bloom BLISTT
(REV-BLOOM) Projects
Conduct of Capability BLISTT
Building for LGUs and
Tourism Industry
1 Indigenous People (IPs) and Gender and Development (GAD)
Relocation and BLISTT
Resettlement of Affected
Communities Program
5 Urban Structure and Land Use/ GIS
Need for an urban form structure and Crafting of a new BLISTT BLISTT
governance for shared benefits of Comprehensive Land Use
agglomeration; Plan (CLUP)

High traffic and vehicular volume in Crafting of a new BLISTT BLISTT

Baguio City and in managing road Zoning Ordinance
accessibility to and from the LISTT;

Reliability in transport of goods, Crafting of Planned Unit BLISTT

services, interconnectivity, growth and Development (PUD) and
development; Special Designated Zones
(SDZ) of BLISTT Land
Planning for the unique upland/ Uses
mountainous settings of BLISTT,
cultural heritage and tourism, suitable Validation of BLISTT Land BLISTT
locations of utility systems in BLISTT,
density maps and zoning controls and
land information system Monitoring, Evaluation and BLISTT
Management of Digitized
Maps/ Plans of BLISTT
Land Uses

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Table 3-4: Summary of BLISTT 360° Scan Tool in Service Efficiency


Urban Structure &

Communication &

Management and

Power & Energy

Water Supply &

Local Economy

Geotechnical &

Land Use/ GIS

Population &



Transport &

Solid Waste

Housing &

Tourism &





Population & Structure
The existing physical infrastructure requires upgrading to
address the increased demand for services and accumulation
of solid waste.
Manpower complement needs to be upgraded specifically for
health and security services.
Housing & Settlements
Existing housing and human settlements built on hazard zones
requires validation for site suitability
In the municipality of Itogon, existing settlements are built near
mines that are hazardous location. These settlements are
recommended for relocation, but sites are also difficult to
Deliberate discussions among planning experts with the
participation of all stakeholders of future housing and human
settlement projects
Renovations in case of possibility on existing subdivisions within
Communication & Public Participation
Established support from the local government units (LGUs)
and NEDA through the BLISTT Governing and Development
Regular meetings of the BLISTT Development Council will track
progress of implementation and will be used to identify
measures to correct inefficiencies.

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Local Economy
The economic activities in the three (3) major sectors of the local
economy need expansion to generate additional employment
and further reduce poverty in BLISTT
Institutional Arrangement
BLISTTDA should be ready to be a separate and independent
body from the CAR and the province of Benguet. However,
delineation in terms of scope of authority, and vertical and
horizonal linkages must be addressed.
The sanggunian of the various BLISTT LGUs should pass
ordinances formalizing their participation in BLISTTDA to
include financial and other contributions to BLITTDA
The PMOs e.g., solid waste, transport, water supply and
sanitation, connectivity, in the erstwhile BLISTT will transition to
appropriate and special offices in the BLISTTDA. Appropriate
personnel and equipment from the PMOs will be also
transferred to BLISTTDA.
Plans and programs to build the office of BLISTT, or even rent
appropriate spaces while plans are being designed and
implemented should be considered
Since BLISTTDA is indeed BLISTT-wide, the construction of
satellite offices, rental of such, in all the BLISTT LGUs, must be
considered since physical presence of BLISTTDA is a must in
the entire component LGUs.
The proposed bill to establish the BLISTTDA has yet to be
The unique socio-cultural nature of the population of BLISTT
LGUS should be recognized. The role of indigenous decision-
making and policy-making bodies such as the councils of elders,
and other informal customs and traditions of governance (such
as settling of disputes) should be recognized in parallel with

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

existing formal laws and jurisprudence. These should co-exist

with civil law.
Pending exactment of the BLISTTDA law, leadership of BLISTT
has always been with the City of Baguio. This has raised
concerns that the arrangements will be “Baguio-centric” or those
interests of Baguio will dominant the discourse. Present
leadership of BLISTT (though it is the mayor of Baguio) has
always emphasized the need to change and expand paradigms
and perspectives to “BLISTT-wide mentality.” Complementarity
and complementation. No one is left behind
Leadership of informal institutions – should always be
recognized and consulted.
A central feature of inclusive BLISTT formal consultative
mechanisms such as the local sanggunian at all levels is that
they should always be context-specific and aligned with existing
informal customs and traditions of engaging the citizens
Tourism & Recreation
High citizenry engagement. Strong indigenous people’s
awareness of heritage and respect for nature.
Conflict between IPRA Law and national laws pertaining to
ownership and ancestral domain claims.
Roads traverse all barangays of the BLISTT area and cellular
communications are accessible thus, there is no problem on
accessibility. However, with the expected increase in population
due to urbanization as a result of planned change, there is a
need to plan and implement road improvements/constructions,
increase potable water supplies, improve solid waste
management and safeguard the environment.
The delivery of infrastructure services will not be difficult if
leaders and members of the affected IP communities are

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

properly consulted before, during and after the implementation

of projects.
Geotechnical and Environmental
BLISTT, as an Inclusive City, values all people and their needs
equally when it comes to natural disasters and risks.
Engaging every citizen to the different natural hazards down to
the grassroot levels is significant. Equally important, public
officials and the media — local television, radio, and
newspapers — must be fully prepared to respond effectively,
responsibly, and speedily to large-scale natural emergencies.
They need to be aware, in advance, of procedures to follow in
a crisis that threatens to paralyze the entire community they
serve, and they need to know how to communicate accurate
information to the public during a natural disaster.
Special efforts must be made to reach and plan for the care of
particularly vulnerable segments of the population- homeless
children, the elderly, individuals in health care and prisons,
people with disabilities, and those who do not speak the local
language- with information about possible disasters and what to
do in an emergency.
Transport & Connectivity
Illegal parking on the road, sidewalks, and on unloading/
loading zones
Management strategy does not discourage private car use
Wide sidewalks become vendor’s paradise
Numerous drivers disregard the inspection and maintenance of
their vehicles until the standard age limit
Inconsistencies in the smoke emission test result of PETCs
Poor Implementation of the following:
• Traffic Impact Assessment Studies

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

• Zoning Ordinances
• Building Code Implementation
• MVIS (Motor Vehicle Inspection System)
• Traffic Policy and Safety Education for Drivers
• Traffic Management, Law Enforcement
There are lots of PUJ associations with conflicting routes.
Oversupply of PUJ units for short distance travel.
Ridership rate in public transportation is high in Baguio City
indicating that residents are using their private vehicles less
The travel time of residents during non-peak and peak hours is
within the standard.
Average waiting time of residents in the 4 trunk lines that were
studied was 28 minutes, which is above standard.
Vast portion of BLISTT still lacks infrastructure in
telecommunication and development technologies, which
greatly affects the quality and efficiency of services in ICT.
Lack in cell site towers greatly affects quality in mobile signal
and the communities it can provide service.
Lack of affordable and adequate capacity in broadband access
in BLISTT, due to duopoly in telecommunication service.
Power & Energy
Electricity not reliable – lots of electricity shortage especially
during summer.
Out of the potential connections of 146,026 customers in
BLISTT, a high level of 91% has been energized, much higher
than the 88% registered by the province of Benguet.
Voltage Analysis of Feeders – there is no performance quality
(PQ) issues in terms of minimum and maximum voltage or
voltage imbalance among the feeders and circuits.
• Technical losses during the 5-year tariff review are
10.87% consisting of 6.19% technical and 4.67% non-

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

technical losses but still within the cap. Current

performance is 8.61% total losses (purchases less
Total energy consumption in 2017 is 407,655 MWH.
Renewable energy production came from large hydro (306.500
MW) and mini-hydro (7.060 MW) for a total of 313.560 MW.
Based on average load factor of 66%, the annual green energy
production is 313.560 x (24 x 365) x 66% = 1,812,878 MWH.
Peak power demand per unit area = 0.066 W/m2
Energy demand per unit area = 0.344 Wh/m2
Peak power demand per capita = 0.127 kW/person
Energy demand per capita = 667 kWh/person
Water Supply & Sanitation
Baguio City and La Trinidad will have to look further for water
outside its boundaries. The biggest potential sources come
from Tuba and Itogon, which the private bulk water proponents
have actually been eyeing.

The current institutional set-up in the water supply sub-sector

does not favor the BLISTT as a whole in implementing water
supply improvements. The WDs and the LGUs plan and
manage their respective water systems separately. It is all right
for the management part, but the individual approach in the
planning part is where the problem lies, at least in the water
source development aspect. If the current set-up continues,
the WDs and the LGUs will separately plan and develop water
sources on their own, which is not really a bad thing, but just
not in line with the envisioned common development of the
BLISTT areas.

Water systems of ISTT towns are run by the LGUs and the
barangays, which are known to be less efficient. There is need
to establish water districts.

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Baguio City’s sewerage system and sanitation program are run

by the LGU and cost recovery has been very difficult. The
proposed water district establishment in the ISTT towns will
help in the institutional set-up of any sanitation program
Solid Waste Management
RA 9003 requires barangay LGUs to enforce waste segregation
and collection of biodegradables, compostable and reusable
waste. However, many LGU households are not practicing
waste segregation and that many barangay officials are not
strictly enforcing the waste segregation rules among their
On the average, over 40% of solid waste in BLISTT are
composed of biodegradable waste. Composting of these
organic waste remains of great interest for the reduction of
waste thrown in the landfill. Individual buyers go around either
buying or asking for recyclables from HH or establishments
Not all barangays in the BLISTT LGUs are being served by its
waste collection service. However, Baguio City waste collection
covers almost all barangays (127 out of 128) on a weekly basis.
Urban Structure & Land Use/ GIS
Land Use in BLISTT agglomeration is assessed with initial land
use policies and procedures in:
• Land Management (BLISTT administrative boundary,
road inventories, location of airport and dams, and the
• Existing and Emerging Growth Areas, Commercial
Growth Nodes
Other Factors include the following:
• Land: ownership because of conflicts between IPRA
law and the national land policy;
• Diverse Population;

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

• Unplanned urban sprawl in the valleys of La Trinidad

which reduces the amount of agricultural land to
housing; and
• In the built environment, quick interview responses
made that there is low recognition of the
architectural heritage

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

In summary, these 360° themed perspectives matched with 360° BLISTT are those in the
INCLUSIVE BLISTT (Population and Structure, Social, Housing and Settlements, and
Communications and Public Participation); and the PRODUCTIVE BLISTT (Local Economy,
Institutional Arrangements, Fiscal Management and Innovative Financing), and CIRCULAR
BLISTT (Urban Structure and Land Use/ GIS) to achieve a well-balanced BLISTT city
perspectives. They are sectors that determining the policies/regulations These sectors highly
depend in the BLISTT SUID Framework that is developed in the preceding chapter in Strategy
Building Plan.
The Action Plan per sector in the BLISTT SUID Plan determines the radar of

• Transport and Connectivity Plan;

• Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Plan;
• Power and Energy Plan;
• Water Supply and Sanitation;
• Solid Waste Management;
• Social Infrastructure Plans;
• Housing and Settlements; and
• Tourism and Recreation Plan.
Of the total projects analyzed by the Consultant Study team, a total of 53 projects were
developed for policies and regulation under Infrastructure Service and Efficiency radar of the
360° Scan Assessment Tool for the SUID studies. The projects in SUID Studies identified the
Table 3-5: PPPPAs under Infrastructure Service and Efficiency

Number Issues/ Concerns Policy, Plans, Location

of Programs, Projects,
Projects And Activities
(PPPPAs) Name/ Title
5 Economic
The Local Economy sector has a BLISTT Ecozone BLISTT
relatively high unemployment rate in Development Program
the Municipalities of Sablan, (Agri-industrial,
(42.40%), Tuba (42.40%) and Tublay Retirement Park, IT
(21.09%). There is also a high Park, Manufacturing,
poverty incidence for the Municipality Tourism Eco zone)
of Tublay (11.70%) compared with
other municipalities such as La BLISTT Agricultural BLISTT
Trinidad (1.70%), Sablan (9.2%), Development Program
Tuba (4.6%) and Itogon (4.80%) in (Agricultural Transport
2012. It also revealed a high Development Project,
expansion of agriculture in Post-Harvest Facilities,
forestlands. Skills Development)
Construction and LISTT
Improvement of

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Irrigation Facilities in
BLISTT Administrative BLISTT
Council or Organization
and Office
Database Management BLISTT
System Development
3 Power and Energy
Need to address the balance Waste-to-Energy BLISTT
between the national power supply
security vs. local power supply Multi-Purpose Mini- BLISTT
security concerns; address climate Hydro and Irrigation and
change and global warming issues – Bulk Water Supply
renewable energy vs. fossil energy Systems in BLISTT
(oil, coal, natural gas) and enhance Watersheds and for
security of energy and power supply; Eco-Tourism
and improve the growth area’s Wind Turbine BLISTT
environmental and public health
when solutions are generally
16 Water Supply and Sanitation
Due to location and topography, Study on the BLISTT
surface runoff was high in which Establishment of
BLISTT areas have limited National Water
groundwater potential. The BLISTT Resources Board
area registered only 81% of (NWRB) Branch Office
households with access to safe and
potable water. This is way below the Development of Big BLISTT
national target of 95% by year 2022. Water Source for
The BLISTT areas have 61% BLISTT (Agno River in
connected to Level 3 systems, 13% Itogon, Amburayan
getting water from Level 2 systems, River in Kapangan/
and 26% from Level 1 sources. Atok, etc.)
Itogon and Tublay have low level 3 Ordinance for BLISTT
coverage. The groundwater map of Rainwater Harvesting
the BLISTT areas, taken from the Facility of Households
Regional Water and Sanitation
Master Plan of CAR (Cordillera Study on the Itogon
Administrative Region) prepared in Rehabilitation of Water
2018, shows the area to be classified Source at Sabkit
as less productive and with limited
groundwater potential. Households Rehabilitation of Water Itogon
with basic sanitary toilet facilities Source at Sabkit
range from 66-99% across the Regular Testing of BLISTT
BLISTT areas with 75% as overall Water Sources
average. Tuba has the highest
percentage with unsanitary toilets at Establishment of Water ISTT
20% while Baguio City and La Districts in Itogon,

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Trinidad have practically nil. Tuba Sablan, Tuba, Tublay

also posted the highest percentage (Itogon Water District to
with no toilets at 12% while Baguio be activated)
City and La Trinidad again have
practically nil. The households with Feasibility Study on the BLISTT
access to improved sanitation are Construction of a
about 79% of the BLISTT population Sewerage System for
and a considerable 16% of the Each Municipality
population mostly in Baguio City are Construction of a BLISTT
unaccounted households. The Common Sewage
national target is 97% by year 2022 Treatment Plant (STP)
and 100% by year 2030.
Sewer Connections BLISTT
Of the total water permits issued by Rehabilitation
NWRB, only 10% of the volume is
allocated for municipal/domestic Study on La Trinidad La Trinidad
water supply. It can be seen that the Sewerage System
private owns most of the big Water Balili River Eco-Park La Trinidad
Rights mining and hydropower
corporations. The water sources may Comprehensive Study La Trinidad
not be at all scarce but re-allocation for La Trinidad
into domestic use should be Sewerage System/
prioritized especially the dormant Septage Treatment
water rights. Domestic use can be Facility
derived from the water discharge
from hydropower plants. The Study on the BLISTT
distances and elevations relative to Implementation of a
the service areas are also major BLISTT Septage
concerns. The actual production Management Program/
levels of BWD and LTWD are 36.13 Septage Treatment
MLD and 10.10 MLD, respectively. Facility
The 50-MLD rated capacity of the BLISTT Septage BLISTT
BWD sources however has yet to be Treatment Facility
fully utilized while that of LTWD is
already running at peak. Both BWD Feasibility Study for BLISTT
and LTWD should be able to develop Baguio City Central
additional water sources as soon as Business District Master
possible. Bulk water supply offers Storm and Drainage
are as high as PH₱ 100/m3 and are Plan
not affordable when passed on to
consumers. Existing water rates are
only at PH₱ 37/m3 level.

Municipal sanitation program/

septage management program
needs to be implemented to
reduce pollution. One peculiar
feature of the communities is the
absence of roadways or very
narrow roadways in the cliff
communities. Vacuum trucks
cannot reach the areas and

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

innovative ways are needed to

collect the septage.
12 Social
The continuing increase of Tuding Settlements Itogon
population in BLISTT posted an Upgrading Project
annual growth of 2.16% per year
from 2010 to 2015, which implied Teacher's Camp Baguio City
notable concentration of social Upgrading Project
infrastructure facilities for health, La Trinidad La Trinidad
tertiary education, finance, among Resettlement Project
others) in Baguio City (as cited in the
BLISTT Action Agenda). Tuba Resettlement Tuba
Baguio General Baguio City
Hospital and Medical
Center Housing Project
Baguio Housing Project Baguio City
Virac Resettlement Itogon
Establishment and BLISTT
Improvement of Health
Facilities and Manpower
in Underserved Areas in
Establishment of BLISTT
Regional Specialized
Health Facilities in
BLISTT (Heart Center,
Cancer Center, Lung
Center, etc.)
BLISTT University Tuba,
Expansion Tublay
BLISTT Youth Sablan,
Development Center Tuba
BLISTT Arts and Sablan,
Cultural Center Tuba
BLISTT University Tuba,
Expansion in Tuba and Tublay
Tublay (Classroom
Educational Materials
and Facilities, Research
and Development
Extension with

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Academic institutions,
ALS and Scholarship)
17 Transport and Connectivity
Heavy issues/concerns have Completion of BLISTT
surfaced in Transport and Automated Guideway
Connectivity in roads and traffic Transit Feasibility Study
circulation system; and the local Bikeable Urban Center Baguio
Loakan airport except for the City, La
sectors in social, housing and Trinidad
settlements, CPP, local economy Multi-Story Parking Baguio City
and institutional arrangements. Building
Among the road issues/ concerns City Ordinances on Baguio City
centered in Baguio City (CBD) were Traffic Rules and
those: RRW (Road Right of Way) Regulations
issues are prevalent when RROW Study Baguio City
increasing the capacity at key entry Sidewalk Visibility Baguio City
point major intersections from LISTT (Marking)
area to Baguio City such as Kennon DOT-DPWH and DTI- BLISTT
Road, Marcos Highway, and Itogon DPWH Convergence
are prone to landslide occurrence; Project: Tourism Roads,
no bus terminals in LISTT and only Industry Roads
located in Baguio; no PUJ terminals Completion of BLISTT BLISTT
in Baguio with unregulated PUJ Outer Circumferential
franchises especially for short Re-Design of 3-lane; 2- Marcos
distance trips, regular maintenance way highways Highway –
resulting to the deterioration of Sto. Tomas
engine power and performance, Intersection
more fuel wasted, more expenses of to Marcos
future repairs, and high carbon Highway
monoxide emissions; huge Re-Design Legarda BLISTT
establishments like malls disregard Intersection
pedestrian access, which creates Creation of a Traffic BLISTT
traffic congestion and pedestrian Engineering Center
accidents on adjacent streets. On
Transport BLISTT
the other hand, Loakan airport is not
Modernization Plan
utilized as a domestic airport due to
Centralized Staging and BLISTT
insufficient length of runway; limited
Loading Area for Public
waiting area for arriving and
Utility Jeepneys for
departing passengers; and plane
crash occurrence because of
Construction of Fly- BLISTT
weather conditions such as fogs and
Over / Underpass in
continuous rains due to zero
Congested Intersections
Kennon Road Viaduct BLISTT
Monorail Project Baguio
City, La

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Furthermore, this long list of projects will be narrowed down to five (5) Identified Preliminary
Feasibility Study /Business Case Projects. They shall be ranked through a set of viable criteria/
variables in a multi-criteria analysis, both by the Consultant Study team and involved

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center


The Strategy Building segment discusses the development issues and concerns in BLISTT
Growth area, its development potentials, overall driving concept and key spatial strategies.
The strategy lays down the implications of 360° Scan Tool implications in each the BLISTT
sector plans. The 360° Scan Perspectives and various scan themes were then matched to
BLISTT SUID sectors. Since the 360° Scan Tool themes were developed templates for global
challenges, not all of them were applied.
The BLISTT SUID Framework considered three (3) Pillars: Enablers, Planning
Considerations and Goals. From desired goals and aligned planning approaches, the
Enablers transform into development strategies for BLISTT infrastructure sector plans. The
following perspectives analyzed are those of:
1. Inclusive BLISTT with sectors in population, social infrastructure, housing,
communications and public participation;
2. Productive BLISTT with sectors in local economy, institutional arrangements, fiscal
management and innovative financing;
3. Attractive BLISTT with tourism and recreation, indigenous people (IP) and gender
and development (GAD);
4. Resilient BLISTT with sectors in environment and DRRM and geotechnical.
5. Connected BLISTT with sectors in transport and connectivity and the ICT; and lastly
6. Circular BLISTT with sectors in power and energy, water supply and sanitation, solid
waste management, urban structure and land use and GIS.
The Strategy Building in BLISTT SUID Framework proceeds in illustrating and describing the
sectors in accordance with two radars of the 360° Scan Tool: the presence and readiness
of the infrastructure in solid shades and the efficiency of the infrastructure service in
hatched shades. Accelerating infrastructure developments in the BLISTT SUID Framework
requires the construction of foundational services: with the Enablers enumerated as those in
investment/ innovative finance, policies and regulations, governance/ institutions, skilled
manpower, citizens participation, ownership, leadership and political will. These were then
aligned with desired Goals targeted in the national and regional priorities and to the accepted
BLISTT vision and mission agenda 2040.
Infrastructure presence and readiness in BLISTT SUID requires simultaneous advances on
services expansion, operations management and maintenance (O & M), and service provision
and delivery across infrastructure sub-sectors with the goals of sparking economic growth and
improvements. These sectors are in transport and connectivity, ICT, power and energy, water
supply and sanitation, solid waste management; social infrastructure, housing and settlements;
local economy, tourism, fiscal management and innovative financing. While the Infrastructure
facilities and services efficiency in BLISTT SUID measures the communities and settlements
resilience to vulnerabilities, it is also associated to other important soft infrastructure aspects
like urban structure and land use, communication and public participation, institutional
arrangements, environment and DRRM, geotechnical implications, indigenous people (IP),
gender and other communities.
These are enumerated in the table below.

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Table 4-1: Strategic Building Plans

Enablers Sustainable Urban SUID Studies Planning

Infrastructure Considerations/
Development (SUID) Approaches
Information and ICT Plan Urban Integrated Area
Communications Structure and Development
Technology Land Use (Watershed/ Ridge-
Investment/ Financing and Local GIS and Inclusive and
Innovative Finance Economic Plan Other Expansive
Planning Governance/ Co-
Tools Management
Policies/ Energy Plan Population Convergence
Regulations Projection/ Approach (Bottom-Up
Framework and Top-Bottom)
Water Supply and
Sanitation Plan
Solid Waste Management Gender and Climate Change and
Plan Development Disaster
Social Infrastructure Plan Preparedness
Housing and Settlements Environment/ Gender
Plan Geotechnical Responsiveness and
Transport and and Resource Cultural Sensitivity
Connectivity Plan Management
Environmental and
Disaster Risk Reduction
and Management Plan

Tourism and Recreation

Governance/ Institutional
Institutions/ Arrangements/ Plan
Leadership and
Political Will

Ownership/ Tenure

Skilled Manpower Capability Building

Citizen’s Community and Public
Participation Participation Plan

As a starting point and in the initial feasibility stage, the Consultant team develops a
Conceptual Land Use Plan for BLISTT growth area with a Preferred Spatial Strategy.
Conceptual Spatial Nodes were identified crucial in the development of the short-term SUID
projects. Along with GIS tool, it made assumptions and projections in population and
employment in the next twenty (20) years. In terms of urban form, the Conceptual plan
responded to governance/ co-management, top-to-bottom and bottom-to-top approach and
took note of sensitivities to culture in BLISTT growth area. It particularly considered the

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

mountainous/ upland settings in the geo-technical and resources environment. These are
further discussed more extensively in the preceding section.
Finally, the Strategy Building in BLISTT Sector Plans extensively discusses the
development approaches utilized in the Action Plan segment. The Planning Considerations/
Approaches were those of integrated area development (watershed/ ridge-to-reef), inclusive
and expansive governance/ co-management, convergence approach (bottom-up and top-
bottom), climate change and disaster preparedness management, and gender
responsiveness and cultural sensitivity will also be tackled simultaneously in each of the SUID

4.1 Development Issues and Concerns

Validated analysis of the actual land uses and the existing urban uses is presented in visual/
spatial representation. With reference to the BLISTT Action Agenda 2017-2019, it illustrated
cross-boundary programs, projects and activities that have been identified by the BLISTT’s
local chief executives, Benguet provincial and municipal planners, Baguio City planning office,
and their partners in government and civil society. Anchoring the land use spatial strategies,
with the programs, projects and activities (PPAs), it addresses the BLISTT’s most urgent
challenges. These were the following issues and concerns determined:
Figure 4-1: BLISTT Development Issues and Concerns

Source: BLISTT Action Agenda 2017-2019, Compilation of BLISTT Consultant Team

In Population, Land Area (in square meters) and Population density (in number of persons
per square kilometer) and in the figure on the left side, the Consultant team observed quite a
high population growth rate versus land area. The BLISTT is the major settlement area of the
Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR), with its population of 611,316 comprising over one
third of the region’s total (35.5% of 1,722,006 in 2015), and its growth rate of 1.53% higher

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

than the regional growth rate (1.21%). This is despite the fact that its total land area of 142,649
hectares is only around 50% of the entire land area of the Province of Benguet. Within BLISTT,
around 56.5% of the total population, or approximately 345,366 people (2015), are
concentrated in Baguio City. Baguio City and La Trinidad are the most densely populated
LGUs in the entire region, with 6,005 and 1,844 persons per square kilometer, respectively.
Assuming that the current population growth rate is sustained, the total population in BLISTT
is expected to double in 2030. Sablan, the least populated town in the BLISTT, has 11,457
inhabitants, with only 1.87% of the BLISTT’s total. This trend illustrates a relatively uneven
population distribution among the BLISTT. With the inter-local cooperation, the goal of which
is to improve physical, socio-economic and service delivery linkages in the LGUs involved, it
is expected that disparities in development among the LGUs will be addressed and the area’s
population will be more evenly dispersed in the succeeding years.
In Economic Development, the BLISTT is one of two primary growth centers in the region,
the other being the Eastern Kalinga growth corridor. Baguio City and La Trinidad are the
BLISTT’s centers for trade and commerce, while most of the other ISTT specialize in the
production of agro-based products. Baguio City, as the location of the region’s only operational
Special Economic Zone, is a favorite destination for business process outsourcing (BPO) firms
and is considered the 14th in the region’s industrial center.1 Meanwhile, the largest electronics-
manufacturing firm generates the bulk of the region’s total export sales, and has contributed
largely to CAR’s GRDP through the years. Itogon is unique in that it is host to several large-
scale mining firms, which continue to generate employment for its locals to date. Similarly,
Sablan’s hydropower resource also gives it distinction. Other investment potentials in the
LISTT have been identified under the food processing (fruits, vegetables, and root crops), cut
flower, gift items (stuffed toys, décor, and silver), woodcarving, and garment (weaving and
knitting) sectors.
The wealth of tradition and culture in BLISTT is rich in eco- tourism sites, well known and
waiting to be discovered. Its developing tourism industry has also given rise to a growing
number of businesses that cater to tourist requirements, such as food, transportation and
lodging, but most of the establishments are located in Baguio City and La Trinidad.
However, the ISTT has cited the need for more investments, infrastructure and facilities.
Channeling all these to the ISTT, especially educational and service institutions and business
establishments, will then spur economic activity in the ISTT and even out development across
all of BLISTT.
In Transportation by Land, three main access roads lead to the city of Baguio from the
lowlands; Kennon Road, Aspiras-Palispis Highway (formerly Marcos Highway), and Naguilan
Road (also known as Quirino Highway). Kennon Road starts from Rosario, La Union province,
and winds through a narrow, steep valley. Although perilous and being prone to landslides
during rainy season, it is the fastest route to Baguio from the lowlands, and offers a scenic
view. Aspiras Highway, which starts from Agoo, La Union and connects to Palispis Highway
at Benguet-La Union highway border, and Naguilian Road, which starts from Bauang in La
Union, are longer but safer routes than Kennon Road. For this, coaches, buses and trucks
prefer them. All three major highways traverse the municipality of Tuba, also known as the
"Gateway to Baguio" A significant portion of Naguilian Road covers the municipality of Sablan.

BLISTT Action Agenda 2017-2019

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Figure 4-2: BLISTT Roads and Administrative Map

Source: BLISTT Consultant Team, 2019

The figure above shows the road connections in BLISTT growth area. From Itogon, Baguio is
connected by the Baguio- Bua- Itogon Road, while La Trinidad's main access route to the city
is via Halsema Highway (also known as the "Mountain Trail"), which leads north through the
mountainous portion of the Cordillera Administrative Region. Halsema Highway is likewise,
traversed in the municipality of Tublay, situated at the north of La Trinidad. Another access to
Baguio from Aritao in the Nueva Vizcaya province passes through Itogon, but is less traveled.
The road is not well maintained, and public transportation through this route is not as regular.
Several bus lines link Baguio with Manila and the rest of the lowlands. Most transportation
companies also offer express and air-conditioned buses at a much higher fare, though some
minibuses offer cheaper fares. Bus services that operate in Baguio include Philippine Rabbit,
Dangwa, Tranco, Dagupan Bus, Victory Liner, Partas, Genesis, and Saulog Transit.
In Transportation by Air, Loakan Airport is the lone airport serving the general area.2 The
airport is classified as a trunk line airport, or a major commercial domestic airport, by the Civil
Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP), a body of the Department of Transportation and
Communications that is responsible for the operations of not only this airport but also of all
other airports in the Philippines except the major international airports. It is about 10 minutes
by car from the city center going south. Due to the limited length of the runway which is 1,802
meters or 5,912 feet, it is restricted to commuter size aircraft. This perhaps contributed to the
city's declining competitiveness against other medium-sized cities around the country.

DOTC, 2019

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Primarily helicopters use the airport; turbo-prop and piston engine aircraft, although on rare
occasion light business jets (LBJ) have flown into the airport.3
In Institutional Arrangement/ Governance, the BLISTT is one of twelve
defined metropolitan areas in the Philippines. BLISTT (informally, Metro Baguio) is an
agglomeration of the city of Baguio and the five (5) municipalities in the province of Benguet,
namely: La Trinidad, Itogon, Sablan, Tuba, and Tublay. Similar to Metro Manila and Metro
Cebu, it is not an administrative political unit but an agglomeration of independent local
government units (LGUs), the third level government in the Philippine political system. The
original "BLIST" long existed as a concept since its inception in August 1990, which included
the municipality of Tublay, despite not being adjacent to the city of Baguio. 4 The city
government of Baguio had long pushed through with the concept, for the prime purpose of
alleviating the city's overpopulation and decongestion problems. Henceforth, the mayors of
the component LGUs officially established it after a signing of a memorandum of agreement in
February 27, 2014.5
Additionally, the BLISTT Governing Council passed Resolution No. 01 S. of 2019 supporting
House Bill 1337 “An Act Creating the Baguio City, La Trinidad, Itogon, Sablan, Tuba, and
Tublay Development Authority (BLISTTDA), defining Its Powers and Functions, and Providing
Funds Therefore”. The members asserted that the Chairman must be elected among the
BLISTT mayors and must be responsible in identifying development programs and projects of
common interest to the member municipalities and the City of Baguio with issues in solid waste
management, traffic management, water supply and sanitation, environmental protection and
resource management, energy, ICT, urban structure and land use, ownership and land tenure,
capability building program, among others.
In Capability Building Programs, it is only Baguio that allotted for annual capability building
programs; while the LISTT partnered with TESDA (Technical Education and Skills
Development Authority), LOGOEF (Local Government Educational Foundation, Inc.), FHATCI
(Forest House Assessment and Training Center) Inc. and other industry partners, among
others. Capacity development is the process by which individuals and organizations obtain,
improve, and retain the skills, knowledge, tools, equipment, and other resources needed to do
their jobs competently; while “capability building” refers to the skills and knowledge required
for a particular task, e.g.an organization may have the capacity to change, but lack certain
key capabilities. A common example of a gap in capability is in managers' ability to effectively
lead change.
Recently, Baguio City Council approved a proposed ordinance for their annual capability-
building program of barangay officials and volunteers. Particularly geared to barangay
peacekeeping action team (BPAT) members, barangay nutrition scholars (BNS), barangay
nutrition action officers (BNAOs), barangay health workers (BHWs) and child development
workers, it proposed to improve knowledge and skills in ensuring sustainable implementation
of city and barangay projects to be cascaded down to the grassroots level. The ordinance
provided funding that includes their Lakbay-Aral or educational tour for them to adapt/adopt in
their own barangays, the best practices of other barangays in the country. It also pointed out
the conduct of their annual capability-building activity in their proposed areas of study will

BLISTT, Wikipedia 2019
RG. Mercado & C. Chammag, PIDS 1994
BLISTT, Wikipedia 2019

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

widen the officials and volunteers’ horizon by learning the best practices of other barangays
that can translate to improved services for their constituents.6
In La Trinidad last 2016, the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) through
the Sustainable Livelihood Program (SLP) has conducted series of skills training coming from
poor families in Benguet, in collaboration with TESDA and BVS Colleges. Thirty-five
individuals graduated from Shielded Metal Arc Welding, twenty-five for wheel loader and
hydraulic excavation, and twenty-five for driving and auto servicing. The SLP is a community-
based capacity building program of the government that seeks to improve the socio-economic
capacity of the poor to enhance access to basic social services and improve their standard of
With Itogon hardest hit by typhoon Ompong and thousands of people displaced due to
landslides in 2018, it partnered with the TESDA –FHATCI, Inc. in the special skills training
program. It covered technical – vocational trades in carpentry, masonry and shielded metal
arc welding and electrical installation and maintenance at the Itogon Municipal Training Center.
It aimed to help the people of Itogon to have another means of livelihood with small scale
mining activities still banned in the Cordillera region that time.8
While Tuba in 2016, a capacity building training was organized by LOGODEF aimed to
benchmark Tuba’s development plans for the years 2016-2019 with participants from the
municipality of Tuba and the Provincial Planning and Development Office. It focused on
drafting the 1st and 2nd quarter programs for 2017 and ended with the integration of the
executive and legislative’s output.9
In 2017, Tublay embarked on Organic Agricultural programs and projects in the
institutionalization, development and promotion of Organic agriculture. They first enacted
policies and plans; then further strengthened and supported the Organic Agriculture (OA)
Organizations. Steps in the policies and plans were:10
1. Enactment of the Municipal Organic Agriculture Ordinance by the Sangguniang Bayan;
2. Inclusion of organic agriculture and good agricultural practices as priority projects in
the municipal Executive and Legislative Agenda (ELA); and finally
3. Integration of Organic Farming as vital component of the Municipal Nutrition Program
(Tublay SHINES), Disaster Risk Reduction Management Plan and Seal of Good Local
Barangay Governance Award.
These organizations were:
1. TOFPA (Tublay Organic Farming Practitioners Association); and
2. LaTop from Tublay. Other barangay, based organizations included were:
a. BANSA - Barangay Ambassador Neighborhood for Sustainable Agriculture
b. ADARA -(Ambongdolan Domestic Animal Raisers Association)
c. BOFPA - Ba-ayan Organic Farming Practitioners Association
d. TCOFPA Tublay Central Organic Farming Practitioners Association
e. AFORDD - Association of Farmers on Organic for Rural Development of

www.baguio,gov.ph, May 2020
DSWD–CAR, 2016
logodef.org, 2017
Organic Agricultural Practices in Benguet; Tublay Perspective_ Tublay MLGU c/o Agriculture Office & www.aisf.or.jp, 2017

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

In Ownership and Land tenure, the whole of BLISTT is considered Indigenous People (IPs)
whereby, they owned their land and all the resources found in it. The IPs has their way of
managing their resources using their IKSPs (indigenous knowledge, skills and practices).
They used this culture as the primary source of governance, resource management, and
conflict resolutions. There is a need to revisit and review various laws such as:
1. The Regalian Doctrine, which states that all resources were owned by Spain. At that
time, the Spanish colonizers were not able to fully implement their system of
government in the Cordillera and required cedula (identity certificate) to the IPs.
2. The Land Registration Act in 1902 that empowered the state to issue and secure proof
of title over parcel of land; followed by the Philippine Commission Acts No. 178 which
considered all unregistered lands become part of the public domain; and Public Land
Acts of 1913, 1919, and 1905 opened other lands that were not occupied, unreserved,
or inappropriate public land to homesteaders and corporations, with the presence of
IPs in these lands, mining and all other kinds of businesses.
3. The Mining Act of 1905 in Benguet and other IP communities with the Commonwealth
Act no. 137 of 1935; and the Presidential Degree No. 410, that declared ancestral
lands occupied by national cultural communities as alienable and disposable (A&D)
but with the exclusion of Benguet Province.
4. The Proclamation No. 217 of 1929, which declared lands as forest reserves, parks,
and reservations in Central Cordillera as forest reserves including Mt. province, Ifugao,
Kalinga Apayao, Benguet and parts of Abra, Ilocos Sur, Ilocos Norte, Pangasinan and
Nueva Viscaya where two –thirds (2/3) of the total area affects the province of Benguet
5. The Presidential Decree No.511, which states that “Occupants of ancestral lands are
hereby given a period of 10 days from the date of approval within which to file
application to perfect their titles to the lands occupied by them; otherwise they shall be
open for allocation to other deserving applicants”.
6. The Local Government Code of 1991 that strengthened the presence of government
in IP territories by creating the local government units.
7. The Mining Act of 1995 or Republic Act 7942 which opened the ancestral domain to
mining investors. During the passage of the law on Mining, the Indigenous Peoples
Rights Acts (IPRA) R.A. 8371 was not yet approved but the need for ‘prior consent’
was already stated in this law.
8. The Indigenous Peoples Rights Act (IPRA) was passed into law in 1997, which
recognized, protected, and promoted the rights of the indigenous peoples. In the
Cordillera, the implementation of the CADTs (Certificate of Ancestral Domain Title)
encounter difficulties in land titling as related to land ownership; with no common
understanding in the implementation of the IPRA law. The causes of the problem were
the following:
a. Free Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC);
b. Primacy of the customary laws/ consensus building;
c. One domain as one unit: required to decide as one AD (ancestral domain) and
according to barangay/village;
d. Unclear implementation process in water permits as well as unclear document
requirements in obtaining FPIC11

Arline Santiago is the Program Officer of the Ancestral Domain Program of Igorota Foundation, Inc. based in Baguio City.
Igorota Foundation is an NGO that envisions a holistic development of women in self-sustaining communities through
transformative education and organization. The Foundation works with IP women and communities in the Cordillera
Administrative Region, Philippines. It was founded in 1987.

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

In Institutional Policies/ Regulations in Urban Structure and Land Use, it is only in Baguio
and La Trinidad that have updated their CLUPs and CDPs.12 There is a need to develop a
BLISTT wide comprehensive land use plan to set the direction of present and future
In Development of Agriculture, the industry sector is concentrated in Baguio City. The rest
of LISTT are employed in the services and agriculture sector. As per PSA-CAR noted in 2019,
over 40% of all workers in the region are employed in the industry and services sector. DA-
CAR added that super typhoons Ompong and Rosita adversely affected the sector and is
partially to blame for its decline in production. The agriculture sector has contributed the least
to the regional economy in the past years. The GRDP of the region in 2018 was estimated at
PH₱ 164.9 Billion which saw increases in production from the industry at 9.2% and services
sector at 7.5%. The only sector that decreased in production in 2018 is agriculture with a 5.3%
decline. PSA-CAR explained that despite the decline, the agriculture sector is not large
enough to affect the overall growth of the region’s economy. The over PH₱ 12 billion produced
in the agriculture sector is only 7.3% of the region’s economy which is largely led by the
industry sector at 53%.
NEDA-CAR asserts the need to add to the value of the crops produced in the region. Post-
production processing of agricultural goods like corn, coffee, high-value vegetables, and other
crops must be done in the region to increase its value and farmer income which will ultimately
lead to increased contribution of the sector to the over-all GRDP.DTI-CAR added that they
continue to promote and foster the growth of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs).
The Cordillera is an agri-based region, DTI-CAR Regional shared that “we must move beyond
merely supplying raw materials, and we must add value to our production”. DA-CAR also
advised against the production of the same crops in a given area to avoid overproduction and
unstable prices.13
In Tourism and Recreation, Baguio pursues a shared tourism plan about tourism circuits and
acts as a gateway to the other attractions in BLISTT. Tourism circuits promote a particular
route for sites following a specific theme. According to DOT-CAR and NEDA-CAR, they are
currently consolidating the various sites of tourism circuits in the BLISTT. Each circuit will focus
on a specific tourism theme such as culture & heritage, food, farm tourism, eco-adventure,
and agriculture, among others. Benguet as a primary source for many high-value crops in
Luzon can be leveraged for various kinds of tourism. They also emphasized the eco-tourism
and adventure sites such as the Ambongdolan cave in Tublay and Towing waterfalls in Sablan
must be developed further.14
In Solid Waste Management, the BLISTT Governing Council recently is in the process of
looking for development of eco-zone investments and solid waste management. Similar to the
Baguio eco-zone in identified private lands, La Trinidad has private and DENR managed lands
that offer agri-center and ecotourism identified areas with the exception of Itogon which has
been declared as a geo hazard zone. Accordingly, proposed BLISTT solid waste management
facility shall respond to the solid waste management of the whole of BLISTT, centralized or
through a connected system.15

Baguio CLUP 2017-2023 and La Trinidad CLUP 2013-2019
NEDA May 2019
www.dot-car.ph February 2020
JL. Lanes, sunstar.com.ph, February 4, 2020

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

In Protection of Natural Environment & Water Resources, around 84.33% of the BLISTT’s
total land area has been classified as steep to very steep.16 Its terrain poses limitations on
construction and urban development, and makes the area vulnerable to natural hazards, such
as landslides and erosions. The whole of Baguio City is a built-up area, even while its
landscape shares the same traits (See Figure 4-3: Built-up and Open Spaces Map, BLISTT
Consultant Team, 2019).
The steady increase in the number of structures in the city necessitates stronger disaster
response and mitigation measures. In addition, pollution has become the bane of development
in the BLISTT. But through government and stakeholder initiatives, replanting and
preservation of the forest cover making up most of the land in La Trinidad, Sablan, Tuba and
Tublay, and a relatively large portion in Itogon, is being undertaken. Another issue is the use
of forest land for agricultural purposes. While strengthening of the convergence’s agriculture
sector remains as one of the BLISTT’s priorities, increased agricultural activity in forestland
will compromise the BLISTT’s natural environment, increase its vulnerability to landslides, and
disturb its watershed. On the other hand, vegetable terraces along the mountains of Tuba
continue to expand.
The figure below illustrates built up and open spaces in the BLISTT area.

NAMRIA, 2019

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Figure 4-3: BLISTT Built-up and Open Spaces Map

Source: BLISTT Consultant Team, 2019

According to BLISTT Action Agenda 2017-2019, the BLISTT is rich in water resource with
three major river basins, namely the Naguilian River Basin, Aringay River Basin, and Bued
River Basin. It is also host to several hydropower plants that supply electricity to the National
Power Corporation, like the Bineng Hydro 1, 2 and 3 in La Trinidad, Irisan 3 Hydropower plant
in Tuba, and the Ampohaw Hydroelectric Power Plant in Sablan. However, due to poor and
unregulated sewerage systems in the BLISTT and uncontrolled encroachment of settlers on
watershed areas, its depleting potable water source and water source pollution have become
urgent concerns. Water rights over sources within the BLISTT have also been granted to
private entities, raising the cost of supply to locals. The establishment of water districts for the
ISTT is imperative to ensure that host communities are prioritized in the allocation of water

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

supply, that it is maximized and made available to a larger portion of the population, and that,
most important of all, water resources in the whole of BLISTT are maintained, conserved and
In Traffic Management & Accessibility (LISTT) and according to the BLISTT Council, traffic
all emanates from Baguio City. Most universities and colleges, banks, hospitals, and other
service institutions are all located in Baguio City and La Trinidad. Some of the major concerns
are the increasing number of private vehicles during weekends and holidays, longer
commuting time, inadequate parking facilities, and the need for more diversion routes around
BLISTT. Hence, recently in a workshop early this 2020, BLISTT Council Chairman further
recommended the funding of the smart city system with a central traffic command center that
uses artificial intelligence to aid traffic management; while La Trinidad requested the help of
DPWH-CAR in implementing road-widening works as many areas are tied up in cases
concerning tax-declarations and road-right of way.
Roads and other measures of accessibility greatly affect the transport of goods, services, and
other economic necessities, growth, and development. Heavy traffic is still a major hindrance
in Baguio for most hours of the day of major highways. The BLISTT Outer Ring Circumferential
Road Project gathered by DPWH-CAR selected five (5) national roads at key entry points in
Baguio City. The roads are Ben Palispis Highway (Marcos Highway), Kennon Road, Quirino
Highway (Naguilian Road), Nueva Vizcaya-Benguet Road, and Baguio-Bontoc Road
(Halsema Highway). The project obtained the historical growth of the Annual Average Daily
Traffic for a period of five (5) years from 2009 to 2013 as baseline data.
To date, NEDA-CAR has funded several studies related to the traffic and transportation
concerns of the BLISTT area. These are: Estimating the Urban Carrying Capacity of Baguio
City, BLISTT SUID Master Plan, and the Philippine Transport Plan. According to the study,
major Baguio city intersections have already reached maximum carrying capacity since 2015.
Existing parking facilities and roads exceed carrying capacity during weekends and holidays
when tourists visit the city.

4.2 Development Potentials

Illustrated below are the BLISTT Development Potentials.

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Figure 4-4: BLISTT Development Potentials

Source: BLISTT Action Agenda 2017-2019, Compilation of BLISTT Consultant Team

Temperate Climate leading to thermal comfort, resulting to adequacy and preference of living
in BLISTT. The upland and mountainous setting makes it advantageous to other regions and
sub-regions. Advantage such as low prevalence of flooding and low prevalence of storm
The Itogon-Sablan Tuba Tublay (ISTT) towns are attractive options for residential and
commercial development since there is overbuilding and crowding in Baguio city and La
Trinidad capital town. However, access of these towns to markets and services needs to be
improved to encourage activity outside of Baguio City and La Trinidad. Meanwhile, basic
utilities and communication and cable service providers are readily available in the whole of
BLISTT, except for a few sitios in Sablan.
BLISTT is home to various known educational and government institutions such as
Universities, Colleges, Research Centers, Observatories, namely; Saint Louis University;
University of the Philippines-Baguio Campus; University of the Cordilleras; University of
Baguio; Philippine Military Academy; Benguet State University.
BLISTT as Cultural heritage and tourism due to the following reasons:
1. Some areas in BLISTT are considered ancestral domains, housing indigenous people,
culture, architecture, and tradition;
2. Baguio City is rich in American colonial history and heritage, tracing back to the master
plan c/o Daniel Burnham through the Unique City Beautiful Movement of Baguio, to its
architecture and urban design of the city;

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

3. BLISTT is rich in natural resources and features which makes it potential to various
eco-tourism activities which is highlighted and promoted in all their cities and
Majority of BLISTT showcases Agricultural efficiency and productivity. To name a few, they
1. Production of diverse fruits and crops of Sablan, making it the fruit basket of BLISTT;
2. Vegetable farming, and coffee production of Tublay;
3. Pocket farming, research, and development of fruits, vegetables, and crops of La
Trinidad; and
4. Recent potency of cacao plantation and development in Tuba.
BLISTT is rich in Natural Resources, such as Gold, Silver, Copper, and other precious metals
and minerals, which is a potential for Responsible Mining. At present, BLISTT is already
housing Mining Towns, namely; Itogon, and Tuba which results into development and increase
in revenue of their respective Municipalities. The existing Radial Urban form of BLISTT is
considered an advantage, which gives the Sub-region, a Sense of Orientation, Direction and
Genius Loci (Sense of Place).

4.3 Overall Driving Concept

Aside from Sustainable Development Goals and the Ambisyon Natin 2040 and to achieve the
rationale of the spatial strategies, a tangible and intangible driving concept is envisioned and
emphasized here in the SUID Framework similar and aligned in the integrated area
development approach. The BLISTT SUID Development Framework answers the
aforementioned goals of:
Inclusivity: Since the objective is Inter-Cooperation and Coordination, BLISTT will
achieve an inclusive participation of diverse population composition, institutional
bodies, and policies oriented towards the holistic and unified growth of BLISTT.
Integration: Having this framework, will result to integration of the different
municipalities towards diverse and unique roles that will help promote independency
and dependency at the same time. Independency, which will promote:

• Authenticity and identity: each municipality will develop their own unique thrusts.
• Self-sustaining Communities: city and municipalities of BLISTT can also grow
independently through their developed unique thrusts.
• Unity amidst diversity: where each city and municipalities, despite their developed
unique thrusts, will complement each other.

4.4 Key Spatial Strategies

Towards this end, the Key Spatial Strategies are further developed as follows:

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Figure 4-5: Key Spatial Strategies

Source: BLISTT Action Agenda 2017-2019, Compilation of BLISTT Consultant Team

Balanced Land Area Expansion

Development thresholds have been set in the form of maximum allowable land areas for
expansion. These limits have been useful to restrict sprawling and leapfrog development into
protected lands. The strategy also recognizes the application of other urban techniques such
as parks development, urban renewal, infill development, and densification to maximize the
use of the land.
Improve Road Network Connectivity Outside Baguio City
The proposed plan refers to several elements. First is the road network that will connect the
central business district to other urban centers, and to settlement areas located at the outer
fringes of BLISTT. Another is connectivity to utilities infrastructure, which follows the emerging
growth areas.
Reduce Vulnerability
To decrease susceptibility, suitability of land to developments are examined. This includes
deviating proposed developments from hazard prone areas while introducing measures to
adapt at a spatial perspective.

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Protect Settlements and Built Environment from Hazards

An essential objective of vulnerability reduction is to ensure that existing and proposed
developments will not be threatened by natural hazards. The proposed spatial plan will also
be considering measures to increase the adaptive capacity of the communities, in turn
reducing the susceptibility to risks.
Enhanced BLISTT’ Role as Eco-Tourism, Culture and Heritage Hub
Although BLISTT has unique and distinct features and traits, BLISTT, as a whole, houses the
following Spatial Strategies:
1. Eco-tourism Hub: The Diversity of the BLISTT which houses different and unique
environmental features that promote a Holistic Eco-Tourism Development within the
BLISTT which will result to: Boost and Diversifies Economic Activities; Generation of
Jobs and Businesses; Increased Income Generation and Governmental Revenues;
Promotion and Preservation of Culture and Tradition of Indigenous People; Develop
Infrastructure that will help stimulate local commerce and industry; Higher Multiplier
Impact; and lastly
2. Culture and Heritage Hub: Since BLISTT is home to Diverse Indigenous People and
Ancestral Domains, Promoting BLISTT as Holistic Culture and Heritage Hub will result
to: Sense of Pride within Indigenous People; Promotion and Preservation of Culture
and Tradition of Indigenous People.
Improve Solid Waste Management and Water Supply
A fundamental component of the conceptual plan is the protection of prime agricultural lands
and forest. The existing forest area will be protected, as well as agricultural lands that are
irrigated or irrigable

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

5.1 Bases of Development

The Preferred Strategy of development is focused to a strong agglomeration of cities thru

integration known as Metropolisation. It is assumed that a long and tedious Process of
Metropolisation may still await the BLISTT growth area. Similar to Chongqing Metropolitan
Areas in China, Metro areas of Cebu and Davao, the Planning of BLISTT metropolisation
readily determined and adapted the natural barriers of its environmental settings.
In this initial stage, the Preferred Strategy with a Land Use that is predominantly Polycentric
Form in physical structure coupled by morphological distribution with functional linkages will
be similarly applied. The morphological Polycentric BLISTT is then clustered and distributed.
Toward this end and mentioned in the SGMP: (Table 171: Urban Structure Scenarios, Option
2: Strategic Growth Management Plan (SGMP)/ Polycentric, SAR, 2019) that considerations
will be given to strong land use controls and urban growth management with density control
and strengthened urban functions. Current transport projects are being planned and many
more are proposed without an overall plan for a coordinated implementation. The transport
network will be planned in an integrated manner with the intended structure to direct growth
of the fast-growing population in urban core areas while controlling growth in preserved areas.
Hence, the Consultant team developed the Land Use Policy Framework to be guided by the

• Polycentricity shall be a suitable choice for conserving nature and addressing the
environmental concern, considering the specific characteristics of the natural
landscape of BLISTT growth areas. Natural barriers separate mountainous
settlements from contiguous development into scattered clusters, leading to a natural
polycentricity. In the ecological view, water buffers (Binga and San Roque Dams);
green belts/wedges (Mt. Kabuyao & Mt. Sto. Tomas, Tuba; Mt. Ulap, Itogon) shall be
planned as ecological protection zones to preserve the unique mountainous landscape
and reduce ecological disturbance. A greenbelt is a policy and land use zone
designation used in land use planning to retain areas of largely undeveloped, wild, or
agricultural land surrounding or neighboring urban areas. The polycentric BLISTT is
critical for a livable mountainous city in a fragile environment, because it indicates
minimal occupation, the intrusion of sensitive areas and few human disturbances to
the natural ecosystem. Thus, the natural choice for BLISTT is not simply to encourage
the growth of the biggest urban core (which is Baguio City), but to raise the growth
potential of outlying LISTT areas in a synchronized manner.
• Polycentric urban form is particularly applicable in BLISTT growth areas, because
“decentralized concentration” is crucial in mountain regions considering the tradeoff
assumed between the dispersion and scale effects. At the large scale, the urban form
exhibits in a decentralized and polycentric structure. The BLISTT Outer Ring
Circumferential Road Project has identified five national roads at key entry points in
Baguio City. 17 The five (5) national roads were: Ben Palispis Highway (Marcos
Highway), Kennon Road, Quirino Highway (Naguilian Road), Nueva Vizcaya-Benguet
Road and Baguio-Bontoc Road (Halsema Highway) since most commercial,
institutional and mixed developments were observed proliferating in these access

CAR- RDIP 2017-2020

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

roads. Whether these highways remain continuous to the LISTT area, it is very evident
of business and economic activities.
The Consultant team has prioritized these developable lands along these routes where an
initial Conceptual land Use was borne out. Urban settlements are dispersed and foot-loose, in
order to reduce costs in undulating terrains and to seek favorable areas. This leads to a
massive growth of sub-centers/clusters in order to expand coincidental with the centers. Some
specialized small to medium-sized clusters can achieve high productivity in which they are
best suited, compared with one city core at the top of the urban hierarchy. At the small scale,
the urban form displays a compact and concentrated pattern. Urban developments are better
concentrated at specific sites rather than overly dispersed to make full use of limited facilities.
The provision of municipal facilities and services is often difficult and costly; therefore, the sub-
centers shall address their basic municipal needs and simultaneously link each other by a
convenient network, possibly leading to high degrees of connectivity.
And finally, a morphological approach focusing on Nodal Features of BLISTT and perhaps,
an initial functional approach to clustering and integration mechanisms concentrating on the
relations between nodes shall be recommended. It is emphasized that a separate review of
land tenure status in BLISTT growth area such as e.g., alienable and disposable land,
ancestral domains, forest, hazardous area as well as the urgent need for land use policy for
present and future developments be of immediate concern. Hence, a Morphological
polycentricity highlights a balanced distribution in the sizes of multiple centers, and a
Functional polycentricity emphasizes the balance in the strength and structure of flows.

5.2 Conceptual Land Use/ Structure Plan

5.2.1 BLISTT Clusters and Sub-Centers

The Consultant team recommended Multi-Nodal urban form in BLISTT, particularly the
Polycentric/ Dispersed now named as the Bag-LISTT (Baguio-La Trinidad, Itogon, Sablan,
Tuba, Tublay) Strategy. In addition, Polycentric BLISTT emphasized Baguio City in the center
which branches out to other growth sub-centers in LISTT, creating an interaction pattern and
web of sustainable mode of movement in terms of employment and population either through
public transit and/or non-motorized modes.
In BLISTT Existing and Emerging Growth Node in the Polycentric form (BLISTT Existing &
Emerging Nodes Map, SAR, 2019), the development nodes identified and considered were
those situated along major Paths (streets and edges) and Land Use Activities (districts/
landmarks); likewise, where dark red polygons for existing nodes and lighter red shade for
emerging nodes are the commercial developments within an area, which serves as catalyst
for economic growth and activities.
The Networks (in blackish red thick lines) are Infrastructures which serves as the economic
backbone of an area pertaining to Land, Air, and Water Transportation that defines the mode
of accessibility and mobility in an area; and Barriers (shaded green) are greenbelts/ wedges
of areas where developments are restricted, as it shows areas vulnerable to natural disasters
(such as earthquakes, flooding, erosion, sinkholes, and the like), Easements and No-Build
Zones, and other Protected Areas.

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Figure 5-1: BLISTT Growth Nodes Identified in BLISTT

Source: BLISTT Consultant Team, 2019

In Figure 5-1, Tuba can be seen as a First-Class Municipality directly accessible to Baguio
City and La Union; while Tublay is directly accessible from La Trinidad, which is adjacent and
directly accessible to Baguio City, The Polycentric Form or Bag-LISTT Strategy shall then be
critical to a livable mountainous cities and municipalities in a fragile environment, because it
indicates minimal occupation, the intrusion of sensitive areas and few human disturbances to
the natural ecosystem. Thus, the natural choice for BLISTT is not simply to encourage the
growth of the biggest urban core (which is Baguio City), but to raise the growth potential of
outlying LISTT areas in a synchronized manner.
With BLISTT Growth nodes gradually dispersing, they are now morphologically known as Sub-
centers- measured according to size, rank and distribution, in terms of employment and
population. A closer view of road connectivity revealed that road connectivity and infrastructure
systems are where most of economic activities/ land uses are situated.
Toward this end, the Consultant team considered functional linkages of Transport and Road
Connectivity to these sub-centers (LISTT) where Major Nodes of development (both existing
and emerging) are situated. These linkages were seen thru satellite and image mapping in
most areas, where urban network density and structure based on people flow (commuting),
information flow (communication), or goods flow (trade) among individual centers.
The Sub-centers were further grouped into Clusters as shown in Figure 5-2. With the
Clustering, it may be that 1-3 nodes are included in each of them. These Growth Nodes per
Cluster are enumerated thru the following:
1) Cluster A: Sub-center La Trinidad with Node 1.

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

2) Cluster B: Sub-center Tuba and Itogon with Nodes 6-7-8.

3) Cluster C: Sub-center Sablan with Node 2.
4) Cluster D: Sub-center La Trinidad-Tublay- Itogon with Nodes 3-4-5. Cluster A: Sub-Center La Trinidad

La Trinidad as Sub-center of CLUSTER A: ranked as the first sub-center next to Baguio in

close proximity, with sufficient road connectivity shall house the greatest number of tourism &
scenic activities, banking and commerce, commercial activities, mixed use and residential
occupancies. Only 1 huge node of development is identified here. Cluster B: Sub-Center Tuba and Itogon

Tuba-Itogon as Sub-centers of CLUSTER B: two sub-centers considered to contain its access

and connectivity from the core center of Baguio, land use functions mostly morphing were
those of Mixed use and all its ancillary facilities and Industrial Occupancies. Nodes 6-7-8 are
identified here. Cluster C: Sub-Center Sablan

Sablan as Sub-center of CLUSTER C: contains mostly Institutional-Mixed uses coupled by

Residential occupancies and expansion. Node 2 is identified here. Cluster D: Sub-Center Tublay

La Trinidad, Tublay-Itogon as Sub-centers of CLUSTER D: uncontained developments are

slowly dispersing in this cluster; likewise, a careful review of economic activities versus the
environment and natural barriers is needed. Most of the land use activities are in commercial,
mixed use, institutional as well as industrial with certain limitation of residential settlements or
no-build zones. Nodes 3-4-5 are identified here.
The Figure 5-2 below is the identified cluster groupings.

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Figure 5-2: BLISTT Cluster Map

Source: BLISTT Consultant Team, 2019

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

5.2.2 BLISTT Growth Nodes

This Figure 5-3 further illustrates the identified nodes of development. They are universally
color-coded: green-agricultural, yellow-residential, magenta-commercial, purple blue-mixed
use/institutional and buffer/ zone easements.
Figure 5-3: BLISTT Growth Nodes

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Source: BLISTT Consultant Team, 2019

These are Nodes 1-8 where initial location and land use activities are explained. They will
serve as the Conceptual Urban Structure and Land Use Plan where activities such as
agricultural, residential, commercial, mixed use institutional, industrial, hazardous/ no-build
zones will eventually be situated. Node 1: Commercial Uses

Figure 5-4: Node 1

Source: BLISTT Consultant Team, 2019

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

This is initially, the only one identified in SUB-CENTER A of LA TRINIDAD-TUBLAY.

This node is situated in all Barangays of Wangal; Puquis; Tadiangan; Banangan and
portions/ in proximity to Barangays Poblacion, Betag, Pico, Bayan Park West and
Irisan. There are three (3) major road networks spreading from the outskirts of
Burnham Road in Baguio City. These are the Bokawkan Road to Pico-Lamtang
Highway, Puguis Road-Buyagan Road, and Pico-Lamtang Road.
Node 1 will majorly house community/ neighborhood, and city/ municipal level of
Commercial Occupancies. These are permitted one lot deep along the following roads:

• Both sides of Bokaukan Road that passes the outskirts of Burnham Road to Naquilan/
Bauang Highway entry /exit to Baguio and very near to Barangay Irisan;
• Both sides of Pico-Lamtang Highway nearer to Barangay Banangan;
• Both sides of Puguis Road-Buyagan Road nearer to Barangay Puguis;
• Both sides of Long-long Benguet going to La Trinidad Multi-purpose and passes thru
Tam-awan Village; and lastly
• Both sides of Lt. Tacay, which is becoming dense and a spillover area from Burnham
Mixed Use Institutional Developments are anticipated in these 3 major road
intersections it is encouraged to be one lot deep (as it applies) from the main arterial
road. Supporting occupancies such as Institutional, Cultural, and other uses, are
concentrated on the Existing Major Road Right-of-ways.
Residential occupancies and other Agricultural Uses are permitted and accessible in
the minor/ barangay roads of Barangays Wangal, Poblacion, Betag, Puguis, Irisan,
Tadiangan and Banangan.

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center
VOLUME I: THE MASTER PLAN Node 2: Institutional Uses and Residential Expansion

Figure 5-5: Node 2

Source: BLISTT Consultant Team, 2019

It is the only one identified in SUB-CENTER C of SABLAN. This node is situated in all
portions/ in proximity to Barangays Ineng, Bayabas, Banangan, Banengbeng, Kamog,
Papa and Población. The major road that traverses this Node is that of Naguilan/
Bauang Highway from Baguio.
Commercial Uses in this node are in both sides of the Bauang Highway traversing all
portions/ in proximity to Barangays Ineng, Bayabas, Banangan, Banengbeng, Kamog,
Papa and Poblacion.

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Node 2 will develop thrusts on Residential Developments and Expansion. In order to

compliment this use, the Residential Uses will be backed with various institutional
and commercial developments situated on the arterial road of Naguilan/ Bauang
Highway. Agricultural Uses are permissible in the outskirts of the barangays. Node 3: Industrial and Commercial Uses

Figure 5-6: Node 3

Source: BLISTT Consultant Team, 2019

It is one of three identified in SUB-CENTER D of LA TRINIDAD- TUBLAY. The other

two are Nodes 4 and 5. This node is situated in Barangays Caponga (Poblacion) and
portions of Shilan, Ambassador, Alno, Basil and Tublay (Central). The major road that
traverses this Node is Halsema Highway from Baguio to Tublay. There is no direct
access from La Trinidad to Tublay.

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Node 3 will focus its thrusts to Industrial Uses, to promote accessibility and
convenience to farmers and agricultural practitioners. These Industrial Developments
will be accessible to Halsema Highway and directly connected arterial road.
Commercial Developments (as it applies) can be situated on both sides along these
major roads, in order to increase the economic activity of the area.
Institutional Developments are permissible in the junction of Halsema Highway to
promote accessibility of services to the public.
Residential Occupancies are situated away from the arterial roads in order to optimize
land use.

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center
VOLUME I: THE MASTER PLAN Node 4: Institutional Uses and Residential Expansion

Figure 5-7: Node 4

Source: BLISTT Consultant Team, 2019

It is one of three identified in SUB-CENTER D of TUBLAY. The other two are Nodes 3
and 5. This node is situated in Barangays Gumatdang, Ucab, Tuding, respectively and
all portions/ in proximity to Poblacion (Central), Virac, Pucsusan, Ambiong, Shilan and

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Node 4 will develop thrusts in Institutional Uses and Residential Expansion. In order to
compliment this use, the Residential Occupancies will be backed with various
institutional and mixed uses.
Commercial Developments are encouraged and situated at least one lot deep in major/
arterial roads that traverses this Node which are the following:

• Both sides Baguio-Boa-Itogon road that passes along the Wright Park, Cordillera Dap-
ay House, Arca”s Yard, and Beckel Elementary School;
• Both sides of Balatoc Road accessing Baguio-Itogon;
• Both sides of Philex Road that passes through numerous tourists’ spots in Itogon such
as Mount Ulap, Ambanaw-Paoay Peak, Eco-trail, etc.
Mixed-use Institutional Developments are permissible in the junctions of Baguio-Boa-
Itogon, Balatoc Road and Philex Road, respectively.
Residential Expansion is encouraged in the minor roads of Barangays Gumatdang;
Ucab; Tuding: and portions/ proximity of Poblacion (Central), Virac, Pucsusan,
Ambiong, Shilan and Loacan. Developments are observed in Tublay and nearby areas
of Itogon, in regard to environmental sustainability due to its existing physical condition,
such potential to natural hazards, ancestral domains, and areas observed as
hazardous/ no-build zones.

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center
VOLUME I: THE MASTER PLAN Node 5: Mixed Use and Industrial Uses

Figure 5-8: Node 5

Source: BLISTT Consultant Team, 2019

It is one of three identified in SUB-CENTER D of TUBLAY. The other two are Nodes 3
and 4. This node is situated in Barangays Loacan and Tinongdan near to Binga Dam,
respectively; and portions/ in proximity to Poblacion (Central), Ucab, Tuding, Capanga
(Poblacion) and Ambassador. Node 5 will develop thrusts in Mixed Use and Industrial
Commercial Developments are encouraged in major/ arterial roads that traverses this
Node, which are the following:

• Both sides of Balatoc Road accessing Baguio-Itogon;

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

• Both sides of Philex Road that passes through numerous tourists’ spots in Tublay such
as Mount Ulap, Ambanaw-Paoay Peak, Eco-trail, etc.
Mixed-use Institutional Developments towards environmental sustainability are
permissible in the Binga Dam. Residential Expansion is encouraged in the minor roads
of Barangays Gumatdang; Ucab; Tuding: and portions/ proximity of Poblacion
(Central), Virac, Pucsusan, Ambiong, Shilan and Loacan. Developments are observed
in Tublay and nearby areas of Itogon, in regard to environmental sustainability due to
its existing physical condition, such potential to natural hazards, ancestral domains,
and areas observed as hazardous/ no-build zones.

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center
VOLUME I: THE MASTER PLAN Node 6: Industrial Uses

Figure 5-9: Node 6

Source: BLISTT Consultant Team, 2019

It is one of three identified in SUB-CENTER B in TUBA- ITOGON. The other two are
Nodes 7 and 8. This node is situated in Barangay Ampucao and portions / in proximity
to Barangays Camp 3, Camp 4 and Virac, respectively.
Node 6 shall concentrate majorly in Industrial Uses, such as, but not limited to
Engineered Sanitary Landfill, Waste to Energy Facility, and the like. Some Commercial
Occupancies are encouraged on the Balatoc Road (one of the Roads accessing
Baguio to Itogon. within the sub-center, while the Residential Uses are anticipated in
the local/community roads. Majority of the sub-center is permitted to be Agricultural to
limit potential developments in Itogon, which imposes a hazard for natural disasters.
Commercial Developments are encouraged in both sides of Balatoc Road that
traverses this Node. Mixed-use Institutional Developments towards environmental
sustainability are permissible in the junction of Balatoc Road.

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Figure 5-10: Node 7

Source: BLISTT Consultant Team, 2019

It is one of three identified in SUB-CENTER B in TUBA- ITOGON. The other two are
Nodes 6 and 8. This node is situated in all portions / in proximity to Barangays Camp
4, Camp 7, Fort del Pilar, Apugan Loakan near Atok Trail and Santo Tomas School
area, respectively.
Node 7 shall house Mixed-use Occupancies oriented towards Commercial Uses that
strategic in accessing Baguio City, which is envisioned as the core of BLISTT.
Residential Occupancies, similar to Twin Peaks, are situated away on the arterial road
in order to optimize land use, and avoid potential congestions in the future.

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center
VOLUME I: THE MASTER PLAN Node 8: Mixed/ Institutional Uses

Figure 5-11: Node 8

Source: BLISTT Consultant Team, 2019

It is one of three identified in SUB-CENTER B in TUBA- ITOGON. The other two are
Nodes 6 and 7. This node is situated in the whole Barangays Dontongan, Bakakeng
North, Santo Tomas Area and portions / in proximity to Barangays Taloy Sur, Taloy
Norte and San Luis Village, respectively.
One of the major roads that traverse this node is Kennon Road, connecting Baguio
City to Rosario, La Union.
Node 8 shall house Mixed-/ Institutional Occupancies, in particular a University Town,
oriented towards commercial use. Commercial Occupancies as Emerging

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Developments are seen in both sides of interior roads in portions of Barangays Taloy
Sur, Taloy Norte and San Luis Village and Santo Tomas Areas. Residential Uses and
support facilities are situated away on the arterial roads in order to optimize land use,
and avoid potential congestions in the future.
Finally, moving from Strategy Building to Action Plan (refer The BLISTT SUID Flow of
Deliverables and Milestone Reports, SAR, 2019), the process of metropolisation in the
identified NODES OF DEVELOPMENT is a starting point towards fostering integration.
Integration can be functional, cultural and institutional and hence allow the BLISTT growth
areas to reap the benefits of agglomeration.
The Consultant team output aligns on the individual elements of this process of
metropolisation. This includes the spatial- functional dynamics in polycentric BLISTT areas,
such as how the roles and functions may change and evolve in a process of integration. Also,
the cultural side to metropolisation is important in BLISTT- how people and firms identify, or
perhaps even feel attachment to different territorial units, and it does, for instance, affect their
values and behavior. Then there is the institutional dimension, which is about finding effective
and efficient ways to arrive at an (to be defined, and context-dependent) optimal level of
regional coordination and cooperation. The development of instruments that allow for trade-
offs to balance the ‘regional good’ and local interests will then be particularly crucial. These
and other development sector plans will be the focus in the next segment – the Action Plan.

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center


6.1 Sector Summaries

6.1.1 Summary of Sector Goals, Objectives, Strategies, and Targets

Table 6-1: Summary of BLISTT Goals, Objectives, Strategies, and Targets




Population and Structure

1 Population Growth Focus growth and Identify growth Reduction in the

Managed at a urban expansion nodes in the ISTT population growth
Level That Will Not outside the Baguio that will entice rate of Baguio City
Exceed Carrying City and La movement of and La Trinidad
Capacity Trinidad people to less
populated areas


1 Improvement the Achieve efficiency Upgrade health Hire and capacitate

Quality of Life of the health personnel and Barangay Health
Through Timely delivery system expand local health Workers (BHW) in
and Efficient facilities to serve a 2020
Delivery of Basic larger number of
Social Services to clienteles
Support Inclusivity
and Resiliency Improve access to Construct local Construct
the full spectrum of health facilities in Barangay Health
health care barangays that Stations (BHS) that
offer the full offer complete
spectrum of health spectrum of health
care care in 2020

Increase Establish tertiary Establish

accessibility and education facilities campuses outside
affordability of to sustain high the city in
education at all literacy rate and neighboring towns
levels increase of Baguio City and
accessibility to La Trinidad to
affordable include Sablan and
education Tuba from 2020 to

Complement this
with: Planning and
Operation of Peace
and Order in
BLISTT in 2020;

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Construction of
Center in 2020;
and Construction of
Arts and Cultural
Center in 2020

Housing and Settlements

1 Formulation of Address the growth Implement Implementing

Implementing of houses and Seminar/Discussio Rules and
Rules and buildings situated ns within BLISTT Regulations for the
Regulations for the on geological Communities Presidential
Presidential hazard zones regarding these Degree 1998
Degree 1998 geological hazard series of 1985
Series Of 1985 zones

Participation/ Awareness of the

cooperation of the BLISTT
local tribes/ Communities
Indigenous regarding the
communities along Geological
with the Local Hazards in the
Government Units area
is obligatory

2 Support and Affordable housing Involvement/ Decrease in the

Regulate the Small options for the participation of the growth of squatting
Private Housing informal settlers local community and informal
Landlords for and low-income and LGU for the settlers
Affordable and workers in the planning and
Livable Living urban BLISTT decision-making
Spaces processes

Give government Provision of safe

incentives for the and affordable
landlords such as living spaces to the
subsidies for community
building additional
small private

3 Foster Socialized To supplement the Encourage public- Provision of

Housing in Rent- housing backlog in private partnership affordable and
To-Own Options the LGUs of to build enough enough housing to
BLISTT socialized housing the BLISTT
for BLISTT Community

Ensure the
involvement of the

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

community for the

decision making

4 Promote Affordable To provide student Deliberate planning University

University friendly room among Community Town
Community space rent stakeholders with project
Lodging for The the planning
Students experts with the
intervention of
preferences for the
building designs
and services


Local Economy

1 Attainment of Strengthen Identify alternative Identify viable

Competitive and capacity of micro, economic locations for PEZA
Thriving Local small and medium development sites expansion within
Economies enterprises in BLISTT for the BLISTT in 2020
(MSMEs) micro, small and considering factors
medium such as proximity
enterprises to production areas
(MSMEs) and source of raw

Develop ISTT as Establish tourism Develop an

tourism destination circuit for the integrated and
area tourism destination inclusive tourism
sites of BLISTT master plan for
BLISTT in 2020

Sustain Reduce Intensive

development in unemployment and promotion of
Baguio City and La poverty incidence livelihood program
Trinidad and in BLISTT by in LISTT in 2020
accelerate providing equal
development in its opportunity for
rural ISTT employment based
on qualifications of
the labor force

Maximize the Enhance Develop an

agriculture competitiveness of integrated
potential of ISTT the agriculture agriculture and
towards improved sector of BLISTT market
productivity development
program and
strategic market
matching program

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Develop Provide incentives

agricultural lands to and financial
ensure stable food support to the
supply for BLISTT agriculture sector’s
population taking investors,
into account the producers and
adoption of farmers
friendly agricultural

2 Sustainable Strengthen Strengthen the Construction of

Infrastructure competitiveness of agriculture supply farm to market
Development the agriculture chain of BLISTT to roads leading to
Support to sector within and include production
Production, outside BLISTT transportation and sites/farms and
Processing and logistics industry areas
Provision of
support and post-
harvest facilities

Construction and
improvement of
irrigation facilities


1 Master Obtain commitment Participative Comprehensive

Comprehensive of participants to workshops and site Master Plans for
Capacity Building the attainment of visits BLISTT (short
Program for the vision of term, medium term
BLISTT BLISTT and long term)
Stakeholders crafted and
Familiarize the formulated with
participants with intense
the imperatives for participation from
inter-local the BLISTT
cooperation and stakeholders
learn how these
may apply to

Learn about other

modes of inter-
local cooperation in
other parts of the

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Fiscal Management and Innovative Financing

1 Funding of Facilitate access to Utilize innovative National

Development sources of capital financing Government
Proposals for the mechanisms /Implementing

Create ODA and/or Donor

opportunities for Grants
sector collaboration

Implementation PPP incentives

through the LGU
Partnership for the
People (LGU P4)

Clustering of National and local

BLISTT investment
Development incentives

Utilization of credit Financing

facilities Programs offered
by GFIs and PFIs

Viability Gap Fund

2 Enhancement of Optimize local Fiscal policy Updating of

Revenue revenue streams reforms to increase revenue codes
Generation and reduce IRA efficiency and
Capacities dependency facilitate revenue

Full cost recovery Restructuring of

schemes in existing tax
operations of ordinances

Initiate revenue- Implementation of

generating projects new fees e.g.,

Performance Adjustment of tax

management rates as prescribed
systems in LGC of 1991

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Collection of fees
and charges,
penalties and fines


Tourism and Recreation

1 Local Government Improve basic Collaborative Adequate basic

as Models of infrastructure in determination and and support
Collaborative, Pro- support of tourism prioritization of infrastructure in all
Active and Creative basic support recreational sites
Governance infrastructure and tourist

2 Business Sector as Create a strong Complementary Increased arrivals

Drivers of tourism brand and destination and investment
Commercial robust product marketing and thru a
Tourism Activities inventory investment comprehensive
and Services promotions marketing and
promotions plan

Invest in friendly Strengthen Big-ticket

tourist government infrastructure
development support and projects initiated by
area/s develop skilled the private sector
labor capital in the rural areas

Economically Instill A network of

stable communities entrepreneurial MSME lodging
backboned by spirit for citizens to facilities, food and
MSMEs engage in tourism- beverage outlets
related enterprises and enterprises
that cater to
visitor’s needs

3 Civil Society as A well-informed Preserve local Programs to

Partners in community that cultural values and educate and create
Tourism values local culture heritage with awareness and
Development special focus on respect for the
the young local culture

4 Citizens in Site A competent corps Develop tourism Competent and

Communities as of tourism skills, knowledge certified skilled
Providers of professionals and attitudes for labor in all sectors
Tourism Services out-of-school youth of the tourism
and Activities & K-12 graduates industry

Awareness of the Promote A community

social and natural preservation of aware of the
environment nature, awareness environment and
of climate change respectful of others

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

and retention of and the indigenous

social values peoples

Indigenous Peoples and Gender and Development

1 Identification, Identify and Commission a Heritage sites

Rehabilitation, enhance heritage multi-sectoral body within BLISTT area
Conservation, And sites within the to identify and work identified,
Protection of BLISTT area out for the rehabilitated,
Heritage Sites identification and conserved and
conservation of protected
heritage sites
Establish a historic Document and A historic and
and cultural consolidate all cultural complex
complex historical events that would
Document, museums, cultural
conserve, and centers, archives,
protect tangible libraries, art
and intangible galleries and other
cultural heritage as tangible and
well as natural intangible cultural
heritage heritage. It would
also serve as a hub
for cultural
education and

2 Application of Have planners, Conduct regular Gender sensitive

Gender policy makers, orientation/ policies,
Mainstreaming in implementors and education on GAD legislations, plans,
All Public Policies, the public at large among various programs, projects
Legislations, apply gender sectors and activities
Programs, Projects mainstreaming in
and Activities all public policies, Gender awareness
programs, projects Mainstream GAD Gender sensitive
and activities in all sectors facilities and
(Social, equipment/tools
Economic, Energy, Gender sensitive
Environment, livelihood projects
Tourism, etc.)


Environmental and Disaster Risk Reduction and Management

1 Address/ Reverse Reserve protected Implement the 100% Hectares

Declining Areas of land and water enhanced National (area) planted
Forestland resources (e.g., Greening Program under the eNGP

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

forests, (eNGP) No. of ordinances

watersheds) in implementation enacted to further
BLISTT which can address protect natural
the problem of resources
deforestation and
contribute on
erosions, and
flooding in the
BLISTT areas and
adjoining provinces

Determine No. of general

protected areas for management plan
development as formulated
destination No. protected
areas identified for

2 Protect and Ensure Protect watersheds Continuous Percent coverage

Efficiency Water in BLISTT from implementation of of fenced area
Supply Resources, encroachment Integrated River
Particularly Basin Development
Watersheds and Management

Maximize the use Strengthen the No. of ordinances

of existing of water River Basin enacted to
supply resources Management watersheds
Council to protect
and preserve major
river basins in

Implement a user
fee system for

3 Regain and Stop illegal Continuous 100% Hectares

Preserve the encroachment implementation of (area) planted
Beauty of BLISTT’s (either settlement Integrated River under the eNGP
Natural or agriculture) to Basin Development forestland areas
Environment and forestlands; To and Management reclaimed
Its Remaining increase number of Masterplans
Undisturbed trees planted/
Scenery reforestation

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Strengthen the
River Basin
Council to protect
and preserve major
river basins in

Implement a user
fee system for

Suspend issuance
of new water rights
covering BLISTT
water resources by
the National Water
Resources Board

Prohibit future
developments in
highly prone areas,
especially with
history of disaster
development is
suggested to be
(These areas are identified in
the different hazard maps
shown in the Situational
Analysis of the Geotechnical
Sector. Furthermore, areas
that are previously identified
as required for emergency
response and retention should
be kept free.)

4 Develop More Enable BLISTT to Implement No. of resilient

Resilient and be more adaptive infrastructure infrastructure
Environment- and responsive to projects that will projects
Enhancing natural disasters make BLISTT more implemented
Infrastructure and hazards adaptive and
Projects responsive to
natural disasters
and hazards

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Make BLISTT more Implement critical No. of critical

resilient in time of transport transport
natural disasters infrastructure infrastructure
and hazards projects projects

Enable BLISTT to Provide training on Usage of geo-

address the optimal use of geo- hazard maps
negative impact of hazard maps at (1:10,000 scale)
climate change 1:10,000 scale in
the land use
planning and

Establish and BLISTT Disasters

strengthen are Prevented and
capacities of Mitigated: This
communities to aims to provide
anticipate, cope strategic actions to
and recover from activities revolving
the negative around hazards
impacts of evaluation and
emergency mitigation,
occurrences and vulnerability
disasters which analyses,
also include identification of
construction of hazard-prone
disaster resilient areas and
infrastructures mainstreaming
disaster risk
Ensure safe critical reduction and
infrastructure and management into
provision of supply development plans
of basic needs and in BLISTT.
life preservation to
affected population
based on
standards during or
after a disaster

Restore and BLISTT is prepared

strengthen plans for Disasters: This
for the aims to provide
improvement of strategic actions
facilities and living that will give
conditions of significance to
affected community
communities to awareness and
reduce the risk of understanding,
disasters conduct of local

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Prevent hazards hazard drills,

and mitigate contingency and a
potential impacts general BLISTT
by reducing disaster response
vulnerabilities and plan with the help
exposure of of all stakeholders
communities in order to achieve
a prepared BLISTT
citizenry and local

Classify land use BLISTT is

for disaster prone Responsive in
area Disasters: This
aims to provide
(Each disaster-prone area
strategic actions to
based on the hazard maps in
activities during the
the Situational Analysis should
actual disaster
be classified for land use in
terms of its accepted land use.
operations such as
Every disaster has their own
search and rescue,
acceptable risk on different
relief operations
land use classes. Steep slope
and early recovery
which is highly susceptible to
activities. These
landslide is only
activities could be
recommended for plantation
done before the
but not for residential or
actual response
operations or
during the disaster.
methods to reduce
risk geohazards
such as retarding
basin required to
contain flood water
should be keep
free of
development to
maintain its
function and
stabilization of
steep slopes


Transport and Connectivity

1 Formulation of Increase Number Encourage bus 20% decrease of

BLISTT Transport of P2P Buses from companies to add car usage by year
Connectivity Plan Metro Manila more first-class 2022

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

for a Family P2P buses to 30% decrease of

Oriented encourage car usage by year
Destination passengers to 2030
leave their private
vehicles at home 50% decrease of
car usage by year

Adopt the Jitney Partnerships with 50% modernized

Modernization LTFRB, DOTr, PUJs by year 2030
Program DOT, NEDA-CAR,
operators and

Higher cost of 100% modernized

government PUJs by year 2040
subsidy in order to
operators to avail a

Market the
features of the
modernized PUJ in
mass media

implementation of
the non-renewal of
PUJ registration if it
failed in the MVIS
(Motor Vehicle
Inspection System)
by the LTO (Land

implementation of
the non-renewal of
PUJ registration if it
failed in the
emissions testing
by LTO

The modernized
jitney is PWD

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Test at least five

(5) modernized
PUJs in the CBD

Centralized Public Partnerships with 50% of PUVS have

Transport LTFRB, LGU, PUJ terminals by year
Terminals (PUJs operators, and 2022
And Buses) For stakeholders
Location of 75% of PUVS have
possible terminals terminals by year
in the CBD to 2030
commuters to use 100% of PUVs
public transport have terminals by
instead of private year 2040

Adopt Multi-Modal Partnerships with 30% decrease of

Transport System DOTr, DOT, car usage by year
such as: NEDA-CAR, DOE, 2030
• Ground stakeholders
Cable Cars
• Monorails Invite stakeholders 50% decrease of
• Automatic for BOT projects car usage by year
Guided 2040
• Aerial Resolve RRW
Ropeway issues including
Cable Cars ancestral lands

Slope Protection to Partnerships with 50% of road

landslide prone NEDA-CAR and sections with slope
sections of the DPWH-CAR protection by year
BLISTT Outer 2022
Road to develop Identify landslide 75% of road
and maintain prone areas by sections with slope
growth areas hazard maps protection by year

Refer to geological 100% of road

and hydrology sections with slope
studies of each protection by year
section of the road 2040
which is
susceptible to
falling rocks and

Information and Communications Technology

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

1 Formulation of ICT Provide adequate Cooperation BENECO to

Sector Action Plan and efficient between national provide internet
telecommunication government, LGUs, broadband service
infrastructures/ ICT and private in the area of
development telecommunication BLISTT in 2020-
technologies in s companies in 2030 (Medium
BLISTT to promote order to provide Term)
better quality of life needed
and improve the infrastructures in
general urban BLISTT area.
conditions of the
Government utilizing existing
growth center
infrastructures of utility
companies (BENECO) to
provide internet broadband in

Address difficulty in National National

the application for government and government and
permits in LGUs to lessen LGUs should
telecommunication permit amend laws,
and ICT installation requirements and policies and
of infrastructures must standardized regulatory
permits issued issuances that
across local govern
government units telecommunication
so as not to s and ICT in 2020-
hamper the 2030 (Medium
accelerated Term)
deployment of

Address high Government has Construct common

infrastructure cost come out rules in towers in areas of
in roll-out of common BLISTT to lessen
telecommunication towers or common cost in operations
and ICT tower sharing to and infrastructure
reduce high cost of installations in
operations and 2020-2030
infrastructures (Medium Term)

Provide internet National Install Wi-Fi in

connectivity in government different public
public places, created a law to places and
government provide for free government
agencies and internet in public agencies in the
LGUs places areas of BLISTT in
(Medium Term)

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Address literacy in DICT/ National Construct buildings

ICT education in government put up for TECH4ED
BLISTT area TECH4ED projects projects in all areas
to address the of BLISTT in 2020-
need for literacy in 2030 (Medium
ICT in areas in Term)


Power and Energy

1 Formulate an Establish a Solid Design, construct 2020: Develop the

Energy Sector Waste and operate an ESLF with MRF
Action Plan For Management engineered and WTE facilities
BLISTT Program thru sanitary landfill
Engineered (ESLF) system with 2021: Operate the
Sanitary Landfill materials recovery ESLF until end of
(SHORT TERM) facility (MRF) life (2040) and
extend/expand as

Develop a Waste Design, construct 2020: Develop the

to Energy Pyrolysis and operate the WTE project
Power Plant Waste to Energy
(LONG TERM) (WTE) power plant 2021-2022:
Construct the WTE

2023: Operate the

WTE plant until
end of life (2040)
and extend/expand
as necessary

Develop a Solar Design, construct 2025: Construct

PV Power Plant and operate solar within 6 months the
(MEDIUM TERM) photo voltaic (PV) solar PV farms and
system in non- operate for the next
productive 20-25 years to
agricultural lands meet future growth
with good sunlight in local BLISTT
and minimal forest demand and
cover and away contribute to the
from shading national demand
effects of mountain growth

Develop a Wind Design, construct 2030: Construct

Power (LONG and operated wind within 12 months
TERM) turbine systems in the wind turbine
vacant mountain farms in the
tops with adequate accessible

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

wind speed and mountain tops to

road network for meet future growth
easy access to the in local BLISTT
wind turbine towers demand and
contribute to the
national demand

Water Supply and Sanitation

1 Provision of Attain water Develop new water Complete

Adequate, Safe sufficiency sources comprehensive
and Potable Water water resources
Supply study by 2021

Protect existing Implement phased

and proposed source
water sources development
starting 2022

Improve water Establish WDs in Reactivate Itogon

service towns without WDs WD in 2020
management and
operation Establish Sablan,
Tuba and Tublay
WDs by 2021

Plan and provide Complete water

water supply supply feasibility
system studies for water
improvements in systems of IISTT
the said towns to WDs by 2021
prime up
operations Design and build
water systems for
the ISTT WDs by

Increase Level 3 Expand service 64% Level 3 in

water service areas including year 2022
coverage proposed growth
nodes 74% Level 3 in
year 2030

Convert Levels 2 82% Level 3 in

and 1 to Level 3 year 2040

2 Provision of Provide first-stage Implement BLISTT- Complete BLISTT-

Community- community-level wide septage wide septage
Level sanitation services management management study
Sanitation program by 2021

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Facilities Design and build

and septage treatment
Services plant and procure
vacuum trucks by

Implement septage
program starting

Increase septage Expand service 19% coverage in

management areas including year 2022
service coverage proposed growth
nodes 49% coverage in
year 2030

27% coverage in
year 2040

Expand and Expand Baguio Complement

develop new City sewerage ongoing sewerage
sewerage systems system system
and eventually improvements in
improve the water Baguio City with a
quality of receiving study covering
rivers/water bodies wider service area
by 2021

Develop new Complete La

sewerage system Trinidad sewerage
for La Trinidad system study by

Require Implement
appropriate sewerage
sanitation system improvements
for new starting 2022
developments and
those of the
proposed growth

Monitor water
quality of receiving
water bodies

Increase sewerage Expand service 16% coverage in

service coverage areas including year 2022
proposed growth

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Convert septage 50% coverage in

service areas to year 2030
sewered areas
during latter years

Convert septage 72% coverage in

treatment plant into year 2040
sewage treatment
if feasible

Solid Waste Management

1 Formulation of Solid Waste Design, construct 2020: Develop and

Solid Waste Sector Management Thru and operate and construct the ESLF
Action Plan Engineered engineered with MRF and plan
Sanitary Landfill sanitary landfill for WTE facilities
(ESLF) (Short (ESLF) system with
Term) materials recovery 2021: Operate the
facility (MRF) ESLF until end of
life (2040) and
extend/expand as

2 Formulation of Waste-to-Energy Design, construct 2040: Plan and

Waste/ Energy (WTE) Pyrolysis and operate the develop the WTE
Sector Action Plan Power Plant (Long waste to energy Project as
Term) (WTE) power plant necessary

Construct and
operate the WTE
facility as

3 Capacity Mainstream SWM Integrate SWM in Supported the

Development, in school’s school curricula at curriculum
Social Marketing curricula and all levels development or
and Advocacy programs at all integration
Selected and
disseminated best
practices of
integrating SWM in
the school curricula

Require schools Collaborated with

and universities to concerned
implement in- agencies (CHED,
house SWM DepEd, etc.) in
programs encouraging
schools and
universities to

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

implement SWM

Engage the Capacitate Conducted needs

support of SWM information assessment based
stakeholders thru channels, on identified core
increased advocates, competencies in
awareness and practitioners, SWM at BLISTT
participation policymakers and LGUs
SWM focal persons
modules for SWM
development and
training of trainers

Conducted regular
SWM training on
values formation,
technical skills and
management for
SWM focal persons
and advocates

Established Developed and

partnerships and implemented social
engage the support marketing plan for
of local policy- and BLISTT and its
decisionmakers in member LGUs
prioritizing SWM in
the agenda Established formal
partnerships with
the CSO, private
sector, media and
other interested
partners in social
marketing and

4 Sustainable SWM Enhance financing Improve BLISTT Rationalized

Financing options LGU access to requirements for
Mechanisms existing financing fund availment
windows from government
institutions (GFIs)

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Provide Establish the Strengthened

sustainable BLISTT SWM Fund public-private
financing on SWM (BSWMF) partnerships (PPP)
at the BLISTT scheme in SWM
LGUs financing

Enhance cost Established and

recovery operationalized the
mechanism at the BSWMF
LGU level

Encourage Supported LGUs in

economies of scale adopting local
in designing SWM ordinances
facilities/programs with cost recovery
mechanisms based
on diligent local
level planning

Monitored LGU
performance and
best practices in
implementing cost

Supported LGUs in
alliance building,
clustering and
sharing of SWM
facilities for
economies of scale
especially in the
construction and
implementation of
SLF and/or WTE

5 Creating Economic Sustain the Enhance the Organized and

Opportunities markets market supported the
established for all development for national and local
recyclables and recyclable trade fairs on
recycled products materials and recyclables and
including compost recycled products, recycled products
including compost,
as well as, analyze Enhanced market
and develop the development for
value chain recyclable
materials and
recycled products,
including compost

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Promoted the use

of compost at the
LGUs and other
similar initiatives

Analyzed and
developed the
value chain

Make available and Encourage Clarified guidelines

accessible participation of and simplified
incentives to potential investors requirements to
investors avail of fiscal and
non-fiscal incentive

6 Compliance Institutionalize Establish a Set up and

monitoring, mechanisms for common LGU and regularly updated
enforcement and monitoring, stakeholder’s interactive
recognition enforcement and interactive database for
recognition monitoring and monitoring the
database system compliance of
LGUs and other

Form, mobilize and Developed the

empower capacities of and
monitoring and deputized SWM
enforcement teams enforcers

Recognize SWM Strengthened

best practices and visitorial and police
utilization/applicatio powers of PENRO
n of technologies and CENROs and
developed quasi-
judicial powers of

Documented SWM
best practices of
recognized LGUs
and other

Urban Structure and Land Use

1 Formulation of Provide an updated Cooperation and National/ regional

BLISTT Urban and support between government and
Structure and Land comprehensive national/regional BLISTT LGUs to
Use Plan Urban Structure government, LGUs develop their
and Land Use in of BLISTT Growth Urban Structure
BLISTT to promote area, stakeholders and Land Use Plan
better quality of life and private land

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

and improve the developers in order by phases between

general urban to provide needed 2020-2030
conditions of the Land Use Plans to
growth center accelerate
infrastructures in

Address difficulty in Cooperation and National

the application for support between government and
planning and the national/ LGUs in BLISTT
zoning permits in regional should amend
the present and government and laws, policies and
future uses of the BLISTT LGUs to regulatory
land in BLISTT lessen permit issuances that
growth area requirements and govern Land Uses
must standardized in 2020-2022
permits issued
across local
government units
so as not to
hamper the
deployment of

Address disputes Cooperation and Immediate Land

and exemptions in support between Use and Zoning
ancestral domains, the national/ policies in specific
alienable and regional areas of BLISTT
disposable lands, government and need to be
hazard / no-build BLISTT LGUs has addressed to
zones, forestlands, come out with lessen cost in
public policies, rules, and operations and
infrastructure regulations in the infrastructure
developments, and proper Land installations in
the like administration and 2021-2030
management of
Land use Policies
and Regulation in
the BLISTT area

Address literacy in Cooperation and Continuous

Land Use support between awareness and
education in the national/ campaigns in Land
BLISTT growth regional Use education in
area government and all areas of BLISTT
BLISTT LGUs for in 2021-2040
awareness and
campaign projects
to address the
need for

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

development thru
effective Land Use
policies in the
environment, solid
waste, water
supply and
sanitation, etc.

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

6.1.2 Summary of Sector Programs, Projects, and Activities (PPAs)

Table 6-2: Summary of BLISTT PPAs




Due to the inadequate barangay health workers (BHW), since the BLISTT Health Development Program
requirement of one (1) BHW for every household has to be satisfied,
as well as the insufficient health manpower, given the ideal
requirement of one BHW for every 20 households, the program
involves the following activities: (1) hiring of Barangay Health Workers
(BHWs) who are the front liners in providing healthcare services to the
residents in the barangay; and (2) construction of additional Barangay
Health Stations (BHS) to increase access of the local residents
especially in the poor, far flung areas to benefit from primary care
basic health services offered by the BHS.

The project involves the establishment of campuses outside the city BLISTT University Expansion
to include Sablan and Tuba. This will support the strengthening of the
creative economies of BLISTT and increase the employable
population that will be needed in expanding the business opportunities
in the area.

Security personnel such as police are not adequate since LISTT Joint Planning and Operation of Peace and Order in BLISTT
posted police-population ratio ranging from 1:796 to 1:1,136
compared with the standard requirement of 1:500 population. While
the police to resident population ratio in the BLISTT is within standard,
the area’s population balloons during school season. Thus, this delays
response time.

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Sports and recreation facilities are generally present in BLISTT. BLISTT Youth Development Center
Nevertheless, there’s a need to further strengthen youth’s
involvement in sports and recreational activities.

Housing and Settlements

Housing and Human Settlement built on Geological Hazard Zones Formulation of Implementing Rules and Regulations of the
Presidential Decree no. 1998 series of 1985

This project entails the formulation of Implementing Rules and

Regulations (IRR) as it gives more vibrant guide to the operation and
creation of housing projects within BLISTT.

Provision of Housing Resettlement and Housing Assistant

Continuous provision of housing resettlement to families/household

affected by disasters (typhoons, fire earthquake) as well as
establishing housing assistant to families/households

Squatting and Informal Settlers Subsidize or give government incentives to small private housing
landlords for affordable and livable living spaces

Housing Backlogs Plan and Construct Socialized Housing in rent-to-own options

Communication and Public Participation

Need to develop a comprehensive information and communication/ Development of an information and advocacy plan including the
advocacy plan to raise awareness on BLISTT inter-local cooperation, production of IEC materials
activities to sustain growth, and proposed solutions to address
challenges, and highlight public’s role in the efforts


Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Local Economy

Economic opportunities need to be shared with other municipalities • BLISTT Ecozone Development Program
such as the ISTT. For instance, ISTT have the potentials to be • Development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
developed into specific economic functions given the following: Itogon (MSMEs) in BLISTT
serves as a mining site and food production area; Sablan’s economic • Intensive promotion of livelihood program in LISTT
functions are in agriculture, tourism and manufacturing activities; • Development of an integrated agriculture and market
Tuba is an agri-tourism area; and Tublay specializes in agriculture. development program
• Conduct of strategic market matching program
This will address poverty incidence in LISTT where high poverty • Financial support provision to farmers/producers and MSMEs
incidence is recorded for the Municipality of Tublay (11.70%). The
• BLISTT Agricultural Transport Development Project
other municipalities have poverty incidence of less than 5.0 percent in
• Development of agro-tourism/organic and urban gardening
2012: La Trinidad (1.70%), Sablan (9.2%), Tuba (4.6%) and Itogon

LISTT are predominantly driven by the agriculture sector but • Construction of agro-industrial center
potentially may be dominated by the tertiary sector due to continuous • Construction of farm-to-market roads leading to production
growth in population rendering an uneven development. Since LISTT sites/farms and industry areas
are primarily engaged in agro-industries, the comparative advantages • Provision of production infrastructure support and post-harvest
of these areas need to be further developed to address food security. facilities
• Construction and improvement of irrigation facilities in LISTT
• Database Management System Development for the
Agriculture Sector
• Formulation of agriculture incentive guidelines
• Strengthening of research, development and extension in
partnership with academic institutions


Capacity Building for BLISTT • Creation of a general manager for BLISTT under the
supervision of the BLISTT Governing Council

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

• Constitution of project management offices (PMOs) for special

BLISTT-wide projects (such as solid waste, water and
sanitation, connectivity, transport)

Capacity Building for Civil Society Leaders and Indigenous People in • Appointment of CSO and IP leaders to sit in BLISTT
BLISTT as an Integral Component of The Communications Plan • Organization of a network of CSO and IPs in BLISTT

Proposed Capacity Building for BLISTTDA • Appointment by the President of the BLISTTDA Chairman
• Appointment by the BLISTTDA Chairman, in consultation with
the BLISTT governing council of the following key official of
BLISTTDA who meet the requirements for such
o BLISTTDA General Manager and Assistant General
o Managers of the various special offices of BLISTT as
provided by law including the following offices:
transportation, solid waste management, traffic, water
and sanitation, tourism, education, etc.


Tourism and Recreation

• Weak institutional linkages and coordination with national • Program implementation plans; destination marketing and
government agencies, the provincial government and among investment promotions; and preparation and dissemination of
the six LGUs marketing tools and organizing promotional activities;
• Limited technical skills in tourism, hospitality, technology, arts • Organizational development; systems design; staffing and
and crafts, and entrepreneurship hiring; determination of capital expenditures and other
• Absence of a strong tourism brand for consistency as one operating expenses; and
integrated tourist destination • Communication protocols for intra-LGU and inter-agency
communications and coordination with the business sector,
site communities and civil society
• Capability-building for LGU officials and civil servants in
tourism-related technical skills;

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

• Infrastructure and facilities management skills for the business

sector; and
• Tourism awareness for civil society and development of
tourism-related skills for site communities, NGOs and IP

Indigenous Peoples and Gender and Development

This involves the identification and designation of heritage zones/sites Identification, Restoration, Conservation, And Protection of Heritage
and cultural property and maintaining their cultural significance Sites
through preservation, restoration and/or protection.

A multi-sectoral body shall be formed for this program/project in close

coordination with the appropriate cultural agencies. It shall conduct
researches, documentation and collection of tangible and intangible
cultural heritage as well as natural heritage for designation or

The program/project will also involve the construction of a historic and

cultural complex would accommodate museums, cultural centers,
archives, libraries, art galleries and other tangible and intangible
cultural heritage not featuring only the BLISTT area but whole
Cordillera region. It would also serve as a hub for cultural education
and entertainment.

This will be an enduring effort to integrate GAD in every development Application of Gender Mainstreaming in All Public Policies,
effort through orientations, seminars that could be reinforced by local Legislations, Programs, Projects and Activities
policies and legislations. Gender are also closely related to the
welfare of children, youth and senior citizens.


Environmental and Disaster Risk Reduction and Management

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

• Constraints due to mountainous and rugged physical • Fencing of Existing Watersheds

environment • Implementation of Soil Stabilization and Various Ground
• Majority of land areas are restricted for development; Improvement Techniques
prevalence of illegal encroachment due to additional • Installation/ Improvement of Drainage System at Limestone
residential and agricultural land requirements and Dolomite Areas
• Exposure to natural hazards and climate-change stressors • Rehabilitation of Mined-Out Areas in the BLISTT
• Construction of Flood Control System


Transport and Connectivity

Lack of Public Transport Plan Formulation of Public Transport Plan for determination of new routes,
PUV modernization program, and multi-modal transport system

Lack of Alternative Multi Modal Public Transport System Studies Completion of Automated Guideway Transit Feasibility Study

Lack of Sidewalk for Pedestrians • Pedestrianization of major roads in the CBD to provide space
for multi-modal transport system like tram lines
• Sidewalk Improvements in BLISTT to encourage locals and
tourists to walk and minimize car usage in the CBD
• Painted crosswalks at designated lanes with pedestrian

Lack of Alternative Public Transport Mode • The PUV modernization program aims for new and safer
jitneys on the street and phase out the old and poorly
maintained ones. This was initially introduced by the Land
Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) in
2015. It pursues to minimize outdated and dilapidated jitneys
in the streets, boost passenger safety, and prevent pollution
by imposing an age limit for transport vehicles that are allowed
to operate.

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

• This can be used as a tram like mode of vehicle and can be

used as an alternate mode for commuters.
• An exclusive lane like an HOV (High Occupancy Vehicle) lane
will be provided for faster travel.
• This program discourages commuters to shift or owning
private vehicles.
• Car owners are motivated to shift to public the modern PUJ
because of its salient features.

Lack of Centralized Public Transport Terminal with Car Parks • Centralized PUJ terminals provide comfort, convenience, and
safety for waiting passengers especially during peak hours.
Long queues are experienced by majority of passengers at
staging areas during this time since PUJs travelling to the CBD
are caught in traffic. The following attributes of a centralized
PUJ terminal are the following:
o WIFI connection
o TV screens
o Food kiosk
o Chairs/ benches
• The PUJ terminal is also timely for the proposed PUV
o Comfort: The terminal provides protection for waiting
passengers from extreme heat, carbon dioxide
emissions, and heavy downpour.
o Convenience: The terminal will be linked to pedestrian
overpasses, sidewalks, and future alternative multi
modal transport to promote walkability in the CBD and
discourage passengers shifting/owning a private
o Safety: The terminal provides protection for waiting
passengers from pedestrian accidents since majority
of waiting passengers at this time are queuing along
sidewalks and roads.

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

• Propose a BLISTT Integrated Terminal Exchange (PUJs and

Private Vehicle use)

No Bicycle Lanes for Non-Motorized Transport Introduce non-motorized transport lanes for Bicycles; Proposed pilot
location in La Trinidad from Benguet State University to Capitol and
vice versa

Delay in Road Widening and Right Turning Radius Projects Fast track RRW studies

Confusing and Missing Traffic Signs/ Information and Traffic Signs Are City Ordinances on Traffic Rules and Regulations must be reviewed
Not MUTCD Standard and must conform to MUTCD (Manual on Uniform Traffic Control

Major Roads and Intersections in Baguio City Have Reached Its Maximum • Construct flyovers at key entry intersections from LISTT area
Carrying Capacity at Level of Service E Or F to Baguio City if road widening is not possible
• Increase right turning radius at key intersection entry points to
utilize alternate routes easily
• Correct 3 lane-2-way highway to 4 lane-2 way to
accommodate a 50-50% directional distribution especially at
Ben Palispis highway (Marcos High- way) by road widening or
• Re-design the traffic flow in the flyover located at La Trinidad
– Magsaysay – Bokawkan intersection
• Completion of the BLISTT outer circumferential road

No Traffic Engineering Center • Propose a traffic engineering center (e.g. MMDA-Metro Manila
Development Authority) with qualified traffic engineers to
update and monitor traffic and transport plans with
documentation of traffic congestion and road crash accidents
yearly. This will enable a scientific approach to traffic problems
besetting the city.

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Public Utility Jitneys Are Outdated in Vehicle Design and Its Engine Is at Euro Adopt PUV modernization program by the national government for
2 Level. Euro 2 Level Emits Harmful Carbon Monoxide Emissions That May driver and passengers’ comfort and safety with the following features:
Reach PM10.
• CCTV Cameras
• Automated Fare Collection Systems
• Front-Facing Seats
• New Exits on the Right-Hand Side
• Euro 4 engines reduces half of the PM10 emissions emitted
by EURO 2 engines which promotes clean air.

With the salient features of the modernized Jitney, it encourages

tourists and locals to leave their private cars at home which eventually
minimize traffic congestion.

Lack of Alternative Public Transport Mode Provide Tram (San Francisco type cable car system) lines from CBD
to tourist destinations. One cable car has a capacity of 60 passengers
which eventually be a solution to the transport problems occurring
during peak and non-peak seasons for tourists and locals alike. Trams
can adapt to the number of passengers by adding more cars during
rush hour (and removing them during off-peak hours). No additional
driver is then required for the trip in comparison to buses.

This mode of transport travels at a speed of 16 km/hr and is run by

electricity which is environmentally friendly. Trams can run on
renewable electricity without the need for very expensive and short
life batteries

This mode of transport is cheaper, lesser space is required, and easier

to maintain as compared to monorail and light rail transit system.
Rights-of-way for trams are narrower than those intended for buses.
This saves valuable space in cities like Baguio with high population
densities and narrow streets.

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

This alternative mode will be a pioneer transport mode in the

Philippines and Asia.

Cable Cars (Aerial Ropeway) • It will be an iconic transportation system for tourists.
• Tourists gets an aerial view of scenic spots
• Established stations in LISTT area promotes growth nodes.
• This is suitable for BLISTT mountainous terrains.

Lack of Tunnel Roads as Alternate Route in The BLISTT Area • Constructing tunnels parallel to arterial roads such as Kennon
Road reduces travel time
• Tunnels provide protection against landslide, earthquake,
falling rocks, and vehicle-guardrail collisions.
• No winding roads
• Decongests traffic volume in Kennon Road and Marcos

Lack of Alternative Public Transport Mode Proposed Monorail project from La Trinidad to Baguio and vice versa
as a pilot route

BLISTT Outer Circumferential Road, Kennon Road, Ben Palispis Proposed Road viaduct at landslide prone sections
Road (Marcos Highway) Etc. Are Prone to Landslide Occurrence

Information and Communications Technology

• Difficulties in Cell Site Construction in Some Parts of BLISTT • BENECO/Converge ICT as Broadband Service Provider in
• Poor Mobile Signal/ Limited Internet Availability of Service in • Free Wi-Fi in Public Places in BLISTT
Most Areas of BLISTT • Tech4Ed Project in BLISTT
• High Infrastructure Cost • Emergency Warning Broadcast System (EWBS) and Data-
• Limited/ No Internet in Public Places in Some Areas of BLISTT Casting System Project
• Provision of Adequate and Affordable Broadband Access • BLISTT Shared Passive Telecommunications Tower
Capacity in BLISTT Infrastructure (Shared PTTIs/ Common Tower) Project

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center


Power and Energy

• Balance national power supply security vs. local power supply • Sanitary Landfill Gas to Power Facility
security concerns • Waste-to-Energy Pyrolysis Power Plant
• Address climate change and global warming issues – • Solar PV Power Without Battery
renewable energy vs. fossil energy (oil, coal, natural gas) and • Conventional Wind Turbine
enhance security of energy and power supply
• Improve the growth area’s environmental and public health
when solutions are generally expensive
Water Supply and Sanitation

Weak Institutional Set-Up • Creation of a BLISTT department / agency focused on water

and sanitation;
• Establishment of WDs in towns without WDs

Fragmented Planning • Preparation of comprehensive BLISTT water resources study;

• Preparation of water supply feasibility studies for proposed
new WDs;
• Preparation of BLISTT-wide septage management program
feasibility study;
• Preparation of feasibility study for the expansion of Baguio City
• Preparation of feasibility study for La Trinidad sewerage

Shortage of Water Supply • Development of new water sources

Very Limited Community-Level Sanitation Services • Implementation of BLISTT-wide septage management

• Expansion of Baguio City sewerage system;
• Implementation of La Trinidad sewerage system

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Keeping Up with The Increasing Water Demand • Development of additional water sources

Leveling Up of Community-Level Sanitation Services • Further expansion of Baguio City sewerage system;
• Expansion of La Trinidad sewerage system;
• Conversion of septage treatment plant into sewage treatment
if feasible

Solid Waste Management

• Continuous increase in population can be equated to address • Development and construction of the Integrated Solid Waste
the insufficient physical and social infrastructure Management Facility (ISWMF)
• Generation of high volume of solid waste from the local o Engineered Sanitary Landfill (ESLF)
population and guest tourists o Material Recovery Facility (MRF)
• Existing physical infrastructure requires upgrading and/or o Composting Facility (CF)
development and construction to address the increased • Development and construction of the Waste to Energy (WTE)
demand for services and accumulation of solid waste Facility
• Information and Education Campaign (IEC) for Solid Waste
• Establish fund availment from government financing
institutions and strengthen public-private partnerships (PPP)
scheme in SWM financing
• Market development for recyclable materials and products
including compost
• Establish a common LGU and stakeholder’s interactive
monitoring and database system for enforcement purposes
and recognition of SWM best practices

Urban Structure and Land Use

• Becomes the overall agenda in terms of direction and planning Crafting of a New BLISTT Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP)
of all sectors of BLISTT in any present and future

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

• Recommend and illustrate projects and activities in the

immediate, medium and long-term plans

• Address application requirements for planning and zoning Crafting of a New BLISTT Zoning Ordinance
permits in the present and future uses of the land in BLISTT
growth area
• Clarify disputes and exemptions in ancestral domains,
alienable and disposable lands, hazard/ no-build zones,
forestlands, public infrastructure developments, and the like

Permit greater flexibility in traditional and use regulations, and to use Crafting of Planned Unit Development (PUD) and Special Designated
a more creative approach in the density requirements, setbacks and Zones (SDZ) of BLISTT Land Uses
other land use regulations

• For archival, preservation, and accessibility of related Monitoring, Evaluation and Management of Digitized Maps/ Plans of
information is essentially intended for further improvement, BLISTT Land Uses
upgrading monitoring and management
• Provide an accessible and safekeeping of information,
digitization of BLISTT Land Use Plans for monitoring,
studying, and upgrading of existing land use and occupancy

Update and aligned to the Philippine Development Plan (PDP), the Updating and Aligning of BLISTT City and Municipalities’ CLUP to the
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), CAR - Regional General Agenda, Goals, and Objectives of BLISTT Land Uses
Development Plan and Physical Framework Plan, BLISTT Action
Agenda with particular emphasis to two National Spatial Strategies of
Inclusivity and Integration

Involves the soft and hard compilation and archiving of BLISTT Revisit and Consolidate BLISTT CLUPs
CLUPs through a comparative analysis of former land use plans and
ordinances, current city/municipality conditions and needs, and
existing and future trends in land use planning

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

• Raise awareness about land, people, and activities in regard Education and Literacy Campaign of BLISTT CLUPs and CDPs
to their environment
• Educate the public in caring for a healthy and clean
environment by carefully analyzing activities of the use of their

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

6.1.3 Summary of Sector Identified Major Projects

Table 6-3: Summary of Identified Major Projects for BLISTT



1. BLISTT University Community

It will support the regional development view of making the Cordillera Autonomous
Region (CAR) as the prime educational center north of Manila. It is a means of
decongesting the highly populated settlement areas of the city and expanding the
benefits of higher education to attendant communities along the peripheries of the
development central area.

It will also provide wide array of benefits to the host local government unit to include the
generation of direct revenues, provision of jobs and better livelihood to the local

2. BLISTT Health Development Program

The program involves the following activities:

• Hiring of Barangay Health Workers (BHWs) who are the front-liners in providing
healthcare services to the residents in the barangay; and
• Construction of additional Barangay Health Stations (BHS) to increase access of the
local residents especially in the poor, far flung areas to benefit from primary care
basic health services offered by the BHS.
3. BLISTT Regional Specialized Health Facilities

The program involves the construction of specialized health facilities similar with the
existing facilities such as Heart Center, Cancer Center, Lung Center, among others).

Housing and Settlements

1. Formulate A Participatory Implementing Rules and Regulations of The

Presidential Decree No. 1998 Series Of 1985

This project entails the formulation of Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) as it
gives more vibrant guide to the operation and creation of housing projects within

2. Provision of Housing Resettlement and Housing Assistant

A continuous provision of housing resettlement to families/ household affected by the

multi-hazard disasters as well as establishing housing assistant to families/ households.

3. Build Socialized Housing in Rent-To-Own Options

The project will build socialized housing offering rent-to-own options covering all
agreements between stakeholders.

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

4. Government Tax Incentives to The Small Private Housing Landlords for

Building of More Affordable and Livable Living Spaces

The small private housing land lords provides affordable and livable living spaces to the
community and supporting them in a way to create more of these types of housing will
accommodate more of the BLISTT low income community.

5. Completion/ Updating/ Approval of Climate Change Adaptation-Disaster Risk

Reduction enhanced CLUP

The project aims to craft/update existing Climate Change Adaptation- Disaster Risk
Reduction enhance CLUP of BLISTT.

6. University Community Housing

This will be a project to be implemented at Tuba, Benguet. It aims to build a University

Community/Town with the main objective to provide a site where higher education
institutions (HEIs) locate and share common facilities. This unified and integration of
education facilities in an area induces cooperative activities between and among HEIs.

7. Miners’ Community Housing

This will be a project to be implemented at Itogon, Benguet. It aims to build a Miners’

Community/Town with the main objective to provide a site where certified small pocket
miners locate and share common housing facilities. This unified and integration of
miners’ facilities in an area induces cooperative activities between and among small
pocket miners and foster safe, educated and sustainable mining.

8. Farmers’ Community Housing and Cultural Tourism Village

This will be a project to be implemented at Tublay, Benguet. It aims to build an Igorot

and Farmers’ Community/Town with the main objective to provide a site where tourist
immerse in the Cordillera culture through shared housing facilities. This unified and
integration of housing facilities in a tourism village induces cooperative activities
between and among local tribes and foster safe, educated and sustainable farm-
tourism. The Vigan Cultural Village or the Villa Escudero can studied as the model.


Local Economy

1. BLISTT Agro-Industrial Economic Zone

BLISTT AIEZ will comprise a contiguous and compact territory aptly for agro-industrial,
manufacturing, commercial and financial development having a decentralized, self-
reliant and self-sustaining investment center with least government involvement.

2. BLISTT Agricultural Development Program

The proposed program aims to further develop the ISTT’s agriculture potentials and
increase agricultural productivity. It will also minimize the conversion of agricultural land
to non-agricultural uses such as industrial and commercial purposes.

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

The following are the projects under the program:

• Construction of agro-industrial center;

• Improvement of irrigation facilities in LISTT’s farming communities;
• Development of agro-tourism/organic and urban gardening;
• Formulation of agriculture incentives guidelines; and
• Strengthening of research, development and extension in partnership with academic

IEC on organic agriculture and capacity building on disaster resilient farming methods


1. Capacity Development (CAPDEV) Program for BLISTTDA Stakeholders

The proposed program aims to establish and institutionalize BLISTTDA for the
organization’s sustainability. The program will prepare stakeholders for the smooth
transition from BLISTT to BLISTTDA upon the implementation of the BLISTTDA law.

The agenda consists of five (5) components:

• Customized training programs for current officials and staff of BLISTT;

• Customized training programs for civil society and indigenous peoples of BLISTT;
• Learning visits to local governments in other parts of the country that have used
inter-local cooperation/ alliance building in for local development;
• Learning visits abroad to observe how inter-local cooperation has been employed
as a tool and strategy for inter-local development; and
• Construction of infrastructure, i.e., physical headquarters of BLISTT, and its satellite
offices in the component local government units. The headquarters of BLISTT
should be a smart building, one that uses technology to share information between
and among the various systems of BLISTT.


Tourism and Recreation

1. BLISTT Integrated Tourist Recreation Infrastructure Enterprise Development

(B-ITRIED) Program

The recommended mother plan, project, program and action for the recreation and
tourism sector aims to address the both the soft and hard aspects of tourism and
recreation in the project area. The program will provide the blueprint for tourism
infrastructure development in the BLISTT Growth Area thereby creating job and
entrepreneurial opportunities in the selected sites and attractions. It will also craft the
essential organizational structure for coordination and implementation. Lastly, the
program will market the tourism assets and promote tourism investments in the BLISTT
Growth Area.

Indigenous Peoples and Gender and Development

1. Construction of Historic and Cultural Complex

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

The construction of a historic and cultural complex would accommodate museums,

cultural centers, archives, libraries, art galleries and other tangible and intangible
cultural heritage not featuring only the BLISTT area but whole Cordillera region. It would
also serve as a hub for cultural education and entertainment.

2. GAD Advocacy Program

This will be a massive and comprehensive effort using all technological tools and
resources in print and broadcast and all other social media outfits. Information drives,
symposia, seminars on GAD and related topics will be conducted among different

3. Child Minding Centers

Urbanization results to fast-paced lifestyle. Both parents must work to make both ends
meet. This is the burden of women who cannot work as they have to take care of their
toddlers. Child minding centers could address this concern. It would accommodate
children of parents who need to work. Initially, these would be constructed in Baguio
City and La Trinidad. Other could be constructed later in other municipalities, if needed.

4. Urban/ Backyard Gardening Program

This is to ensure safe and sufficient food in every home. Urban/backyard gardening
will reduce expenditures on food consumption. The package would be technology
trainings like organic farming, hydroponics, vertical farming and other appropriate
agricultural technologies with provision of seeds and basic tools.


Environmental and Disaster Risk Reduction and Management

1. Fencing of Existing Watersheds and Forestlands

This project will protect watersheds and forestlands from encroachment induced by
human settlement and agricultural activities.

2. Implementation of Soil Stabilization and Various Ground Improvement


This project is the application of various soil stabilization or ground improvement

techniques (rock fall netting, geosynthetics, stone masonry, grouted ripraps, among
others) especially to steep or very steep environment.

3. Construction of Flood Control System

This project will provide flood protection and reduce flood damages along river basins.
Projects may include construction of dike/ levee, dredging/ excavation, widening of
waterway, revetment and others.

4. Disaster-Resilient Multi-Purpose and Evacuation Centers

This project will serve as temporary shelters/ staging areas for families that will be
displaced due to natural disasters. This will also enhance the disaster-preparedness

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

and resiliency to climate change stressors of BLISTT communities. During times of

pandemic, the centers can also serve as referral facilities or quarantine sites.

5. BLISTT Forest Land Use Planning (to be incorporated in the Land Use Plan)

This project will prepare a long-term document that aims to protect the significant
biodiversity BLISTT areas and ensure that the natural resources are managed and
maintained by local communities.


Transport and Connectivity

1. Integrated Terminal Exchange (ITEX)

ITEX serves as a terminal for PUJs and parking for private vehicles.

The ITEX centralizes Public Utility Jitneys in order to eliminate staging areas
encroaching main roads as well as passengers queuing along sidewalks while waiting
for the arrival of PUJs. The ITEX also serves tourist and local alike utilizing private
vehicles. Specifically,

• A centralized PUJ terminal will bring back the full capacity of roads since these roads
were previously utilized as terminals and staging areas.
• A centralized terminal reduces conflicting routes between PUJ associations since
majority of these associations will be consolidated which is according to LPTRP plan
by DOTr. Thus, it will be better service peak passenger demand.
• A centralized PUJ terminal will bring back the full capacity of sidewalks since
passengers will not utilize the latter for long queues while waiting for arriving PUJs.
• Public transport terminals ensure passenger's comfort, convenience, and safety
against vehicular accidents.
• Public transport users will not be shifting to private vehicles, meanwhile, private car
users will be encouraged to use the public transport due to the excellent features of
the Integrated Terminal Exchange.

For BLISTT transport interconnectivity, the LPTRP guideline indicates that

transportation terminals shall be located off-street at the origin and destination points of
a service route, and serves as a transfer point to another PUV route for passengers in
order to continue their journey. Furthermore, it states that towns and cities usually have
integrated transport terminals in which most routes that serve the city or nearby towns
assemble. Planning of public transportation routes coincides with centralizing PUJ trunk
lines into proposed terminals in order to consolidate association and conflicting routes.

2. Alternative and Multi-Modal Transport System: Modernized Jitney

The PUV modernization program aims for new and safer Jitneys on the street and phase
out the old and poorly maintained ones. This was initially introduced by the Land
Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) in 2015. It pursues to
minimize outdated and dilapidated Jitneys in the streets, boost passenger safety, and
prevent pollution by imposing an age limit for transport vehicles that are allowed to

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Remarkable features of the modern jitney are the following:

• Speed limiters
• Closed-circuit television (CCTV) camera for selected types of PUVs
• Dashboard camera
• Person with disability (PWD) friendly
• Comfortable front facing seats to avoid face to face contact with passengers
• Provision of Wi-Fi access

A safer and more comfortable transportation system is the highlight of this modernization
program. The doors of these new jeeps will be on the right side of the vehicle instead of
the back to account the safety of passengers from vehicular accidents. Also, the
proposed vehicles are powered by either Euro 4 engine which is environmentally
friendly. A tap card-based fare collection system will be one of its features that will
eventually account the fare of all passengers boarding the vehicle. No more passing of
change from one passenger to the other and to the driver which divides the driver’s
attention between the road and fare collection that may result to vehicular accidents. 18

Information and Communications Technology

1. BENECO/ Converge ICT as Broadband Service Provider in BLISTT

BENECO is being utilized by government to provide broadband service in BLISTT

(private and government agencies) in partnership with Converge ICT to deliver fast,
cheap, and reliable internet service including remote areas in BLISTT.

2. Free Wi-Fi in Public Places in BLISTT

This project consists the installation of Wi-Fi technology in different public places and
government offices in BLISTT to address the need for internet service in public places
and government offices in BLISTT.

3. Tech4Ed Project in BLISTT

The Tech4ED (Technology for Education, Employment and Entrepreneurs towards

Economic Development) Centers Project aims to provide access points for individuals
and communities to bridge the digital and education divide. It will promote grassroots
development and opportunities for inclusive growth and poverty reduction.

4. Emergency Warning Broadcast System (EWBS) and Data-Casting System


EWBS and the Data-Casting System are two Japanese Technology that will improve
real-time reporting of an approaching emergency or disaster. This project aims to (1)
complement the already existing risk reduction efforts (Republic Act No. 10639 Free
Mobile Disaster Alerts Act, Cell Broadcast, Social Media, Traditional TV Broadcast,
Radio Broadcast); (2) provide advance information to local agencies who are
responsible in disaster management; (3) provide real-time information on impending
natural disaster; (4) provide emergency warning information to citizens; and (5) unify
varied information and distribute necessary information in the area of BLISTT.


Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

5. BLISTT Shared Passive Telecommunications Tower Infrastructure (Shared

PTTIs/ Common Tower) Project

A long-awaited policy meant to increase cellular sites in the Philippines and speed up
telco connections, the so-called “common tower” policy. Independent tower companies
will be allowed to construct cell sites and fill the estimated 50,000 cellular towers
supposedly needed to speed up telco connection in the country. Allowing common
towers mean more than one telco can use a single tower, thereby increasing the number
of subscribers being served by each tower. This will address the needed cell site tower
infrastructures in the whole of BLISTT.


Power and Energy

1. Sanitary Landfill Gas to Power Facility

Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) from Baguio City and the neighboring municipalities are
aggregated in a Sanitary Landfill Site. A Landfill Gas Collection System is put in place
to collect and pipe the landfill gas to run a Spark Ignition (SI) “gasoline” engine to drive
electric generators. A control system to monitor and control the plant operation and its
export of power to the local distribution system or national grid is also provided. A
substation and transformer unit will connect the power plant to the distribution system
and national grid.

The project will treat and store the MSW, improve public sanitation and derive economic
revenues from the garbage and tipping fees of establishments and LGUs dumping their
private and municipal solid wastes – fees ae collected annually during the annual
municipal business registration.

2. Waste-to-Energy Pyrolysis Power Plant

Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) from Baguio City and the neighboring municipalities are
aggregated in a Sanitary Landfill Site. A Landfill Gas Collection System is put in place
to collect and pipe the landfill gas to run Spark Ignition (SI) “gasoline” engine to drive
electric generator. A control system to monitor and control the plant operation and its
export of power to the local distribution system or national grid is also provided. A
substation and transformer unit will connect the power plant to the distribution system
and national grid. The project site is the existing location of the sanitary landfill site.

The project will treat and store the MSW, improve public sanitation and derive economic
revenues from the garbage and tipping fees of establishments and LGUs dumping their
private and municipal solid wastes – fees ae collected annually during the annual
municipal business registration.

3. Solar PV Power without Battery

Solar PV with large scale Battery Storage Systems have come a long way and is now
the world leader in new renewable energy (RE) installations worldwide. The Solar
Radiation Map prepared by PAGASA under the DOST is a good guide in identifying
potential sites with adequate solar radiation and minimal cloud and vegetation shading
as well as mountain ranges that block sunlight as the sun moves across the horizon
from sun down to sun set. Solar energy falling on the Earth’s surface is called terrestrial
radiation S = 1.353 kW/m2. Solar energy is 7% ultraviolet light, 47% visible light and

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

46% infrared. Varies significantly, both daily because of the Earth’s rotation and
seasonally because of the change in the Sun’s declination angle. Radiation is further
reduced due to presence of gases, vapors and particulate matter in the Earth’s
atmosphere. The solar map summarizes the availability of solar energy in the country.
In the case of BLISTT, the expected solar radiation is around 5.5 – 6.0 kWh/m2/day.
With battery storage, the capacity factor of a solar PV plant is raised from 25% to 68%.

Clean and Renewable Energy is collected for immediate use during peak times to avoid
expensive power generation from peaking petroleum fuels (diesel genset, bunker
genset, oil thermal) as maximum solar energy coincides with peak demand due to air
conditioning load in urban areas.

4. Conventional Wind Turbine (34% Capacity Factor)

The proposed project aims to capture the energy of moving wind streams of sufficient
wind velocity at the high mountain ranges in the BLISTT area.

While there is sufficient hydro power in the BLISTT area to supply the needs of BLISTT,
any supply deficit in the national grid will also result in rotating supply interruptions as
the scarce power reserves are shared equitably among the various cities and
municipalities in the whole country. Also, as the BLISTT has tremendous renewable
energy (RE) potential, it is best that these are fully developed to contribute to the national
power supply. With compressed air energy storage (CAES), the capacity factor may be
raised from 34% to 68%.

Water Supply and Sanitation

1. BLISTT-Wide Phased Water Resources Program

A comprehensive water resources study shall identify future new Level 3 water sources
big and small that will be appropriate for each of the BLISTT city/towns and the identified
growth nodes. New sources that will be identified in the study will be part of the phased
water resources development if they prove to be technically and financially viable.

The proposed BLISTT-wide Phased Water Resources Program is to address the

shortage in water supply and ever-increasing water demand especially in Baguio City
and La Trinidad, the other BLISTT towns and the identified growth nodes.

Water supply planning and development in BLISTT are currently fragmented and a more
centralized set-up is necessary. The BLISTT water supply service areas shall not
necessarily be integrated but the solution/s and benefits can be collective. Potential new
water sources could be big or small, but alternatives should be programmed depending
on economics. The planning period can be as long as 25 to 50 years.

Big water sources could include Agno River in Itogon, Amburayan River in Kapangan
/Atok, or other rivers. The constraint however is that infrastructure costs are very high,
about a dozen pumping stations in series will be needed to bring water 900 meters up,
to be laid in landslide-prone areas especially in Itogon. Previous water rate proposals
from private bulk supply proponents have not been affordable, unless there will be
national government intervention/ grant.

Among the possible solutions could be mini-bulk supplies which should be encouraged
from private proponents (for relatively smaller water sources like in Badiwan, Tuba being
developed by Balibago Water company). The success of Sto. Tomas rainwater

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

harvesting/catchment could be replicated in other feasible areas for back-up supply

during dry season. Replication is going on in Busol and Camp 8 areas. For La Trinidad,
tapping Sto. Nino abandoned mines in Tublay where water is coming out from tunnels
(TDS is near acceptable) is being planned by LTWD. The NWRB water allocation for
Sto. Mines is 300 lps. This could serve a big area aside from La Trinidad and Tublay.

Along with the study are the proposed measures to protect the proposed water sources.
This may include the regulation of groundwater sources in Baguio City and La Trinidad
which are currently getting depleted.

2. Establishment of Water Districts in the ISTT Towns

This is to address the low Level 3 coverage in the ISTT towns as well as improving the
operational efficiency of the water systems.

Water districts are proposed to be established Sablan, Tuba and Tublay. Itogon WD
shall be activated. Tuba is partly served by BWD and has ongoing P9 million Salintubig
project in Poblacion which could jumpstart the operation of a water district. Part of the
establishment of water districts could be upgrading of Levels 1 and 2 to Level 3.

3. BLISTT-Wide Septage Management Program

The proposed BLISTT septage treatment facility is envisioned to complement the

existing septage treatment plant of Baguio City located in Sanitary Camp beside BSTP.
The proposed facility shall be a central septage treatment plant that will cater to all
developed areas in BLISTT including the shortfall in Baguio City. The location of the
new treatment facility shall consider the most economical in terms of distance from the
service areas, among others. Septage collection shall be carried out using vacuum
trucks that will be operated by the member towns. Collection in certain areas with difficult
terrain will be special cases and will be analyzed in the study. Heavy traffic in the core
areas of Baguio City and La Trinidad is also a concern that will affect septage hauling
activities and operating costs.

Septage management program is the first-step sanitation program in lieu of a very

expensive sewerage system. Pollution reduction is regarded as only less than half of
what sewerage system can attain.

The short-term requires a septage treatment plant capacity of 65 m3/day but the peak
demand may come in 2030 at 75 m3/day. It will be therefore more advantageous to build
a 75-m3/day capacity facility. By the end of the projection period, the required capacity
is diminishing. This is because of the projected shift to full sewerage particularly in
Baguio City.

4. Expansion of Baguio City Sewerage System

The proposed improvements are already detailed in the Cities Development Initiative for
Asia (CDIA) Pre-Feasibility Study Report for the sewerage system of Baguio City. The
study was conducted in 2015-2016 using ₱ 11.5 million technical assistance. The report
estimates that only about 20% of the households are covered by the existing treatment
plant (BSTP) and the plant is receiving 40% more than its capacity. An updating of the
study shall be conducted to anticipate the growth up to year 2040.

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

The proposed short-term (2020) and medium-term (2025) improvements in the CDIA
report include the following:

• Extend BSTP capacity by 6,000 m3/day (short-term) to 15,000 m3/day (medium-

• Replace three communal septic tanks by DEWATS (Decentralized Wastewater
Treatment System) at Lower Rock Quarry
• Construct Septage Treatment Facility at Lower Rock Quarry
• Rehabilitate Slaughterhouse Wastewater Treatment Plant and add pre-treatment at
Wet Market
• Construct treatment plant at Camp 7 (medium-term)
• Replace 25 km of sewer lines in city center for BSTP
• Lay 12 km of new sewers for Lower Rock Quarry
• Increase sewer connections
• Construct sewerage system for Bued River catchment (medium-term)

For this Master Plan, the sewage flows were projected. The long-term capacity of the
Baguio STP is estimated at about 50,000 m3/day.

The project hopes to improve the quality of the water bodies particularly Balili River and
Bued River where the headwaters are located in Baguio City.

5. La Trinidad Sewerage System

One of the objectives of the proposed sewerage system in La Trinidad is the

improvement of the water quality of Balili River. The proposed project will include
alternatives using separate sewers against interceptor sewers the cost of which is much
lower than the former. There are also plans to construct an elevated highway/bypass
road along Balili River and the intercepting sewer could be installed during the said
project. The preliminary computed capacity of the proposed treatment plant is about
18,600 m3/day.

Solid Waste Management

1. Integrated Solid Waste Management Facility (ISWMF)/ Engineered Sanitary

Landfill (ESLF)

Sanitary Landfill (SLF) is a land disposal method that is the most common management
strategy for SWM. Refuse can be safely deposited in SLF, a disposal site that is carefully
selected, designed, constructed and operated to protect the environment and public
health. Most landfills are required to have an impermeable liner or barrier at the bottom,
as well as system of groundwater monitoring wells. Daily cover soil may be available on
site, or it may be hauled in and stockpiled from off-site sources. Various types of heavy
machinery, such as crawler tractors or rubber-tired dozers, are used to spread and
compact the refuse and soil.

Urban Structure and Land Use

1. Crafting of A New BLISTT Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP)

This program was selected as one of the needed Policy directions to jumpstart
infrastructure in BLISTT and it is aligned with the goals and objectives of the national,
regional, and the BLISTT Action Agenda. It will also greatly impact in promoting

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

polycentric growth as well as providing for a sustainable urban infrastructure

development in BLISTT.

2. Crafting of A New BLISTT Zoning Ordinance

This project was selected as one of essential planning tools in the SUID BLISTT growth
area. It is very much aligned with the goals of the national, regional, and the BLISTT
Action Agenda. It will greatly address application requirements for planning and zoning
permits in the present and future uses of the land in BLISTT growth area. It can also
clarify disputes and exemptions in ancestral domains, alienable and disposable lands,
hazard/ no-build zones, forest lands, public infrastructure developments, and the like.
This project will greatly impact the communities for a sustainable urban infrastructure
development in BLISTT.

3. Crafting of Planned Unit Development (PUD) And Special Designated Zones

(SDZ) Of BLISTT Land Uses

This project was selected as one of timely projects mainly because this is a policy
direction to accelerate SUID recommended infrastructure projects for further detailed
feasibility studies and implementation planning. Majority of the population in BLISTT
selected sites can benefit from the PUDs and SDZs that will be identified here. This
project will boost for rapid growth in the economy for all areas of BLISTT. This will greatly
impact for a sustainable urban infrastructure development in BLISTT.

4. Validation of BLISTT Land Uses

This project was selected as one of the essential instruments to be utilized in the SUID
BLISTT growth area. It is very much aligned with the goals of the national, regional, and
the BLISTT Action Agenda. With in-situ and satellite survey and analysis of digitized
land use maps, a validated digitized document can help provide an accurate Land Use
Map for updating of Comprehensive Land Use Plans (CLUPs), for crafting zoning
ordinances and related policies, and research purposes.

5. Monitoring, Evaluation and Management of Digitized Maps/ Plans of BLISTT

Land Uses

This project was selected as one of the essential instruments to be utilized in the SUID
BLISTT growth area. It is very much aligned with the goals of the national, regional, and
the BLISTT Action Agenda. Continuous updating and monitoring and land management
of digitized maps and plans of BLISTT land Uses will be developed in the long-term up
to year 2040.

6.2 Prioritization of Projects

6.2.1 Selection of Top Priority Projects

In July 2019, a Situational Analysis and Strategic Planning Workshop was held at Citylight
Hotel in Baguio City. The workshop was participated in by members of the BLISTT Governing
Council, representatives from the BLISTT LGUs, and representatives of various sectors in the
BLISTT area.

The consultants agreed to have the following criteria and weights in evaluating the projects:

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

1) Urgency of need (20%) – if the program, project or activity (PPA) is vital or crucial to
the area presently or in the foreseeable future;
2) Cost-benefit ratio (15%) – if the estimated savings or strengths of the PPA is more than
the its estimated loss es or weakness;
3) BLISTT-wide impact (40%) – if the PPA’s expected returns will impact the whole
BLISTT area or only several BLISTT LGUs; and
4) Completion of pre-F/S (25%) – if the preliminary feasibility study or business case
report of the PPA can be accomplished in two (2) months.

The identified priority projects are presented in Table 9-3 Each consultant was asked to grade
all the remaining projects, regardless if the projects belong to their sector or not. A minimum
of one (1) point to a maximum of five (5) points can be given for every criterion. After averaging
the points given by fifteen (15) consultants, the top ten (10) priority projects identified by the
consortium are presented in Table 6-4:

Table 6-4: Top Ten (10) Priority Projects Identified by the Consortium

No. Sector Programs, Projects, and Activities Total

(PPAs) Grade
Name/ Title
1 Solid Waste Management Sanitary Landfill 4.00
2 Transport Completion of BLISTT Outer 3.83
3 Tourism BLISTT Tourism Center 3.81
4 Economic Agro-Industrial Centers 3.72
5 Water Supply and Sanitation Baguio North Rainwater Impounding 3.57
6 Information and BLISTT DRRM/ Humanitarian Logistics 3.48
Communication Technology Center
7 Water Supply and Sanitation BLISTT-Wide Septage Management 3.46
8 Transport Farm-to-Market Roads 3.28
9 Energy Waste-to-Energy 3.05
10 Tourism Arts and Cultural Center 2.77

The top ten (10) priority projects identified by the consortium were presented to the BLISTT
Governing Council last September 2019 at Camp John Hay Clubhouse in Baguio City. The
redundant projects were removed, and the BLISTT Governing Council then suggested the
consortium to convene with NEDA-CAR, the Council’s secretariat, in finalizing the top priority
projects subject for preliminary feasibility studies or business case reports.

6.2.2 Selection of Top Five (5) Priority Projects

Following the BLISTT Governing Council’s suggestion, the consortium and NEDA-CAR held
a workshop in October 2019 at NEDA Regional Development Council (RDC) Hall in Baguio
City to discuss, evaluate, and finalize the priority projects for the study.
From the long list of priority projects produced during the workshop last July 2019, the
consortium and the NEDA-CAR agreed to exclude (1) soft proposals such as capability-
building and master plan preparation; and (2) proposals that may already be undertaken by
LGUs or national agencies. Hence, the NEDA-CAR has shortlisted the following projects:

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Table 6-5: Top Priority Projects Identified by NEDA-CAR

No. Sector Programs, Projects, and Activities (PPAs)

Name/ Title
1 Economic Establishment of a BLISTT Agro-Industrial Economic
2 Environment Establishment of an Ecological Sanitary Landfill for
3 Water Supply and Sanitation BLISTT Septage Treatment Facility
4 Economic Establishment of a Minahang Bayan Mineral
Processing and Crafts Center
5 Water Supply and Sanitation Development of Bulk Water Source for BLISTT
6 Transport Alternative and Multi-Modal Transport System for
7 Energy Renewable Energy Development
8 Social Establishment of a BLISTT University Town
9 Economic Establishment of a Regional Digital Innovation Hub/
Inclusive Innovation Center situated in the BLISTT
(IT Park)

Upon combining the shortlisted priority projects identified and other possible projects
suggested by the consultants, the shortlisted priority projects for evaluation are as follows:
Table 6-6: Shortlisted Priority Projects

No. Sector Programs, Projects, and Activities (PPAs)

Name/ Title
1 Social BLISTT University Community
2 Economic BLISTT Agro-Industrial Economic Zone
3 Economic Regional Digital Innovation Hub/ Inclusive Innovation
Center situated in the BLISTT (IT Park)
4 Economic Minahang Bayan Mineral Processing and Crafts
5 Environment BLISTT Integrated Solid Waste Management Facility
(Engineered Sanitary Landfill and Waste-to-Energy
6 Environment Drainage Facility in Limestone and Dolomite Areas
7 Water Supply and Sanitation Sto. Nino Mines Water Source Development
8 Water Supply and Sanitation Balili River Sanitation Project
9 Water Supply and Sanitation BLISTT Septage Treatment Facility
10 Transport BLISTT Integrated Terminal Exchange
11 Transport DRRM and Transport Command Center
12 Transport Kennon Road Tunneling or Viaduct
13 Transport Alternative and Multi-Modal Transport System for
14 Transport Balili River Elevated Bridge
15 Energy Multi-Purpose Mino-Hydro Project
16 Energy Wind Turbine
17 Energy Renewable Energy Development
18 Energy Underground Electric/ Communication Distribution

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

The consortium and the NEDA-CAR agreed to apply the following criteria and weights for
identifying the top priority projects:
1) Urgency/ need (30%) – if the project is identified in the BLISTT Action Agenda and
Regional Development Investment Program
2) Coverage (20%) – if the project covers the whole BLISTT area or only several LGUs
3) Magnitude (20%) – if the projects covers a percentage of BLISTT population or
4) Impact (15%) – if the project can be replicated in other growth nodes or if the project
is a pioneering project promoting polycentric growth
5) Maturity (15%) – if the project involves or needs government support
Both parties also agreed to the following point system:
Table 6-7: Proposed Point System for Identifying Top Priority Projects

Urgency/Need Points
Identified in the BLISTT Action Agenda and Regional Development Investment 8-10
Identified in the BLISTT Action Agenda or Regional Development Investment 5-7
Identified in the Local Development Investment Program of concerned LGUs 1-4
Coverage Points
Covers 5-6 LGUs 8-10
Covers 3-4 LGUs 5-7
Covers 1-2 LGUs 1-4
Magnitude (No. of Beneficiaries) Points
Covers 80% or more of BLISTT population 8-10
Covers 50% to 79% of BLISTT population 5-7
Covers 30% to 49% of BLISTT population 1-4
Impact (Replication, Pioneering) Points
Promoting Polycentric Growth
Located in 6-8 growth nodes 8-10
Located in 3-5 growth nodes 5-7
Located in 1-2 growth nodes 1-4
Maturity (Government Support) Points
5-6 agencies/LGUs involved in the project 8-10
Only 2-3 agencies/LGUs involved in the project 5-7
Only one (1) agencies/LGUs involved in the project 1-4
Source: NEDA-CAR, 2019
To start the evaluation, all participants first identified if the projects were mentioned in any of
the following documents: Regional Development Investment Plan (RDIP) or Investment
Priority Plan (IPP), BLISTT Action Agenda, Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) or Local
Development Investment Plan (LDIP) of concerned LGUs, and Situational Analysis Report.
Participants then used the agreed point system to grade the proposed projects. The results
are presented in Table 6-8.

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Table 6-8: Evaluation of Shortlisted Priority Projects

Urgency/ Need Coverage Magnitude Impact Maturity

No. Project RDIP/IPP BLISTT SAR 30% 20% 20% 15% 15%
1 BLISTT University Community ✓ ✓ 7 10 10 10 8 88%
2 BLISTT Agro-Industrial Economic Zone ✓ ✓ ✓ 9 10 10 10 8 94%
3 Regional Digital Innovation Hub/ Inclusive
Innovation Center situated in the BLISTT ✓ ✓ 7 10 8 4 7 74%
(IT Park)
4 Minahang Bayan Mineral Processing and
✓ ✓ 7 6 4 10 10 71%
Crafts Center
5 BLISTT Integrated Solid Waste
Management Facility (Engineered
✓ ✓ ✓ 10 10 10 10 10 100%
Sanitary Landfill and Waste-to-Energy
6 Drainage Facility in Limestone and
4 7 5 4 10 57%
Dolomite Areas
7 Sto. Nino Mines Water Source
✓ ✓ ✓ 8 4 4 8 6 61%
8 Balili River Sanitation Project ✓ ✓ ✓ 8 6 4 4 9 64%
9 BLISTT Septage Treatment Facility ✓ ✓ ✓ 9 9 8 8 9 87%
10 BLISTT Integrated Terminal Exchange ✓ ✓ 7 10 10 10 10 91%
11 DRRM and Transport Command Center ✓ 4 10 10 8 10 79%
12 Kennon Road Tunneling or Viaduct ✓ 4 9 10 10 10 80%
13 Alternative and Multi-Modal Transport
✓ ✓ 5 8 8 8 10 74%
System for BLISTT
14 Balili River Elevated Bridge ✓ 4 7 9 9 8 70%
15 Multi-Purpose Mino-Hydro Project ✓ ✓ 5 4 4 10 7 57%
16 Wind Turbine ✓ ✓ 1 1 1 4 4 19%
17 Renewable Energy Development ✓ ✓ 5 8 10 10 10 81%
18 Underground Electric/ Communication
✓ ✓ 7 4 7 10 8 70%
Distribution Network

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

In summary, the top ten (10) priority projects identified by both the consortium and NEDA-
CAR are as follows:
Table 6-9: Top Ten (10) Priority Projects Identified by the Consortium and NEDA-CAR

No. Sector Project Total

1 Solid Waste Management BLISTT Integrated Solid Waste 100%
Management Facility (Engineered Sanitary
Landfill and Waste-to-Energy Facility)
2 Economic BLISTT Agro-Industrial Economic Zone 94%
3 Transport BLISTT Integrated Terminal Exchange 91%
4 Social BLISTT University Community 88%
5 Water Supply and Sanitation BLISTT Septage Treatment Facility 87%
6 Energy Renewable Energy Development 81%
7 Transport Kennon Road Tunneling or Viaduct 80%
8 Transport DRRM and Transport Command Center 79%
9 Transport Alternative and Multi-Modal Transport 74%
System for BLISTT
10 Economic Regional Digital Innovation Hub/ Inclusive 74%
Innovation Center situated in the BLISTT
(IT Park)

However, upon NEDA-CAR’s review of the top five (5) priority projects identified, a study on
wastewater management for Baguio City was conducted in 2015-2016 by the Cities
Development Initiative for Asia (CDIA) so the proposed BLISTT Septage Treatment Facility
was removed.
In lieu of the strong local clamor for a project addressing the current transport and traffic issues
affecting the whole of BLISTT’s mobility, tourism, economy and environment, the NEDA-CAR
recommended the inclusion of the Alternative and Multi-Modal Transport System for BLISTT
in the top five (5) priority projects subject for preliminary feasibility studies or business case
reports. Hence, the approved top five (5) priority projects are:
1) BLISTT Integrated Solid Waste Management Facility;
2) BLISTT Agro-Industrial Economic Zone;
3) BLISTT Integrated Terminal Exchange;
4) BLISTT University Community; and
5) Alternative and Multi-Modal Transport System for BLISTT.

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center


The table below summarizes the Programs, Projects, and Activities (PPAs) discussed in
Chapter 6 Action Plan.
Table 7-1: Selected Programs, Projects, and Activities

Goal Strategy Program, Project, Timeframe Responsible

and Activity Institution
Improvement of Establish tertiary BLISTT University Long-Term BLISTT
the Quality of education facilities Community LGUs, CHED
Life Through to sustain high
Timely and literacy rate and
Efficient increase
Delivery of accessibility to
Basic Social affordable
Services education
Upgrade health BLISTT Health Short-Term DOH, DPWH
personnel and Development
expand local Program
health facilities to
serve a larger
number of
Construct local BLISTT Regional Medium- DOH, DPWH
health facilities in Specialized Health Term
barangays that Facilities
offer the full
spectrum of health
Housing and Settlements
Address the Implement Formulate A Short-Term BLISTT
growth of seminar/ Participatory LGUs,
houses and discussions within Implementing Rules DHSUD,
buildings BLISTT and Regulations of NHA
situated on communities The Presidential
geological regarding these Decree No. 1998
hazard zones geological hazard Series Of 1985
zones Completion/ Short-Term BLISTT
Updating/ Approval LGUs
Enhanced CLUP
Affordable Involvement/ Miners’ Community Long-Term Itogon LGU
housing options participation of the Housing
local community Provision of Housing Medium- BLISTT
and LGU for the Resettlement and Term LGUs,
planning and Housing Assistant DHSUD,
decision-making NHA
processes Farmers’ Community Long-Term Tublay LGU
Housing and Cultural
Tourism Village

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

University Long-Term Tuba LGU

Build Socialized Medium- BLISTT
Housing in Rent-To- Term LGUs,
Own Options DHSUD,
Support Through Medium- Baguio City
Government Term and La
Incentives Trinidad
(Subsidies) The LGUs
Small Private
Housing Landlords
for Building of More
Affordable and
Livable Living
Local Economy
Attainment of Maximize the BLISTT Agro- Long-Term BLISTT
Competitive agriculture Industrial Economic LGUs, PEZA
and Thriving potential of ISTT Zone
Local towards improved BLISTT Agricultural Medium- BLISTT
Economies productivity Development Term LGUs, DA,
Program BFAR, BAI,
Master Participative Capacity Building Short-Term BLISTT
Comprehensive workshops and Development LGUs, DILG
Capacity site visits Agenda for
Program for Managers and Staff
BLISTT Capacity Short-Term BLISTT
Stakeholders Building for LGUs, DILG
Civil Society
Capacity Building for Medium- BLISTT
New Officials and Term LGUs, DILG
Inter-Local Short-Term BLISTT
Academic Learning LGUs, DILG
International Long-Term BLISTT
Academic Learning LGUs, DILG
Tourism and Recreation
Make the Integration of BLISTT Integrated Medium- BLISTT
Tourist tourism Tourist Recreation Term to LGUs.
Destination development plans Infrastructure Long-Term DPWH, DOT
Management of for prioritization of Enterprise
the BLISTT projects and Development
Growth Area a programs Program
Model of
Pro-Active, and

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Indigenous Peoples and Gender and Development
Establish a Document, Construction of Short-Term BLISTT
historic and conserve, and Historic and Cultural LGUs,
cultural protect tangible Complex NCCA, DOT
complex and intangible
cultural heritage
as well as natural
Identify and Commission a Identification, Short-Term BLISTT
enhance multi-sectoral body Restoration, LGUs,
heritage sites to identify and Conservation, and NCCA, DOT
within the work out for the Protection of
BLISTT area identification and Heritage Sites
conservation of
heritage sites
Mainstream Conduct regular GAD Advocacy Short-Term BLISTT
Gender and orientation/ Program LGUs,
Development education on GAD DWSD
Policies among various
Environmental and Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
Creation of Continuous Fencing of Existing Medium- BLISTT
BLISTT DRRM implementation of Watersheds Term LGUs, DENR
Plan Integrated River Implementation of Medium- DPWH,
Basin Soil Stabilization and Term BLISTT
Development and Various Ground LGUs
Management Improvement
Masterplans Techniques
BLISTT Forest Land Long-Term BLISTT
Use Planning LGUs, DENR
Implement Construction of Medium- BLISTT
infrastructure Flood Control Term LGUs
projects that will System
make BLISTT Disaster-Resilient Medium- BLISTT
more adaptive and Multi-Purpose and Term LGUs, DOH,
responsive to Evacuation Centers DPWH
natural disasters
and hazards
Transport and Connectivity
Formulation of Adopt A Multi- California Street Medium- DOTR, DOE,
BLISTT Modal Transport Cable Term DPWH,
Transport System Baguio City
Connectivity LGU
Plan for a Aerial Ropeway Medium- DOTR, DOE,
Family Oriented Cable Car Term DPWH,
Destination Baguio City
Monorail Medium- DOTR, DOE,
Term DPWH,
Baguio City

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Adopt the Jeepney Modernized Jitney Short-Term DOTR, DOE,

Modernization Baguio City
Program LGU
Centralized Public BLISTT Integrated Short-Term DOTR,
Transport Terminal Exchange DPWH,
Terminals (PUJs Baguio City
And Buses) For LGU
Slope Protection Elevated Bridge Short-Term La Trinidad
to Landslide Prone along Balili River LGUs,
Sections of The DPWH
BLISTT Outer Road Rehabilitation Long-Term DPWH
Road to Develop
and Maintain
Growth Areas
Information and Communication Technology
Formulation of Provide adequate BENECO-Converge Medium- DICT
ICT Sector and efficient ICT Project Term
Action Plan telecommunication BLISTT Shared Long-Term DICT
infrastructures/ Passive
ICT development Telecommunications
technologies in Tower Infrastructure
BLISTT to (Shared
promote better PTTIs/Common
quality of life and Tower) Project
improve the
general urban
conditions of the
growth center
Address literacy in Tech4ED Medium- DOST, DICT,
ICT education in (Technology for Term BLISTT
BLISTT area Education, LGUs
Employment and
towards Economic
Centers Project
Regional Digital Long-Term DICT
Innovation Center in
Provide internet PipolKonek Free Medium- DICT
connectivity in WiFi Internet Access Term
public places, in Public Places
government Project
agencies and Emergency Warning Medium- BLISTT
LGUs Broadcast System Term LGUs, DICT,
(EWBS) and Data- NTC,
Casting System PHIVOLCS,
Project PAGASA,

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Energy and Power

Increase the Improve the Waste-to-Energy Long-Term BLISTT
Growth energy and power Facility LGUs, DOE
Potential to supply and quality
Meet the Local of power delivery
Power Needs of systems
As Contribute
to The National
Reserves of
The Country
Preserving the
Water Supply and Sanitation
Provision of Provide first-stage BLISTT-Wide Short-Term DENR,
Community- community-level Septage BLISTT
Level Sanitation sanitation services Management LGUs
Facilities and Program
Services Expand and La Trinidad Short-Term DENR, La
develop new Sewerage System Trinidad LGU
sewerage systems
and eventually
improve the water
quality of receiving
rivers/water bodies
Provision of Establish WDs in BLISTT-Wide Short-Term LWUA
Adequate, Safe towns without Phased Water
and Potable WDs; Resources Program
Water Supply Plan and provide Establishment of Short-Term LWUA
water supply Water Districts in the
system ISTT Towns
improvements in Expansion of Baguio Long-Term DENR,
the said towns to City Sewerage Baguio City
prime up System LGU
Solid Waste Management
Good SWM Integrate informal BLISTT Integrated Medium- Tuba LGU
Governance; waste sector Solid Waste Term
Caring for (IWS) in the plans Management Facility
Vulnerable and programs of (Engineered
Groups; and the local Sanitary Landfill)
Reducing governments Establishment of Short-Term BLISTT
Disaster and MRFs in Every LGUs
Climate Barangay or Cluster
Change Risks of Barangays
through SWM Establishment of Short-Term BLISTT
Composting Facility LGUs
in Every Barangay or
Cluster of Barangays
Urban Structure and Land Use

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Formulation of Cooperation and Crafting of a new Short-Term BLISTT

BLISTT Urban support between BLISTT LGUs
Structure and national/ regional Comprehensive
Land Use Plan government, LGUs Land Use Plan
of BLISTT Growth (CLUP)
area, stakeholders Validation of BLISTT Medium- BLISTT
and private land Land Uses Term LGUs
developers in Monitoring, Long-Term BLISTT
order to provide Evaluation and LGUs
needed Land Use Management of
Plans to Digitized Maps/
accelerate Plans of BLISTT
infrastructures in Land Uses
Cooperation and Crafting of a new Short-Term BLISTT
support between BLISTT Zoning LGUs
the national / Ordinance
regional Crafting of Planned Short-Term BLISTT
government and Unit Development LGUs
BLISTT LGUs has (PUD) and Special
come out with Designated Zones
policies, rules, and (SDZ) of BLISTT
regulations in the Land Uses
proper Land
administration and
management of
Land use Policies
and Regulation in
the BLISTT area

The implementation of well thought out and well-designed programs and projects is the
ultimate test of a successful project. It is within this context this section discusses the
institutional and organizational infrastructure that would guarantee successful implementation
of BLISTT and attainment of its goals of inter-local cooperation for the development of the
component local governments. Equally important, the implementation plan discusses the
imperative to develop the capacities of the organizations and institutions that could be
incorporated in Capacity Development Agenda for BLISTT.

7.1 Organizational Structure of BLISTT

Inter-local cooperation among the LGUS in the BLISTT areas started as early as 1989. It was
organized after the devastating 7.7 magnitude earthquake that hit the country in 1990, when
500 people died in Baguio City alone.19 This was confounded by the Gulf War in August that
same year, when the price of oil skyrocketed and was rationed. The magnitude of the
devastations was beyond any one institution. Government, non-government organizations,
and individuals gave their share in relief, rehabilitation, and reconstruction efforts. This was
the time of Architect. Joseph Alabanza as regional director of RDC-CAR. He proposed that

Cesar Liporada, “Why BLIST” Baguio Midland Courier,
iporada.txt accessed July 24, 2020.

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Baguio City, La Trinidad, Itogon, Sablan and Tuba (BLIST) be consolidated as a single
planning unit due largely to unsynchronized vision among the component local governments.
In 2009, largely through the initiative of the Regional Development Council, the area was
expanded to include a fifth LGU, Tublay, hence it was renamed BLISTT. In 2010 the local
officials and congressmen of the area agreed to support BLISTT. Two years later, in 2012,
BLISTT was revitalized after the rehabilitation efforts in the wake of Typhoon Pepang that
ravaged the area.
In 2014, or over twenty years after its initial conceptualization in 1989, the BLISTT program
was established through a formal Memorandum of Agreement among the participating local
governments. A Governing Council was set up to serve as the governance body of the BLISTT.
It is composed of all the mayors of the component local government units of BLISTT that is
the final decision-making and policy-making body for BLISTT. The BLISTT Governing Council
is supported by the BLISTT Development Council that includes the following:

• Governor of Benguet
• Congressmen of Baguio City and Benguet
• BLISTT Mayors and Local Planers
• Representatives of National Government Agencies Including DILG, DENR, DPWH,
• Chiefs of Police of Baguio And Benguet Police Office
• Local Government Development Foundation

Figure 5-1 is an indicative organizational chart of BLISTT based on its current structure.
BLISTT is an agglomeration of local governments which the component local governments –
Baguio City, La Trinidad, Sablan, Itogon, Sablan, Tuba and Tublay – entered into in
accordance to the provision of the Local Government Code to address common concerns.
More specifically, Section 33 of the Code provides:
Local government units may, through appropriate ordinances, group themselves,
consolidate, or coordinate their efforts, services, and resources commonly beneficial to
them. In support of such undertakings, the local government units involved, may upon
approval of the sanggunian concerned after a public hearing conducted for the purpose,
contribute funds, real estate, equipment, and other kinds of property and appoint or
assign personnel under such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon by the
participating local units through Memoranda of Agreement.

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Figure 7-1: Organizational Chart of BLISTT

Source: BLISTT Consultant Team, 2020

It may be noted that the following are among the basic features of the above organizational
1. It recognizes that inter-local cooperation among the BLISTT local governments a basic
philosophy behind BLISTT. This is reflected in the composition of the Governing Board
that includes all the chief executives of the local governments in the agglomeration. It
must also be noted that the planning officers of the various local government units are
also embedded to provide the technical expertise to the chief executives of the
component local governments and to ensure that local plans and programs area
aligned with the broader plans and programs not only of BLISTT as an agglomeration,
but of the region as a whole.
2. The essence of integrated and participative planning is continuous consultation and
engagement with all sectors of society, including the non-government organizations
(NGOs) and people’s organizations (POs. A unique feature of the Cordilleras are the
indigenous communities, who under the Indigenous and People’s Right Act (IPRA)
must always be consulted in the planning and implementation of projects and activities
in their area. The Free Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) principle is embedded in
the IPRA. Hence, the chart above also highlights and recognized the role of civil
society and indigenous peoples in BLISTT and the imperatives of continuous
consultation and engagement with this sector.
3. The Regional Development Council and the NEDA are included in the above chart,
albeit indicated in a broken line (----) fashion. This suggests that the local plans of the
component local governments must be aligned to that of BLISTT, which in turn, must
be aligned to the broader plans of the region. The NEDA is indicated in the chart to
recognize the fact that it is not only the technical arm of the regional development
council of the Cordillera Administrative Region but also under the regional
development plan framework, provides guidance and where necessary, technical
expertise for the plans of the component local governments.

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

BLISTT Development Authority

As discussed earlier, there are several proposed bills pending in both houses proposing the
formal institutionalization of the BLISTT inter-local cooperation arrangement by enacting a law
creating the BLISTT Development Authority (BLISTTDA).

During the second regular session of the Seventeenth Congress, Senator Ralph Recto filed
SB 1692 on February 18, 2013 creating the Baguio City, La Trinidad, Itogon, Sablan, Tuba
and Tublay Development Authority (BLISTTDA), defining its powers and functions and
providing funds therefore. A counterpart bill was filed during the second regular session of the
seventeenth congress led by Congressman Mark Go, the principal author, and 69 other

The Bill was refiled on July 3, 2019 by Congressman Mark Go during the second regular
session of the Eighteenth Congress. The BLISTT Governing Council passed Resolution
Number 01 s of 2019 on September 12, 2019 supporting HB 1337 of Congressman Go.

The proposed BLISTTDA is a formal government instrumentality that shall be under the
supervision of the President of the Philippines. It shall perform planning, monitoring and
coordinative functions and shall “exercise regulatory and supervisory authority over the
delivery of area-wide services within the jurisdictions of the concerned city and municipalities
without diminution of the autonomy of the of the LGUs concerning purely local matters.”

Taking off from the present BLISTT Governing Council, the BLISTTSA Council shall serve as
the governing board and policy-making body of BLSTTDA. It shall be composed of the
governor of Benguet, the congresspersons of Baguio and Benguet, and the mayors of Baguio,
La Trinidad, Itogon, Sablan, Tuba and Tublay.

Placed within the institutional framework of the 1991 Local Government Code, it may be seen
as an instrumentality to enhance and promote inter-local cooperation in the delivery of services
that would benefit the citizenry of BLISTT.

BLISTTDA shall have a chairperson who, law proposes, will be appointed by the President of
the Philippines and shall have the rank of a cabinet member.20

The proposed law identifies the following services:

• Development planning and preparation of medium term and long term-development

• Urban renewal, land use planning and housing and shelter
• Transport and traffic management
• Solid waste disposal and management
• Flood control and sewerage management
• Water resource system
• Health, sanitation and pollution control
• Public safety and order
• Tourism

It must be noted that based on our interviews, and position papers reviewed, the officials, and the members of the community, have all
been very emphatic that, considering the unique character of the cordilleras of which BLISTT is a part of, an additional requirement should
be that the chairperson should be a resident of the BLISTT.

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Under the proposed BLISTTDA, each of this shall be under a specialized office headed by a
Senior Manager.

The following is an indicative organizational chart for BLISTT that would serve as the
foundation for successful implementation of programs and projects in the BLISTT area that
cut across the boundaries of component local governments.

Figure 7-2: Proposed Organizational Chart of the BLISTTDA

The House Bill to establish the BLISTT Development Authority (BLISTTDA) is still pending in
Congress. The Feasibility Study should consider other options for the operation and
management of the facility which may be supervised by the BLISTT Governing Council until
such time a BLISTTDA is established. The organizational structure to implement and manage
the project may focus on inter-local government cooperation with private sector participation
and assistance from implementing agencies particularly DENR EMB.

7.2 Institutional Requirements for Implementation

Implementation has always been a central concern of public administration in general, and
institutional development in particular. The non-implementation of well-meaning policies, and

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

well-planned programs and projects has been a bane of governance in many countries of the
world, including the Philippines. A classic study by Gabriel U. Iglesias published in 1976 – or
close to half a century ago – noted the following:
Many studies evaluating the results of the United Nations” First Development Decade
of the 1960s have invariably concluded that the “failure” of most development plans
could be attributed either to deficiencies in the planning process or to obstacles
encountered during plan implementation. In particular, the capability of administrative
systems to implement plans had been identified as a critical factor in the plan
implementation process.
A few years later, in 1980, Merille Grindle edited the classic study on Politics and Policy
Implementation in the Third World wherein she pointed out that the problem of implementation
of well-meaning policies continues to be central in many third world countries. They point out
the “often imperfect correspondence between policies adopted and services actually
delivered.” There observes the disparity between goals and outcomes in the implementation
of public policy in the third world.
Two decades later in 1997, still on the failure of implementation, Grindle suggested that one
reason for the weakness or failure in implementation is in the area of lack of capacities. She
pointed out, “while many governments claimed a central role in leading the process of
development, they demonstrated a remarkable incapacity to plan and pursue it.”
One may wonder why we went to a great extent of citing classic – and even dated – material
on governance and public administration. We simply want to suggest that the problem and
challenge of implementation is not new. It is in fact one of the greatest challenges of public
administration, and it continues to be a challenge up to today. In other words, implementation
is key.
It is within this context that, taking off from the classic works of Iglesias and Grindle, and
applying contemporary approaches to successful implementation, we suggest that the various
Policies, Plans, Programs and Activities be accompanied by well-designed and well thought
out implementation institutional mechanisms. These include the following that would provide
the enabling frameworks for implementation.

• Provide the enabling policy environment

o Enactment of laws and policies at the national level
o Enactment of local ordinances at the level of local government
o Issuance of an Executive Order by the Local Chie Executive directing
departments to implement appropriate programs and policies
• Enter into partnerships with a third party to implement the appropriate PPAs
o Contracting out to a third party the implementation of PPAs
o Entering into partnerships with the private sector through various mechanisms
such as joint ventures and build-operate-transfer modalities
• Capacity Building
o Conduct of continuous capacity building interventions to strengthen the
institutional mechanisms for implementation
o Conduct further studies to clearly define the appropriate implementation
The conduct of capacity building programs for the Cordillera local governments – that
include the BLISTT local governments – has been a priority of the regional institutions

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

in the area, including the Regional Development Council, the Department of Interior
and Local Government and the various regional offices of the national government
agencies in the area. A review of the Cordillera action agenda has shown that these
capacity building and training programs included those pertaining to the following:
o Regional Autonomy and Governance
o Sectoral Program such as those in the following areas:
▪ Social Services (e.g., programs for the differently abled persons)
▪ Science, Technology, and Innovation
▪ Solid Waste Management
▪ Local Waterworks
Apart from the above, the proposed capacity building programs for the BLISTT area
can also include the following:
o Urban Planning
o Project Development and Financing
o Public Private Financing
o Revenue Generation
o Disaster Risk Reduction
Table illustrates the list of PPAs, initially gathered from the Situational Analysis and Strategic
Planning Workshop last July 2019, that would require institutional requirements as the
enabling framework for its implementation.
Table 7-2: List of PPAs and its Enabling Institutional Framework

Programs, Projects, and Activities Location Timeframe Enabling

(Short, Medium, or
(PPPPAs) Framework
Name/ Title
Joint Peace and Order Planning and BLISTT Short-Term Capacity
Operation in BLISTT Building
BLISTT University Expansion in Tuba Tuba, Tublay Short-Term Third Party
and Tublay (Classroom Construction, Partnership
Educational Materials and Facilities,
Research and Development Extension
with Academic institutions, ALS and
Protocol Development in Disaster BLISTT Short-Term Capacity
Response Including Equipment Building
Tourism & Recreation
Preparation of Tourism Development Baguio City Short-Term Third Party
Plan for Baguio City (2016-2023 Partnership
Preparation of Tourism Development La Trinidad Short-Term Third Party
Plan for La Trinidad (2014-2019) Partnership
Preparation of Tourism Development Tublay Short-Term Third Party
Plan for Tublay Partnership
Preparation of Tourism Development Itogon Short-Term Third Party
Plan for Itogon (2019-2023) Partnership
Preparation of Tourism Development Tublay Short-Term Third Party
Plan for Tublay (2015-2025) Partnership

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Preparatory Activities for Crafting the BLISTT Medium- Third Party

BLISTT Tourism Master Plan Term Partnership
Conduct of Capability Building for LGUs BLISTT Medium- Capacity
and Tourism Industry Manpower Term Building
Identify the Availability of Geo-Hazard BLISTT Short-Term Third Party
Maps to the Grassroots Level Partnership
Implementation of Soil Stabilization and BLISTT Medium- Capacity
Various Ground Improvement Term Building
Implementation of Buffer Zones along BLISTT Medium- Policy
Active Faults identified by PHIVOLCS Term
Strict Implementation of the Structural BLISTT Short-Term Policy
Building Code of the Philippines
Car-Less Day Policy Implementation BLISTT Short-Term Policy
Continue and Support Air Quality BLISTT Short-Term Policy
Assessment Program of DENR
Creation or Crafting of a Mining BLISTT Medium- Third Party
Management Plan Term Partnership
Creation/ Establishment of Sitio or BLISTT Long-Term Third Party
Cluster Social Development Plan (SDP) Partnership
Transport & Connectivity
City Ordinances on Traffic Rules and Baguio City Short-Term Policy
RROW Study Baguio City Short-Term Third Party
Creation of a Traffic Engineering Center BLISTT Medium- Policy
Transport Modernization Plan BLISTT Medium- Third Party
Term Partnership
Water Supply and Sanitation
Study on the Establishment of National BLISTT Short-Term Third Party
Water Resources Board (NWRB) Branch Partnership
Ordinance for Rainwater Harvesting BLISTT Medium- Policy
Facility of Households Term/ Long-
Study on the Rehabilitation of Water Itogon Short-Term Third Party
Source at Sabkit Partnership
Feasibility Study on the Construction of a BLISTT Short-Term Third Party
Sewerage System for Each Municipality Partnership
Study on La Trinidad Sewerage System La Trinidad Medium- Third Party
Term Partnership
Comprehensive Study for La Trinidad La Trinidad Short-Term Third Party
Sewerage System/ Septage Treatment Partnership
Study on the Implementation of a BLISTT BLISTT Short-Term Third Party
Septage Management Program/ Septage Partnership
Treatment Facility
Feasibility Study for Baguio City Central BLISTT Medium- Third Party
Business District Master Storm and Term Partnership
Drainage Plan

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Solid Waste Management

Implementation of BLISTT Integrated BLISTT Short-Term Capacity
Solid Waste Management System Building
Technology Transfer on Waste BLISTT Short-Term Third Party
Management Partnership
Harmonization and Resolving Conflicting BLISTT Short-Term/ Third Party
National Laws and Local Ordinances Medium- Partnership
Term/ Long-
BLISTT Identify Development BLISTT Short-Term/ Third Party
Medium- Partnership
Relocation and Resettlement of Affected BLISTT Short-Term/ Third Party
Communities Medium- Partnership

7.3 Phasing of Projects

As suggested earlier, implementation is key to successful. However, as is well known and

documented, the time line for implementation of various PPAs are largely dependent on the
size and scope of the program, project and activity, and equally important the availability of
resources (human and financial) to guarantee successful implementation.
The implementation time of the PPAs stated in section 6.1.3 Summary of Sector Identified
Major Projects are presented in this section.

7.3.1 Short-Term

The following PPAs can be prepared and implemented until the year 2025 upon the decision
to adopt and pursue such PPAs:
1. BLISTT Health Development Program
2. Joint Planning and Operation of Peace and Order in BLISTT
3. BLISTT Youth Development Center
4. BLISTT Arts & Cultural Center
5. Formulation of a Participatory Implementing Rules and Regulations of the Presidential
Decree No. 1998 Series Of 1985
6. Completion/ Updating/ Approval of Climate Change Adaptation-Disaster Risk
Reduction enhanced CLUP
7. Farmers' Community Housing and Cultural Tourism Village
8. Capacity Development (CAPDEV) Program on BLISTTDA Transition
9. Capacity Development (CAPDEV) Program for Civil Society Organizations and
Indigenous Peoples
10. Learning Visit to Similar Inter-Local Cooperative Arrangements
11. International Learning Visit of Selected BLISTT Leaders and Stakeholders
12. Construction of Historic & Cultural Complex
13. Mapping and Heritage Impact Assessment Study for Enhancement of Cultural Value
of Heritage Sites
14. GAD Advocacy Program
15. Child Minding Centers

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

16. Construction of Flood Control System

17. Feasibility Study for Automated Guideway Transit
18. Establishment of Water Districts in the ISTT Towns
19. BLISTT-Wide Septage Management Program
20. Establishment of Materials Recovery Facilities in Barangays
21. Establishment of Composing Facilities in Barangays
22. Crafting of A New BLISTT Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP)
23. Crafting of A New BLISTT Zoning Ordinance
24. Crafting of Planned Unit Development (PUD) And Special Designated Zones (SDZ) Of
BLISTT Land Uses

7.3.2 Medium-Term

The following PPAs require can be prepared and implemented until the year 2030 upon the
decision to adopt and pursue such PPAs:
1. BLISTT Regional Specialized Health Facilities
2. Provision of Housing Resettlement and Housing Assistants
3. Construction of Socialized Housing in Rent-to-Own Options
4. Government Tax Incentives to The Small Private Housing Landlords for Building of
More Affordable and Livable Living Spaces
5. Miner's Community
6. BLISTT Agricultural Development Program
7. Continuing Capacity Development (CAPDEV) Program and Consultation for New
Officials and Staff of BLISTTDA
8. BLISTT Integrated Tourist and Recreation Infrastructure and Enterprises Project
9. Fencing of Existing Watershed and Forestlands
10. Implementation of Soil Stabilization and Various Ground Improvement Techniques
11. Disaster-Resilient Multi-Purpose and Evacuation Centers
12. BLISTT Forest Land Use Planning
13. BENECO/ Converge ICT as Broadband Service Provider in BLISTT
14. Free Wi-Fi in Public Places in BLISTT
15. Tech4Ed Project in BLISTT
16. Emergency Warning Broadcast System (EWBS) and Data-Casting System Project
17. Sanitary Landfill Gas to Power Facility
18. Waste-to-Energy Pyrolysis Power Plant
19. Solar PV Power without Battery
20. BLISTT-Wide Phased Water Resources Program
21. Expansion of Baguio City Sewerage System
22. La Trinidad Sewerage System
23. Validation of BLISTT Land Uses

7.3.3 Long-Term

The following PPAs require can be prepared and implemented beyond the year 2030 upon
the decision to adopt and pursue such PPAs:
1. BLISTT University Community
2. BLISTT Agro-Industrial Economic Zone
3. Construction of BLISTTDA Head Office and Satellite Offices

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

4. BLISTT Integrated Tourist and Recreation Infrastructure Development Program

5. Urban/ Backyard Gardening
6. BLISTT Integrated Terminal Exchange
7. Alternative and Multi-Modal Transport System: Modernized Jitney
8. BLISTT Shared Passive Telecommunications Tower Infrastructure (Shared PTTIs/
Common Tower) Project
9. Conventional Wind Turbine
10. Integrated Solid Waste Management Facility (ISWMF)/ Engineered Sanitary Landfill
11. Monitoring, Evaluation and Management of Digitized Maps/ Plans of BLISTT Land

7.4 Legal Framework

Cooperation among local governments to enable and improve the delivery of basic services
across politico-administrative boundaries is provided in the Constitution and in the Local
Government Code. Such cooperative institutional arrangements have been implemented in
other parts of the country and are also appropriate for BLISTT. However, owing to the unique
nature of the BLISTT local governments that are integral to the Cordillera region with the
presence of various cultural minorities and indigenous peoples, a national policy require
respect and recognition of formal and informal institutions, customs and traditions of the area
has been enacted through the Indigenous and People’s Right Act (IPRA). A core principle
embodied in the IPRA law is the free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) principle. This means
that all programs, projects and activities planned and implemented in the cordilleras in general,
and in the BLISTT areas in particular should first and foremost respect and adhere to the FPIC
principle. Consent ad approval of local stakeholders – especially the indigenous communities
– is imperative.

7.5 Governance Implementation Framework

The implementation of programs, projects and activities in BLISTT cut across political and
administrative boundaries. It has always been argued that such politico-administrative
boundaries are artificial, and what matters most in the implementation of programs and
projects are the ecological and concerns that obviously transcend the political and
administrative boundaries of local governments. It is within this context that the following inter-
governmental institutional arrangements may provide a healthy and robust framework for
1. National – Local Cooperation
This means that the national government provides the framework for implementation
in accordance to the constitution and other laws and policies but the sub-national
institutions, the local governments, implement them recognizing the specific context
and local environment of the programs and project. This is what decentralization is all
about. This is what the subsidiarity principle is all about: as much as possible, and
where appropriate, programs and projects should be implemented as close to the
people as possible. This is a fundamental principle provided for in the Local
Government Code.
2. Local – Local Relations

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

This is why inter-local cooperation is all about. This is the raison d’etre of BLISTT.
There are many issues, concerns and challenges – ranging from environmental
concerns, to solid waste management, to transportation and traffic management, to
tourism etc. – that cannot be addressed by a single local government due to
externalities and spillover effects. Hence it is imperative to address these in partnership
with the other contiguous local governments that share boundaries. The enabling
mechanism is provided by the Local Government Code. Further still though, the
concerned local governments may enter into memoranda of agreement (MOA) to
enable sharing of resources (financial and human resources) to enable them to
address the concerns and challenges jointly. Additionally, and equally important, such
MOA should be clothed with legitimacy hence require the approval of the local
3. Government – Private Sector Partnership
This type of partnership is also provided for in the Local Government Code as a form
of decentralization. This means that there is a recognition that, due to its own
limitations including lack of financial resources, or even capacities, the government
may enter into partnership with the private sector under various modalities: contracting
out the service, joint venture, build-operate-transfer and other means of partnerships.
This may build upon existing laws such as the Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) law that
complements the Local Government Code.
4. Government – Civil-Society Partnership
This is actually provided for in the Local Government Code that provides the enabling
framework for people participation in local governance. In fact, the Local Government
Code provides that one-fourth of the local development council be allocated to NGOs
and POs. This is also in accordance to the Constitutional principle that recognized
people participation in the process of governance. Participation may range from joint
planning and implementation of programs and projects to monitoring of implementation
to evaluation of programs and projects.
The proposed implementing agencies of the PPAs, as well as their type of institutional
arrangements, are presented in the following table.

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Table 7-3: Proposed Implementing Agencies and Type of Institutional Arrangements of PPAs

Programs, Projects, and Activities (PPPPAs) Proposed Institutional

Name/ Title Implementing Arrangement

National – Local

Private Sector
Government –

Government –
Local – Local

Civil Society
BLISTT Health Development Program BLISTT LGUs ✓
Joint Planning and Operation of Peace and Order in BLISTT LGUs ✓
BLISTT Youth Development Center BLISTT LGUs ✓
BLISTT Arts & Cultural Center BLISTT LGUs ✓
BLISTT Regional Specialized Health Facilities BLISTT LGUs, ✓ ✓
Private Sector
BLISTT University Community BLISTT LGUs, ✓ ✓
Private Sector
Housing & Settlements
Formulation of a Participatory Implementing Rules BLISTT LGUs, ✓ ✓
and Regulations of the Presidential Decree No. 1998 DHSUD
Series Of 1985
Completion/ Updating/ Approval of Climate Change BLISTT LGUs ✓
Adaptation-Disaster Risk Reduction Enhanced CLUP
Farmers' Community Housing and Cultural Tourism BLISTT LGUs, ✓ ✓
Village NHA
Provision of Housing Resettlement and Housing BLISTT LGUs, ✓ ✓
Assistants NHA
Construction of Socialized Housing in Rent-to-Own BLISTT LGUs, ✓ ✓
Options NHA
Government Tax Incentives to The Small Private Baguio City and ✓ ✓
Housing Landlords for Building of More Affordable and La Trinidad
Livable Living Spaces LGUs, Private
Miner's Community Itogon and ✓ ✓
Tuba LGUs,
NHA, Private
Local Economy
BLISTT Agricultural Development Program BLISTT LGUs ✓
BLISTT Agro-Industrial Economic Zone BLISTT LGUs, ✓ ✓ ✓
PEZA, Private
Capacity Development (CAPDEV) Program on BLISTT LGUs, ✓ ✓
Capacity Development (CAPDEV) Program for Civil BLISTT LGUs, ✓ ✓ ✓
Society Organizations and Indigenous Peoples DILG
Learning Visit to Similar Inter-Local Cooperative BLISTT LGUs, ✓ ✓
Arrangements DILG
International Learning Visit of Selected BLISTT BLISTT LGUs, ✓ ✓
Leaders and Stakeholders DILG

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Continuing Capacity Development (CAPDEV) BLISTT LGUs ✓

Program and Consultation for New Officials and Staff
Construction of BLISTTDA Head Office and Satellite BLISTT LGUs, ✓ ✓
Offices DPWH, DILG
Tourism & Recreation
BLISTT Integrated Tourist and Recreation BLISTT LGUs, ✓ ✓ ✓
Infrastructure and Enterprises Project Management DPWH, DOT,
TIEZA, Private
BLISTT Integrated Tourist and Recreation BLISTT LGUs, ✓ ✓ ✓
Infrastructure Development Program DPWH, DOT,
TIEZA, Private
Indigenous Peoples & Gender and Development
Construction of Historic & Cultural Complex BLISTT LGUs, ✓ ✓
Mapping and Heritage Impact Assessment Study for BLISTT LGUs, ✓ ✓
Enhancement of Cultural Value of Heritage Sites DOT, NCCA,
GAD Advocacy Program BLISTT LGUs, ✓ ✓
Child Minding Centers BLISTT LGUs, ✓ ✓
Urban/ Backyard Gardening BLISTT LGUs, ✓ ✓
Environmental & Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
Construction of Flood Control System BLISTT LGUs, ✓ ✓
Fencing of Existing Watershed and Forestlands BLISTT LGUs, ✓ ✓
Implementation of Soil Stabilization and Various BLISTT LGUs, ✓ ✓
Ground Improvement Techniques DPWH
Disaster-Resilient Multi-Purpose and Evacuation BLISTT LGUs, ✓ ✓
Centers DOH, DPWH
BLISTT Forest Land Use Planning BLISTT LGUs, ✓ ✓
Transport & Connectivity
Feasibility Study for Automated Guideway Transit BLISTT LGUs, ✓ ✓
BLISTT Integrated Terminal Exchange BLISTT LGUs, ✓ ✓
DPWH, Private
Alternative and Multi-Modal Transport System: BLISTT LGUs, ✓ ✓
Modernized Jitney DOTR, LTFRB,
DPWH, Private
Information and Communications Technology

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

BENECO/ Converge ICT as Broadband Service BENECO, ✓ ✓ ✓

Provider in BLISTT Converge ICT,
Free Wi-Fi in Public Places in BLISTT BLISTT LGUs, ✓ ✓
Tech4Ed Project in BLISTT BLISTT LGUs, ✓ ✓
Emergency Warning Broadcast System (EWBS) and BLISTT LGUs, ✓ ✓ ✓
Data-Casting System Project DICT, NTC,
Private Sector
BLISTT Shared Passive Telecommunications Tower BLISTT LGUs, ✓ ✓ ✓
Infrastructure (Shared PTTIs/ Common Tower) DICT, Private
Project Sector
Power & Energy
Sanitary Landfill Gas to Power Facility BLISTT LGUs, ✓ ✓
Private Sector
Waste-to-Energy Pyrolysis Power Plant BLISTT LGUs, ✓ ✓
Private Sector
Solar PV Power without Battery BLISTT LGUs, ✓ ✓
Private Sector
Conventional Wind Turbine BLISTT LGUs, ✓ ✓
Private Sector
Water Supply and Sanitation
Establishment of Water Districts in the ISTT Towns BLISTT LGUs, ✓ ✓
BLISTT-Wide Septage Management Program BLISTT LGUs, ✓ ✓
BLISTT-Wide Phased Water Resources Program BLISTT LGUs, ✓ ✓ ✓
LWUA, Private
Expansion of Baguio City Sewerage System Baguio City ✓ ✓
Private Sector
La Trinidad Sewerage System La Trinidad ✓ ✓
Private Sector
Solid Waste Management
Establishment of Materials Recovery Facilities in BLISTT LGUs ✓
Establishment of Composing Facilities in Barangays BLISTT LGUs ✓
Integrated Solid Waste Management Facility BLISTT LGUs, ✓ ✓
(ISWMF)/ Engineered Sanitary Landfill (ESLF) Private Sector
Urban Structure/ Land Use
Crafting of A New BLISTT Comprehensive Land Use BLISTT LGUs, ✓ ✓
Crafting of A New BLISTT Zoning Ordinance BLISTT LGUs, ✓ ✓

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Crafting of Planned Unit Development (PUD) And BLISTT LGUs, ✓ ✓ ✓
Special Designated Zones (SDZ) Of BLISTT Land DPWH/ TIEZA/
EMB, Private
Validation of BLISTT Land Uses BLISTT LGUs, ✓ ✓
Monitoring, Evaluation and Management of Digitized BLISTT LGUs, ✓ ✓
Maps/ Plans of BLISTT Land Uses DPWH/ TIEZA/

7.6 Financing the Plan

Financing the infrastructure projects for the integrated development of the BLISTT cluster will
require strategies beyond traditional spending sources and national government transfers or
grants. Although assessment of financial profiles indicates favorable opportunities for
financing with borrowing capacities at maximum, the huge funding requirements, constraints
of public budget, IRA dependency and limited tax base of low-income municipalities will
necessitate accessing all possible sources of finance and leveraging private sector
investments to meet the SUID goals.
Consistent with the objectives of the Local Government Code of 1991 and LGU Financing
Policy Framework, utilizing private sources of capital for revenue-generating projects was
explored. In the absence of a BLISTT Development Authority (BLISTTDA) to undertake and
manage the projects in the short term, assessment was conducted on the feasibility of BLISTT
LGUs jointly implementing projects with national government agencies, government-owned
and controlled corporations (GOCCs) or government entities using appropriate LGU Public-
Private Partnership for the People Initiative (LGU P4) modality.
Financing plans for the priority projects are aligned with following policy guidelines and their
implementing rules and regulations:
1. Local Government Code of 1991 (RA No. 7160)
2. Omnibus Investment Code of 1987 (EO 226)
3. The Build-Operate-and-Transfer Law (RA No. 6957, as amended by RA No. 7718)
4. Joint Venture Guidelines (2008 and 2013) issued by NEDA
5. Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 (RA No. 9003)
6. Special Economic Zone Act of 1995 (RA No. 7916)
7. Right-of-Way Act (RA No. 10752)
8. National Transport Policy (NEDA Board Resolution No. 5, s. 2017)

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

9. Omnibus Guidelines on the Planning and Identification of Public Road Transportation

Services and Franchise Issuance (DOTr Department Order No. 2017-011) or the
Public Utility Vehicle Modernization Program (PUVMP)
10. Fare Rates for Modern PUJ Services and Electric PUJ Services (LTFRB Memo
Circular No. 2019-061)
11. Guidelines for the Implementation of Public-Private Partnership for the People Initiative
for Local Governments (DILG Memo Circular No. 2016-120)
12. Supplemental Guidelines for the Implementation of Public-Private Partnership for the
People Initiative for Local Governments (DILG-PPP Center Joint Memo Circular No.
Financial analysis assumptions were also based on The Compendium of Model PPP Practices
by the DILG and Local Government Fiscal and Financial Management Best Practices of the
DOF documenting innovative financing arrangements undertaken by LGUs to meet their
developmental requirements.

7.6.1 Key Issues and Gaps

BLISTT’s competitive advantage is the aggrupation of six (6) LGUs and alignment of programs
projects and activities for an integrated and complementary development plan. Considering
the fiscal and economic disparities, member LGUs will be challenged to fully realize local
revenue potential and aim to be less reliant on national government transfers. IRA Dependency

National government transfers accounted for 58 percent of the 2018 aggregate income of the
BLISTT LGUs. While BLISTT operating income from 2013-2018 registered a compounded
annual growth rate of 8.4%, growth of externally sourced revenues was higher at 8.7% than
revenues raised from local sources, which recorded an annual growth of 7.8%. IRA
dependency, or current year’s IRA/annual regular income, was prevalent; locally sourced
income share to the annual regular income remained small for the low-income municipalities.
Figure 7-3: IRA Dependency

IRA Dependency (%)

2015 2016 2017 2018





Baguio La Trinidad Itogon Sablan Tuba Tublay

Source: BLISTT Consultant Team, 2020 (based on BLISTT CLUPs)

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center
VOLUME I: THE MASTER PLAN Development Spending

Utilization of 20% of the IRA intended for priority socio- economic development and
environmental management projects
Table 7-4: Utilization of 20% Local Development Fund

2016 2017

LGU IRA Actual IRA Actual

Utilization Utilization
Actual 20% LDP Rate Actual 20% LDP Rate

Baguio 622.53 124.51 39.97 32% 700.55 1 62.53 45%

d 175.08 35.02 20.22 58% 216.10 43.22 23.89 55%

Itogon 153.76 30.75 14.57 47% 173.25 34.65 18.11 52%

Sablan 52.32 10.46 2.72 26% 59.35 11.87 1.45 12%

Tuba 118.17 23.63 19.56 83% 135.56 27.11 17.00 63%

Tublay 59.88 11.98 6.82 57% 67.77 13.55 7.16 53%

Source: BLISTT Consultant Team, 2020 (based on BLISTT CLUPs)

Following Supreme Court ruling (GR No. 199802 and GR No. 208488) in July 2018 that the
‘just share’ of LGUs should be computed and sourced from all national taxes, the expanded
IRA, to include other taxes collected by other Agencies, e.g. customs duties, excise, value-
added, other percentage taxes, will boost the revenue profile of the BLISTT LGUs and improve
borrowing capacity. Additionally, the expanded IRA starting 2022 will further strengthen
revenues allocated for local development programs. Substitutive Effect on Expanded IRA

The DOF’s National Tax Research Center recognized that increase in IRA under the LGC
1991 had a “substitutive effect such that the LGUs were demotivated to exert efforts to
maximize their own sources of revenues.” During the field visit in January 2020 to the LGUs,
eagerness on the expanded IRA generally prevailed over discussions on measures to
maximize locally sourced revenues. Revenue Generation

Collection targets for LGU own-source revenues such as real property tax, tax on business,
regulatory fees, service or user charges and receipts from economic enterprise are set by the
Bureau of Local Government Finance (BLGF) as part of performance evaluation of local
treasurers and to motivate LGUs optimize their taxing and revenue capacities. (For 2020, the
PhP307.08 B collection target for all provincial, city and municipal treasurers is 19% higher
than 2019.)

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Table 7-5: Average Local Revenue Collection Growth Rate (In M), FY 2015-2017

Growth Growth
Rate Rate
LGU 2015 2016 2017 Average
2015- 2016-
2016 2017
Baguio 656.21 683.07 4% 746.77 9% 6.71%
La 136.15 135.56 0% 156.96 16% 7.68%
Itogon 72.90 57.14 -22% 52.50 -8% -14.87%
Sablan 5.15 5.43 5% 5.62 4% 4.48%
Tuba 49.17 23.82 -52% 26.59 12% -19.97%
Tublay 4.68 4.84 4% 6.17 27% 15.49%
Source: BLISTT Consultant Team, 2020 (based on BLISTT CLUPs)

Status of BLISTT LGUs compliance:

• Baguio City’ market values were last updated in 1996; business tax measures were
updated in 2000
• La Trinidad updated its Revenue Code in 2017
• Itogon – revised Revenue Code in 2016
• Tuba – increased local taxes and fees by 10% in 2008
• Tublay Revenue Code was updated in 2011 Borrowing Capacity

Based on DOF/ BLGF guidelines, the net debt service ceiling for BLISTT amount to PH₱ 0.536
Billion as of 2017. Projecting the capability to borrow by 2030 show an increase by PH₱ 1.70
Billion to PH₱ 2.20 Billion using revenue profiles past three (3) years. Cost Recovery Mechanisms

As authorized in LGC of 1991, LGUs are granted full autonomy to establish and operate local
economic enterprises and other commercially operated establishments, and share operating
costs with other LGUs, national government or with the private sector. Cost recovery
mechanisms include user fees and charges and earmarked taxation of future benefits;
When these public economic enterprises are infused with private capital, user fees are likely
to increase to reflect full cost pricing. Infrastructure and services previously operated by LGUs
under minimal charges may require subsidies and grants to bridge the gap between ability-to-
pay and willingness-to-pay.

7.6.2 Key Goals and Strategies Sectoral Goals

Delivering the socio-economic agenda for the PDP towards achievement of the SDGs and the
long-term vision of Ambisyon Natin 2040 will require a financing framework that will mobilize
resources from all sectors.
Consistent with the Addis Ababa Action Agenda on Financing for Development the public
sector shall continue to be the primary fund source of infrastructure while attracting

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

commercial capital towards development projects and crowding-in private sector financing to
accelerate investment activities. BLISTT Action Agenda

The Action Agenda 2017-2019 identified the following priority programs to overcome the
challenges of the BLISTT growth center:
1. Tourism and Economic Development
2. Transportation, Traffic Management and Accessibility of Rural ISTT
3. Protection of the Natural Environment and BLISTT Water Resources
4. Solid Waste Management
5. Development and Agriculture
The 2017-2022 Cordillera Regional Development Plan likewise adopted strategies for
accelerating investments in hydropower, transport and mobility, health, education and utilities
to address the low infrastructure competitiveness ratings of all five (5) provinces in the region.
Results of the 360° Assessment Scan also affirmed need for expansion of existing
infrastructures on urban logistics, energy, land use, housing and resilient economic facilities. Financing Strategies

Considering the varying degrees of creditworthiness of the BLISTT LGUs and constraints of
traditional fund sources, other funding opportunities and financing strategies will be critical to
meet development requirements.
To bridge financing gap, the BLISTT, individually or collectively, should scale-up mobilization
of finance through the strategic use of following mechanisms:
Figure 7-4: Revenue Generation and Financing Strategies

Enhancement of Commercial Capital

Official Development
Revenue Generation from New Revenue
Capacities Streams

Collaboration with the Innovative Financing

Blended Finance
Private Sector Mechanisms

Source: BLISTT Consultant Team, 2020

1. Enhancement of Revenue Generation Capacities

Optimizing revenue streams, through amendment and updating of local revenue codes
and fiscal policy reforms to strengthen public policies and regulatory framework, e.g.
a. Taxes – rationalization of existing tax ordinance by expanding coverage,
identification of new tax clusters, introducing sub-categories or adjusting tax
rates every five (5) years up to ten percent (10%) as allowed under LGC of 199;

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

updating may also include grant of tax exemptions or reliefs as investment

incentives and imposition of surcharges and penalties;
b. User Fees – cost recovery mechanism for LGU projects and local economic
enterprise through charge to customers for use of facility; may also be indexed
to inflation rates to cover increasing operating costs;
c. Fees and Charges – other than income from exercise of the LGU’s regulatory
functions, charges for services rendered, e.g. barangay clearance, medical
certificate, approval and processing of permits and licenses can be adjusted to
pass on full cost or implement socialized rates;
d. Establishment and sustainable operation of local economic enterprise;
e. Congestion Pricing – traffic congestion fee within a pre-determined area to limit
vehicular traffic into the central business district; promotes environmental
f. Regulation and performance-based mechanisms;
g. Modernization of fiscal operations to increase efficiency in assessment and
collection programs; and,
h. Capacity building to strengthen technical capacities in project management and
2. Official Development Assistance (ODA)
ODA and other foreign-assisted projects for LGUs implemented by National Agencies
and administered by the Municipal Development Fund Office under the following
financing windows
a. Municipal Development Fund Project
b. Disaster Management Assistance Fund
c. Program Lending
d. Project Technical Assistance and Contingency Fund
e. Refinancing Facility
f. Municipio Fund
g. Revenue Administration and Modernization Program
h. Performance Based Grant System
i. Public-Private Partnership Fund
j. Philippine Water Revolving Fund Standby Credit Facility
3. Development Credit Financing
Government-sponsored credit facilities and private capital markets LGUs may access,
subject to DOF’s Bureau of Local Government Finance policy guidelines on net debt
service ceiling and borrowing capacity. Some of available financing programs to
support implementation of LGU development plans:
a. Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP)
i. Connecting Rural and Urban Intermodal System Efficiently
ii. Green Financing Program
iii. Residential Real Estate Financing Program
iv. Financing Utilities for Sustainable Energy Development
v. Water for Every Resident Program
b. Land Bank of the Philippines
i. LBP Omnibus Term Loan Facility
ii. LGU Lending Program
iii. LGU Investment Program

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

iv. Water Program for Everyone

c. Private Financial Institutions (PFIs)
i. Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation’s Philippines’ First Sustainable
Finance Framework which funds loans with environment and/or social
ii. Bank of the Philippine Islands Green Finance Framework - financing
water and wastewater management, pollution prevention and control
4. Blended Finance
Development funds from public, donor partners and philanthropic investors with lower
overall cost of capital, technical assistance facility and credit guarantee. These
concessional funds incentivize private sector capital investments in high-impact
development projects that are perceived high-risk and not feasible under full
commercial terms. When packaged with commercial funding, blended finance can
mobilize additional capital and provide financial support to investments in sustainable
5. Collaboration with the Private Sector
Engaging private sector financing to meet development needs and accelerate
infrastructure spending to achieve 7% of GDP by 2022. Under the amended BOT Law,
following are the PPP modalities for financing, construction, operation and
maintenance of infrastructure projects:
a. BOT Law Variants
i. Build-and-Transfer (BT)
ii. Build-Lease-and-Transfer (BLT)
iii. Build-Operate-and-Transfer (BOT)
iv. Build-Own-and-Operate (BOO)
v. Build-Transfer-and-Operate (BTO)
vi. Contract-Add-and-Operate (CAO)
vii. Develop-Operate-and-Transfer (DOT)
viii. Rehabilitate-Own-and-Operate (ROO)
b. Joint Venture Agreements
c. Other Contractual Arrangements
6. LGU P4 Program
A partnership strategy between the LGU and private sector to implement local
infrastructure and development projects, under the following contractual arrangements:
a. Build-and-Transfer
b. Build-Lease-and-Transfer
c. Build-Operate-and-Transfer
d. Build-Own-and-Operate
e. Build-Transfer-and-Operate
f. Develop-Operate-and-Transfer
g. Rehabilitate-Operate-and-Transfer
h. Rehabilitate-Own-and-Operate
i. Rehabilitate-Lease-and-Transfer
j. Rehabilitate-and-Transfer
k. Rehabilitate-Transfer-and-Operate
l. Concession

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

m. Joint Venture
n. Lease or Affermage
o. Management Contract using LGU Funds
p. Management Contract without using LGU Funds
q. Service Contract using LGU Funds
r. Service Contract without using LGU Funds
s. Divestment or Disposition
t. Corporatizations
u. Incorporation of a Subsidiary with private sector equity
v. Onerous Donations
w. Gratuitous Donations
Local PPP Strategy. The PPP Center’s specialized assistance program for local
implementing agencies undertaking PPP projects, extends support from project
development through project implementation, under the following facilities:
a. Project Development and Monitoring Facility
b. Cities Development Initiative for Asia
c. Asia Pacific Project Preparation Facility
d. Municipal Development Fund Office
e. Asia Instructure Center for Excellence
f. LGU Guarantee Corporation
7. Bond Flotation
Issuance of sub-sovereign obligations (The “BLISTT Bonds”) backed by the Local
Government Unit Guarantee Corporation, to raise capital for infrastructure
development, with interest payments funded by revenue streams of the project.
Leverage UNESCO declaration of Baguio City as one of the new UNESCO Creative
Cities, bond flotation for tourism development secured by a combination of revenue
and general obligation (double barreled bond) of the 1st tier income classification
municipalities and the City of Baguio. (The DOF cited the PH₱ 40M Boracay-Aklan
Provincial Bonds issued by the Provincial Government of Aklan in 1999 to finance jetty
port facilities, with certain appropriation of its IRA for the guarantee of payment, as
Local Government Fiscal and Financial Management Best Practices)
8. Community investing to support the social development sector where cost recovery is
challenging, through cooperative arrangement with NGOs, organizations and
a. Assistance to LGUs Sablan and Tublay, both 5th income class municipalities,
given the high IRA dependency and inadequate tax base;
b. Target-aid to socially responsible organizations will enable them to provide
micro-finance loans for capacity building projects, promote ecological balance,
engage in environmentally sustainable programs or information and education
c. Inter-agency collaboration also facilitates implementation of priority projects as
proven by recent partnership of Department of Information and Communication
Technology (DICT) with Benguet Electric Cooperative (BENECO) and
TRANSCO for the implementation of the National Broadband Plan Pilot Project
in Baguio City and La Trinidad.
d. Promote inclusive environment for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises
to access financial services for on-lending to marginalized communities.

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

9. Impact investing to promote economic and social well-being of the Indigenous Peoples,
of which 33 percent of the Philippines’ 14-17M ethno-linguistic groups are
concentrated in the Cordillera Region, pursuant to Republic Act. No 8371 or the
Indigenous People Rights Act of 1997.
10. Other innovative financing mechanisms
Figure 7-5: Innovative Financing Mechanisms

•land value premiums generated by public infrastructure

Land value •gains from increased accessibility with transit-oriented
capture development or public amenities
•opportunity to raise property tax revenues

•earmark growth in tax revenues, e.g. debt servicing of

Tax increment loan borrowings for infra project
financing •direct tax increments to project-specific trust fund
•"growth pays for itself"

•pass-through funding; sub-award to community-based

Impact investing/ organizations for implementation of grant programs
•return on investment with corporate social responsibility
investing (CSR)

•grant or discount sale of undeveloped public lands

•concessional - rights of way for development zones
Inducements to
•tax holiday incentives vis-a-vis CSR Programs of private
investors proponent
•financial gurantees

Source: BLISTT Consultant Team, 2020

Best Practices
The DOF documentation21 of LGU initiatives to meet their developmental requirements range
from optimizing traditional sources of revenues through more efficient assessment and
collection programs to expansion of economic enterprises, PPP and bond financing.
1. Revenue Generation
a. Charging User Fees for Health Services (Malalag, Davao del Sur).
b. Implementing a Fiscal Management (Gingoog City).
c. Tax Mapping, Computerization and GIS in Real Property.
d. Innovating Tax Administration Measures – Quezon City.
2. Financing Initiatives
a. Bond Flotation for Tourism Development (The Boracay-Aklan Provincial
b. Privatization of Power and Utilities (JB Project of the Province of Bohol).

J. Amatong, editor. Local Government Fiscal and Financial Management Best Practices, DOF 2005

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

c. Build, Lease and Transfer Scheme (San Jose de Buenavista, Antique).

The DILG also cited the following best partnerships under the LGU P4 Program in its 2018
Compendium of Stories on PPP.
1. The Batangas City Transport Terminal: PH₱ 83.17 Million undertaken through a lease
agreement facility
2. Legazpi City Grand Central Terminal: PH₱ 400 Million integrated intermodal transport
3. Municipality of Piddig, Ilocos Norte: Coffee Convergence Initiative Project
4. Mandaluyong City Market Place: Build-Operate-Transfer
5. Manila City: Free and Quality Hemodialysis Treatment for the Urban Poor
6. Valenzuela City Town Center
7. South Cotabato “Health Plus Shop in a Shop (HPSiS) allowed marginalized patients
to access affordable and essential medicines

7.6.3 Inputs to 360° Scan Tool

The SUID Plan for BLISTT behooves the LGUs to avail existing debt facilities, utilize private
capital and optimize innovative financing mechanisms to ensure sustainable development
objectives are achieved. Following strategies can also be considered:
1. Issuance of sub-sovereign obligations, e.g., “The BLISTT Bonds” (double meaning for
the 5Cs of Complementing, Converging, Cooperating, Collaborating and Committing),
to raise capital for infrastructure development, with interest payments funded by
revenue streams of specific projects or secured by assigned revenues and general
obligation fund of the 1st tier Municipalities and the City of Baguio.
2. Impact investing to promote economic and social well-being of the Indigenous Peoples,
of which 33 percent of the Philippines’ 14-17M ethno-linguistic groups are
concentrated in the Cordillera Region; creation of a Special Investment Fund targeted
to support indigenous businesses or provide culturally appropriate technical assistance
3. Community investing to support the social development sector where cost recovery is
challenging, through cooperative arrangements with non-governmental organizations
and institutions.
4. Target-aid to socially responsible organizations, for sub-lending of micro-finance loans
for capacity building projects and green programs, especially for the 5th income class
Municipalities of Sablan and Tublay where LGUs are challenged due to limited IRA
and inadequate tax base.

7.6.4 Financing the Programs, Projects, and Activities Financing Metropolitan Area

The implementation of the BLISTT programs, projects and activities shall be undertaken by
the LGUs, concerned national government agencies, the private sector, accredited people’s
organization, non-governmental organization and the Baguio City, La Trinidad, Itogon, Sablan,
Tuba and Tublay Development Authority (BLISTTDA).
As proposed in HB No. 1554 creating the BLISTTDA, of which was substituted by HB No.
6974, the amount of PH₱ 1.00 Billion shall be appropriated for its initial operation with
subsequent annual expenditures including capital outlay provided in the GAA. Operating
requirements can be sourced from mandatory annual contributions of member LGUs, by an

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

agreed fixed amount or based on percentage of the LGU’s IRA and revenues from fees and
charges. (HB No. 1554, Sec. 9. stipulate contribution equivalent to 5% of the total annual
gross revenue of the preceding year, net of IRA. HB No. 6974, Sec. 10, however, does not
specify terms of financial contributions from member LGUs.) Metropolitan Arrangements

Metro Manila Development Authority (MMDA)

National Government appropriated PH₱ 1.00 Billion for the MMDA’s initial operations;
thereafter, annual expenditures including capital outlays are provided in the General
Appropriations Act (GAA). Operations are funded by contributions from member local
government units equivalent to 5 percent (5%) of the total annual gross revenue of the
preceding year, net of the IRA. Other fund sources include donations and grants, income from
service and regulatory fees and collection of fines and penalties over the delivery of metro-
wide services (IRR of RA 7924).
Metro Naga Development Council (MNDC)
The MNDC was provided PH₱ 0.50 Million initial budgetary assistance from the President’s
Contingency Fund in accordance with EO No. 102, s. 1993; its annual operating expenses are
also included in the GAA. Component LGUs annually contribute 2% of their Economic
Development Fund to the Council.
Other metropolitan arrangements such as Metro Cebu Development and Coordinating Board
and Metro Iloilo-Guimaras Economic Development Council source funds from local fixed
contributions of member LGUs. Programs, Projects, and Activities

Total investment requirements amount to PH₱ 73.59 Billion (2020 constant prices),
categorized into:
Short-Term - PH₱ 43.08 Billion up to 2025
Medium-Term - PH₱ 10.06 Billion addition up to 2030
Long-Term - PH₱ 20.44 Billion until 2058

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Table 7-6: BLISTT Investment Requirements for PPAs

BLISTT Investment Requirement for PPAs

In Million Pesos
Investment Requirement
Short Term Med-Term Long-Term
(2021-2025) (2026-2030) (Beyond 2030)

1 Land Use 440.0 315.0 75.0 50.0

2 Environmental 2,780.0 1,884.0 896.0 -
3 Social 15,350.3 2,555.2 1,408.2 11,386.9
4 IP and GAD 76.5 66.5 5.0 5.0
5 Local Economy 7,430.6 1,611.8 543.6 5,275.2
6 Housing and Settlements 734.0 520.0 214.0 -
7 Water 9,289.0 4,755.0 4,534.0 -
8 Energy and Power 27,261.0 27,261.0 - -
9 Solid Waste Management 3,325.1 2,098.1 600.7 626.3
10 Transport and Connectivity 3,656.5 1,427.1 1,069.4 1,160.0
11 ICT 1,920.0 580.0 590.0 750.0
12 Communications & Public Participation 2.8 2.8 - -
13 Institutional 308.5 6.5 2.0 300.0
14 Tourism 1,012.0 - 120.0 892.0
GRAND TOTAL 73,586.3 43,083.0 10,057.9 20,445.4

Source: BLISTT Consultant Team, 2020 Financing Plan by Sector

Short-term projects, of which PH₱ 27.26 Billion representing 63% of total costs comprise
renewable energy development, consist of investments in engineered sanitary landfill and
waste-to-energy pyrolysis power plant. Implementation of a septage management program
for the BLISTT area and expansion of the Baguio City sewerage system amounting to PH₱
4.76 Billion, account for another 11%. Human capital development programs, including
establishment of a University Community, will entail an initial PH₱ 2.56 Billion.
Water and sanitation investments will continue in the medium term, requiring PH₱ 4.5 Billion
until 2030; at the same time, transport infrastructures to comply with the National Transport
Policy have need of at least PH₱ 1Billion. An additional PH₱ 1.41 Billion to sustain the
development of the University Community and will call for PH₱ 1.41 Billion support funds.
The social sector constitutes majority of the long-term investment requirements at 56% or PH₱
11.39B while phased-development of the agro-industrial economic zone will add up 14% or
PH₱ 5.3Billion.

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Figure 7-6: Financing Plan by Sector

Financing Plan by Sector

(In Peso Million)







Short Medium Long

Source: BLISTT Consultant Team, 2020 Financing Plan by Source

The total investment requirement amounting to PH₱ 73.59 Billion will mostly be funded by
loans, with PH₱ 32,426 Billion or 44% to be contracted by the BLISTT LGUs or the private
sector partner. Private capital form 35% or PH₱ 25.95 Billion. The balance of 21% will be
sourced from GAA, IRA and other government grants.

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Figure 7-7: Breakdown of Sources

GAA, 3,226 , 5%
IRA, 3,841 , 5%

Private Sector,
25,945 , 35%

Loans, 32,426 ,
Other Grants,
8,148 , 11%

Source: BLISTT Consultant Team, 2020

National government funding is substantial in the short term at PH₱ 1.89 Billion, with
environmental sector projects demanding an allocation of PH₱ 1.36 Billion. Other PPAs
proposed for GAA and IRA financing include: communications and public participation, ICT,
housing and settlements and institutional sectors.
Table 7-7: Short Term Financing Plan

Financing Plan , 2021-2025 (Short- Term)

Short Term Short Term (2021-2025)
(2021-2025) PPP / Private
GAA IRA Loans Grants Sector
Land Use 440.0 315.0 150.0 145.0 - - 20.0
Environmental 2,780.0 1,884.0 1,359.2 350.0 - 174.8 -
Social 15,350.3 2,555.2 - 140.5 853.9 619.1 941.8
IP and GAD 76.5 66.5 - 16.5 - 50.0 -
Local Economy 7,430.6 1,611.8 - 240.0 548.7 274.4 548.7
Housing and Settlements 734.0 520.0 91.0 29.0 200.0 29.0 171.0
Water 9,289.0 4,755.0 - 475.5 4,279.5 - -
Energy and Power 27,261.0 27,261.0 - - 13,630.5 5,452.2 8,178.3
Solid Waste Management 3,325.1 2,098.1 - 1,500.0 418.7 - 179.4
Transport and Connectivity 3,656.5 1,427.1 10.0 116.7 429.4 441.5 429.4
ICT 1,920.0 580.0 277.5 37.5 - - 265.0
Communications & Public Participation 2.8 2.8 2.8 - - - -
Institutional 308.5 6.5 4.0 2.5 - - -
Tourism & Recreation 1,012.0 - - - - - -
73,586.3 43,083.0 1,894.5 3,053.2 20,360.7 7,041.0 10,733.7

Source: BLISTT Consultant Team, 2020

Government grants share 11% or PH₱ 8.15 Billion in total financing, of which PH₱ 7.041
Billion is also required in the short term.

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Of the PH₱ 7.07 Billion combined GAA and IRA-funded PPAs comprising 9.6% of total
investment requirements, PPAs in IP, GAD, Agricultural Development Programs and equity
for water and sanitation projects will be covered.
Land and site development were on account of Implementing Agency. Government support
through project development fund for preparatory activities such as rights-of-way, and other
rights, e.g. property or possessory rights over the Project sight and construction of access
roads are all considered in the short-term.
Table 7-8: Total Financing by Source and Sector

Financing Plan by Source

Short Term MediumTerm Long-Term TOTAL FINANCING
(2021-2025) (2026-2030) (Beyond 2030) PPP / Private
GAA IRA Loans Grants Sector
Land Use 440.0 315.0 75.0 50.0 200.0 220.0 - - 20.0
Environmental 2,780.0 1,884.0 896.0 - 2,061.5 500.0 - 218.5 -
Social 15,350.3 2,555.2 1,408.2 11,386.9 - 145.5 7,100.6 1,020.2 7,084.0
IP and GAD 76.5 66.5 5.0 5.0 - 26.5 - 50.0 -
Local Economy 7,430.6 1,611.8 543.6 5,275.2 - 244.5 764.4 382.2 6,039.6
Housing and Settlements 734.0 520.0 214.0 - 91.0 34.0 400.0 29.0 180.0
Water 9,289.0 4,755.0 4,534.0 - - 928.9 8,360.1 - -
Energy and Power 27,261.0 27,261.0 - - - - 13,630.5 5,452.2 8,178.3
Solid Waste Management 3,325.1 2,098.1 600.7 626.3 - 1,500.0 839.2 - 985.9
Transport and Connectivity 3,656.5 1,427.1 1,069.4 1,160.0 10.0 164.3 764.3 793.6 1,924.3
ICT 1,920.0 580.0 590.0 750.0 555.0 75.0 - - 1,290.0
Communications & Public Participation 2.8 2.8 - - 2.8 - - - -
Institutional 308.5 6.5 2.0 300.0 306.0 2.5 - - -
Tourism & Recreation 1,012.0 - 120.0 892.0 - - 566.7 202.4 242.9
73,586.3 43,083.0 10,057.9 20,445.4 3,226.3 3,841.2 32,425.7 8,148.1 25,945.0

Source: BLISTT Consultant Team, 2020

Long-term PPAs totaling PH₱ 20.44 Billion are undertaken with increased private sector
participation; PPP/LGU P4 modalities are assumed for revenue-generating projects such as
transport modernization, renewable energy, agro-industrial zone development and university
Loan capital, of which was limited to 70% of project cost, amounted to PH₱ 32.43 Billion.
Viability gap funding mechanisms e.g., waiver of real property taxes on improvements, output-
based subsidy, operational subsidy, and non-fiscal incentives necessary to keep user charges
affordable were considered.
Other national government subsidy or grants, investment incentives in pioneer areas, and
direct LGU subsidy such as contribution of property or assets to projects funded under PPP
or LGU P4 were also applied.

7.6.5 Conclusion

The foregoing presents the financing plan for the programs, projects and activities envisioned
for BLISTT. The vision considers both whether the BLISTT is at its current organizational set-
up or if and when the BLISTTDA is enacted by the National Government. Currently with only
2-3 of the LGUs undertaking regular infrastructure projects, the plan will now include activities
for the rest of the member LGUs. It is expected that reforms in the area of expanding revenue
base and capacitating the smaller LGUs will assist in the realization of the vision for the

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

As the Government will not be able to undertake all the infrastructure through government
subsidies, grants and budget allocation for Implementing Agencies that will be involved in the
development of BLISTT, the financing plan considers best practices for other more developed
LGUs and other Metropolitan arrangements where the Private Sector will have greater
participation through its own equity contribution and borrowings.

7.7 Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of programs and projects is key to the
success of development interventions. The following indicative logical framework (log-frame)
may be used to reference for the various log-frames of the various projects proposed under
This refers specifically to the establishment of institutions and structures for the BLISTT that
would provide the enabling framework for the implementation of the projects.

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Table 7-9: Indicative Logical Framework of Top Five (5) Priority Projects for Pre-FS

Sector Program/ Implementing Implementation Expected Funding Amount in Million Philippine Pesos (PH₱) Aligned with
(1) Project/ Office/ Schedule Output Source (7)
Activity Department (6)
Start Date Completi Short Medium Long Total SDGs PDP CAR BLISTT
Description (3) (4) on Date Term (8) Term Term (10) (8+9+10) (12) 2017- RDP Action
(2) (5) (9) (11) 2022 2017- Agenda
(13) 2022 (15)

Solid Waste
Integrated Solid
Governing Body
2021 2022 Solid Waste
PPP 377.6 4,056 4,433.6
🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
Facility Waste to
Economic Agro-Industrial
Economic Zone
BLISTT LGU 2021 2022
(to operate on
Plans and
PPP 618.13 618.13
🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
2023-2057 or 35
National Designs for the
Government AIEZ;

Private Sector Implementatio

n Mechanism
for the AIEZ
Transport Integrated
Department of
Year 2021 National
624.2 M 624.4 M
🗸 🗸 🗸
Exchange Sample one
Land terminal in the Grant or
Transportation CBD and Subsidy;
Franchising & transfer PUJ
Regulatory staging areas IRA;
Board to the ITEX.
Department of Local
Public Works & Development
Highways Funds;

National Loan Capital

Economic &
Social University
Host LGU 2021 2024
(to operate in
Plans and
Designs for the
funds may be
🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
2025 for 30
National UC; sourced from
years until 2054)
Government clustered 20%
Implementatio Development
n Mechanism Funds or local
for the UC funds.

Transport Alternative and

Department of
Year 2021 LGU P4 Joint
227.8 227.8
🗸 🗸 🗸
Transport Acquisition of
System 15 Modernized Loan

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Land PUJ as pilot

Transportation sample units
Franchising & from Lower
Regulatory Session Road
Board to Mines View
Park and
Department of evaluate social
Public Works & acceptability.

Economic &
Source: BLISTT Consultant Team, 2020

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center


8.1 Linkages

8.1.1 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will not be achieved without significant public
awareness and engagement. It is the civil society who will hold governments accountable to
the promises they made in 2015 and will drive the need to find innovative ways of raising
public pressure to deliver a more just and sustainable world by 2030.
According to the United Nations, innovative forms of citizen engagement include the use of
citizen-generated data, which are produced by people with the purpose to monitor, demand,
or drive change on issues that affect them. Involving civil society in implementing the SDGs is
essential and it is also necessary to address the negative trends in civic space that harm
people, planet, and prosperity. Successfully implementing the seventeen SDGs will require a
new way of working with more meaningful multi-stakeholder partnerships. Civil society needs
to play its rightful and multifaceted role in sustainable development—not just the campaigners
pointing out shortcomings but innovators leading delivery.
Particular emphasis is given to gender fairness in the UN SDG, specifically SDG Number 5:
Gender Equality and Women Empowerment. As reported in the United Nations Sustainable
Development Goals, gender inequalities are still deep-rooted in every society. Women suffer
from lack of access to decent work and face occupational segregation and gender wage gaps.
In many situations, they are denied access to basic education and health care and are victims
of violence and discrimination. They are under-represented in political and economic decision-
making processes.
Increased community-based engagement is seen as critical to the actions that lead to
achieving the SDGs. The 2030 Agenda has inspired a remarkable response from stakeholders
including government, the private sector, academe, civil society, and many more. The UN has
recognized this and has integrated stakeholder engagement for multiple actors to ensure the
inclusive achievement and accountability to the SDGs.

8.1.2 National and Regional Development Plans Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2017-2022

The PDP 2017-2022 includes strategies to reduce corruption, achieve seamless service
delivery, enhance administrative governance, strengthen the civil service, and fully engage
and empower citizens. A specific strategy identified to fully engage and empower the citizenry

• Promote participatory governance.

• Ensure public access to information.
• Institutionalize response and feedback mechanisms.
Specifically, Chapter 5 of the country’s development plan focuses on ensuring people-
centered, clean, and efficient governance. As stated, a high trust society broadens the
opportunities for inclusive development. This trust between civil society, private sector, and

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

government is a necessary condition for facilitating official transactions as well as

interpersonal relationships. In 2015, the country has exceeded its target for voice and
accountability that is more than or equal to 50% in the Worldwide Governance Indicators.
However, during this time the civil society was not yet deeply involved in the platforms for
participatory governance. This could be owed to ignorance and apathy because of
misinformation or lack of proper information. The Philippine government aims to review the
platforms for engagement for a more effective citizen engagement at the same time strengthen
responsibility and accountability of civil society. Cordillera Regional Development Plan (RDP) 2017-2022

In 2017, the Cordillera Regional Development Council (RDC) adopted the Cordillera Regional
Development Plan (RDP) 2017-2022 along with the Regional Development Investment
Program (RDIP). The RDP is the local adaptation of the PDP, Ambisyon Natin 2040, the
commitments to meet the Sustainable Development Goals by the year 2030, and the
administration’s Socio-Economic Agenda.
NEDA CAR is instrumental in incorporating stakeholder engagement in relation to the
formulation of the RDP. This was through the conduct of a series of national, regional, and
provincial consultations with its partners from other government agencies including
government-owned and controlled corporations (GOCCs), local government units (LGUs),
private sector representatives, and civil society to ensure that regional issues and concerns
are considered in the identification and formulation of strategies, policies and programs of the
In 2019, the NEDA-CAR together with stakeholders from government agencies, private sector,
and civil society conducted a mid-term consultation to update and assess the Cordillera RDP
and RDIP. The activity assessed the region’s performance in attaining the RDP goals and
objectives and recommended ways to ensure achievement of the region’s targets. BLISTT Growth Area

The BLISTT, established through a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) in January 17, 2014,
is a contiguous group of LGUs committed to jointly provide and implement projects with the
aim of achieving a common vision.
In 2016, the BLISTT Governing Council passed Resolution No.002 that facilitated the
preparation and approval of the BLISTT Action Agenda 2017-2019 that will address the rapid
development in the area through identifying priority projects in partnership with BLISTT LGUs,
and other stakeholders including the academe, and the private sector.
The BLISTT Action Agenda guides the activities in the BLISTT area following the aspirations
of the inter-local cooperation as translated in the vision: A green and peaceful, and family-
oriented tourist destination, a global center of spirituality, culture, education, and specialized
industry, one home of caring and empowered people, managed by a responsive governance

The BLISTT Development Council is composed of the mayors, planning and development
coordinators, the Benguet Provincial Governor, the Sanggunians, the Police Directors of
Baguio City and Benguet, Local Government Development Foundation (LOGODEF), and the
regional directors of seven-line agencies, which are the Department of Interior and Local

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Government (DILG), Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR),

Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH), Department of Tourism (DOT),
Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP)
and NEDA. Aside from the mentioned agencies, civil society groups representing businesses,
environment, education, and tourism sectors are considered partners by the development
council. These stakeholders are involved in and consulted on policy formulation, planning, and
program implementation. As stated in the Action Agenda, there are ongoing efforts to
strengthen the partnership among the BLISTT stakeholders.
The BLISTT Action Agenda document aims to serve as an advocacy instrument that will
increase the awareness of the stakeholders on the vision and activities in the BLISTT. The
Action Agenda included the formulation of an information and advocacy plan and the
development of a monitoring and assessment mechanism. Emphasizing on the need for the
general public’s acceptability of the plan, the BLISTT Action Agenda stresses on the significant
role of the stakeholders in achieving its vision and ensuring its sustainability. A “Think BLISTT”
philosophy is promoted, highlighting that the challenges that confront the BLISTT area goes
beyond political boundaries. The proposed capacity building interventions identified in the
Action Agenda included: urban planning; project development financing; management and
PPP; local enterprise development; revenue generation; and disaster management. Further,
the Action Agenda proposes to prepare a BLISTT advocacy plan and development of a
BLISTT database system.
A special condition in the BLISTT growth area is the presence of indigenous peoples. In 1997,
the Philippines Congress enacted the Indigenous Peoples’ Rights Act (IPRA) which
recognizes indigenous peoples’ right to self-determination and provides mechanisms for the
protection of indigenous ancestral domains and all resources therein. The IPRA adopted the
concept of “free and prior informed consent” (FPIC) as a means to protect indigenous rights
and interests and give them a voice in matters that affect them. FPIC in this context requires
that indigenous communities be provided with adequate and accessible information, and that
consensus is determined in accordance with indigenous peoples’ customary laws and
practices and free from any external manipulation or coercion. The IPRA requires FPIC prior
to the extraction of resources from indigenous ancestral domains and lands. When
implemented effectively, FPIC represents a critical tool in the realization of indigenous self-
determination, promoting community participation in decision-making and mitigating the risk
of social conflict around natural resource projects. In the BLISTT growth area, a dedicated
committee for indigenous peoples’ concerns and infrastructure is part of the Regional
Development Council (RDC) as well as strong presence of the NCIP who directly monitors
and ensures the conduct of consultations among the affected indigenous cultural communities
in any development project. From 1999-2019, there have been a total of 15 FPICs issued at
the BLISTT growth area, with the most number issued in the Tublay Ancestral Domain (AD).

8.2 Background

8.2.1 Rationale

The communication strategy for the BLISTT SUID Master Plan aims to promote and amass
cooperation from all stakeholders. The communication strategy will serve as tool to promote
public participation in the implementation of its agenda and support in the realization of priority
programs, projects, and activities.

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

The communication plan explains the rationale, defines the objectives, mapping of partners
and stakeholders, key messages, communication tools and instruments, required resources,
and timeline for implementation of the strategy.
Figure 8-1: Components of the Communication Plan

Partners and
Rationale Key Objectives Stakeholder Key Messages

Communication Strategic and

Timeline Resources Tools and Operational
Instruments Framework

The communication plan guides the overall strategy to achieve the BLISTT SUID Master Plan
objectives by:
1. Revisiting and stimulating appreciation on the rationale behind the BLISTT
2. Increasing knowledge and awareness of the challenges being addressed by the
Master Plan
3. Promotion of positive support from stakeholders
4. Obtaining concurrence from stakeholders on the implementation of plans, programs,
projects, and activities of the Master Plan, specifically on the pre-feasibility studies
(PFS) prepared by the team: (1) Integrated Solid Waste Management, (2) Integrated
Transport Exchange, (3) Alternative Mode of Transport, (4) University Community, and
(5) Agro-Industrial Economic Zone.
The target key actors are crucial for the successful implementation and adoption of the Master
Plan and priority projects. The key actors are identified as the chief executives of the BLISTT
LGUs and key stakeholders including government institutions at the regional levels.
Furthermore, crucial support must be obtained from leading actors from the private sector,
academe, and civil society to ensure inclusivity. Moving forward from the communication plan
as an awareness tool, it is expected that the strategy will motivate and mobilize the key actors
(partners and stakeholders) as enablers who will be the front runner to create a nourishing
environment for the sustainable implementation of the BLISTT SUID Master Plan. Possible
desired actions include: (1) implementation of the SUID Master Plan, (2) creation of new
institutional arrangements, policy and administrative directives, and (3) resource mobilization
and financial allocation.
A crucial challenge for the successful implementation of the SUID Master Plan is the
converging viewpoints and interests of multiple stakeholders, especially that the BLISTT
growth area is composed of differing LGUs in terms of priority sectors, available resources
(technical and financial), and infrastructures and support services among others. The
preparation of the SUID Master Plan considers the different needs of the stakeholders, issues
and concerns in terms of site selection for priority projects and proposed institutional
arrangements; all of which are translated into the various tools/platforms detailed in the
communication plan.

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

8.2.2 Key Objectives

The BLISTT SUID communication plan aims to achieve the following:

• Increase awareness and appreciation of the BLISTT convergence and SUID Master
• Encourage support / buy-in from stakeholders, government, private, and civil society,
to ensure the sustainable implementation of plans, programs, projects, and activities
of the BLISTT SUID Master Plan
• Identify and agree on an institutional arrangement with the support of national, regional,
and local authorities to ensure an enabling policy environment.
• Provide a mechanism for public participation to promote ownership and accountability
of the BLISTT SUID Master Plan.

8.2.3 Partners and Stakeholder Mapping

The BLISTT SUID Master Plan involves multiple stakeholders including national, regional,
provincial, and local government units. The succeeding table enumerates the identified
stakeholder, agency, and expected action.
Table 8-1: Partners and Stakeholder Mapping

Stakeholder Agency / Institution Expected Action

National NEDA Central Office Acceptance and endorsement of

Support, coordination, and
synergy on the implementation of
the BLISTT SUID Master Plan

Regional NEDA Cordillera Acceptance and endorsement of

Member Agencies

Provincial and Local Benguet Provincial Government Adoption, ownership, and

Government LGUs of Baguio, La Trinidad, implementation of BLISTT SUID
Itogon, Sablan, Tuba, and Tublay; Master Plan
BLISTT Governing Council;
Utility companies / distributors Creation of enabling
environment and institutional set-
up for the BLISTT SUID Master

Private Sector Chamber of Commerce Support, coordination,

monitoring, and synergy on the

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Stakeholder Agency / Institution Expected Action

implementation of the BLISTT

SUID Master Plan

Academe Universities in BLISTT Support, coordination,

monitoring, and synergy on the
implementation of the BLISTT
SUID Master Plan

Civil Society BLISTT communities, NGOs Acceptance and support of the


The identified stakeholders comprise the core audience of the communication plan.
Communication messages are tailored according to the role and desired action from these
The NEDA, identified as the lead and executing agency, and its endorsement to the Regional
Development Council (RDC) and other national agencies, will be crucial. NEDA will also play
a vital role in spearheading policy reforms and investment portfolios. Another key stakeholder
is the BLISTT LGUs. Their adoption, ownership, and implementation of the BLISTT SUID
Master Plan is especially crucial to the creation of an enabling environment and an institutional
set-up for governance will be the most significant outcome of advocacy. The private sector is
a strong stakeholder and at the same time a partner of the BLISTT SUID Master Plan since
business investments are the engines of the economy. Moreover, the academe and civil
society are the core actors since they form the critical mass for social mobilization required to
push the acceptance and sustainability of the BLISTT SUID Master Plan.

8.2.4 Key Messages

“A green and peaceful, and family-oriented tourist destination, a global center of spirituality,
culture, education, and specialized industries, one home of caring and empowered people,
managed by a responsive Governing Council team.”
Core Message Proposals
Interconnectedness: Together into the Future
Building the Future: Together for a Better Tomorrow
Building the Future: Forward Together
Road to Growth: Progress through Partnerships
Cultivating Growth: Progress through Partnerships

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

● The future of peoples and communities in the BLISTT area is intertwined and this
shared future can be the foundation of shared prosperity and wellbeing, inclusive of
those who find themselves marginalized by mainstream growth and development,
especially women and poor, indigenous population groups;
● However, such positive future requires a sense of shared responsibility and agency
(empowerment) by all stakeholders, contributing for the benefit of everybody, in a
synergistic way;
● The development of constituent components of the BLISTT strategic agenda,
especially infrastructure, is important in providing the mechanisms through which all
peoples and communities in the BLISTT growth area are able to contribute to and
benefit from the expected growth and development of the area, and;
● The BLISTT agenda, including SUID MP, are informed by other national and regional
development plans and priorities and therefore should be coherent/ aligned with these.

8.2.5 Strategic and Operational Framework

The communication plan for the BLISTT growth area is formulated during the COVID-19
pandemic and following the call for a new normal. As defined by the National Omnibus
Guidelines on the Implementation of the Community Quarantine, the new normal refers to
emerging behaviors, situations and minimum public health standards that will be
institutionalized in common routine or practices. These include actions that will become
accepted to the general public as well as policies including limitations on large gatherings.
Given this situation, effective communication platforms have evolved from traditional face-to-
face interaction to the wide use of digital platforms.
The overall strategic framework for the communication plan is anchored on the following
channels: mass media and community-based media, social mobilization, digital media, audio
visuals, and non-traditional media. Mass Media and Community-Based Media

Advocacy through mass media aims to create an enabling environment that will highlight the
strategies proposed in the SUID master plan. It operates at the political, social and individual
levels and works to mobilize resources and political and social commitment for social change
and/or policy change. This information may be repackaged for dissemination to newspapers,
as well as broadcast channels at the provincial, regional, and national levels. Community-
based media reach communities through locally established outlets, such as local tv, radio
stations and community newsletters/newspapers as well as activities such as rallies, public
meetings, local gatherings and sporting events. Developing a more reader-friendly and
attractive information materials for various types of audiences with translations in the local
dialects. Social Mobilization

Social mobilization brings relevant sectors such as organizations, policy makers, networks
and communities together to raise awareness, empower individuals and groups for action,
and work towards creating an enabling environment and effecting positive behavior and/or
social change. This includes a special presentation to key decision makers to solicit support
for projects from, this includes the provincial, regional, and national levels.

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Digital media is the fastest growing and evolving approach, with an increasing reach
throughout the world. Especially at this time following the call to a New Normal, communication
approaches and publications using digital media is crucial and considered effective and wide-
ranging in reach. This approach includes websites, e-mails, internet news feeds, chat rooms,
and message boards. Digital media is unique in being able to disseminate highly tailored
messages to the intended audience while also receiving feedback from them and encouraging
real-time conversations, combining mass communication and interpersonal interaction. Social
media is a sub-set of digital media, and examples include Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and
blogs among others. This is most especially applicable at this time of the pandemic where the
new normal has limited face-to-face interaction and has paved way for digital
interconnectedness. Audio Visuals

Videos or documentaries as well as slide presentations covering the activities and benefits of
the SUID master plan for all stakeholders is an effective information dissemination platform.
These could be shown in consultation programs, and even television programs at the
provincial and regional stations, and uploaded in online accounts including social media. Non-Traditional Media

This includes business correspondence, greeting cards, business cards, calendars, and
planners as a form of institutional reminders.
Further, it is also vital to identify a champion from among the key actors either NEDA, the
BLISTT council, or local leaders. These personalities will primarily motivate and influence
higher level officials to urge reform of institutional arrangements that will support the BLISTT
SUID Master Plan.
Table 8-2: Communication Tools and Instruments



Development of an Production of AVP Published AVP as Showcasing of AVP

Audio-Visual approved by BLISTT to activities and
Presentation about Governing Council events of member

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center



The BLISTT Agenda Drafting of Activity Conduct of the one- No of attendees

2019 Conference Proposal for the day Conference
Feedback results
Organizers: BLISTT (utilization of post
Identification of Governing Council activity
Speakers questionnaire)

Preparation of
Presentations e.g.
SUID backgrounds, LGU stakeholder
stakeholders, groups,
situational analysis,
developed plan Organized
stakeholder groups
including corporate
and other business
Launching of the AVP
organizations and
civil society
General Public

Public Consultations/ Utilize existing Integration of BLISTT Meeting reports

Hearing activities e.g. SUID reports to
Barangay Assembly, regular meetings and
State of the City/ activities per
Municipality Report member LGUs

Shall be part of the

agenda of Barangay Minutes of the
Assemblies from Barangay
2020 till the updating Assemblies
of the Plan

Integration of the
Consultative BLISTT SUID
Meetings with Reports to council
Stakeholders (e.g. meetings especially
Development Council Joint Memorandum
on concerned sectors
Meetings) of NEDA,DILG and
of the specified
BLISTT Governing

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center



Information Development of the Printed Flyers No. of copies

Education and BLISTT flyer distributed
Identification of target
Communication (infographic design)
readership /audience Areas of distribution

Development of 4 issues/year No. of issues

BLISTT Newsletter prepared

4 issues per year

Shall provide info on
each phase e.g. plan
consultation and
implementation and

Development of 1 Report per year end No. of copies

Annual Reports distributed
Identification of target
which shall
readership /audience Areas for
summarize all the
accomplishments for
the entire year

The Report shall also

serve as annual
review for the BLISTT
Governing Council

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center



Information Optimization of the Constant updating of No. of write-ups

Communication website: website contents developed for the
Technology (http://car.neda.gov.p website
No. of site visitors

Press Publicity Radio guestings Preparation of topics No. of radio programs

Schedule of arranged No. of topics
guestings discussed

Preparation of No. of PRs

Press Releases No. speeches
Speeches for BLISTT No. of messages
Governing Council
Messages on
documents and
reports produced

Consistent with the overall communication plan, key strategic messages will be delivered
primarily through an integrated approach using interpersonal communication complemented
by an appropriate combination of mass, web-based and social media.

8.3 BLISTT Strategic Components: Short-, Medium-, and Long-Term


Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Table 8-3: Communication Plan

Target Audience Key Messages Communication Tool / Responsible Deadline

(Who do we want to inform?) (What do we want to tell them?)
Methods Stakeholder (By when does this
(How are we going to tell them?) (Who is responsible for doing and need to happen?)
disseminating it?)

Local BLISTT LGU Advocacy. Create an enabling Audio Visual Presentation NEDA CAR 2020
stakeholders, national environment, including the community
BLISTT Governing
and regional government level. It works to mobilize social
agencies, commitment for social change /
organized stakeholder
groups including
corporate and other
The development of the components of
business organizations
the BLISTT strategic agenda, especially
and civil society
infrastructure, is important in providing
organizations, general
the mechanisms through which all
peoples and communities in the BLISTT
growth area are able to contribute to and
benefit from the expected growth and
development of the area.

Social Mobilization. Social mobilization BLISTT Conference NEDA CAR 2020

brings relevant sectors such as
BLISTT Governing
organizations, policy makers, networks
and communities together to raise
awareness, empower individuals and

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Target Audience Key Messages Communication Tool / Responsible Deadline

(Who do we want to inform?) (What do we want to tell them?)
Methods Stakeholder (By when does this
(How are we going to tell them?) (Who is responsible for doing and need to happen?)
disseminating it?)

groups for action, and work towards

creating an enabling environment and
effecting positive behavior and/or social

The future of communities in the BLISTT

area is intertwined and this shared future
can be the foundation of shared
prosperity and wellbeing, inclusive of
those who find themselves marginalized
by mainstream growth and development,
especially women and poor, indigenous
population groups.

Social Mobilization. Social mobilization Public Consultations / NEDA CAR 2020-2021

brings relevant sectors such as Hearing; Speeches
organizations, policy makers, networks
Utilize existing local
and communities together to raise
activities e.g. Barangay
awareness, empower individuals and
assembly, state of the
groups for action, and work towards
city/ municipality report;
creating an enabling environment and
consultative meetings

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Target Audience Key Messages Communication Tool / Responsible Deadline

(Who do we want to inform?) (What do we want to tell them?)
Methods Stakeholder (By when does this
(How are we going to tell them?) (Who is responsible for doing and need to happen?)
disseminating it?)

effecting positive behavior and/or social with stakeholders (e.g.

change. development council

The positive future of BLISTT requires a

sense of shared responsibility and Integration of outputs of
agency (empowerment) by all BLISTT SUID master plan
stakeholders, contributing for the benefit to regular meetings and
of everybody, in a synergistic way. activities of the
development council
Mid-Media. Mid-media’s reach includes Printed flyers NEDA CAR 2021
posters, brochures and billboards.

Press releases

Newsletter (4 issues /

Annual report

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Target Audience Key Messages Communication Tool / Responsible Deadline

(Who do we want to inform?) (What do we want to tell them?)
Methods Stakeholder (By when does this
(How are we going to tell them?) (Who is responsible for doing and need to happen?)
disseminating it?)

Information and Communication Optimization of the NEDA CAR 2021

Technology. This approach includes website22
digital media such as web sites, e-mails,
internet news feeds, chat rooms, and
message boards. Digital media is unique
in being able to disseminate highly
tailored messages to the intended
audience while also receiving feedback
from them and encouraging real-time
conversations, combining mass
communication and interpersonal

Community-Based Media. The approach Radio and television NEDA CAR 2021
affects communities through locally guesting
BLISTT Governing
established outlets, such as local tv,
radio stations and community
newsletters/newspapers as well as
activities such as rallies, public meetings,
local gatherings and sporting events.

http://car.neda.gov.ph/ products-and-services/blistt/

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

8.4 Audio Visual Presentation

Core Message Proposals

Interconnectedness: Together into the Future
Building the Future: Together for a Better Tomorrow
Building the Future: Forward Together
Road to Growth: Progress through Partnerships
Cultivating Growth: Progress through Partnerships
Estimated running time: 7-8 minutes
Tonality: factual and authoritative, but also positive and encouraging
Treatment: a combination of storytelling (through interviews with people on the ground), voice
over to thread the story and give emphasis on key information, and infographic-style icons and

Proposed Working Draft Script:

Intro… music 1 to fade up (5 seconds) ……. slowly fade down……. (video to lay over
with narration)

Narrator: The Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) established on 1987 through Executive
Order No. 220 is the only land-locked region of the Philippines. CAR is bounded by Ilocos
Norte and Cagayan in the North, Pangasinan and Nueva Vizcaya in the South, Cagayan
Valley in the East, and the Ilocos Region in the West.

The region includes the provinces of Abra, Apayao, Benguet, Ifugao, Kalinga, Mountain
Province and Apayao. It has a mountainous topography, while its climate has a unique culture
distinct from that of the country’s lowland …dubbed as the "Watershed Cradle of North Luzon"
it hosts nine major rivers that provide continuous water for irrigation and energy for Northern

Majority of Cordillera’s population engage in primary economic activities. The Region is known
for its massive production of crops that thrive in cold climates, such as strawberry, cabbages,
carrots, and beans. The region is also rich in natural resources and has abundant mineral
reserves specifically concentrated in Benguet.

Cordillera is one of the prime tourist destinations in the Philippines. It has many spectacular
scenic views and enchantingly cool places. The region is rich in ancient culture. It is the home

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

of the indigenous tribe called the Igorot. The way of life of the people in this region existed
way back to ancient Filipinos before the Spanish colonization.

The location of CAR in a seismically active area of the Philippine archipelago lends the region
vulnerable to earthquakes. This seismicity is due to the active faults along the branches of the
northern segments of the Philippine Fault Zone such as the Digdig Fault. Also, while
landlocked, CAR is not spared from exposure to hydrometeorological hazards such as
typhoons, floods and rain-induced landslides as the region is usually part of the northeast
typhoon path originating from the Northwest Pacific Ocean, the latter described as “the most
active tropical cyclone basin in this planet”.

SFX …. (music 1 to fade up for 5 seconds …. fade out) Insert: Interviews with locals,
response of locals will be in local dialect with English translation as caption ………..

SFX …. (music 1 to fade up for 10 seconds with video lay over then to segue to music
2) as intro to BLISTT …… music to fade down and serve as background

Narrator: Benguet Province lies southernmost in the Cordillera Administrative Region

(CAR). It is bounded by the Mountain Province on the north, Pangasinan on the South, Ifugao
and Nueva Viscaya on the east, and by La Union and Ilocos Sur on the West. It is 256
kilometers from north of Metro Manila and is the fourth biggest province in the region.

In 1990, BLIST was adopted by the Regional Development Council (RDC) as an inter-local
cooperation and used as a spatial strategy for regional growth. Likewise, it then became the
regional growth center of the CAR. At that time, five LGUs were part of the interlocal
cooperation: Baguio- La Trinidad-Itogon- Sablan-Tuba became what is was known as the
BLIST metropolitan growth area. In 1994, an Urban BLIST Master Plan was adopted that
contained the policy and project proposals covering population, land housing, employment,
tourism, infrastructure, natural hazards, and infrastructure amongst others. In 2014, the
BLISTT (Baguio, La Trinidad, Itogon, Saba, Tuba, with Tublay now included) Growth Area
evolved through a Memorandum of Agreement. In November 2016, the BLISTT Action Agenda
was approved by the Governing Council.

The BLISTT Action Agenda guides the activities in the BLISTT area following the aspirations
of the inter-local cooperation as translated in the vision: A green and peaceful, and family-
oriented tourist destination, a global center of spirituality, culture, education, and specialized
industry, one home of caring and empowered people, managed by a responsive governance

BLISTT inter-local cooperation is governed and translated by five principles: complementing,

converging, cooperating, collaborating, and committing.

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

SFX …. (music 1 to fade up for 5 seconds …. fade out) Insert: Interviews with locals,
response of locals will be in local dialect with English translation as caption ………..

SFX …. (music 1 to fade up for 10 seconds with video lay over then to segue to music
2) as intro to BLISTT …… music to fade down and serve as background

Narrator: The BLISTT is an inter-local cooperation that derives its name from the first
letters of the names of its member city and municipalities in the region, namely: Baguio City,
La Trinidad, Itogon, Sablan, Tuba, and Tublay. It is considered the center for government,
education, and economic activity in the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR). It was formed
in 1990 and expanded in 2004.

Through the coordinated and harmonized BLISTT convergence, the local government units
united to achieve the common goal of sustainable development. The BLISTT signifies its
commitment to be a catalyst for development through the implementation of programs,
projects, and activities that will provide solutions to ensure growth of the area.

Video Overlay: BLISTT core meetings and office

Narrator: The convergence has the main goal to maximize and reinforce the strengths
and capacities of each of the member LGUS of BLISTT’s to ensure continuous development,
to even out economic advances and access to services, and to effectively address problems
that transcend political boundaries.

The BLISTTT convergence stood by its vision as, “a green and peaceful, and family-oriented
tourist destination, a global center of spirituality, culture, education, and specialized industries,
one home of caring and empowered people, managed by a responsive governance team.”

Video Overlay: BLISTT tourism areas…to lay over with narration)

Narrator: The BLISTT area is envisioned to become a prime Eco-tourism destination, not
just in the region but in the entire country through promotion of its temperate climate and
wealth of culture and natural resources.

This endeavor is now becoming a reality through continuous development of major roads that
lead to the area. The rural ISTT area which is primarily agriculture-driven, agri-tourism in the
area is undergoing a developmental phase to ensure the distributed growth across BLISTT

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

and to provide balanced opportunities. Improved accessibility of the BLISTT has also sped up
the increase in essential service institutions, investments, and economic opportunities across
the ISTT areas and not only in the urban centers, Baguio City and La Trinidad.

Video Overlay: challenges and issues in BLISTT areas…to lay over with narration)

Narrator: As a consequence of the BLISTT’s fast-paced development, in-migration to the

BLISTT has been on the rise in recent years, and the influx of tourists has become
unprecedented. All these activities in the BLISTT have given rise to new challenges, the most
pressing of which are congestion, traffic, solid waste, environmental degradation, and
depletion of water resource.

At the forefront of the priorities of the BLISTT is the preservation of the balance between
facilitating urban growth and safeguarding the area’s natural and cultural environment and
resources. And with the rapid rise in its population, this balance has grown more fragile.

Video Overlay: photos of BLISTT SUID master plan activities…to lay over with narration)

The BLISTT Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development is a master plan that was crafted
to identify the convergence’s most pressing concerns, prioritize and synchronize BLISTT
projects, and ensure that BLISTT programs are aligned with the BLISTT vision and objectives.
It will also lay the blueprint for advocacy on the BLISTT with the end goal of increasing
awareness among the public and involvement of stakeholders in unified development and
conservation efforts. Convergence, cooperation, and collaboration are three of five principles
that govern the BLISTT.

The BLISTT SUID master plan has identified priority projects that will assist the growth area
achieve its vision.

Video Overlay: Slide photos of proposed infrastructures… to overlay narration

Narrator: Some of the projects that were identified under the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure
Development Master Plan include:

1) BLISTT Integrated Solid Waste Management Facility

2) BLISTT Agro-Industrial Economic Zone
3) BLISTT Integrated Terminal Exchange

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

4) BLISTT University Community

5) Alternative and Multi-Modal Transport System for BLISTT

Video Overlay: Slide photos of proposed infrastructures, proposed location, key

information (estimated budget), and description

1) BLISTT Integrated Solid Waste Management Facility – Brgy, Camp One,

Tuba Municipality

Sanitary Landfill is a waste disposal site that is designed and engineered to accept BLISTT
LGUs residual waste, while ensuring minimal negative impact on the environment; It is a
specially engineered site for disposing of SW on land, constructed to reduce hazard to public
health and safety; and some qualities of SLF include natural impermeable lower layer to block
the movement of leachate in groundwater, a leachate collection system, gravel layers
permitting the control of methane, and daily covering of garbage with soil.

Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) from Baguio City and the neighboring municipalities are
aggregated in a Sanitary Landfill Site. A Landfill Gas Collection System is put in place to collect
and pipe the landfill gas to run Spark Ignition (SI) “gasoline” engine to drive electric generator.
A control system to monitor and control the plant operation and its export of power to the local
distribution system or national grid is also provided. A substation and transformer unit will
connect the power plant to the distribution system and national grid. The project site is the
existing location of the sanitary landfill site. A waste to energy (WTE) power plant based on
the biomass direct combustion technology (furnace, steam boiler, steam turbine and generator)
and biomass gasification/pyrolysis technology (biomass gasifier to produce syngas, furnace
to combust the syngas, steam boiler, steam turbine and generator).

The proposed site/s: Barangay Camp 1 in the Municipality of Tuba, Barangay Ampucao/Tapac
in the Municipality of Itogon

2) BLISTT Agro-Industrial Economic Zone – Sitio Payda, Barangay Bayabas,

Sablan Municipality

As indicated in the BLISTT Action Agenda 2017-2019, this initiative will capitalize on the
potentials of BLISTT tourism and sustain the economic development in urban Baguio City and
La Trinidad as well as accelerate in rural ISTT.

The project area serves as an agricultural production center that caters to the food requirement
and other agricultural needs of the BLISTT. The proposed Agro-Industrial Economic Zone

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

aims to highlight the municipality’s economic sector, in particular the earth-based primary
sector – agriculture in terms of fruits and food production. The project contributes to the rural-
urban continuum that demonstrates the linkages between urban and rural spaces of the
BLISTT that ensure food access and availability.

Ecozone development will complement the tourism potential of BLISTT, create livelihood
opportunities for locals, and preserve the BLISTT’s culture and landscape. Further, this will
also capacitate the ISTT’s MSMEs. It is recognized that BLISTT has favorable location for
PEZA given its accessibility.

3) BLISTT Integrated Terminal Exchange – Baguio CIty

The proposed BLISTT-SUID transport interconnectivity is identified by the introduction of a

network of proposed terminal exchanges at different location, Salughter House, Magsaysay
Avenue, Brgy. Sto. Nino, Burnham Park Parking, Burnham Park, Lake Dr., and Ganza
Restaurant Parking, Burnham Park, Lake Dr. The select locations are strategically located in
the heart of the central business district in order to interconnect the BLISTT.

The BLISTT Integrated Terminal Exchange project aims to centralize some PUJ trunk lines in
order to provide comfort, convenience, and safety for waiting commuters. This will minimize
PUJ lines from using side streets as a staging area. Thus, road capacity is minimized. Also,
waiting passengers queue along sidewalks which is inconvenient for other pedestrians utilizing
the sidewalk. The terminal will be linked to pedestrian overpasses, sidewalk, and to alternative
modes and eventually be used for modernized PUJS.

4) University Community - Barangay Taloy Sur, Tuba Municipality

The main objective of setting up a BLISTT University Community is to provide a site where
higher education institutions (HEIs) locate and share common facilities. The latter is
envisioned to reduce the costs of providing higher education in BLISTT and at the same time
increase access of students to affordable education. Further, the unified utilization and
integration of education facilities in an area induces cooperative activities between and among
HEIs. The sharing of facilities will promote non-discriminative and relevant educational system
for both the formal and non-formal sectors with due consideration of the existing culture where
heritage of the people is preserved and their ethnic origins, customs and traditions are

The BLISTT University Community is an initiative that will support the regional development
view of making the Cordillera Autonomous Region (CAR) as the prime educational center
north of Manila. It is a means of decongesting the highly populated settlement areas of the city

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

and expanding the benefits of higher education to attendant communities along the
peripheries of the development central area.

The BLISTT University Community will also provide wide array of benefits to the host local
government unit to include the generation of direct revenues, provision of jobs and better
livelihood to the local residents.

5) Alternative Mode of Transport – Baguio City

Alternative Multimodal Transport System (AMTS) is the transportation of people and goods
with at least two different modes of transport under a specified route. This is usually practiced
in Metro Manila where mode transfers are common. An example of this where a work trip
starts with a walk mode-PUJ-LRT-walk mode. The PUJ is sometimes the feeder mode for the
LRT. The LRT is the main transport mode which will be considered as an alternative transport
mode in case that such technology is feasible in the BLISTT area.

The AMMTS aims to interconnect public transport modes particularly the modernized public
utility jitney and future transport modes such as monorail, trams, and aerial ropeway cable
cars which signals interconnectivity of public transport modes in the BLISTT area. Further, the
project will encourage private vehicle owners to patronize public transport, which will lead to
minimization of traffic congestion at key entry points from LISTT municipalities to Baguio City.

The business case study identified proposed routes based on the location of potential
terminals namely: (1) Slaughter House, Magsaysay Ave., Brgy. Sto. Nino, Baguio City, (2)
Burnham Pay Parking, Burnham Park, Lake Drive, Baguio City, (3) The Ganza Restaurant
Parking, Burnham Park, Lake Dr., Baguio City, and a proposed staging area in Lower Session

Narrator: To implement the very important projects, a governance implementation framework

must be in place (Script to be consulted and confirmed with Institutional Specialist).

Video Overlay: images of inter local cooperation, private sector partnership, and civil
society partnership.

To be explored for approval of client are interviews with key officials of the BLISTT LGUs and
NEDA for closing of video.

Key messages (takeaways from the video):

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

1. The vision and mission of BLISTT (from the BLISTT Agenda 2017-19) and 5Cs

2. The SUID Master Plan’s main features: 360 Scan Tools and perspectives:

(a.) Inclusive BLISTT Population, Social, Housing, IP Settlements and Gender

(b.) Communications and Public Participation
(c.) Productive BLISTT Local economy, Institutional, Fiscal Management and
Innovative Financing
(d.) Attractive BLISTT Tourism and Recreation
(e.) Resilient BLISTT Environment and DRRM, Geotechnical
(f.) Connected BLISTT Transport and connectivity, ICT
(g.) Circular BLISTT Energy, Water Supply and Sanitation, Solid Waste
Management, Urban
(h.) Structure and Land Use / GIS

3. Emphasizing the need for a metropolitan outlook, new institutional arrangements,

and policy reforms.

4. Plans and programs of all sectors of the Master Plan Strategic Framework

5. The overall strategic framework for communication and advocacy will be anchored
on the persuasive power of interpersonal (face-to-face) interaction,
complemented and supplemented by mass and social media.

6. Advocacy will build the capacity of these local leaders to become advocates/
spokespersons themselves and articulate new policies, programs and projects to:
(i) strengthen local political will and remove policy/administrative constraints; (ii)
change funding priorities; (iii) support policy reforms; and (iv) address social

7. From the core of local leaders, champions (a.k.a. “advocates”) will be chosen
whose desired action will be to primarily motivate and influence higher level
officials to review and change laws/policies and reform institutional arrangements
supporting the Master Plan. These champions can either be local celebrities or
popular personalities from the public and private sectors.

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

8. Given the diversity of local, national, and global communication channels

available, these will be harnessed to elicit desired actions among stakeholders.
Communication and advocacy will, therefore, be linked with the attainment of
desired actions/behaviors and actions of multiple stakeholders using integrated
channels delivering focused messages and knowledge products on the BLISTT
SUID Master Plan.

9. The capital requirements of the identified projects in the proposed Master Plan
may be funded through the proposed Financing Plan shown below.

Proposed Financing Plan

Type of Projects Responsible Party Source of Funds

1. Self-liquidating projects LGUs LGU budget


PPP PPP proponent

LGU budget

2. Social projects LGUs, National Agency LGU budget

National budget


LGU = local government unit, ODA = Official Development Assistance, PPP = Public-Private

10. It is expected that the main infrastructure projects for BLISTT will be financed by
the national government through NGAs and LGUs. It is also a priority that some
infrastructure projects with good return on investment (ROI) will be funded through
PPPs. In the latter case, however, the implementing agency will still be an LGU
as it has the power to enter into contracts with the private investor.

11. The Master Plan includes a results-based monitoring and evaluation system to
ensure accountability of key stakeholders involved in the planning and
implementation of priority projects by assessing how the specific project goals and
objectives have been achieved at the end of implementation.

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

9.1 360° Scanning Tool
Table 9-1: Qualitative Questionnaire

NO < > YES
1. Do all citizens have a reliable
NO < > YES
access to electricity?
2. Are there many energy efficient buildings
NO < > YES
with local energy production?
3. Are all citizens provided with
wastewater collection and potable NO < > YES
water supply?
4. Are there many water efficient buildings
NO < > YES
with re-use of grey water or rainwater?
5. Is the waste selective treated? (selective
collection, automated collecting NO < > YES
machines,. ..)
6. Is the waste being avoid, recycled and/or
re- NO < > YES
7. Does the city have a large urban sprawl? YES < > NO
(= Is the city compact?)
8. Is there a lot of vacancy in the city YES < > NO
(abandoned buildings, brownfields, ...)?
9. Are there people homeless or living in YES < > NO
10. Is qualitative housing NO < > YES
accommodation affordable?
11. How is the level of adult literacy? LOW < > HIGH
12. Do many citizens have higher education? NO < > YES
13. Is the access to hospitals and variety of NO < > YES
health services sufficient?
14. Does every citizen has access to NO < > YES
affordable and qualitative healthcare?
15. Do women and men have equal rights in NO < > YES
public life?
16. Are there multiple public fora (people NO < > YES
council, city consultation, ...) in which
citizens can express their views?
17. Is the air in the city polluted or YES < > NO
18. Does every citizen have access to sport & NO < > YES
leisure facilities (indoor or outdoor)?
19. Does every citizen have access to a NO < > YES
public space? (square, park,
recreation, ...)
20. What is the variety (size - activities - LOW < > HIGH
green) and quality of the public space?
21. Does the city have an effective NO < > YES
Urban Governance?

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

NO < > YES
22. Does the city organize many NO < > YES
(international) competitions for the
benefit of higher architectural quality?
23. Are there many cultural institutions in the NO < > YES
24. Does the city have a distinctive NO < > YES
identity towards tourists?
25. Does the city have companies that are NO < > YES
strongly committed to resource
efficiency? (sharing economy, heat
recovery ...?)
26. Does the city have polluting industry? YES < > NO
27. Does the city have a higher NO < > YES
employment rate than the country's
28. Is the annual grow of the city's G DP LOW < > HIGH
higher or lower than the country's GDP?
29. Does the city have a one-industry focus? YES < > NO
30. Does the city have a broad range NO < > YES
of professional educations &
training, professional assistance
for a job?
31. Does the city support start-ups & NO < > YES
provides a good climate for
32. Is there a positive and clear perception NO < > YES
of the city's economical identity?
33. Does the city have green areas with NO < > YES
nature management?
34. Has the city already taken steps to NO < > YES
ensure the city of disasters (avalanches,
drought, wind, water, etc.)?
35. Does the city have a well-developed and NO < > YES
protected security system: CCTV,
integration with other systems,
navigation, ...?
36. What is the level of crime in the city? HIGH < > LOW
37. In any kind of emergency, can you NO < > YES
contact easily (local) police or medical
38. Is the city perceived as being safe? NO < > YES
39. Is the city heavily dependent on other YES < > NO
cities / regions for supply of recourses?
(water- energy-food)
40. Does the city have a large carbon footprint? YES < > NO
41. Is the city conceived as a walkable city? NO < > YES
(pedestrian space, networks, safety,
services, underground, ...)
42. Is the city accessible for people with NO < > YES
disabilities? (road crossing, public
transport, ...)

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

NO < > YES
43. Does everyone have access to a NO < > YES
public transport system?
44. Does the city have problems with YES < > NO
traffic congestion?
45. Is there many freight transport over water / NO < > YES
46. Are there many intermodal transfer NO < > YES
facilities in the city? (water - rail - bike -
light freight transport)
47. Does the city have a good coverage in NO < > YES
the fastest communication connections?
( Wi-Fi, 4G+1 ADSL, ..)
48. Does the city have an open data platform? NO < > YES

Table 9-2: Consolidated Responses to Qualitative Questionnaire by BLISTT LGU Representatives

NO < > YES
1.Do all citizens have a reliable
NO < > YES
access to electricity?
2. Are there many energy efficient buildings
NO < > YES
with local energy production?
3. Are all citizens provided with
wastewater collection and potable NO < > YES
water supply?
4. Are there many water efficient buildings
NO < > YES
with re-use of grey water or rainwater?
5. Is the waste selective treated? (selective
collection, automated collecting NO < > YES
machines,. ..)
6. Is the waste being avoid, recycled and/or
re- NO < > YES
7. Does the city have a large urban sprawl? YES < > NO
(= Is the city compact?)
8. Is there a lot of vacancy in the city YES < > NO
(abandoned buildings, brownfields, ...)?
9. Are there people homeless or living in YES < > NO
10. Is qualitative housing NO < > YES
accommodation affordable?
11. How is the level of adult literacy? LOW < > HIGH
12. Do many citizens have higher education? NO < > YES
13. Is the access to hospitals and variety of NO < > YES
health services sufficient?
14. Does every citizen has access to NO < > YES
affordable and qualitative healthcare?
15. Do women and men have equal rights in NO < > YES
public life?
16. Are there multiple public fora (people NO < > YES
council, city consultation, ...) in which

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

NO < > YES
citizens can express their views?
17. Is the air in the city polluted or YES < > NO
18. Does every citizen have access to sport & NO < > YES
leisure facilities (indoor or outdoor)?
19. Does every citizen have access to a NO < > YES
public space? (square, park,
recreation, ...)
20. What is the variety (size - activities - LOW < > HIGH
green) and quality of the public space?
21. Does the city have an effective NO < > YES
Urban Governance?
22. Does the city organize many NO < > YES
(international) competitions for the
benefit of higher architectural quality?
23. Are there many cultural institutions in the NO < > YES
24. Does the city have a distinctive NO < > YES
identity towards tourists?
25. Does the city have companies that are NO < > YES
strongly committed to resource
efficiency? (sharing economy, heat
recovery ...?)
26. Does the city have polluting industry? YES < > NO
27. Does the city have a higher NO < > YES
employment rate than the country's
28. Is the annual grow of the city's G DP LOW < > HIGH
higher or lower than the country's GDP?
29. Does the city have a one-industry focus? YES < > NO
30. Does the city have a broad range NO < > YES
of professional educations &
training, professional assistance
for a job?
31. Does the city support start-ups & NO < > YES
provides a good climate for
32. Is there a positive and clear perception NO < > YES
of the city's economical identity?
33. Does the city have green areas with NO < > YES
nature management?
34. Has the city already taken steps to NO < > YES
ensure the city of disasters (avalanches,
drought, wind, water, etc.)?
35. Does the city have a well-developed and NO < > YES
protected security system: CCTV,
integration with other systems,
navigation, ...?
36. What is the level of crime in the city? HIGH < > LOW
37. In any kind of emergency, can you NO < > YES
contact easily (local) police or medical

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

NO < > YES
38. Is the city perceived as being safe? NO < > YES
39. Is the city heavily dependent on other YES < > NO
cities / regions for supply of recourses?
(water- energy-food)
40. Does the city have a large carbon footprint? YES < > NO
41. Is the city conceived as a walkable city? NO < > YES
(pedestrian space, networks, safety,
services, underground, ...)
42. Is the city accessible for people with NO < > YES
disabilities? (road crossing, public
transport, ...)
43. Does everyone have access to a NO < > YES
public transport system?
44. Does the city have problems with YES < > NO
traffic congestion?
45. Is there many freight transport over water / NO < > YES
46. Are there many intermodal transfer NO < > YES
facilities in the city? (water - rail - bike -
light freight transport)
47. Does the city have a good coverage in NO < > YES
the fastest communication connections?
( Wi-Fi, 4G+1 ADSL, ..)
48. Does the city have an open data platform? NO < > YES

9.2 BLISTT Integrated Tourist Recreation Infrastructure Enterprise

Development (B-ITRIED) Program
Figure 9-1: BLISTT Integrated Tourist Recreation Infrastructure Enterprise Development (B-ITRIED) Program
Survey Forms

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

9.3 Situational Analysis and Strategic Planning Workshop

Figure 9-2: Situational Analysis and Strategic Planning Workshop Attendance Sheets

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Figure 9-3: Situational Analysis and Strategic Planning Workshop Photo Documentation

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Table 9-3: Long List of Priority Projects

No. Sector Policy, Plans, Programs, Projects, and Activities Location Timeframe
(Short, Medium, or Long-Term)
Name/ Title
1 Economic BLISTT Ecozone Development Program (Agri- BLISTT Medium-Term
industrial, Retirement Park, IT Park, Manufacturing,
Tourism Ecozone)
2 Economic BLISTT Agricultural Development Program BLISTT Short-Term
(Agricultural Transport Development Project, Post-
Harvest Facilities, Skills Development)
3 Economic Construction and Improvement of Irrigation Facilities LISTT Short-Term
4 Economic BLISTT Administrative Council or Organization and BLISTT Medium-Term
5 Economic Database Management System Development BLISTT Medium-Term
6 Energy Waste-to-Energy BLISTT Medium-Term
7 Energy Multi-Purpose Mini-Hydro and Irrigation and Bulk BLISTT Medium-Term
Water Supply Systems in BLISTT Watersheds and
for Eco-Tourism
8 Energy Wind Turbine BLISTT Medium-Term
9 Environment Identify the Availability of Geo-Hazard Maps to the BLISTT Short-Term
Grassroots Level
10 Environment Implementation of Soil Stabilization and Various BLISTT Medium-Term
Ground Improvement Techniques
11 Environment Rehabilitation of Mined-Out Areas in the BLISTT BLISTT Short-Term
12 Environment Fencing of Existing Watersheds BLISTT Short-Term
13 Environment Construction of Flood Control System BLISTT Medium-Term
14 Environment Implementation of BLISTT Integrated Solid Waste BLISTT Short-Term
Management System
15 Environment Implementation of Buffer Zones along Active Faults BLISTT Medium-Term
identified by PHIVOLCS
16 Environment Strict Implementation of the Structural Building Code BLISTT Short-Term
of the Philippines

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

17 Environment Installation/ Improvement of Drainage System at BLISTT Long-Term

Limestone and Dolomite Areas
18 Environment Car-Less Day Policy Implementation BLISTT Short-Term
19 Environment Continue and Support Air Quality Assessment BLISTT Short-Term
Program of DENR
20 Environment Technology Transfer on Waste Management BLISTT Short-Term
21 Environment Implementation and Development of Green Buffer BLISTT Medium-Term
22 Environment Re-Establishment/ Enforcement of Minahang Bayan BLISTT Medium-Term
Cooperative Mining
23 Environment Creation or Crafting of a Mining Management Plan BLISTT Medium-Term
24 Environment Acquire Land of Tuba for Solid Waste Management Tuba Long-Term
25 Environment Sanitary Land Fill RROW BLISTT Long-Term
26 Environment Creation/ Establishment of Sitio or Cluster Social BLISTT Long-Term
Development Plan (SDP)
27 Institutional Harmonization and Resolving Conflicting National BLISTT Short-Term/
Laws and Local Ordinances Medium-Term/
28 Institutional BLISTT Identify Development BLISTT Short-Term/
29 Institutional Relocation and Resettlement of Affected BLISTT Short-Term/
Communities Medium-Term
30 Social Tuding Settlements Upgrading Project Itogon Medium-Term
31 Social Teacher's Camp Upgrading Project Baguio City Medium-Term
32 Social La Trinidad Resettlement Project La Trinidad Medium-Term
33 Social Tuba Resettlement Project Tuba Medium-Term
34 Social Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center Baguio City Medium-Term
Housing Project
35 Social Baguio Housing Project Baguio City Medium-Term
36 Social Virac Resettlement Project Itogon Medium-Term
37 Social La Trinidad Community Mortgage Program La Trinidad Medium-Term
38 Social BLISTT Health Development Program BLISTT Short-Term

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

39 Social Establishment and Improvement of Health Facilities BLISTT Short-Term

and Manpower in Underserved Areas in BLISTT
40 Social Establishment of Regional Specialized Health BLISTT Medium-Term
Facilities in BLISTT (Heart Center, Cancer Center,
Lung Center, etc.)
41 Social Joint Peace and Order Planning and Operation in BLISTT Short-Term
42 Social BLISTT University Expansion Tuba, Tublay Short-Term
43 Social BLISTT Youth Development Center Sablan, Tuba Short-Term
44 Social BLISTT Arts and Cultural Center Sablan, Tuba Short-Term
45 Social BLISTT University Expansion in Tuba and Tublay Tuba, Tublay Short-Term
(Classroom Construction, Educational Materials and
Facilities, Research and Development Extension
with Academic institutions, ALS and Scholarship)
46 Social Protocol Development in Disaster Response BLISTT Short-Term
Including Equipment Acquisition
47 Tourism Preparation of Tourism Development Plan for Baguio Baguio City Short-Term
City (2016-2023 Framework)
48 Tourism Preparation of Tourism Development Plan for La La Trinidad Short-Term
Trinidad (2014-2019)
49 Tourism Preparation of Tourism Development Plan for Tublay Tublay Short-Term
50 Tourism Preparation of Tourism Development Plan for Itogon Itogon Short-Term
51 Tourism Preparation of Tourism Development Plan for Tublay Tublay Short-Term
52 Tourism Preparatory Activities for Crafting the BLISTT BLISTT Medium-Term
Tourism Master Plan
53 Tourism BLISTT Revitalize Bloom (REV-BLOOM) Projects BLISTT Medium-Term
54 Tourism Conduct of Capability Building for LGUs and Tourism BLISTT Medium-Term
Industry Manpower
55 Transport Completion of Automated Guideway Transit BLISTT Short-Term
Feasibility Study
56 Transport Bikeable Urban Center Baguio City, La Trinidad Short-Term

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

57 Transport Multi-Story Parking Building Baguio City Short-Term

58 Transport City Ordinances on Traffic Rules and Regulations Baguio City Short-Term
59 Transport RROW Study Baguio City Short-Term
60 Transport Sidewalk Visibility (Marking) Baguio City Short-Term
61 Transport DOT-DPWH and DTI-DPWH Convergence Project: BLISTT Medium-Term
Tourism Roads, Industry Roads
62 Transport Completion of BLISTT Outer Circumferential BLISTT Medium-Term
63 Transport Re-Design of 3-lane; 2-way highways Marcos Highway – Sto. Medium-Term
Tomas Intersection to
Marcos Highway
64 Transport Re-Design Legarda Intersection BLISTT Medium-Term
65 Transport Creation of a Traffic Engineering Center BLISTT Medium-Term
66 Transport Transport Modernization Plan BLISTT Medium-Term
67 Transport Centralized Staging and Loading Area for Public BLISTT Long-Term
Utility Jeepneys for BLISTT
68 Transport Construction of Fly-Over / Underpass in Congested BLISTT Long-Term
69 Transport BLISTT Road Network Tunneling BLISTT Long-Term
70 Transport Kennon Road Viaduct BLISTT Long-Term
71 Transport Monorail Project Baguio City, La Trinidad Long-Term
72 Water Supply and Sanitation Study on the Establishment of National Water BLISTT Short-Term
Resources Board (NWRB) Branch Office
73 Water Supply and Sanitation Development of Big Water Source for BLISTT (Agno BLISTT Medium-Term
River in Itogon, Amburayan River in Kapangan/ Atok,
74 Water Supply and Sanitation Ordinance for Rainwater Harvesting Facility of BLISTT Medium-Term/
Households Long-Term
75 Water Supply and Sanitation Study on the Rehabilitation of Water Source at Itogon Short-Term
76 Water Supply and Sanitation Rehabilitation of Water Source at Sabkit Itogon Medium-Term
77 Water Supply and Sanitation Regular Testing of Water Sources BLISTT Medium-Term
78 Water Supply and Sanitation Establishment of Water Districts in Itogon, Sablan, ISTT Medium-Term
Tuba, Tublay (Itogon Water District to be activated)

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

79 Water Supply and Sanitation Feasibility Study on the Construction of a Sewerage BLISTT Short-Term
System for Each Municipality
80 Water Supply and Sanitation Construction of a Common Sewage Treatment Plant BLISTT Long-Term
81 Water Supply and Sanitation Sewer Connections Rehabilitation BLISTT Medium-Term
82 Water Supply and Sanitation Study on La Trinidad Sewerage System La Trinidad Medium-Term
83 Water Supply and Sanitation Balili River Eco-Park La Trinidad Long-Term
84 Water Supply and Sanitation Comprehensive Study for La Trinidad Sewerage La Trinidad Short-Term
System/ Septage Treatment Facility
85 Water Supply and Sanitation Study on the Implementation of a BLISTT Septage BLISTT Short-Term
Management Program/ Septage Treatment Facility
86 Water Supply and Sanitation BLISTT Septage Treatment Facility BLISTT Medium-Term
87 Water Supply and Sanitation Feasibility Study for Baguio City Central Business BLISTT Medium-Term
District Master Storm and Drainage Plan

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

9.4 BLISTT Governing Council Meeting

Figure 9-4: BLISTT Governing Council Meeting Attendance Sheets

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Figure 9-5: BLISTT Governing Council Meeting Photo Documentation

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

9.5 Selection of Priority Projects for Pre-Feasibility Study (FS) Workshop

Figure 9-6: Selection of Priority Projects for Pre-Feasibility Study (FS) Workshop Attendance Sheets

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Figure 9-7: NEDA-CAR Letter on Final List of Priority Projects for Pre-FS

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

9.6 Indicative Investment Requirement for Programs, Plans & Activities for BLISTT
Table 9-4: Indicative Investment Requirement for Short-Term Programs, Plans & Activities

Indicative Investment Requirement for Programs, Plans & Activities for BLISTT
Peso Million SHORT TERM
Short Med-Term Long-Term Indicative Financing Requirement * Indicative Financing
Term (2026- (Beyond PPP /
(2021- 2030) 2030) 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 GAA IRA Loans Grants Private
1 Land Use 440.0 315.0 75.0 50.0
a) Crafting of a New BLISTT Comprehensive Land Use Plan 80.0 80.0 - - 30.0 20.0 20.0 10.0 40.0 40.0
b) Crafting of a New BLISTT Zoning Ordinance 70.0 70.0 - - 20.0 20.0 20.0 10.0 40.0 30.0
c) Crafting of Planned Unit Devt (PUD), Special Designated Zones (SDZ) of BLISTT Land Uses 50.0 50.0 - - 20.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 20.0 10.0 20.0
d) Validation of BLISTT Land Uses 120.0 70.0 50.0 - 20.0 20.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 35.0 35.0
e) Monitoring, Evaluation, Mgmt of Digitized maps/plans of BLISTT Land Uses 120.0 45.0 25.0 50.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 5.0 15.0 30.0
2 Environmental 2,780.0 1,884.0 896.0 -
a) Fencing of Existing Watersheds and Forestlands Project 800.0 500.0 300.0 - 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 500.0
b) Implementation of Soil Stabilization and Ground Improvement Techniques 1,000.0 500.0 500.0 - 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 350.0 150.0
c) Construction of Flood Control System 500.0 500.0 - - 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 300.0 200.0
d) Disaster-Resilient Multi-purpose and Evacuation Centers 250.0 200.0 50.0 - 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 200.0
e) BLISTT Forest Land Use Planning (incorporate in the Land Use Plan) 230.0 184.0 46.0 - 46.0 46.0 46.0 46.0 9.2 174.8
3 Social 15,350.3 2,555.2 1,408.2 11,386.9
a) BLISTT Health Development Program (La Trinidad & Itogon) 50.0 50.0 - - 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 50.0
b) Joint Planning and Operation of Peace and Order in BLISTT 3.0 3.0 - - 3.0 3.0
c) BLISTT Youth Development Center 7.5 7.5 - - 7.5 7.5
d) BLISTT Arts & Cultural Center 10.0 10.0 - - 10.0 10.0
e) University Community 14,904.8 2,134.7 1,383.2 11,386.9 208.8 1,686.3 103.9 135.7 853.9 619.1 661.8
f) BLISTT Regional Specialized Health Facilities 375.0 350.0 25.0 - 100.0 100.0 100.0 25.0 25.0 70.0 280.0
4 IP and GAD 76.5 66.5 5.0 5.0
a) Construction of Historic & Cultural Complex 50.0 50.0 - - 30.0 20.0 50.0
b) Mapping & heritage impact Assessment Study for enhancement of cultural value of heritage sites 6.0 6.0 - - 6.0 6.0
c) GAD Advocacy Program 0.5 0.5 - - 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.5
d) Child Minding Centers 5.0 5.0 - - 3.0 2.0 5.0
e) Urban/Backyard Gardening 15.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 5.0
5 Local Economy 7,430.6 1,611.8 543.6 5,275.2
a) Agro-Industrial Economic Zone 7,186.1 1,371.8 539.1 5,275.2 213.90 292.30 371.00 395.60 99.0 548.7 274.4 548.7
b) BLISTT Agricultural Development Program 244.5 240.0 4.5 - 75.0 75.0 50.0 20.0 20.0 240.0

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Indicative Investment Requirement for Programs, Plans & Activities for BLISTT
Peso Million SHORT TERM
Short Med-Term Long-Term Indicative Financing Requirement * Indicative Financing
Term (2026- (Beyond PPP /
(2021- 2030) 2030) 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 GAA IRA Loans Grants Private
6 Housing and Settlements 734.0 520.0 214.0 -
a) Provision of Housing Resettlement and Housing Assistants 200.0 100.0 100.0 - 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 100.0
b) Completion/updating/approval of CCA-DDR enhanced CLUP 3.0 3.0 - - 3.0 3.0
c) IRR for PD 1998, s. 1985 2.0 2.0 - - 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
d) Socialized Housing in Rent-to-Own Options 200.0 100.0 100.0 - 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 100.0
e) Miner's Community (Itogon) 209.0 200.0 9.0 - 60.0 50.0 65.0 15.0 10.0 29.0 171.0
f) Farmers' Community Housing and Cultural Tourism Village 110.0 110.0 - - 10.0 35.0 40.0 15.0 10.0 90.0 20.0
g) Government Subsidy for small private housing landlords 10.0 5.0 5.0 - 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 5.0

7 Water 9,289.0 4,755.0 4,534.0 -

a) BLISTT-wide Septage Management Program 1,936.0 916.0 1,020.0 - 152.0 152.0 204.0 204.0 204.0 91.6 824.4
b) Reactivation of Itogon, Establishment of Sablan, Tuba and Tublay WDs 500.0 500.0 - - 250.0 250.0 50.0 450.0
c) BLISTT-wide Septage Management Program (Study, trucks) 191.0 191.0 - - 95.0 96.0 19.1 171.9
d) Expansion of Baguio City Sewerage System 5,194.0 2,364.0 2,830.0 - 333.0 333.0 566.0 566.0 566.0 236.4 2,127.6
e) La Trinidad Sewerage System 1,468.0 784.0 684.0 - 135.0 136.0 171.0 171.0 171.0 78.4 705.6
8 Energy and Power 27,261.0 27,261.0 - -
a) Sanitary landfill gas to power facility 10,824.0 10,824.0 - - 3,608.0 3,608.0 3,608.0 5,412.0 2,164.8 3,247.2
b) Waste to energy pyrolysis power plant 14,517.0 14,517.0 - - 4,839.0 4,839.0 4,839.0 7,258.5 2,903.4 4,355.1
c) Solar PV power without battery 1,920.0 1,920.0 - - 1,920.0 960.0 384.0 576.0
9 Solid Waste Management 3,325.1 2,098.1 600.7 626.3
a) Integrated Solid Waste Management 1,825.1 598.1 600.7 626.3 180.2 197.4 72.6 73.5 74.4 418.7 179.4
b) Establishment of MRFs in every barangay or cluster of barangays 500.0 500.0 - - 50.0 350.0 100.0 500.0
c) Establishment of Composing facilities in every barangay or cluster of barangay 1,000.0 1,000.0 - - 100.0 600.0 300.0 1,000.0
10 Transport and Connectivity 3,656.5 1,427.1 1,069.4 1,160.0
a) Integrated Terminal Exchange 1,450.6 777.7 317.8 355.1 184.7 439.6 50.9 51.1 51.4 116.7 221.6 217.8 221.6
b) Modernized Jitney (AMTS) 2,195.9 639.4 751.6 804.9 112.7 115.1 136.4 137.2 138.0 207.8 223.8 207.8
c) Feasibility Study for Automated Guideway Transit 10.0 10.0 - - 10.0 10.0
11 ICT 1,920.0 580.0 590.0 750.0
a) BENECO-Converge ICT 300.0 150.0 150.0 - 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 150.0
b) Tech4ED Project 150.0 75.0 75.0 - 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 37.5 37.5
c) PipolKoneck Free Wi-Fi Internet Access in Public Places 250.0 125.0 125.0 - 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 125.0
d) Emergency Warning Broadcast System and Data Casting System 230.0 115.0 115.0 - 23.0 23.0 23.0 23.0 23.0 115.0
e) BLISTT Shared Passive Telecommunications Tower Infrastructure 990.0 115.0 125.0 750.0 15.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 115.0

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Indicative Investment Requirement for Programs, Plans & Activities for BLISTT
Peso Million SHORT TERM
Short Med-Term Long-Term Indicative Financing Requirement * Indicative Financing
Term (2026- (Beyond PPP /
(2021- 2030) 2030) 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 GAA IRA Loans Grants Private
12 Communications & Public Participation 2.8 2.8 - -
a) AVP, BLISTT conference for BLISTT Strategic Agenda, etc 2.8 2.8 - - 2.8 2.8
13 Institutional 308.5 6.5 2.0 300.0
a) CAPDEV program for current officials & staff of BLISTT to transition from BLISTT to BLISTTDA 1.5 1.5 - - 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 1.1 0.4
b) CAPDEV program for civil society, indigenous peoples as part of communication plan for BLISTT 1.5 1.5 - - 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 1.1 0.4
c) Continuation of capacity building & consultation for new officials and staff of BLISTTDA 2.0 - 2.0 -
d) Construction of BLISTTDA offices and satellite offices 300.0 - - 300.0
e) Learning visits to similar inter-local cooperative arrangements 1.5 1.5 - - 1.5 0.8 0.8
f) International learning visits of selected leaders & stakeholders of BLISTT and component LGUs 2.0 2.0 - - 2.0 1.0 1.0
14 Tourism & Recreation 1,012.0 - 120.0 892.0
a) BLISTT Integrated Tourist Recreation Infrastructure Proj Management 120.0 - 120.0 -
b) BLISTT Integrated Tourist Recreation Infrastructure Devt Program 892.0 - - 892.0
73,586.3 43,083.0 10,057.9 20,445.4 2,648.4 4,090.5 13,028.0 10,863.0 12,453.1 1,894.5 3,053.2 20,360.7 7,041.0 10,733.7

Table 9-5: Indicative Investment Requirement for Medium-Term Programs, Plans & Activities

Indicative Investment Requirement for Programs, Plans & Activities for BLISTT
Peso Million MEDIUM TERM
Short Med-Term Long-Term Indicative Financing Requirement * Indicative Financing
Term (2026- (Beyond Private
(2021- 2030) 2030) 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 GAA IRA Loans Grants Equity
1 Land Use 440.0 315.0 75.0 50.0
a) Crafting of a New BLISTT Comprehensive Land Use Plan 80.0 80.0 - -
b) Crafting of a New BLISTT Zoning Ordinance 70.0 70.0 - -
c) Crafting of Planned Unit Devt (PUD), Special Designated Zones (SDZ) of BLISTT Land Uses 50.0 50.0 - -
d) Validation of BLISTT Land Uses 120.0 70.0 50.0 - 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 25.0 25.0
e) Monitoring, Evaluation, Mgmt of Digitized maps/plans of BLISTT Land Uses 120.0 45.0 25.0 50.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 8.3 16.7
2 Environmental 2,780.0 1,884.0 896.0 -
a) Fencing of Existing Watersheds and Forestlands Project 800.0 500.0 300.0 - 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 300.0
b) Implementation of Soil Stabilization and Ground Improvement Techniques 1,000.0 500.0 500.0 - 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 350.0 150.0
c) Construction of Flood Control System 500.0 500.0 - -
d) Disaster-Resilient Multi-purpose and Evacuation Centers 250.0 200.0 50.0 - 50.0 50.0
e) BLISTT Forest Land Use Planning (incorporate in the Land Use Plan) 230.0 184.0 46.0 - 46.0 2.3 43.7
3 Social 15,350.3 2,555.2 1,408.2 11,386.9
a) BLISTT Health Development Program (La Trinidad & Itogon) 50.0 50.0 - -
b) Joint Planning and Operation of Peace and Order in BLISTT 3.0 3.0 - -
c) BLISTT Youth Development Center 7.5 7.5 - -
d) BLISTT Arts & Cultural Center 10.0 10.0 - -
e) University Community 14,904.8 2,134.7 1,383.2 11,386.9 250.0 255.3 260.6 307.5 309.8 553.3 401.1 428.8
f) BLISTT Regional Specialized Health Facilities 375.0 350.0 25.0 - 25.0 5.0 20.0
4 IP and GAD 76.5 66.5 5.0 5.0
a) Construction of Historic & Cultural Complex 50.0 50.0 - -
b) Mapping & heritage impact Assessment Study for enhancement of cultural value of heritage sites 6.0 6.0 - -
c) GAD Advocacy Program 0.5 0.5 - -
d) Child Minding Centers 5.0 5.0 - -
e) Urban/Backyard Gardening 15.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 5.0
5 Local Economy 7,430.6 1,611.8 543.6 5,275.2
a) Agro-Industrial Economic Zone 7,186.1 1,371.8 539.1 5,275.2 99.6 100.2 100.9 116.5 121.9 215.6 107.8 215.6
b) BLISTT Agricultural Development Program 244.5 240.0 4.5 - 4.5 4.5

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Indicative Investment Requirement for Programs, Plans & Activities for BLISTT
Peso Million MEDIUM TERM
Short Med-Term Long-Term Indicative Financing Requirement * Indicative Financing
Term (2026- (Beyond Private
(2021- 2030) 2030) 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 GAA IRA Loans Grants Equity
6 Housing and Settlements 734.0 520.0 214.0 -
a) Provision of Housing Resettlement and Housing Assistants 200.0 100.0 100.0 - 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 100.0
b) Completion/updating/approval of CCA-DDR enhanced CLUP 3.0 3.0 - -
c) IRR for PD 1998, s. 1985 2.0 2.0 - -
d) Socialized Housing in Rent-to-Own Options 200.0 100.0 100.0 - 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 100.0
e) Miner's Community (Itogon) 209.0 200.0 9.0 - 9.0 9.0
f) Farmers' Community Housing and Cultural Tourism Village 110.0 110.0 - -
g) Government Subsidy for small private housing landlords 10.0 5.0 5.0 - 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 5.0

7 Water 9,289.0 4,755.0 4,534.0 -

a) BLISTT-wide Septage Management Program 1,936.0 916.0 1,020.0 - 204.0 204.0 204.0 204.0 204.0 102.0 918.0
b) Reactivation of Itogon, Establishment of Sablan, Tuba and Tublay WDs 500.0 500.0 - -
c) BLISTT-wide Septage Management Program (Study, trucks) 191.0 191.0 - -
d) Expansion of Baguio City Sewerage System 5,194.0 2,364.0 2,830.0 - 566.0 566.0 566.0 566.0 566.0 283.0 2,547.0
e) La Trinidad Sewerage System 1,468.0 784.0 684.0 - 171.0 171.0 171.0 171.0 68.4 615.6
8 Energy and Power 27,261.0 27,261.0 - -
a) Sanitary landfill gas to power facility 10,824.0 10,824.0 - -
b) Waste to energy pyrolysis power plant 14,517.0 14,517.0 - -
c) Solar PV power without battery 1,920.0 1,920.0 - -
9 Solid Waste Management 3,325.1 2,098.1 600.7 626.3
a) Integrated Solid Waste Management 1,825.1 598.1 600.7 626.3 75.4 76.3 155.9 167.3 125.8 420.5 180.2
b) Establishment of MRFs in every barangay or cluster of barangays 500.0 500.0 - -
c) Establishment of Composing facilities in every barangay or cluster of barangay 1,000.0 1,000.0 - -
10 Transport and Connectivity 3,656.5 1,427.1 1,069.4 1,160.0
a) Integrated Terminal Exchange 1,450.6 777.7 317.8 355.1 51.7 52.2 62.6 75.0 76.3 47.7 90.6 89.0 90.6
b) Modernized Jitney (AMTS) 2,195.9 639.4 751.6 804.9 138.8 161.8 148.3 150.3 152.4 244.3 263.1 244.3
c) Feasibility Study for Automated Guideway Transit 10.0 10.0 - -
11 ICT 1,920.0 580.0 590.0 750.0
a) BENECO-Converge ICT 300.0 150.0 150.0 - 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 150.0
b) Tech4ED Project 150.0 75.0 75.0 - 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 37.5 37.5
c) PipolKoneck Free Wi-Fi Internet Access in Public Places 250.0 125.0 125.0 - 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 125.0
d) Emergency Warning Broadcast System and Data Casting System 230.0 115.0 115.0 - 23.0 23.0 23.0 23.0 23.0 115.0
e) BLISTT Shared Passive Telecommunications Tower Infrastructure 990.0 115.0 125.0 750.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 125.0

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Indicative Investment Requirement for Programs, Plans & Activities for BLISTT
Peso Million MEDIUM TERM
Short Med-Term Long-Term Indicative Financing Requirement * Indicative Financing
Term (2026- (Beyond Private
(2021- 2030) 2030) 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 GAA IRA Loans Grants Equity
12 Communications & Public Participation 2.8 2.8 - -
a) AVP, BLISTT conference for BLISTT Strategic Agenda, etc 2.8 2.8 - -
13 Institutional 308.5 6.5 2.0 300.0
a) CAPDEV program for current officials & staff of BLISTT to transition from BLISTT to BLISTTDA 1.5 1.5 - -
b) CAPDEV program for civil society, indigenous peoples as part of communication plan for BLISTT 1.5 1.5 - -
c) Continuation of capacity building & consultation for new officials and staff of BLISTTDA 2.0 - 2.0 - 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 2.0
d) Construction of BLISTTDA offices and satellite offices 300.0 - - 300.0
e) Learning visits to similar inter-local cooperative arrangements 1.5 1.5 - -
f) International learning visits of selected leaders & stakeholders of BLISTT and component LGUs 2.0 2.0 - -
14 Tourism & Recreation 1,012.0 - 120.0 892.0
a) BLISTT Integrated Tourist Recreation Infrastructure Proj Management 120.0 - 120.0 - 40.0 40.0 40.0 67.2 24.0 28.8
b) BLISTT Integrated Tourist Recreation Infrastructure Devt Program 892.0 - - 892.0
73,586.3 43,083.0 10,057.9 20,445.4 2,066.4 1,962.2 2,044.7 2,093.0 1,891.6 1,015.1 749.7 5,872.1 928.7 1,492.3

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Table 9-6: Indicative Investment Requirement for Long-Term Programs, Plans & Activities

Indicative Investment Requirement for Programs, Plans & Activities for BLISTT
Peso Million LONG TERM
Short Med-Term Long-Term Indicative Financing Requirement * Indicative Financing
Term (2026- (Beyond Private
(2021- 2030) 2030) 2031 2032 2033 2034 Beyond GAA IRA Loans Grants Equity
1 Land Use 440.0 315.0 75.0 50.0
a) Crafting of a New BLISTT Comprehensive Land Use Plan 80.0 80.0 - -
b) Crafting of a New BLISTT Zoning Ordinance 70.0 70.0 - -
c) Crafting of Planned Unit Devt (PUD), Special Designated Zones (SDZ) of BLISTT Land Uses 50.0 50.0 - -
d) Validation of BLISTT Land Uses 120.0 70.0 50.0 -
e) Monitoring, Evaluation, Mgmt of Digitized maps/plans of BLISTT Land Uses 120.0 45.0 25.0 50.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 30.0 16.7 33.3
2 Environmental 2,780.0 1,884.0 896.0 -
a) Fencing of Existing Watersheds and Forestlands Project 800.0 500.0 300.0 -
b) Implementation of Soil Stabilization and Ground Improvement Techniques 1,000.0 500.0 500.0 -
c) Construction of Flood Control System 500.0 500.0 - -
d) Disaster-Resilient Multi-purpose and Evacuation Centers 250.0 200.0 50.0 -
e) BLISTT Forest Land Use Planning (incorporate in the Land Use Plan) 230.0 184.0 46.0 -
3 Social 15,350.3 2,555.2 1,408.2 11,386.9
a) BLISTT Health Development Program (La Trinidad & Itogon) 50.0 50.0 - -
b) Joint Planning and Operation of Peace and Order in BLISTT 3.0 3.0 - -
c) BLISTT Youth Development Center 7.5 7.5 - -
d) BLISTT Arts & Cultural Center 10.0 10.0 - -
e) University Community 14,904.8 2,134.7 1,383.2 11,386.9 321.9 324.6 337.3 375.8 10,027.3 5,693.5 5,693.5
f) BLISTT Regional Specialized Health Facilities 375.0 350.0 25.0 -
4 IP and GAD 76.5 66.5 5.0 5.0
a) Construction of Historic & Cultural Complex 50.0 50.0 - -
b) Mapping & heritage impact Assessment Study for enhancement of cultural value of heritage sites 6.0 6.0 - -
c) GAD Advocacy Program 0.5 0.5 - -
d) Child Minding Centers 5.0 5.0 - -
e) Urban/Backyard Gardening 15.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 5.0
5 Local Economy 7,430.6 1,611.8 543.6 5,275.2
a) Agro-Industrial Economic Zone 7,186.1 1,371.8 539.1 5,275.2 160.3 161.8 183.2 181.9 4,588.0 5,275.2
b) BLISTT Agricultural Development Program 244.5 240.0 4.5 -

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Indicative Investment Requirement for Programs, Plans & Activities for BLISTT
Peso Million LONG TERM
Short Med-Term Long-Term Indicative Financing Requirement * Indicative Financing
Term (2026- (Beyond Private
(2021- 2030) 2030) 2031 2032 2033 2034 Beyond GAA IRA Loans Grants Equity
6 Housing and Settlements 734.0 520.0 214.0 -
a) Provision of Housing Resettlement and Housing Assistants 200.0 100.0 100.0 -
b) Completion/updating/approval of CCA-DDR enhanced CLUP 3.0 3.0 - -
c) IRR for PD 1998, s. 1985 2.0 2.0 - -
d) Socialized Housing in Rent-to-Own Options 200.0 100.0 100.0 -
e) Miner's Community (Itogon) 209.0 200.0 9.0 -
f) Farmers' Community Housing and Cultural Tourism Village 110.0 110.0 - -
g) Government Subsidy for small private housing landlords 10.0 5.0 5.0 -

7 Water 9,289.0 4,755.0 4,534.0 -

a) BLISTT-wide Septage Management Program 1,936.0 916.0 1,020.0 -
b) Reactivation of Itogon, Establishment of Sablan, Tuba and Tublay WDs 500.0 500.0 - -
c) BLISTT-wide Septage Management Program (Study, trucks) 191.0 191.0 - -
d) Expansion of Baguio City Sewerage System 5,194.0 2,364.0 2,830.0 -
e) La Trinidad Sewerage System 1,468.0 784.0 684.0 -
8 Energy and Power 27,261.0 27,261.0 - -
a) Sanitary landfill gas to power facility 10,824.0 10,824.0 - -
b) Waste to energy pyrolysis power plant 14,517.0 14,517.0 - -
c) Solar PV power without battery 1,920.0 1,920.0 - -
9 Solid Waste Management 3,325.1 2,098.1 600.7 626.3
a) Integrated Solid Waste Management 1,825.1 598.1 600.7 626.3 626.3 626.3
b) Establishment of MRFs in every barangay or cluster of barangays 500.0 500.0 - -
c) Establishment of Composing facilities in every barangay or cluster of barangay 1,000.0 1,000.0 - -
10 Transport and Connectivity 3,656.5 1,427.1 1,069.4 1,160.0
a) Integrated Terminal Exchange 1,450.6 777.7 317.8 355.1 355.1 355.1
b) Modernized Jitney (AMTS) 2,195.9 639.4 751.6 804.9 804.9 804.9
c) Feasibility Study for Automated Guideway Transit 10.0 10.0 - -
11 ICT 1,920.0 580.0 590.0 750.0
a) BENECO-Converge ICT 300.0 150.0 150.0 -
b) Tech4ED Project 150.0 75.0 75.0 -
c) PipolKoneck Free Wi-Fi Internet Access in Public Places 250.0 125.0 125.0 -
d) Emergency Warning Broadcast System and Data Casting System 230.0 115.0 115.0 -
e) BLISTT Shared Passive Telecommunications Tower Infrastructure 990.0 115.0 125.0 750.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 650.0 750.0

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Indicative Investment Requirement for Programs, Plans & Activities for BLISTT
Peso Million LONG TERM
Short Med-Term Long-Term Indicative Financing Requirement * Indicative Financing
Term (2026- (Beyond Private
(2021- 2030) 2030) 2031 2032 2033 2034 Beyond GAA IRA Loans Grants Equity
12 Communications & Public Participation 2.8 2.8 - -
a) AVP, BLISTT conference for BLISTT Strategic Agenda, etc 2.8 2.8 - -
13 Institutional 308.5 6.5 2.0 300.0
a) CAPDEV program for current officials & staff of BLISTT to transition from BLISTT to BLISTTDA 1.5 1.5 - -
b) CAPDEV program for civil society, indigenous peoples as part of communication plan for BLISTT 1.5 1.5 - -
c) Continuation of capacity building & consultation for new officials and staff of BLISTTDA 2.0 - 2.0 -
d) Construction of BLISTTDA offices and satellite offices 300.0 - - 300.0 300.0 300.0
e) Learning visits to similar inter-local cooperative arrangements 1.5 1.5 - -
f) International learning visits of selected leaders & stakeholders of BLISTT and component LGUs 2.0 2.0 - -
14 Tourism & Recreation 1,012.0 - 120.0 892.0
a) BLISTT Integrated Tourist Recreation Infrastructure Proj Management 120.0 - 120.0 -
b) BLISTT Integrated Tourist Recreation Infrastructure Devt Program 892.0 - - 892.0 178.4 178.4 178.4 178.4 178.4 499.5 178.4 214.1
73,586.3 43,083.0 10,057.9 20,445.4 991.6 695.8 729.9 767.1 17,261.0 316.7 38.3 6,193.0 178.4 13,719.0

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Table 9-7: Summary of Indicative Investment Requirement for Programs, Plans & Activities

Indicative Investment Requirement for Programs, Plans & Activities for BLISTT
Peso Million
Short Med-Term Long-Term
Term (2026- (Beyond ImplementingAgencies
(2021- 2030) 2030)
1 Land Use 440.0 315.0 75.0 50.0
a) Crafting of a New BLISTT Comprehensive Land Use Plan 80.0 80.0 - - NEDA, BLISTT LGUs
b) Crafting of a New BLISTT Zoning Ordinance 70.0 70.0 - - NEDA, BLISTT LGUs
c) Crafting of Planned Unit Devt (PUD), Special Designated Zones (SDZ) of BLISTT Land Uses 50.0 50.0 - - NEDA, BLISTT LGUs
d) Validation of BLISTT Land Uses 120.0 70.0 50.0 - NEDA, BLISTT LGUs
e) Monitoring, Evaluation, Mgmt of Digitized maps/plans of BLISTT Land Uses 120.0 45.0 25.0 50.0 NEDA, BLISTT LGUs
2 Environmental 2,780.0 1,884.0 896.0 -
a) Fencing of Existing Watersheds and Forestlands Project 800.0 500.0 300.0 - NEDA, BLISTT LGUs
b) Implementation of Soil Stabilization and Ground Improvement Techniques 1,000.0 500.0 500.0 - NEDA, BLISTT LGUs, DPWH
c) Construction of Flood Control System 500.0 500.0 - - NEDA, BLISTT LGUs, DPWH
d) Disaster-Resilient Multi-purpose and Evacuation Centers 250.0 200.0 50.0 - BLISTT LGUs, DENR and Regional Offices
e) BLISTT Forest Land Use Planning (incorporate in the Land Use Plan) 230.0 184.0 46.0 - BLISTT LGUs, DENR and Regional Offices
3 Social 15,350.3 2,555.2 1,408.2 11,386.9
a) BLISTT Health Development Program (La Trinidad & Itogon) 50.0 50.0 - - BLISTT, Host LGUs
b) Joint Planning and Operation of Peace and Order in BLISTT 3.0 3.0 - -
c) BLISTT Youth Development Center 7.5 7.5 - - BLISTT (Baguio City)
d) BLISTT Arts & Cultural Center 10.0 10.0 - - BLISTT (Baguio City)
e) University Community 14,904.8 2,134.7 1,383.2 11,386.9 Host LGU with JV Partner : 21% VGF, PPP: 31% Equity; Lterm: PPP
f) BLISTT Regional Specialized Health Facilities 375.0 350.0 25.0 - 100% (2058)
BLISTT (Baguio City) with JV Partner @ 20%-80%
4 IP and GAD 76.5 66.5 5.0 5.0
a) Construction of Historic & Cultural Complex 50.0 50.0 - - La Trinidad/ BLISTTDA, DOT, NCCA, PAGCOR
b) Mapping & heritage impact Assessment Study for enhancement of cultural value of heritage sites 6.0 6.0 - - \ BLISTTDA, DOT, NCCA, PAGCOR
c) GAD Advocacy Program 0.5 0.5 - - BLISTTDA, DSWD
d) Child Minding Centers 5.0 5.0 - - BLISTTDA, DSWD
e) Urban/Backyard Gardening 15.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 DA, ATI, BLISTT DA
5 Local Economy 7,430.6 1,611.8 543.6 5,275.2
a) Agro-Industrial Economic Zone 7,186.1 1,371.8 539.1 5,275.2 Host LGU, PEZA (20%)and PPP (JV / Equity & Loan, 50%,50%), LT
b) BLISTT Agricultural Development Program 244.5 240.0 4.5 - 100% PPP

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Indicative Investment Requirement for Programs, Plans & Activities for BLISTT
Peso Million
Short Med-Term Long-Term
Term (2026- (Beyond ImplementingAgencies
(2021- 2030) 2030)
6 Housing and Settlements 734.0 520.0 214.0 -
a) Provision of Housing Resettlement and Housing Assistants 200.0 100.0 100.0 - BLISTT LGUs, NHA, BLGF Housing
b) Completion/updating/approval of CCA-DDR enhanced CLUP 3.0 3.0 - - BLISTT LGUs
c) IRR for PD 1998, s. 1985 2.0 2.0 - - BLISTT LGUs
d) Socialized Housing in Rent-to-Own Options 200.0 100.0 100.0 - BLISTT LGUs, NHA, BLGF Housing
e) Miner's Community (Itogon) 209.0 200.0 9.0 - Itogon LGU,PPP
f) Farmers' Community Housing and Cultural Tourism Village 110.0 110.0 - - NHA (GAA), Tublay LGU
g) Government Subsidy for small private housing landlords 10.0 5.0 5.0 - Baguio & La Trinidad LGUs

7 Water 9,289.0 4,755.0 4,534.0 -

a) BLISTT-wide Septage Management Program 1,936.0 916.0 1,020.0 - NEDA, LWUA,PPP
b) Reactivation of Itogon, Establishment of Sablan, Tuba and Tublay WDs 500.0 500.0 - - NEDA, LWUA
c) BLISTT-wide Septage Management Program (Study, trucks) 191.0 191.0 - - DENR / BLISTT / IFIs
d) Expansion of Baguio City Sewerage System 5,194.0 2,364.0 2,830.0 - DENR / Baguio City LGU
e) La Trinidad Sewerage System 1,468.0 784.0 684.0 - DENR / La Trinidad LGU /WD
8 Energy and Power 27,261.0 27,261.0 - -
a) Sanitary landfill gas to power facility 10,824.0 10,824.0 - - NEDA, BLISTT LGUs, PPP (20% Govt Equity), 50% loan by PPP
b) Waste to energy pyrolysis power plant 14,517.0 14,517.0 - - Proponent
NEDA, BLISTT LGUs, PPP (20% Govt Equity), 50% loan by PPP
c) Solar PV power without battery 1,920.0 1,920.0 - - Proponent
NEDA, BLISTT LGUs, PPP (20% Govt Equity), 50% loan by PPP
9 Solid Waste Management 3,325.1 2,098.1 600.7 626.3 Proponent
a) Integrated Solid Waste Management 1,825.1 598.1 600.7 626.3 NEDA CAR, BLISTT LGUs
b) Establishment of MRFs in every barangay or cluster of barangays 500.0 500.0 - - NEDA CAR, BLISTT LGUs
c) Establishment of Composing facilities in every barangay or cluster of barangay 1,000.0 1,000.0 - - NEDA CAR, BLISTT LGUs
10 Transport and Connectivity 3,656.5 1,427.1 1,069.4 1,160.0
a) Integrated Terminal Exchange 1,450.6 777.7 317.8 355.1 DOTC, LTFRB, DPWH, NEDA, VGF 28%/ BLISTT LGUs 15%, PPP
b) Modernized Jitney (AMTS) 2,195.9 639.4 751.6 804.9 (50%
DOTr,loan, 50%DPWH,
LTFRB, Equity)NEDA, BLISTT LGUs?NG 35% PPP (50%,
c) Feasibility Study for Automated Guideway Transit 10.0 10.0 - - 50%), of
LGUs LTBaguio
Private& La Trinidad, DOST
11 ICT 1,920.0 580.0 590.0 750.0
a) BENECO-Converge ICT 300.0 150.0 150.0 - BENECO, Converge ICT, DICT
b) Tech4ED Project 150.0 75.0 75.0 - DOST-ICT, DICT, BLISTT LGUs
c) PipolKoneck Free Wi-Fi Internet Access in Public Places 250.0 125.0 125.0 - DICT, NTC, BLISTT LGUs
d) Emergency Warning Broadcast System and Data Casting System 230.0 115.0 115.0 - BLISTT DRRMC, DICT and NTC, Philvocs, Pagasa
e) BLISTT Shared Passive Telecommunications Tower Infrastructure 990.0 115.0 125.0 750.0 DICT , BLISTT LGUs, PPP, 2060

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Indicative Investment Requirement for Programs, Plans & Activities for BLISTT
Peso Million
Short Med-Term Long-Term
Term (2026- (Beyond ImplementingAgencies
(2021- 2030) 2030)
12 Communications & Public Participation 2.8 2.8 - -
a) AVP, BLISTT conference for BLISTT Strategic Agenda, etc 2.8 2.8 - - NEDA, BLISTT LGUs
13 Institutional 308.5 6.5 2.0 300.0
a) CAPDEV program for current officials & staff of BLISTT to transition from BLISTT to BLISTTDA 1.5 1.5 - - BLISTT, NEDA, DILG
b) CAPDEV program for civil society, indigenous peoples as part of communication plan for BLISTT 1.5 1.5 - - NEDA, DILG
c) Continuation of capacity building & consultation for new officials and staff of BLISTTDA 2.0 - 2.0 - BLISTTDA
d) Construction of BLISTTDA offices and satellite offices 300.0 - - 300.0 BLISTTDA, DPWH, DILG, BLISTT component LGUs
e) Learning visits to similar inter-local cooperative arrangements 1.5 1.5 - - NEDA, DILG, BLISTT
f) International learning visits of selected leaders & stakeholders of BLISTT and component LGUs 2.0 2.0 - - NEDA, DILG, BLISTT
14 Tourism & Recreation 1,012.0 - 120.0 892.0
a) BLISTT Integrated Tourist Recreation Infrastructure Proj Management 120.0 - 120.0 - LGUs, DPWH, DOT, BLISTTDA ,TIEZA (Financing)
b) BLISTT Integrated Tourist Recreation Infrastructure Devt Program 892.0 - - 892.0 LGUs, DPWH, DOT, BLISTTDA ,TIEZA (Financing)
73,586.3 43,083.0 10,057.9 20,445.4

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

9.7 Audio-Visual Presentation Proposal

9.7.1 Revisions Leveling Guide (Creatives)

Table 9-8: Revisions Leveling Guide (Creatives)

Level Revision Details Estimated Exemption

1 ● Text change 3 hours ● Catalogs,
● Minimal moving elements minimum Planners/
● Maximizing or minimizing Calendar, or any
elements layouts with many
● When the other
elements are
moving drastically
2 ● Font options for logos 5 hours If more than 4 of the
● Repositioning of elements minimum stated revisions
● Products/ Assets change MOVE TO LEVEL 3
● Change of background (1
● Additional elements and
● Minor color options
● Minor product edit: color,
add, or remove details
● File conversion from PSD
to AI
● Up to 4 frames in total
revision for storyboard
3 ● Logo design edit 1-2 days If more than 4 of the
● Logolize text stated revisions
● Background and texture MOVE TO LEVEL 4
● Drastic repositioning of
● Overall layout color tone
● Product/Assets edit
● Major color options
● Mechanical drawing
(mockups) revision
● More than 6 frames
revisions on storyboard
4 ● If more than 4 of the stated 2-3 days
revisions on Level 3
● New concept/ layout/ study

Others Details Estimated


Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Manipulation ● Angle change 1 day

● Product/ Assets enhancement
● From low resolution to high
Adaptation/ Cascades ● Changing of canvass size and 1 day
orientation (e.g., banners, OOH, *depends on
poster, etc.) the number of
Actual Mock-Up ● Printing + Cutting + Folding 5 hours – 2
● Mock-up test days
● Mock-up development *depends on
the actual size
for printing
Final Artwork ● File cleaning (confirm with 1 day
● Checking (internal and with art
● Saving/ Uploading to GDrive
*Estimated time shown may also depend on internal traffic
**Estimated time show is per layout/artwork

9.7.2 Revisions Leveling Guide (Video Editing)

Table 9-9: Revisions Leveling Guide (Video Editing)

Level Revision Details Estimated Exemption

1 ● Revision in total of 5 4-5 hours If the involved animation
seconds of 2D animation length needs to produce
● Changes in 3 – 5 SFXs new character animation
(e.g., hand gestures, walk
cycle, run cycle, mouth
2 ● Revision in total of 6 – 20 1 – 3 days
seconds of 2D animation
● Revision in total of 5
seconds of 3D animation
● If a scene needs to change
● Video editing
o Rearrange clips
o Minor trim down
o Change of music
(not cut to beat)
o Change of supers
(Name, spelling)
o Change in SFXs
(more than 6)
3 ● Revision in total of 21 – 30 3 – 4 days If the involved video
seconds of 2D animation editing revisions needed
● Changes in VO that will for 3 or more clips
affect the animation MOVE TO LEVEL 4

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

● Revision of 1 – 2 character
● Video editing
o Major trim down
o Restructure
o Re-edit
o Regrade
o Re-animate (most
graphic/ supers)
o Change of music
(cut to beat
● 3D Production
o Remodel (Assuming
Animation is not
o Texture Revision
Animation is not
o Adjust Composition
4 ● Revision in total of 31 5 – 6 days
seconds – 1 minute of 2D
● Revision in total of 21 – 30
seconds of 3D animation
● Changes of whole VO
● Revision of 3 or more
character animation
● 3D Production
o Remodel (With
Revised Animation)
o Texture Revision
(With Revised
o Adding and
Animating new
o Adding and
Animating new
Scene or Frames
o Redo of
5 ● Revision in total of more 6 – 8 days
than 1 minute of 2D
● Revision in total 31
seconds – 1 minute of 3D
6 ● Revision in total of more 8 – 11 days
than 1 minute of 3D

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

9.7.3 Storyboard

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center

Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for
Baguio City-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center


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