BSFAANA CBL FinalSept-19.15-KAT
BSFAANA CBL FinalSept-19.15-KAT
BSFAANA CBL FinalSept-19.15-KAT
We, the alumni members of the Beta Sigma Fraternity of various assemblies and chapters
now residing, holding office or conducting regular visits in the Republic of the
Philippines, in furtherance of our commitment to be of service to our maker, our country,
our respective families and communities, and in fulfillment of our desire to enhance the
bonds of brotherhood that exist among us, do hereby ordain and promulgate this
constitution and by-laws.
SECTION 1. To promote, develop and maintain the bond of brotherhood among its
members, to maintain the traditions, principles, and ideals for which the association
stands, and to keep alive the spirit of being a Beta Sigman;
SECTION 3. To assist whenever possible and in any manner possible in the programs
and activities of the members of the association;
SECTION 4. To serve as adviser and guardian for the interest and welfare of resident
members as regards their policies, activities and guidelines for membership and other
relevant matters undertaken by the resident members; and
SECTION 2. To cooperate with and assist other agencies in education, social and
economic development of the nation;
SECTION 3. To build and preserve lasting peace in the local communities, the country
and the world by the unswerving practice of brotherhood as expressed through love,
respect and service to one another;
SECTION 5. To support and undertake project designed to purify, restore and keep
refresh our earth, air and waters;
SECTION 8. To raise money for any of the purposes of the association and, from time
to time without limit as to amount, to borrow money, make, accept, endow, guarantee,
exchange warrants and other negotiable instrument and evidences of indebtedness, and to
secure the payment thereof, and of the interests thereon, by mortgage or pledge,
conveyance or assignment of the whole or any part of the assets of the association, real,
personal or mixed, including contracts of rights, whether at the time owned or thereafter
acquired, and to sell, pledge or otherwise dispose of such securities of or obligations of
the association for its purposes; and
SECTION 9. To maintain a capital fund for investment in order to enable it to have the
funds and earning with which to finance programs and projects that it may promote,
organize and implement.
SECTION 1. The Association and for this matter the Beta Sigma Fraternity shall strictly
adhere to the provisions of Republic Act No. XXXX, otherwise known as the Anti-
Hazing Law, and other relevant laws, rules, policies, and guidelines.
SECTION 1. National Assembly. The National Assembly is the central governing unit
of all geographic alumni assemblies. It is composed of the Local Assemblies herein
referred to as Assemblies which may be organized in local geographic areas (region,
province, city, district, municipality, etc.), and which shall have:
Membership in the Assembly, letter (a) above notwithstanding, may be granted to alumni
Betans on the basis of geographic location of residence or employment.
SECTION 3. The Council of Advisers. The National Assembly shall have a Council
of Advisers which shall be composed of all former Presidents of the National Assembly
who shall be ex-officio members, and such other members as may be recommended by
the President and approved by the NBD.
The Assemblies shall likewise have their own respective Council of Advisers whose
members shall be as determined by each Assembly.
SECTION 5. The Secretary General. The Secretary General shall head the
Secretariat. He shall be appointed by the President of the National Assembly and shall be
confirmed by the Board. He shall prepare and recommend plans of actions to the Board,
and shall conduct and manage the day to day business of the association. The Secretary
General may appoint staff who shall provide him with administrative and technical
SECTION 1. Qualification and Election. The corporate powers of the association
shall be exercised, its business conducted and its property controlled by the Board of
Directors who shall come from the different Assemblies. The Presidents of the
Assemblies shall automatically become members of the National Board. The Directors
shall hold office for a period of two years until their successors are duly elected and
qualified in accordance with the by-laws. The notice of election of Directors shall be
given in the same manner as provided for in the case of meetings of members.
Immediately after their election, the Directors shall elect from among themselves, the
President of the Association.
SECTION 4. Board Meetings. The Board of Directors shall hold a meeting for
organization, immediately after their election, of which meeting no notice is required.
Thereafter, the Board of Directors shall hold regular meeting, twice a year at such time
and place as the NBD may prescribe. Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be
called by the President or by any three (3) Directors. Notice of all special meetings of
Directors shall be given at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date fixed for the meeting.
SECTION 5. Powers. The Board of Directors shall manage the business of the
association and shall have the general powers and authorities as herein described by these
by-laws or by statues of the Philippines conferred upon it. Without prejudice to such
general powers, the Board of Directors shall have the following specific powers:
a) From time to time to make and change rules and regulation for the efficient
management of the affairs, business or properties of the Association;
d) To borrow for the association and for such purpose to create, make an issue
mortgages, bonds, deeds of trust and negotiable instruments or securities,
secured by mortgage or pledge of property belonging to the Association;
e) To delegate from time to time, any powers of the NBD in the course of the
current business of the Association to any standing or special committee or to
any office or member and to appoint any member of the Association with
such powers, and upon such terms, as may be deemed fit.
SECTION 6. Minutes. Minutes of all meetings of the Board of Directors shall be kept
and carefully preserved as a record of the business transacted at such meetings. The
minutes shall contain such entries as may be legally proper and convenient.
1. President
2. VP for Luzon
3. VP for Visayas
4. VP for Mindanao
5. Secretary General
6. Treasurer
7. Auditor
8. Public Relations Officer
9. Business Manager
10. Sergeant at Arms (3)
The Vice Presidents shall be elected or nominated by and from among the Presidents of
the Assemblies in each respective zonal area (Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao).
During the NATCON, the President shall be elected by the members of the National
Board. The other officers shall be appointed by the President, such appointment shall be
concurred by the Board.
The officers to be appointed shall come from the members of the National Board. Upon
appointment they shall continue to hold their offices in their respective local assemblies.
The President of the Association shall be elected on a rotational basis from among the
three major island groups in the following sequence or order: Mindanao (current);
Visayas, Luzon. In the event that an island group waives its turn in the leadership
rotation, the group that is next in the sequence takes the Presidency.
SECTION 3. Election. Election of officers shall happen once in every two years, and
there must be a two-thirds (2/3) quorum of the Board of Directors for an election to be
valid. Proxy voting shall be allowed but never proxy election which means that no
President could be elected if he is absent during the proceeding.
However, the proxy must be an incumbent officer of good standing of the Assembly and
shall have to vote on his own volition and not merely to deliver a predetermined vote by
the absentee Board member;
SECTION 4. Term of Office of Officers. All officers of the association hold office
for two (2) years until their successors are duly elected and qualified. The new set of
officers shall assume office beginning the 1 st day of January of the year following their
a) Any and all officers may be removed from office for gross violation of the
constitution and by –laws or betrayal of the association’s trust;
SECTION 1. President. The President is the Chief Executive Officer of the Alumni
Association. He shall:
a. Preside over all meetings of the National Board and the National Assembly;
b. Appoint other officers of the National Assembly subject to confirmation by the
National Board;
c. Represent the Association in occasions, gatherings, and other activities;
d. Act as co-signatory with the Treasurer in all checks or money drawn out from the
funds of the NA;
e. Enforce all resolutions approved by the National Board;
f. Upon completion of his term, hand-over to the incoming President all official
documents, accounts, money and properties of the Association.
SECTION 2. Vice Presidents. They are the alter ego of the President in their respective
geographic areas. They shall ensure that the policies or resolutions adopted by the
National Board are disseminated to and observed or implemented by the assemblies in
their respective areas, and that the plans and activities across assemblies are coordinated.
They shall perform the duties and functions as maybe delegated to them by the President
or the National Board.
The Vice President from the island group (Mindanao, Visayas, Luzon) where the
incumbent President belongs shall perform the duties of the latter in case of his absence
or incapacity.
SECTION 3. Secretary General. The Secretary General heads the National Secretariat.
He shall:
a) In consultation with the President, run and manage the day to day operation of
the association;
b) Supervise and oversee the Committees, Article II infra;
c) Keep a record of the proceedings, meetings and sessions; keep on file all records
and documents of the NA;
d) Attend (circulation and receipt) to all correspondences; issues notices of meetings
and advisories on projects and activities of the NA;
e) Attest to certificates issued and contracts entered into by the NA;
f) Keep and regularly update the association’s membership roll;
g) Perform other responsibilities as may be assigned by the President or the
National Board.
SECTION 4. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall manage the financial affairs of the
association. He shall:
SECTION 6. Public Relations Officer. The PRO promotes the good image and
reputation of the Fraternity. He shall:
a) Issue press releases highlighting the achievements and activities of the NA;
b) Manage the Betan which is the official newsletter of the Fraternity;
c) Ensure that the programs, plans, and activities of the NA are published and made
known to the members;
d) Collaborate and liaises with other organizations and groups as may be directed by
the President or the National Board.
a) Plan, initiate, and pursue fund generation programs, projects, and activities for
the NA;
b) Hand-over to the Treasurer for accounting and recording the funds and assets
realized from said fund generation activities
c) Perform other responsibilities as may be assigned.
SECTION 8. Sergeant at Arms. The Sergeant at Arms shall be the keeper of the peace,
order, and discipline during meetings of the Executive Officers, National Board, and in
NA gatherings and activities.
SECTION 1. The Legal and Ethics Committee shall formulate and cause the adoption
of the Code of Conduct and Discipline of the NA. It shall also: act on legal and
disciplinary matters related to the affairs of the NA as well as of the members and
recommend appropriate actions to the President; review from time to time the provisions
of the Constitution and By-Laws and recommend amendments as may be needed and
necessary. This shall be headed by one of the Vice Presidents.
SECTION 2. The Business and Special Projects Committee shall design and
implement fund generation concepts and/or projects and activities of the NA. This shall
be headed by the Business Manager.
SECTION 3. The Finance and Budget Committee shall develop and put into place a
realistic and doable budget and finance operations system for the NA. It shall help the
Business and Special Projects Committee come up with sustainable fund generation
concepts and programs. This shall be headed by the Treasurer.
SECTION 4. The Political Affairs Committee shall develop a political program and
direction germane to the teachings and beliefs of the Fraternity. It shall undertake steps to
broaden and deepen the social and political consciousness of the assemblies and the
individual members. It shall serve as the Election Committee, ELECOM, during elections
and as such shall formulate pertinent election rules and procedures.
SECTION 5. The News and Communication Committee shall be the media team of
the NA. It shall be responsible for all media relations, publications of news items, and the
issuance of position papers on issues supported by the NA. This shall be headed by the
Public Relations Officer.
SECTION 6. The Aid and Welfare Committee shall develop a welfare aid program for
the NA and shall subsequently formulate the guidelines that will effectively cause the
adoption of said program.
SECTION 7. The Betaphil Affairs Committee shall establish and implement
working/coordination arrangements and mechanisms with the Betaphil consistent with
the relevant provisions of this Constitution and By-Laws.
SECTION 2. Board of Directors. The regular meeting of the Board of Directors shall be
held every six months at a time and place determined by said Board.
SECTION 4. Special Meeting. Special meeting may be called at any time by the
SECTION 5. Notices. Notices of the time and place of annual, regular and special
meetings of the members of the Board shall be given either personally or by special
delivery mail or by fax, at least fifteen (15) days before the date set for such meeting. The
notice of every special meeting shall state briefly the purpose of the meetings. No other
business shall be considered at such meeting except with the consent of all members
present thereat.
SECTION 6. Quorum. A quorum for any meeting of the members of the Board shall
consist of the members or their authorized representatives present, and a majority of such
quorum may decide any question at the meeting.
SECTION 7. Order of Business. The order of business at the annual meetings shall
be as follows:
a) Proof of service of the required notice of the meeting, except when such notice is
waived by the members constituting a quorum;
b) Proof of the presence of a quorum;
c) Reading and approval of the minutes of the previous annual meeting;
d) Unfinished business;
e) Report of the action of the Board of the Officers for the ensuing term as may be
f) Other matters.
SECTION 3. Right of Members. A member in good standing shall have the following
a) To exercise the right to vote on all matters relating to the affairs of the
b) To be eligible to any elected or appointive office of the association;
c) To participate in all deliberations/meetings of the association;
d) To avail of all the facilities of the association; and
e) To examine all the records or books of the association during business
SECTION 4. Should any member fail to pay his dues to his geographical assembly and
other dues or fees as maybe assessed, he shall be placed in a list of inactive members and
shall lose the rights described in the most immediate preceding section and other rights of
privileges provided in this by-laws. He may however, be reinstated after payment of all
overdue and current fees.
SECTION 5. Duties and Responsibilities of the Members. A member shall have the
following duties and responsibilities:
SECTION 1. Fund. The funds of the Association shall be derived from registration or
membership fees, annual dues and special assessments of members, gifts, donations,
grants or benefits. The Assemblies shall be assessed a one-time registration/recognition
fee of Pesos 5,000 and thereafter an annual fee of Pesos 5,000.
SECTION 2. Fees and Dues. On or before February 15 of each year, every regular
member shall pay his annual dues, amount of which shall be as determined and
prescribed by the respective Assemblies.
SECTION 3. Disbursements. Withdrawal from the funds of the association, whether
by check or any other instrument shall be signed by the Treasurer and countersigned by
the President. If necessary, the Board of Directors may designate other signatories.
SECTION 5. Mutual Benefit Fund. The assembly shall adopt and implement an Aid
and Welfare Program as may be packaged and defined by the Board.
SECTION 6. External Audit. As maybe needed and or upon the request of any member
of the National Board, the services of an External Auditor may be engaged to review and
determine the correctness of financial records, statement and reports and the
appropriateness of the management and financial practices of the Board and the Officers.
SECTION 7. Turn-over of Funds. Within one month following the expiration of the
term of office, the outgoing President and Treasurer shall turn-over the Assembly funds
including an audited financial statement which includes records of revenues, and
disbursements for the entire term of office served to the incoming President and officers.
SECTION 1. The Resident Beta Sigmans shall be the resident organization of the
Assemblies and as such the latter shall establish ties and relationships with the former
founded on shared responsibility and common adherence to existing laws, rules and
regulations especially the Anti- Hazing Law. The Assemblies, when requested, may
provide guidance, assistance, and support to the Resident Beta Sigmans towards the
development of vibrant and self-reliant school chapters.
SECTION 2. A representative of the BETA-PHIL shall sit in the National Board and as
such shall enjoy the rights and privileges of a member of the Board, i.e. attend meetings,
participate in the deliberations, etc. except the right to vote.
SECTION 1. The National Assembly recognizes other organizations associated with the
Beta Sigma Fraternity, e.g. Sigma Beta Sorority, Ladies Corps, Betan Elite, Black Secret.
Extent and scope of operational relationship shall be on such terms and conditions agreed
upon with each individual organization.
SECTION 2. The act of nominating and awarding an honorary membership shall rest
with a school-based alumni association. At least two alumni members shall nominate or
indorse the supposed awardee.
SECTION 3. An honorary member shall have the same duties and responsibilities as that
of a regular Betan and shall enjoy the same rights and privileges except the right to vote
in any election, to hold an elective office, and to participate in initiations.
SECTION 1. Form. The corporate seal of the association shall be in such form and
design as may be determined by the Board
The present officers of the National Assembly and the Regional Assemblies both elected
and appointed shall continue to hold office up to December 2015 by which time the
Officers and Directors in accordance with this by-laws shall have been elected. For
purposes of harmony, a synchronized election of the officers of the Assemblies shall
happen not later than September 30, 2015 in time for the election of national officers in
October 2015.