IJPHRDValidityandRealiability PDF
IJPHRDValidityandRealiability PDF
IJPHRDValidityandRealiability PDF
Validity and Realiability Test of The Indonesian Version for Diabetes Quality of
Life -Brief Clinical Inventory
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Objective: To test the validity and reliability of the Indonesian version of diabetes quality of life-brief
clinical inventory (DQoL-BCI).
Methods: A cross-cultural adaptation was performed using forward and backward translation. Validity and
reliability tests were conducted at Public Health Center (PHC) in Yogyakarta with 75 adult type 2 diabetes
(T2D) patients. Content validity and construct validity were conducted. The reliability test was assessed by
internal consistency.
Results: The average age was 60years and most respondents were female with high school education and
unemployment. The results showed content validity index (CVI) score were 0.80-1.00 and 0.90 for item
and scale, respectively. The correlation among items indicated moderate association (r = 0.255-0.581). The
EFA resulted in the KMO 0.633, Bartlett test 310.604, p = 0.000, and total variance of explained QoL was
64.22%. Cronbach alpha of the Indonesian version of DQoL-BCI was 0.735, indicated adequate result.
Conclusion: The Indonesian version of DQoL-BCI is a reliable and valid instrument to assess health related
quality of life on T2D patients.
The items CVI resulted a range between 0.80-1.00 for the responses.
and the scale CVI was 0.90. The experts suggested
Moreover, the expert advised to provide an
modifying the sequence of questions regarding the type
explanation and examples for several items (1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7,
of responses. We modified the original question order
13, and 14) of Indonesian DQoL-BCI beside the original
to Indonesian DQoL-BCI (#3→#10, #4→#11, #5→#3,
question to avoid confusedness during completing the
#6→#4, #7→#12, #8→#5, #10→#13, #11→#6,
questionnaire because it was self-reported questionnaire
#12→#14, #13→#15, #14→#7, #15→#8, item no
(Table 1). The pilot testing on 10 respondents indicated
#1, #2, and #9 were in the same order). The first eight
that they all agreed that the instrument was easy to
questions used responses of very satisfied, satisfied and
understand and required an 11 minutes to complete.
soon while the rest items used never, very seldom etc.
Diabetes treatment includes physical activity, diabetes education, medication, smoking cessation, avoiding alcohol,
maintaining a diet and monitoring blood sugar.
To manage diabetes, it is required proper diabetes management. This activities can be carried out in PHC, NCD
community services or the nearest health care facilities.
Exercise shoul acomplish for at least 150 minutes/week with moderate intensity i.e. cycling, jogging, walking, brisk
walking or aerobic.
Diabetes can cause sexual problems. Male diabetes patients could have erectile dysfunction and premature
ejaculation while females have problems on unstable sexual mood, orgasm, and itchying in genital area.
Diabetes treatment can be a family burden. It icludes more time, energy, costs, thoughts and feelings related to
diabetes management.
#7 Diabetes checkups include blood sugar monitoring, regular, foot, eyes examinations and others.
#13 Pain related to diabetes treatment is resulted by insulin injection, collecting blood samples, and diabetic wound care.
#14 Physically ill includes pain, heat, fever, tingling, body discomfort due to treatment and management of diabetes
The r table was determined as 0.227 and the outcome of Pearson test showed r= 0.255-0.581, indicated greater
results if it compared with the r table. The EFA result in the KMO 0.633, Bartlett test 310.604, and p = 0.000. Total
variance of explained QoL was 64.22% (Table 2).
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, Jan-March 2021, Vol. 12, No. 1 437
Loading 0.58 0.71 0.68 0.54 0.58 0.72 0.72 0.53 0.67 0.63 0.43 0.74 0.69 0.67 0.72
AIC 0.62 0.79 0.60 0.59 0.75 0.61 0.68 0.72 0.61 0.50 0.53 0.70 0.46 0.70 0.53
AIC=anti-image correlation
The Cronbach Alpha coeficient for the Indonesian the example for specific terminology (i.e. diabetes pain
DQoL-BCI was 0.735. The correlation for inter-item due to insulin injection, collecting blood samples, and
and item-total were -0.233 to 0.578 and 0.124 to 0.463. diabetic wound care). Then, there was no question
among the 10 respondents in pilot phase. The filling time
Discussion on Indonesian version of DQoL-BCI was quite similar
This study highlights the validity and reliability with the Malaysian2 and Iranian version3, in which they
outcomes of the Indonesian version of DQoL-BCI. required 10-15 minutes to complete the questionnaire. It
Our study finding indicated the acceptable outcome of is relatively short time in filling a full questionnaire and
psychometric testing for Indonesian version of DQoL- makes the DQoL-BCI applicable in clinical settings as
BCI among Indonesian T2D patients. The findings of well as research purpose1,9.
CVI for Indonesian version of DQoL-BCI were similar
The EFA results of the Indonesian version of
with Iranian3 and Greek version5. In Iranian version,
DQoL-BCI showed acceptable outcomes with explained
the review of six experts resulted item CVI value in
variance of 64.22%. It is unsurprisingly because the
the range of 0.78-0.94, scale CVI of 0.84, and content
previous methodological studies in Iranian3 and Greek5
validity ratio (CVR) of 1.0083. On the other hands, the
diabetes patients indicate the similar trend. The Iranian
Greek version of DQoL-BCI indicated that item CVI
version of DQoL-BCI showed higher KMO value
scores were between 0.73 and 1.00, scale CVI was 0.87
(0.712) and resulted the three factors. This version of
and CVR was 1.007 after five diabetes expert review5.
DQoL-BCI also confirmed that there were three construct
The pilot testing on 10 diabetic patients showed a factors in DQoL-BCI; (a) diabetes complication, (b)
full agreement that the Indonesian version of DQoL-BCI therapy, follow up, and diagnosis, and (c) psychosocial
is understandable and required an average of 11 minutes effect of diabetes, and indicated adequacy results of the
for filling all items. The full agreement was achieve three constructed factors3. The three construct factors
because the DQoL-BCI was added by addendum and were also found in the Greek version of DQoL-BCI with
438 Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, Jan-March 2021, Vol. 12, No. 1
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Conflict of Interest: None instrument development in health care research.
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Funding: The faculty of Medicine, Public Health,
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