Module Ii. Measurement of Humidity

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Lesson 1 Concept, Terms and


Lesson 2 Methods of Humidity


Lesson 3 Selection of a Type of




The presence or absence of water vapour in air or other gas influences a

vast range of physical, chemical and biological processes. Humidity measurements
are important for a wide range of industries and to some they are a critical aspect
of business costs, product quality, and health and safety. There are many different
techniques for measuring humidity. The subject is also complicated by the
confusing variety of ways of expressing humidity. As for other fields of
measurement, a consistent and harmonised approach to humidity measurement is
increasingly important, as is a common understanding of humidity terms and
definitions. Humidity is a relatively difficult quantity to measure in practice, and
the accuracy achievable is not as good as for many other areas of measurement.
For example, the mass of objects can be found by weighing in a typical laboratory
to within one part in 100 000. Similarly, atmospheric pressures can often be
measured to within five parts in 10, 000. Humidity, however, can commonly be
measured to only about three parts in 100, i.e. with an uncertainty in the result of
±3 percent. To make a reliable humidity measurement at any given level of
accuracy, it is necessary to use an appropriate measuring technique in a sound way.
To do so, one must be able to define the measurement task, select a suitable
method of measurement by a reliable calibration, carry out the measurement
correctly without introducing errors, and interpret the result of the measurement.


Upon completion of this module, you should be able to do the ff.:

1. Demonstrate knowledge about humidity measurements as to its principle,

terms and definitions, importance and applications.

2. Demonstrate the ability to use the psychrometric chart and the Sling
Psychrometer in measuring moist air properties.

3. Identify the different humidity measuring instruments and measurement

methods in terms of their operating principle,specific applications, parts
and components, their strength, weaknesses and limitations.


The word "humidity"
denotes the presence of water
vapour in air or other gas. Water
vapour is the gaseous form of
water, and can be thought of
much like any other kind of gas.
It is normally transparent, and
makes up about one hundredth
(or one percent) of the air around
us. Humidity arises in practice
because, in the same way that
hot water gives off steam, so
water at lower temperatures -
including ice - also gives off water
vapour. Wherever there is water
or ice, there is evaporation (or its
opposite, condensation). The
extent to which this happens
depends upon a number of
factors, the most important of
which is temperature. Similarly,
other liquid or solid materials -
most of which have some water
content - will give off (or
sometimes soak up) water
vapour. Of
course, water vapour can also be found in
Figure 3.1 Saturation vapour
pressure of places where there is no liquid or solid water increases with
temperature. nearby, for example in remote parts of the Earth's atmosphere.

The air that contains its full capacity of water vapour, is said to be "saturated". The
"relative humidity" of the air expresses how fully saturated it is with water vapour.
A variety of other ("absolute") measures are used to express how much water vapour
is actually present (irrespective of temperature or level of saturation).
Definitions and units
Some vocabulary specific to humidity (and other common words with
specialised meanings in this context) are as follows:
Absorption-The retention (of water vapour) by penetration into the bulk of
a material.
Adsorption-The retention (of water vapour) as a surface layer on a material.

Condensate-This refers to the condensed material, e.g. liquid water or ice.

Desorption- -This refers to the release of adsorbed or absorbed substance.

Desiccant-This refers to any substance which exerts a drying action by
chemically absorbing water vapour.
Dewpoint Temperature- Dewpoint temperature is the air temperature at
which the moist air saturates respect to water at a given pressure. The
dewpoint temperature is usually equal to or lower than the actual air
temperature. The temperature at which moist air saturates with respect to
ice is called the frost point temperature. The unit of these temperatures is
Dry-bulb temperature-This refers to the measured air temperature, usually
paired with a "wet-bulb" temperature to derive a value of relative humidity.
Humidity. - This refers to the presence of water vapour in air or other gas.
Some people use "humidity'' to mean relative humidity only. Strictly
speaking, "humidity" also refers to all kinds of absolute indications of
humidity. For very low humidities, other more specific terms to be used.
Hygrometer- This refers to the any instrument for measuring humidity
Hygrometry- The subject of humidity measurement
Hygroscopic-Tending to absorb water vapour.

Inert gas - chemically nonreactive gas, such as nitrogen, helium, argon,

Moisture-Commonly used to refer to liquid water or water vapour in any
form. Moisture" is also the term particularly used to mean water that is·
absorbed or bound into any material.
Saturation Vapor Pressure- Saturation vapour pressure is the vapour
pressure that is in a thermodynamic equilibrium with the surface of water
or ice, expressed in kPa,Pa or Psi.
Wet-bulb temperature-The temperature indicated by a thermometer
sheathed in wet wicking, and influenced by the rate of evaporation from the
wicking. Usually paired with a "dry-bulb" temperature to derive a value of
relative humidity.

Definitions of measured quantities

Absolute humidity. The mass of water vapour present in unit volume of
moist air of a given temperature and pressure. SI (metric) units are grams
of water per cubic metre of air (g /m3 ).

Dewpoint (or dew-point temperature).The temperature at which dew, or

condensation, forms, on cooling a gas. This is, in effect, the temperature at
which air becomes saturated in equilibrium with water. Expressed in degrees

Celsius (0C) or occasionally in other units of temperature (e.g. in degrees
Fahrenheit ( °F) in USA).
Enthalpy (of humid gas). Measure of the total energy in a humid gas.
Enthalpy is a function of the gas temperature and pressure, and of the
moisture content, since water absorbs energy on changing from condensed
state to vapour. Enthalpy is a useful concept in air conditioning, where it is
important to know how much of the "stored" energy will be consumed, or
released, when the temperature or water content is raised, or lowered.
Enthalpy of a gas can be defined as the sum of "sensible" and "latent" heat
for each component in the gas. Values of enthalpy are conventionally
expressed relative to a datum point (i.e. a zero or base line). For a dry gas,
this is normally the heat content at 0 °C. For water vapour, the enthalpy is
usually expressed relative to the heat content of liquid water at 0.01 °C.
Expressed in terms of energy per quantity of dry gas, i.e. kilojoules per
kilogram (kJ/kg) (or other units, for example British thermal units per
pound, Btu/lb.).
Equilibrium relative humidity (ERH) (over a substance). The value of
relative humidity of the air at which there is no net exchange of moisture
with any nearby substance. This is used for indirectly indicating or
controlling the condition of moisture-sensitive substances such as paper.
Expressed as a percentage (%).
Frost point (or frost-point temperature). The temperature at which frost
forms on cooling a gas. This is, in effect, the temperature at which air is
saturated in equilibrium with ice. It is the exact counterpart to dew point
(though values differ). Expressed in degrees Celsius, °C, or occasionally in
other units of temperature, i.e.
in degrees Fahrenheit (°F), in USA.
Latent heat. Heat stored in a substance but not directly related to its
temperature. For example, heat is stored in a gas because this heat was
originally supplied to evaporate it. "Latent" means "hidden". Expressed in
energy per unit mass of substance, i.e. joules per kilogram (J/kg ).
. Mixing ratio. Mass of water vapour per unit mass of dry air with which it is
associated. It is a dimensionless ratio, but is often expressed in grams of
water per kilogram of dry gas (gv/ kgda) or in other units of mass.
Moisture content. A humidity term best reserved for general descriptive or
qualitative use only. Use of this term to identify a measured quantity should
be avoided, as there is a risk of confusion because "moisture content" has
been used in the past to mean both mixing ratio and specific humidity:
Moisture content is also a term particularly used to refer to the proportion
of water held in liquids or solids.
Mole. Amount of substance which contains as many elementary entities as there
are atoms in 12 grams of carbon 12. Expressed in moles (symbol, mol).
Mole fraction .The mole fraction of a component is the ratio of the amount
(number of moles) of that component to the total amount of substance
present. Expressed as a dimensionless ratio.

Partial pressure (of water vapour). The part of the overall pressure exerted by
the water vapour component in a gas. Expressed in units of pressure such as
Pascals (Pa) or in multiples; kilopascals (kPa) or Megapascals (MPa), with
non-SI alternatives such as millibar (mbar) or millimetres of mercury
(mmHg). 100 Pa= 1 mbar""' 0.75 mmHg.
Relative humidity. The ratio of the actual vapour pressure to the saturation
vapour pressure over a plane liquid water surface at the same temperature,
expressed as a percentage. This is commonly understood when the term "X
percent relative humidity" is used. For actual vapour pressure, e, and
saturation vapour pressure,

USAGE: The phrase "relative humidity" is commonly

abbreviated RH although this is not a recognised abbreviation.
Values of relative humidity are commonly expressed in units
of percent relative humidity (%rh).
Saturation Vapour Pressure (of water). The maximum pressure of water
vapour that can exist at a given temperature. Expressed in units of pressure
e.g. in pascals (Pa), or in non-SI units such as millibars (mbar) or millimetres
of mercury (mm Hg).
Sensible heat (of a gas) .Energy that resides in a gas according to its
temperature. Expressed in terms of energy per mass of gas, e.g. in joules
per kilogram (J/kg), or equivalent units.
Specific humidity. The mass of water vapour per unit mass of humid air.
May be expressed as a dimensionless ratio, or in grams of water per
kilograms of humid gas (g/kg ) or in kilograms per kilogram (kg/ kg ).
Vapour pressure. The part of the total pressure contributed by the water
vapour. Expressed in units of pressure e.g. in Pascal’s (Pa), or in non-metric
units such as millibars (mbar) or millimetres of mercury (mm Hg).
Water activity (of a substance) .Water activity (aw) is the relative
humidity which is eventually reached in a closed space where a hygroscopic
substance, such as a foodstuff, has been placed. It is the same as equilibrium
relative humidity (ERH). Except that it is expressed on a scale of 0 to 1 (no
units), instead of 0% to 100%. Water activity is particularly used in
connection with foodstuffs.

Significance of Temperature and Pressure for Humidity Measurement

The effects of temperature on humidity measurement
The effect of temperature on humidity is highly significant. Failure
to take this into account can sometimes lead to errors so large that the
measurement is meaningless. In many situations, the largest single source

of uncertainty in a humidity measurement is the effect of temperature
differences from place to place in the process, room or chamber. The
importance of considering the temperature effects carefully cannot be
overstated when relative humidity is the parameter of interest.

Temperature and instruments. All hygrometers have some temperature

dependence. In some instruments (such as well-designed psychrometers and
condensation hygrometers) the effects may be small, but this is not always
true. In instruments which rely on an electronic sensor, the effect of
temperature is almost always significant. However some instruments have
temperature compensation built in. In general, calibration at the
temperature of use (or close to it) is essential.
Temperature and condensation. One common cause of error in humidity
measurement is the occurrence of unwanted condensation. Condensation
can occur at cold spots which are below the dew point of the gas. In sampling
sy8tems, any condensation totally invalidates the sampling process, since it
changes the water vapour content of the gas. To prevent condensation,
sample systems should always be kept at a temperature above the maximum
dew point, by heating them if necessary.

Temperature and absorption or desorption of water. Many materials

contain moisture as part of their structure; particularly organic materials,
salts, and anything which has small pores. The quantity of water in these
materials depends on the humidity of the surrounding gas, and on the
temperature. When the temperature changes, water migrates from the
material to the surrounding gas or vice versa. Like condensation, this can
cause changes in the measured humidity. However, unlike condensation,
there is not usually a critical temperature: whenever the temperature
changes, water moves between the material and the gas. When measuring
low dew points, desorption or absorption of water vapour as the
temperature changes can produce very large errors in measurement. Even
in normal ambient conditions, absorption or desorption can begin to be
significant, depending on the type of material.
Temperature and saturation vapour pressure of water. The saturation
vapour pressure of water depends strongly on temperature. Near room
temperature, the air's capacity to hold water vapour doubles for every 10
°C increase in temperature. The steepness of this variation gradually
changes across the temperature range. · At 80 °C the saturation vapour
pressure doubles for every 20 °C rise. · At -60 °C the saturation vapour
pressure doubles for only 5C rise in temperature.

Temperature and relative humidity. Relative humidity is highly dependent

on temperature especially so because vapour pressure appears twice in the
formula for relative humidity.

where e is the water vapour pressure, and e, is the saturation vapour
pressure at the prevailing ambient temperature.)
Roughly speaking, at room temperature, a change in dew point of 1 °C
corresponds to a change in relative humidity of 6 percent of the relative
humidity value. For example at 50 %rh, an uncertainty in dew point of ±1
°C corresponds to an uncertainty of ±3 %rh. A change of 1 °C in the
measurement of the ambient temperature has almost exactly the same
significance. Overall, a useful rule of thumb is that ±1 °C uncertainty in
either dew point or temperature leads to an uncertainty of ±6 percent of
the relative humidity value.

The effects of pressure on humidity measurement

Since all measurements of humidity stem from the measurement of
a vapour pressure of water, it follows that variations in overall pressure of
the gas system may have an effect on the measured humidity. Throughout
this Guide, the values of pressure are given in absolute terms (atmospheric
pressure being 101325 Pa, or 1013 mbar), and not in "gauge" pressures
(where atmospheric pressure would have a value of zero).
In, a gas mixture such as room air, the total pressure P(total) of the system
can be expressed as the sum of partial pressures:

It therefore follows that if any of the partial pressures of the component

gases varies the total pressure P(total) will vary. Also, if the total system
pressure is changed either by compression or expansion, each of the
component partial pressures will changed by a similar factor to P
This basic rule can be applied to any measure of humidity to predict the
effect of changes in either component or overall pressures. Below are
some simple examples showing the effect of pressure change.
Effect of doubling pressure on a relative humidity of 40 % rh at constant
temperature, without changing composition. Relative humidity is
expressed as a ratio of vapour pressures (the actual vapour pressure relative
to the saturation vapour pressure). Doubling P(total) will yield a similar
doubling of P(water)· If the saturation vapour pressure remains unchanged (i.e.
if temperature is unchanged) then a relative humidity of 40 %rh would be
doubled to 80 %rh.
As a general approximate rule, the actual relative humidity value can be
multiplied by the fractional change in total system pressure to give the
resultant value of relative humidity. (Where the result exceeds 100 %rh,
condensation will occur.
Effect of doubling system pressure on mixing ratio, without changing
composition. The mixing ratio ·of water in a gas system is simply the ratio
of the mass of the water vapour to the mass of the dry gas. If any gas is
compressed or expanded without adding or removing components, then the
mass of all components is unchanged. . Therefore the mixing ratio is

unaltered by the pressure change. This can also be deduced from the fact
that the definition, of mixing ratio does not involve pressure or
temperature. The rule is similar for other dimensionless measures of
concentration (those expressed in mass per unit mass, or volume per unit
volume), such as mole fraction and specific humidity, including cases where
these are expressed in terms of parts per million.

Effect of doubling system pressure on dew-point temperature, without

changing composition. The dew-point temperature of a system is directly
related to the water vapour pressure of that system. From equation (3) it
can be seen that a doubling of total pressure P (total)· will yield a doubling of
the water vapour pressure,
For example, for a system of pure water vapour with a dew point of+ 10 °C,
the water vapour pressure is about 1228 Pa. If the system pressure is
doubled, the resultant water vapour pressure will be 2 x 1228 = 2456 Pa,
which equates to a dewpoint temperature of about +20.8 °C.


Direct and indirect approach.

The different measures and units for humidity measurement are all
interrelated, some of them as functions of temperature and pressure as well
as moisture content. This means that there is often a choice of which
humidity parameter to measure. Relative humidity in particular can be
measured directly using some kinds of instrument, but can also be derived
indirectly from measurements of temperature and dew point (or other
absolute measures of humidity).
Operating principles of various hygrometers
Humidity influences a vast range of physical, chemical and biological
processes. It follows from this that there are many kinds of humidity-related
effects which can be exploited to indicate changes in humidity. Descriptions
of some of the most important methods for measuring humidity are given
below, broadly in order of prevalence.
Mechanical hygrometers. Mechanical hygrometers exploit the expansion
and contraction of organic materials with changes in humidity. The sensing
element may be human hair, catgut, goldbeater's skin (cow's intestine),
textile or plastic. Changes in length are amplified through the action of
levers to move a pointer on .a dial, or a pen recording on a chart.
Ornamental "weather house" hygrometers - where the figure of a man or
woman appears depending on the humidity - also operate on this principle.
Wet- and dry-bulb (psychrometer). A wet- and dry-bulb hygrometer
consists of two matched temperature sensors over which humid air is drawn.
One sensor is enclosed in a porous medium (wick or "wet sock") which is
maintained wet by capillary action from a reservoir of water. Water
evaporates from the wick at a rate related to the humidity of the air. The
evaporation causes the wet sensor to be chilled. The temperatures of the
wet and dry sensors are used to calculate the humidity of the air.
Alternatively the humidity can be found from a set of lookup tables. Some
forms of psychrometer are equipped with automatic calculation of humidity
from the temperature readings, so that relative humidity or dew point may
be read directly. An aspirated psychrometer with a fan for adequate air flow
over the thermometers is the recommended basis for this measurement.
Other approaches, such as Mason's (non-aspirated) psychrometers and
whirling (hand aspirated) psychrometers, are less successful realizations of
this principle and are prone to errors, as are "homemade" psychrometers .
Electrical impedance (capacitive or resistive). This general type of sensor
is fabricated from a hygroscopic material, the electrical properties of which
alter as it absorbs water molecules. Changes in humidity are measured as a
change in the sensor's electrical capacitance or resistance or some
combination of the two. The majority of modern impedance sensors use

thin-film technology. Electrical hygrometers are often portable and
compact. The common form of this instrument is a small wand-shaped probe
connected by a cable (or directly attached) to the main body of the
instrument. Specially shaped probes are often available for particular
purposes. They are often equipped with a filter to protect against
contamination. (Response times are faster, though, without this protection.)
Impedance hygrometers are usually also fitted with a temperature sensor.
Readings are displayed directly, sometimes with a choice of units (e.g.
relative humidity or dew point), and output of an electrical signal (e.g.
analogue voltage) may also be available.
There are several distinct types of electrical sensors.
Capacitive sensors respond most closely to relative humidity, rather than
dew point, with best linearity at low relative humidities. In general
capacitive sensors are not damaged by condensation (i.e. relative humidity
of 100 %rh), though calibration may shift as a result. ·
Resistive sensors respond most closely to relative humidity, rather than
dew point. Linearity of resistive sensors is best at high humidities. Most
resistive sensors cannot tolerate condensation. However, some are
"saturation guarded", with automatic heating to prevent condensation. One
type of resistive sensor is sometimes referred to as "electrolytic" because of
the use of a polyelectrolyte as the hygroscopic element of the sensor. This
should not be confused with electrolytic sensors which use electrolysis as
the sensing mechanism .
Dew-point type impedance sensors are a special case of impedance
hygrometer, used to measure in absolute units rather than relative humidity.
Following a similar general principle, the sensor may feature aluminium
oxide or other metal oxides, or a silicon base for the active element. This
type of sensor responds to the partial pressure of water vapour. Commonly
the signal is converted into other absolute units, resulting in values
displayed by the instrument in dew point or parts per million by volume.
These sensors can have a wide range of measurement, including very dry

Dew-point temperature can be measured by cooling a sample of gas
until condensation appears, and observing the temperature at which this
happens. In an optical dew-point hygrometer, condensation in the form ",Jf
dew or frost is induced on a small mirror within the instrument. The onset
of condensation is sensed optically, by detecting changes in how the mirror
reflects or scatters light. The reading may be recorded at the instant of
condensation, or the mirror may be held at that temperature and a
continuous reading obtained. Designs vary, with some in probe form, while
others employ sampling through a tube. While the probes may be reasonably
compact, the main body of the instrument is usually relatively large, and
not portable. Readings are displayed as a dew-point temperature, and

output is usually also available in electronic signal form. Other (non-optical)
condensation dew-point sensors detect condensation electrically, or by
other methods such as the change in frequency of a resonating quartz

Saturated lithium chloride

The sensing medium, which is a hygroscopic salt, absorbs water from
the air. An electrical voltage is applied across the salt and a current passes
according to the amount of water vapour that has been absorbed. At the
same time, the current also heats the salt. Eventually a balance is achieved
between the absorption and the heating. The temperature at which this
occurs is related to the water vapour pressure. The instrument is usually in
probe form, with readings displayed in terms of dew point.

Electrolytic (phosphorous pentoxide)

The sensor consists of a film of powerful desiccant, phosphorus
pentoxide (P2 05 ), which strongly absorbs water vapour from the surrounding
gas. A voltage is applied across the P 2 05, and electrolysis takes place,
dissociating the water into its constituents - hydrogen and oxygen. The
current that flows in this process is related (by Faraday's Law) to the amount
of water electrolysed. Thus the value of current indicates the humidity of
the gas being measured. These sensors are suitable for measuring very low
humidities, though they require a steady (known) flow rate of gas. This
instrument measures water concentration by volume, with readings
displayed in one of the absolute units, such as parts per million by volume
or vapour pressure. It is normally used in a flow sampling configuration,
rather than in probe form.

In general, a spectroscopic technique is one where the composition
of a gas mixture is found by analysing how substances absorb (or emit) light
of particular wavelengths or frequencies. Every chemical substance has a
characteristic frequency "signature", and these may lie in the ultraviolet or
infrared parts of the spectrum. Spectroscopic measurement can be a useful
approach if concentrations of other substances are to be measured, as well
as that of water vapour. The spectroscopic technique used for high or
moderate humidities is based on infrared absorbance. Water absorbs
infrared radiation at several wavelengths in the range 1 µm to 10 µm. The
intensity of transmitted radiation is measured at one of these wavelengths
and compared with that for a reference wavelength, using a photocell for
detection. The amount of this radiation absorbed by the gas is proportional
to the spatial concentration (or partial pressure) of water vapour.
Spectroscopic techniques can also used to measure extremely low

concentrations of water vapour, reportedly down to a few parts per billion
(ppb, i.e. parts in one thousand million).


Identifying measurement needs

To ensure "fitness for purpose" it must be clear first of all what is the
purpose. Is a humidity measurement needed at all? If so, what use is it to the
business or process? To be useful, how should the results be expressed? Is the
measurement to meet a practical need, or to comply with a documented
specification (and is the specification meaningful and realistic?). Once the need
and aim of making the measurement is clear, it is important to decide what factors
are relevant to achieving this aim. The user should consider the following issues.
Measurements required
Relative or absolute. Which unit or scale of measurement? The quantity of
interest may be relative humidity, dew point, or some other measure of the
concentration of water vapour.
Range (humidity and other variables). Different types of measurement are
suited to different ranges of humidity. It is best to avoid using an instrument
at the upper or lower extreme of its range of measurement. Ranges of
temperature, flow rate, and pressure or vacuum also need to be specified
in order to select the best instrument.
Performance. - It is worth deciding if any particular performance
characteristics are important for the application in question. There may be
a need to set criteria for sensitivity, stability (in terms of repeatability or
reproducibility), uncertainty, response time, resolution, linearity or
Output, readout. The humidity result may simply be shown as a number on
a digital display, or on a numbered scale. It may be given as an electrical
voltage or current signal (analogue output). Several parameters or units of
humidity may be shown, together with temperature. Readings may be given
continuously or at intervals. The instrument may record readings on a paper

Instrument format and usage

Configuration. A hygrometer may be hand held, or mounted in a duct or on
a wall, used on a bench top or under some other arrangement. It may need
to be mounted in a particular orientation. The sensor may be housed in a
remote probe (which may be specially shaped to suit a particular purpose),
or it may be located in the main body of the instrument. It may be powered
by battery, by mains electricity, or may need no electrical supply at all.
Sampling. Sampling is an important issue in all humidity measurement. The
sampling approach maybe that of "immersion", where the instrument sits
wholly or partly in the environment to be measured; or the gas may be
"sampled" by extracting it to the instrument through a tube.

Type of gas. In gases other than air, chemical compatibility may be an
issue. Calibration specific to the gas in question may be required.
Materials of construction. Aside from considering the hygroscopic nature
of materials, other aspects of suitability may need to be addressed. Some
materials may be chemically incompatible with the environment of interest.
Materials may be unacceptable for other reasons, such as avoidance of
plastics and glass for reasons of hygiene or safety.
Ease of use. Some hygrometers are straightforward to use. Others require
some skill
Error detection. Some hygrometers warn the user of errors in the
instrument itself, or of incorrect usage, for example if the proper humidity
range is exceeded, or if the batteries are running low.
Use for control or monitoring. In some cases the user simply needs to
measure humidity. In others, the humidity measurement is fed into a process
of control of humidity. If so, then access to the electrical output in some
form is usually necessary. For use in control of humidity, the response time
and the degree of hysteresis are usually important.
Hazardous areas. In areas where there is some hazard, such as an explosive
atmosphere, suitable precautions must be taken. For example, extraction
of sample gas to remote probes may reduce the risk in some cases, while
other sensors can be designed to be "intrinsically safe", by limiting the
electrical power to a level low enough that it cannot ignite the atmosphere.
Where this is a concern, an appropriate certification of intrinsic safety
should be sought.
End use. Humidity itself may be of interest, or humidity may be used as an
indication of the moisture content of other solid or liquid substances. If so,
it may give no more than a very indirect indication of the actual content,
though ERH and water activity are proper indications in a different way of
the condition or equilibrium of materials with the environment.

Cost and upkeep

Cost. Some methods are more expensive than others, and the best method
need not be the most expensive one. When comparing different prices for
the same type of instrument, variations may reflect the provision of special
features, or may simply be an indication of differences in quality. As well as
the initial expense, lifespan, maintenance and calibration costs need to be
taken into account.
Calibration. Method of calibration, and ease of doing so, should be
considered even when there does not appear to be a call for highly accurate
results. "Field" or in-situ methods of calibration are more readily available
for some hygrometer types than for others.
Robustness. Both hygrometer sensors and casings vary in their robustness
against condensation, drying out, temperature extremes, dust, chemical or
other contamination, vibration, or even simple handling.

Quality, reliability, lifespan. Quality is not always easy to judge. Aside
from general impressions, compliance with a quality accreditation or
published standard specification may be some indication. When choosing a
"brand name", a manufacturer that specialises in hygrometers may be a
better choice than one making a wide variety of instruments.
Recommendations from other users may be the best guide. Some types of
hygrometer tend to have a long lifespan; others less so.
Versatility. If more than one kind of use is envisaged, the adaptability of
the hygrometer should be borne in mind.
Interchangeability. It may be desirable to have a set of hygrometers which
can be used interchangeably, or to substitute other probes for use with the
main body of the hygrometer. It may be necessary to replace components
of the sensor which might fail. In any of these cases, it is important to
consider how interchangeable the instruments or components really are.
Interchangeability is best ensured by calibration against a consistent
reference. However, replacing a key component of an instrument may
invalidate its previous calibration.
Maintenance .Some types of hygrometer need routine cleaning,
regeneration, or replacement of parts.
Availability of spares. It may be worth knowing about spare parts; whether
they can be fitted by the user, and whether they are freely available locally
and quickly. Any consumable supplies, such as charts, should be available
and clearly coded or identified, as they are not always interchangeable.
After-sales service. The availability of a warranty, or of a good
maintenance or service contract may be a factor in the decision.

Related Links: ACTIVITY .

ME 144 ME Laboratory 1

I. Objective:
1. To study and learn how to use Sling Psychrometer.
2. To study the principles of psychrometrics and its importance and
applications in mechanical engineering.

II. Theory and Analysis:

Discuss the history, principles and importance of psychrometrics.
Discuss the principle of operation of different air humidity
measuring instruments.

III. Equipment, Instruments and Apparatuses:

Describe and discuss the principles of operation of a sling psychrometer
and a psychrometric chart.

IV. Drawing/Set up:

Make an actual drawing of the sling psychrometer available in the
laboratory. Label the parts, give the specifications.

V. Procedure:
1. Examine the construction and parts and learn how to use the
sling psychrometer available in the laboratory.
2. Wet the wick (attached cloth) with water on one of the
thermometer bulbs of the sling psychrometer.
3. Whirl the instrument in the air for about three minutes then
record the readings of the two thermometers. The reading from
the thermometer with wet wick is recorded as wet bulb
temperature while that of the thermometer without the wet
wick is dry bulb temperature.
4. Measure the air temperatures in outdoor, indoor without
occupants and indoor with occupants making three trials each.
5. Compute the different psychrometric properties of the air based
on the average dry bulb and average wet bulb temperatures
obtained from the instrument.
6. Determine the same air properties using the psychrometric chart.
7. Tabulate the results then study and compare the properties
computed against the properties determined from the
psychrometric chart.
8. Compute the percentage error between the computed values
against the values read from the psychrometric chart.

VI. Data and Results:

A. Sling Psychrometer Readings:

OUTDOOR, OC (Without (With Occupants)
Wet Bulb
Dry Bulb Wet Bulb Dry Bulb Wet Bulb Dry Bulb


B. Air Properties
1. Computed Using Psychrometric Formulas


Name Symbol Unit Occupants

Dry Bulb OC
Wet Bulb O
tdb C
W Kgv/kga
Ø %
Dew Point OC

Specific Volume va m3/kga

Enthalpy h Kj/kga

2. Determined From Psychrometric Chart


Name Symbol Unit Occupants

Dry Bulb OC
Wet Bulb OC
W Kgv/kga
Ø %
Dew Point O
tdp C

Specific Volume va m3/kga

Enthalpy h Kj/kga

C. Percent Error

INDOOR w/o With
Occupants Occupants

Dry Bulb
Wet Bulb

Specific Humidity

Relative Humidity
Dew Point

Specific Volume


VII. Computations:

VIII. Discussion and Conclusion:

IX. Research Questions:

1. Give a brief explanation of the following air properties:
a) Relative Humidity
b) Specific Humidity or Humidity Ratio
c) Absolute Humidity
d) Dew Point Temperature
e) Partial pressure of water vapor
f) Air Enthalpy.
2. Describe and discuss the following instruments:
a) Sling Psychrometer
b) Aspirating Psychrometer
c) Dew Point Thermometer
d) Electric Hygrometer
e) Recording type hygrometer
f) Humidity Controllers.
3. Give and discuss the importance of the above instruments to
industries such as:
a) Textiles
b) Printing
c) Candy and Gum Manufacturing
4. Describe the importance of psychrometrics in air conditioning. 5.
Discuss the importance of Psychrometrics to health and safety
6. Discuss and show how the psychrometric chart is constructed.

X. References:
Book title, Author, Publisher, Edition, page/pages

XI. Appendix:
Attach all original data sheets, computations, diagrams and sketches.


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