Consumer Buying Behaviour Towards Online Shopping PDF
Consumer Buying Behaviour Towards Online Shopping PDF
Consumer Buying Behaviour Towards Online Shopping PDF
Received: 14th February, 2023 Accepted: 2nd March, 2023, Published: 13th March, 2023
ABSTRACT: Online marketing has gained huge popularity and importance all over the world. It is expected that by the
end of 2040, the number rise to more than 1.5 billion as far as internet user is concerned. Considering the wide range of
benefits, it provides to marketers as well as customers, it has become one of the leading mediums of marketing. The study
aims to analyse the consumer habits while using internet shopping and also to determine the factors which motivates the
consumer to make purchase via the online shopping. The study comprises of empirical research design. The study was
carried out in Patna city, Bihar during two weeks (From 14th January to 28th January 2023). Convenience sampling technique
was used to collect 50 samples using Google Form. Both primary and secondary data have been used in this study. Bar
diagram, pie chart, and percentage method have been used to analyse the data. The findings of the study reveal that
respondent shop mostly online shopping as compared to offline, number of purchases made is once in a month and almost
all respondent relies on online shopping to purchase mostly electronic gadget followed by clothes and they feel convenient
and secure while buying online product. It is also found out that online shopping is cheaper than the offline shopping and
the product quality is also good in online shopping. Conclusions from this research indicate that customer buying behaviour
towards online shopping is influenced by a wide range of characteristics, usage pattern, and factors including but not limited
to age, gender, price, convenience, satisfaction, frequency, type of product, money spent, satisfaction level, convenience,
product quality and so on. The study overall concludes that consumer habits and factors affect the buying behaviour towards
online shopping.
KEYWORDS: Online Shopping, Buying Behaviour, Offline Shopping, Empirical Research etc.
1. INTRODUCTION grow at a faster rate than any other in the globe this year,
second only to China's. There has been a rapid expansion of
Nowadays, those who are too busy to go to the store may internet availability, and it is expected that the number of
simply do their shopping online. There has been a dramatic internet users in both urban and rural areas will rise (Statista,
shift in consumers' buying habits over the previous decade. 2022). Prioritizing access to the internet has joined the ranks
Even while shoppers still frequent traditional stores, many of such "basic needs" as food, clothing, and shelter. Internet
prefer the ease of purchasing online. People nowadays are shopping and online purchasing have become commonplace
so pressed for time that they either can't or don't want to go as a result of technological advancements in
to the mall, making the time savings offered by online communication. In order to compete in today's global
shopping invaluable (Rahman et al., 2018). marketplace, businesses large and small are turning to the
By the year 2022, more than 932.22 million people in India Internet in search of ways to reduce the cost of their goods
were connected to the web. By 2040, this number was and services by cutting out the middleman—the marketing
expected to rise to over 1.5 billion, showing significant department. Consumer buying behaviour is a broad and
growth potential for internet service providers in the south multidimensional phenomenon (Radjou et al., 2012 and
Asian nation. In fact, India's internet market is projected to Sheth et al., 1999). Trust and perceived advantages are the
primary determinants of consumers' attitudes regarding students from Madras University and Madras Christian
online purchasing (Hoque et al., 2015, Mandal et. al. 2022) College were surveyed using a Structure questionnaire to
and these characteristics seem to be the fundamental learn about their thoughts on internet shopping and the kinds
conjectures of consumers' actual behaviour in this context of products they like to purchase from these websites. This
(Debei et al., 2015 & Hajli 2014). is what the research found. E-commerce businesses may
better serve their clientele by using customised advertising
Since the turn of the century, trade and commerce have
strategies that bring in new consumers and encourage
become more specialised, with the advent of multichannel
immediate purchases.
and the meteoric rise of online shopping throughout the
globe (Johnson et al., 2001). The global e-commerce The purpose of this investigation is to analyse consumer
business was valued at $2.29 trillion (John, 2018, Gupta and habits in Patna with regards to purchasing online. Due to the
Mittal, 2015) and forecasts predict that it will increase to $4 tremendous scalability of online marketing, the potential for
trillion by 2020, because of a rise in sales that is in the online sales is vast. Since this shift has occurred, there has
double digits throughout the globe. (eMarketer, 2016, been increased curiosity in internet marketing among online
Mehta et. al. 2022). Amazon, Alibaba, eBay, Flipkart, retailers. Consumers' attitudes and behaviours about online
Mintra etc. are major players of online marketplace. In this buying are influenced by a number of variables, including
paper we are studying the consumer buying behaviour but not limited to age, gender, price, type of product,
towards online shopping convenience, level of satisfaction, etc.
After settling on a research issue, the next step is to read Followings are the mainly two objectives of this studies:
everything that has been written about it. The researcher has
i. To study the consumer habits while using internet
the option of consulting either conceptual or empirical
literature. Prior studies that are comparable to the present
research issue are the focus of the empirical literature, while ii. To determine the factors which motivates the
the conceptual literature focuses on ideas and theories. The consumer to make purchases via the online shopping.
researcher has to do a thorough literature study of the topic.
The present research drew on a wide range of literature 4. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
reviews covering topics such as internet purchasing, 4.1 Research Design
customer attitude & perception, gender differences,
consumer behaviour, and so on. Population and Area of the study
Adamczyk G., 2021, in their article entitled “Compulsive This study was carried out in Patna city, Bihar. It has an
and compensative buying among online shoppers: An estimated population of 8.77 million.
empirical study”, Online shopping addiction and its
Sample Unit and Sample Size
compensating counterpart are explored in the present
research. Empirical data collected from a sample of This study uses a sample of 50 Patna city residents as its
consumers aged 15 and above, stratified by their usage or sample unit.
non-use of the e-commerce sector, provided for an estimate
of this form of purchasing. Second, the findings provide Sampling Technique
light on the ways in which characteristics including online In this study, the researchers used the Convenience
shopping frequency, online shopping expenditures relative sampling method.
to offline shopping, attitudes about online shopping, and
socioeconomic status all play a role in this kind of Data Collection Method
purchasing. Primary Data: The majority of this study's findings are based
Georgie N.A., 2021, in his article entitled “The influence of on information supplied by the sample itself, and all
selected factors on online shopping behaviour: a study with analyses were performed using this information. In the span
respect to Kottayam district”, investigated the extent to of two weeks, the poll garnered 62 replies. 12 of the 62
which customer preferences have a role in determining a replies were missing required information, thus those
business's fortunes. Online shopping, which uses the responses were disregarded.
internet as a sales channel, has a similar dilemma due to the Secondary Data: Because of time and money constraints,
diversity of opinions held by online shoppers. conducting surveys to learn about the effects of e-commerce
Aldousari, A. A., 2016, In the paper entitled “Determinants on consumers isn't feasible. To get around this, researchers
of consumers’ attitudes toward online shopping”, This study turn to secondary sources such scholarly publications,
looked at the effects of the Technology Acceptance Model studies, and case reports.
and the Theory of Reasoned Actions on customers' attitudes Research Instrument
about internet shopping. Previous studies have focused
mostly on the online shopping habits of wealthy countries, Primary data were gathered using an online survey with a
while ignoring those of developing countries. standardised questionnaire. An online survey on a dedicated
website was utilised to gather responses. "Google Forms" is
Shanthi, R., & Desti, K., 2015, in their paper entitled
“Consumers' perception on online shopping”, One hundred
Satisfaction Level of Online Shoppers It is clear from the above pie chart that 56 percent of
respondents (28 people) believe that internet businesses
provide lower prices on products than traditional
store whereas 34 percent (17 people) are unsure and
10 percent (5 people) strongly disagree.
Product Quality