Managing The Millennials

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Managing the Millennials: Discover the Core Competencies for Managing Today Managing the Millennials: Effective Managers

vs. Challenged Managers

Excerpt from Managing the Millennials: Discover the Core Competencies for Managing Todays Workforce, by Chip Espinoza, Mick Ukleja, and Craig Rusch (Wiley 2010). Article | Fri, 07/22/2011 - 00:00 By Chip Espinoza, Mick Ukleja, and Craig Rusch Our research design called on the human resource department of each organization in our study to provide us with three managers who were considered to be effective at managing Millennials and three managers who were perceived as struggling with managing Millennials. We conducted one-on-one interviews with each participant and then facilitated a focus group among the six managers. We were surprised to learn that both populations (the good and the challenged) perceived the Millennials similarly. Words such as entitled, brash, and smart were common in all of the interview transcripts. The focus groups produced no discord or strong disagreement between the groups. Both the good and challenged managers shared frustrations and experiences that aligned. Many of the participants left their interviews commenting that the experience was therapeutic for them. If both populations of managers perceived Millennial employees the same way and had similar experiences with them, then what differentiated the good from the challenged? We begin by reporting what did notdifferentiate the managers. As we stated in Chapter 1, many believe that parenting has shifted from a focus on training to nurturing. One of our early hypotheses was that women would be better at managing Millennials than men. However, our data did not support such a notion. We also thought that managers who were parents of Millennials would be better at managing them in the workplace, another misconception we had to let go. Our sample did not have a sufficient number of Millennials who were managers to adequately compare them to our data set, so we cannot say whether they are better at managing their own age cohort than managers who are older. That being said, Millennials who are managers generally score well on our Generational Rapport Inventory (discussed in Chapter 14). In the same way Baby Boomers and GenXers understand each other, Millennials get Millennials.

One artifact that stood out among the managers who were considered to be good at managing Millennial employees was that most of them had served as volunteers in a youth organization (Little League, AYSO, YMCA, Boys and Girls Club, Scouting, church youth group). One grocery store manager talked about how much he learned as president of the local little league. Many of the kids he had met through that experience ended up working in his store during their high school and college years. We identified two critically important characteristics required of anyone who volunteers to work with young people: 1. The ability to initiate a relationship 2. The patience to set expectations according to where the young person is, not where you want him or her to be. Both skills can easily be transferred to the workplace. As we continued to sift our data, we found that the single most important differentiator between the good managers and those who were challenged is that the good managers exhibited the ability to suspend the bias of their own experience. In other words, they started with the Millennials experience and not their own. Some of our challenged managers would say, What experience? They have no experience! If someone cannot suspend the bias of their own experience, they will insist that the way I did it is the blueprint for everyone else. The inability to suspend the bias of ones own experience will inhibit self-reflection or learning. For instance, Why am I so bothered by the fact that my employee wants work-life balance? What threats do Millennial values represent? More importantly, How will I need to change? One manager we spoke to claimed to have lost three marriages and favor with his children because of his work ethic. He resented his Millennials for prioritizing family and friends over work. Obviously, his projection onto the Millennials kept him from facing his own stuff. Simply put, failing to suspend the bias of ones own experience excuses managerial leaders from the adaptive work that is required of them to manage in todays world. Part of the adaptive process is getting outside of the orbit of your own experience and entering the world in which Millennials live. An underlying premise of this book is that the people with the most responsibility have to adapt first. It may sound clich, but by setting an example, managers will create an environment in which the less mature will adapt. Adapting does not mean acquiescing to the whims of an individual or a generation. Adaptive managers have the ability to create environments that allow for enough discomfort that people will feel the need to change but safe enough that they can change. We think generational rapport is critical to creating such an environment. Mindset Perspective or mindset is critical to performance. We discovered six areas in which the good and challenged manager perspectives significantly differed. Adaptability

The Good Managers: Talked about their own need to change to manage in todays world. The Challenged Managers: Talked about how others needed to change to make it in the real world. Self-Efficacy The Good Managers: Believed there was something they could do about the situation. The Challenged Managers: Believed there was little they could do about the situation. Confidence The Good Managers: Allowed their subordinates to challenge them (ideas, processes, ways of doing things). The Challenged Managers: Sanctioned or punished their subordinates for challenging them. Power The Good Managers: Used the power of relationship vs. the power of their position. The Challenged Managers: Felt the only power they had was their positional authority. Energy The Good Managers: Working with twentysomethings made them feel younger. The Challenged Managers: Working with twentysomethings made them feel older. Success The Good Managers: Saw themselves as key to the twentysomethings success. The Challenged Managers: Saw the twentysomethings as an impediment to their own success. Adaptability The good managers in our study considered the challenge of managing Millennials a personal growth opportunity. Although frustrated or even puzzled, these managers constantly referred to themselves as needing to learn and enhance their own management skills. The challenged managers talked about how their subordinates just needed to grow up and face the real world. Although there is some validity in such a perspective, the focus of their frustration was projected onto what others needed to do, not on their own personal development. To find out more about the book, visit:

Chip Espinoza is the CEO of GeNext Solutions, a professional service firm that specializes in cross-generational management. He has taught leadership and management for the last 12 years at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. Mick Ukleja is the founder and president of LeadershipTraQ, a leadership consulting firm based in California. He helped found the Ukleja Center For Ethical Leadership at California State University, Long Beach, the second largest university in the state. Ukleja also serves as chairman of the Board of Trustees for the Astronauts Memorial Foundation at the Kennedy Space Center, which oversees the Center for Space Education.

3D Managing The Millennials Discover the Core Competencies Managing Todays Workforce (Part 1)
July 18, 2011 tags: human resource, leadership, management, millennials, strategy by entreprenovator

Management is one of my favorites discipline. The reason is simple, management primary goal is to make things happen. In some way, management is both art and science. By saying art i mean that management needs resources and we all know resources are all the time, limited. Therefore with management knowledge, one needs to artfully manage these limited resources to achieve business goals. And by saying science i mean, there is a methodical approach to management. when applied, you will get the results or at least not to far away from the intended goals. There is a saying if you are a manager, your technical skills bring you into the management, but only management skills can take you further. Make sense right? Think hard.

Lately, managing workforce has become more challenging than it used to be. We have varieties of workforce that is mobilized towards the same goals of the organization. No wonder sometimes chaos is the word used to describe the state of organization today. In my research, i found out the new workforce is going to give and demand lot more from organizations, they are The Millennials. You can Google up to know what is The Millennials. I grab a book recently, Managing The Millennials Discover Core Competencies Managing Todays Workforce. Fairly simple book and page-turner. Based on research done in the US with substantial sampling size. Interestingly this book authored by both the Millennials and older generations. Thus the content is solid and updated. They are Chip Espinoza, Mick Ukleja and Craig Rusch.

In this slot 3D (Deadly, Doable, Duplicable), i intend to share with you the learnings so you can have a quick information on how to act on it. Well, you can also pick up the book for full understanding because what i have down here are just 30 nuggets of what i thought would be useful for managers and top management like you. Have fun reading!

Managing the Millennials Discover the Core Competencies for Managing Todays Workforce Chip Espinoza, Mick Ukleja, Craig Rusch

1. The growing frustration among managers and business leaders with integrating younger workers into their organization is already a common issue in many organizations; emerging economies and developed nation alike.

2. At the core of the Millennial phenomenon is that they do not have the same need or know-how to build relationships with their managers or authority figures. Previous generations had to take the initiative to relationally connect in order to gain information and access. Things are different now. The rules have changed. That leads us to believe that most Millennials just do not know how to relate to someone who is in authority that is not already perceived to be for them.

3. On the managers side, they do not recall the experience of their superiors reaching out to them. Because of that they certainly know how to reach upward and the authorities but do not feel the need to reach downward (the Millennials) or they just dont know how. They are clueless on where to begin.

4. The older generation certainly can ignore the Millennials, but the question is for how long. There will come a time where the managers have to embrace the Millennials to make it work. There are approximately 83 million Millennials in the world and they are the largest cohort since Baby Boomers (80 million). It means the Millennials are shaping our world right now. Let say you run a corporation whether family business, entrepreneurial or government, who is going to take over for you when you re gone? Do you think the next generation is ready to take over? Do you think your kids are ready to step into that role? Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday. The Millennials are already here.

5. For the Millennials, technology isnt a tool just to do more work or to achieve work life balance it is an integral part of them and working with it is a second nature. The Millennials of this generation want and need constant feedback. Why? Because they were raised in democratic and praise-based families where the focus of parenting was nurturing. They have grown up working on teams in school and on academic projects. When they got into the workforce, they expect to work in teams. Diversity is important to them, and if there is none they feel there is something wrong. This group, more than ever, are interested in developing their spirituality. (Refer Dr Spocks for nurturing parenting)

6. There are six major value-shaping influences every generation. There are family, education, morality, peers, spirituality and culture. While Baby Boomers live to work, the Millennials work to live. For Baby Boomers, authority and hierarchy are important but for Millennials not so much. They dont care what your title is they want to know whether you have the goods. When it comes to salary and wealth, Baby Boomers are convinced they need to work hard to earn it, but the Millennials expect it. Baby Boomers believe in position, performance and individual reward but Millennials, again, not so much.

7. The common feedbacks and quotes by people who manage the Millennials:
1. They do not care about customers. 2. Not taking responsibility for their actions. 3. Projecting blame back to me. 4. A flippant attitude. 5. If you correct them, they quit. 6. They think there is always an excuse that can make being late okay. 7. They want trophy for just showing up. 8. Lack of sensitivity for how difficult my job is. 9. A lack of respect 10. Yelling and screaming is the only thing they understand. 11. They pick up computer and cash register skills quickly, but if it breaks they cannot count back change from a $10 bill. 12. She asked for an extended lunch hour to go shopping with friends after her third day on the job. 13. Quitting without the courtesy of a notice. 14. They assume it is okay to call me by my first name like we are buddies. I am their boss. 15. Anything extra nice I do, they act as if I owed it to them.

8. The common responds given by the Millennials:

1. We are not defined by our job. 2. We want to have a say about when we work. 3. We do not expect you to be our best friend, but when you evaluate of critique us, we want you to do it in a friendly way (just like our parents did!) 4. We want you to give us direction and then get out of your way.

9. The Millennials have high perception of themselves. They think they work faster and better than other workers. They have high expectations of their employers and they want direct and fair input from managers. They also want managers to be involved in their professional development, because it is all about them not just about the company. They seek out creative challenges and view peers as vast resources from whom to gain knowledge. They are a hungry bunch! They want small goals with tight deadlines so they can see their own development as they slowly take ownership of a new role. The Millennials are high performance and high potential and high maintenance. For managers, the maintenance clouds potential, instead of opportunity they see a headache.

10. More than 70% of older employees are dismissive of younger workers abilities. And more than 50% of younger employees are dismissive of the abilities of their older workers. The war for talent has shifted. You still want to recruit but the challenge is how to keep the best people? Retaining the best people is key to competitive advantage. So, what are you going to do to attract, keep and unleash their creativity and energy? You can either villainaize them and say, The just arent they way it used to be. Or you can tolerate them and say, We have no choice and we have to let them work here. Or you can engage them, and benefit from the contribution they will and can make.

11. Many of the Millennials who are promoted into management get the invite because they appear different from their peers more mature. They take interest in their superiors and the business, and are able to reach up and make connection. Therefore they draw the attention ad favor of the older generations. We found that approximately one in the five Millennials take the initiative to connect with their peers.

12. Two critically important characteristics required to make working with Millennials better:
1. The ability to initiate a relationship 2. The patience to set expectations according to where the young person is, not where you want him or her to be. 3. The ability to suspend the bias of own experience.

4. The ability to adapt in the new environment people with most responsibility have to adapt first and by setting an example the managers will create an environment where the less mature will adapt.

13. There six mindset or perspective that has to change or shift to be effective managers:
1. Adaptability ability to change and renew themselves in managing 2. Self-Efficacy internal locus of control and optimistic of the future. 3. Confidence ability to take challenges from the new environment i.e. allow being questioned, debate and embrace new ideas. 4. Power use empathy instead of power and authority to build trust. If they know you care about them, the Millennials will go to hell and back for you. 5. Energy embrace fun, enthusiasm, optimism, creativity, friendly and buddy-like. 6. Success take up roles more like a mentor, coach, counsellor, advocate, sponsor and teacher.

14. New behaviours can be learned but are difficult to sustain without the support of right thinking. It is good to examine your own thinking with respect to managing across generations. Employees leave managers and bosses, not organizations. Why bother getting into argument with an authority figure who can only tell you how things used to be when he was young when one can only leave? It is no longer what you do to that sets you apart from others, but how you do what you do.

15. The nine orientations of the Millennials as experienced by managers:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Autonomous Entitled Imaginative Self-absorbed Defensive Abrasive Myopic Unfocused Indifferent

3D Managing The Millennials Discover the Core Competencies Managing Todays Workforce (Part 2)
continue on Part 2.

16. Three behavioural competencies needed to effectively managing the Millennials employees: 1. Adapting willing to accept a Millennial employee doesnt have same experiences, values or frame of reference that you had when you were the same age. You got to suspend own biases and adjust your management style. 2. Communicating ability to make a connection at a relational level. Able to stay engaged even when both parties are frustrated because sometimes tension can escalate to emotional conflict. 3. Envisioning ability to create both meaning and accountability for the Millennials employee. Able to connect their personal goals and aspirations with the organization objectives.

17. Negative stereotype can adversely impact the willingness of a managerial leader to mentor or help young person particularly when the older employees sees the younger as an economic threat. Managerial leaders may also put off by attitudes and behaviours that are not consistent with their own. And the worse is the managerial leaders decided not to engage at all or do it condescendingly. Studies show that people who receive constant negative feedback often show lower levels of effort as a result.

18. The Millennials work to live not live to work. That does not mean they are lazy. It does not mean that they do not want to work. They want to work that is meaningful. If there is a disconnect between the experienced and the young, odds are that tacit knowledge will not be retained in the organization.

19. Millennials value being rewarded. Not just the usual ones like increase in pay, bonuses and promotions. They also want time-off and the opportunity in community projects during company time. The stress that you have has to do with perceived

unrealistic expectations on the part of the Millennials. Here the three keys to incenting Millennials: 1. Create incentives that twentysomething value 2. Clearly and thoroughly state desired outcomes and expectations 3. Provide timely and fair assessment of their performance 20. Millennials value self expression. They have both a desire and a need to make their mark on the world. They enthusiastically embrace change and thrive on brainstorming, creating and problem solving. Creativity doesnt generally fit a mechanistic or efficiency model. Many managers struggle with cultivating the imagination of Millennials because they manage job description rather than people. In fact, talking about working together you are better off being an autocratic than faking collaboration.

21. Millennials has a lot of need for an audience. Simply because they are used to it already from their childhood days. You got to be emphatic, get closer, be curious and grow them. And you dont have to; Try to like them, not be like them and rethink what you have been taught. 22. Some of the things managers have been taught by their superiors on managing younger ones: 1. Dont get close to them, because you may have to fire them someday. 2. Dont think it is wise to fraternize and become drinking buddies with them. 3. Familiarity breeds contempt, and sooner and later they will use something against me. 4. You have to keep clear lines between staff and management or else they will get confused. 5. HR wont let me hang out with them, they it is too risky.

23. Achievement is the intrinsic value that drives the Millennials need to be affirmed. Feedback that is not being interpreted as being affirming is met with anything from incredulity to counterattack not only by them by sometimes their parents as well. This explains the new mix of defensive young employees and interventionist helicopter parents confronting managers today. This is attributed largely to change in parenting style. Defensiveness can also manifest such as taking offense, unwillingness to accept responsibility for ones actions, guardedness, resentment, and anger. In the workplace these are often seen in response to criticism and evaluation.

24. Previous generations may have used why to signal defiance, but more often than not, Millennials really do want to know why. They have been encouraged to ask why at home, at school, and now they are asking why at work. The reality is that resistance is closer to commitment than compliance. Resistance can be anywhere between compliance and commitment. It is common for lifelong friendships to start with a conflict. Managers who accept compliance as a sign of commitment will find it difficult to develop others or to lead organizational challenge.

25. Applicable advice when managing Millennials: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Resist the temptation to argue, be fair Acknowledge their feelings, their point, their competence and your differences Shift the encounter away from positional bargaining to joint problem solving Help them to save face Ask them for constructive criticism Reaffirm the relationship Aim for mutual satisfaction, not victory

26. To be without emotionally hooked so you can effectively manage the Millennials, you need to become self-differentiating. This is important because poorly differentiated managerial leaders find it difficult to continue a relationship with people who disagree with them or who are not considered to be on their team. If you are a manager, you must know that your technical skills allow you to be promoted into management, but your ability to self regulate and relate to others will determine your level of success. Relationship is not merely a function of structure and power but dependent on a managers ability to relate to others. Self differentiating may be the hardest competency to do well because it demands the most of you. It will also be the most fulfilling because it will impact every area of your life. Many people confuse their role and their person. You are much greater than your role. It is part of who you are, but not equal to who you are. When your role is over you still exist.

27. To get the Millennials understand the big picture is to engage in a learning process that is involving, presents complexity, and allows the learner to challenge institutional assumptions. The best managers intuitively know this and create orientations, provide training, and teach through learning activities. Simplicity is key to Millennials, but not simplistic. As a manager you can also use broadening teaching consequences and helping to connect the dots. You can also share the information you get such as what is going on in the company or at your own level of responsibility can help them to think beyond their own cubicle.

28. To the Millennials high achievement is important. They want to know exactly what they have to do to be successful. They fear taking a wrong step or making bad decision. In fact they would rather not make a decision at all than make the wrong one. Their ability to work in teams often masks their fear of making bad decisions on their own. Working on a team affords Millennials the psychological comfort of sharing the burden of making a mistake. Great managers anticipate when their Millennials need a new challenge and try to create opportunities for them before they become unfocused. Simply because Millennials they are easily bored with their job description. At the same time, you got to allow them to make mistakes and learn. A point of caution, while you feel they know what is expected and equipped to do it, most of the time they dont know what to do and where to begin. A simple way to direct and ascertain readiness: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. I explain what I will do I do it and you watch me We do it together You do it and I watch you You do it on your own You explain what you did

29. Millennials need to find meaning in their work. It is a poor quality of discontent when employees feel they are not safe at work. We would say that the quality of discontent is high when employees complain of not seeing their imprint on product or service. We have to reinvent our management systems, so they inspire human beings to bring all their capabilities to work every day. The following are human capability that contributes to competitive success i.e. value creation by Gary Hamel: 1. Obedience Taking direction and following rules (nevertheless, when it comes to value creation or competitive success, rule following employees dont contribute because it is a product of passion and creativity) 2. Diligence Being accountable and not taking shortcuts 3. Intellect Smart, eager to improve skills, and willing to borrow ideas from others 4. Initiative Do not wait to be told and seek out new ways to add value 5. Creativity Inquisitive, irrepressible, and not afraid to say stupid things 6. Passion Climb over obstacles and refuse to give up 30. As a manager, you need to engage the massive middle group. This group is the group of neither here nor there. They are lost but yet productive in some ways. They are the occupants of the middle part in typical bell curve. These are their general characteristics: 1. Often feel unable to commit to tasks that hold little meaning for them.

2. They have strong reservations about jobs they are asked to do; as a result, they approach them half-heartedly. 3. Rather than acknowledging a problem and taking steps to correct it, they convince themselves that the problem does not exist. 4. They are often plagued with feelings of anxiety, uncertainty, anger, frustration and alienation.

Hope you will benefit and gain as much as I do. Reading the full content of the book definitely give you extra understanding of Managing The Millennials. Cheerz!

Leadership Code
May 29, 2011 tags: entrepreneur, ideas, leader, leadershp, management, strategy by entreprenovator

The last 10 years the center of the economy has been shifting towards Asia. This trend will continue. In fact it is eminent that the standard of Asia will become the de facto standard of the world. These exciting opportunities pose a big challenge for Asian because we will need to have global business skills to be able to serve both domestic and international markets. We need unique and high quality leaders to make better choices to respond more rapidly to change. We need effective leaders. Leadership theories are around us. When you Google leader you will get 571 million hits in 0.11 seconds. Effective leaders must be able to renew and reinvent themselves together with the organization they lead. What succeeded in the past decades may not work in the following decade. Leaders must also be able to draw learning from their past experiences; successes and failures. Leaders that never fail cannot be trusted, because it means they are always in the comfort zone. They will fail the entire organization without realizing it. So, how to create leaders that are adaptive to change, push the boundaries and yet has net success rate? In a recent leadership study conducted by Dave Ulrich, Norm Smallwood and Kate Sweetman titled Leadership Code found that effective leaders shared around 50-85 percent of the same characteristics. This study later concluded that there are five rules of leadership that embody leadership DNA. Rule 1: Strategist (Shape the future) This rule suggests that effective leader answers the question Where are we going? and make sure that those around them understand the direction as well. They envision as well as create the future for the organization.

Rule 2: Executor (Make things happen) This rule suggests that effective leader knows exactly how to ensure things get done. They translate strategy into action. They know how to make change happy, to assign accountability, to know which decisions to take and which to delegate and to make sure that teams work well together. Rule 3: Talent Manager (Engage todays talent) This rule suggests effective leader optimizes business by drawing talent to their organizations, engage them, communicate extensively and ensure talents turn in their best efforts. They generate intense personal, professional and organizational loyalty. They also help talents to commit and find meaning at their work. Rule 4: Human capital developer (Build the next generation) This rule suggests effective leader builds a workforce plan focused on the future talent and know how to help them see their future careers. They prepare talents for future challenges and manage succession so they readier to lead when the time comes. Rule 5: Personal proficiency (Invest in yourself) This rule suggests effective leader learns from success, failure, assignments, books, classes, people and life itself. They are passionate about beliefs and interests, they expend an enormous personal energy and attention to whatever matters to them. Proficient leaders have strong moral code that connects values to actions. At the end of the day, effective leaders need to have balance when performing all the five rules. Since rules are just rules, the inaction of a leader will violate the entire leadership code and other leadership theories. Leader who cant walk the talk is not effective leader. Talk is cheap way to show you know a lot (but do too little). Therefore he or she must be able to self-manage and self-lead to be successful effective leader. This article is based on the authors view on leadership and Leadership Code by Dave Ulrich and team, which he found refreshing and easily connected with. By no means, this article a respresentation of Leadership Code itself. For more on Leadership Code book, please click here.

Deadly, Doable, Duplicable 3D

February 7, 2011 tags: 3D, books, management, strategy by entreprenovator

You see, i love reading and i can consider myself addicted to it already. i feel itchiness all over my body if i dont read, and by the end of any week if i catch myself not reading anything useful i feel dumb and bad about wasting my time. so far, i had few of such events. my reading are varies in disciplines. I read business stuffs, management, marketing, medical journals, financial reports, studies, small business things, veterinarian reports, news, legal frameworks in islamic finance, autobio and sometimes newspapers. i simply hungry for knowledge. some reading materials i spend more time, some i spend less time. depending on my priorities at that time. i re-read some books also to refresh. i used to srcibble what i read to a paper that is within arms length. Simply because i have bad memory. i got to use the traditional way of memorizing and practicing it many to make my my learning sticks and last longer. no wonder my dad used sticks most of the time because he was simply trying to exercise my best learning ability! just kidding. i also did highlight using highlighters some key lines or paragraphs that i think useful to revisit and ponder later. some books take many months to finish, some take days and some take years. i already accepted the fact, some books appreciate after some years on stocking them (just like some good wines!). but recently i got this idea to write it down online in my blog so i can relook at them whenever i want and it can be useful to others too. by no means what i am doing here not to encourage you to read yourself, but rather to highlight what hit me and what lit up during those reading process. like i said, it is easier for me to refer back here and organize it in orderly fashion. i realized, i am not good at keeping scribbled notes around the house! so i created a segment called 3D. I will highlight around 10-20 3D points about the book that i read. let me explain what 3D is. Deadly, Doable, Duplicable. it means i will list down with some description about what i learn from the books that hit these three features. i tried flair writing, it is proven i am not one of those creative writers. i decided to use point instead. please bear with me. i recently finish a number of books that worth 3D and i shall post my 3D list in a few weeks time. just a little more explanation on what is Deadly, Doable and Duplicable. Deadly means the idea is out of the world, unlivable with, mind boggling, must do and hard to come by. have you encounter that type of ideas? it can a quote, activitiy, plan, words and other things. but it is Deadly. Doable means the idea is possible to be achieve within our basic constraints. things like we can straight away get up and do such as pray, read, carry, lift, share, remind etc..things like dont need any financial investment if possible but rather our extra effort to make it work. i dont ideas that not Doable. i believe in small action and consistent. Duplicable means the ideas can be transferred to someone else with another drop of sweat. it is so simple that just by talking and sharing about it, other people understands

it well. i dont like people who hoards information and knowledge. i believe in democratizing knowledge. the idea can be big or small, but Doable. be back soon, meanwhile please read my other post. any feedbacks and brickbats, please send to Foreword (Cameron Johnson). Acknowledgments. Introduction Close Encounters with a Different Kind. PART I THE MILLENNIALS HAVE ARRIVED! CHAPTER 1 The Millennials and You. CHAPTER 2 Arent We All Just the Same? CHAPTER 3 The Effective Managers versus the Challenged Managers. CHAPTER 4 The Points of Tension between Managers and Millennials. PART II DISCOVER THE CORE COMPETENCIES NEEDED FOR MANAGING TODAY'S WORKFORCE. CHAPTER 5 When Letting Them Have It Their Way Makes Sense. Flexing with the Autonomous. CHAPTER 6 Rewarding the Right Things in the Right Ways. Incenting the Entitled. CHAPTER 7 They Are at the Head of the Creative Class. Cultivating the Imaginative. CHAPTER 8 First Them, Then You. Engaging the Self-Absorbed. CHAPTER 9 Fragile, Handle with Care. Disarming the Defensive. CHAPTER 10 It Is Not Always about You.

Self-Differentiating from the Abrasive. CHAPTER 11 The Big Picture Does Not Exist until You Help Them See It. Broadening the Myopic. CHAPTER 12 Ambiguity Is Their Kryptonite. Directing the Unfocused. CHAPTER 13 They Want to Know "Why" before "What". Motivating the Indifferent. PART III YOUR COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE. CHAPTER 14 Building a Millennial-Friendly Culture.
How to Groom Your Millennial Employees to Be Effective Young Leaders - Presentation Transcript
1. How to Groom Your Millennial Employees to Be Effective Young Leaders Presented by: Lisa Orrell The Generation Relations Expert The Orrell Group March 11, 2010 The Webinar Will Begin Shortly If you cannot hear music, or the presenter to today's webinar, please use our toll-free call in number. Number: 888469-1348 Pass code: 2940000 Webinar Agenda Millennial Overview Leadership vs Management Mindset Attributes of an Effective Leader Leadership Ethics Developing a Leadership Brand Q & A Millennial Overview: The Generational Snapshot Gen X: ~1966 to 1979 Generation Jones: ~1954 to 1965 Boomers: ~1942 to 1953 Millennials/ Gen Y: ~ 1980 to 2002 1 Why is the Millennial Topic Important in the U.S.? 1/5 of American workers will hit retirement age by 2020 Shortfall of 35 million workers over the next 0 to 20 years At a typical large company in the U.S. 30-40% of employees will hit retirement age in 5-10 years This can challenge U.S.-based companies to sustain their growth & strength Forcing Companies to Move Millennials Into Leadership Roles Sooner/Faster

2. 3. 4.

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Leadership vs Management Mindset Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, its amazing what they can accomplish. Sam Walton: Founder of Wal-Mart 2 Leadership vs Management Mindset: Quick Snapshot of Differences Leaders: Seek Employee Commitment Create Change & Take Risks Are Passionate Lead People Give Credit Managers: Seek Employee Compliance Maintain Status Quo Are Controlling

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2 7. 8.

Manage Work Assign Blame

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Attributes of An Effective Leader 63% of top executives say that most managers careers are stalled because they simply do not understand others . Across the Board Magazine (for Business Leaders) 3 Attributes of An Effective Leader Understands What Motivates Each Team Member Handles Crisis, Conflict & Times of Change Dont Take Themselves Seriously Strategists Beyond Core Competencies Creates & Shares Their Vision Clearly Communicates Often & Listens More

Non-Effective Leader Face. 3 Leadership Ethics Approximately (only) 50% of all American working adults believe their senior executives are people of high integrity. Results of a Study Conducted by Walker Information 4 10. Leadership Ethics Leadership is about doing the right thing even when no ones going to know. Oprah 4 11. Leadership Ethics Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with the important matters. Albert Einstein 4 12. Leadership Ethics: Why Worry About It? o Ethics Maintain a Moral Course During Turbulent Times o Ethics Cultivate Teamwork & Productivity o Ethics Build Trust In YOU o Ethics Promote A Strong & Positive Image Unethical Leader Guy. 4 13. Developing Their Personal Leadership BrandStarting Now! Dont be someone youre not . Find your own voice and define your personal brand at work. VP of Global Services (Fortune 500 Company) 5 14. Developing Their Personal Leadership BrandStarting Now! Be aware that people are watching what you say and what you dont say, and what you do and dont do. Your next opportunities, and indeed reputation, will be impacted by the actions and decisions you make day-to-day everyday . Senior VP of Human Resources (Fortune 1000 Company) 5 15. Developing Their Personal Leadership BrandStarting Now! o How to Create A Personal Brand: o Dont Make It Company Centric! o Decide What You Want to Be o Known For o Live Your Brand o Visual Brand Attribute o Construct Your Personal Brand Statement This Picture Will Make Sense Shortly. 5 16. Developing Their Personal Leadership BrandStarting Now! Personal Leadership Brand Statement Example: I want to be known for being honest, fun, respectful, supportive, hard-working and innovative so that I can deliver effective results and solutions for my employer, my team, and my peers . 9.

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17. Get A Grip On Leadership Takeaways Developing Their Leadership Mindset Starts NOW Leadership Skill-Building Requires On-going Training & Learning Respect & Support Team Members & Co-Workers Remember: WIIFM and W.A.I.T. (and Never Ass-U-Me) Set A Moral Compass & Never Bend to Temptation Praise Team & Individuals Often (Daily!) Create & Live A Personal Leadership Brand Honesty & Compassion Foster Trustthe Cornerstone of Being An Effective and Respected Leader (at ANY age)! 18. Thank You & Questions Twitter @GenerationsGuru Join Me Online: LinkedIn & FaceBook Lisa Orrell, CPC The Generation Relations Expert Speaker Author Leadership Coach for Millennials Attendees Will Receive a 10% Discount on ANY of Lisas Seminars, Workshops or Keynotes!

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