The Effect of Automated Corrective Feedback On L2 Writing in POS Categories

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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 673

2022 3rd International Conference on Language, Art and Cultural Exchange (ICLACE 2022)

The Effect of Automated Corrective Feedback On L2

Writing in POS Categories
Yingxue Wang
Jiamusi University
Busan University of Foreign Studies
[email protected]

Automated corrective feedback is the processing of the Computer-Assisted Language Learning used in L2 English
writing assessment that is ubiquitous in current L2 practice and research (e.g.,Chen,2016; Chukharev & Saricaoglu,2016;
Gao et al, 2020).This research examined the effect of automated corrective feedback of Pigainet as a kind of Computer-
Assisted language learning instruments in English writing revision. Data were collected from 591 drafts of 31
participants who submitted their drafts on Pigainet and coded as errors frequency ratios according to POS category.
Findings suggested that Pigainet could help participants revise their writing errors of Article, Verb, Preposition, and

Keywords: Automated Corrective Feedback, Automated Writing Evaluation, L2 Writing, POS

1. INTRODUCTION content in addition to an automatic score, thanks to

advances in language processing technologies and
Automated corrective feedback systems may statistical approaches. Therefore, it is significant to do
facilitate the iterative writing process by alleviating some research on the effect of automated corrective
teachers of the time-intensive practice of providing feedback provided by AWE.
formative individual feedback to students (Burstein et al.,
2003) [1]. Students can receive specialized diagnostic 2. Literature Review
feedback from an automated system that covers critical
aspects of writing such as sentence form, word usage, and Automatic Writing Evaluation (AWE) tools are based
organizational structure (Burstein, ibid). Students can on artificial intelligence, natural language processing, and
utilize this information to rewrite their essays statistical techniques, enabling them to complete the
independently, allowing them to participate in the write, evaluation of written text in a shorter time than manual
feedback, and revision cycle independently. evaluation (Grimes & Warschauer, 2010)[4]. As AWE
tools reduce workforce essentially, they play an essential
Recently, automated CF as a popular L2 learning role in formative assessment "Assessment of Learning"
software has been utilized in L2 writing evaluation, such (Bennett, 2011, p. 8), which helps learners improve
as ETS Criterion, MY Access!, Write to Learn, and writing skills by providing repeated formative feedback.
Pigainet, which is used in all the universities in China.
With the combination of automated scoring and feedback, The AWE tool Project Essay Grade (PEG) was
these instructional systems are now referred to as developed in the 1960s to give a solution for teachers.
automated writing evaluation (AWE) systems Typical current AWE software, such as Criterion,
(McNamara et al.,2015)[7]. Particularly in the last decade, MyAccess, and Writing Roadmap 2.0, provide a
these AWE systems have been gradually marketed in numerical score to reflect the overall quality of writing
classroom settings with English language learners (ELLs), and diagnostic feedback to help the student improve
although they were initially designed for native speaker- writing in several areas, including grammar, word choice,
writers of English in the US (Warschauer & Ware, 2006). sentence structure, organization, and idea development,
based on a sample of student writing (Gao et al., 2020; Li
Modern automated writing evaluation (AWE) et al, 2017; McNamara et al., 2015; Rich,
systems can now provide comments on language and 2012)[3][6][7][8].

Copyright © 2022 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press SARL.

This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license - 492
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 673

While this study focuses on POS categories to sampling drafts errors so that the data coding could be
investigate the effect of automated corrective feedback more comprehensive and multidimensional.
after answering the following research questions: what is
the EFR of each type in POS categories? And what is the 4. DATA ANALYSIS AND RESULTS
EFR change of each type in POS categories?
We calculated the total number of errors identified by
3. RESEARCH METHOD triangle method on each draft, standardized the raw
number of errors, and then obtained descriptive statistics
Fifty freshmen in Jiamusi University as participants about the EFR of each type totally from the first draft to
took part in this study voluntarily. The pre-test and post- the final draft for all papers including pre-and post-tests,
test were designed to compare the EFR change and and the mean number of EFR changing from pretest to
investigate the improvement of accuracy in terms of POS posttest.
types. Both pre-test and post-test were taken in the
RQ1: What is EFR of each type in POS categories?
classroom for 30 minutes. Furthermore, ten tasks were
assigned to finish in 10 weeks, namely once a week. And As the Figure1 shows that in the whole pie, EFR of
the data could be collected to explore the characteristics the article(mean=.0342,SD=.011) is 30%, EFR of the
of POS types in L2 learners’ writing. verb (mean=.015,SD=.0067) is 22%, EFR of preposition
(mean=.0127,SD=.012) is 13%, EFR of the noun
From the participants, thirty-one students’ 591 drafts
(mean=.0096,SD=.0032) is 10%, EFR of pronoun
were selected from In order to make the error
(mean=.0062,SD=.0055) is 9%, EFR of conjunction
coding category reliable, the triangle research methods
(mean=.009,SD=.019) is 8%, EFR of the adjective
are used in the research. This study combines two
(mean=.002,SD=.0021) is 4%, EFR of punctuation
automated writing evaluation tools, Pigainet and
(mean=.0014,SD=.0008) is 2% as well as adverb’s
Grammarly, and human rater, to code and analyze

Figure 1 The Portion of Error Types

Note: adj-adjective,adv-adverb,art-article,
con-conjunction,noun-noun,pre- preposition,
pro- pronoun,pun-punctuation,v-verb
RQ2: What is EFR change of each type in POS categories? post test in terms of article EFR change (z=4.103,
p[2tailed]<.05),verb EFR change (z=4.077,
The EFR change of each type is not a normal p[2tailed]<.05),preposition EFR change(z=3.163,
distribution. Therefore, Wilcoxon pair test should be p[2tailed]=.002),noun EFR change (z=2.175,p[2
conducted to check the EFR change of error types tailed]=.03). It means the improvement in accuracy of
between pre and post-test. As figure 2 shows, the lines of article, verb, preposition and noun between pre-and
EFR of error types are down. And the results of Wilcoxon posttest.
test shows there are significant differences between pre-

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 673

Figure2 The EFR of Change in pre-posttests

5. DISCUSSION formative assessment could become regular[8]. The

research-based method may not only empower instructors
The results show that L2 learners usually confusing in and students in their local classroom teaching and
using articles in their target language, such as omitting learning, but it also has the potential to influence teacher
articles and overusing "the", which may be similar to the practice in global English language classrooms. The
previous studies. Ionin(2003) states that the first main ubiquity and immediacy of AWE feedback enable
cause is that learners have incorrect or incomplete students to practice writing when no human assistance is
semantic representations[5]. And the second cause is that available since They can access the AWE system anytime
learners have complete, correct expressions for articles and anywhere and submit their work for evaluation
but uneasy choosing the lexical form during production (Wang and Goodman 2012) [9]. In addition, L2 writers
thanks to stress on mental processing or phonological who use an online AWE system can quick and easy
limitations. Tabatabai(1985) argues that the errors of access to material about language usage and idea creation
articles have been found to occur due to omission of via the internet.
articles and unnecessary or wrong use of articles. These Although the results of this study show that automated
errors seem to occur due to ignorance of rules restrictions. written corrective feedback effectively ensures the
In addition, Liu (2016) investigates that Chinese students precise creation of specific linguistic forms, such as POS
always omit "the" or overuse it in specific contexts. kinds in L2 writing, several limitations should be
Chinese writers were transferring structures from L1, and recognized and considered in future research. The POS
they may be likely to omit a/an. Overgeneralization may categories examined in this study were carefully chosen
be linked to the learners who make the most errors due to to provide insight into the efficacy of feedback. But the
overuse of "the". study depends solely on the Pigainet program's error
And the results also show that the automated counts in terms of POS, so that it may not provide a
corrective feedback of could help L2 learners complete picture of writing accuracy. Future research
correct the POS errors in the revised drafts and the post- should look into other specific rule-based and item-based
test, so that this study provides evidence that automated forms to better understand not only how but also under
corrective feedback of Pigainet has been vastly influential what conditions and automated corrective feedback
in helping L2 learners improve their accurate production treatment may (or may not) work, as well as use multiple
immediately and over time in terms of POS types, accuracy measures, and investigate how AWE corrective
especially in article, verb, preposition, and noun. The feedback can help students' cognitive and metalinguistic
results confirm the previous studies (Gao et al, 2020; Li growth and its relationship to autonomous learning.
et al., 2017) that have been investigated that automated
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