Teachers in Calbayog City National High School, prepared and submitted by,
Kristan Anotado, Kent Rowen Beso, Chlyde Andrei Dealagdon, Jimmy Dealagdon,
Mark Galan, Limuel Gonzaga, Lara Luna, Christian Mark Nayanga, Mark Ocampo,
Sheila Orsolino, Jesriel Paet, Jhonrie Redullas, Harren Septo, Raymond Serito,
and Noel John Verbo, in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement in Practical Research 2.
First and foremost, the researchers would like to take this opportunity to express
their profound gratitude to The Almighty God for giving them the strength, knowledge,
supporting, motivating and sharing his knowledge, as well as his guidance, valuable
The researchers would also like to give their sincere gratitude to Atty.Calick D.
Rosa Jean T. Gonzaga, LPT, Marife Manalo, MSGC and Samuel A. Repelente, MAED
for their feedbacks and suggestions that helped improved this manuscript.
To the parents and family of the researchers, for all their love and moral support
And lastly, to all the senior high school teachers in Calbayog city national high
school who became a part of the research through their help, support and participation
First, we dedicate this research to God almighty our creator, our strong pillar, our
source of inspiration, wisdom, understanding, and knowledge. He has been the source
of our strength through this research and on these wings only have we soared.
Second, we dedicate this to our family who are always there support financially.
They are the one who gives us strength and energy to pursue this research.
Lastly, our instructor, research adviser, and friends who encouraged us to do this
research and whose encouragement has made sure that we will give it all. It takes to
finish that we started to those who help us, thank you for your support, courage and
The Researchers
Stress is a normal human reaction that happens to everyone. The human body is
designed to experience stress and react to it. When a person experiences changes or
challenges (stressors), your body produces physical and mental responses and that’s
stress. This study utilized a quantitative descriptive research design that provides the
answers to the questions of who, what, when, and where. This study investigated the
occupational stressors among senior high school teachers and the researchers utilize
the questionnaire as the main tool in gathering the data. There are 61 total respondents
who partake in this study in Calbayog City National High School which are the Senior
High Teachers. The primary goal of this research is to determine the Occupational
Stressors among Senior High School Teachers in Calbayog City National High School.
The finding revealed that the occupational stressors in terms of job satisfaction, it shows
that the respondents with the mean of 4.18, agree that the workplace is conducive. In
terms of Health Status, majority of the respondents with the mean of 4.63-4.70,
Teachers have to do multitasking and also Teachers need to extent working even
were there is insufficient classroom and other facilities and there is insufficient budget
for school-related activities expenses. In terms of Teacher’s role and function, that the
behavior, out of 61 respondents with the mean ranging from 4.53-4.55, student’s
laziness’ during class hours and learners misbehaving during class hours. We proposed
a seminar that will give them a tip or some knowledge on how they will cope and
Table of Contents
Cover Page i
Approval Sheet
ii Acknowledgement
iii Dedication
iv Abstract
List of Appendices ix
List of Figures x
List of Tables xi
Theoretical Framework 3
Conceptual Framework 6
Null Hypothesis 9
Scope and Limitations 9
Definition of Terms 10
Research Design 23
Research Instruments 25
Summary of findings 37
Conclusions 39
Recommendations 41
References 42
Letter 44
Survey Questionnaire 47
Seminar 52
Curriculum Vitae 54
Appendix Pages
A Letter to Participants 44
B Permission Letter 45
D Survey Questionnaire 47
E Seminar 52
F Curriculum Vitae 54
Figure Pages
1 Conceptual Paradigm 7
Table Pages