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Micro Project Report
“study on five s “
Submitted in partial fulfillment for ‘I’ Scheme sixth semester of

Diploma in

AREFI SAUD AHMED (2015010265)


Under the guidance of


(Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering)

In Pursuit of Excellencec

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai

(Autonomous) (ISO-9001-2008) (ISO/IEC 27001:2013)
Maharashtra State
Board of Technical Education, Mumbai

Certificate of Completion


THORWADE with Enrollment No: 2015010265 ,2015010267 and 2015010271 have successfully

completed their Micro-Project entitled "STUDY ON FIVE S " in the Course/Subject of

"INDUSTRIAL ENGG AND QUALITY CONTROL (IEQ-22657)"in the Fourth semester

during thier tenure of completing the Diploma programme in Mechanical Engineering From

MGM's Polytechnic institute with institute code 1501.

Prof. LAHANE U.S Prof. Bhalekar B.D

Guide HOD

Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering

Dr. B.M. Patil


We would like to express gratitude towards my guide (Prof LAHANE U.S) forthe useful
comments, remarks and for giving his valuable guidance and inspiration throughout the learning
process of this micro project report.

Furthermore we would like to thank our HOD (Prof. B.D. Bhalekar) for making available
all the facilities for the successful completion of the work and other staff members of
Mechanical Department for their valuable help.

It is with humble gratitude & sense of indebtedness. We thank our respected and esteemed
Principal (Dr. B.M. Patil) for his valuable guidance, suggestions and constant support which
lead towards successful completion of this work.

Date: 01/04/2023

Place: MGM Polytechnic Aurangabad.

Student Name Roll No

Arefi saud ahmed 32106
Ayyan nawab pathan 32107
Aditya raju thorwade 32110

Sr. No. Content Page No.

Micro-Project Proposal (ANNEXURE-I)

1.0 Aims/Benefits of the Micro-Project 1

2.0 Course Outcomes Addressed 1

3.0 Proposed Methodology 1

4.0 Action Plan 1

5.0 Resources Required 2

Micro-Project Report (ANNEXURE-II)

1.0 Rationale 3

2.0 Aims/Benefits of the Micro-Project 3

3.0 Course Outcomes Addressed 3

3.0 Literature Review 3

4.0 Actual Methodology Followed 4

5.0 Outputs of the Micro-Projects 4

6.0 Skill Developed / Learning outcomes of this Micro-Project 5

7.0 Applications of this Micro-Project 5

Index 6
Annexure – I
Micro-Project Proposal
Greenhouse Effect

Aims/Benefits of the Micro-Project

 To study Greenhouse.
 To study Greenhouse Effect.
 To derive a presentation on Greenhouse Effect.
Course Outcomes Addressed
 Develop public awareness about environment.
Proposed Methodology
1. We will finalize micro project team.
2. We will finalize topic for micro project.
3. We will prepare certificate and proposal of report.
4. Then we will collect information based on Greenhouse Effect.
5. We will prepare a report of study on Greenhouse effect.
6. And we will make power point presentation based on micro project.
7. Then at last we will derive a presentation on micro project.

4.0 Action Plan

Name of
Planned Start Planned
S. No. Details of activity Responsible
date Finish date
Team Members
1 Finalization of Micro Project Team 23rd march 24th March
Arefi saud ahmed
2023 2023
and ayyan
2 Finalization of Topic 25th March 26th March Pathan
2023 2023 adiya
3 Literature Survey 27th March 28th March Ayyan pathan
2023 2023

Submission of Micro-Project Proposal Arefi saud ahmed

4 29th March 2023 30th March
(ANNEXURE-I) 2023 and ayyan nawab
Pathan ,aditya
5 Proposed Methodology Ayyan pathan
6 Collecting Resources Required (raw material) 29th March2023 30th March Arefi saud ahmed
2023 Ayyan nawab
7 Making of Report pathan and arefi
Submission of Micro-Project Report Arefi saud ahmed
8 31th March 2023 1stApril 2023
(ANNEXURE-II) and ayyan nawab
pathan, Aditya.
Arefi saud ahmed
9 Presentation via PPT to Institute 2nd april 2023 3rd april2023
and ayyan nawab
5.0 Resources Required

S. No. Name of Resource/material Specifications Qty. Remarks

1 Microsoft office word For prototype 1
2 Laptop or computer - 1

3 Wikipedia For gathering information -

4 Google For downloading image -

Name of Team Members with Roll No’s:



Annexure – II
Micro-Project Report
Study on five s.

5S is a five-step methodology for creating a more organized and productive
workspace: Sort, Straighten, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain. 5S serves as a foundation for
deploying more advanced lean production tools and processes. What Is the 5S

Aims/Benefits of the Micro-Project:

 To study five s
 To study five s.
 To derive a presentation on five s .
Course Outcomes Achieved
 Develop public awareness about environment.
Literature Review
The objective of the paper is to investigate the process of 5S implementation across all the
levels of organisations and highlight the significant contributions of 5S to the organisations.
The paper is based on a methodical literature review that inspects how the implementation of
5S technique significantly contributed the progress of different organisations in the term of
quality, productivity, effective utilisation of space, safety and employees morale values. The
manuscript presents the systematic 5S implementation initiatives implementation
methodologies suggested by various researchers and practitioners. The success factors that
enrich 5S implementation in the organisation are also identified and discussed progressively.
The study also highlights the manufacturing achievements through successful 5S initiatives and
obstacles that create hindrance in the path of implementing 5S technique. The paper provides
comprehensive outlook of 5S approach to the management for implementing it as way of
attaining maintainable performance for their organisations.
kill Developed / Learning outomes of this Micro-Project
We developed skills as follows:
 Communication skills.
 Leadership skills.
 Team management skills.
 Time management skills.
 Problem-solving skills.
 Technical writing skills.
 Reporting skills.
 Adaptability.
 Project management methodologies.

Applications of this Micro-Project

What is the application of 5S in construction?

A disciplined approach to maintaining order in the workplace and using visual controls to eliminate waste.
The 5S words are Sort, Set in Order, Shine/Sweep, Standardize and Self-Discipline/Sustain.


Chapter No Chapter Name Page


1 Introduction 1

2 Five s 2

3 Benefits of five s 3

4 Effects of five s 4

5 Advantages 5

6 Conclusion 6

7 Reference 7
study on five s


5S is a system to reduce waste and optimize productivity through maintaining an orderly workplace and
using visual cues to achieve more consistent operational results. Implementation of this method "cleans up"
and organizes the workplace basically in its existing configuration, and it is typically the first lean method
which organizations implement.

The 5S pillars, Sort (Seiri), Set in Order (Seiton), Shine (Seiso), Standardize (Seiketsu), and Sustain
(Shitsuke), provide a methodology for organizing, cleaning, developing, and sustaining a productive work
environment. In the daily work of a company, routines that maintain organization and orderliness are
essential to a smooth and efficient flow of activities. This lean method encourages workers to improve their
working conditions and helps them to learn to reduce waste, unplanned downtime, and in-process inventory.

A typical 5S implementation would result in significant reductions in the square footage of space needed for
existing operations. It also would result in the organization of tools and materials into labeled and color
coded storage locations, as well as "kits" that contain just what is needed to perform a task. 5S provides the
foundation on which other lean methods, such as TPM, cellular manufacturing, just-in-time production,
and six sigma can be introduced.

5S is a cyclical methodology: sort, set in order, shine, standardize, sustain the cycle. This results in
continuous improvement.

The 5S methodology is often summarized by the philosophy of “a place for everything and everything in its

You may have heard of “KonMari,” a home organization system propagated by Marie Kondo. The KonMari
method transforms cluttered homes into tidy and simplified living spaces. The 5S principles are similar to
KonMari. However, saying that 5S is just about tidying is like saying yoga is just about stretching. In other
words, there is much more depth. So, let’s explore the true intent and meaning of 5S.

While 5S was first developed in the context of the automotive industry, it is now widely considered
an essential element of any lean manufacturing program, regardless of industry.

Embedding 5S as part of daily life within your company means much more than an improved
organization, sustained cleaning routines, and efficient activity flows. By using the 5S methodology,
operators are encouraged to improve their overall work environment and reduce muda or waste.

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study on five s


5S Japanese Words

5S originated as 5 Japanese words:

1. Seiri
2. Seiton
3. Seisou
4. Seiketsu
5. Shitsuke

In English, these 5S words have come to be known as:

 Sort: Eliminate that which is not needed.

 Straighten: Organize what remains after sorting.
 Shine: Clean and inspect the work area.
 Standardize: Write standards for 5S.
 Sustain: Consistently apply the 5S standards.

At their core, 5S activities build the discipline needed for substantial and continuous improvement by
creating (and sustaining) efficient and effective work areas.

While 5S was first developed in the context of the automotive industry, it is now widely considered
an essential element of any lean manufacturing program, regardless of industry.
Embedding 5S as part of daily life within your company means much more than an improved
organization, sustained cleaning routines, and efficient activity flows. By using the 5S methodology,
operators are encouraged to improve their overall work environment and reduce muda or waste.
Adherence to 5S standards is considered the foundation of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) and
an integral part of the Toyota Production System (TPS). 5S also creates a stable platform from
which Kaizen activities can be launched.
The bottom line - 5S is a low-investment, high-impact lean manufacturing tool that is predicated on
people. It engages operators in “owning” .

The key benefits of a 5S program include:

 Creating space within your facility by removing unnecessary tools and equipment
 Reducing waste from unnecessary motion by organizing the workspace
 Reducing down time and improving quality by consistently maintaining equipment
 Engaging operators by granting them more responsibility for their work environment
 Creating a safer work environment by ensuring it is clean and well -maintained
Now that you have a better understanding of why 5S is important and how it can benefit your
manufacturing operations, let’s learn more about each of the 5S steps.
study on five s



1. Clean and Pleasant Environment: 5S creates an organised and clean environment. Employees
love to work in a clean and pleasant workplace.

2. Self Discipline: Employees acquire self-discipline, they need to maintain the standards (put the
tools pack in their positions, daily cleaning, Regular Audits, etc).

3. Identify and Eliminate Wastes: 5S would bring a lot of wastes to the surface (Overproduction,
excess motion, etc.) Employees can start reducing the wastes and improve the Productivity

4. Create More Space: removal of unwanted items and organising the necessary materials release
space. We have found 5S releasing around 10% to 20% more floor space in most of our

5. Identify Abnormalities: Oil Leaks, Air Leakages and Vibration of machines can be identified
easily and fixed immediately.

6. Identify issues in the flow of the materials: Shortage of Parts, Line Imbalances, excess inventory
etc. would come to light once we implement 5S.

7. Improvement in Safety: 5S helps in crating a safe workplace by reducing accidents caused by

Slippery floors, eliminating oil leaks and creating visual indicators.

8. Improves Machine Uptime: By following daily cleaning and fixing the abnormalities, the
breakdowns of the machines would significantly reduce. From our experience we have found
more than 60% reduction in breakdowns after 5S implementation.

9. Improves Quality: By making the workplace visible and clean, the overall quality improves as defects
cannot be hidden. Defects starts reducing and improvement in First Time Acceptance (FTA) would

10. Improvement in Employee Morale and Positive Attitude: 5S creates a positive attitude and starts a
culture change in the company. Employees starts owning the workplace and their machines and they
have a sense of belongingness to the company.

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study on five s



5S is designed to decrease waste while optimizing productivity through maintaining

an orderly workplace and using visual cues to attain more consistent operational
results. 5S refers to five steps – sort, set in order, shine, standardize and sustain (also
known as the 5 pillars of a visual workplace).

Many manufacturers have implemented tactics towards a “5S” workplace organization and housekeeping
methodology in an effort to constantly improve or to supplement lean manufacturing processes. 5S is
designed to decrease waste while optimizing productivity through maintaining an orderly workplace and
using visual cues to attain more consistent operational results.

5S refers to five steps – sort, set in order, shine, standardize and sustain (also known as the 5 pillars of a
visual workplace). These programs are typically put in place by small teams working together to get
materials more accessible to operations, and to foster operations with the smallest amount of wasted time and

Here are five ways your company can benefit from 5S systems:
1. Optimized Organization: The 5 pillars of workplace organization involves, to an extent, decreasing
potential time wasted looking for, determining how to use, and returning items. Under the 5S philosophy,
parts and tools are housed in a way that makes them easily accessible and easy to utilize.

2. Efficiency: The 5S system drives companies to improve efforts aimed to eliminate waste from the
manufacturing process and overall enhance a company’s bottom line. This is done through improving
products and services, and thus lowering costs.

3. Bigger Storage Density: Standard 5S implementation results in significant reductions in the square
footage of required space for existing operations. The system involves getting rid of unnecessary items from
the production facilities – freeing up space that can be used more effectively.

4. Heightened Safety: “Waste” to be eliminated is defined broadly and includes everything from carrying
excess inventory to waste of unsafe conditions – like a box of supplies left in a heavily-trafficked area
potentially causing a worker to trip and get injured.

5. Increased workplace morale: Making it routine to implement proper procedures and discipline to avoid
backsliding is one of the main objectives of the system. This practice improves the chances of avoiding dark,
dirty, disorganized workplaces, which can foster lower morale among employees.
While manufacturers prioritize consolidation and optimized space utilization, more and more companies are
relying on lean methodologies such as 5s to achieve flexible production environments. Organizations who
continue to strive for improved productivity ensures their business a solid chance at success in the long run.

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1. Better visual management.

2. Improved safety.

3. Improved quality.

4. Improved productivity.

5. Boosted morale.

6. Improved company image.

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Conclusion :

The results show that 5S is an effective tool for improvement of organizational performance, regardless of
organization type, size, its production or its service. Consequently, 5S technique would strongly support the
objectives of organization to achieve continuous improvement in performance and productivity.

The most important barrier for implementation of 5S effectively is poor communication. Techniques
of communication and their efficiency are seldom evaluated and communication faults rarely
addressed in an industrial workplace. Poor communication can cause wasting resources, time and
money, and lowering moral amongst employees. The results of evolving communication systems in
an uncontrolled fashion in industries or business could be confusing and complex. There must be an
applicable way for using 5S as an improvement tool for communication system. The surveys indicate
that there are difficulties in the effective 5S implementation. Another significant barrier is the space
between managerial level and shop floor employees and the poor training and awareness of 5S. Since
some critical decisions of 5S activities, including time and budget performance must approve and
support by management, therefore more cooperation is recommended during implementation period
(Gapp et al., 2008).

It is concluded that 5S key of success is training. 5S implementation is not possible without proper
training and employees are not capable to actively standardize the 5S (Ho, S.K.M; 1999).
Organization should pay attention to this fact that resistance to change is one issue, which will be
occurring during 5S implementation. Therefore, it is believed that continuous training is the key
applying to change the organization culture, and assessment should focus on improvement and
progress regarding all input from the organization until complete establishment of 5S system
(Nilipour & Jamshidian, 2005).

It is obvious that the target of 5S application is vast and diverse and when effectively implemented,
the business improvement can be surprising. However, the total benefits of 5S cannot be imagined in
industries and business, until the barriers associated, fully understood, addressed and removed.

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study on five s

7 Reference

Reference books:

Industrial engineering and quality control ” by Nirali prakashan.

Published by ‘Tech-Max Publication’

Reference websites:

MGM’s Polytechnic, Aurangabad 7

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