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1. Introduction describes the system with ML (Pathak et al., 2018). In addition, given
the nonlinearity of atmospheric processes, the accuracy of atmospheric
Fog is defined as a suspension of very small water droplets in prox- prediction will deteriorate rapidly without the incorporation of atmo-
imity with the earth’s surface that reduces visibility (Glickman, 2000). spheric dynamics and physics (Kalnay, 2003; Warner, 2011), further
A distinction is made between fog, which reduces surface visibility to adding credence to the use of NWP model output. Further, the post-
less than 1 km, and mist, which does not reduce surface visibility to processing of NWP output can reduce systematic errors, which is also
the 1 km threshold (WMO, 2020). However, in this study, we will use relevant to the present study since systematic errors can represent a
the word fog to refer to both mist and fog. The reduction of visibility significant portion of total error, especially near the surface (Hacker &
adversely affects land, marine, and air transportation owing to the Rife, 2007; Kleiber et al., 2011; Warner, 2011).
associated human and economic costs. Thus, the ability to accurately Fog is the result of microphysical processes that govern the for-
and skillfully predict fog would provide tremendous utility. In this mation, growth, and dissipation of cloud particles. In addition, fog
study, we desire to predict fog by post-processing numerical weather development requires a favorable atmospheric boundary layer (PBL)
prediction (NWP) model output using a subset of machine learning structure. The PBL is the atmospheric layer in contact with the earth’s
(ML) known as deep learning (DL) (Goodfellow, Bengio, & Courville, surface where turbulence is the dominant mechanism responsible for
2016). It has been shown that the future state of a chaotic dynamical the vertical transport of heat, momentum, and moisture (Stensrud,
system can be skillfully predicted by combining a dynamical model that 2009; Stull, 1988). However, the accurate and skillful prediction of
∗ Corresponding author at: Conrad Blucher Institute for Surveying and Science, Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi, Corpus Christi, TX, USA.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (H. Kamangir), [email protected] (W. Collins), [email protected] (P. Tissot),
[email protected] (S.A. King), [email protected] (H.T.H. Dinh), [email protected] (N. Durham), [email protected] (J. Rizzo).
Received 5 January 2021; Received in revised form 15 April 2021; Accepted 2 May 2021
Available online 8 May 2021
2666-8270/© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
H. Kamangir, W. Collins, P. Tissot et al. Machine Learning with Applications 5 (2021) 100038
the occurrence, location, and timing of fog within the PBL using oper- given that a model ensemble involves running multiple NWP model
ational NWP models is very difficult. Microphysical processes occur on runs simultaneously, the development of a predictive fog model by
the scale of individual aerosols and cloud particles (Glickman, 2000) combining a single dynamical model and ML, that can perform at least
which cannot be resolved by operational NWP models. Instead, NWP similar to that of a corresponding ensemble system, would represent a
models parameterize (use resolved variables to account for the implicit tremendous computational cost savings and hence high utility.
effects of) these unresolved processes which introduces error (Gul- A literature search reveals that ML has been used to predict fog. Fab-
tepe, Milbrandt, & Zhou, 2017; Koračin et al., 2014). In particular, bian, De Dear, and Lellyett (2007) used 8 features from meteorological
microphysical parameters critical for the accurate prediction of fog in observations to develop a MLP artificial neural network with 2 hidden
NWP models include liquid water content (LWC), particle size (r), and layers (and with 3 to 20 neurons per hidden layer) to predict fog
fog droplet number concentration (Nd). Yet, the parameterization of occurrence at the Canberra International Airport (YSCB) in Australia,
these microphysical variables combined with the inadequate spatial with 3, 6, 12, and 18 h lead times. Also, Zazzaro, Pisano, and Mer-
resolutions of operational NWP models can result in large uncertainties cogliano (2010) proposed a cost sensitive classifier using the BayesNet
in LWC and Nd (Gultepe et al., 2017). Further, the difficulty to predict algorithm in order to develop a binary classifier to predict fog oc-
these microphysical parameters is compounded by the high variability currence, based on thirteen years of meteorological observations from
of such in nature. For example, the relationship between Nd and aerosol 1990 to 2002 at the Trapani Milo airport (Italy). In another project
number concentration (Na) is highly variable (Gultepe & Isaac, 1999). Saurabh and Dimri applied NNs for fog prediction in Delhi, India using
Finally, aerosols influence r and hence visibility; for a given mixing meteorological input data from 1996 to 2015 (Saurabh & Dimri, 2016).
ratio, a greater Na results in a larger number of smaller cloud–fog A novel artificial neural network with multi-objective evolutionary
particles and a corresponding larger surface-to-volume ratio, which training has been proposed by Durán-Rosal et al. (2018) for binary
results in greater extinction (lower visibility) (Koračin et al., 2014; fog event classification from meteorological input variables including
Stoelinga & Warner, 1999). With regard to PBL structure, an adequate temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, wind direction and runway
representation of turbulence in the NWP model equations requires visual range at Valladolid airport (Spain). Despite these major advances
a model grid spacing ≤ 50 m (Stensrud, 2009). Since operational in the application of fog prediction using ML techniques, the avail-
NWP models (at least within the United States) have horizontal grid ability of observations is still insufficient for ML models developed by
spacings ≥ 4 km, turbulence processes are also parameterized, which post-processing only observations to learn the non-linear interactions
contributes to errors in PBL structure and also to uncertainties in LWC between predictors (features) and fog necessary to predict fog 6 to 24 h
and Nd (Gultepe et al., 2017). in advance with sufficient skill and in a consistent manner. In our study,
In addition to errors associated with the microphysical and PBL we use numerical weather prediction (NWP) model output as features
parameterizations, the chaotic nature of the atmosphere with extreme to better account for the dynamics of the system and the nonlinear
dependence on the initial condition (Lorenz, 1963, 1969), is also prob- relationships between the features and fog in order to develop a skillful
lematic. NWP is an initial value problem and the initial values provided fog prediction model.
to the microphysical and PBL parameterizations likely contain er- For decades, conventional machine learning models were limited
rors which lowers practical predictability (Melhauser & Zhang, 2012). to processing raw data. In addition, these pattern recognition systems
Lastly, fog development occurs on the microscale time and space scales required careful engineering and considerable domain expertise to ex-
(< 1 h and < 2 km; Orlanski, 1975) which creates a challenge to tract features from the raw data (Goodfellow et al., 2016). But, recently,
accurate prediction. For example, an Ontario Canada fog event ad- Deep Learning (DL) models have demonstrated successes with respect
versely affected 82 motorists, yet dense fog occurred over a spatial to predictive skill, and have emerged as state-of-the-art across a broad
and temporal scale of only a few kilometers and for less than 1 h, range of applications in computer vision, natural language processing,
respectively (Pagowski, Gultepe, & King, 2004). Not only are microscale earth science, and medicine. DL models have shown a powerful ability
phenomena not resolvable in the current operational NWP models, to automatically extract hierarchical and nonlinear features from raw
but also the intrinsic predictability of the atmosphere is positively input data. DL models transform the representation from raw input data
correlated with spatial scale (Lorenz, 1969). into representations at a higher level which results in an understand-
One state-of-the-art method used by operational forecasters to ac- ing of very complex functions. Specifically, for classification, multiple
count for atmospheric chaos when predicting fog is to utilize an ensem- layers of representation would amplify patterns of the input data that
ble of NWP model runs to quantify the level of uncertainty inherent are important for discrimination.
in single NWP model deterministic runs (Leith, 1974). Based on the Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are designed to process data
performance of individual ensemble members, the probability that in the form of multiple arrays such as an image. The input data for
atmospheric variables will reach particular thresholds, or whether spe- CNNs are in the form of multiple arrays, for example 1D for signal, 2D
cific atmospheric phenomena will occur, can be generated. Ensemble for image and 3D for video or volumetric data. Local connection, shared
prediction systems (EPS) used by operational meteorologists in the weights, pooling, and the ability to use many non-linear layers are four
United States National Weather Service (NWS) to assist in the fore- key ideas behind CNN (Goodfellow et al., 2016). Weight sharing in-
casting of fog events include the High-Resolution Ensemble Forecast creases model efficiency by reducing the number of parameters to learn
(HREF) and the Short-Range Ensemble Forecast (SREF) (SPC, 2020). in comparison with fully connected neural networks (traditional neural
These ensemble systems provide probabilities of visibility below par- network) (Goodfellow et al., 2016; Schmidhuber, 2015). Traditional ML
ticular thresholds based on the performance of the individual ensemble models, including MLP, lose the spatial pattern of input data, while
members. For example, output from the HREF includes parameters for CNN retains the spatial correlation between pixels and the pattern of
the probability of visibility less than 1600, 3200, and 6400 m. Studies variables.
have demonstrated the performance enhancement of NWP model en- Over the past four years DL models have been increasingly de-
sembles over single deterministic runs in predicting fog (Zhou & Du, veloped for environmental and meteorological applications (Chaabani
2010; Zhou, Du, Gultepe, & Dimego, 2012). et al., 2018; Kamangir, Collins, Tissot, & King, 2020; Khaefi, Pramestri,
However, as mentioned earlier, Pathak et al. (2018) has demon- Amin, & Lee, 2018; Li, Fu, & Lo, 2017; Xiao et al., 2019; Zhou, Zheng,
strated that the combination of output from a single dynamical model Li, Dong, & Zhang, 2019). For fog predictions, Kipfer (2017) applied a
that describes a chaotic system (e.g. the atmosphere) with ML can 2D CNN model to predict fog with 24 h lead time for the Zurich Airport.
skillfully predict the future state of the chaotic system. In addition, The model was built based on 15,000 cases over 1.4 years of observa-
post-processing of NWP output via ML can remove systematic errors, tion and uses seven predictors. To address the skewed balance of their
which may be a significant portion of total model error. Furthermore, dataset towards high visibility observations, the authors used a transfer
H. Kamangir, W. Collins, P. Tissot et al. Machine Learning with Applications 5 (2021) 100038
learning approach for tackling this problem showing that this can be network can then simultaneously extract 2D spatial pattern of corre-
accomplished even though the learned features from ImageNet are lation between individual and also combination of variables based on
different than the ones used for their meteorological observations. Miao their pattern. 3D convolution image processing is increasingly tested
et al. (2020) tested the application of a LSTM model for short term fog by researchers particularly in the field of Hyper-spectral Image (HSI)
forecasting based on a 3 year time series of meteorological variables processing, a class of remote sensing images with abundant spectral
including temperature (TMP), air pressure, wind speed, wind direction, bands and spatial information (Alipour-Fard et al., 2020; Cao & Guo,
rainfall, dew point temperature (DPT), relative humidity (RH), visibility 2020; He, Li, & Chen, 2017; Ma, Yang, Wu, Zhao, & Zhang, 2019;
per minute and hourly visibility provided by The Anhui Provincial Roy, Krishna, Dubey, & Chaudhuri, 2019; Song & Choi, 2020; Wang,
Meteorological Bureau up to next four hours. Dou, Jiang, & Sun, 2018; Xu, Xiao, Wang, & Luo, 2020). These recent
Prior studies using DL models for fog prediction either did not applications of 3D-CNNs for HSI classification indicate that 3D-CNNs
validate on a large time series dataset (Kipfer, 2017) or did not account perform better than 1D-CNNs and 2D-CNNs. 1D-CNNs are too limited
for vertical structure of the boundary layer (Kipfer, 2017; Miao et al., to capture broader spatial characteristics or the spectral structure of
2020). Kipfer (2017) had to use transfer learning to take full advantage the input data and 2D-CNNs will not be able to create latent features
of DL models to benefit from the correlation between several input describing potential correlations between spectral bands (Ma et al.,
variables (represented as images) and fog prediction, which is not ap- 2019). In our work, We apply a 3D-CNNs rather than a more com-
propriate since the feature structure of meteorological data is different monly used 2D CNNs model to enable the potential identification of
than natural images. In this work, between 288–384 (depending on multidimensional and multivariate features in the input data, in our
the lead time prediction) different atmospheric variables, including case correlations between meteorological and oceanic variables.
variables that account for the vertical structure of the atmosphere Prior research on HSI classification has revealed that only using
below 700 mb, for 11 years from 2009–2020 were used which enabled the conventional 3D-CNNs to extract spectral–spatial features results
us to take full advantage of DL models without any need to use in too many parameters if the input data has considerable spatial
transfer learning or transformation to learn the complexity between redundancy (Woo, Park, Lee, & So Kweon, 2018). Yu and Koltun
input variables and fog. Accounting for the vertical structure in the (2015) proposed a multiscale convolutional filter approach based on
lower atmosphere is critical when predicting fog. Detailed case studies a dilated convolution strategy to extract the contextual features at
involving the determination of mechanisms responsible for fog events, different scales and resolution and to reduce the spatial redundancy
illustrate the importance of analyzing the vertical structure of the while enlarging the receptive field. To enhance the performance of
boundary layer (Koračin et al., 2014; Liu, Yang, Niu, & Li, 2011). CNNs, researchers have further investigated three of the models char-
In our work, the dataset of model predictors consists of a high acteristics: depth, width and cardinality (Woo et al., 2018). From
dimensional data cube containing 288–384 different 2D layers of hor- the first convolutional deep model LeNet architecture (LeCun, Bottou,
izontal fields of meteorological (NAM) and oceanic (MUR) variables Bengio, & Haffner, 1998) through the present day, the networks have
(predictor maps). The stacking of these fog predictor maps can be become deeper for rich representation. As CNN become increasingly
expressed as 3D images. The dataset represents conditions below the deep, the networks provide a higher level of representation and better
700 mb vertical pressure level that influence fog development with performance. However, several problems have emerged, including the
variables selected because of their likely direct or indirect relevance gradient vanishing problem, a more time-consuming training process
to the formation of fog (see Table 1). and the requirement to increase training sample size to avoid over-
In order to extract the relevant latent features from the 3D cube fitting. The DenseNet mechanism (Huang, Liu, Van Der Maaten, &
of predictors, a 3D CNN approach was selected. The 3D convolutional Weinberger, 2017) has been proposed to address the aforementioned
H. Kamangir, W. Collins, P. Tissot et al. Machine Learning with Applications 5 (2021) 100038
problems. DenseNet has shown that if a CNN contains shorter connec- used to assess FogNet performance. Section 3 contains the results and
tions between layers close to the input and those close to the output, discussion, which includes FogNet model performance assessment and
the network will become more accurate and efficient to train. DenseNet comparison to the reference model. Section 4 contains the conclusion.
alleviates the vanishing gradient problem, increases the global infor-
mation and substantially reduces the number of parameters. As a new 2. Methodology
strategy to further explore the discriminative features and enhance
the performance of CNNs, a channel attention module and a spatial 2.1. Model domain
attention module are also adopted to optimize the feature maps and
improve the classification performance (Woo et al., 2018). As will
The DLNN model domain used in this study is a subset of the
be further described in the Methodology Section 2.4.4, the attention
domain used in the operational NAM (Section 2.2. Features), and
mechanism forces the network to focus on important features and
is represented as a grid of 32 × 32 points, with a grid spacing of
suppress unnecessary ones. The goal of Attention mechanism is to
12 km. The domain includes a portion of both the northwest Gulf of
increase representation power in both channel-wise and spatial-wise
Mexico and the adjacent Texas coast (Fig. 1). The latitude–longitude
architecture by emphasizing meaningful features along those two prin-
pair of the NE, SE, SW, and NW corners of the domain are 29.00◦ N–
cipal dimensions. Moreover, data augmentation, parametric rectified
linear unit, dynamic learning rate, batch normalization, and regular- 94.20◦ W/25.20◦ N–94.20◦ W/25.20◦ N–98.01◦ W/29.00◦ N–98.01◦ W, respec-
ization (including dropout and L2) methods are all used to increase tively. NAM secondary output variables (and variables derived from
classification accuracy and prevent overfitting. NAM output) served as the source for predictor variables (features)
AI and Deep learning are progressing rapidly and making substantial used to develop the DLNN models. Based on empirical orthogonal
contributions to the environmental sciences. CNNs in particular have function (EOF) and wavelet analysis of visibility data over South Ko-
shown a remarkable ability to create implicit representations of 2D rea, Lee, Lee, Park, Chang, and Lee (2010) found that radiation fog
images facilitating the extraction of predictors. This work builds on occurs based on meteorological conditions over a time scale of 1 day,
these advances while developing a novel architecture 3D architecture and advection fog is affected by such conditions on a scale of at least 1
to take advantage of a large dataset combining numerical weather week. Meteorological phenomena occurring over daily and weekly time
predictions and satellite imagery to better predict a high impact event, scales correspond to horizontal scales of around 200 km and greater
coastal fog formation. The novel architecture focuses on capturing air– than 2000 km, respectively (Orlanski, 1975). Note that the FogNet
sea interaction and 3D atmospheric processes with further novelties domain has a horizontal scale of 12 × 32 = 384 km. Thus, the domain in
including: this study would appear sufficient to capture meteorological conditions
associated with radiation fog, yet insufficient to account for advection
• the use of a more complete feature set created by combining fog development. However, fog predictions in this study extend to a
satellite derived information with NWP model output NW, maximum of 24 h, corresponding to the 200 km spatial scale. Thus, the
• the computation of specific predictors quantifying the air–sea FogNet domain is sufficient.
interaction based on NWP model output and high resolution
satellite imagery,
2.2. Features
• the use of Physics based groupings of the predictors (5 groups
in this study), prior to processing by the 3D convolutions of the
The features chosen for this study originated from the North Amer-
parallel branches of the feature extraction,
ican Mesoscale Forecast System (NAM) (Environmental Modeling Cen-
• the inclusion of dense blocks to address the vanishing gradient
problem and reduce the number of parameters, ter, 2021) developed by the National Weather Service in the United
States of America. NAM model configuration is depicted in Appendix.
• the inclusion of attention mechanisms to improve classification
performance by optimizing feature maps while suppressing weak The training, validation, and testing sets were derived from the 2009–2020
predictor fields, period of the NAM. During this period, the NAM evolved from the WRF-
• the comparison of the performance of the new DL model with that NMM (Weather Research and Forecasting Nonhydrostatic Mesoscale
of an operational NWP model ensemble on a 2 year independent Model) (Janjic, Gerrity, & Nickovic, 2001) (29 June 2006 to 30 Septem-
dataset. ber 2011), to the NEMS–NMMB (NOAA Environmental Modeling Sys-
tem Nonhydrostatic Multiscale Model on the Arakawa B-grid) (Janjic
In this work, we seek to develop 3D-CNNs to predict fog visibility & Gall, 2012) (1 October 2011 to present.) Further, the NAM un-
categories at the Mustang Beach Airport in Port Aransas, Texas (KRAS) derwent significant changes to model numerics, data assimilation,
(USA) (AirNav, 2020). The airport is located on a barrier island near initialization, and to the land surface, radiation, microphysics, and
the Port of Corpus Christi (PCC) ship channel, the fourth largest port convective parametrizations (Environmental Modeling Center, 2020b).
in the US by tonnage (Fig. 1). We use visibility measurements at KRAS A change to model configuration warrants an update to the statistical
as a proxy for the presence of coastal fog in the PCC ship channel. It is relationship between the NWP model-derived features and the target
estimated that fog-related PCC closures total tens of million USD daily. (e.g. Warner, 2011; Wilks, 2011). However, we do not account for
The 3D-CNN DL model is developed by post-processing NWP model NAM configuration changes in this study. The assumption is made
output, a method that reduces systematic errors associated with NWP that the training of FogNet using data from the frequently changing
model output (Hacker & Rife, 2007) and has been used to improve NAM will not be detrimental, given the success of Kamangir et al.
the predictive skill of a model that predicts the future state of a (2020) in developing a high-performance deep learning model to
chaotic dynamical system such as the atmosphere (Pathak et al., 2018). predict thunderstorm occurrence by post-processing NAM output over
This study is part of a project with the ultimate goal to skillfully the 2004–2006; 2009–2012 period. The NAM uses the following post-
predict visibility associated with fog at least 24 h in advance, which processing algorithm by Stoelinga and Warner (1999) to diagnose
requires predictors originating from a dynamical model (e.g. NWP
visibility based on extinction caused by various hydrometeors:
model) (Warner, 2011). The specific DL model used in this work is a 3D
convolution based on dilated convolution, double-branch dense block ln 𝜖
𝑣𝑖𝑠 = − (1)
and attention mechanism (hereafter called FogNet). This paper is orga- 𝛽
nized as follows: Section 2 contains the methodology, which includes The parameter 𝜖 is a unitless constant (0.02) provided by Koschmeider
the FogNet model domain, predictor variables (input features), target, (1924). 𝛽 [km−1 ] is the extinction coefficient which is determined via an
FogNet model structure and development, and the reference model empirical relationship. The following equation is the extinction due to
H. Kamangir, W. Collins, P. Tissot et al. Machine Learning with Applications 5 (2021) 100038
Table 1
DLNN model predictors (features). The number in parentheses to the right of each feature denotes the following: 1 = NAM initialization and predictor variable, 2 = high resolution
sea surface temperature MUR products, 3 = combination of NAM and MUR. NAM refers to the North American Mesoscale Modeling System and MUR refers to Multiscale Ultra
High-resolution products.
Acronym Description (units) Justification as fog predictor
𝐷𝑃 𝑇2𝑚 (1) Dew point temperature at A low dew point depression (TMP–DPT) near the surface is necessary for fog development. Fog
2 meter height (K) can occur with a higher depression (corresponding to 𝑅𝐻 ≥ 85%) in a polluted environment.
Surface (2𝑚) DPT > SST (sea surface temperature) is essential for advection fog upstream of
the target KRAS (Koračin et al., 2014).
VIS (1) Surface visibility (m) The prediction of surface visibility based on the following equation from Stoelinga and Warner
(1999): 𝑉 𝐼𝑆 = −( ln𝛽𝜖 ), where 𝜖 (liminal constant) = 0.02, and 𝛽 [km−1 ] (extinction coefficient)
= 144.7𝐶 0.88 ; 𝐶 [gm−3 ] (mass concentration of liquid water)
𝑉 𝑉𝐿𝐸𝑉 𝐸𝐿 (1) Vertical velocity [LEVEL = 2 m, Fog occurs during low vertical velocity and the activation of cloud condensation nuclei
975–700 mb] (ms−1 ) (subsequent higher cloud droplet number concentration) is related to vertical velocity (Gultepe
et al., 2017). During radiation and advection–radiation fog events, the vertical structure of
surface layer radiative cooling is controlled by horizontal wind, vertical wind shear, and
vertical velocities (Dupont, Haeffelin, Stolaki, & Elias, 2016).
𝑄𝐿𝐸𝑉 𝐸𝐿 (1) Specific humidity [LEVEL = 2 m, Wind in combination with specific humidity (Q) infer moisture advection, critical for
975–700 mb; 25 mb interval] generating the unique TMP and RH profiles conducive to radiation, advection, and frontal fog
(gkg−1 ) development (Koračin et al., 2014). Vertical profile of Q a proxy for the determination of PBL
height (Stull, 1988); Luan, Guo, Guo, and Zhang (2018) found a positive linear correlation
between PBL height and visibility.
𝑈𝐿𝐸𝑉 𝐸𝐿 , 𝑉𝐿𝐸𝑉 𝐸𝐿 (1) U,V wind [LEVEL = 2 m, Wind in combination with specific humidity (Q) infer moisture advection which influences fog
975–700 mb; 25 mb interval] development (Koračin et al., 2014). Very light surface wind a requirement for radiation fog.
(ms−1 ) Onshore flow a requirement for advection fog over the target (KRAS). Frontal fog is less
dependent on wind velocity than advection or radiation fog. During radiation and
advection–radiation fog events, the vertical structure of surface layer radiative cooling is
controlled by horizontal wind, vertical wind shear, and vertical velocities (Dupont et al., 2016).
𝑇 𝑀𝑃𝐿𝐸𝑉 𝐸𝐿 (1) Temperature [LEVEL = 2 m, Radiation, advection, advection–radiation, and frontal fog are strongly related to TMP and RH
975–700 mb; 25 mb interval] (K) vertical structure in the lower levels of the atmosphere. A low dew point depression
(TMP–DPT) near the surface is necessary for fog development. Fog can occur with a higher
depression (corresponding to 𝑅𝐻 ≥ 85%) in a polluted environment. Surface (2𝑚) TMP > SST
(sea surface temperature) is essential for advection fog at the target KRAS (Koračin et al.,
𝑅𝐻𝐿𝐸𝑉 𝐸𝐿 (1) Relatively humidity [LEVEL = Radiation, advection, advection–radiation, and frontal fog strongly related to TMP and RH
2 m, 975–700 mb; 25 mb vertical structure in the lower levels of the atmosphere. Cooling required for condensation (and
interval] (%) subsequent fog development) inversely related to RH. A low dew point depression (TMP–DPT)
near the surface is necessary for fog development. Fog can occur with a higher depression
(corresponding to 𝑅𝐻 ≥ 85%) in a polluted environment. RH structure can identify the stratus
cloud layer associated with stratus-lowering fog (Dupont et al., 2016).
𝑇 𝐾𝐸𝐿𝐸𝑉 𝐸𝐿 (1) Turbulent kinetic energy [LEVEL If the 𝜕𝑄
> 0 condition is violated in the lower levels, turbulent mixing (TKE) of drier air
= 975–700 mb; 25 mb interval] (lower values of RH or Q) may decrease the chance for fog (Toth et al., 2010). TKE
(K 2 ) contributes to stratus-lowering fog (Dupont et al., 2016)
𝑇𝐿𝐶𝐿 (1) Temperature at the LCL (K) With all other factors equal, CNN activation is inversely proportional to 𝑇𝐿𝐶𝐿 (Gultepe et al.,
𝑆𝑆𝑇 (2) Sea surface temperature from the 𝑇 𝑀𝑃2𝑚 > 𝑆𝑆𝑇 and 𝐷𝑃 𝑇2𝑚 > 𝑆𝑆𝑇 are essential for advection fog at the target KRAS (Koračin
MUR SST (K) et al., 2014). Fog occurrence over the sea is most favorable for a particular range of SST
values (Li, Wang, Fu, & Lu, 2016)
FRICV (1) Friction velocity (ms−1 ) There is a strong relationship between near surface FRICV and radiation fog development (Liu
et al., 2011).
𝐷𝑃 𝑇2𝑚 – SST (3) Surface dew point temperature 𝑇 𝑀𝑃2𝑚 > 𝑆𝑆𝑇 and 𝐷𝑃 𝑇2𝑚 > 𝑆𝑆𝑇 are essential for advection fog at the target KRAS (Koračin
minus MUR SST (K) et al., 2014).
𝑇 𝑀𝑃2𝑚 – SST (3) Surface temperature minus MUR 𝑇 𝑀𝑃 2𝑚 > 𝑆𝑆𝑇 and 𝐷𝑃 𝑇2𝑚 > 𝑆𝑆𝑇 are essential for advection fog at the target KRAS (Koračin
SST (K) et al., 2014).
𝑇 𝑀𝑃2𝑚 – 𝐷𝑃 𝑇2𝑚 (1) Surface temperature minus A low dew point depression (TMP–DPT) near the surface is necessary for fog
surface DPT (K) development (Koračin et al., 2014).
cloud liquid water and fog based on an observational study by Kunkel mixing ratio and cloud droplet number concentration (Warner, 2011),
(1984): which allows for applicability across a wider range of environmen-
tal conditions with varying cloud droplet number concentrations that
𝛽 = 144.7𝐶 0.88 (2) occur in nature (Stensrud, 2009). Aerosol concentration affects cloud
droplet number concentration and drop-size distribution, which affects
The parameter C [gm−3 ] is the mass concentration of the hydrometer in
extinction. In particular, aerosols contribute to a larger number of
question generated by the Ferrier–Algo (Aligo, Ferrier, & Carley, 2018)
smaller cloud droplets, which results in a larger surface-to-volume
bulk microphysics parameterization used in the NAM. However, this
ratio, which in turn results in a greater extinction and thus a lower
microphysics scheme and post-processing algorithm combination can visibility; this is known as the first indirect effect (Twomey, 1974).
result in significant visibility prediction errors (Gultepe et al., 2017). However, the NAM does not account for aerosol contribution to the
In addition to the mass of liquid water, visibility is also influenced by cloud microphysics scheme (Eric Rogers, personal communication),
cloud droplet number concentration, cloud drop-size distribution, and further limiting the ability of the NAM to skillfully predict visibility.
aerosol concentration (Gultepe et al., 2017). The NAM microphysics With respect to fog visibility prediction, the NAM is essentially using an
scheme is single moment with respect to cloud water, thus cloud water empirical relationship to map cloud liquid water mass to the extinction
mixing ratio is calculated yet cloud droplet number concentration is coefficient, without accounting for the variation in extinction due to
held constant. A double-moment scheme predicts both cloud water changes in cloud particle number concentration and cloud drop-size
H. Kamangir, W. Collins, P. Tissot et al. Machine Learning with Applications 5 (2021) 100038
distribution caused by aerosols and other factors. Lastly, the NAM has The FogNet predictors (see Table 1) are arranged into 5 separate
a horizontal grid spacing of 12 km, too coarse to resolve atmospheric groups whereby each group contains features that possess a simi-
turbulence and cloud microphysics processes (Kalnay, 2003; Stensrud, lar physical relationship to fog prior to input into FogNet. Group
2009) that influence fog development. Thus, the combination of single 1 emphasizes the influence of wind and contains the wind-related
moment microphysics with respect to cloud water, the lack of aerosols features FRICV SURFACE, U10-METERS, V10-METERS, U975-700, and
in the NAM microphysics scheme, and the mesoscale horizontal res- V975-700. Radiation fog requires very light or calm wind, whereas
olution of the NAM simulation, may result in significant visibility advection fog requires moist onshore flow (Koračin et al., 2014). Fur-
prediction errors. ther, radiational fog is strongly related to frictional velocity (Liu et al.,
Thus, the NAM visibility diagnostic variable cannot be used alone 2011). Rain-induced frontal fog is less wind dependent than radiation
if highly skillful visibility predictions are desired. In this study, NAM or advection fog. Group 2 focuses on the influence of turbulence
visibility along with additional NAM predictors (1) are post-processed kinetic energy and contains features TKE975-700 and Q975-700. If
via FogNet in an attempt to predict fog visibility categories at skills the condition 𝜕𝑄𝜕𝑧
> 0 is violated in the lower atmosphere, turbulent
exceeding that of predictions from both deterministic NAM and state- mixing (TKE) of drier air (low Q magnitudes) may prevent fog develop-
of-the-art NWP model ensembles. As mentioned in the Introduction, ment (Toth et al., 2010). Group 3 incorporates the thermodynamic pro-
post-processing NWP model output can correct for systematic errors file of the lower atmosphere and contains the features TMP2-METERS,
(potentially a significant portion of total model error) associated with TMP975-700, DPT2-METERS, RH2-METERS, and RH975-700. Radia-
the NWP model. The additional NAM features were chosen based tion and advection–radiation fogs that develop within the domain
on expertise and a literature search for variables that influence the of this study occur within an environment characterized by moist
development of radiation, advection, advection–radiation, frontal, and air near the surface, and much drier air immediately aloft (Koračin
stratus-lowering fog over southern Texas and along the adjacent coast. et al., 2014). Advection fog generally occurs within an atmospheric
Radiational fog occurs owing to radiative cooling within an environ- profile characterized by both statically stable and nearly saturated
ment characterized by moist conditions near the surface, dry conditions conditions throughout the lower atmosphere (Koračin et al., 2014).
aloft, and light or calm wind (Koračin et al., 2014). Along the Texas The rain-induced frontal fog cases at KRAS in the dataset were nearly
coast, advection fog generally develops owing to the onshore advection always characterized by a nearly-saturated strong inversion layer below
of a moist airmass over the cooler sea surface (cold fog example 500 m (not shown). In addition to vertical mixing, the height of
described in Koračin et al., 2014). Advection–radiation fog is unique to the stratus layer and the moisture content magnitude tend to control
coastal environments and occurs in response to the increase in near sur- the formation of stratus-lowering fog (Dupont et al., 2016). Stratus
face moisture due to onshore flow during the daylight hours, followed layer height and moisture content can be inferred from the thermo-
by the radiation fog mechanism at night (Bari, Bergot, & Khlifi, 2016). dynamic structure. Group 4 accounts for the influence of atmospheric
Frontal fog can be subdivided into the following 3 types, as indicated moisture and microphysics, and contains surface visibility (VIS) (see
in Glickman (2000): ‘‘Warm-front prefrontal fog’’, ‘‘cold-front post- Section 2.2), QSURFACE, TMP2-METERS-DPT2-METERS (dew point
frontal fog’’, and ‘‘frontal-passage fog’’. The fog formation mechanism depression), TLCL and VVEL975-700. Low visibility due to fog re-
is equivalent for the first 2 types, which involves stratiform rain moist- quires sufficient surface moisture (QSURFACE) and a low dew point
ening the shallow cold and stable layer below resulting in fog. Although depression corresponding to an 𝑅𝐻 ≥ 85% (Koračin et al., 2014). The
rain is not a predictor variable (feature) in FogNet, the vertical structure activation of cloud condensation nuclei (which results in higher cloud
of the atmosphere consistent with stratiform rain is captured by FogNet droplet number concentrations and thus lower visibilities per Eq. (1)
features. Frontal-passage fog can occur in response to the mixture of the in Section 2.2) is inversely related to both VVEL and TLCL (Gultepe
warm and cold airmasses within the frontal zone. Stratus-lowering fog et al., 2017). Lastly, Group 5 accounts for the influence of the sea
occurs when radiatively-cooled air (in response to radiational cooling at surface to advection fog, and contains features SST, DPT2-METERS-
the top of a stratus cloud) mixes vertically-downward and cools the sub- SST, and TMP2-METERS-SST. Advection fog tends to occur when SST
cloud layer towards saturation, resulting in the lowering of the cloud values are within a certain range (Li et al., 2016) and requires that the
base to the surface (Gultepe et al., 2007). Thus, to predict radiation, conditions (DPT2-METERS-SST) > 0 and (TMP2-METERS-SST) > 0 be
advection, advection–radiation, frontal, and stratus-lowering fog, the satisfied (Koračin et al., 2014).
modeler must account for high resolution vertical profiles of wind, In this work, FogNet has been applied to predict visibility at 6, 12
temperature, moisture content, and relative humidity in the lower and 24 h lead times. The number of predictors is adjusted depending
levels of the atmosphere (Gultepe et al., 2017; Koračin et al., 2014). on lead time with 288 meteorological variables for 6-hr predictions
We include the relevant variables as features/predictors in FogNet. including initial NAM, 03- and 06-hour NAM predictions. The predic-
Additional features include surface frictional velocity (strongly related tors for the 12 and 24 h predictions consist both of 384 meteorological
to radiation fog; Liu et al., 2011), vertical velocity (magnitude strongly variables including initial NAM, 03- , 06- and 12-hour NAM predictions
related to fog; Gultepe et al., 2017), turbulent kinetic energy (can for 12 h lead time and initial NAM, 03- , 12- and 24-hour NAM
decrease chance for fog under certain conditions; Toth et al., 2010), and predictions for 24 h lead time.
lifted condensation level (LCL) temperature (inversely related to the
activation of cloud condensation nuclei, which results in a higher cloud 2.3. Target
droplet number concentration; Gultepe et al., 2017). Several features
were also chosen to correct for the limitations of the NAM with regard In this study, visibility data was collected from the Mustang Beach
to advection fog prediction. Advection fog can occur when the surface Airport in Port Aransas, Texas (KRAS) (United States) during the period
dew point value of near surface air exceeds the corresponding sea sur- 2009–2020. A target vector was generated, which contained visibility
face temperature (SST) (Koračin et al., 2014). However, the NAM does measurements at 0000, 0600, 1200, and 1800 UTC each day, correspond-
not utilize SST to predict fog (Eric Rogers, personal communication.) ing to the times of the 6, 12, and 24 hr predictions of the 0000 and
Thus, the Multiscale Ultra High-resolution (MUR) satellite-derived SST 1200 UTC cycles of the NAM. FogNet is designed as a set of binary
product (1 km) (Chin, Vazquez-Cuervo, & Armstrong, 2017), and the classifiers for different ranges and lead times, and thus the visibility
NAM surface (2-m height) dew point temperature variable, were com- measurements were converted to categories. Conversion of all visibility
bined to generate the feature DPT2meters — SST. Table 1 includes the values ≤ 6400 meters to categories occurred only for those cases
features, the justification for use of each feature, and corresponding where the KRAS indicated visibility reduction caused by weather codes
references. FG (fog) or mist (BR). Thus, FogNet was trained to predict visibility
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H. Kamangir, W. Collins, P. Tissot et al. Machine Learning with Applications 5 (2021) 100038
and spatial-wise attention module to extract informative area for each concatenated feature map to generate the spatial attention map. Next,
input variable map. We introduce the two modules in detail. the input feature is multiplied with the spatial attention map to get
spatially-refined feature maps which focus on the most informative
Variable-Wise Attention Module
area. To be summarized, the spatial attention map is computed as:
In a variable-wise attention module each input feature map can be
seen as a variable predictor. The goal of variable attention is to focus on 𝑀𝑠 (𝐹 ) = 𝜎(𝑓 𝑁×𝑁 ([𝐴𝑣𝑔𝑃 𝑜𝑜𝑙(𝐹 ); 𝑀𝑎𝑥𝑃 𝑜𝑜𝑙(𝐹 )])) =
the meaningful variables while decreasing the relative contributions of 𝜎(𝑓 𝑁×𝑁 ([𝐹𝑎𝑣𝑔
𝑐 𝑐
; 𝐹𝑚𝑎𝑥 ]))
less important variables. As is shown in Fig. 4, a variable-wise attention
module has two pooling layers: a MaxPooling layer and an AvgPooling where 𝜎 denotes the activation function and we choose the sigmoid
layer to aggregate spatial information with different spatial descriptors: function here, 𝑓𝑁×𝑁 represents a convolution operation with filter size
𝐹𝑎𝑣𝑔 𝑐
and 𝐹𝑚𝑎𝑥 (Ma et al., 2019). The output features are organized as of 𝑁 × 𝑁.
a one-dimensional vector with the length of the vector equal to the
number of input features. Then a shared network composed of a 3-layer 2.4.5. FogNet
perceptron (MLP) with one hidden layer is used to produce the channel To find an optimal prediction model for coastal fog predictions, we
attention map. The hidden layer has 𝐶∕𝐿 units, which is used to reduce first designed and tested a sequential 3𝐷 −2𝐷 convolution architecture.
the training numbers and generate more nonlinear mappings, where 𝐿 The results were not satisfying likely because the 3D ConvNet by itself
is the reduction ratio and 𝐶 is the numbers of channel. Note that the was not able to learn informative features from raw input data and the
output feature vectors are merged using element-wise summation. 2D (spatial) convolution is not capable of accounting for correlations
The variable attention map is obtained by using sigmoid functions between meteorological variables. To improve the performance of the
and inputs to the feature maps with values in range of (0, 1). The bigger sequential 3𝐷 − 2𝐷 model, we modified the ConvNets architecture and
the value is, the more important the corresponding variable is. Then the replaced the sequential 3D ConvNets with a dense block to directly take
variable attention map multiplies the values of the input features to get into account the global information from the raw input data through all
the variable-refined features. Mapping functions are computing using: layers until the last layers and removing the 2D ConvNets. To extract
features in different resolutions and scales and to better quantify the
𝑀𝑐 (𝐹 ) = 𝜎(𝑀𝐿𝑃 (𝐴𝑣𝑔𝑃 𝑜𝑜𝑙(𝐹 )) + 𝑀𝐿𝑃 (𝑀𝑎𝑥𝑃 𝑜𝑜𝑙(𝐹 ))) =
relevant interactions within the input data, a 3D dilated convolution
𝑐 𝑐
𝜎(𝑊1 (𝑊0 (𝐹𝑎𝑣𝑔 )) + 𝑊1 (𝑊0 (𝐹𝑚𝑎𝑥 ))) block was included. Additionally, an attention mechanism is added
where 𝜎 is the sigmoid function, 𝑊0 ∈ 𝐶∕𝐿 × 𝐶 and to magnify the importance of the most informative meteorological
predictors and to magnify the most important spatial area(s) in each
𝑊1 ∈ 𝐶 × 𝐶∕𝐿. feature map. The addition of these three mechanisms to the architec-
ture, dense block, dilated convolution and attention led to significant
Note that the MLP weights are shared for both inputs.
improvements in the performance of the model and are thought to be
Spatial-Wise Attention Module key for the performance of FogNet.
The spatial-wise attention focuses on the informative region of the Following the work of Wang et al. (2018), who used 3D ConvNet for
spatial dimension for each variable map. As is shown in Fig. 5, in HSI classification, we tested an architecture that first quantifies corre-
spatial-wise attention, similarly to variable-wise attention, two types of lations between meteorological predictors (equivalent to the different
pooling operations are used to generate different feature descriptors. bands for HSIs) and then feeds the extracted features into a spatial
The pooling operation in the spatial-wise attention module is along dense block to extract the spatial features. However we found that
the channel axis, so the output feature descriptors are fused by a spatial correlations between pixels for each meteorological predictor
concatenation operation. Then a convolution layer is applied to the map were removed through the spectral feature extraction and this
H. Kamangir, W. Collins, P. Tissot et al. Machine Learning with Applications 5 (2021) 100038
Fig. 6. Structure of the FogNet network. FogNet has 5 groups of predictors each fed into two parallel feature extraction branches (channels): a variable-wise and a spatial-wise
both with channel attention. The output features from these two branches are used in multiscale 3D dilated convolutions to extract features at multi resolutions before classification.
The depth values for the different groups in this figure is for the 12 hr lead time model.
did not give us performance improvement. Ma et al. (2019) suggested further process the information within the two types of feature maps
instead to use spectral and spatial feature extraction in sequence, it is at different resolutions prior to pooling and concatenation and finally
better to apply them in parallel and concatenate the output features binary classification. Generally, FogNet has 6 sequence steps:
somewhere before classification. The benefit of this strategy is that the
1. Spatial-wise and variable-wise auto-correlation feature extrac-
spectral correlations between different maps and spatial correlations
tion in two parallel branches.
between pixels for each map are extracted separately, then all the
2. Magnification of the most informative feature map and most
information for classification is used to label data. Inspired by Ma et al. informative area in each feature map using double branch at-
(2019), we extract correlation between meteorological variables and tention mechanisms.
spatial features for each variable in parallel branches. 3. Concatenation of spatial-wise and variable-wise output feature
The FogNet model (shown in Fig. 6) starts with the separate pro- maps for each group separately.
cessing of each of the five input groups. Each subsection consists of 4. Extraction of multiscale features using a 3D dilated convolution
a double parallel branch dense block feature extraction (spatial-wise block for each feature type from step 3.
and variable-wise) with attention mechanism. Then, the variable-wise 5. Extraction of the global information from these two feature types
feature outputs from these 5 groups are concatenated to each other. The using global average pooling and concatenating them for the
same process takes place for the spatial-wise feature extraction result- binary classification task.
ing in two different types of feature maps, spatial-wise and variable- 6. Binary classification into a fog category (visibility greater than
wise. In the next step, 3D dilated convolution blocks are used to or less than a threshold: 1600 m, 3200 m, 6400 m).
H. Kamangir, W. Collins, P. Tissot et al. Machine Learning with Applications 5 (2021) 100038
The individual processing steps are now described more specifically. Table 2
Hyperparameter ranges and the tuned values which gave the best performance on
Variable-Wise Branch with Channel Attention validation data for each lead time.
In the variable-wise feature extraction branches, the correlation HPs Range of values 6 h 12 h 24 h
between the meteorological variables within each of the five groups Lr 0.0009–0.01 0.0008 0.001 0.0009
is considered. The input datasets for each group have the same width d 0.2–0.6 0.2 0.4 0.4
and height but different depths depending on the variables of the group, L2 0.00001–0.01 0.001 0.001 0.001
32×32×𝐷𝑒𝑝𝑡ℎ×1. The variable-wise dense block has four 3D convolution
layers with batch normalization and a kernel size of 1 × 1 × 9 each, with
12 filters used to extract the variable correlation features. In the dense
domain, a concatenation is used instead of an add operation. The
variable-wise block, the stride is set to (1, 1, 1) and the same padding
final binary classification is obtained by applying a soft-max activation
method is used to maintain the size of the feature maps. The variable-
function to the inputs in the globally average pooling layer.
wise feature map output size for each group is 32 × 32 × 𝐷𝑒𝑝𝑡ℎ × 48. For
example, in Fig. 6 for group 1 including wind-related features for 12 hr
lead time predictions the input size is 32 × 32 × 108 × 1 and the output 2.4.6. Fognet hyperparameters tuning
size for the variable-wise dense block is 32 × 32 × 108 × 48. In this step,
This subsection describes the process used to find the best FogNet
by using a 1 × 1 × 𝐷𝑒𝑝𝑡ℎ 3D kernel, the dimension of the input maps
hyperparameters based on a grid search (Section 11.4.3 of Goodfellow
reduces to 1 for each group but with the same number of features map
et al., 2016). The grid search approach was performed using the fol-
(48) so the output is 32×32×1×48. However, the relative importance of
lowing 3 steps: First, the range of experimental hyperparameters and
the 48 feature maps will vary. To focus on the most important feature
maps and obtain more discriminative features, a variable-wise attention associated values were defined (Table 2). Second, FogNet was trained
block, as illustrated in Section 2.4.4, is applied. After the variable-wise for each combination of hyperparameter values on the training data and
attention block, the most important feature maps will be highlighted evaluated on the validation data. Third, the optimal hyperparameter
while the less important feature maps will be suppressed. values were selected based on minimizing the loss on the validation
The process in the variable-wise branch with channel attention is data. All experiments in this work were trained using the Keras Python
the same for all 5 input groups. At the end of this step there are 5 package (Chollet et al., 2018) and the code is availabel on GitHub.1
outputs of feature maps with size of 32 × 32 × 1 × 48. In step 3, all five FogNet training is subdivided into epochs. In each epoch, multiple
of the variable-wise feature maps are concatenated to generate new batches of training examples are presented to the CNN. The Adam
maps with size 32 × 32 × 5 × 48. In this step, multiscale 3D dilated optimizer (Kingma & Ba, 2014) was used to update the weights after
convolution is used to extract variable-wise and spatial-wise features each epoch in an effort to minimize the loss. In this experiment, FogNet
in parallel at different scales and resolutions. The Multiscale 3D dilated is trained for 50 epochs, with 32 batches per epoch on 5460 training
convolution blocks include three 3D convolution kernels with 3 × 3 × 3
samples and 3328 validation samples. These numbers are chosen to be
size and dilation factors 1, 2 and 3, with the same number of filters (48).
large enough such that validation loss always converges to a minimum
The output for the multiscale block is feature maps with dimensions
before training is complete. This convergence occurs for FogNet as well,
32 × 32 × 5 × 144 which in the next step, using global average pooling,
usually well before the 50th epoch, at which point the classifier begins
144 features are generated.
to overfit. Early stopping (Prechelt, 1998) was used, with patience 5,
Spatial-Wise Branch with Channel Attention to avoid overfitting.
In the spatial-wise feature extraction branch, the spatial correlation FogNet has three hyperparameters (HPs) (Table 2) that control
between pixels for each variable within each group is considered.
overfitting. Without tuning these parameters, the complex interactions
Before applying the spatial-wise dense block, feature reduction is ac-
between the large number of input meteorological predictor variables
complished using a 3D kernel of 1×1×𝐷𝑒𝑝𝑡ℎ for each group to generate
(288–384) and fog formation will result in overfitting. The first hyper-
a 32 × 32 × 1 map which reduces the dimension of the feature maps
parameter is the learning rate (lr), which is the main control for model
and the number of model parameters. Similar to the variable-wise dense
block, the spatial-wise dense block has 4, 3D convolution layers with changes after updating model weights during each epoch. Choosing
batch normalization and a kernel size of 3 × 3 × 1 each with 12 filters very small values for training rate results in longer training time
(48 filters for the block). In the dense spatial-wise block, the stride is because it takes longer to reach good weights, whereas too large of a
set to (1, 1, 1) and uses the same padding method to maintain the size learning rate may result in an unstable training process as weights can
of the feature maps. The spatial-wise feature map output size for each jump back and forth between local optima. The second hyperparameter
group is the same as the variable-wise map output 32 × 32 × 1 × 48. To is the dropout rate (d). For each training example and each dense layer,
focus on the more important and discriminative areas in each feature a fraction, 𝑑, of the layer’s outputs are randomly set to zero (Hinton,
map, the spatial-wise attention block, as illustrated in Section 2.4.4, Srivastava, Krizhevsky, Sutskever, & Salakhutdinov, 2012). This forces
is applied. After the spatial-wise attention block, the important areas the weights in a given layer to evolve more independently, which
and pixels in each map will be emphasized, while the less important reduces overfitting. Dropout is used during training for all dense layers
pixels of the feature maps will be suppressed. Similar to the variable- except the last (the last dense layer has only one output, which is the
wise branch, at the end of this step, there are 5 output feature maps probability that fog will occur). The third hyperparameter is the weight
with the same size of 32 × 32 × 1 × 48. All the spatial-wise feature maps decay, L2, which controls the strength of L2 regularization (Arthur &
are concatenated to generate new maps with dimensions 32×32×5×48. Robert, 1970). L2 regularization is added to the loss function during
A multiscale 3D dilated convolution block is then applied to generate
training, where L2 is the sum of squared weights in all convolutional
32 × 32 × 5 × 144 feature maps, followed by a global average pooling to
layers. This encourages the model to learn smaller weights. Large
generate 144 spatial features.
weights can lead to instability in a model, where small changes in
Spatial- and Variable-Wise Fusion for Classification the inputs (predictors) cause sharp changes in the output (prediction).
Through the variable-wise and spatial-wise branches, two different Table 2 shows the hyperparameters that were used to get the best
types of features are obtained, including 144 variable-wise features and performance on the validation for each lead time.
144 spatial-wise features. The two sets of features are fused through
concatenation resulting in 288 features used for the final binary classi-
fication. As the two feature sets where not extracted from the same https://github.com/conrad-blucher-institute/FogNet
H. Kamangir, W. Collins, P. Tissot et al. Machine Learning with Applications 5 (2021) 100038
Fig. 7. To generate the variables in group 5, which contains SST, DPT2-METERS-SST, and TMP2-METERS-SST, two main preprocessing steps are needed. First, resampling of
DPT2-METERS, TMP2-METERS and Surface TMP from 32 × 32 to 384 × 384 is performed and second, missing values in the land areas of the SST maps are filled with Surface
TMP. This figure shows an example of two preprocessing steps on the temperature maps. (a) is the surface temperature at 12 km resolution with 32 × 32 pixels. (b) shows the map
resampled at 1 km resolution using bi-cubic interpolation. (c) is the sea surface temperature map (white represents land). (d) is the resulting temperature map after prepossessing
is complete.
2.4.7. Resampling TMP-2m and DPT-2m from the NAM CONUS nest (Environmental Modeling Center, 2020a).
To generate the variables in group 5, which contains SST, DPT2- The HiresW consists of the 3.2 km versions of the NEMS–NMMB and
METERS-SST, and TMP2-METERS-SST, two further preprocessing steps WRF-ARW modeling systems, and the NAM CONUS nest is a higher res-
are needed to account for the different resolutions of the products olution (3 km) nest within the 12 km NAM. To clarify, the current 12 km
and the absence of SSTs on land. The resolution of the MUR SST is NAM runs the NEMS–NMMB. However, the HiresW NEMS–NMMB uses
1 km with 384 × 384 cells and the resolution of DPT2-METERS and the 13 km RAP as the initial condition (IC). The NEMS–NMMB is
TMP2-METERS is 12 km with 32 × 32 cells. First, we resample DPT2- the NOAA Environmental Modeling System (architecture model frame-
METERS, TMP2-METERS and Surface TMP from 32 × 32 to 384 × 384 work) Nonhydrostatic Multiscale Mesoscale Model (dynamic core) on
and second, missing values in the land areas of the SST maps are the Arakawa B grid (Janjic & Gall, 2012). The WRF-ARW is the Weather
filled with Surface TMP. Surface TMP is the NAM skin temperature, Research and Forecasting (architecture model framework) Advanced
which is appropriate when comparing to SST from satellite retrievals Research WRF (dynamic core) (Skamarock et al., 2008). The RAP
(Youlong Xia, personal communication), such as the MUR SST. Bicubic (Rapid Refresh) is an hourly updated combination assimilation and
interpolation is used to resample and artificially increase the resolution modeling system which uses the ARW as the dynamic core (Benjamin
of DPT2-METERS, TMP2-METERS and Surface TMP to 1 km to match et al., 2016).
the MUR SST. For filling the land areas, the corresponding latitude and The HREF uses the two most recent HiresW WRF-ARW runs, the
longitude point in the surface TMP maps is selected. For the last step, two most recent HiresW NEMS–NMMB runs, the two most recent
DPT2-METERS-SST, and TMP2-METERS-SST have been generated by HiresW ‘‘NSSL-like’’ WRF-ARW runs, and the two most recent NAM
taking the difference between the two maps. Fig. 7 shows an example CONUS nest runs. The ‘‘NSSL-like’’ WRF-ARW runs are similar to the
of these preprocessing steps and the resulting feature map for that WRF-ARW runs, except a different planetary boundary layer (PBL)
example. parameterization scheme, IC, and lateral boundary condition (LBC)
are used, resulting in a WRF-ARW configuration similar to that run
2.5. Baseline method-HREF at the National Severe Storms Laboratory (University Corporation for
Atmospheric Research, 2021). Each ensemble differs with respect to
The CONUS High-Resolution Ensemble Forecast (HREF) is a multi- model dynamic core, numerics, IC, LBC, physics (PBL and microphysics
model ensemble of 8 separate NWP model deterministic runs taken parameterizations), and/or cycle. Details of the 8 ensemble members
from the ‘‘High-Resolution Window’’ (HiresW) over the CONUS, and are provided in Table 3. The HREF is considered a state-of-the-art
H. Kamangir, W. Collins, P. Tissot et al. Machine Learning with Applications 5 (2021) 100038
Table 3
HREF ensemble members (November 2017). MYJ refers to the Mellor–Yamada–Janjic PBL scheme (Janić, 2001; Janjić, 1994). YSU refers to
the Yonsei University PBL scheme (Hong, Noh, & Dudhia, 2006). WSM6 refers to the WRF single-moment 6-class microphysics scheme (Grasso
et al., 2014). Ferrier–Aligo refers to the Ferrier–Aligo microphysics scheme (Aligo, Ferrier, Carley, Rogers, Pyle, Weiss, & Jirak, 2014).
Member Grid-spacing IC/LBC PBL Microphysics Vertical Levels
HiresW ‘‘NSSL-like’’ ARW 3.2 km NAM/NAM -6 h MYJ WSM6 40
HiresW ‘‘NSSL-like’’ ARW -12 h 3.2 km NAM/NAM -6 h MYJ WSM6 40
HiresW ARW 3.2 km RAP/GFS -6 h YSU WSM6 50
HiresW ARW -12 h 3.2 km RAP/GFS -6 h YSU WSM6 50
HiresW NMMB 3.2 km RAP/GFS -6 h MYJ Ferrier–Aligo 50
HiresW NMMB -12 h 3.2 km RAP/GFS -6 h MYJ Ferrier–Aligo 60
NAM CONUS nest 3 km NAM/NAM MYJ Ferrier–Aligo 60
NAM CONUS nest -12 h 3 km NAM/NAM MYJ Ferrier–Aligo 60
Table 4 HSS is warranted when comparing the skill between FogNet and the
Confusion matrix for calculating scalar performance metrics.
HREF binary classifiers. The other metrics are shown for completeness.
Forecast Yes No Total
See Jolliffe and Stephenson (2003) and Wilks (2011) for a detailed ex-
Yes a(hit) b(false alarm) a+b
planation of all metrics. Tables 6–8 depict the performance results of all
No c(miss) d(correct rejection) c+d
Total a+c b+d a+b+c+d = n 9 FogNet and HREF binary classifiers. Both models are in general quite
skillful and a more specific comparison of their respective performance
will be discussed at the end of this section.
The performance of FogNet for 6 h predictions is better than the
method to predict fog. Section 3 details the performance comparisons
between FogNet and optimized HREF output. performance for 12 h and 24 h predictions for the skill metrics PSS
and HSS and for most of the other metrics Table 6. FogNet PSS and
3. Experimental results and discussion HSS averaged for the three distances are 0.62 and 0.60 respectively
for 6 h predictions while the same metrics are in the range of 0.51 to
This section presents and discusses the experimental results while 0.56 for 12 h Table 7 and 24 h Table 8 predictions. Similarly POD is
comparing FogNet predictions with those of a current state-of-the-art on average 0.65 for 6 predictions as compared to 0.59 for the longer
operational model. lead times. While the performance of 6 h predictions is significantly
higher for all metrics as compared to 12 h and 24 h, the performance
3.1. Results for 6, 12 and 24 h lead time prediction for 12 h and 24 h predictions are very similar. The predictive skill
of a NWP model (from which a majority of the FogNet features are
FogNet was calibrated, tested and optimized for overlapping binary derived) generally decreases with time, which likely explains the more
classifiers to predict visibility ≤ 1600 m, ≤ 3200 m, ≤ 6400 m and > skillful 6 h FogNet predictions. It is unclear why the 12 h and 24 h
6400 m. The predictions are for 6, 12, and 24 hr lead times (9 classifiers FogNet predictions have similar skill. Possibilities include the ability
total). Calibration and testing of the models are based on 8789 visibility to minimize systematic errors in NWP model output by post-processing
measurements and their related predictors (2009–2017) with 145 cases with ML (Introduction section), and the ability of FogNet to identify the
for ≤ 1600 m, 201 for ≤ 3200 m, and 483 for ≤ 6400 m. In addition to the salient features responsible for fog at longer lead times. For the HREF
data used for calibration and testing, an additional independent dataset
predictions, performance generally decreases with lead time.
(2018–2020) with 2229 cases was set aside to further evaluate the model
When averaging predictions over lead times, 6 h, 12 h and 24 h and
and compare its performance with the HREF operational model pre-
dictions. The independent dataset consisted of 67 cases with visibility comparing the respective performances for different visibility ranges,
≤ 1600 m, 94 ≤ 3200 m, and 172 ≤ 6400 m. Since the output of FogNet FogNet performs better when predicting if visibility will be ≤ 6400 m as
is continuous, an optimal threshold was determined for each binary compared to ≤ 3200 m and ≤ 1600 m except for the metrics F and for a
classification to maximize performance based on the HSS skilled-based virtual tie, 0.96–0.97, for ORSS. This improvement is likely in part due
metric. The HREF predictions consist of probabilities that visibility to the larger number of cases, 483, for ≤ 6400 m, as compared to 201 for
values will be equivalent to or less than the categories mentioned in ≤ 3200 m and 145 cases for ≤ 1600 m as compared to the total number
the Target section. The HREF probabilistic output was transformed of cases, 8789, in the calibration dataset. Meteorological conditions
to binary predictions by determining the probability threshold that leading to visibility ≤ 6400 m include all forcings leading to reduced
maximized the HSS skilled-based metric as well. While FogNet and visibility including advection and radiation fog which may facilitate
HREF predictions are compared for the independent dataset, FogNet the clustering in the two categories. The performance for predicting
thresholds were determined based on the calibration dataset while the visibility ≤ 1600 m (145) is higher than for ≤ 3200 m predictions
HREF thresholds were determined based on the independent testing although by small margins, 0.01 or a tie for five out of the eight metrics.
set (HREF output was not available for the same period as that of A possible explanation is that the increase in the number of below
the NAM) giving a potential advantage to the HREF performance. (See
threshold cases when increasing the visibility range from ≤ 1600 m
Tables 6–8.)
(145) to ≤ 3200 m (201) is relatively small while the meteorological
The performance of FogNet is analyzed based on the 9 trained classi-
conditions leading to the dense fog conditions quantified by a visibility
fiers applied to the independent dataset (2018–2020). The formulation
of ≤ 1600 m may be more straightforward to cluster as compared to
of the confusion matrix and performance metrics for the FogNet and
HREF-based predictions are shown in Tables 4 and 5, respectively. a broader range of conditions leading to a visibility of ≤ 3200 m. The
The metrics include the pierce skill score (PSS), critical success index average performance for the HREF predictions when averaged over lead
(CSI), Heidke skill score (HSS), odds-ratio skill score (ORSS), among times is generally better as the visibility range increases including for
others. According to Hogan, Ferro, Jolliffe, and Stephenson (2010), the PSS and HSS metrics increasing from 0.30 to 0.47 to 0.48 and 0.33
the performance metrics PSS and HSS are truly equitable. Equitability to 0.34 to 0.42 for ≤ 1600 m, ≤ 3200 m and ≤ 6400 m. The differences
requires that the performance metric equals zero for constant or ran- are not as clear for some of the other metrics with the highest CSS and
dom forecasts (forecasts devoid of skill.) Hence, reliance on PSS and ORSS obtained for ≤ 1600 m.
H. Kamangir, W. Collins, P. Tissot et al. Machine Learning with Applications 5 (2021) 100038
Table 5
Evaluation metrics used in our analysis.
Performance metric Symbol Equation
Probability of detection [0, 1] POD a/(a+c)
False alarm rate [0, 1] F b/(b+d)
False alarm ratio [0, 1] FAR b/(a+b)
Critical success index [0, 1] CSI a/(a+b+c)
Peirce skill score [−1, 1] PSS (ad−bc)/(b+d)(a+c)
Heidke skill score [−1, 1] HSS 2(ad−bc)/ [(a+c)(c+d) + (a+b)(b+d)]
Odds-ratio skill score [−1, 1] ORSS (ad−bc)/(ad+bc)
Clayton skill score[−1, 1] CSS (ad−bc)/(a+b)(c+d)
H. Kamangir, W. Collins, P. Tissot et al. Machine Learning with Applications 5 (2021) 100038
Fig. 8. Monthly performance of FogNet for < 1600 m and 6-, 12- and 24 h lead time prediction and the number of cases by month.
We included features that account for the vertical profile of the prediction. Radiation fog prediction may also be improved by adding
atmosphere from the surface (2 or 10-meters) to 700-mb. However, mean sea level pressure (MSLP) as a feature, since radiation fog tends
conditions at the 1000-mb level were not included as features in FogNet to occur in the proximity of the surface anticyclone (Gultepe et al.,
since the 1000-mb pressure level can sometimes fall below the material
2007). Further, the effect of aerosols on fog formation is not accounted
surface at KRAS. However, in the radiation and advection–radiation fog
for in FogNet. However, owing to the first indirect effect (Twomey,
cases, the temperature, wind, relative humidity, and mixing ratio pro-
1974) mentioned earlier, the inclusion of aerosol concentration may
file can change significantly in the lowest 600 meters (Liu et al., 2011).
Thus, the inclusion of 1000-mb (sans cases where the 1000-mb touches improve the skill of FogNet with respect to the prediction of all types
or falls below the material surface) may provide the additional vertical of fog. Research is ongoing and we will consider adding these additional
resolution necessary to improve radiation and advection–radiation fog features in future research.
H. Kamangir, W. Collins, P. Tissot et al. Machine Learning with Applications 5 (2021) 100038
3.5. Performance comparison of FogNet and HREF future study to determine the maximum lead time FogNet performance
exceeds that of the HREF. The parallel architecture of FogNet facilitates
With respect to the skill-based metrics PSS and HSS, all FogNet the expansion of the number of predictors as the lead time increases.
predictions outperformed the corresponding HREF classifiers (except Further work is needed to better distinguish the relative importance of
for the 12 h predictions of category ≤ 3200 m with respect to PSS.) the inputs and architecture characteristics that are the most important
When averaging the performance metrics over the three lead times and for this significant improvement in performance. It is hoped that the
the three visibility ranges, the differences are substantial. For example emerging methods of Explainable AI will provide such insights and may
averaged PSSs are 0.58 vs 0.42, averaged HSSs are 0.54 vs 0.36 and also lead to further performance improvements.
average PODs are 0.61 vs 0.46 for FogNet vs HREF. Importantly, There are several implications related to the discovery that FogNet
FogNet outperformed the HREF with respect to the category that most performed superior to a state-of-the-art ensemble prediction system
adversely affects marine and aviation transportation, namely, ≤ 1600 m. (EPS) used by operational meteorologists to predict fog. First, when
The NWS issues marine dense fog advisories when widespread fog of using NWP models to predict the future state of the atmosphere and
visibility ≤ 1852 m (1 nautical mile) is occurring, imminent, or is associated phenomena, the post-processing of output from a single
deemed to have a high probability of occurrence. Fog in this category deterministic NWP model run using DL represents a valid alternative
precludes maritime travel in and near the Port of Corpus Christi. to EPS development. As mentioned in the Introduction, an EPS was
Further, visibilities below 805 m (0.5 statute mile) halts airline traffic developed to account for the uncertainty in the NWP model initial
to the Corpus Christi International Airport. condition when using NWP models to predict the future atmospheric
These results illustrate that when developing fog prediction models, state (minor changes to the initial condition can result in dramatic
the use of ML to post-process single deterministic NWP model output changes to the future atmospheric state owing to chaos.) The success
can result in models that outperform NWP model ensemble output. This of FogNet adds credence to the results of Pathak et al. (2018), who
is remarkable when considering the difference in computing resource demonstrated that the prediction of a chaotic system can be improved
requirements. The HREF requires 8 separate and unique deterministic by the combination of a knowledge-based model (a dynamical model
NWP model runs (Table 2) while FogNet utilizes output from only one that describes the chaotic system) and a ML model. FogNet involves
deterministic NWP model (the NAM in this study.) Further, FogNet the post-processing of NWP model (knowledge-based model) output by
performed superior to the HREF even though the horizontal resolution a CNN (ML technique) resulting in superior performance over an oper-
of the HREF members (3 km grid spacing) is higher than that of ational EPS. This is significant since the EPS strategy has for decades
the NAM (12 km grid spacing and the predominate source of the been the preferred state-of-the-art operational forecasting technique
FogNet features), which allows the HREF members to more accurately to account for atmospheric chaos. The second implication relates to
resolve moisture, temperature, and wind variations in the meso-𝛾 scale efficiency: A data-driven weather prediction model, more skillful than
(2–20 km; Orlanski, 1975) that influence fog development. Finally, the an EPS, can be obtained by post-processing output from a single NWP
superior performance of FogNet over the HREF is remarkable when con- deterministic model run, which requires much less computer processing
sidering the advantage of the HREF over FogNet during optimization. power than that used in generating an EPS. The EPS benchmark used
Recall that HREF probabilistic output was converted to categorical by in this study (HREF) provided probabilistic forecasts of 3 visibility
determining the threshold that optimized performance on the testing categories, by post-processing output from 8 separate NWP model runs,
set, while FogNet optimization was restricted to the training set, thus each with a higher spatial resolution (3-km grid spacing) than from
giving the HREF an advantage when evaluating performance on the the single NWP model used by FogNet (12-km grid spacing.) The
testing set. improvement in fog prediction skill by post-processing output from one
NWP model run over a high-resolution system that post-processed 8
4. Conclusions times more NWP model runs is remarkable.
A 3D-CNN, FogNet, was designed and tested to predict the oc- CRediT authorship contribution statement
currence of coastal fog, more specifically visibility below 1600 m,
3200 m, 6400 m with lead times of six to twenty four hours. The 3D- Hamid Kamangir: Conceptualization, Methodology, Data curation,
CNN combines numerical weather predictions from the North American Visualization, Writing - original draft. Waylon Collins: Conceptual-
Mesoscale Forecast System (NAM) and the latest sea surface tem- ization, Methodology, Data curation, Writing - original draft, Writing
peratures measured by the NASA Multiscale Ultra Resolution (MUR) - review & editing. Philippe Tissot: Conceptualization, Supervision,
dataset. The selected features are organized into a 288, 384 and 384 Writing - original draft. Scott A. King: Conceptualization, Visualiza-
layer data cube for 6, 12 and 24 h lead time predictions with a grid tion, Writing - review & editing. Hue Thi Hong Dinh: Data cura-
spacing of 12 km for the 32 × 32 horizontal grid. The study covers the tion. Niall Durham: Data curation, Software. James Rizzo: Funding
period 2009–2020. The target data are visibility measurements from a acquisition.
coastal airport located on a barrier island along the ship channel of the
fourth largest US port by tonnage. The 3D-CNN is designed to extract Declaration of competing interest
information from the spatial patterns of the respective variables but
also the correlations within the vertical profiles of the meteorological The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
variables and between the different variables including the interaction cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to
between SST and surface atmospheric features such as air temper- influence the work reported in this paper.
ature and dew point. A dense block and attention mechanism was
used to model and reinforce more specifically the interaction between Acknowledgments
model features and altitude. The performance of FogNet exceeded the
performance of the operational HREF ensemble based on 8 standard We acknowledge the assistance of Eric Rogers (U.S. National
evaluation metrics, for nearly all HREF visibility categories including Weather Service, National Centers for Environmental Prediction, En-
for PSS, 0.58 vs 0.42, and HSS 0.54 vs 0.36 when averaging these vironmental Modeling Center) (NWS–NCEP–EMC) who provided clar-
metrics over all visibility ranges and lead times. While this study did ification of both the lack of ocean–atmosphere coupling between the
not investigate predictions for lead times longer than 24 h, the superior 12 km NAM model atmosphere and the NAM sea surface temperature
performance of FogNet over HREF at 24 h makes it likely that FogNet analysis, and that the NAM SST is not incorporated into the calculation
will continue to outperform HREF for longer lead times and warrants a of NAM surface visibility. We thank Eric Aligo (I. M. Systems Group
H. Kamangir, W. Collins, P. Tissot et al. Machine Learning with Applications 5 (2021) 100038
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