Proposal Vica Hasna - Revisi
Proposal Vica Hasna - Revisi
Proposal Vica Hasna - Revisi
A Research Proposal
Approved by:
Academic Supervisor
NIDN. 0021046114
Acknowledge by:
NIDN. 0009128902
A. Background of Research
In Indonesia, English has become the second language after Indonesian. To
make it better, the use of English should have been implemented early in school. But
currently it is only included in local content lessons. And the purpose of learning
English early is to introduce English to students. Students' difficulties in learning
English, lack of vocabulary skills (Panjaitan & Armaniarsih, 2020). Often students or
even everyone feels forgotten in a vocabulary, especially English. Vocabulary is the
most basic element in learning a language. Vocabulary is a very important aspect in
learning a foreign language. According to (Ur, 1996) Vocabulary can be defined,
roughly, as words that we teach in foreign languages. Freeman (2000:29) in (Anwar
& Efransyah, 2018) said that “vocabulary is emphasized over grammar although work
on all four skills (reading, writing, speaking, and listening) occurs from the start oral
communication is a seen a basic”. In addition, (Meyer & Schmitt, 2002) The
mechanism of vocabulary learning is still a mystery, but one thing we can be sure of
is that words are not obtained instantly, at least not for adult second language learners.
One way to make the learning atmosphere fun is to use games as a learning
method so that students don't feel bored and bored. According to (Babayemi and &
Okin, 2014) There are many games that can increase students' curiosity, especially in
learning English, namely crossword puzzles. (McKeachie, 2002) suggests some
advantages in the use of games like crossword puzzle solving because students play
an active role, make decisions, solve problems, and react to the results of their own
decisions. (Muzdalifah, 2018) argue that the Crossword Puzzle strategy is appropriate
learning strategy without losing the ongoing learning essence. Even this strategy can
involve the active participation of learners during the class. Futhermore, Sabiqoh
(2016) in (Lestari et al., 2018) states that crossword puzzle is effective teaching tool
of terminology, definition, spelling, and pairing key concepts with related names,
resulting in greater retention and memorization of facts. By applying crossword
puzzles as a learning method in the classroom, students can add and remember their
English vocabulary little by little.
The puzzle that the author will use for research is an essay crossword puzzle.
in the crossword puzzle there is an Indonesian clue to fill in the answer to the
crossword box. Based on the background that has been attached, it can be seen that
some people get the benefit from crossword puzzles as a learning method for students,
where students feel happy and have a great curiosity about vocabulary. However,
there are also students who do not feel benefited and even find it difficult to learn
vocabulary through the crossword puzzle. Therefore, there is a need for an in-depth
and detailed study, so that we can find out whether the crossword puzzle can help
students learn, especially in vocabulary or not.
A. Research Question
B. Research objective/purpose
1. This study aims to find out how much influence crossword puzzles have on
students' vocabulary skills.
C. Research Significance
1. Theoretically
The theory applied in this study presents a theory based on the context of a crossword
puzzle which aims to help students understand vocabulary.
2. Practically
a. Student : Crossword puzzles can help students to have a wider and more
focused vocabulary understanding. what is certain is that crossword puzzles make
the class atmosphere not boring.
B. Vocabulary Characteristics
Vocabulary is the set of words known in one's language.Vocabulary is a key
of English, Someone cannot speak, write, listen and read if she/ he does not have
vocabulary (Andriani & Sriwahyuningsih, 2019). Vocabulary, usually developed with
age, serves as a useful and fundamental tool for communication. Vocabulary is also
called lexicon as one aspect of language that has an important role and must be
mastered by someone in order to express opinions or ideas (Widya Yustitia, 2011).
According to Hermanto (2011: 121) to be able to communicate, of course, the
availability and adequacy of vocabulary is needed. The more vocabulary that is
mastered, the easier it is to communicate. Based on the above opinions, it can be
concluded that vocabulary mastery is a person's ability to master the wealth of words
that a person must have. As one aspect of language, vocabulary is very important for
someone to be able to master it well. Vocabulary mastery is not only in pronunciation,
but must be mastered in the meaning and meaning of the vocabulary.
The conclusion based on the above opinion is that the crossword game is one
of the language games that can be used to improve and practice students' vocabulary
skills. This is because crossword puzzles can practice students' memory of known
vocabulary and can add new vocabulary that they know. In this research, the
vocabulary in question is limited to vocabulary related to daily life in the
D. Previous Research
Many studies say that the use of crossword puzzles as a medium of learning is
very effective for student learning in the classroom. Febtriana, Suparman, Supriadi
(2013) said that crossword puzzle game has influenced positively the students’
interaction and motivated the students to interact actively in learning process. Then
according to Fachrozi, Rahmawati, Andini, Tampubolon, Tarigan (2021) This
technique add insight to the student’s mastery of the English vocabulary and also it
will not make the classes to be boring but also fun. Melasari, Ismawati, Nanda (2019)
found using crossword puzzle as a technique was effective to improve students’
vocabulary. Therefore, it was suggested the use of crossword puzzle as a technique in
teaching English generally and teaching Vocabulary specifically. Research result from
Orawiwatnakul (2013) found The results of the questionnaire also illustrated their
very favorable attitudes toward leaming vocabulary through crosswords as a whole.
However, there are researchers who still doubt the effectiveness of crossword
puzzles in their use in this study. research conducted by Davis, Shepherd,
Zwiefelhofer (2009) revealed that The results revealed that some classes benefited
while others did not. In Davis' research, it was revealed that his research in the
classroom resulted that crossword puzzles could not be said to be effective for
students in learning because the survey results they got were that some classes
benefited but some classes felt that they were not benefited from using the
E. Theoritical Framework
Planning Implementation
1.Make observations and analyze
the data that has been obtained 1.Observing behavior related
from the test to students' vocabulary skills
A. Research Design
The research design is a research implementation design carried out with
several cycles. Based on the Kemmis and Mc Taggart Model, there are four stages in
the implementation of classroom action research, namely: Planning, Implementation,
Observation and Reflection. So that the author chooses quantitative research methods.
In the research, the researcher will ask students to play crossword puzzles
while conducting light interviews with students while playing the crossword puzzle.
After playing the researcher will do the documentation when the learning takes place.
Then the researcher will see the results of this study whether crossword puzzles are
effective as a medium of learning in students' vocabulary.
D. Research Procedure
The research procedure to be carried out is to prepare a crossword puzzle that
will be given in class. Then determine the participants who will take the test. There
will be 2 tests, namely the implementation test 1 and the final test. students or
participants will be given 20-30 minutes to fill in the crossword. After completion, the
answer sheet will be analyzed and compared the results of the first test and the final
test. After all is done we will know the results whether the crossword game can help
students' vocabulary learning or not.
E. Data Analysis
The researcher's analysis was guided by the Kemmis and Mc Taggart Model,
there are four stages in the implementation of classroom action research, namely:
Planning, Implementation, Observation and Reflection. In the observation stage, the
researcher analyzed the usefulness of crossword puzzles in learning English
vocabulary. After that, the researcher wanted to understand the statements given by
the students regarding the crossword game they did. In addition, the highlights of the
researcher's field notes were viewed, reviewed, categorized, and analyzed to help
better understand the participants, instruments, objectives, perceptions, and behaviors.
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Melasari, Ismawati, K., & Nanda, D. S. (2019). The Effect of Using Crossword
Puzzle Towards Students’ Vocabulary Mastery in the Eleventh Grade Students
of SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Bandar Lampung in Academic Year 2017-2018.
Journal of English Education Studies, 2019, Vol. 2 No. 1.
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Muzdalifah, I. (2018, July). Rising English Vocabulary Mastery: Crosswords Puzzle
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