Air Lubrication System and Vessel PDF
Air Lubrication System and Vessel PDF
Air Lubrication System and Vessel PDF
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US 9 ,855 ,996 B2
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( 56 ) References Cited
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2004/0154514 A1 * 8 /2004 Burg ............... B63B 1/ 38
114 /67 A
2013 /0098285 A1 * 4 /2013 Takano B63B 1 /38
114 /67 A
* cited by examiner
U . S . Patent Jan. 2 , 2018 Sheet 1 of 6 US 9, 855. 996 B2
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US 9 ,855 ,996 B2
AIR LUBRICATION SYSTEM AND VESSEL In U . S. Pat. No . 6 , 145 ,459 an air lubrication system is
COMPRISING SUCH A SYSTEM described in which air is injected along the hull at an angle
towards the stern via a slit connected to a cavity containing
FIELD OF THE INVENTION compressed air on the inside surface of the hull. A wire is
5 placed upstream of the exit point of the slit in the hull to
The invention relates to a system for providing an air cause turbulence that breaks up the air volume hence form
lubricating layer between a substantially flat bottom of the ing small bubbles. The known system has as a disadvantage
hull of a vessel and water flowing under the bottom as the that air injection requires relatively high pressures and is
vessel is moving through the water, which system comprises relatively inefficient in view of the power required for
sidewalls and a top wall defining a cavity with an opening 10 lubrication versus reduction in frictional drag . Furthermore,
situated in an interface plane that is transversely to the the wire on the outside of the hull is relatively vulnerable ,
sidewalls, substantially at the level of the flat bottom , the produces additional drag and may form a point of attach
opening having a front end and a rear end when seen in the ment for dirt, shellfish or seaweed .
length direction of the cavity, an air inlet spaced from the JP 2002-2582 A describes an air cavity vessel having a
opening of the cavity , the cavity having a length Lc, a 15 cavity and having a special upstream wedge projecting
distance of the top wall from the interface plane Hc and a below bottom level for creating an under -pressure inside the
width W , wherein the ratio Lc /He is within the range of 7 : 1 cavity . Air is supplied to the cavity without the need for a
to 13 : 1 , the ratio W /H is in the range of 1. 3 : 1 to 2 .5 : 1 and compressor in view of the created under pressure . Inside the
the ratio Lc/ W is in the range of 3 . 5 to 1 to 7 : 1, at least one cavity , a lower front part results in an uneven and turbulent
water deflector being provided in the cavity , the deflector 20 air -water interface causing mixing of water and air. Small
extending substantially across the width of the cavity and size bubbles having a relatively low internal pressure exit at
having a lower end spaced at a lower distance from the the rear of the cavity , the bubble size decreasing due the
interface plane , and an upper end spaced at an upper distance water pressure when the bubbles travel along the bottom of
from the top wall . the hull. The known lubrication system is relatively ineffi
The invention also relates to a vessel having such an air 25 cient as it operates at non - controlled under-pressures created
lubrication system . inside the cavity , and fails to form a flat air -water interface
that is level with the flat bottom , allowing mixing of air and
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION water by the Kelvin Helmholtz effect along said whole
interface and unrestricted exit from the cavity along the
Such a system and vessel are known from WO 2013/ 30 interface onto the bottom in a well-defined and undisturbed
125951, filed in the name of the applicant. In this publication boundary layer.
it is described that efficient air lubrication of a flat bottom of It is therefore an object of the present invention to provide
a vessel is achieved by providing a relatively small -sized a system for air lubrication that has improved efficiency
open cavity and injecting air into the cavity at about hydro - during start up and that shows reduced instabilities inside the
static pressure, such that a substantially flat water -air inter - 35 cavity . It is a further object to provide a system and vessel
face is formed at the height of the bottom . At this interface , providing reduced water disturbance in case no air is
air is mixed into the water due to the Kelvin Helmholtz included in the cavity and a stable air -water interface inside
mixing effect, and a stream of air bubbles escapes from the the cavity during roll motions.
rear of the cavity . Such cavities were found to provide a It is again an object to provide an improved distribution
stable and efficient manner of providing a layer of bubbles 40 of the cavities along the bottom for increased air lubrication .
along the bottom , reducing frictional drag such that the Furthermore , the invention strives to provide improved
energy gain as a result of reduced friction during propulsion control and safety of the air lubrication system .
by far outweighs the extra energy required for injecting air It is another object of the invention to provide an air
at hydrostatic pressures into the cavity. lubrication system having improved airflow characteristics.
In order to facilitate emptying of the cavity during start 45
up , a number of curved wave deflectors is described that SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
extend transversely across the cavity. The wave deflectors
reduce turbulence inside the cavity and cause air to be Hereto a system according to the invention is character
retained inside the cavity for a longer period of time such ized in that that the deflector has an elongate part extending
that compressors of reduced capacity for less powerful air 50 in the length direction of the cavity over at least at least 5 % ,
injection during start up are required . preferably at least 10 % of the cavity length L , wherein a
In WO 2012 /010158 a vessel is described having a cavity projected area of the at least one deflector member on the
along substantially the entire bottom surface for containing interface plane covers at least 25 % , preferably at least 50 % ,
an air layer. The known vessel aims to achieve a uniform most preferably at least 75 % of the surface area of the
distribution of the air layer under the vessel, to minimize gas 55 interface plane.
losses, and to smooth the water flow under the gas layer for The wave deflector according to the invention stabilizes
the purpose of reducing resistance . The proposed solution is the flow inside the cavity. By providing a wave deflector
to perform at least one first water level measurement in the inside the cavity with a relatively long dimension in the
front region and at least one second water level measure - cavity length direction , the cavity can be filled with air
ment in the rear region of the air chamber. The obtained 60 effectively while the vessel is sailing, e . g . at a speed of 20
measurement signals are automatically compared and , knots. In operation , the deflector effectively shields the
depending on the determined comparison result in the liquid air- filled cavity from water entry due to waves and roll
filling level in at least one trimming tank in such a way that motions of the vessel, the elongate deflector part keeping the
at least the inclination of the vessel about the pitch axis is water surface inside the cavity stable during roll motions ,
controlled . Alternatively , a relatively small- sized underwater 65 such that a stable operation of the cavity is warranted . Also
wing may be automatically positioned in such a way that the in case the vessel sails without air inside the cavity, the
inclination of the vessel about the pitch axis is controlled . elongate deflector part according to the invention results in
US 9 ,855 ,996 B2
an undisturbed water flow at reduced drag . As the deflector stability compared to a cavity having a rectangular shape
plane is covering a substantial part of the cavity , it is that will more quickly collapse .
effectively shielded from wave entry and the stability of the In a further embodiment of the system according to the
air -filled cavity is improved . invention, each deflector comprises a horizontal section
As used herein , the wording “ substantially flat bottom ” is 5 extending at least 10 cm , preferably at least 15 cm in the
intended to mean a bottom extending in a plane thatmay be length direction of the cavity substantially parallel to the
interface plane, and a curved transverse section curving
at an angle of between + 5° and - 5° to the horizontal .
The deflector according to the invention may be formed atupward , extending at least 10 cm in the length direction and
least 5 cm , preferably at least 10 cm upward from the
by one or more perforated plate members , or may be in the 10 height of the horizontal deflector section , wherein a distance
form of a lattice or framework structure . between the adjacent deflectormembers in the length direc
In an embodiment of a system according to the invention ,
the deflector comprises a number ofdeflector members , each tion than
of the cavity is no larger than 1 m , preferably no larger
30 cm , most preferably no larger than 10 cm .
having a horizontally oriented part, wherein a spacing in the The upwardly curved parts of the wave deflectors deflect
length direction of the cavity between adjacent elongate 15 during sailing when the cavity is filled with air. upwardly
parts is between 1 % and 10 % of the cavity length L . directed waves in a downward direction .
During operation , air can pass in a uniformly distributed In an embodiment of a system in accordance with the
manner between the deflectors downwards to the Kelvin invention , at least three deflector members are provided in
Helmholtz interface at the level of the bottom of the hull . By the cavity , the horizontal deflector parts being situated in a
leaving relatively narrow strips of open area between adja - 20 deflector plane substantially parallel to the interface plane .
cent deflectors , the deflector effectively shields the cavity As the deflector members jointly cover a substantial part of
from wave entry and from water entry during roll motions the cavity , such as at least 25 % of the surface area of the
while air can freely travel to the Kelvin Helmholtz interface . interface plane, preferably at least 50 % , more preferably at
The speeds and airflows at which an effective Kelvin least 75 % , the cavity is effectively shielded from wave entry
Helmholtz effect takes place are given in WO 2013 / 125951 25 and the stability of the air - filled cavity is improved .
on page 4 line 40- page 5 line 5 , which are incorporated In another embodiment, the deflector plane is situated at
herein by reference . The bubbles formed by the air lubrica - a distance of at least 3 cm from the interface plane. By
tion system according to the invention range in size from 0 .5 providing the deflector plane relatively close to the air -water
mm to 5 mm . At lower speeds, it appeared that the bubbles interface , the upward movement of this interface , for
formed had a size within the higher end of the range and 30 instance during roll motion , is reduced and the stability of
typically measured between 3 mm and 5 mm in diameter. the air filled cavity is improved . Preferably, at a rear end of
For higher speeds, the bubble size was found to be at the the cavity a rear cavity wall is sloping from the top wall to
lower end of the range and to be between 0 .5 mm and about the interface plane when going in a rearward direction, at
3 mm . least one deflector element being situated below the sloping
The vessels in which the cavities of the invention can be 35 rear cavity wall.
used may be smaller sized vessel for inland use, but are Preferably an air supply opening is placed in the top wall
preferably oceangoing vessels, and may have a flat bottom for connection to a compressor outlet duct. The air that is
with a length of at least 20 m up to a length of 500 m . The injected into the cavity via the top wall, divides itself evenly
water displacement of the vessels suitable for use with the from the top across the cavity and flows downwards along
air lubrication system according to the invention may be 40 the deflectors to form a stable air -water interface . By pro
10 .000 tons or more , preferably 50 .000 ton or more and may viding the air inlet in the top wall of the cavity , the air flow
comprise large ocean going tankers , bulk carriers , container at the front end remains relatively undisturbed and an
ships or other cargo vessels, as well as ferries, cruise ships optimal air -mixing Kelvin Helmholtz interface is formed .
and other passenger ships. This is especially advantageous in case a bullet - or dagger
The length of the cavity may between 2 m and 10 m , and 45 shaped cavity is employed .
the height of the cavity may be between 0 . 2 m and 1 .5 m . A further embodiment of a vessel according to the inven
The width of the cavity may range between 40 cm and 2 m . tion has on each side of the center line at least three cavities
It was found that the above dimensions of the cavities is that are distributed across the bottom in the length direction
sufficient to create a stable Kelvin Helmholtz Interface effect along a line extending from the center line near the bow , to
for constant air bubble generation and flow of these bubbles 50 a respective side . With this V -shaped cavity distribution an
into the boundary layer along the bottom . even blanket of air bubbles can be spread across the entire
The size of the cavity determines both the volume of air width of the bottom . According to a further embodiment, the
required for the generation of a stable layer of lubricating air cavities may be arranged in such a manner that the rear end
bubbles , and determines the volume of air required for of a cavity closest to the bow , is positioned further from the
refilling the cavity after collapse and refilling with water. 55 bow than the front end the adjacent cavity seen in the
Hence , optimizing the cavity size determines the overall direction towards the stern .
effectiveness of the air lubrication system and the efficiency For a vessel with a sharp stem and an accordingly shaped
of the total air supply and is decisive for overall energy flat bottom , the cavities are following the hull shape for an
efficiency of the system . This energy efficiency results in optimal distribution of air lubrication across the width of the
reduced fuel usage of the vessel and provides a high eco - 60 bottom . The fanning -out distribution of cavities results in
nomic benefit . improved strength of the bottom compared to the case in
The cavity may be rectangular in shape, but is preferably which the cavities are aligned in the length direction of the
dagger-shaped or bullet-shaped at its front part for improved vessel.
stability of the air -water interface . For effective distribution of air bubbles across the hull, in
It was found that the dagger- and bullet-shaped cavities 65 the region near the bow , the two front most cavities are
reduced the wave formation on the free water surface . In this situated at a predetermined distance from the center line, two
manner, the air - filled cavity was found to show improved additional cavities closer to the stern being situated at a
US 9 ,855 ,996 B2
smaller distance from the center line. The central cavities, FIG . 8 shows an embodiment of a bullet-shaped cavity
included inside the bounds of the V -shaped distribution , with a rounded front part.
provide additional air lubrication along the center line of the
The cavities that are evenly spread in the transverse 5 INVENTION
direction provide a good distribution of air lubrication along FIG . 1 shows a vessel 1 having a length Lv of between 20
the flat bottom . The closely spaced cavities near the center
line are tailored to the spread of the flow lines in the centre 1 may 500
m and m , and a width between 5 m and 75 m . The vessel
have a water displacement of at least 10000 ton ,
and were found to depend in position on the stability of the 10 preferably
water after the encounter with the front of the vessel. The The vessel at1 has least 50000 ton and is an ocean going vessel.
a hull 4 with a bow 2, a stern 3 , sides 5 a
inventors have surprisingly found the central location of the substantially flat bottom 6 and a propeller 10 . Air lubricating
closely spaced cavities after extensive CFD analysis . cavities 7 , 8 that are open in the plane of the bottom 6 , are
For proper control of the airflow from each cavity , and distributed along the bottom 6 to generate a layer of bubbles
with a view to providing a redundant system in case of 15 9 travelling towards the stern 3 , along the flat bottom 6 .
failure , a vessel according to the invention comprises for Compressors 11 ,12 are connected to each cavity 7,8 for
each cavity
each cavity or pair of
or pair cavities on
of cavities on opposite
opposite sides
sides ofof the
the center
center supplying air at the hydrostatic pressure inside each cavity
line at a predetermined length position , a corresponding at the prevailing draught level of the vessel. The compres
compressor for injecting air into the cavity at a pressure sors 11 , 12 are with an air outlet duct 14 connected to the
substantially corresponding to the hydrostatic pressure in 20 cavities 7 ,8 and have an air inlet duct 13 for taking in
each cavity. By providing a compressor for each cavity , the ambient air. The compressors 11, 12 are controlled by a
air flow into each cavity can be effectively controlled by controller 15 , for regulating the air supply in dependence of
setting the output of the compressor. This is far more the sailing speed , sea state and during starting and stopping .
energy- efficient than providing a single compressor and The inventors have found out that the following key
controlling the airflow to each cavity via a respective valve . 25 principles apply for proper design of the air lubrication
Also retrofitting an existing vessel with air cavities is syste
system of FIG . 1 :
facilitated by the use of an individual compressor for each FIG . 2 shows an air lubrication system 16 that is con
cavity instead of using a single bulky compressor. Finally , structed as an integral module forming a cavity 33 that can
the use of a plurality of smaller sized compressors is be fitted into the bottom 6 of the hull 4 of a vessel 1. The
favorable from a cost perspective over the use of asinole
a single »30 system 16 comprises sidewalls 18, 18' and a top wall 19 . The
sidewalls 18 , 18 ' are supported on a flange 17 that can be
large compressor.
The vessel may comprise near its bow a support deck , welded into the flat bottom 6 of the vessel 1 . The sidewalls
18 , 18' delimit an opening 20 that is substantially level with
situated below an upper deck level, the compressors being the flat bottom surface of the vessel, the opening 20 forming
situated on the support deck . 35 a smooth air -water interface plane in which air is mixed into
The air inlet opening in the top wall of the cavity may the water due to the Kelvin Helmholtz mixing effect. Air
comprise a section with a relatively wide diameter that bubbles that are mixed with the water at the interface plane
gradually tapers into a duct section of smaller diameter. The leave the cavity along rear edge 21 to pass in a smooth
diameter of the air inlet opening may lie between 15 and 40 transition from the cavity onto the bottom and to travel
cm . 40 unrestricted along the flat bottom 6 in the direction of the
The widened air inlet was found to be effective for stern 3 . A concavely curved , downwardly sloping wall part
reducing the air speed at the inlet resulting in an undisturbed 27 connects the top wall 19 with the rear edge 21 to guide
Kelvin Helmholtz interface and consequent optimal water - the air and water inside the cavity in a smooth flow pattern
air mixing to the exit point situated along lower rear edge 21 .
45 The front end 22 of the cavity 33 is dagger - shaped and an
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS air inlet 23 is situated in the top wall 19 . The air inlet 19 can
be connected to one of the air outlet ducts 14 of the
Some embodiments of an air lubrication system according compressors 11 , 12 .
to the invention and a vessel comprising such a system will, Inside the cavity 33 , a number of curved wave deflectors
by way of non -limiting example, be described in detail with 50 24, 25 , 26 extends across the width W of the cavity and are
reference to the accompanying drawings. In the drawings : connected to the sidewalls 18 , 18 . The length Lc of the
FIG .. 11 shows
shows aa schematic
schematic side view of
of aa vessel
vessel compris
compris - cavity
may be
may beHcabout
about 4 mm ,, the
the width
width W being
being about
about 751318,cmcm18,,'
FIG side view
ing an air lubrication system according to the invention , and being4 about 45 cm .W The sidewalls
FIG . 2 shows a perspective view of an air lubrication 55 may have a thickness of 16 mm , whereas the flange 17 and
system according to the invention , top wall 19 may have a thickness of 20 mm .
FIG . 3 shows a cross - sectional view of the system of FIG . The inventors have discovered that the following key
principles apply for proper air lubrication system design :
The wave deflectors inside the cavity stabilize the water
FIG . 4 shows a schematic side view of a cavity with an flow inside the cavity . This is important for two reasons:
elongate deflector according to the invention , 60 Firstly the deflectors enable filling the cavity with air during
FIGS. 5a -5c show different embodiments of a deflector speed of the vessel. Secondly , the deflectors minimize
according to the invention , resistance of the cavity while the system is off (without air
FIG . 6 shows a partly cut- away view of a vessel com input).
prising for each cavity a respective compressor situated on The wave deflectors are to be positioned above the
a support deck near the bow , 65 interface plane of the cavity for obtaining an undisturbed
FIG . 7 shows a number of cavities near the bow in a flow of water pass the cavity during speed of the vessel.
V -shaped configuration , and When the cavity is full of air, the deflectors are free of the
US 9 ,855 ,996 B2
water surface . They also help maintaining the surface of the In FIG . 7 it is shown that a number of cavities 54 ,54'-59 ,
water stable during roll motions of the vessel. 59 ' is distributed along lines running from the center line 50
The slope at the rear wall of the cavity helps smooth to the sides 51, 52 when going in a rearward direction . Two
release of the air bubbles into the boundary layer of the central cavities 53 ,53' are provided in proximity to the center
vessel and is designed to help to inject the bubbles that are 5 line 50. The center line of the cavities 54 -59' is at a slight
formed by Kelvin Helmholtz mixing into the immediate angle with respect to the centerline 50 . For cavities 54 ,55 , 56
vessel surface boundary layer, minimizing vertical disper - and 57 and 54 ', 55 , 56 ' and 57' the front part 70 is located
sion and optimizing drag reduction . closer to the bow 2 than the rear part 71 of the cavity ahead .
The shape of the front of the cavity , i.e . wedge -shaped or This 'overlap ' provides an even distribution of air bubbles
bullet -shaped , controls water flow and minimizes wave 10 across the flat bottom 6 . As can be seen in FIG . 8 , the cavity
instability at the air /water interface and improves consistent 33 has at its front end 22 a rounded head , such as to be
air mixing into the boundary layer by the Kelvin Helmholtz bullet-shaped . It was found that both the rounded bullet
effect. shaped front end 22 as well as the dagger - shaped front end
The length of the cavity is to be chosen sufficient to create result in the formation of a stable air-water interface inside
a stable Kelvin Helmholtz air mixing effect for constant air 15 the cavity 33 without wave formation along the interface
bubble generation and flow of air bubbles into the boundary plane.
The relative positioning of the cavities under the hull is The invention claimed is :
important to maximize the air-lubricated surface area of the 1. A system ( 16 ) for providing an air lubricating layer
hull. 20 between a substantially flat bottom (6 ) of the hull (4 ) of a
The size of the cavity determines both the volume of air vessel ( 1 ) and water flowing under the bottom as the vessel
required for stable air bubble generation and required for is moving through the water , which system comprises side
recovery of the cavity after air pocket collapse. Optimizing walls ( 18 ,18 ') and a top wall ( 19 ) defining a cavity ( 33 ) with
the size of the cavity determines the overall lubrication an opening ( 20 ) situated in an interface plane ( 30 ) that is
effectiveness and the efficiency of the total air generation . 25 transversely to the sidewalls , substantially at the level of the
As is clear from FIG . 3 , the wave deflectors 24, 24 '; -26 ,26 flat bottom (6 ), the opening having a front end (22 ) and a
each have a horizontal part 29 extending at a distance hl of rear end (21 ) when seen in the length direction of the cavity ,
about 5 cm from the open interface plane 30 in which the an air inlet ( 23 ) spaced from the opening (20) of the cavity,
boundary layer between air inside the cavity 16 and the the cavity having a length (Lc ), a distance of the top wall
water flowing along the flat bottom 6 is situated . The wave 30 ( 19 ) from the interface plane ( 30 ) (Hc) and a width ( W ) ,
deflector horizontal part 29 has a length Lwh ofabout 20 cm , wherein the ratio Lc /Hc is in the range of 7 : 1 to 13 : 1 , the
and the wave deflector curved part 31 having a length Lwc ratio W /H is in the range of 1. 3 : 1 to 2 .5 : 1 and the ratio Lc/ W
of about 20 cm . The distance hu of the horizontal wave is in the range of 3 . 5 to 1 to 7 : 1 , at least one water deflector
deflector parts 29 from the top wall 19 is about 30 cm . The (24,24 , 25 , 25 , 26 , 26 ) being provided in the cavity , the
horizontal parts 29 of all wave deflectors lie at substantially 35 deflector extending substantially across the width ( W ) of the
the same height in a deflector plane 32. The height hc of the cavity and having a lower end spaced at a lower distance
curved deflector part is about 11 cm . The distance gl from the interface plane (30 ), and an upper end spaced at an
between adjacent wave deflectors 24 , 24 ' is about 5 cm . The upper distance from the top wall ( 19 ) , wherein the deflector
projected surface area of the wave deflectors 24 - 26 ; on the has an elongate part ( 29 , 34 , 34 ') extending in the length
interface plane 30 covers at least 25 % , preferably at least 40 direction of the cavity over at least at least 5 % of the cavity
50 % ,most preferably at least 75 % of the surface area of the length L , wherein a projected area of the at least one
interface plane. deflector member (24 , 24 '- 26 , 26 ') on the interface plane (30 )
The air inlet 23 is provided with a relatively wide section covers at least 25 % of the surface area of the interface plane .
34 connecting to a smaller diameter compressor outlet duct 2 . The system according to claim 1 wherein the length
35 which wide section reduces the air speed and provides a 45 (Lc ) of the cavity is between 2 m and 10 m , the distance (He)
gradual inflow of air into the cavity 3 . of the top wall ( 19 ) from the interface plane ( 30 ) being
FIG . 4 shows a schematic rendering of an air lubrication between 0 .2 m and 1. 5 m and the width W being between 0 .5
system 16 comprising a number of substantially horizontal m and 1 .5 m .
deflector members 34 , 34 '. The deflector members 34 ,34 3 . The system ( 16 ) according to claim 1, wherein the
may be separate strips supported across the width of the 50 deflector comprises a number of deflector members , each
cavity , or may be part of a unitary deflector 28 of a type as having an elongate part, wherein a spacing in the length
schematically shown in FIGS . 5a -5c. direction of the cavity between adjacent elongate parts is
In the embodiment of FIG . 5a , the deflector 28 comprises between 1 % and 10 % of the cavity length L .
a plate -shaped body with a number of slits 36 , 36 '. The 4 . The system (16 ) according to claim 1, wherein each
elongate deflector parts 34 , 34 ' are part of a unitary plate - 55 deflector member comprises a horizontal section ( 29 )
shaped deflector 28 . extending at least 10 cm in the length direction of the cavity
In the embodiment of FIG . 5b , the deflector 28 is in the substantially parallel to the interface plane ( 30 ), and a
form of a perforated plate . The holes 37 , 37' define elongate curved transverse section (31) curving upward , extending at
deflector parts 34 , 34 '. least 10 cm in the length direction and at least 5 cm upward
In the embodiment of FIG . 5c, the deflector 28 is lattice 60 from the height of the horizontal deflector section , wherein
or framework shaped , wherein the elongate deflector mem - a distance ( gl) between the adjacent deflector members in
bers 34 , 34 ' are interconnected by transverse girders 35 , 35 . the length direction of the cavity is no larger than 1 m .
As can be seen in FIG . 6 , a number of compressors 11 is 5 . The system ( 16 ) according to claim 4 , wherein at least
supported on a compressor supporting deck 40 near the bow three deflector members ( 24, 24 '- 26 , 26 ') are provided , the
2 of the vessel 1. Other compressors 12 are situated near the 65 horizontal deflector member sections ( 19 ) being situated in
bow 2 at the level of upper deck 41. One compressor 11 , 12 a deflector plane (32) substantially parallel to the interface
is provided for each cavity 7, 8 . plane ( 30 )
US 9 ,855 ,996 B2
6 . The system (16 ) according to claim 1 , wherein the 14 . The system (16 ) according to claim 1, wherein each
deflector plane ( 32 ) is situated at
at aa distance
distance ((hl
hl)) of
of at
at least
leastdeflector member comprises a horizontal section (29 )
3 cm from the interface plane ( 30 ). extending at least 15 cm in the length direction of the cavity
7 . The system ( 16 ) according to claim 1, wherein at a rear substantially parallel to the interface plane (30 ), and a
end (21) of the cavity ( 33 ) a rear cavity wall (27 ) is sloping 5 a
from the top wall ( 19) to the interface plane (30 ) when oping
going 5 curved
least 10
transverse section ( 31 ) curving upward, extending at
cm in the length direction and at least 10 cm upward
in a rearward direction , at least one deflector member (24 ) from the height of the horizontal deflector section , and
being situated below the sloping rear cavity wall (27 ).
8 . The system (16 ) according to claim 1 , the width ( W ) of wherein a distance ( gl) between the adjacent deflector mem
the cavity being between 40 cm and 2 m . bers in the length direction of the cavity is no larger than 30
9 . The system ( 16 ) according to claim 1 , comprising an air cm .
supply opening ( 23 ) in the top wall for connection to a 15 . The system ( 16 ) according to claim 1 , wherein each
compressor outlet duct ( 14 ) . deflector member comprises a horizontal section ( 29 )
10 . A vessel (1 ) comprising a hull (4 ) and a system (16 ) extending at least 10 cm in the length direction of the cavity
according to claim 1 , the vessel having a substantially flat 5 substantially parallel to the interface plane (30 ), and a
bottom (6 ), a propulsion device ( 10 ) for sailing of the vessel, curved transverse section (31) curving upward , extending at
the interface plane (30 ) being substantially at the level of the least 10 cm in the length direction and at least 5 cm upward
flat bottom (6 ). from the height of the horizontal deflector section , and
11 . The system (16 ) according to claim 2 , wherein the wherein a distance (gl) between the adjacent deflector mem
deflector comprises a number of deflector members, each bers in the length direction of the cavity is no larger than 10
having an elongate part, wherein a spacing in the length 202
direction of the cavity between adjacent elongate parts is cm .
between 1 % and 10 % of the cavity length L . 16 . System ( 16 ) according to claim 1, wherein each
12 . The system of claim 1, wherein the deflector has an deflectorextending
member comprises a horizontal section ( 29 )
at least 15 cm in the length direction of the cavity
elongate part ( 29 ,34 , 34') extending in the length direction of
the cavity over at least at least 10 % of the cavity length L , 2525 substantially
parallel to the interface plane ( 30 ), and a
transverse section (31) curving upward , extending at
and wherein the projected area of the at least one deflector least 10 cm in the length direction and at least 10 cm upward
member ( 24 , 24 - 26 , 26 ') on the interface plane ( 30 ) covers at from the height of the horizontal deflector section , and
least 50 % of the surface area of the interface plane. of wherein a distance ( gl) between the adjacent deflectormem
13 . The system of claim 1, wherein the projected area he of 30 bers in the length direction of the cavity is no larger than 10
the at least one deflector member ( 24 ,24 - 26 , 26 ') on the 30 cm .
interface plane ( 30 ) covers at least 75 % of the surface area
of the interface plane. * * * * *