Green GRM
Green GRM
Green GRM
Presented by: Hajar
In every organization, the department of human resources should be able to play an essential role in
establishing the organization's sustainable culture. Many authors believe that management innovation
and strategic planning are successful and useful because of the quality and availability of human
resources. Green HRM refers to making the employee more responsive to the problems of
Different people have different ideas about the green human resource management. For example,
Anjana Nath, regional head of HR, describes green HR as environmentally friendly HR strategies that
contribute to increased efficiency, lower costs, and higher levels of employee engagement, and Ashok
Ramachandran, director of HR at Vodafone, assumes that green HR refers to using every employee
touch point to espouse sustainable practices and raise employee awareness.
Green human resource management is most often used to refer to people management policies and
practices that are concerned with the larger corporate environmental agenda. It entails implementing
environmentally friendly measures that result in increased efficiency, cheaper costs, and improved staff
engagement and retention.
I- Definition of Green HRM:
Sustainability consists a fulfilling the needs of the current generation without compromising the needs
of the next generation while ensuring a balance between economic growth, environmental care and
HR and Sustainability:
Organizations are increasingly apprehensive with sustainability and corporate social responsibility.
The HR function is exceptionally placed to develop and implementing sustainability strategy. HR will
need to research how to manage a wide range of issues, from employee wellness to workplace health
and safety. The HR staff is expected to be the only department that is efficiently skilled to modify the
attitudes and behaviors of the management, managers, and employees by modifying their many human
resource systems. Green human resources entail enterprising environmentally friendly HR schemes
that result in greater efficiencies, better employee engagement, and lower costs and retention, allowing
organizations to job-share, car-share, teleconference and virtual interviews, telecommuting, online
Green Management:
A "green" organization represents one that is environmentally conscious, resource-efficient, and
socially responsible. The idea of "green management" for sustainable development has several
meanings in the environmental literature, all of which aim to highlight the necessity for a balance
between organizational growth for wealth design and natural environment conservation so that the
future may prosper. (Daily and Huang, 2018).
Human resource development helps translate green policies into practice. It is a strategy to involve the
green workforce in environmental issues and to understand and develop the green culture in the
organization. It is a process that includes HRM functions. We can understand it as follows:
a) Green Recruitment:
Green recruitment is the process of hiring new people who know about sustainable processes,
environmental issues, and are also familiar with words like preservation and sustainable environmental
policies. The institution should make sure that new talent is familiar with the green practices and
environmental systems that will support effective environmental management within the organization.
In this process, we recruit the employee without using paper, which minimizes its impact on the
environment. We can do it through an online recruitment process, in which applications are invited
online, interviews are conducted online, and joining letters are issued to employees online. (Katarya &
Kumar, 2019)
As it has been established that green human resources play an important role in organizations in
addressing environmental issues, we can identify some well-known green HRM practices for example,
assisting staff in identifying recyclable materials that can be utilized to build playgrounds for children
who do not have access to safe places to play.
One of the well-known practices is the use of job portals for recruitment and the custom of telephone,
internet, and video interviews, which can reduce employee travel requirements while also affecting
paperwork reduction. Another well-known practice is encouraging employees to turn off light
computers after work hours and on weekends to save energy.
In the past, the resonance economic performance of the organization was likely to assure corporate
achievement by organizations and their shareholders, but now it is no longer suitable; economic and
financial outcomes need to be accompanied by the minimization of environmental footprints
and improved concentration on social and environmental features. So, the new strategic problem of
corporate environmentalism or "green management" appeared in the 1990s and became a popular
slogan globally in the 2000s (Lee, 2009).
Green management is defined as the process whereby companies manage the environment by
developing environmental management strategies (Lee, 2009), in which companies need to balance
industrial growth with conservation of the natural environment so that future generations may thrive
(Daily and Huang, 2001). This concept has evolved into a strategic problem for businesses, particularly
multinational corporations operating on a global scale (Banerjee, 2001)
IV- Recommendations:
Being a green employer may help to increase employee motivation and engagement (through a shared
set of values) and can create a competitive advantage from the opportunities presented by changing
markets. It will also improve the health of the workforce (for example, by encouraging cycling to
work, car sharing, and public transportation). At the same time, it presents the challenge of how to
measure environmental performance standards across different units of the firm and gain useful data on
the environmental performance of managers. Tying the performance evaluations to the job descriptions
and mentioning the specific green goals and tasks.
When an organization goes green, employers gain other human resource benefits such as increased
staff motivation, a greater sense of belonging to the organization, and a reduction in labor turnover as
workforce health improves. It has been observed and discovered through research that carbon
emissions cause many people to become ill; even in textiles, yarn fibers can cause problems in the
Establish a green team, which A dedicated team or task force was formed to investigate challenges,
generate ideas, and investigate how, where, and when environmental interventions could be
implemented in the business.
Only Organization 3 stated that it has a dedicated team in place to promote environmentally friendly
behavior within the organization. Organization 3's spokesperson stated: Because our CSR team works
in this field, it closely analyzes such challenges and recommends environmentally responsible
solutions. They are also in charge of obtaining buy-in and financial clearances for plan implementation
(HR Representative, Organization 3, February 5, 2016).
"We have employees in the quality-control department who keep an eye on any potential
environmental threat," said a spokesperson from Organization 2. When asked if these individuals are
solely responsible for promoting green behaviors within the organization, the representative responded,
"No, this is just one of many things they do; rather, it is not about promoting green behaviors but about
reducing environmental deterioration due to production." (January 11, 2016—HR Representative,
Organization 2)
Approved), J. (U. G. C. (2019, March 13). Green HRM practices at various companies. Retrieved December 9, 2022, from
Green HRM: Definition, advantages, green HRM practices, policies. iEduNote. (2018, October 1).
Retrieved December 9, 2022, from
IJRITCC, I. J. (2020, November 2). Green HRM: Practices and strategic implementation in the
organizations. Retrieved December 9, 2022, from
Katarya, M. K., & Kumar, A. (2019, March). Green Human Resource Management: In India. Green
Human Resource Management: In India - ignited minds journals. Retrieved December 10, 2022,
Kangal, S. (2019, July 16). History of Green HRM. Medium. Retrieved December 10, 2022, from
Lee, K. H. (2009). Why and how to adopt Green Management into business organizations?
Management Decision, 47(7), 1101–1121.