Ocean Library Q3 2022 Release List
Ocean Library Q3 2022 Release List
Ocean Library Q3 2022 Release List
Brand Product type Number Title Module version Version info Released Detailed version info
Ocean e-learning 0221 Galley operations, Hygiene 7.0 Rewrite 2022 Q3 Content replaced with Marlins module Hygiene, translated into Mandarin and French
The aim of this module is to describe what Behavioural Competence is, why it was introduced, and how best to
assess it. This will assist compliance with the general provisions of STCW Section A-I/6, Training and Assessment,
which states that “ Any person conducting in-service assessment of competence of a seafarer...shall have
received appropriate guidance in assessment methods and practice
The Intertanko/OCIMF BCAV was launched in 2020. Ocean products for BCAV, OTICS and ICMG (Hosted for
Intertanko)has been launched as CMS products. This module will support the CMS products but also to be
included in the Assessor Onboard course that today do not mention BCAV.
The industry main focus until now has been to develop and assess technical skills, therefore Intertanko
developed guidelines and best practice guide with the aim of assessing peoples soft skills by monitoring their
Ocean e-learning 0503 Behavioural Competency, Introduction 1.0 New title 2022 Q3 behaviour.
Estimated more than 3,000 containers have fallen overboard in the last year, and more than 1,000 have fallen
overboard so far in 2021 (Shipping Containers Plunge Overboard as Supply Race Raises Risks - Bloomberg )
Ocean e-learning 0632 Container Loss 1.0 New title 2022 Q3 The aim of this module is to:
Ocean e-learning 0802 Roles and Responsibilities of the Cruise Ship Safety Officer 2.0 Minor revision 2022 Q3 Voice over added.
Ocean e-learning 0821 Humanitarian Response 2.0 Minor revision 2022 Q3 Voice over added.
Ocean e-learning 0823 Marine Safety for Non-Seafarers 2.0 Minor revision 2022 Q3 Voice over added.
Ocean e-learning 0826 Fire Fighting Equipment and Maintenance 2.0 Minor revision 2022 Q3 Voice over added.
Based on video module #2721 Nitrogen inert gas
This package is aimed at personnel on chemical tankers fitted with nitrogen generating systems. Regulations
introduced for oil and chemical tankers of eight thousand tonnes deadweight and above built on or after the first
of January 2016 make nitrogen generating equipment more common on new ships. The hazards associated with
the use of nitrogen may be unfamiliar to some seafarers so it’s essential to keep strictly to the company’s
procedures at all stages of every operation, to help ensure the safe use of nitrogen as an inert gas.
The training package may be used for self-study, or by small groups with a trainer.
Ocean e-learning 0827 Nitrogen Based Inert Gas Systems 1.0 New title 2022 Q3
MTS product integrated into the OCEAN product offering.
In this training, you'll learn how to handle conflict in a professional manner so future interactions with fellow
Ocean e-learning 0879 Conflict Management, The three phases of managing disagreements
2.0 Minor revision 2022 Q3 crew members are productive.
MTS product integrated into the OCEAN product offering.
You will watch a case study based on a real-world example of how risk normalization lead to a tragic loss, and
Ocean e-learning 0880 Risk Normalization: Man Overboard 2.0 Minor revision 2022 Q3 reflect on how this could apply to your vessel.
MTS product integrated into the OCEAN product offering.
In this program, you will learn the definitions of harassment, bullying, and a hostile work environment as well as
Ocean e-learning 0881 Harassment and bullying, Prevention 2.0 Minor revision 2022 Q3 the steps required to minimize and prevent them.
MTS product integrated into the OCEAN product offering.
This course teaches your crew the value of creating and maintaining a strong safety culture. Follow Thomas, a
stevedore, throughout a workday that ends in a tragic accident. Watch scenes showing how the events of the day
lead to the accident, and then how the events could have gone had there been a stronger safety culture. This
video invites viewers to reflect on the differences between the scenes and then think about the safety culture at
Ocean e-learning 0882 Creating a Strong Safety Culture 2.0 Minor revision 2022 Q3 their own workplace.
You will learn how to respond to media inquiries during emergency situations, including what to do and what
Ocean e-learning 0883 Handling the Media, dos and dont’s 2.0 Minor revision 2022 Q3 NOT to do and see a basic overview of how media inquiries are handled by shore-side personnel
MTS product integrated into the OCEAN product offering.
This training conceptualizes the relationship between center of buoyancy and center of gravity
Ocean e-learning 0884 Ship Stability: Basic Concepts 2.0 Minor revision 2022 Q3 and shows how metacenter, trim, and heel are calculated and how they affect a moving vessel
MTS product integrated into the OCEAN product offering.
Using detailed visuals and animations, this training builds your understanding of ship stability by presenting
Ocean e-learning 0885 Ship Stability: Terms and Definitions 2.0 Minor revision 2022 Q3 important concepts, from the basics up to more advanced principles.
Confidential / Personal use only – Property of Ocean Technologies Group
This case study training is based on the experiences of the UK P&I Club. Accidents like the one you're about to
see can and do happen. You will see an engineer fall from a generator platform, along with the factors that led to
it. You will learn best practices to prevent similar incidents, including conducting on-site risk assessments,
installation of both top and intermediate guard-rails, avoiding working at heights if the ship is pitching and
Ocean e-learning 0886 Lessons Learnt, Fall from a Generator Platform 2.0 Minor revision 2022 Q3 rolling, and always wearing the proper PPE
This case study training is based on the experiences of the UK P&I Club. You will see a collision between a
fishing vessel and bulker, along with the factors that led to it. You will understand best practices to prevent
similar incidents, including: maintaining a high state of alertness, using appropriate watch-keeping
Ocean e-learning 0887 Lessons Learnt, Collision with a Fishing Vessel 2.0 Minor revision 2022 Q3 arrangements, reducing speed, using sound signals and proper communication
MTS product integrated into the OCEAN product offering.
This case study training is based on the experiences of the UK P&I Club. Accidents like the one you’re about to
Ocean e-learning 0888 Lessons Learnt, Death of a Bosun 2.0 Minor revision 2022 Q3 see can and do happen.
MTS product integrated into the OCEAN product offering.
The International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code) is a comprehensive set of measures to enhance
the security of ships and port facilities, developed in response to the perceived threats to ships and port facilities
Ocean e-learning 0890 ISPS Code 2.0 Minor revision 2022 Q3 in the wake of the 9/11 attacks in the United States.
MTS product integrated into the OCEAN product offering.
Mooring Injury delves into a real-world incident that resulted from not properly assessing risks in a mooring
Ocean e-learning 0892 Lessons Learnt, Mooring Injury 2.0 Minor revision 2022 Q3 operation.
MTS product integrated into the OCEAN product offering.
This training teaches your crew about how to overcome barriers that may prevent them from appropriately
Ocean e-learning 0893 Concentration 2.0 Minor revision 2022 Q3 concentrating at sea.
Ocean e-learning 0894 Anger Management 2.0 Minor revision 2022 Q3 This course teaches your crew several ways to identify and manage anger when it raises its ugly head.
Language versions for Learning Unit title and Learning Objectives added.
"Crew Injury in Heavy Weather" delves into a case study based on an actual incident that resulted from poor
Ocean e-learning 0895 Lessons Learnt, Crew Injury in Heavy Weather 2.0 Minor revision 2022 Q3 decision making to authorize work in heavy weather.
MTS product integrated into the OCEAN product offering.
"Collision when Overtaking" delves into a case study based on an actual incident that resulted from two ships
Ocean e-learning 0896 Lessons Learnt, Collision When Overtaking 2.0 Minor revision 2022 Q3 failing to comply with COLREGS while overtaking.
MTS product integrated into the OCEAN product offering.
This course delves into a case study of an incident aboard a Ro-Ro carrier, and addresses some seemingly small
Ocean e-learning 0897 Shifting Ro-Ro Cargo in Heavy Weather 2.0 Minor revision 2022 Q3 details that cascaded into large effects.
This course teaches your crew the dangers of hypothermia, and how to properly don, store, maintain, and inspect
Ocean e-learning 0898 Immersion Suit Training 2.0 Minor revision 2022 Q3 immersion suits. See a visual demonstration for donning a suit and helpful tips when running drills.
Ocean e-learning 4150 Norwegian maritime rules and regulations 8.0 Minor revision 2022 Q3 Annual Course Manual update.
Onboard Familiarisation System (OFS) training is designed to give navigators a deep operational knowledge of
how to use the ChartWorld’s “eGlobe G2” ECDIS.
OEM and 3rd
Party 4170 Chartworld, Onboard Familiarisation System (OFS) type-specific familiarisation
1.0 for eGlobe
New title
G2 ECDIS 2022 Q3
Confidential / Personal use only – Property of Ocean Technologies Group
The Maritime Wellbeing Programme (by Shell) has been created to help us reach our goal of a zero-incident
This course - Let's Talk, aims to enable seafarers and companies to start having the conversations around
mental health and to start building understanding.
Let's Talk course consists of four modules, which are delivered in a group setting and led by a facilitator.
The CBT concerns Seamanship Evolutions and aims to familiarize he trainee to ‘Basic Knots , Bends and Hitches’.
It contains instructions on use and making of the Half Hitch, Figure of Eight Knot, Reef knot, Single Sheet Bend
OEM and 3rd
Party 4180.01 Dahra, Seamanship, Basic Knots 1.0 New title 2022 Q3 and Marline Spike Hitch
Part of Dahra, Computer Based Training for Navy series.
The CBT concerns Seamanship Evolutions and aims to familiarize the trainee to some ‘Intermediate Level Knots ,
Bends and Hitches’.
It contains instructions on use and making of Bowline, Clove Hitch, Cow Hitch, Heaving Line Knot and Double
OEM and 3rd
Party 4180.02 Dahra, Seamanship, Intermediate Knots 1.0 New title 2022 Q3 Sheet Bend.
Part of Dahra, Computer Based Training for Navy series.
The CBT concerns Seamanship Evolutions and aims to familiarize the trainee to some ‘Advanced Level Knots,
Bends and Hitches’.
It contains instructions on making of the Monkey’s Fist knot, Single Carrick bend, Rolling Hitch, Fisherman’s Knot
OEM and 3rd
Party 4180.03 Dahra, Seamanship, Advanced Knots 1.0 New title 2022 Q3 and Constrictor Knot.
The CBT concerns Seamanship Evolutions and aims to familiarize the trainee to concept of ‘Whipping’.
It contains instructions on making to make Common Whipping, American Whipping, West country Whipping and
OEM and 3rd
Party 4180.04 Dahra, Seamanship, Whipping 1.0 New title 2022 Q3 Sail-makers Whipping.
The CBT concerns Seamanship Evolutions and aims to familiarize the trainee to concept of ‘Seizing’.
It contains instructions on procedure to fasten two ropes together using Round seizing, Flat Seizing and Racking
OEM and 3rd
Party 4180.05 Dahra, Seamanship, Seizing 1.0 New title 2022 Q3 Seizing.
The CBT concerns Seamanship Evolutions and aims to familiarize the trainee to concept of ‘Splicing’.
It contains instructions on procedure to join two ropes together or make an eye at end of rope by interlocking
OEM and 3rd
Party 4180.06 Dahra, Seamanship, Splicing 1.0 New title 2022 Q3 the strands using Eye Splice, Back Splice, Short Splice, Long Splice and Chain Splice.
The CBT concerns Seamanship Evolutions and aims to familiarize the trainee to concept of ‘Anchor Work’.
It contains instructions on Types of Anchors, Parts of Anchor, Chain Cable and its Marking, Lay out of Cable
OEM and 3rd
Party 4180.07 Dahra, Seamanship, Anchor Work 1.0 New title 2022 Q3 Deck and Contents of Cable Bag.
Part of Dahra, Computer Based Training for Navy series.
In this CBT, the trainee will learn about list and explain orders/reports exchanged between cable officer and
cable party while preparing anchor for letting go.
The trainee will also learn orders/reports exchanged between cable officer and cable party to letting go the
OEM and 3rd
Party 4180.08 Dahra, Seamanship, Anchoring (Letting go Anchor) 1.0 New title 2022 Q3 anchor.
Confidential / Personal use only – Property of Ocean Technologies Group
The CBT concerns Marine Navigation and aims to familiarize the trainee to concept of ‘Blind Pilotage’.
It contains instructions on Blind Pilotage for ensuring safe navigation of the ship in pilotage waters using
OEM and 3rd
Party 4180.09 Dahra, Navigation, Blind Pilotage 1.0 New title 2022 Q3 the Radar.
Part of Dahra, Computer Based Training for Navy series.
The CBT concerns Marine Navigation and aims to familiarize the trainee to ‘Types of Fixes’.
It contains instructions on various methods by which the position of a ship can be determined and plotted on a
OEM and 3rd
Party 4180.10 Dahra, Navigation, Types of fixes 1.0 New title 2022 Q3 chart.
Part of Dahra, Computer Based Training for Navy series.
The CBT is about Tides and Tidal Streams and aims to familiarize the trainee with the concept of tide raising
forces, due to the gravitational effect of Moon and Sun on Earth.
It contains instructions to help identify between High water and Low water, Phases of the Moon and its effect on
OEM and 3rd
Party 4180.11 Dahra, Navigation, Tides 1.0 New title 2022 Q3 tides as well as calculation of Height of Tide at any given time for a known harbour.
Part of Dahra, Computer Based Training for Navy series.
In this CBT, the trainee will learn about the weather elements such as sea state, surface winds, atmospheric
pressure, atmospheric temperature, cloud formation, and the hydrologic cycle.
Additionally, as an OOW with a good understanding of Meteorology, he would be in a better position to take
OEM and 3rd
Party 4180.12 Dahra, Navigation, Meteorology 1.0 New title 2022 Q3 informed decisions, with respect to safety of his ship at sea.
Part of Dahra, Computer Based Training for Navy series.
The CBT concerns the propellers fitted on ships and aims to familiarise the trainee with the sideways effects
created by propellers.
It contains a description of commonly prevalent propellers, nomenclature used to describe them and the effects
OEM and 3rd
Party 4180.13 Dahra, Ship Handling and Naval Operations, Propellers and Their1.0
Sideways Effects New title 2022 Q3 created by the propellers.
The CBT concerns Marine Navigation and aims to familiarize the trainee to the concept of ‘Turning Circle’.
It contains instructions on Turning Circle in respect of a ship, various associated terminologies and factors that
OEM and 3rd
Party 4180.14 Dahra, Navigation, Turning Circle 1.0 New title 2022 Q3 affect the Turning Characteristics.
This CBT concerns marine navigation. It aims to provide tools to a trainee for quick calculation of throw off
required to pass at a given distance from a danger or taking station during naval manoeuvres.
This CBT is about getting an Insight into Stars and aims to familiarize the trainee to understand the importance
of stars in the life of a seafarer.
It contains an introduction to stars and constellations; twilight zones and compares the brilliance of stars on a
OEM and 3rd
Party 4180.16 Dahra, Navigation, Insight to Stars 1.0 New title 2022 Q3 magnitude scale.
Part of Dahra, Computer Based Training for Navy series.
The CBT describes about the Zodiac Constellations and aims to familiarize the trainee with the layout or map of
stars in each of these constellations.
It contains details of the 12 Zodiac Constellations, with the name of the brightest star in each along with the
OEM and 3rd
Party 4180.17 Dahra, Navigation, Stars and Constellations 1.0 New title 2022 Q3 month when the Sun passes through each of these constellations.
Confidential / Personal use only – Property of Ocean Technologies Group
The CBT concerns Stars for Marine Navigation and aims to familiarize the trainee with the concept of using
the stars for navigating over the sea at night.
It contains understanding of how stars are formed and provides instructions on finding North using the bright
OEM and 3rd
Party 4180.18 Dahra, Navigation, Stars for Marine Navigation 1.0 New title 2022 Q3 stars in different constellation of the Night Sky.
This CBT concerns COLREGS (Rule 7) and aims to familiarize the trainee to concept of ‘Risk of Collision’.
It contains instructions on use of bearing and range observations at sea for determining Risk of Collision by
OEM and 3rd
Party 4180.19 Dahra, COLREG, Risk of Collision 1.0 New title 2022 Q3 OOW. It describes the nine different possible scenarios and assessment of the risk of collision in each scenario.
This CBT is about Visual Communication and aims to familiarise the trainee with the concepts of ‘Maritime Flags’.
The CBT contains means to identify various maritime flags being used by the navies and the merchant marine
OEM and 3rd
Party 4180.20 Dahra, Communication, Maritime Flags 1.0 New title 2022 Q3 world, and helps developing the understanding of flag meanings.
This CBT is about Visual Communication and aims to familiarise the trainee with the concepts of ‘Semaphore’ and
The CBT facilitates the trainee with a tool to learn the various angles and signs used in semaphore, as well as
learning flashing using morse code.
Having completed this Trainor course, participants will know how mechanical Ex equipment is marked, and what
the different markings mean. Participants will learn to distinguish between the different types of markings and
Ocean e-learning 4190.01 Trainor, Ex - IEC/ISO marking of mechanical equipment 1.0 New title 2022 Q3 how to make good decisions when selecting equipment to use in an installation in a potentially hazardous area.
Having completed this Trainor course, participants will have gained good insight into how electrical equipment is
Ex-marked, and what the different markings mean. Participants will learn to distinguish between the different
types of markings and make good decisions when selecting euipment to use in an installation in a potentially
Ocean e-learning 4190.02 Trainor, Ex - IECEx marking of electrical equipment 1.0 New title 2022 Q3 hazardous area.
The Trainor course provides basic knowledge of hazardous areas and the risks associated with passing through
Ocean e-learning 4190.03 Trainor, Ex - Safe behavior in hazardous areas 1.0 New title 2022 Q3 or working in such areas.
After completing this Trainor training, the participants shall have acquired the necessary knowledge about
electrical installations in hazardous areas, so that they can carry out installations and perform inspection and
maintenance in a safe manner.
The course will give the ex fundamentals training to electrical, automation and other personnel working in or
designing electrical installations in hazardous areas. The course applies to personnel working in onshore
Ocean e-learning 4190.04 Trainor, Ex - Fundamentals 1.0 New title 2022 Q3 facilities, offshore and ships.
Green-Jakobsen module.
OEM and 3rd
Party 4207.14 Safety Delta, Leading the on-board culture, Building accountability
1.0 New title 2022 Q3 This module is part of the Safety Delta series (4200.xx-4207.x)
Green-Jakobsen module.
OEM and 3rd
Party 4207.15 Safety Delta, Leading the on-board culture, Promoting a just culture
1.0 New title 2022 Q3 This module is part of the Safety Delta series (4200.xx-4207.x)