HAP Calculations

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Kitchen Extension at Beach Palace, Abu Dhabi, U.A.


HAP Calculations
Rev.  Description  Date 
0  Detailed Design submission  March 2021 
1  Detailed Design submission   August 2021 
Prepared by 

Design Weather Parameters & MSHGs
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iba 10:57AM

Design Parameters:

City Name ..................................................................................................... Abu Dhabi

Location ..................................................................................... United Arab Emirates
Latitude .................................................................................................................... 24.4 Deg.
Longitude ................................................................................................................ -54.7 Deg.
Elevation .................................................................................................................. 26.8 m
Summer Design Dry-Bulb ....................................................................................... 46.0 °C
Summer Coincident Wet-Bulb ................................................................................. 30.0 °C
Summer Daily Range .............................................................................................. 12.8 K
Winter Design Dry-Bulb ........................................................................................... 11.1 °C
Winter Design Wet-Bulb ............................................................................................ 6.4 °C
Atmospheric Clearness Number ............................................................................. 1.00
Average Ground Reflectance .................................................................................. 0.20
Soil Conductivity .................................................................................................... 1.385 W/(m K)
Local Time Zone (GMT +/- N hours) ........................................................................ -4.0 hours
Consider Daylight Savings Time ............................................................................... No
Simulation Weather Data ......................................................................................... N/A
Current Data is ....................................................................................... User Modified
Design Cooling Months ............................................................. January to December

Design Day Maximum Solar Heat Gains

(The MSHG values are expressed in W/m² )


January 84.8 84.8 130.7 399.8 599.6 757.1 797.0 761.2 720.4
February 95.0 95.0 255.6 518.4 686.8 775.4 768.0 676.7 609.6
March 105.8 140.0 386.7 611.5 737.5 749.5 676.7 533.0 438.6
April 115.8 281.2 492.9 651.0 716.7 673.6 529.5 341.5 240.7
May 135.0 376.5 557.2 665.7 684.3 601.2 426.4 216.4 148.8
June 173.5 406.4 572.5 668.7 666.3 565.8 376.7 174.7 136.2
July 141.1 369.1 552.6 661.9 673.5 585.3 408.3 209.5 148.4
August 120.9 276.6 484.0 635.8 693.3 646.5 512.8 328.7 234.0
September 109.0 134.7 368.3 573.1 701.6 723.7 646.5 514.3 428.8
October 97.0 97.0 251.6 487.2 672.6 754.4 737.1 652.0 590.2
November 85.4 85.4 123.8 391.7 609.3 729.0 788.7 749.6 707.5
December 79.9 79.9 83.7 352.4 563.8 731.6 798.9 782.4 750.0
January 761.9 799.4 754.5 600.6 402.3 126.8 84.8 670.9 1.00
February 676.1 767.9 765.7 696.5 517.7 242.4 95.0 780.5 1.00
March 533.4 677.3 747.6 737.0 612.3 389.0 139.3 865.4 1.00
April 345.6 538.4 663.6 717.2 661.2 505.4 267.5 890.4 1.00
May 218.6 427.1 594.2 688.1 678.4 567.1 366.7 888.1 1.00
June 176.9 374.9 562.6 668.9 675.9 582.3 400.1 879.9 1.00
July 210.7 410.6 583.5 674.0 664.3 556.2 364.1 875.6 1.00
August 332.1 517.6 639.0 691.8 639.9 492.9 265.8 870.8 1.00
September 519.9 652.2 720.2 683.7 578.1 382.3 122.4 834.6 1.00
October 652.5 731.4 757.5 666.7 476.1 257.7 97.0 759.6 1.00
November 743.9 782.3 744.4 608.7 373.2 136.9 85.4 661.6 1.00
December 777.7 789.2 737.1 574.4 335.7 94.5 79.9 620.5 1.00
Mult. = User-defined solar multiplier factor.

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Wall Constructions
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Default Wall Assembly

Wall Details
Outside Surface Color ....................................... Dark
Absorptivity ....................................................... 0.900
Overall U-Value ................................................ 0.320 W/(m²ꞏK)

Wall Layers Details (Inside to Outside)

Thickness Density Specific Ht. R-Value Weight
Layers mm kg/m³ kJ / (kg K) (m²ꞏK)/W kg/m²
Inside surface resistance 0.000 0.0 0.00 0.12064 0.0
Gypsum board 50.000 800.9 1.09 0.31064 40.0
Air space 0.000 0.0 0.00 0.16026 0.0
102mm HW concrete 150.000 2242.6 0.84 0.08667 336.4
RSI-2.3 batt insulation 107.500 8.0 0.84 2.38894 0.9
Outside surface resistance 0.000 0.0 0.00 0.05864 0.0
Totals 307.500 - 3.12578 377.3

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Roof Constructions
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Default Roof Assembly

Roof Details
Outside Surface Color ....................................... Dark
Absorptivity ....................................................... 0.900
Overall U-Value ................................................ 0.140 W/(m²ꞏK)

Roof Layers Details (Inside to Outside)

Thickness Density Specific Ht. R-Value Weight
Layers mm kg/m³ kJ / (kg K) (m²ꞏK)/W kg/m²
Inside surface resistance 0.000 0.0 0.00 0.12064 0.0
Steel deck 1.000 7833.0 0.50 0.00002 7.8
Board insulation 143.000 32.0 0.92 6.88532 4.6
Built-up roofing 10.000 1121.3 1.47 0.06147 11.2
Outside surface resistance 0.000 0.0 0.00 0.05864 0.0
Totals 154.000 - 7.12608 23.6

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Window Constructions
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Sample Window Assembly

Window Details:
Detailed Input ....................................................... No
Height ................................................................. 1.00 m
Width .................................................................. 1.00 m
Overall U-Value ................................................ 2.200 W/(m²ꞏK)
Overall Shade Coefficient ................................ 0.400

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Space Input Data
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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 19.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.0 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 1.0 Person
Wattage ............................................................ 20.00 W/m² Activity Level ........................................ Office Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 71.8 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 60.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .................................................................. 0 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ......................................................... None
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage ............................................................ 30.00 W/m²
Schedule ................................................. SENSIBLE

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

Exp. Wall Gross Area (m²) Window 1 Qty. Window 2 Qty. Door 1 Qty.
NNE 18.0 0 0 0
ESE 18.0 0 0 0

3.1. Construction Types for Exposure NNE

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

3.2. Construction Types for Exposure ESE

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 19.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.30 ACH
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs at all hours.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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Space Input Data
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1. General Details:
Floor Area ......................................................... 174.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.0 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 2.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 20.00 W/m² Activity Level ................................. Sedentary Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 82.1 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 79.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .................................................................. 0 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ......................................................... None
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

Exp. Wall Gross Area (m²) Window 1 Qty. Window 2 Qty. Door 1 Qty.
WNW 48.0 0 0 0
NNE 58.0 0 0 0
SSW 58.0 0 0 0
ESE 14.0 0 0 0

3.1. Construction Types for Exposure WNW

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

3.2. Construction Types for Exposure NNE

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

3.3. Construction Types for Exposure SSW

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

3.4. Construction Types for Exposure ESE

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 174.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.30 ACH
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs at all hours.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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Space Input Data
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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 30.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.0 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 1.0 Person
Wattage ............................................................ 20.00 W/m² Activity Level ........................................ Office Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 71.8 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 60.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .................................................................. 0 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ......................................................... None
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage ............................................................ 30.00 W/m²
Schedule ................................................. SENSIBLE

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

Exp. Wall Gross Area (m²) Window 1 Qty. Window 2 Qty. Door 1 Qty.
NNE 24.0 0 0 0
SSW 24.0 0 0 0
ESE 20.0 0 0 0

3.1. Construction Types for Exposure NNE

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

3.2. Construction Types for Exposure SSW

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

3.3. Construction Types for Exposure ESE

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 30.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.30 ACH
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs at all hours.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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Space Input Data
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1. General Details:
Floor Area ............................................................. 9.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.0 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 1.0 Person
Wattage ............................................................ 20.00 W/m² Activity Level ........................................ Office Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 71.8 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 60.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible ............................................................ 5000 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ................................................ SENSIBLE
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule ................................................. SENSIBLE

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

Exp. Wall Gross Area (m²) Window 1 Qty. Window 2 Qty. Door 1 Qty.
NNE 12.0 0 0 0
SSW 12.0 0 0 0
ESE 12.0 0 0 0

3.1. Construction Types for Exposure NNE

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

3.2. Construction Types for Exposure SSW

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

3.3. Construction Types for Exposure ESE

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 9.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.30 ACH
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs at all hours.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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Space Input Data
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1. General Details:
Floor Area ......................................................... 179.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 2.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 20.00 W/m² Activity Level ................................. Sedentary Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 82.1 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 79.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .................................................................. 0 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ......................................................... None
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

Exp. Wall Gross Area (m²) Window 1 Qty. Window 2 Qty. Door 1 Qty.
WNW 69.0 0 0 0
NNE 59.0 0 0 0
SSW 59.0 0 0 0

3.1. Construction Types for Exposure WNW

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

3.2. Construction Types for Exposure NNE

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

3.3. Construction Types for Exposure SSW

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 155.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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Space Input Data
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1. General Details:
Floor Area ............................................................. 8.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 2.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 20.00 W/m² Activity Level .................................... Seated at Rest
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 67.4 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 35.2 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .................................................................. 0 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ......................................................... None
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

Exp. Wall Gross Area (m²) Window 1 Qty. Window 2 Qty. Door 1 Qty.
WNW 10.0 0 0 0
NNE 15.0 0 0 0

3.1. Construction Types for Exposure WNW

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

3.2. Construction Types for Exposure NNE

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 8.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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Space Input Data
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1. General Details:
Floor Area ......................................................... 122.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 2.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 20.00 W/m² Activity Level ................................. Sedentary Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 82.1 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 79.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .......................................................... 20200 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ................................................ SENSIBLE
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

Exp. Wall Gross Area (m²) Window 1 Qty. Window 2 Qty. Door 1 Qty.
ESE 13.0 0 0 0

3.1. Construction Types for Exposure ESE

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 95.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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Space Input Data
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1. General Details:
Floor Area ............................................................. 7.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 2.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 40.00 W/m² Activity Level ........................................ Office Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 71.8 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 60.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .................................................................. 0 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ......................................................... None
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

(No Wall, Window, Door data).

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 7.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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Space Input Data
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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 25.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 2.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 25.00 W/m² Activity Level ................................. Sedentary Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 82.1 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 79.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible ............................................................ 8000 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ................................................ SENSIBLE
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

Exp. Wall Gross Area (m²) Window 1 Qty. Window 2 Qty. Door 1 Qty.
NNE 24.0 0 0 0

3.1. Construction Types for Exposure NNE

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 25.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 45.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 9.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 25.00 W/m² Activity Level ................................. Sedentary Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 82.1 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 79.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .......................................................... 12250 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ................................................ SENSIBLE
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

Exp. Wall Gross Area (m²) Window 1 Qty. Window 2 Qty. Door 1 Qty.
NNE 43.0 0 0 0

3.1. Construction Types for Exposure NNE

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 45.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 50.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy ........................................................ 10.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 25.00 W/m² Activity Level ................................. Sedentary Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 82.1 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 79.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .......................................................... 26380 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ................................................ SENSIBLE
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

Exp. Wall Gross Area (m²) Window 1 Qty. Window 2 Qty. Door 1 Qty.
NNE 47.0 0 0 0

3.1. Construction Types for Exposure NNE

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 50.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 31.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 7.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 25.00 W/m² Activity Level ................................. Sedentary Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 82.1 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 79.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible ............................................................ 8260 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ................................................ SENSIBLE
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

Exp. Wall Gross Area (m²) Window 1 Qty. Window 2 Qty. Door 1 Qty.
NNE 30.0 0 0 0
ESE 24.0 0 0 0

3.1. Construction Types for Exposure NNE

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

3.2. Construction Types for Exposure ESE

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 31.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 88.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy ........................................................ 24.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 25.00 W/m² Activity Level ................................. Sedentary Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 82.1 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 79.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .......................................................... 22920 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ................................................ SENSIBLE
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

(No Wall, Window, Door data).

4. Roofs, Skylights:
(No Roof or Skylight data).

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 12.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 1.0 Person
Wattage ............................................................ 20.00 W/m² Activity Level ................................. Sedentary Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 82.1 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 79.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .................................................................. 0 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ......................................................... None
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

(No Wall, Window, Door data).

4. Roofs, Skylights:
(No Roof or Skylight data).

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 13.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 3.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 25.00 W/m² Activity Level ................................. Sedentary Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 82.1 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 79.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .......................................................... 13650 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ................................................ SENSIBLE
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

(No Wall, Window, Door data).

4. Roofs, Skylights:
(No Roof or Skylight data).

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 53.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy ........................................................ 11.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 25.00 W/m² Activity Level ................................. Sedentary Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 82.1 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 79.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .......................................................... 14300 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ................................................ SENSIBLE
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

(No Wall, Window, Door data).

4. Roofs, Skylights:
(No Roof or Skylight data).

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ......................................................... 141.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy ........................................................ 29.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 25.00 W/m² Activity Level ................................. Sedentary Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 82.1 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 79.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .......................................................... 27376 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ................................................ SENSIBLE
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

(No Wall, Window, Door data).

4. Roofs, Skylights:
(No Roof or Skylight data).

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 33.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 7.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 25.00 W/m² Activity Level ................................. Sedentary Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 82.1 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 79.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .......................................................... 16793 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ................................................ SENSIBLE
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

(No Wall, Window, Door data).

4. Roofs, Skylights:
(No Roof or Skylight data).

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 13.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 1.0 Person
Wattage ............................................................ 20.00 W/m² Activity Level ................................. Sedentary Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 82.1 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 79.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .................................................................. 0 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ......................................................... None
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

(No Wall, Window, Door data).

4. Roofs, Skylights:
(No Roof or Skylight data).

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 15.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 3.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 25.00 W/m² Activity Level ................................. Sedentary Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 82.1 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 79.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .................................................................. 0 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ......................................................... None
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

(No Wall, Window, Door data).

4. Roofs, Skylights:
(No Roof or Skylight data).

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 12.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 1.0 Person
Wattage ............................................................ 20.00 W/m² Activity Level ................................. Sedentary Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 82.1 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 79.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .................................................................. 0 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ......................................................... None
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

(No Wall, Window, Door data).

4. Roofs, Skylights:
(No Roof or Skylight data).

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 77.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 7.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 20.00 W/m² Activity Level .................................... Seated at Rest
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 67.4 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 35.2 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .................................................................. 0 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ......................................................... None
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

Exp. Wall Gross Area (m²) Window 1 Qty. Window 2 Qty. Door 1 Qty.
SSW 9.0 0 0 0
ESE 16.0 0 0 0
WNW 15.0 0 0 0

3.1. Construction Types for Exposure SSW

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

3.2. Construction Types for Exposure ESE

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

3.3. Construction Types for Exposure WNW

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 77.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ......................................................... 105.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 3.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 20.00 W/m² Activity Level .................................... Seated at Rest
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 67.4 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 35.2 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .................................................................. 0 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ......................................................... None
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

Exp. Wall Gross Area (m²) Window 1 Qty. Window 2 Qty. Door 1 Qty.
SSW 70.0 0 0 0

3.1. Construction Types for Exposure SSW

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 69.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ......................................................... 139.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 3.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 20.00 W/m² Activity Level ................................. Sedentary Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 82.1 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 79.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .................................................................. 0 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ......................................................... None
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

Exp. Wall Gross Area (m²) Window 1 Qty. Window 2 Qty. Door 1 Qty.
WNW 34.0 0 0 0
NNE 13.0 0 0 0

3.1. Construction Types for Exposure WNW

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

3.2. Construction Types for Exposure NNE

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

4. Roofs, Skylights:
(No Roof or Skylight data).

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 19.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 2.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 20.00 W/m² Activity Level ................................. Sedentary Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 82.1 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 79.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .................................................................. 0 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ......................................................... None
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

Exp. Wall Gross Area (m²) Window 1 Qty. Window 2 Qty. Door 1 Qty.
ESE 16.0 0 0 0
NNE 21.0 0 0 0

3.1. Construction Types for Exposure ESE

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

3.2. Construction Types for Exposure NNE

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

4. Roofs, Skylights:
(No Roof or Skylight data).

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 43.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 5.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 20.00 W/m² Activity Level .................................... Seated at Rest
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 67.4 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 35.2 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .................................................................. 0 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ......................................................... None
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

(No Wall, Window, Door data).

4. Roofs, Skylights:
(No Roof or Skylight data).

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ......................................................... 221.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy ........................................................ 45.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 25.00 W/m² Activity Level ................................. Sedentary Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 82.1 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 79.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible ........................................................ 132610 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ................................................ SENSIBLE
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

(No Wall, Window, Door data).

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 56.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 14.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 1.0 Person
Wattage ............................................................ 20.00 W/m² Activity Level ................................. Sedentary Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 82.1 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 79.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .................................................................. 0 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ......................................................... None
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

(No Wall, Window, Door data).

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 14.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ............................................................. 6.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 1.0 Person
Wattage ............................................................ 20.00 W/m² Activity Level .................................... Seated at Rest
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 67.4 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 35.2 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .................................................................. 0 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ......................................................... None
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

(No Wall, Window, Door data).

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 6.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ............................................................. 6.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 1.0 Person
Wattage ............................................................ 20.00 W/m² Activity Level ................................. Sedentary Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 82.1 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 79.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .................................................................. 0 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ......................................................... None
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

(No Wall, Window, Door data).

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 6.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 64.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy ........................................................ 13.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 25.00 W/m² Activity Level ................................. Sedentary Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 82.1 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 79.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .................................................................. 0 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ......................................................... None
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

(No Wall, Window, Door data).

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 64.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 49.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy ........................................................ 10.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 25.00 W/m² Activity Level ................................. Sedentary Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 82.1 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 79.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible ............................................................ 9350 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ................................................ SENSIBLE
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

(No Wall, Window, Door data).

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 7.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ......................................................... 174.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy ........................................................ 35.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 25.00 W/m² Activity Level ................................. Sedentary Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 82.1 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 79.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible ........................................................ 102000 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ................................................ SENSIBLE
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

(No Wall, Window, Door data).

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 100.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 50.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy ........................................................ 10.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 25.00 W/m² Activity Level ................................. Sedentary Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 82.1 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 79.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible ............................................................ 7760 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ................................................ SENSIBLE
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

(No Wall, Window, Door data).

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 15.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 13.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 1.0 Person
Wattage ............................................................ 20.00 W/m² Activity Level ................................. Sedentary Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 82.1 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 79.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .................................................................. 0 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ......................................................... None
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

(No Wall, Window, Door data).

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 13.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 18.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 4.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 25.00 W/m² Activity Level ................................. Sedentary Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 82.1 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 79.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .................................................................. 0 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ......................................................... None
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

(No Wall, Window, Door data).

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 18.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 41.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 2.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 20.00 W/m² Activity Level ................................. Sedentary Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 82.1 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 79.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible ............................................................ 2000 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ................................................ SENSIBLE
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

Exp. Wall Gross Area (m²) Window 1 Qty. Window 2 Qty. Door 1 Qty.
WNW 24.0 0 0 0

3.1. Construction Types for Exposure WNW

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 41.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 21.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 2.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 20.00 W/m² Activity Level ................................. Sedentary Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 82.1 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 79.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .................................................................. 0 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ......................................................... None
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

Exp. Wall Gross Area (m²) Window 1 Qty. Window 2 Qty. Door 1 Qty.
WNW 25.0 0 0 0

3.1. Construction Types for Exposure WNW

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 21.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 21.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 2.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 20.00 W/m² Activity Level ................................. Sedentary Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 82.1 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 79.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible ............................................................ 2400 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ................................................ SENSIBLE
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

Exp. Wall Gross Area (m²) Window 1 Qty. Window 2 Qty. Door 1 Qty.
WNW 31.0 0 0 0

3.1. Construction Types for Exposure WNW

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 10.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ............................................................. 9.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 2.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 20.00 W/m² Activity Level ........................................ Office Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 71.8 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 60.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible ............................................................ 3000 W
Schedule ................................................. SENSIBLE Schedule ................................................ SENSIBLE
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage ............................................................ 50.00 W/m²
Schedule ................................................. SENSIBLE

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

Exp. Wall Gross Area (m²) Window 1 Qty. Window 2 Qty. Door 1 Qty.
WNW 10.0 5 0 0
ESE 10.0 3 0 0
SSW 19.0 7 0 0

3.1. Construction Types for Exposure WNW

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly
1st Window Type ................... Sample Window Assembly

3.2. Construction Types for Exposure ESE

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly
1st Window Type ................... Sample Window Assembly

3.3. Construction Types for Exposure SSW

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly
1st Window Type ................... Sample Window Assembly

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 9.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 11.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 3.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 25.00 W/m² Activity Level ................................. Sedentary Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 82.1 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 79.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .............................................................. 500 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ................................................ SENSIBLE
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

(No Wall, Window, Door data).

4. Roofs, Skylights:
(No Roof or Skylight data).

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 53.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy ........................................................ 11.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 25.00 W/m² Activity Level ................................. Sedentary Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 82.1 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 79.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .................................................................. 0 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ......................................................... None
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

Exp. Wall Gross Area (m²) Window 1 Qty. Window 2 Qty. Door 1 Qty.
SSW 19.0 0 0 0

3.1. Construction Types for Exposure SSW

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

4. Roofs, Skylights:
(No Roof or Skylight data).

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 14.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 2.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 25.00 W/m² Activity Level ................................. Sedentary Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 82.1 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 79.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible ............................................................ 2000 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ................................................ SENSIBLE
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

(No Wall, Window, Door data).

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 14.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 18.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 2.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 25.00 W/m² Activity Level ................................. Sedentary Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 82.1 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 79.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .................................................................. 0 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ......................................................... None
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

(No Wall, Window, Door data).

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 6.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 17.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 2.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 25.00 W/m² Activity Level ................................. Sedentary Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 82.1 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 79.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible ............................................................ 2400 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ................................................ SENSIBLE
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

Exp. Wall Gross Area (m²) Window 1 Qty. Window 2 Qty. Door 1 Qty.
SSW 29.0 0 0 0

3.1. Construction Types for Exposure SSW

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

4. Roofs, Skylights:
(No Roof or Skylight data).

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 13.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 2.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 25.00 W/m² Activity Level ................................. Sedentary Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 82.1 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 79.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .................................................................. 0 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ......................................................... None
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

(No Wall, Window, Door data).

4. Roofs, Skylights:
(No Roof or Skylight data).

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 41.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 3.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 25.00 W/m² Activity Level ................................. Sedentary Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 82.1 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 79.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .............................................................. 750 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ................................................ SENSIBLE
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

Exp. Wall Gross Area (m²) Window 1 Qty. Window 2 Qty. Door 1 Qty.
SSW 18.0 0 0 0

3.1. Construction Types for Exposure SSW

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

4. Roofs, Skylights:
(No Roof or Skylight data).

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 10.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 2.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 20.00 W/m² Activity Level ................................. Sedentary Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 82.1 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 79.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible ............................................................ 1600 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ................................................ SENSIBLE
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

Exp. Wall Gross Area (m²) Window 1 Qty. Window 2 Qty. Door 1 Qty.
SSW 16.0 0 0 0

3.1. Construction Types for Exposure SSW

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

4. Roofs, Skylights:
(No Roof or Skylight data).

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 60.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 2.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 20.00 W/m² Activity Level ........................................ Office Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 71.8 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 60.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .................................................................. 0 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ......................................................... None
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .......................................................... 300.00 W/m²
Schedule ................................................. SENSIBLE

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

Exp. Wall Gross Area (m²) Window 1 Qty. Window 2 Qty. Door 1 Qty.
SSW 24.0 0 0 0
WNW 8.0 0 0 0
ESE 57.0 0 0 0

3.1. Construction Types for Exposure SSW

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

3.2. Construction Types for Exposure WNW

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

3.3. Construction Types for Exposure ESE

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 60.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ............................................................. 9.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 1.0 Person
Wattage ............................................................ 20.00 W/m² Activity Level ........................................ Office Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 71.8 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 60.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .................................................................. 0 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ......................................................... None
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .......................................................... 500.00 W/m²
Schedule ................................................. SENSIBLE

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

Exp. Wall Gross Area (m²) Window 1 Qty. Window 2 Qty. Door 1 Qty.
NNE 4.0 0 0 0
WNW 15.0 0 0 0

3.1. Construction Types for Exposure NNE

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

3.2. Construction Types for Exposure WNW

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 9.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ............................................................. 9.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 1.0 Person
Wattage ............................................................ 20.00 W/m² Activity Level ........................................ Office Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 71.8 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 60.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible ............................................................ 3000 W
Schedule ................................................. SENSIBLE Schedule ................................................ SENSIBLE
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage ............................................................ 50.00 W/m²
Schedule ................................................. SENSIBLE

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

Exp. Wall Gross Area (m²) Window 1 Qty. Window 2 Qty. Door 1 Qty.
WNW 15.0 0 0 0

3.1. Construction Types for Exposure WNW

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 9.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 11.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 1.0 Person
Wattage ............................................................ 20.00 W/m² Activity Level ........................................ Office Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 71.8 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 60.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .................................................................. 0 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ......................................................... None
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

Exp. Wall Gross Area (m²) Window 1 Qty. Window 2 Qty. Door 1 Qty.
WNW 16.0 0 0 0

3.1. Construction Types for Exposure WNW

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 11.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 16.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 1.0 Person
Wattage ............................................................ 20.00 W/m² Activity Level ........................................ Office Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 71.8 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 60.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .................................................................. 0 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ......................................................... None
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage ............................................................ 30.00 W/m²
Schedule ................................................. SENSIBLE

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

Exp. Wall Gross Area (m²) Window 1 Qty. Window 2 Qty. Door 1 Qty.
NNE 19.0 0 0 0
ESE 19.0 0 0 0

3.1. Construction Types for Exposure NNE

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

3.2. Construction Types for Exposure ESE

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

4. Roofs, Skylights:
(No Roof or Skylight data).

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 58.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy ........................................................ 50.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 40.00 W/m² Activity Level .................................... Seated at Rest
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 67.4 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 35.2 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible ............................................................ 5570 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ................................................ SENSIBLE
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

Exp. Wall Gross Area (m²) Window 1 Qty. Window 2 Qty. Door 1 Qty.
NNE 76.0 6 0 0
SSE 24.0 0 0 0

3.1. Construction Types for Exposure NNE

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly
1st Window Type ................... Sample Window Assembly

3.2. Construction Types for Exposure SSE

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 58.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 59.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy ........................................................ 12.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 25.00 W/m² Activity Level ................................. Sedentary Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 82.1 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 79.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .......................................................... 23808 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ................................................ SENSIBLE
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

(No Wall, Window, Door data).

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 59.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 69.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy ........................................................ 14.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 25.00 W/m² Activity Level ................................. Sedentary Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 82.1 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 79.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .......................................................... 24290 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ................................................ SENSIBLE
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

Exp. Wall Gross Area (m²) Window 1 Qty. Window 2 Qty. Door 1 Qty.
NNE 15.0 0 0 0

3.1. Construction Types for Exposure NNE

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 69.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ......................................................... 101.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 5.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 20.00 W/m² Activity Level .................................... Seated at Rest
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 67.4 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 35.2 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .................................................................. 0 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ......................................................... None
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

Exp. Wall Gross Area (m²) Window 1 Qty. Window 2 Qty. Door 1 Qty.
SSW 102.0 0 0 0

3.1. Construction Types for Exposure SSW

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 101.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ......................................................... 216.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 5.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 20.00 W/m² Activity Level .................................... Seated at Rest
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 67.4 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 35.2 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .................................................................. 0 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ......................................................... None
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

Exp. Wall Gross Area (m²) Window 1 Qty. Window 2 Qty. Door 1 Qty.
SSW 165.0 0 0 0
ESE 8.0 0 0 0

3.1. Construction Types for Exposure SSW

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

3.2. Construction Types for Exposure ESE

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 216.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 49.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy ........................................................ 10.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 25.00 W/m² Activity Level ................................. Sedentary Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 82.1 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 79.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible ............................................................ 7820 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ................................................ SENSIBLE
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

(No Wall, Window, Door data).

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 49.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 40.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 8.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 25.00 W/m² Activity Level ................................. Sedentary Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 82.1 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 79.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible ............................................................ 1770 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ................................................ SENSIBLE
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

(No Wall, Window, Door data).

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 40.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 32.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 7.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 25.00 W/m² Activity Level ................................. Sedentary Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 82.1 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 79.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible ............................................................ 3370 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ................................................ SENSIBLE
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

(No Wall, Window, Door data).

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 32.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 50.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 1.0 Person
Wattage ............................................................ 20.00 W/m² Activity Level .................................... Seated at Rest
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 67.4 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 35.2 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .................................................................. 0 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ......................................................... None
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

(No Wall, Window, Door data).

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 50.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 30.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 1.0 Person
Wattage ............................................................ 20.00 W/m² Activity Level .................................... Seated at Rest
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 67.4 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 35.2 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .................................................................. 0 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ......................................................... None
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

(No Wall, Window, Door data).

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 30.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 52.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy ........................................................ 11.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 25.00 W/m² Activity Level ................................. Sedentary Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 82.1 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 79.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible ............................................................ 5100 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ................................................ SENSIBLE
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

Exp. Wall Gross Area (m²) Window 1 Qty. Window 2 Qty. Door 1 Qty.
NNE 37.0 11 0 0

3.1. Construction Types for Exposure NNE

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly
1st Window Type ................... Sample Window Assembly

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 52.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 28.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 1.0 Person
Wattage ............................................................ 20.00 W/m² Activity Level .................................... Seated at Rest
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 67.4 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 35.2 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .................................................................. 0 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ......................................................... None
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

Exp. Wall Gross Area (m²) Window 1 Qty. Window 2 Qty. Door 1 Qty.
NNE 11.0 0 0 0

3.1. Construction Types for Exposure NNE

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 28.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 20.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 1.0 Person
Wattage ............................................................ 20.00 W/m² Activity Level .................................... Seated at Rest
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 67.4 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 35.2 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .................................................................. 0 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ......................................................... None
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

(No Wall, Window, Door data).

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 20.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 21.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 1.0 Person
Wattage ............................................................ 20.00 W/m² Activity Level .................................... Seated at Rest
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 67.4 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 35.2 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .................................................................. 0 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ......................................................... None
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

(No Wall, Window, Door data).

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 21.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ......................................................... 125.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy ........................................................ 10.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 20.00 W/m² Activity Level ................................. Sedentary Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 82.1 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 79.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible ............................................................ 1700 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ................................................ SENSIBLE
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

(No Wall, Window, Door data).

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 125.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
7.1. 1st Partition Details: 7.2. 2nd Partition Details:
Partition Type ..................................... Wall Partition (No partition data).
Area .................................................................... 70.0 m²
U-Value ............................................................ 2.500 W/(m²ꞏK)
Uncondit. Space Max Temp ............................... 40.0 °C
Ambient at Space Max Temp ............................. 46.0 °C
Uncondit. Space Min Temp ................................ 23.9 °C
Ambient at Space Min Temp .............................. 12.8 °C

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 20.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 4.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 25.00 W/m² Activity Level ................................. Sedentary Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 82.1 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 79.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .............................................................. 500 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ................................................ SENSIBLE
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

(No Wall, Window, Door data).

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 20.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 12.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 2.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 20.00 W/m² Activity Level .................................... Seated at Rest
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 67.4 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 35.2 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible ............................................................ 3000 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ................................................ SENSIBLE
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

(No Wall, Window, Door data).

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 12.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ............................................................. 7.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 1.0 Person
Wattage ............................................................ 20.00 W/m² Activity Level ........................................ Office Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 71.8 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 60.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .................................................................. 0 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ......................................................... None
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .......................................................... 500.00 W/m²
Schedule ................................................. SENSIBLE

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

(No Wall, Window, Door data).

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 7.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
7.1. 1st Partition Details: 7.2. 2nd Partition Details:
Partition Type ..................................... Wall Partition (No partition data).
Area .................................................................... 25.0 m²
U-Value ............................................................ 2.500 W/(m²ꞏK)
Uncondit. Space Max Temp ............................... 40.0 °C
Ambient at Space Max Temp ............................. 46.0 °C
Uncondit. Space Min Temp ................................ 23.9 °C
Ambient at Space Min Temp .............................. 12.8 °C

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 16.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 1.0 Person
Wattage ............................................................ 20.00 W/m² Activity Level ........................................ Office Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 71.8 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 60.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .................................................................. 0 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ......................................................... None
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage ............................................................ 30.00 W/m²
Schedule ................................................. SENSIBLE

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

Exp. Wall Gross Area (m²) Window 1 Qty. Window 2 Qty. Door 1 Qty.
NNE 20.0 0 0 0
ESE 20.0 0 0 0

3.1. Construction Types for Exposure NNE

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

3.2. Construction Types for Exposure ESE

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 16.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 25.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy ........................................................ 11.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 40.00 W/m² Activity Level ........................................ Office Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 71.8 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 60.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .................................................................. 0 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ......................................................... None
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

Exp. Wall Gross Area (m²) Window 1 Qty. Window 2 Qty. Door 1 Qty.
ESE 40.0 12 0 0

3.1. Construction Types for Exposure ESE

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly
1st Window Type ................... Sample Window Assembly

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 25.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 14.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 3.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 40.00 W/m² Activity Level ........................................ Office Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 71.8 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 60.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .................................................................. 0 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ......................................................... None
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

Exp. Wall Gross Area (m²) Window 1 Qty. Window 2 Qty. Door 1 Qty.
ESE 13.0 3 0 0

3.1. Construction Types for Exposure ESE

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly
1st Window Type ................... Sample Window Assembly

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 14.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 10.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 4.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 40.00 W/m² Activity Level ........................................ Office Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 71.8 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 60.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .................................................................. 0 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ......................................................... None
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

Exp. Wall Gross Area (m²) Window 1 Qty. Window 2 Qty. Door 1 Qty.
SSE 38.0 6 0 0

3.1. Construction Types for Exposure SSE

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly
1st Window Type ................... Sample Window Assembly

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 10.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ......................................................... 119.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 2.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 20.00 W/m² Activity Level ................................. Sedentary Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 82.1 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 79.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .................................................................. 0 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ......................................................... None
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

Exp. Wall Gross Area (m²) Window 1 Qty. Window 2 Qty. Door 1 Qty.
NNE 59.0 0 0 0
SSE 46.0 0 0 0

3.1. Construction Types for Exposure NNE

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

3.2. Construction Types for Exposure SSE

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 119.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 92.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 3.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 20.00 W/m² Activity Level ................................. Sedentary Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 82.1 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 79.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .................................................................. 0 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ......................................................... None
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

Exp. Wall Gross Area (m²) Window 1 Qty. Window 2 Qty. Door 1 Qty.
WNW 16.0 0 0 0
SSW 127.0 0 0 0

3.1. Construction Types for Exposure WNW

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

3.2. Construction Types for Exposure SSW

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 92.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
7.1. 1st Partition Details: 7.2. 2nd Partition Details:
Partition Type ................................ Ceiling Partition (No partition data).
Area .................................................................... 13.0 m²
U-Value ............................................................ 2.500 W/(m²ꞏK)
Uncondit. Space Max Temp ............................... 40.0 °C
Ambient at Space Max Temp ............................. 46.0 °C
Uncondit. Space Min Temp ................................ 23.9 °C
Ambient at Space Min Temp .............................. 12.8 °C

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 99.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy ........................................................ 20.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 25.00 W/m² Activity Level ................................. Sedentary Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 82.1 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 79.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .......................................................... 23710 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ................................................ SENSIBLE
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

Exp. Wall Gross Area (m²) Window 1 Qty. Window 2 Qty. Door 1 Qty.
NNE 49.0 0 0 0

3.1. Construction Types for Exposure NNE

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 99.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 12.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 1.0 Person
Wattage ............................................................ 20.00 W/m² Activity Level ................................. Sedentary Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 82.1 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 79.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .................................................................. 0 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ......................................................... None
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

(No Wall, Window, Door data).

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 12.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 66.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy ........................................................ 14.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 25.00 W/m² Activity Level ................................. Sedentary Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 82.1 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 79.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .................................................................. 0 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ......................................................... None
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

(No Wall, Window, Door data).

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 66.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 13.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 1.0 Person
Wattage ............................................................ 20.00 W/m² Activity Level ................................. Sedentary Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 82.1 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 79.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .................................................................. 0 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ......................................................... None
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

Exp. Wall Gross Area (m²) Window 1 Qty. Window 2 Qty. Door 1 Qty.
NNE 13.0 0 0 0

3.1. Construction Types for Exposure NNE

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 13.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 16.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 1.0 Person
Wattage ............................................................ 20.00 W/m² Activity Level ................................. Sedentary Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 82.1 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 79.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .................................................................. 0 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ......................................................... None
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

Exp. Wall Gross Area (m²) Window 1 Qty. Window 2 Qty. Door 1 Qty.
NNE 30.0 0 0 0

3.1. Construction Types for Exposure NNE

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 16.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ............................................................. 9.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 1.0 Person
Wattage ............................................................ 20.00 W/m² Activity Level .................................... Seated at Rest
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 67.4 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 35.2 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .................................................................. 0 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ......................................................... None
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage ............................................................ 30.00 W/m²
Schedule ................................................. SENSIBLE

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

Exp. Wall Gross Area (m²) Window 1 Qty. Window 2 Qty. Door 1 Qty.
NNE 15.0 0 0 0
WNW 3.0 0 0 0
ESE 3.0 0 0 0

3.1. Construction Types for Exposure NNE

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

3.2. Construction Types for Exposure WNW

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

3.3. Construction Types for Exposure ESE

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 9.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 69.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 2.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 20.00 W/m² Activity Level ................................. Sedentary Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 82.1 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 79.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .................................................................. 0 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ......................................................... None
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

Exp. Wall Gross Area (m²) Window 1 Qty. Window 2 Qty. Door 1 Qty.
NNE 34.0 0 0 0

3.1. Construction Types for Exposure NNE

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 69.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ............................................................. 6.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 1.0 Person
Wattage ............................................................ 20.00 W/m² Activity Level .................................... Seated at Rest
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 67.4 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 35.2 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .................................................................. 0 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ......................................................... None
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

Exp. Wall Gross Area (m²) Window 1 Qty. Window 2 Qty. Door 1 Qty.
NNE 9.0 0 0 0

3.1. Construction Types for Exposure NNE

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 6.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 10.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 1.0 Person
Wattage ............................................................ 20.00 W/m² Activity Level .................................... Seated at Rest
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 67.4 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 35.2 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .................................................................. 0 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ......................................................... None
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

Exp. Wall Gross Area (m²) Window 1 Qty. Window 2 Qty. Door 1 Qty.
WNW 16.0 0 0 0

3.1. Construction Types for Exposure WNW

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 10.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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Space Input Data
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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 12.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 4.7 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 1.0 Person
Wattage ............................................................ 20.00 W/m² Activity Level ................................. Sedentary Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 82.1 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 79.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .................................................................. 0 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ......................................................... None
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

Exp. Wall Gross Area (m²) Window 1 Qty. Window 2 Qty. Door 1 Qty.
WNW 18.0 0 0 0
NNE 14.0 0 0 0

3.1. Construction Types for Exposure WNW

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

3.2. Construction Types for Exposure NNE

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 12.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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Space Input Data
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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 25.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 5.0 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 2.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 20.00 W/m² Activity Level ........................................ Office Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 71.8 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 60.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .................................................................. 0 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ......................................................... None
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .......................................................... 200.00 W/m²
Schedule ................................................. SENSIBLE

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

Exp. Wall Gross Area (m²) Window 1 Qty. Window 2 Qty. Door 1 Qty.
WNW 25.0 0 0 0
NNE 25.0 0 0 0
SSW 25.0 0 0 0

3.1. Construction Types for Exposure WNW

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

3.2. Construction Types for Exposure NNE

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

3.3. Construction Types for Exposure SSW

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 25.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.30 ACH
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs at all hours.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
7.1. 1st Partition Details: 7.2. 2nd Partition Details:
Partition Type ..................................... Wall Partition (No partition data).
Area .................................................................... 25.0 m²
U-Value ............................................................ 2.500 W/(m²ꞏK)
Uncondit. Space Max Temp ............................... 40.0 °C
Ambient at Space Max Temp ............................. 46.0 °C
Uncondit. Space Min Temp ................................ 23.9 °C
Ambient at Space Min Temp .............................. 12.8 °C

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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 92.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 5.0 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 3.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 20.00 W/m² Activity Level ........................................ Office Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 71.8 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 60.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible .................................................................. 0 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ......................................................... None
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .......................................................... 300.00 W/m²
Schedule ................................................. SENSIBLE

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

Exp. Wall Gross Area (m²) Window 1 Qty. Window 2 Qty. Door 1 Qty.
ESE 25.0 0 0 0
NNE 92.0 0 0 0

3.1. Construction Types for Exposure ESE

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

3.2. Construction Types for Exposure NNE

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 92.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.30 ACH
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs at all hours.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
7.1. 1st Partition Details: 7.2. 2nd Partition Details:
Partition Type ..................................... Wall Partition (No partition data).
Area .................................................................... 25.0 m²
U-Value ............................................................ 2.500 W/(m²ꞏK)
Uncondit. Space Max Temp ............................... 40.0 °C
Ambient at Space Max Temp ............................. 46.0 °C
Uncondit. Space Min Temp ................................ 23.9 °C
Ambient at Space Min Temp .............................. 12.8 °C

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Space Input Data
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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 96.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 5.0 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 2.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 20.00 W/m² Activity Level ........................................ Office Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 71.8 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 60.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible ............................................................ 8000 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ................................................ SENSIBLE
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

Exp. Wall Gross Area (m²) Window 1 Qty. Window 2 Qty. Door 1 Qty.
WNW 40.0 0 0 0
NNE 60.0 0 0 0
SSW 60.0 0 0 0

3.1. Construction Types for Exposure WNW

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

3.2. Construction Types for Exposure NNE

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

3.3. Construction Types for Exposure SSW

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 96.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.30 ACH
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs at all hours.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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Space Input Data
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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 88.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 5.0 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 2.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 20.00 W/m² Activity Level ........................................ Office Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 71.8 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 60.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible ............................................................ 1500 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ................................................ SENSIBLE
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

Exp. Wall Gross Area (m²) Window 1 Qty. Window 2 Qty. Door 1 Qty.
WNW 21.0 0 0 0
SSW 28.0 0 0 0

3.1. Construction Types for Exposure WNW

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

3.2. Construction Types for Exposure SSW

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 88.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.30 ACH
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs at all hours.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

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Space Input Data
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1. General Details:
Floor Area ........................................................... 54.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ............................................... 5.0 m
Building Weight ................................................ 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ...................................... User-Defined
OA Requirement 1 ................................................ 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .............................................. 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)
Space Usage Defaults ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type ......................... Recessed (Unvented) Occupancy .......................................................... 2.0 People
Wattage ............................................................ 20.00 W/m² Activity Level ........................................ Office Work
Ballast Multiplier ................................................. 1.00 Sensible ............................................................. 71.8 W/person
Schedule ................................................. LIGHTING Latent ................................................................ 60.1 W/person
Schedule .................................................... PEOPLE

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m² Sensible ............................................................ 1500 W
Schedule .......................................................... None Schedule ................................................ SENSIBLE
Latent ..................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ......................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage .............................................................. 0.00 W/m²
Schedule .......................................................... None

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

Exp. Wall Gross Area (m²) Window 1 Qty. Window 2 Qty. Door 1 Qty.
ESE 30.0 0 0 0

3.1. Construction Types for Exposure ESE

Wall Type ..................................... Default Wall Assembly

4. Roofs, Skylights:

Exp. Roof Gross Area (m²) Roof Slope (deg.) Skylight Qty.
H 54.0 0 0

4.1. Construction Types for Exposure H

Roof Type .................................... Default Roof Assembly

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ................................................... 0.30 ACH
Design Heating ................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis .................................................. 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs at all hours.

6. Floors:
Type ................... Floor Above Conditioned Space
(No additional input required for this floor type).

7. Partitions:
(No partition data).

Hourly Analysis Program v5.10 Page 92 of 92 92

Air System Sizing Summary for FF-FCU-01
Project Name: 1759-KITCHEN-18.08.2021 08/22/2021
Prepared by: IBA 03:46PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................................... FF-FCU-01 Number of zones .......................................................... 1
Equipment Class ........................................ CW AHU Floor Area .............................................................. 174.0 m²
Air System Type ........................................... SZCAV Location .................. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months ................................. Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ............................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Central Cooling Coil Sizing Data

Total coil load ..................................................... 11.8 kW Load occurs at ................................................. Jun 1500
Sensible coil load ................................................. 9.4 kW OA DB / WB ................................................... 45.4 / 30.0 °C
Coil L/s at Jun 1500 ............................................ 653 L/s Entering DB / WB ........................................... 23.1 / 16.4 °C
Max block L/s ...................................................... 653 L/s Leaving DB / WB ........................................... 11.1 / 10.5 °C
Sum of peak zone L/s ......................................... 653 L/s Coil ADP .................................................................... 9.8 °C
Sensible heat ratio ............................................ 0.799 Bypass Factor ........................................................ 0.100
L/(s kW) .............................................................. 55.5 Resulting RH ............................................................... 51 %
m²/kW ................................................................. 14.8 Design supply temp. ................................................ 11.0 °C
W/m² ................................................................... 67.7 Zone T-stat Check ................................................. 0 of 1 OK
Water flow @ 6.7 K rise ..................................... 0.42 L/s Max zone temperature deviation ............................... 0.0 K

Supply Fan Sizing Data

Actual max L/s ..................................................... 653 L/s Fan motor BHP ........................................................ 0.15 BHP
Standard L/s ........................................................ 651 L/s Fan motor kW .......................................................... 0.12 kW
Actual max L/(sꞏm²) ............................................ 3.75 L/(sꞏm²) Fan static .................................................................. 100 Pa

Outdoor Ventilation Air Data

Design airflow L/s .................................................... 0 L/s L/s/person ................................................................ 0.00 L/s/person
L/(sꞏm²) ............................................................... 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)

Hourly Analysis Program 5.10 Page 1 of 60

Zone Sizing Summary for FF-FCU-01
Project Name: 1759-KITCHEN-18.08.2021 08/22/2021
Prepared by: IBA 03:46PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................................... FF-FCU-01 Number of zones .......................................................... 1
Equipment Class ........................................ CW AHU Floor Area .............................................................. 174.0 m²
Air System Type ........................................... SZCAV Location .................. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months ................................. Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ............................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Zone Terminal Sizing Data

Reheat Zone Zone

Design Minimum Reheat Coil Htg Unit Htg Unit Mixing
Supply Supply Coil Water Coil Water Box Fan
Airflow Airflow Zone Load L/s Load L/s Airflow
Zone Name (L/s) (L/s) L/(sꞏm²) (kW) @ 11.1 K (kW) @ 11.1 K (L/s)
Zone 1 653 653 3.75 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0

Zone Peak Sensible Loads

Zone Zone Zone

Cooling Time of Heating Floor
Sensible Peak Sensible Load Area
Zone Name (kW) Cooling Load (kW) (m²)
Zone 1 9.4 Jul 1500 1.0 174.0

Space Loads and Airflows

Time of
Cooling Peak Air Heating Floor
Zone Name / Sensible Sensible Flow Load Area Space
Space Name Mult. (kW) Load (L/s) (kW) (m²) L/(sꞏm²)
Zone 1
P1-FF-48 1 9.4 Jul 1500 653 1.0 174.0 3.75

Hourly Analysis Program 5.10 Page 2 of 60

Air System Sizing Summary for FF-FCU-02
Project Name: 1759-KITCHEN-18.08.2021 08/22/2021
Prepared by: IBA 03:46PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................................... FF-FCU-02 Number of zones .......................................................... 1
Equipment Class ........................................ CW AHU Floor Area ................................................................ 30.0 m²
Air System Type ........................................... SZCAV Location .................. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months ................................. Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ............................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Central Cooling Coil Sizing Data

Total coil load ....................................................... 3.5 kW Load occurs at .................................................. Jul 1600
Sensible coil load ................................................. 3.1 kW OA DB / WB ................................................... 45.6 / 29.9 °C
Coil L/s at Jul 1600 .............................................. 213 L/s Entering DB / WB ........................................... 23.2 / 16.0 °C
Max block L/s ...................................................... 213 L/s Leaving DB / WB ........................................... 11.2 / 10.5 °C
Sum of peak zone L/s ......................................... 213 L/s Coil ADP .................................................................... 9.8 °C
Sensible heat ratio ............................................ 0.871 Bypass Factor ........................................................ 0.100
L/(s kW) .............................................................. 60.1 Resulting RH ............................................................... 47 %
m²/kW ................................................................... 8.5 Design supply temp. ................................................ 11.0 °C
W/m² ................................................................. 118.1 Zone T-stat Check ................................................. 0 of 1 OK
Water flow @ 6.7 K rise ..................................... 0.13 L/s Max zone temperature deviation ............................... 0.1 K

Supply Fan Sizing Data

Actual max L/s ..................................................... 213 L/s Fan motor BHP ........................................................ 0.05 BHP
Standard L/s ........................................................ 212 L/s Fan motor kW .......................................................... 0.04 kW
Actual max L/(sꞏm²) ............................................ 7.10 L/(sꞏm²) Fan static .................................................................. 100 Pa

Outdoor Ventilation Air Data

Design airflow L/s .................................................... 0 L/s L/s/person ................................................................ 0.00 L/s/person
L/(sꞏm²) ............................................................... 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)

Hourly Analysis Program 5.10 Page 3 of 60

Zone Sizing Summary for FF-FCU-02
Project Name: 1759-KITCHEN-18.08.2021 08/22/2021
Prepared by: IBA 03:46PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................................... FF-FCU-02 Number of zones .......................................................... 1
Equipment Class ........................................ CW AHU Floor Area ................................................................ 30.0 m²
Air System Type ........................................... SZCAV Location .................. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months ................................. Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ............................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Zone Terminal Sizing Data

Reheat Zone Zone

Design Minimum Reheat Coil Htg Unit Htg Unit Mixing
Supply Supply Coil Water Coil Water Box Fan
Airflow Airflow Zone Load L/s Load L/s Airflow
Zone Name (L/s) (L/s) L/(sꞏm²) (kW) @ 11.1 K (kW) @ 11.1 K (L/s)
Zone 1 213 213 7.10 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0

Zone Peak Sensible Loads

Zone Zone Zone

Cooling Time of Heating Floor
Sensible Peak Sensible Load Area
Zone Name (kW) Cooling Load (kW) (m²)
Zone 1 3.1 Jul 1500 0.3 30.0

Space Loads and Airflows

Time of
Cooling Peak Air Heating Floor
Zone Name / Sensible Sensible Flow Load Area Space
Space Name Mult. (kW) Load (L/s) (kW) (m²) L/(sꞏm²)
Zone 1
P1-FF-49 1 3.1 Jul 1500 213 0.3 30.0 7.10

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Air System Sizing Summary for FF-FCU-03
Project Name: 1759-KITCHEN-18.08.2021 08/22/2021
Prepared by: IBA 03:46PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................................... FF-FCU-03 Number of zones .......................................................... 1
Equipment Class ........................................ CW AHU Floor Area .................................................................. 9.0 m²
Air System Type ........................................... SZCAV Location .................. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months ................................. Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ............................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Central Cooling Coil Sizing Data

Total coil load ....................................................... 7.1 kW Load occurs at ................................................. Jun 1500
Sensible coil load ................................................. 6.9 kW OA DB / WB ................................................... 45.4 / 30.0 °C
Coil L/s at Jun 1500 ............................................ 568 L/s Entering DB / WB ........................................... 21.3 / 14.7 °C
Max block L/s ...................................................... 568 L/s Leaving DB / WB ........................................... 11.1 / 10.5 °C
Sum of peak zone L/s ......................................... 568 L/s Coil ADP .................................................................. 10.0 °C
Sensible heat ratio ............................................ 0.973 Bypass Factor ........................................................ 0.100
L/(s kW) .............................................................. 79.9 Resulting RH ............................................................... 49 %
m²/kW ................................................................... 1.3 Design supply temp. ................................................ 11.0 °C
W/m² ................................................................. 789.9 Zone T-stat Check ................................................. 0 of 1 OK
Water flow @ 6.7 K rise ..................................... 0.25 L/s Max zone temperature deviation ............................... 0.2 K

Supply Fan Sizing Data

Actual max L/s ..................................................... 568 L/s Fan motor BHP ........................................................ 0.13 BHP
Standard L/s ........................................................ 566 L/s Fan motor kW .......................................................... 0.11 kW
Actual max L/(sꞏm²) .......................................... 63.09 L/(sꞏm²) Fan static .................................................................. 100 Pa

Outdoor Ventilation Air Data

Design airflow L/s .................................................... 0 L/s L/s/person ................................................................ 0.00 L/s/person
L/(sꞏm²) ............................................................... 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)

Hourly Analysis Program 5.10 Page 5 of 60

Zone Sizing Summary for FF-FCU-03
Project Name: 1759-KITCHEN-18.08.2021 08/22/2021
Prepared by: IBA 03:46PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................................... FF-FCU-03 Number of zones .......................................................... 1
Equipment Class ........................................ CW AHU Floor Area .................................................................. 9.0 m²
Air System Type ........................................... SZCAV Location .................. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months ................................. Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ............................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Zone Terminal Sizing Data

Reheat Zone Zone

Design Minimum Reheat Coil Htg Unit Htg Unit Mixing
Supply Supply Coil Water Coil Water Box Fan
Airflow Airflow Zone Load L/s Load L/s Airflow
Zone Name (L/s) (L/s) L/(sꞏm²) (kW) @ 11.1 K (kW) @ 11.1 K (L/s)
Zone 1 568 568 63.09 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0

Zone Peak Sensible Loads

Zone Zone Zone

Cooling Time of Heating Floor
Sensible Peak Sensible Load Area
Zone Name (kW) Cooling Load (kW) (m²)
Zone 1 6.8 Jul 1500 0.1 9.0

Space Loads and Airflows

Time of
Cooling Peak Air Heating Floor
Zone Name / Sensible Sensible Flow Load Area Space
Space Name Mult. (kW) Load (L/s) (kW) (m²) L/(sꞏm²)
Zone 1
P1-FF-50 1 6.8 Jul 1500 568 0.1 9.0 63.09

Hourly Analysis Program 5.10 Page 6 of 60

Air System Sizing Summary for FF-FCU-04
Project Name: 1759-KITCHEN-18.08.2021 08/22/2021
Prepared by: IBA 03:46PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................................... FF-FCU-04 Number of zones .......................................................... 1
Equipment Class ........................................ CW AHU Floor Area ................................................................ 19.0 m²
Air System Type ........................................... SZCAV Location .................. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months ................................. Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ............................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Central Cooling Coil Sizing Data

Total coil load ....................................................... 2.3 kW Load occurs at .................................................. Jul 1600
Sensible coil load ................................................. 1.9 kW OA DB / WB ................................................... 45.6 / 29.9 °C
Coil L/s at Jul 1600 .............................................. 134 L/s Entering DB / WB ........................................... 23.2 / 16.0 °C
Max block L/s ...................................................... 134 L/s Leaving DB / WB ........................................... 11.2 / 10.5 °C
Sum of peak zone L/s ......................................... 134 L/s Coil ADP .................................................................... 9.8 °C
Sensible heat ratio ............................................ 0.862 Bypass Factor ........................................................ 0.100
L/(s kW) .............................................................. 59.5 Resulting RH ............................................................... 48 %
m²/kW ................................................................... 8.4 Design supply temp. ................................................ 11.0 °C
W/m² ................................................................. 118.6 Zone T-stat Check ................................................. 0 of 1 OK
Water flow @ 6.7 K rise ..................................... 0.08 L/s Max zone temperature deviation ............................... 0.1 K

Supply Fan Sizing Data

Actual max L/s ..................................................... 134 L/s Fan motor BHP ........................................................ 0.03 BHP
Standard L/s ........................................................ 134 L/s Fan motor kW .......................................................... 0.02 kW
Actual max L/(sꞏm²) ............................................ 7.06 L/(sꞏm²) Fan static .................................................................. 100 Pa

Outdoor Ventilation Air Data

Design airflow L/s .................................................... 0 L/s L/s/person ................................................................ 0.00 L/s/person
L/(sꞏm²) ............................................................... 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)

Hourly Analysis Program 5.10 Page 7 of 60

Zone Sizing Summary for FF-FCU-04
Project Name: 1759-KITCHEN-18.08.2021 08/22/2021
Prepared by: IBA 03:46PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................................... FF-FCU-04 Number of zones .......................................................... 1
Equipment Class ........................................ CW AHU Floor Area ................................................................ 19.0 m²
Air System Type ........................................... SZCAV Location .................. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months ................................. Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ............................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Zone Terminal Sizing Data

Reheat Zone Zone

Design Minimum Reheat Coil Htg Unit Htg Unit Mixing
Supply Supply Coil Water Coil Water Box Fan
Airflow Airflow Zone Load L/s Load L/s Airflow
Zone Name (L/s) (L/s) L/(sꞏm²) (kW) @ 11.1 K (kW) @ 11.1 K (L/s)
Zone 1 134 134 7.06 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0

Zone Peak Sensible Loads

Zone Zone Zone

Cooling Time of Heating Floor
Sensible Peak Sensible Load Area
Zone Name (kW) Cooling Load (kW) (m²)
Zone 1 1.9 Jul 1500 0.2 19.0

Space Loads and Airflows

Time of
Cooling Peak Air Heating Floor
Zone Name / Sensible Sensible Flow Load Area Space
Space Name Mult. (kW) Load (L/s) (kW) (m²) L/(sꞏm²)
Zone 1
P1-FF-37 1 1.9 Jul 1500 134 0.2 19.0 7.06

Hourly Analysis Program 5.10 Page 8 of 60

Air System Sizing Summary for P1-AHU-01
Project Name: 1759-KITCHEN-18.08.2021 08/22/2021
Prepared by: IBA 03:46PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................................... P1-AHU-01 Number of zones .......................................................... 1
Equipment Class ........................................ CW AHU Floor Area .............................................................. 638.0 m²
Air System Type ........................................... SZCAV Location .................. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months ................................. Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ............................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Central Cooling Coil Sizing Data

Total coil load ................................................... 134.1 kW Load occurs at .................................................. Jul 1300
Sensible coil load ............................................. 108.1 kW OA DB / WB ................................................... 44.6 / 29.7 °C
Coil L/s at Jul 1300 ............................................ 6528 L/s Entering DB / WB ........................................... 26.1 / 18.0 °C
Max block L/s .................................................... 6528 L/s Leaving DB / WB ........................................... 12.3 / 11.6 °C
Sum of peak zone L/s ....................................... 6528 L/s Coil ADP .................................................................. 10.8 °C
Sensible heat ratio ............................................ 0.806 Bypass Factor ........................................................ 0.100
L/(s kW) .............................................................. 48.7 Resulting RH ............................................................... 45 %
m²/kW ................................................................... 4.8 Design supply temp. ................................................ 12.5 °C
W/m² ................................................................. 210.1 Zone T-stat Check ................................................. 0 of 1 OK
Water flow @ 6.7 K rise ..................................... 4.79 L/s Max zone temperature deviation ............................... 0.0 K

Supply Fan Sizing Data

Actual max L/s ................................................... 6528 L/s Fan motor BHP ........................................................ 1.52 BHP
Standard L/s ...................................................... 6507 L/s Fan motor kW .......................................................... 1.21 kW
Actual max L/(sꞏm²) .......................................... 10.23 L/(sꞏm²) Fan static .................................................................. 100 Pa

Outdoor Ventilation Air Data

Design airflow L/s .................................................... 0 L/s L/s/person ................................................................ 0.00 L/s/person
L/(sꞏm²) ............................................................... 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)

Hourly Analysis Program 5.10 Page 9 of 60

Zone Sizing Summary for P1-AHU-01
Project Name: 1759-KITCHEN-18.08.2021 08/22/2021
Prepared by: IBA 03:46PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................................... P1-AHU-01 Number of zones .......................................................... 1
Equipment Class ........................................ CW AHU Floor Area .............................................................. 638.0 m²
Air System Type ........................................... SZCAV Location .................. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months ................................. Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ............................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Zone Terminal Sizing Data

Reheat Zone Zone

Design Minimum Reheat Coil Htg Unit Htg Unit Mixing
Supply Supply Coil Water Coil Water Box Fan
Airflow Airflow Zone Load L/s Load L/s Airflow
Zone Name (L/s) (L/s) L/(sꞏm²) (kW) @ 11.1 K (kW) @ 11.1 K (L/s)
Zone 1 6528 6528 10.23 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0

Zone Peak Sensible Loads

Zone Zone Zone

Cooling Time of Heating Floor
Sensible Peak Sensible Load Area
Zone Name (kW) Cooling Load (kW) (m²)
Zone 1 106.0 Jul 1500 1.4 638.0

Space Loads and Airflows

Time of
Cooling Peak Air Heating Floor
Zone Name / Sensible Sensible Flow Load Area Space
Space Name Mult. (kW) Load (L/s) (kW) (m²) L/(sꞏm²)
Zone 1
P1-GF-03 1 19.3 Jul 1500 1187 0.3 122.0 9.73
P1-GF-06 1 10.0 Jul 1500 617 0.2 25.0 24.70
P1-GF-07 1 16.2 Jul 1500 996 0.3 45.0 22.13
P1-GF-09 1 11.2 Jul 1500 690 0.3 31.0 22.25
P1-GF-14 1 27.6 Jan 2300 1698 0.0 141.0 12.04
P1-GF-15 1 14.5 Jan 2300 891 0.0 33.0 26.99
P1-GF-16 1 0.4 Jan 2300 23 0.0 13.0 1.78
P1-GF-17 1 0.7 Jan 2300 42 0.0 15.0 2.80
P1-GF-18 1 0.4 Jan 2300 22 0.0 12.0 1.82
P1-GF-19U,32 1 3.7 Jul 2200 227 0.2 139.0 1.64
P1-GF-20 1 0.9 Jul 2000 53 0.2 19.0 2.81
P1-GF-21,22,23,24 1 1.3 Jan 2300 81 0.0 43.0 1.88

Hourly Analysis Program 5.10 Page 10 of 60

Air System Sizing Summary for P1-AHU-02
Project Name: 1759-KITCHEN-18.08.2021 08/22/2021
Prepared by: IBA 03:46PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................................... P1-AHU-02 Number of zones .......................................................... 1
Equipment Class ........................................ CW AHU Floor Area .............................................................. 216.0 m²
Air System Type ........................................... SZCAV Location .................. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months ................................. Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ............................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Central Cooling Coil Sizing Data

Total coil load ................................................... 102.0 kW Load occurs at .................................................. Jul 1400
Sensible coil load ............................................... 90.7 kW OA DB / WB ................................................... 45.6 / 29.9 °C
Coil L/s at Jul 1400 .......................................... 10521 L/s Entering DB / WB ........................................... 18.3 / 14.1 °C
Max block L/s .................................................. 10521 L/s Leaving DB / WB ........................................... 11.2 / 10.8 °C
Sum of peak zone L/s ..................................... 10521 L/s Coil ADP .................................................................. 10.4 °C
Sensible heat ratio ............................................ 0.889 Bypass Factor ........................................................ 0.100
L/(s kW) ............................................................ 103.1 Resulting RH ............................................................... 63 %
m²/kW ................................................................... 2.1 Design supply temp. ................................................ 11.0 °C
W/m² ................................................................. 472.3 Zone T-stat Check ................................................. 0 of 1 OK
Water flow @ 6.7 K rise ..................................... 3.64 L/s Max zone temperature deviation ............................... 0.2 K

Supply Fan Sizing Data

Actual max L/s ................................................. 10521 L/s Fan motor BHP ........................................................ 2.46 BHP
Standard L/s .................................................... 10488 L/s Fan motor kW .......................................................... 1.95 kW
Actual max L/(sꞏm²) .......................................... 48.71 L/(sꞏm²) Fan static .................................................................. 100 Pa

Outdoor Ventilation Air Data

Design airflow L/s .................................................... 0 L/s L/s/person ................................................................ 0.00 L/s/person
L/(sꞏm²) ............................................................... 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)

Hourly Analysis Program 5.10 Page 11 of 60

Zone Sizing Summary for P1-AHU-02
Project Name: 1759-KITCHEN-18.08.2021 08/22/2021
Prepared by: IBA 03:46PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................................... P1-AHU-02 Number of zones .......................................................... 1
Equipment Class ........................................ CW AHU Floor Area .............................................................. 216.0 m²
Air System Type ........................................... SZCAV Location .................. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months ................................. Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ............................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Zone Terminal Sizing Data

Reheat Zone Zone

Design Minimum Reheat Coil Htg Unit Htg Unit Mixing
Supply Supply Coil Water Coil Water Box Fan
Airflow Airflow Zone Load L/s Load L/s Airflow
Zone Name (L/s) (L/s) L/(sꞏm²) (kW) @ 11.1 K (kW) @ 11.1 K (L/s)
Zone 1 10521 10521 48.71 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0

Zone Peak Sensible Loads

Zone Zone Zone

Cooling Time of Heating Floor
Sensible Peak Sensible Load Area
Zone Name (kW) Cooling Load (kW) (m²)
Zone 1 88.6 Jul 1500 0.1 216.0

Space Loads and Airflows

Time of
Cooling Peak Air Heating Floor
Zone Name / Sensible Sensible Flow Load Area Space
Space Name Mult. (kW) Load (L/s) (kW) (m²) L/(sꞏm²)
Zone 1
P1-GF-08 1 32.2 Jul 1500 3824 0.1 50.0 76.47
P1-GF-10 1 22.2 Jan 2300 2640 0.0 88.0 30.00
P1-GF-11 1 0.4 Jan 2300 42 0.0 12.0 3.51
P1-GF-12 1 15.6 Jan 2100 1857 0.0 13.0 142.86
P1-GF-13 1 18.2 Jan 2300 2158 0.0 53.0 40.72

Hourly Analysis Program 5.10 Page 12 of 60

Air System Sizing Summary for P1-AHU-03
Project Name: 1759-KITCHEN-18.08.2021 08/22/2021
Prepared by: IBA 03:46PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................................... P1-AHU-03 Number of zones .......................................................... 1
Equipment Class ........................................ CW AHU Floor Area .............................................................. 465.0 m²
Air System Type ........................................... SZCAV Location .................. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months ................................. Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ............................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Central Cooling Coil Sizing Data

Total coil load ................................................... 183.6 kW Load occurs at .................................................. Jul 1500
Sensible coil load ............................................. 135.9 kW OA DB / WB ................................................... 46.0 / 30.0 °C
Coil L/s at Jul 1500 ............................................ 8207 L/s Entering DB / WB ........................................... 26.1 / 18.5 °C
Max block L/s .................................................... 8207 L/s Leaving DB / WB ........................................... 12.3 / 11.7 °C
Sum of peak zone L/s ....................................... 8207 L/s Coil ADP .................................................................. 10.8 °C
Sensible heat ratio ............................................ 0.740 Bypass Factor ........................................................ 0.100
L/(s kW) .............................................................. 44.7 Resulting RH ............................................................... 49 %
m²/kW ................................................................... 2.5 Design supply temp. ................................................ 12.5 °C
W/m² ................................................................. 394.8 Zone T-stat Check ................................................. 0 of 1 OK
Water flow @ 6.7 K rise ..................................... 6.56 L/s Max zone temperature deviation ............................... 0.0 K

Supply Fan Sizing Data

Actual max L/s ................................................... 8207 L/s Fan motor BHP ........................................................ 1.92 BHP
Standard L/s ...................................................... 8181 L/s Fan motor kW .......................................................... 1.52 kW
Actual max L/(sꞏm²) .......................................... 17.65 L/(sꞏm²) Fan static .................................................................. 100 Pa

Outdoor Ventilation Air Data

Design airflow L/s .................................................... 0 L/s L/s/person ................................................................ 0.00 L/s/person
L/(sꞏm²) ............................................................... 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)

Hourly Analysis Program 5.10 Page 13 of 60

Zone Sizing Summary for P1-AHU-03
Project Name: 1759-KITCHEN-18.08.2021 08/22/2021
Prepared by: IBA 03:46PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................................... P1-AHU-03 Number of zones .......................................................... 1
Equipment Class ........................................ CW AHU Floor Area .............................................................. 465.0 m²
Air System Type ........................................... SZCAV Location .................. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months ................................. Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ............................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Zone Terminal Sizing Data

Reheat Zone Zone

Design Minimum Reheat Coil Htg Unit Htg Unit Mixing
Supply Supply Coil Water Coil Water Box Fan
Airflow Airflow Zone Load L/s Load L/s Airflow
Zone Name (L/s) (L/s) L/(sꞏm²) (kW) @ 11.1 K (kW) @ 11.1 K (L/s)
Zone 1 8207 8207 17.65 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0

Zone Peak Sensible Loads

Zone Zone Zone

Cooling Time of Heating Floor
Sensible Peak Sensible Load Area
Zone Name (kW) Cooling Load (kW) (m²)
Zone 1 133.3 Aug 1500 0.8 465.0

Space Loads and Airflows

Time of
Cooling Peak Air Heating Floor
Zone Name / Sensible Sensible Flow Load Area Space
Space Name Mult. (kW) Load (L/s) (kW) (m²) L/(sꞏm²)
Zone 1
P1-GF-25 1 112.7 Jul 1500 6938 0.1 221.0 31.39
P1-GF-26 1 0.5 Jul 1500 32 0.0 14.0 2.25
P1-GF-27 1 0.3 Jul 1500 16 0.0 6.0 2.61
P1-GF-28 1 0.3 Jul 1500 17 0.0 6.0 2.78
P1-GF-29 1 3.5 Jul 1500 213 0.1 64.0 3.32
P1-GF-30 1 12.6 Jul 1500 775 0.0 49.0 15.82
P1-GF-19M 1 3.5 Aug 1500 218 0.5 105.0 2.08

Hourly Analysis Program 5.10 Page 14 of 60

Air System Sizing Summary for P1-AHU-04
Project Name: 1759-KITCHEN-18.08.2021 08/22/2021
Prepared by: IBA 03:46PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................................... P1-AHU-04 Number of zones .......................................................... 1
Equipment Class ........................................ CW AHU Floor Area .............................................................. 490.0 m²
Air System Type ........................................... SZCAV Location .................. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months ................................. Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ............................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Central Cooling Coil Sizing Data

Total coil load ................................................... 154.9 kW Load occurs at ................................................ Aug 1500
Sensible coil load ............................................. 116.6 kW OA DB / WB ................................................... 46.0 / 30.0 °C
Coil L/s at Aug 1500 .......................................... 7107 L/s Entering DB / WB ........................................... 26.3 / 18.6 °C
Max block L/s .................................................... 7107 L/s Leaving DB / WB ........................................... 12.6 / 12.0 °C
Sum of peak zone L/s ....................................... 7107 L/s Coil ADP .................................................................. 11.1 °C
Sensible heat ratio ............................................ 0.753 Bypass Factor ........................................................ 0.100
L/(s kW) .............................................................. 45.9 Resulting RH ............................................................... 48 %
m²/kW ................................................................... 3.2 Design supply temp. ................................................ 12.5 °C
W/m² ................................................................. 316.1 Zone T-stat Check ................................................. 0 of 1 OK
Water flow @ 6.7 K rise ..................................... 5.53 L/s Max zone temperature deviation ............................... 0.2 K

Supply Fan Sizing Data

Actual max L/s ................................................... 7107 L/s Fan motor BHP ........................................................ 1.66 BHP
Standard L/s ...................................................... 7085 L/s Fan motor kW .......................................................... 1.32 kW
Actual max L/(sꞏm²) .......................................... 14.50 L/(sꞏm²) Fan static .................................................................. 100 Pa

Outdoor Ventilation Air Data

Design airflow L/s .................................................... 0 L/s L/s/person ................................................................ 0.00 L/s/person
L/(sꞏm²) ............................................................... 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)

Hourly Analysis Program 5.10 Page 15 of 60

Zone Sizing Summary for P1-AHU-04
Project Name: 1759-KITCHEN-18.08.2021 08/22/2021
Prepared by: IBA 03:46PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................................... P1-AHU-04 Number of zones .......................................................... 1
Equipment Class ........................................ CW AHU Floor Area .............................................................. 490.0 m²
Air System Type ........................................... SZCAV Location .................. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months ................................. Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ............................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Zone Terminal Sizing Data

Reheat Zone Zone

Design Minimum Reheat Coil Htg Unit Htg Unit Mixing
Supply Supply Coil Water Coil Water Box Fan
Airflow Airflow Zone Load L/s Load L/s Airflow
Zone Name (L/s) (L/s) L/(sꞏm²) (kW) @ 11.1 K (kW) @ 11.1 K (L/s)
Zone 1 7107 7107 14.50 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0

Zone Peak Sensible Loads

Zone Zone Zone

Cooling Time of Heating Floor
Sensible Peak Sensible Load Area
Zone Name (kW) Cooling Load (kW) (m²)
Zone 1 115.4 Jul 1500 1.3 490.0

Space Loads and Airflows

Time of
Cooling Peak Air Heating Floor
Zone Name / Sensible Sensible Flow Load Area Space
Space Name Mult. (kW) Load (L/s) (kW) (m²) L/(sꞏm²)
Zone 1
P1-GF-31 1 87.3 Jul 1500 5374 0.2 174.0 30.88
P1-GF-33 1 10.9 Jul 1500 673 0.0 50.0 13.46
P1-GF-34 1 0.5 Jul 1500 30 0.0 13.0 2.28
P1-GF-35 1 1.0 Jul 1500 62 0.0 18.0 3.43
P1-GF-53 1 0.5 Jul 1500 32 0.1 11.0 2.95
P1-GF-19D,36,54 1 3.1 Jul 1500 192 0.3 77.0 2.50
P1-GF-37 1 3.8 Jul 1500 233 0.2 41.0 5.69
P1-GF-38 1 1.0 Jul 1500 61 0.2 21.0 2.92
P1-GF-39 1 3.6 Jul 1500 221 0.2 21.0 10.52
P1-GF-41 1 1.1 Jan 2300 69 0.0 11.0 6.29
P1-GF-42,43 1 2.6 Oct 2100 160 0.1 53.0 3.02

Hourly Analysis Program 5.10 Page 16 of 60

Air System Sizing Summary for P1-FCU-01
Project Name: 1759-KITCHEN-18.08.2021 08/22/2021
Prepared by: IBA 03:46PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................................... P1-FCU-01 Number of zones .......................................................... 1
Equipment Class ........................................ CW AHU Floor Area .............................................................. 179.0 m²
Air System Type ........................................... SZCAV Location .................. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months ................................. Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ............................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Central Cooling Coil Sizing Data

Total coil load ....................................................... 7.7 kW Load occurs at .................................................. Jul 1400
Sensible coil load ................................................. 7.5 kW OA DB / WB ................................................... 45.6 / 29.9 °C
Coil L/s at Jul 1400 .............................................. 521 L/s Entering DB / WB ........................................... 23.1 / 15.3 °C
Max block L/s ...................................................... 521 L/s Leaving DB / WB ........................................... 11.1 / 10.4 °C
Sum of peak zone L/s ......................................... 521 L/s Coil ADP .................................................................... 9.8 °C
Sensible heat ratio ............................................ 0.977 Bypass Factor ........................................................ 0.100
L/(s kW) .............................................................. 67.7 Resulting RH ............................................................... 43 %
m²/kW ................................................................. 23.2 Design supply temp. ................................................ 11.0 °C
W/m² ................................................................... 43.0 Zone T-stat Check ................................................. 0 of 1 OK
Water flow @ 6.7 K rise ..................................... 0.28 L/s Max zone temperature deviation ............................... 0.0 K

Supply Fan Sizing Data

Actual max L/s ..................................................... 521 L/s Fan motor BHP ........................................................ 0.12 BHP
Standard L/s ........................................................ 519 L/s Fan motor kW .......................................................... 0.10 kW
Actual max L/(sꞏm²) ............................................ 2.91 L/(sꞏm²) Fan static .................................................................. 100 Pa

Outdoor Ventilation Air Data

Design airflow L/s .................................................... 0 L/s L/s/person ................................................................ 0.00 L/s/person
L/(sꞏm²) ............................................................... 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)

Hourly Analysis Program 5.10 Page 17 of 60

Zone Sizing Summary for P1-FCU-01
Project Name: 1759-KITCHEN-18.08.2021 08/22/2021
Prepared by: IBA 03:46PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................................... P1-FCU-01 Number of zones .......................................................... 1
Equipment Class ........................................ CW AHU Floor Area .............................................................. 179.0 m²
Air System Type ........................................... SZCAV Location .................. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months ................................. Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ............................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Zone Terminal Sizing Data

Reheat Zone Zone

Design Minimum Reheat Coil Htg Unit Htg Unit Mixing
Supply Supply Coil Water Coil Water Box Fan
Airflow Airflow Zone Load L/s Load L/s Airflow
Zone Name (L/s) (L/s) L/(sꞏm²) (kW) @ 11.1 K (kW) @ 11.1 K (L/s)
Zone 1 521 521 2.91 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0

Zone Peak Sensible Loads

Zone Zone Zone

Cooling Time of Heating Floor
Sensible Peak Sensible Load Area
Zone Name (kW) Cooling Load (kW) (m²)
Zone 1 7.5 Jul 1500 1.0 179.0

Space Loads and Airflows

Time of
Cooling Peak Air Heating Floor
Zone Name / Sensible Sensible Flow Load Area Space
Space Name Mult. (kW) Load (L/s) (kW) (m²) L/(sꞏm²)
Zone 1
P1-GF-01 1 7.5 Jul 1500 521 1.0 179.0 2.91

Hourly Analysis Program 5.10 Page 18 of 60

Air System Sizing Summary for P1-FCU-02
Project Name: 1759-KITCHEN-18.08.2021 08/22/2021
Prepared by: IBA 03:46PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................................... P1-FCU-02 Number of zones .......................................................... 1
Equipment Class ........................................ CW AHU Floor Area .................................................................. 9.0 m²
Air System Type ........................................... SZCAV Location .................. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months ................................. Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ............................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Central Cooling Coil Sizing Data

Total coil load ....................................................... 6.1 kW Load occurs at .................................................. Jul 1500
Sensible coil load ................................................. 6.0 kW OA DB / WB ................................................... 46.0 / 30.0 °C
Coil L/s at Jul 1500 .............................................. 412 L/s Entering DB / WB ........................................... 23.4 / 15.4 °C
Max block L/s ...................................................... 412 L/s Leaving DB / WB ........................................... 11.2 / 10.5 °C
Sum of peak zone L/s ......................................... 412 L/s Coil ADP .................................................................... 9.9 °C
Sensible heat ratio ............................................ 0.989 Bypass Factor ........................................................ 0.100
L/(s kW) .............................................................. 67.7 Resulting RH ............................................................... 43 %
m²/kW ................................................................... 1.5 Design supply temp. ................................................ 11.0 °C
W/m² ................................................................. 676.9 Zone T-stat Check ................................................. 0 of 1 OK
Water flow @ 6.7 K rise ..................................... 0.22 L/s Max zone temperature deviation ............................... 0.3 K

Supply Fan Sizing Data

Actual max L/s ..................................................... 412 L/s Fan motor BHP ........................................................ 0.10 BHP
Standard L/s ........................................................ 411 L/s Fan motor kW .......................................................... 0.08 kW
Actual max L/(sꞏm²) .......................................... 45.83 L/(sꞏm²) Fan static .................................................................. 100 Pa

Outdoor Ventilation Air Data

Design airflow L/s .................................................... 0 L/s L/s/person ................................................................ 0.00 L/s/person
L/(sꞏm²) ............................................................... 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)

Hourly Analysis Program 5.10 Page 19 of 60

Zone Sizing Summary for P1-FCU-02
Project Name: 1759-KITCHEN-18.08.2021 08/22/2021
Prepared by: IBA 03:46PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................................... P1-FCU-02 Number of zones .......................................................... 1
Equipment Class ........................................ CW AHU Floor Area .................................................................. 9.0 m²
Air System Type ........................................... SZCAV Location .................. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months ................................. Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ............................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Zone Terminal Sizing Data

Reheat Zone Zone

Design Minimum Reheat Coil Htg Unit Htg Unit Mixing
Supply Supply Coil Water Coil Water Box Fan
Airflow Airflow Zone Load L/s Load L/s Airflow
Zone Name (L/s) (L/s) L/(sꞏm²) (kW) @ 11.1 K (kW) @ 11.1 K (L/s)
Zone 1 412 412 45.83 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0

Zone Peak Sensible Loads

Zone Zone Zone

Cooling Time of Heating Floor
Sensible Peak Sensible Load Area
Zone Name (kW) Cooling Load (kW) (m²)
Zone 1 6.0 Jul 1500 0.1 9.0

Space Loads and Airflows

Time of
Cooling Peak Air Heating Floor
Zone Name / Sensible Sensible Flow Load Area Space
Space Name Mult. (kW) Load (L/s) (kW) (m²) L/(sꞏm²)
Zone 1
P1-GF-51 1 6.0 Jul 1500 412 0.1 9.0 45.83

Hourly Analysis Program 5.10 Page 20 of 60

Air System Sizing Summary for P1-FCU-03
Project Name: 1759-KITCHEN-18.08.2021 08/22/2021
Prepared by: IBA 03:46PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................................... P1-FCU-03 Number of zones .......................................................... 1
Equipment Class ........................................ CW AHU Floor Area .................................................................. 9.0 m²
Air System Type ........................................... SZCAV Location .................. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months ................................. Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ............................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Central Cooling Coil Sizing Data

Total coil load ....................................................... 4.8 kW Load occurs at .................................................. Jul 1500
Sensible coil load ................................................. 4.7 kW OA DB / WB ................................................... 46.0 / 30.0 °C
Coil L/s at Jul 1500 .............................................. 389 L/s Entering DB / WB ........................................... 21.3 / 14.7 °C
Max block L/s ...................................................... 389 L/s Leaving DB / WB ........................................... 11.2 / 10.6 °C
Sum of peak zone L/s ......................................... 389 L/s Coil ADP .................................................................. 10.1 °C
Sensible heat ratio ............................................ 0.986 Bypass Factor ........................................................ 0.100
L/(s kW) .............................................................. 80.8 Resulting RH ............................................................... 49 %
m²/kW ................................................................... 1.9 Design supply temp. ................................................ 11.0 °C
W/m² ................................................................. 534.5 Zone T-stat Check ................................................. 0 of 1 OK
Water flow @ 6.7 K rise ..................................... 0.17 L/s Max zone temperature deviation ............................... 0.2 K

Supply Fan Sizing Data

Actual max L/s ..................................................... 389 L/s Fan motor BHP ........................................................ 0.09 BHP
Standard L/s ........................................................ 387 L/s Fan motor kW .......................................................... 0.07 kW
Actual max L/(sꞏm²) .......................................... 43.19 L/(sꞏm²) Fan static .................................................................. 100 Pa

Outdoor Ventilation Air Data

Design airflow L/s .................................................... 0 L/s L/s/person ................................................................ 0.00 L/s/person
L/(sꞏm²) ............................................................... 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)

Hourly Analysis Program 5.10 Page 21 of 60

Zone Sizing Summary for P1-FCU-03
Project Name: 1759-KITCHEN-18.08.2021 08/22/2021
Prepared by: IBA 03:46PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................................... P1-FCU-03 Number of zones .......................................................... 1
Equipment Class ........................................ CW AHU Floor Area .................................................................. 9.0 m²
Air System Type ........................................... SZCAV Location .................. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months ................................. Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ............................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Zone Terminal Sizing Data

Reheat Zone Zone

Design Minimum Reheat Coil Htg Unit Htg Unit Mixing
Supply Supply Coil Water Coil Water Box Fan
Airflow Airflow Zone Load L/s Load L/s Airflow
Zone Name (L/s) (L/s) L/(sꞏm²) (kW) @ 11.1 K (kW) @ 11.1 K (L/s)
Zone 1 389 389 43.19 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0

Zone Peak Sensible Loads

Zone Zone Zone

Cooling Time of Heating Floor
Sensible Peak Sensible Load Area
Zone Name (kW) Cooling Load (kW) (m²)
Zone 1 4.7 Jul 1500 0.1 9.0

Space Loads and Airflows

Time of
Cooling Peak Air Heating Floor
Zone Name / Sensible Sensible Flow Load Area Space
Space Name Mult. (kW) Load (L/s) (kW) (m²) L/(sꞏm²)
Zone 1
P1-GF-52 1 4.7 Jul 1500 389 0.1 9.0 43.19

Hourly Analysis Program 5.10 Page 22 of 60

Air System Sizing Summary for P1-FCU-04
Project Name: 1759-KITCHEN-18.08.2021 08/22/2021
Prepared by: IBA 03:46PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................................... P1-FCU-04 Number of zones .......................................................... 1
Equipment Class ........................................ CW AHU Floor Area ................................................................ 64.0 m²
Air System Type ........................................... SZCAV Location .................. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months ................................. Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ............................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Central Cooling Coil Sizing Data

Total coil load ....................................................... 6.6 kW Load occurs at ................................................. Oct 1700
Sensible coil load ................................................. 6.0 kW OA DB / WB ................................................... 41.6 / 28.0 °C
Coil L/s at Oct 1700 ............................................. 684 L/s Entering DB / WB ........................................... 18.1 / 13.7 °C
Max block L/s ...................................................... 684 L/s Leaving DB / WB ........................................... 10.8 / 10.4 °C
Sum of peak zone L/s ......................................... 684 L/s Coil ADP .................................................................. 10.0 °C
Sensible heat ratio ............................................ 0.907 Bypass Factor ........................................................ 0.100
L/(s kW) ............................................................ 103.9 Resulting RH ............................................................... 62 %
m²/kW ................................................................... 9.7 Design supply temp. ................................................ 11.0 °C
W/m² ................................................................. 102.9 Zone T-stat Check ................................................. 0 of 1 OK
Water flow @ 6.7 K rise ..................................... 0.24 L/s Max zone temperature deviation ............................... 0.0 K

Supply Fan Sizing Data

Actual max L/s ..................................................... 684 L/s Fan motor BHP ........................................................ 0.16 BHP
Standard L/s ........................................................ 682 L/s Fan motor kW .......................................................... 0.13 kW
Actual max L/(sꞏm²) .......................................... 10.69 L/(sꞏm²) Fan static .................................................................. 100 Pa

Outdoor Ventilation Air Data

Design airflow L/s .................................................... 0 L/s L/s/person ................................................................ 0.00 L/s/person
L/(sꞏm²) ............................................................... 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)

Hourly Analysis Program 5.10 Page 23 of 60

Zone Sizing Summary for P1-FCU-04
Project Name: 1759-KITCHEN-18.08.2021 08/22/2021
Prepared by: IBA 03:46PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................................... P1-FCU-04 Number of zones .......................................................... 1
Equipment Class ........................................ CW AHU Floor Area ................................................................ 64.0 m²
Air System Type ........................................... SZCAV Location .................. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months ................................. Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ............................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Zone Terminal Sizing Data

Reheat Zone Zone

Design Minimum Reheat Coil Htg Unit Htg Unit Mixing
Supply Supply Coil Water Coil Water Box Fan
Airflow Airflow Zone Load L/s Load L/s Airflow
Zone Name (L/s) (L/s) L/(sꞏm²) (kW) @ 11.1 K (kW) @ 11.1 K (L/s)
Zone 1 684 684 10.69 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0

Zone Peak Sensible Loads

Zone Zone Zone

Cooling Time of Heating Floor
Sensible Peak Sensible Load Area
Zone Name (kW) Cooling Load (kW) (m²)
Zone 1 5.8 Oct 2100 0.1 64.0

Space Loads and Airflows

Time of
Cooling Peak Air Heating Floor
Zone Name / Sensible Sensible Flow Load Area Space
Space Name Mult. (kW) Load (L/s) (kW) (m²) L/(sꞏm²)
Zone 1
P1-GF-47 1 0.6 Jan 2300 70 0.0 13.0 5.36
P1-GF-48 1 2.6 Oct 2100 313 0.0 41.0 7.63
P1-GF-49 1 2.5 Oct 2100 302 0.0 10.0 30.18

Hourly Analysis Program 5.10 Page 24 of 60

Air System Sizing Summary for P1-FCU-05
Project Name: 1759-KITCHEN-18.08.2021 08/22/2021
Prepared by: IBA 03:46PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................................... P1-FCU-05 Number of zones .......................................................... 1
Equipment Class ........................................ CW AHU Floor Area ................................................................ 49.0 m²
Air System Type ........................................... SZCAV Location .................. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months ................................. Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ............................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Central Cooling Coil Sizing Data

Total coil load ....................................................... 8.5 kW Load occurs at ................................................. Sep 1500
Sensible coil load ................................................. 8.0 kW OA DB / WB ................................................... 44.9 / 29.4 °C
Coil L/s at Sep 1500 ............................................ 936 L/s Entering DB / WB ........................................... 18.3 / 13.8 °C
Max block L/s ...................................................... 936 L/s Leaving DB / WB ........................................... 11.1 / 10.7 °C
Sum of peak zone L/s ......................................... 936 L/s Coil ADP .................................................................. 10.4 °C
Sensible heat ratio ............................................ 0.939 Bypass Factor ........................................................ 0.100
L/(s kW) ............................................................ 109.5 Resulting RH ............................................................... 61 %
m²/kW ................................................................... 5.7 Design supply temp. ................................................ 11.0 °C
W/m² ................................................................. 174.3 Zone T-stat Check ................................................. 0 of 1 OK
Water flow @ 6.7 K rise ..................................... 0.31 L/s Max zone temperature deviation ............................... 0.2 K

Supply Fan Sizing Data

Actual max L/s ..................................................... 936 L/s Fan motor BHP ........................................................ 0.22 BHP
Standard L/s ........................................................ 933 L/s Fan motor kW .......................................................... 0.17 kW
Actual max L/(sꞏm²) .......................................... 19.09 L/(sꞏm²) Fan static .................................................................. 100 Pa

Outdoor Ventilation Air Data

Design airflow L/s .................................................... 0 L/s L/s/person ................................................................ 0.00 L/s/person
L/(sꞏm²) ............................................................... 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)

Hourly Analysis Program 5.10 Page 25 of 60

Zone Sizing Summary for P1-FCU-05
Project Name: 1759-KITCHEN-18.08.2021 08/22/2021
Prepared by: IBA 03:46PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................................... P1-FCU-05 Number of zones .......................................................... 1
Equipment Class ........................................ CW AHU Floor Area ................................................................ 49.0 m²
Air System Type ........................................... SZCAV Location .................. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months ................................. Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ............................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Zone Terminal Sizing Data

Reheat Zone Zone

Design Minimum Reheat Coil Htg Unit Htg Unit Mixing
Supply Supply Coil Water Coil Water Box Fan
Airflow Airflow Zone Load L/s Load L/s Airflow
Zone Name (L/s) (L/s) L/(sꞏm²) (kW) @ 11.1 K (kW) @ 11.1 K (L/s)
Zone 1 936 936 19.09 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0

Zone Peak Sensible Loads

Zone Zone Zone

Cooling Time of Heating Floor
Sensible Peak Sensible Load Area
Zone Name (kW) Cooling Load (kW) (m²)
Zone 1 7.8 Sep 1500 0.1 49.0

Space Loads and Airflows

Time of
Cooling Peak Air Heating Floor
Zone Name / Sensible Sensible Flow Load Area Space
Space Name Mult. (kW) Load (L/s) (kW) (m²) L/(sꞏm²)
Zone 1
P1-GF-44 1 3.2 Jul 1500 375 0.0 14.0 26.79
P1-GF-45 1 0.8 Jul 1500 95 0.0 18.0 5.26
P1-GF-46 1 3.9 Oct 2100 466 0.1 17.0 27.40

Hourly Analysis Program 5.10 Page 26 of 60

Air System Sizing Summary for P1-FCU-06
Project Name: 1759-KITCHEN-18.08.2021 08/22/2021
Prepared by: IBA 03:46PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................................... P1-FCU-06 Number of zones .......................................................... 1
Equipment Class ........................................ CW AHU Floor Area ................................................................ 60.0 m²
Air System Type ........................................... SZCAV Location .................. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months ................................. Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ............................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Central Cooling Coil Sizing Data

Total coil load ..................................................... 25.0 kW Load occurs at ................................................ Aug 1500
Sensible coil load ............................................... 24.9 kW OA DB / WB ................................................... 46.0 / 30.0 °C
Coil L/s at Aug 1500 .......................................... 1702 L/s Entering DB / WB ........................................... 23.3 / 15.3 °C
Max block L/s .................................................... 1702 L/s Leaving DB / WB ........................................... 11.2 / 10.4 °C
Sum of peak zone L/s ....................................... 1702 L/s Coil ADP .................................................................... 9.8 °C
Sensible heat ratio ............................................ 0.995 Bypass Factor ........................................................ 0.100
L/(s kW) .............................................................. 68.1 Resulting RH ............................................................... 43 %
m²/kW ................................................................... 2.4 Design supply temp. ................................................ 11.0 °C
W/m² ................................................................. 416.6 Zone T-stat Check ................................................. 0 of 1 OK
Water flow @ 6.7 K rise ..................................... 0.89 L/s Max zone temperature deviation ............................... 0.2 K

Supply Fan Sizing Data

Actual max L/s ................................................... 1702 L/s Fan motor BHP ........................................................ 0.40 BHP
Standard L/s ...................................................... 1697 L/s Fan motor kW .......................................................... 0.32 kW
Actual max L/(sꞏm²) .......................................... 28.37 L/(sꞏm²) Fan static .................................................................. 100 Pa

Outdoor Ventilation Air Data

Design airflow L/s .................................................... 0 L/s L/s/person ................................................................ 0.00 L/s/person
L/(sꞏm²) ............................................................... 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)

Hourly Analysis Program 5.10 Page 27 of 60

Zone Sizing Summary for P1-FCU-06
Project Name: 1759-KITCHEN-18.08.2021 08/22/2021
Prepared by: IBA 03:46PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................................... P1-FCU-06 Number of zones .......................................................... 1
Equipment Class ........................................ CW AHU Floor Area ................................................................ 60.0 m²
Air System Type ........................................... SZCAV Location .................. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months ................................. Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ............................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Zone Terminal Sizing Data

Reheat Zone Zone

Design Minimum Reheat Coil Htg Unit Htg Unit Mixing
Supply Supply Coil Water Coil Water Box Fan
Airflow Airflow Zone Load L/s Load L/s Airflow
Zone Name (L/s) (L/s) L/(sꞏm²) (kW) @ 11.1 K (kW) @ 11.1 K (L/s)
Zone 1 1702 1702 28.37 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0

Zone Peak Sensible Loads

Zone Zone Zone

Cooling Time of Heating Floor
Sensible Peak Sensible Load Area
Zone Name (kW) Cooling Load (kW) (m²)
Zone 1 24.6 Aug 1500 0.4 60.0

Space Loads and Airflows

Time of
Cooling Peak Air Heating Floor
Zone Name / Sensible Sensible Flow Load Area Space
Space Name Mult. (kW) Load (L/s) (kW) (m²) L/(sꞏm²)
Zone 1
P1-GF-50 1 24.6 Aug 1500 1702 0.4 60.0 28.37

Hourly Analysis Program 5.10 Page 28 of 60

Air System Sizing Summary for P1-FCU-07
Project Name: 1759-KITCHEN-18.08.2021 08/22/2021
Prepared by: IBA 03:46PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................................... P1-FCU-07 Number of zones .......................................................... 1
Equipment Class ........................................ CW AHU Floor Area .................................................................. 9.0 m²
Air System Type ........................................... SZCAV Location .................. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months ................................. Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ............................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Central Cooling Coil Sizing Data

Total coil load ....................................................... 7.5 kW Load occurs at ................................................. Oct 1500
Sensible coil load ................................................. 7.4 kW OA DB / WB ................................................... 42.9 / 28.3 °C
Coil L/s at Oct 1500 ............................................. 604 L/s Entering DB / WB ........................................... 21.0 / 14.4 °C
Max block L/s ...................................................... 604 L/s Leaving DB / WB ........................................... 10.8 / 10.2 °C
Sum of peak zone L/s ......................................... 604 L/s Coil ADP .................................................................... 9.7 °C
Sensible heat ratio ............................................ 0.982 Bypass Factor ........................................................ 0.100
L/(s kW) .............................................................. 80.3 Resulting RH ............................................................... 49 %
m²/kW ................................................................... 1.2 Design supply temp. ................................................ 11.0 °C
W/m² ................................................................. 835.1 Zone T-stat Check ................................................. 1 of 1 OK
Water flow @ 6.7 K rise ..................................... 0.27 L/s Max zone temperature deviation ............................... 0.0 K

Supply Fan Sizing Data

Actual max L/s ..................................................... 604 L/s Fan motor BHP ........................................................ 0.14 BHP
Standard L/s ........................................................ 602 L/s Fan motor kW .......................................................... 0.11 kW
Actual max L/(sꞏm²) .......................................... 67.09 L/(sꞏm²) Fan static .................................................................. 100 Pa

Outdoor Ventilation Air Data

Design airflow L/s .................................................... 0 L/s L/s/person ................................................................ 0.00 L/s/person
L/(sꞏm²) ............................................................... 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)

Hourly Analysis Program 5.10 Page 29 of 60

Zone Sizing Summary for P1-FCU-07
Project Name: 1759-KITCHEN-18.08.2021 08/22/2021
Prepared by: IBA 03:46PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................................... P1-FCU-07 Number of zones .......................................................... 1
Equipment Class ........................................ CW AHU Floor Area .................................................................. 9.0 m²
Air System Type ........................................... SZCAV Location .................. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months ................................. Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ............................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Zone Terminal Sizing Data

Reheat Zone Zone

Design Minimum Reheat Coil Htg Unit Htg Unit Mixing
Supply Supply Coil Water Coil Water Box Fan
Airflow Airflow Zone Load L/s Load L/s Airflow
Zone Name (L/s) (L/s) L/(sꞏm²) (kW) @ 11.1 K (kW) @ 11.1 K (L/s)
Zone 1 604 604 67.09 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0

Zone Peak Sensible Loads

Zone Zone Zone

Cooling Time of Heating Floor
Sensible Peak Sensible Load Area
Zone Name (kW) Cooling Load (kW) (m²)
Zone 1 7.3 Oct 1500 0.4 9.0

Space Loads and Airflows

Time of
Cooling Peak Air Heating Floor
Zone Name / Sensible Sensible Flow Load Area Space
Space Name Mult. (kW) Load (L/s) (kW) (m²) L/(sꞏm²)
Zone 1
P1-GF-40 1 7.3 Oct 1500 604 0.4 9.0 67.09

Hourly Analysis Program 5.10 Page 30 of 60

Air System Sizing Summary for P1-FCU-08
Project Name: 1759-KITCHEN-18.08.2021 08/22/2021
Prepared by: IBA 03:46PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................................... P1-FCU-08 Number of zones .......................................................... 1
Equipment Class ........................................ CW AHU Floor Area ................................................................ 16.0 m²
Air System Type ........................................... SZCAV Location .................. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months ................................. Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ............................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Central Cooling Coil Sizing Data

Total coil load ....................................................... 1.5 kW Load occurs at ................................................. Jun 1900
Sensible coil load ................................................. 1.4 kW OA DB / WB ................................................... 41.1 / 29.1 °C
Coil L/s at Jun 1900 .............................................. 97 L/s Entering DB / WB ........................................... 23.1 / 15.3 °C
Max block L/s ........................................................ 97 L/s Leaving DB / WB ........................................... 10.8 / 10.1 °C
Sum of peak zone L/s ........................................... 97 L/s Coil ADP .................................................................... 9.5 °C
Sensible heat ratio ............................................ 0.955 Bypass Factor ........................................................ 0.100
L/(s kW) .............................................................. 64.8 Resulting RH ............................................................... 43 %
m²/kW ................................................................. 10.7 Design supply temp. ................................................ 11.0 °C
W/m² ................................................................... 93.2 Zone T-stat Check ................................................. 0 of 1 OK
Water flow @ 6.7 K rise ..................................... 0.05 L/s Max zone temperature deviation ............................... 0.0 K

Supply Fan Sizing Data

Actual max L/s ....................................................... 97 L/s Fan motor BHP ........................................................ 0.02 BHP
Standard L/s .......................................................... 96 L/s Fan motor kW .......................................................... 0.02 kW
Actual max L/(sꞏm²) ............................................ 6.03 L/(sꞏm²) Fan static .................................................................. 100 Pa

Outdoor Ventilation Air Data

Design airflow L/s .................................................... 0 L/s L/s/person ................................................................ 0.00 L/s/person
L/(sꞏm²) ............................................................... 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)

Hourly Analysis Program 5.10 Page 31 of 60

Zone Sizing Summary for P1-FCU-08
Project Name: 1759-KITCHEN-18.08.2021 08/22/2021
Prepared by: IBA 03:46PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................................... P1-FCU-08 Number of zones .......................................................... 1
Equipment Class ........................................ CW AHU Floor Area ................................................................ 16.0 m²
Air System Type ........................................... SZCAV Location .................. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months ................................. Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ............................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Zone Terminal Sizing Data

Reheat Zone Zone

Design Minimum Reheat Coil Htg Unit Htg Unit Mixing
Supply Supply Coil Water Coil Water Box Fan
Airflow Airflow Zone Load L/s Load L/s Airflow
Zone Name (L/s) (L/s) L/(sꞏm²) (kW) @ 11.1 K (kW) @ 11.1 K (L/s)
Zone 1 97 97 6.03 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0

Zone Peak Sensible Loads

Zone Zone Zone

Cooling Time of Heating Floor
Sensible Peak Sensible Load Area
Zone Name (kW) Cooling Load (kW) (m²)
Zone 1 1.4 Jul 2000 0.1 16.0

Space Loads and Airflows

Time of
Cooling Peak Air Heating Floor
Zone Name / Sensible Sensible Flow Load Area Space
Space Name Mult. (kW) Load (L/s) (kW) (m²) L/(sꞏm²)
Zone 1
P1-GF-55 1 1.4 Jul 2000 97 0.1 16.0 6.03

Hourly Analysis Program 5.10 Page 32 of 60

Air System Sizing Summary for P1-FCU-09
Project Name: 1759-KITCHEN-18.08.2021 08/22/2021
Prepared by: IBA 03:46PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................................... P1-FCU-09 Number of zones .......................................................... 1
Equipment Class ........................................ CW AHU Floor Area .................................................................. 8.0 m²
Air System Type ........................................... SZCAV Location .................. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months ................................. Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ............................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Central Cooling Coil Sizing Data

Total coil load ....................................................... 0.7 kW Load occurs at ................................................. Jun 1500
Sensible coil load ................................................. 0.6 kW OA DB / WB ................................................... 45.4 / 30.0 °C
Coil L/s at Jun 1500 .............................................. 45 L/s Entering DB / WB ........................................... 23.2 / 15.8 °C
Max block L/s ........................................................ 45 L/s Leaving DB / WB ........................................... 11.1 / 10.5 °C
Sum of peak zone L/s ........................................... 45 L/s Coil ADP .................................................................... 9.8 °C
Sensible heat ratio ............................................ 0.893 Bypass Factor ........................................................ 0.100
L/(s kW) .............................................................. 61.7 Resulting RH ............................................................... 46 %
m²/kW ................................................................. 11.0 Design supply temp. ................................................ 11.0 °C
W/m² ................................................................... 90.7 Zone T-stat Check ................................................. 0 of 1 OK
Water flow @ 6.7 K rise ..................................... 0.03 L/s Max zone temperature deviation ............................... 0.1 K

Supply Fan Sizing Data

Actual max L/s ....................................................... 45 L/s Fan motor BHP ........................................................ 0.01 BHP
Standard L/s .......................................................... 45 L/s Fan motor kW .......................................................... 0.01 kW
Actual max L/(sꞏm²) ............................................ 5.59 L/(sꞏm²) Fan static .................................................................. 100 Pa

Outdoor Ventilation Air Data

Design airflow L/s .................................................... 0 L/s L/s/person ................................................................ 0.00 L/s/person
L/(sꞏm²) ............................................................... 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)

Hourly Analysis Program 5.10 Page 33 of 60

Zone Sizing Summary for P1-FCU-09
Project Name: 1759-KITCHEN-18.08.2021 08/22/2021
Prepared by: IBA 03:46PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................................... P1-FCU-09 Number of zones .......................................................... 1
Equipment Class ........................................ CW AHU Floor Area .................................................................. 8.0 m²
Air System Type ........................................... SZCAV Location .................. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months ................................. Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ............................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Zone Terminal Sizing Data

Reheat Zone Zone

Design Minimum Reheat Coil Htg Unit Htg Unit Mixing
Supply Supply Coil Water Coil Water Box Fan
Airflow Airflow Zone Load L/s Load L/s Airflow
Zone Name (L/s) (L/s) L/(sꞏm²) (kW) @ 11.1 K (kW) @ 11.1 K (L/s)
Zone 1 45 45 5.59 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0

Zone Peak Sensible Loads

Zone Zone Zone

Cooling Time of Heating Floor
Sensible Peak Sensible Load Area
Zone Name (kW) Cooling Load (kW) (m²)
Zone 1 0.6 Jul 1500 0.1 8.0

Space Loads and Airflows

Time of
Cooling Peak Air Heating Floor
Zone Name / Sensible Sensible Flow Load Area Space
Space Name Mult. (kW) Load (L/s) (kW) (m²) L/(sꞏm²)
Zone 1
P1-GF-02 1 0.6 Jul 1500 45 0.1 8.0 5.59

Hourly Analysis Program 5.10 Page 34 of 60

Air System Sizing Summary for P1-FCU-10
Project Name: 1759-KITCHEN-18.08.2021 08/22/2021
Prepared by: IBA 03:46PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................................... P1-FCU-10 Number of zones .......................................................... 1
Equipment Class ........................................ CW AHU Floor Area .................................................................. 7.0 m²
Air System Type ........................................... SZCAV Location .................. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months ................................. Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ............................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Central Cooling Coil Sizing Data

Total coil load ....................................................... 0.7 kW Load occurs at ................................................ Aug 1500
Sensible coil load ................................................. 0.6 kW OA DB / WB ................................................... 46.0 / 30.0 °C
Coil L/s at Aug 1500 .............................................. 40 L/s Entering DB / WB ........................................... 23.2 / 16.3 °C
Max block L/s ........................................................ 40 L/s Leaving DB / WB ........................................... 11.1 / 10.5 °C
Sum of peak zone L/s ........................................... 40 L/s Coil ADP .................................................................... 9.8 °C
Sensible heat ratio ............................................ 0.813 Bypass Factor ........................................................ 0.100
L/(s kW) .............................................................. 56.2 Resulting RH ............................................................... 50 %
m²/kW ................................................................... 9.9 Design supply temp. ................................................ 11.0 °C
W/m² ................................................................. 101.1 Zone T-stat Check ................................................. 0 of 1 OK
Water flow @ 6.7 K rise ..................................... 0.03 L/s Max zone temperature deviation ............................... 0.1 K

Supply Fan Sizing Data

Actual max L/s ....................................................... 40 L/s Fan motor BHP ........................................................ 0.01 BHP
Standard L/s .......................................................... 40 L/s Fan motor kW .......................................................... 0.01 kW
Actual max L/(sꞏm²) ............................................ 5.68 L/(sꞏm²) Fan static .................................................................. 100 Pa

Outdoor Ventilation Air Data

Design airflow L/s .................................................... 0 L/s L/s/person ................................................................ 0.00 L/s/person
L/(sꞏm²) ............................................................... 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)

Hourly Analysis Program 5.10 Page 35 of 60

Zone Sizing Summary for P1-FCU-10
Project Name: 1759-KITCHEN-18.08.2021 08/22/2021
Prepared by: IBA 03:46PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................................... P1-FCU-10 Number of zones .......................................................... 1
Equipment Class ........................................ CW AHU Floor Area .................................................................. 7.0 m²
Air System Type ........................................... SZCAV Location .................. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months ................................. Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ............................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Zone Terminal Sizing Data

Reheat Zone Zone

Design Minimum Reheat Coil Htg Unit Htg Unit Mixing
Supply Supply Coil Water Coil Water Box Fan
Airflow Airflow Zone Load L/s Load L/s Airflow
Zone Name (L/s) (L/s) L/(sꞏm²) (kW) @ 11.1 K (kW) @ 11.1 K (L/s)
Zone 1 40 40 5.68 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0

Zone Peak Sensible Loads

Zone Zone Zone

Cooling Time of Heating Floor
Sensible Peak Sensible Load Area
Zone Name (kW) Cooling Load (kW) (m²)
Zone 1 0.6 Jul 1500 0.0 7.0

Space Loads and Airflows

Time of
Cooling Peak Air Heating Floor
Zone Name / Sensible Sensible Flow Load Area Space
Space Name Mult. (kW) Load (L/s) (kW) (m²) L/(sꞏm²)
Zone 1
P1-GF-04 1 0.6 Jul 1500 40 0.0 7.0 5.68

Hourly Analysis Program 5.10 Page 36 of 60

Air System Sizing Summary for P2-AHU-01
Project Name: 1759-KITCHEN-18.08.2021 08/22/2021
Prepared by: IBA 03:46PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................................... P2-AHU-01 Number of zones .......................................................... 1
Equipment Class ........................................ CW AHU Floor Area .............................................................. 117.0 m²
Air System Type ........................................... SZCAV Location .................. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months ................................. Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ............................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Central Cooling Coil Sizing Data

Total coil load ..................................................... 46.0 kW Load occurs at .................................................. Jul 1500
Sensible coil load ............................................... 33.9 kW OA DB / WB ................................................... 46.0 / 30.0 °C
Coil L/s at Jul 1500 ............................................ 2075 L/s Entering DB / WB ........................................... 26.3 / 18.8 °C
Max block L/s .................................................... 2075 L/s Leaving DB / WB ........................................... 12.7 / 12.1 °C
Sum of peak zone L/s ....................................... 2075 L/s Coil ADP .................................................................. 11.2 °C
Sensible heat ratio ............................................ 0.737 Bypass Factor ........................................................ 0.100
L/(s kW) .............................................................. 45.1 Resulting RH ............................................................... 49 %
m²/kW ................................................................... 2.5 Design supply temp. ................................................ 12.5 °C
W/m² ................................................................. 393.4 Zone T-stat Check ................................................. 0 of 1 OK
Water flow @ 6.7 K rise ..................................... 1.64 L/s Max zone temperature deviation ............................... 0.2 K

Supply Fan Sizing Data

Actual max L/s ................................................... 2075 L/s Fan motor BHP ........................................................ 0.48 BHP
Standard L/s ...................................................... 2069 L/s Fan motor kW .......................................................... 0.38 kW
Actual max L/(sꞏm²) .......................................... 17.74 L/(sꞏm²) Fan static .................................................................. 100 Pa

Outdoor Ventilation Air Data

Design airflow L/s .................................................... 0 L/s L/s/person ................................................................ 0.00 L/s/person
L/(sꞏm²) ............................................................... 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)

Hourly Analysis Program 5.10 Page 37 of 60

Zone Sizing Summary for P2-AHU-01
Project Name: 1759-KITCHEN-18.08.2021 08/22/2021
Prepared by: IBA 03:46PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................................... P2-AHU-01 Number of zones .......................................................... 1
Equipment Class ........................................ CW AHU Floor Area .............................................................. 117.0 m²
Air System Type ........................................... SZCAV Location .................. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months ................................. Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ............................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Zone Terminal Sizing Data

Reheat Zone Zone

Design Minimum Reheat Coil Htg Unit Htg Unit Mixing
Supply Supply Coil Water Coil Water Box Fan
Airflow Airflow Zone Load L/s Load L/s Airflow
Zone Name (L/s) (L/s) L/(sꞏm²) (kW) @ 11.1 K (kW) @ 11.1 K (L/s)
Zone 1 2075 2075 17.74 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0

Zone Peak Sensible Loads

Zone Zone Zone

Cooling Time of Heating Floor
Sensible Peak Sensible Load Area
Zone Name (kW) Cooling Load (kW) (m²)
Zone 1 33.7 Jun 1500 0.9 117.0

Space Loads and Airflows

Time of
Cooling Peak Air Heating Floor
Zone Name / Sensible Sensible Flow Load Area Space
Space Name Mult. (kW) Load (L/s) (kW) (m²) L/(sꞏm²)
Zone 1
P2-GF-01 1 12.2 Jun 1500 751 0.7 58.0 12.95
P2-GF-02 1 21.5 Jul 1500 1325 0.1 59.0 22.45

Hourly Analysis Program 5.10 Page 38 of 60

Air System Sizing Summary for P2-AHU-02
Project Name: 1759-KITCHEN-18.08.2021 08/22/2021
Prepared by: IBA 03:46PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................................... P2-AHU-02 Number of zones .......................................................... 1
Equipment Class ........................................ CW AHU Floor Area .............................................................. 708.0 m²
Air System Type ........................................... SZCAV Location .................. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months ................................. Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ............................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Central Cooling Coil Sizing Data

Total coil load ..................................................... 82.5 kW Load occurs at .................................................. Jul 1500
Sensible coil load ............................................... 65.5 kW OA DB / WB ................................................... 46.0 / 30.0 °C
Coil L/s at Jul 1500 ............................................ 4011 L/s Entering DB / WB ........................................... 26.2 / 18.2 °C
Max block L/s .................................................... 4011 L/s Leaving DB / WB ........................................... 12.6 / 11.9 °C
Sum of peak zone L/s ....................................... 4011 L/s Coil ADP .................................................................. 11.1 °C
Sensible heat ratio ............................................ 0.794 Bypass Factor ........................................................ 0.100
L/(s kW) .............................................................. 48.6 Resulting RH ............................................................... 46 %
m²/kW ................................................................... 8.6 Design supply temp. ................................................ 12.5 °C
W/m² ................................................................. 116.5 Zone T-stat Check ................................................. 0 of 1 OK
Water flow @ 6.7 K rise ..................................... 2.95 L/s Max zone temperature deviation ............................... 0.1 K

Supply Fan Sizing Data

Actual max L/s ................................................... 4011 L/s Fan motor BHP ........................................................ 0.94 BHP
Standard L/s ...................................................... 3998 L/s Fan motor kW .......................................................... 0.74 kW
Actual max L/(sꞏm²) ............................................ 5.67 L/(sꞏm²) Fan static .................................................................. 100 Pa

Outdoor Ventilation Air Data

Design airflow L/s .................................................... 0 L/s L/s/person ................................................................ 0.00 L/s/person
L/(sꞏm²) ............................................................... 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)

Hourly Analysis Program 5.10 Page 39 of 60

Zone Sizing Summary for P2-AHU-02
Project Name: 1759-KITCHEN-18.08.2021 08/22/2021
Prepared by: IBA 03:46PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................................... P2-AHU-02 Number of zones .......................................................... 1
Equipment Class ........................................ CW AHU Floor Area .............................................................. 708.0 m²
Air System Type ........................................... SZCAV Location .................. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months ................................. Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ............................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Zone Terminal Sizing Data

Reheat Zone Zone

Design Minimum Reheat Coil Htg Unit Htg Unit Mixing
Supply Supply Coil Water Coil Water Box Fan
Airflow Airflow Zone Load L/s Load L/s Airflow
Zone Name (L/s) (L/s) L/(sꞏm²) (kW) @ 11.1 K (kW) @ 11.1 K (L/s)
Zone 1 4011 4011 5.67 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0

Zone Peak Sensible Loads

Zone Zone Zone

Cooling Time of Heating Floor
Sensible Peak Sensible Load Area
Zone Name (kW) Cooling Load (kW) (m²)
Zone 1 65.0 Jul 1500 3.3 708.0

Space Loads and Airflows

Time of
Cooling Peak Air Heating Floor
Zone Name / Sensible Sensible Flow Load Area Space
Space Name Mult. (kW) Load (L/s) (kW) (m²) L/(sꞏm²)
Zone 1
P2-GF-03 1 22.5 Jul 1500 1387 0.2 69.0 20.09
P2-GF-04L 1 4.1 Aug 1500 250 0.7 101.0 2.48
P2-GF-05 1 8.7 Jul 1500 534 0.1 49.0 10.89
P2-GF-06 1 3.5 Jul 1500 216 0.1 40.0 5.40
P2-GF-07 1 5.5 Jul 1500 337 0.1 32.0 10.54
P2-GF-04R,GF-14 1 8.0 Aug 1500 492 1.2 216.0 2.28
P2-GF-08 1 1.6 Jul 1500 97 0.1 50.0 1.94
P2-GF-09 1 1.0 Jul 1500 60 0.1 30.0 2.01
P2-GF-10 1 8.0 Jun 1400 492 0.6 52.0 9.47
P2-GF-11 1 1.0 Jul 1500 61 0.1 28.0 2.18
P2-GF-12 1 0.7 Jul 1500 42 0.0 20.0 2.08
P2-GF-13 1 0.7 Jul 1500 43 0.0 21.0 2.07

Hourly Analysis Program 5.10 Page 40 of 60

Air System Sizing Summary for P2-AHU-03
Project Name: 1759-KITCHEN-18.08.2021 08/22/2021
Prepared by: IBA 03:46PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................................... P2-AHU-03 Number of zones .......................................................... 1
Equipment Class ........................................ CW AHU Floor Area .............................................................. 325.0 m²
Air System Type ........................................... SZCAV Location .................. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months ................................. Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ............................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Central Cooling Coil Sizing Data

Total coil load ..................................................... 28.5 kW Load occurs at ................................................ Aug 1500
Sensible coil load ............................................... 24.4 kW OA DB / WB ................................................... 46.0 / 30.0 °C
Coil L/s at Aug 1500 .......................................... 1513 L/s Entering DB / WB ........................................... 26.0 / 17.7 °C
Max block L/s .................................................... 1513 L/s Leaving DB / WB ........................................... 12.6 / 11.9 °C
Sum of peak zone L/s ....................................... 1513 L/s Coil ADP .................................................................. 11.2 °C
Sensible heat ratio ............................................ 0.854 Bypass Factor ........................................................ 0.100
L/(s kW) .............................................................. 53.0 Resulting RH ............................................................... 44 %
m²/kW ................................................................. 11.4 Design supply temp. ................................................ 12.5 °C
W/m² ................................................................... 87.8 Zone T-stat Check ................................................. 1 of 1 OK
Water flow @ 6.7 K rise ..................................... 1.02 L/s Max zone temperature deviation ............................... 0.0 K

Supply Fan Sizing Data

Actual max L/s ................................................... 1513 L/s Fan motor BHP ........................................................ 0.35 BHP
Standard L/s ...................................................... 1508 L/s Fan motor kW .......................................................... 0.28 kW
Actual max L/(sꞏm²) ............................................ 4.66 L/(sꞏm²) Fan static .................................................................. 100 Pa

Outdoor Ventilation Air Data

Design airflow L/s .................................................... 0 L/s L/s/person ................................................................ 0.00 L/s/person
L/(sꞏm²) ............................................................... 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)

Hourly Analysis Program 5.10 Page 41 of 60

Zone Sizing Summary for P2-AHU-03
Project Name: 1759-KITCHEN-18.08.2021 08/22/2021
Prepared by: IBA 03:46PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................................... P2-AHU-03 Number of zones .......................................................... 1
Equipment Class ........................................ CW AHU Floor Area .............................................................. 325.0 m²
Air System Type ........................................... SZCAV Location .................. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months ................................. Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ............................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Zone Terminal Sizing Data

Reheat Zone Zone

Design Minimum Reheat Coil Htg Unit Htg Unit Mixing
Supply Supply Coil Water Coil Water Box Fan
Airflow Airflow Zone Load L/s Load L/s Airflow
Zone Name (L/s) (L/s) L/(sꞏm²) (kW) @ 11.1 K (kW) @ 11.1 K (L/s)
Zone 1 1513 1513 4.66 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0

Zone Peak Sensible Loads

Zone Zone Zone

Cooling Time of Heating Floor
Sensible Peak Sensible Load Area
Zone Name (kW) Cooling Load (kW) (m²)
Zone 1 23.9 Aug 1500 2.4 325.0

Space Loads and Airflows

Time of
Cooling Peak Air Heating Floor
Zone Name / Sensible Sensible Flow Load Area Space
Space Name Mult. (kW) Load (L/s) (kW) (m²) L/(sꞏm²)
Zone 1
P2-GF-15,21-23 1 8.5 Jul 1500 521 0.5 125.0 4.16
P2-GF-16 1 1.5 Jul 1500 90 0.0 20.0 4.49
P2-GF-17 1 2.8 Jul 1500 174 0.0 12.0 14.46
P2-GF-20 1 2.0 Nov 1300 125 0.4 10.0 12.51
P2-GF-18C 1 4.0 Sep 1000 244 0.6 25.0 9.76
P2-GF-19 1 1.4 Sep 1000 86 0.2 14.0 6.17
P2-GF-24 1 4.4 Jul 1500 273 0.7 119.0 2.30

Hourly Analysis Program 5.10 Page 42 of 60

Air System Sizing Summary for P2-AHU-04
Project Name: 1759-KITCHEN-18.08.2021 08/22/2021
Prepared by: IBA 03:46PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................................... P2-AHU-04 Number of zones .......................................................... 1
Equipment Class ........................................ CW AHU Floor Area .............................................................. 395.0 m²
Air System Type ........................................... SZCAV Location .................. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months ................................. Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ............................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Central Cooling Coil Sizing Data

Total coil load ..................................................... 48.9 kW Load occurs at ................................................. Jun 1500
Sensible coil load ............................................... 37.8 kW OA DB / WB ................................................... 45.4 / 30.0 °C
Coil L/s at Jun 1500 .......................................... 2322 L/s Entering DB / WB ........................................... 26.2 / 18.4 °C
Max block L/s .................................................... 2322 L/s Leaving DB / WB ........................................... 12.6 / 12.0 °C
Sum of peak zone L/s ....................................... 2322 L/s Coil ADP .................................................................. 11.1 °C
Sensible heat ratio ............................................ 0.773 Bypass Factor ........................................................ 0.100
L/(s kW) .............................................................. 47.4 Resulting RH ............................................................... 47 %
m²/kW ................................................................... 8.1 Design supply temp. ................................................ 12.5 °C
W/m² ................................................................. 123.9 Zone T-stat Check ................................................. 0 of 1 OK
Water flow @ 6.7 K rise ..................................... 1.75 L/s Max zone temperature deviation ............................... 0.1 K

Supply Fan Sizing Data

Actual max L/s ................................................... 2322 L/s Fan motor BHP ........................................................ 0.54 BHP
Standard L/s ...................................................... 2315 L/s Fan motor kW .......................................................... 0.43 kW
Actual max L/(sꞏm²) ............................................ 5.88 L/(sꞏm²) Fan static .................................................................. 100 Pa

Outdoor Ventilation Air Data

Design airflow L/s .................................................... 0 L/s L/s/person ................................................................ 0.00 L/s/person
L/(sꞏm²) ............................................................... 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)

Hourly Analysis Program 5.10 Page 43 of 60

Zone Sizing Summary for P2-AHU-04
Project Name: 1759-KITCHEN-18.08.2021 08/22/2021
Prepared by: IBA 03:46PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................................... P2-AHU-04 Number of zones .......................................................... 1
Equipment Class ........................................ CW AHU Floor Area .............................................................. 395.0 m²
Air System Type ........................................... SZCAV Location .................. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months ................................. Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ............................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Zone Terminal Sizing Data

Reheat Zone Zone

Design Minimum Reheat Coil Htg Unit Htg Unit Mixing
Supply Supply Coil Water Coil Water Box Fan
Airflow Airflow Zone Load L/s Load L/s Airflow
Zone Name (L/s) (L/s) L/(sꞏm²) (kW) @ 11.1 K (kW) @ 11.1 K (L/s)
Zone 1 2322 2322 5.88 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0

Zone Peak Sensible Loads

Zone Zone Zone

Cooling Time of Heating Floor
Sensible Peak Sensible Load Area
Zone Name (kW) Cooling Load (kW) (m²)
Zone 1 37.7 Jul 1500 2.4 395.0

Space Loads and Airflows

Time of
Cooling Peak Air Heating Floor
Zone Name / Sensible Sensible Flow Load Area Space
Space Name Mult. (kW) Load (L/s) (kW) (m²) L/(sꞏm²)
Zone 1
P2-GF-25-27 1 4.4 Aug 1500 273 0.9 92.0 2.96
P2-GF-28 1 23.9 Jul 1500 1472 0.4 99.0 14.87
P2-GF-29 1 0.5 Jul 1500 28 0.0 12.0 2.32
P2-GF-30 1 3.6 Jul 1500 222 0.1 66.0 3.37
P2-GF-31 1 0.6 Jul 1500 35 0.1 13.0 2.69
P2-GF-32 1 0.8 Jun 1500 48 0.2 16.0 2.97
P2-GF-35 1 2.5 Jul 1500 153 0.3 69.0 2.22
P2-GF-36 1 0.3 Jul 1500 19 0.1 6.0 3.23
P2-GF-37 1 0.5 Jul 1500 30 0.1 10.0 3.03
P2-GF-38 1 0.7 Jul 1500 42 0.2 12.0 3.47

Hourly Analysis Program 5.10 Page 44 of 60

Air System Sizing Summary for P2-FCU-01
Project Name: 1759-KITCHEN-18.08.2021 08/22/2021
Prepared by: IBA 03:46PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................................... P2-FCU-01 Number of zones .......................................................... 1
Equipment Class ........................................ CW AHU Floor Area .................................................................. 7.0 m²
Air System Type ........................................... SZCAV Location .................. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months ................................. Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ............................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Central Cooling Coil Sizing Data

Total coil load ....................................................... 5.8 kW Load occurs at .................................................. Jul 1500
Sensible coil load ................................................. 5.8 kW OA DB / WB ................................................... 46.0 / 30.0 °C
Coil L/s at Jul 1500 .............................................. 395 L/s Entering DB / WB ........................................... 23.3 / 15.3 °C
Max block L/s ...................................................... 395 L/s Leaving DB / WB ........................................... 11.1 / 10.4 °C
Sum of peak zone L/s ......................................... 395 L/s Coil ADP .................................................................... 9.8 °C
Sensible heat ratio ............................................ 0.989 Bypass Factor ........................................................ 0.100
L/(s kW) .............................................................. 67.8 Resulting RH ............................................................... 43 %
m²/kW ................................................................... 1.2 Design supply temp. ................................................ 11.0 °C
W/m² ................................................................. 832.8 Zone T-stat Check ................................................. 0 of 1 OK
Water flow @ 6.7 K rise ..................................... 0.21 L/s Max zone temperature deviation ............................... 0.2 K

Supply Fan Sizing Data

Actual max L/s ..................................................... 395 L/s Fan motor BHP ........................................................ 0.09 BHP
Standard L/s ........................................................ 394 L/s Fan motor kW .......................................................... 0.07 kW
Actual max L/(sꞏm²) .......................................... 56.50 L/(sꞏm²) Fan static .................................................................. 100 Pa

Outdoor Ventilation Air Data

Design airflow L/s .................................................... 0 L/s L/s/person ................................................................ 0.00 L/s/person
L/(sꞏm²) ............................................................... 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)

Hourly Analysis Program 5.10 Page 45 of 60

Zone Sizing Summary for P2-FCU-01
Project Name: 1759-KITCHEN-18.08.2021 08/22/2021
Prepared by: IBA 03:46PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................................... P2-FCU-01 Number of zones .......................................................... 1
Equipment Class ........................................ CW AHU Floor Area .................................................................. 7.0 m²
Air System Type ........................................... SZCAV Location .................. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months ................................. Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ............................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Zone Terminal Sizing Data

Reheat Zone Zone

Design Minimum Reheat Coil Htg Unit Htg Unit Mixing
Supply Supply Coil Water Coil Water Box Fan
Airflow Airflow Zone Load L/s Load L/s Airflow
Zone Name (L/s) (L/s) L/(sꞏm²) (kW) @ 11.1 K (kW) @ 11.1 K (L/s)
Zone 1 395 395 56.50 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0

Zone Peak Sensible Loads

Zone Zone Zone

Cooling Time of Heating Floor
Sensible Peak Sensible Load Area
Zone Name (kW) Cooling Load (kW) (m²)
Zone 1 5.7 Jul 1500 0.0 7.0

Space Loads and Airflows

Time of
Cooling Peak Air Heating Floor
Zone Name / Sensible Sensible Flow Load Area Space
Space Name Mult. (kW) Load (L/s) (kW) (m²) L/(sꞏm²)
Zone 1
P2-GF-18A 1 5.7 Jul 1500 395 0.0 7.0 56.50

Hourly Analysis Program 5.10 Page 46 of 60

Air System Sizing Summary for P2-FCU-02
Project Name: 1759-KITCHEN-18.08.2021 08/22/2021
Prepared by: IBA 03:46PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................................... P2-FCU-02 Number of zones .......................................................... 1
Equipment Class ........................................ CW AHU Floor Area ................................................................ 16.0 m²
Air System Type ........................................... SZCAV Location .................. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months ................................. Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ............................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Central Cooling Coil Sizing Data

Total coil load ....................................................... 1.6 kW Load occurs at ................................................. Jun 1500
Sensible coil load ................................................. 1.6 kW OA DB / WB ................................................... 45.4 / 30.0 °C
Coil L/s at Jun 1500 ............................................ 108 L/s Entering DB / WB ........................................... 23.2 / 15.5 °C
Max block L/s ...................................................... 108 L/s Leaving DB / WB ........................................... 11.2 / 10.5 °C
Sum of peak zone L/s ......................................... 108 L/s Coil ADP .................................................................... 9.8 °C
Sensible heat ratio ............................................ 0.959 Bypass Factor ........................................................ 0.100
L/(s kW) .............................................................. 66.3 Resulting RH ............................................................... 44 %
m²/kW ................................................................... 9.9 Design supply temp. ................................................ 11.0 °C
W/m² ................................................................. 101.4 Zone T-stat Check ................................................. 0 of 1 OK
Water flow @ 6.7 K rise ..................................... 0.06 L/s Max zone temperature deviation ............................... 0.1 K

Supply Fan Sizing Data

Actual max L/s ..................................................... 108 L/s Fan motor BHP ........................................................ 0.03 BHP
Standard L/s ........................................................ 107 L/s Fan motor kW .......................................................... 0.02 kW
Actual max L/(sꞏm²) ............................................ 6.73 L/(sꞏm²) Fan static .................................................................. 100 Pa

Outdoor Ventilation Air Data

Design airflow L/s .................................................... 0 L/s L/s/person ................................................................ 0.00 L/s/person
L/(sꞏm²) ............................................................... 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)

Hourly Analysis Program 5.10 Page 47 of 60

Zone Sizing Summary for P2-FCU-02
Project Name: 1759-KITCHEN-18.08.2021 08/22/2021
Prepared by: IBA 03:46PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................................... P2-FCU-02 Number of zones .......................................................... 1
Equipment Class ........................................ CW AHU Floor Area ................................................................ 16.0 m²
Air System Type ........................................... SZCAV Location .................. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months ................................. Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ............................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Zone Terminal Sizing Data

Reheat Zone Zone

Design Minimum Reheat Coil Htg Unit Htg Unit Mixing
Supply Supply Coil Water Coil Water Box Fan
Airflow Airflow Zone Load L/s Load L/s Airflow
Zone Name (L/s) (L/s) L/(sꞏm²) (kW) @ 11.1 K (kW) @ 11.1 K (L/s)
Zone 1 108 108 6.73 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0

Zone Peak Sensible Loads

Zone Zone Zone

Cooling Time of Heating Floor
Sensible Peak Sensible Load Area
Zone Name (kW) Cooling Load (kW) (m²)
Zone 1 1.6 Jul 1500 0.2 16.0

Space Loads and Airflows

Time of
Cooling Peak Air Heating Floor
Zone Name / Sensible Sensible Flow Load Area Space
Space Name Mult. (kW) Load (L/s) (kW) (m²) L/(sꞏm²)
Zone 1
P2-GF-18B 1 1.6 Jul 1500 108 0.2 16.0 6.73

Hourly Analysis Program 5.10 Page 48 of 60

Air System Sizing Summary for P2-FCU-03
Project Name: 1759-KITCHEN-18.08.2021 08/22/2021
Prepared by: IBA 03:46PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................................... P2-FCU-03 Number of zones .......................................................... 1
Equipment Class ........................................ CW AHU Floor Area .................................................................. 9.0 m²
Air System Type ........................................... SZCAV Location .................. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months ................................. Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ............................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Central Cooling Coil Sizing Data

Total coil load ....................................................... 0.9 kW Load occurs at .................................................. Jul 1700
Sensible coil load ................................................. 0.9 kW OA DB / WB ................................................... 44.7 / 29.7 °C
Coil L/s at Jul 1700 ................................................ 61 L/s Entering DB / WB ........................................... 23.2 / 15.4 °C
Max block L/s ........................................................ 61 L/s Leaving DB / WB ........................................... 11.1 / 10.4 °C
Sum of peak zone L/s ........................................... 61 L/s Coil ADP .................................................................... 9.8 °C
Sensible heat ratio ............................................ 0.958 Bypass Factor ........................................................ 0.100
L/(s kW) .............................................................. 66.1 Resulting RH ............................................................... 44 %
m²/kW ................................................................... 9.7 Design supply temp. ................................................ 11.0 °C
W/m² ................................................................. 103.3 Zone T-stat Check ................................................. 0 of 1 OK
Water flow @ 6.7 K rise ..................................... 0.03 L/s Max zone temperature deviation ............................... 0.1 K

Supply Fan Sizing Data

Actual max L/s ....................................................... 61 L/s Fan motor BHP ........................................................ 0.01 BHP
Standard L/s .......................................................... 61 L/s Fan motor kW .......................................................... 0.01 kW
Actual max L/(sꞏm²) ............................................ 6.83 L/(sꞏm²) Fan static .................................................................. 100 Pa

Outdoor Ventilation Air Data

Design airflow L/s .................................................... 0 L/s L/s/person ................................................................ 0.00 L/s/person
L/(sꞏm²) ............................................................... 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)

Hourly Analysis Program 5.10 Page 49 of 60

Zone Sizing Summary for P2-FCU-03
Project Name: 1759-KITCHEN-18.08.2021 08/22/2021
Prepared by: IBA 03:46PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................................... P2-FCU-03 Number of zones .......................................................... 1
Equipment Class ........................................ CW AHU Floor Area .................................................................. 9.0 m²
Air System Type ........................................... SZCAV Location .................. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months ................................. Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ............................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Zone Terminal Sizing Data

Reheat Zone Zone

Design Minimum Reheat Coil Htg Unit Htg Unit Mixing
Supply Supply Coil Water Coil Water Box Fan
Airflow Airflow Zone Load L/s Load L/s Airflow
Zone Name (L/s) (L/s) L/(sꞏm²) (kW) @ 11.1 K (kW) @ 11.1 K (L/s)
Zone 1 61 61 6.83 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0

Zone Peak Sensible Loads

Zone Zone Zone

Cooling Time of Heating Floor
Sensible Peak Sensible Load Area
Zone Name (kW) Cooling Load (kW) (m²)
Zone 1 0.9 Jul 1500 0.1 9.0

Space Loads and Airflows

Time of
Cooling Peak Air Heating Floor
Zone Name / Sensible Sensible Flow Load Area Space
Space Name Mult. (kW) Load (L/s) (kW) (m²) L/(sꞏm²)
Zone 1
P2-GF-34 1 0.9 Jul 1500 61 0.1 9.0 6.83

Hourly Analysis Program 5.10 Page 50 of 60

Air System Sizing Summary for SS-FCU-01
Project Name: 1759-KITCHEN-18.08.2021 08/22/2021
Prepared by: IBA 03:46PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................................... SS-FCU-01 Number of zones .......................................................... 1
Equipment Class ........................................ CW AHU Floor Area ................................................................ 25.0 m²
Air System Type ........................................... SZCAV Location .................. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months ................................. Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ............................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Central Cooling Coil Sizing Data

Total coil load ....................................................... 9.8 kW Load occurs at ................................................ Aug 1500
Sensible coil load ................................................. 9.2 kW OA DB / WB ................................................... 46.0 / 30.0 °C
Coil L/s at Aug 1500 ............................................ 635 L/s Entering DB / WB ........................................... 23.2 / 15.5 °C
Max block L/s ...................................................... 635 L/s Leaving DB / WB ........................................... 11.1 / 10.4 °C
Sum of peak zone L/s ......................................... 635 L/s Coil ADP .................................................................... 9.8 °C
Sensible heat ratio ............................................ 0.943 Bypass Factor ........................................................ 0.100
L/(s kW) .............................................................. 64.9 Resulting RH ............................................................... 44 %
m²/kW ................................................................... 2.6 Design supply temp. ................................................ 11.0 °C
W/m² ................................................................. 391.7 Zone T-stat Check ................................................. 0 of 1 OK
Water flow @ 6.7 K rise ..................................... 0.35 L/s Max zone temperature deviation ............................... 0.1 K

Supply Fan Sizing Data

Actual max L/s ..................................................... 635 L/s Fan motor BHP ........................................................ 0.15 BHP
Standard L/s ........................................................ 633 L/s Fan motor kW .......................................................... 0.12 kW
Actual max L/(sꞏm²) .......................................... 25.42 L/(sꞏm²) Fan static .................................................................. 100 Pa

Outdoor Ventilation Air Data

Design airflow L/s .................................................... 0 L/s L/s/person ................................................................ 0.00 L/s/person
L/(sꞏm²) ............................................................... 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)

Hourly Analysis Program 5.10 Page 51 of 60

Zone Sizing Summary for SS-FCU-01
Project Name: 1759-KITCHEN-18.08.2021 08/22/2021
Prepared by: IBA 03:46PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................................... SS-FCU-01 Number of zones .......................................................... 1
Equipment Class ........................................ CW AHU Floor Area ................................................................ 25.0 m²
Air System Type ........................................... SZCAV Location .................. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months ................................. Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ............................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Zone Terminal Sizing Data

Reheat Zone Zone

Design Minimum Reheat Coil Htg Unit Htg Unit Mixing
Supply Supply Coil Water Coil Water Box Fan
Airflow Airflow Zone Load L/s Load L/s Airflow
Zone Name (L/s) (L/s) L/(sꞏm²) (kW) @ 11.1 K (kW) @ 11.1 K (L/s)
Zone 1 635 635 25.42 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0

Zone Peak Sensible Loads

Zone Zone Zone

Cooling Time of Heating Floor
Sensible Peak Sensible Load Area
Zone Name (kW) Cooling Load (kW) (m²)
Zone 1 9.2 Jul 1500 0.3 25.0

Space Loads and Airflows

Time of
Cooling Peak Air Heating Floor
Zone Name / Sensible Sensible Flow Load Area Space
Space Name Mult. (kW) Load (L/s) (kW) (m²) L/(sꞏm²)
Zone 1
SS-GF-01 1 9.2 Jul 1500 635 0.3 25.0 25.42

Hourly Analysis Program 5.10 Page 52 of 60

Air System Sizing Summary for SS-FCU-02
Project Name: 1759-KITCHEN-18.08.2021 08/22/2021
Prepared by: IBA 03:46PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................................... SS-FCU-02 Number of zones .......................................................... 1
Equipment Class ........................................ CW AHU Floor Area ................................................................ 92.0 m²
Air System Type ........................................... SZCAV Location .................. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months ................................. Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ............................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Central Cooling Coil Sizing Data

Total coil load ..................................................... 42.0 kW Load occurs at .................................................. Jul 1500
Sensible coil load ............................................... 40.3 kW OA DB / WB ................................................... 46.0 / 30.0 °C
Coil L/s at Jul 1500 ............................................ 2765 L/s Entering DB / WB ........................................... 23.2 / 15.5 °C
Max block L/s .................................................... 2765 L/s Leaving DB / WB ........................................... 11.1 / 10.4 °C
Sum of peak zone L/s ....................................... 2765 L/s Coil ADP .................................................................... 9.8 °C
Sensible heat ratio ............................................ 0.958 Bypass Factor ........................................................ 0.100
L/(s kW) .............................................................. 65.8 Resulting RH ............................................................... 44 %
m²/kW ................................................................... 2.2 Design supply temp. ................................................ 11.0 °C
W/m² ................................................................. 456.7 Zone T-stat Check ................................................. 0 of 1 OK
Water flow @ 6.7 K rise ..................................... 1.50 L/s Max zone temperature deviation ............................... 0.1 K

Supply Fan Sizing Data

Actual max L/s ................................................... 2765 L/s Fan motor BHP ........................................................ 0.65 BHP
Standard L/s ...................................................... 2756 L/s Fan motor kW .......................................................... 0.51 kW
Actual max L/(sꞏm²) .......................................... 30.05 L/(sꞏm²) Fan static .................................................................. 100 Pa

Outdoor Ventilation Air Data

Design airflow L/s .................................................... 0 L/s L/s/person ................................................................ 0.00 L/s/person
L/(sꞏm²) ............................................................... 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)

Hourly Analysis Program 5.10 Page 53 of 60

Zone Sizing Summary for SS-FCU-02
Project Name: 1759-KITCHEN-18.08.2021 08/22/2021
Prepared by: IBA 03:46PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................................... SS-FCU-02 Number of zones .......................................................... 1
Equipment Class ........................................ CW AHU Floor Area ................................................................ 92.0 m²
Air System Type ........................................... SZCAV Location .................. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months ................................. Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ............................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Zone Terminal Sizing Data

Reheat Zone Zone

Design Minimum Reheat Coil Htg Unit Htg Unit Mixing
Supply Supply Coil Water Coil Water Box Fan
Airflow Airflow Zone Load L/s Load L/s Airflow
Zone Name (L/s) (L/s) L/(sꞏm²) (kW) @ 11.1 K (kW) @ 11.1 K (L/s)
Zone 1 2765 2765 30.05 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0

Zone Peak Sensible Loads

Zone Zone Zone

Cooling Time of Heating Floor
Sensible Peak Sensible Load Area
Zone Name (kW) Cooling Load (kW) (m²)
Zone 1 39.9 Jul 1500 0.6 92.0

Space Loads and Airflows

Time of
Cooling Peak Air Heating Floor
Zone Name / Sensible Sensible Flow Load Area Space
Space Name Mult. (kW) Load (L/s) (kW) (m²) L/(sꞏm²)
Zone 1
SS-GF-03 1 39.9 Jul 1500 2765 0.6 92.0 30.05

Hourly Analysis Program 5.10 Page 54 of 60

Air System Sizing Summary for SS-FCU-03
Project Name: 1759-KITCHEN-18.08.2021 08/22/2021
Prepared by: IBA 03:46PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................................... SS-FCU-03 Number of zones .......................................................... 1
Equipment Class ........................................ CW AHU Floor Area ................................................................ 96.0 m²
Air System Type ........................................... SZCAV Location .................. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months ................................. Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ............................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Central Cooling Coil Sizing Data

Total coil load ..................................................... 17.4 kW Load occurs at .................................................. Jul 1500
Sensible coil load ............................................... 15.7 kW OA DB / WB ................................................... 46.0 / 30.0 °C
Coil L/s at Jul 1500 ............................................ 1083 L/s Entering DB / WB ........................................... 23.2 / 15.8 °C
Max block L/s .................................................... 1083 L/s Leaving DB / WB ........................................... 11.2 / 10.5 °C
Sum of peak zone L/s ....................................... 1083 L/s Coil ADP .................................................................... 9.8 °C
Sensible heat ratio ............................................ 0.902 Bypass Factor ........................................................ 0.100
L/(s kW) .............................................................. 62.1 Resulting RH ............................................................... 46 %
m²/kW ................................................................... 5.5 Design supply temp. ................................................ 11.0 °C
W/m² ................................................................. 181.8 Zone T-stat Check ................................................. 0 of 1 OK
Water flow @ 6.7 K rise ..................................... 0.62 L/s Max zone temperature deviation ............................... 0.1 K

Supply Fan Sizing Data

Actual max L/s ................................................... 1083 L/s Fan motor BHP ........................................................ 0.25 BHP
Standard L/s ...................................................... 1079 L/s Fan motor kW .......................................................... 0.20 kW
Actual max L/(sꞏm²) .......................................... 11.28 L/(sꞏm²) Fan static .................................................................. 100 Pa

Outdoor Ventilation Air Data

Design airflow L/s .................................................... 0 L/s L/s/person ................................................................ 0.00 L/s/person
L/(sꞏm²) ............................................................... 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)

Hourly Analysis Program 5.10 Page 55 of 60

Zone Sizing Summary for SS-FCU-03
Project Name: 1759-KITCHEN-18.08.2021 08/22/2021
Prepared by: IBA 03:46PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................................... SS-FCU-03 Number of zones .......................................................... 1
Equipment Class ........................................ CW AHU Floor Area ................................................................ 96.0 m²
Air System Type ........................................... SZCAV Location .................. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months ................................. Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ............................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Zone Terminal Sizing Data

Reheat Zone Zone

Design Minimum Reheat Coil Htg Unit Htg Unit Mixing
Supply Supply Coil Water Coil Water Box Fan
Airflow Airflow Zone Load L/s Load L/s Airflow
Zone Name (L/s) (L/s) L/(sꞏm²) (kW) @ 11.1 K (kW) @ 11.1 K (L/s)
Zone 1 1083 1083 11.28 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0

Zone Peak Sensible Loads

Zone Zone Zone

Cooling Time of Heating Floor
Sensible Peak Sensible Load Area
Zone Name (kW) Cooling Load (kW) (m²)
Zone 1 15.6 Jul 1500 0.8 96.0

Space Loads and Airflows

Time of
Cooling Peak Air Heating Floor
Zone Name / Sensible Sensible Flow Load Area Space
Space Name Mult. (kW) Load (L/s) (kW) (m²) L/(sꞏm²)
Zone 1
SS-GF-04 1 15.6 Jul 1500 1083 0.8 96.0 11.28

Hourly Analysis Program 5.10 Page 56 of 60

Air System Sizing Summary for SS-FCU-04
Project Name: 1759-KITCHEN-18.08.2021 08/22/2021
Prepared by: IBA 03:46PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................................... SS-FCU-04 Number of zones .......................................................... 1
Equipment Class ........................................ CW AHU Floor Area ................................................................ 88.0 m²
Air System Type ........................................... SZCAV Location .................. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months ................................. Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ............................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Central Cooling Coil Sizing Data

Total coil load ....................................................... 8.0 kW Load occurs at ................................................. Jun 1600
Sensible coil load ................................................. 6.5 kW OA DB / WB ................................................... 45.1 / 29.9 °C
Coil L/s at Jun 1600 ............................................ 452 L/s Entering DB / WB ........................................... 23.1 / 16.3 °C
Max block L/s ...................................................... 452 L/s Leaving DB / WB ........................................... 11.2 / 10.6 °C
Sum of peak zone L/s ......................................... 452 L/s Coil ADP .................................................................... 9.8 °C
Sensible heat ratio ............................................ 0.810 Bypass Factor ........................................................ 0.100
L/(s kW) .............................................................. 56.2 Resulting RH ............................................................... 50 %
m²/kW ................................................................. 10.9 Design supply temp. ................................................ 11.0 °C
W/m² ................................................................... 91.4 Zone T-stat Check ................................................. 0 of 1 OK
Water flow @ 6.7 K rise ..................................... 0.29 L/s Max zone temperature deviation ............................... 0.0 K

Supply Fan Sizing Data

Actual max L/s ..................................................... 452 L/s Fan motor BHP ........................................................ 0.11 BHP
Standard L/s ........................................................ 451 L/s Fan motor kW .......................................................... 0.08 kW
Actual max L/(sꞏm²) ............................................ 5.14 L/(sꞏm²) Fan static .................................................................. 100 Pa

Outdoor Ventilation Air Data

Design airflow L/s .................................................... 0 L/s L/s/person ................................................................ 0.00 L/s/person
L/(sꞏm²) ............................................................... 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)

Hourly Analysis Program 5.10 Page 57 of 60

Zone Sizing Summary for SS-FCU-04
Project Name: 1759-KITCHEN-18.08.2021 08/22/2021
Prepared by: IBA 03:46PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................................... SS-FCU-04 Number of zones .......................................................... 1
Equipment Class ........................................ CW AHU Floor Area ................................................................ 88.0 m²
Air System Type ........................................... SZCAV Location .................. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months ................................. Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ............................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Zone Terminal Sizing Data

Reheat Zone Zone

Design Minimum Reheat Coil Htg Unit Htg Unit Mixing
Supply Supply Coil Water Coil Water Box Fan
Airflow Airflow Zone Load L/s Load L/s Airflow
Zone Name (L/s) (L/s) L/(sꞏm²) (kW) @ 11.1 K (kW) @ 11.1 K (L/s)
Zone 1 452 452 5.14 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0

Zone Peak Sensible Loads

Zone Zone Zone

Cooling Time of Heating Floor
Sensible Peak Sensible Load Area
Zone Name (kW) Cooling Load (kW) (m²)
Zone 1 6.5 Jul 1500 0.3 88.0

Space Loads and Airflows

Time of
Cooling Peak Air Heating Floor
Zone Name / Sensible Sensible Flow Load Area Space
Space Name Mult. (kW) Load (L/s) (kW) (m²) L/(sꞏm²)
Zone 1
SS-GF-05 1 6.5 Jul 1500 452 0.3 88.0 5.14

Hourly Analysis Program 5.10 Page 58 of 60

Air System Sizing Summary for SS-FCU-05
Project Name: 1759-KITCHEN-18.08.2021 08/22/2021
Prepared by: IBA 03:46PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................................... SS-FCU-05 Number of zones .......................................................... 1
Equipment Class ........................................ CW AHU Floor Area ................................................................ 54.0 m²
Air System Type ........................................... SZCAV Location .................. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months ................................. Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ............................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Central Cooling Coil Sizing Data

Total coil load ....................................................... 5.8 kW Load occurs at .................................................. Jul 1500
Sensible coil load ................................................. 4.8 kW OA DB / WB ................................................... 46.0 / 30.0 °C
Coil L/s at Jul 1500 .............................................. 333 L/s Entering DB / WB ........................................... 23.2 / 16.2 °C
Max block L/s ...................................................... 333 L/s Leaving DB / WB ........................................... 11.2 / 10.5 °C
Sum of peak zone L/s ......................................... 333 L/s Coil ADP .................................................................... 9.8 °C
Sensible heat ratio ............................................ 0.830 Bypass Factor ........................................................ 0.100
L/(s kW) .............................................................. 57.4 Resulting RH ............................................................... 49 %
m²/kW ................................................................... 9.3 Design supply temp. ................................................ 11.0 °C
W/m² ................................................................. 107.4 Zone T-stat Check ................................................. 0 of 1 OK
Water flow @ 6.7 K rise ..................................... 0.21 L/s Max zone temperature deviation ............................... 0.1 K

Supply Fan Sizing Data

Actual max L/s ..................................................... 333 L/s Fan motor BHP ........................................................ 0.08 BHP
Standard L/s ........................................................ 332 L/s Fan motor kW .......................................................... 0.06 kW
Actual max L/(sꞏm²) ............................................ 6.16 L/(sꞏm²) Fan static .................................................................. 100 Pa

Outdoor Ventilation Air Data

Design airflow L/s .................................................... 0 L/s L/s/person ................................................................ 0.00 L/s/person
L/(sꞏm²) ............................................................... 0.00 L/(sꞏm²)

Hourly Analysis Program 5.10 Page 59 of 60

Zone Sizing Summary for SS-FCU-05
Project Name: 1759-KITCHEN-18.08.2021 08/22/2021
Prepared by: IBA 03:46PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................................... SS-FCU-05 Number of zones .......................................................... 1
Equipment Class ........................................ CW AHU Floor Area ................................................................ 54.0 m²
Air System Type ........................................... SZCAV Location .................. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months ................................. Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ............................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Zone Terminal Sizing Data

Reheat Zone Zone

Design Minimum Reheat Coil Htg Unit Htg Unit Mixing
Supply Supply Coil Water Coil Water Box Fan
Airflow Airflow Zone Load L/s Load L/s Airflow
Zone Name (L/s) (L/s) L/(sꞏm²) (kW) @ 11.1 K (kW) @ 11.1 K (L/s)
Zone 1 333 333 6.16 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0

Zone Peak Sensible Loads

Zone Zone Zone

Cooling Time of Heating Floor
Sensible Peak Sensible Load Area
Zone Name (kW) Cooling Load (kW) (m²)
Zone 1 4.8 Jul 1500 0.2 54.0

Space Loads and Airflows

Time of
Cooling Peak Air Heating Floor
Zone Name / Sensible Sensible Flow Load Area Space
Space Name Mult. (kW) Load (L/s) (kW) (m²) L/(sꞏm²)
Zone 1
SS-GF-06 1 4.8 Jul 1500 333 0.2 54.0 6.16

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