Se deben presentar las siguientes actividades resueltas de cada fase para su revisión:
Actividad de motivación
Actividades 1 y 2 de la fase de desarrollo.
Actividad de la fase de cierre
Analyze the following information and watch the video to reinforce it.
Read the sentences carefully, then complete them using (am, is, are) / Lee las oraciones con cuidado, luego
complete usando (am, is, are).
1. Pauline ______ our dinner nanny at school.
2. My best friends ____ coming to stay with me.
3. Claire _____ a very tall, beautiful woman.
4. Bela and Ray _____ my cousins.
5. It _____ very difficult to drive in a storm.
6. Cats _______ fluffy and cute pets.
7. My family _____ having a very big barbeque.
8. Peter ______ a nice person.
9. The clowns ______ making the children laugh.
10. Samantha _____ sitting in the garden.
11. Mr. Hill and his wife ______ at the garden center.
12. My refrigerator ______ having some problems to freeze.
13. You _______ in a very good position to get that job.
14. I think today ______ the hottest day of the summer.
15. The women ______ at town looking for nice things to buy.
16. Look at Jim’s wife. She _____ a bit overweight.
17. They ______ at the beach having fun in the sunshine.
18. My grandfather’s car ______ in excellent condition.
19. I _____ going shopping and you ______ cooking lunch.
20. Phill and Tanya _______ travelling to Dubai next week.
21. Alice ______ my sister and they _______ my brothers.
22. Our clothes _______ all wet from the heavy rain.
23. This laptop _______ rubbish. I am going to take it back.
24. I ____ feeling a bit hungry. Shall we go out for dinner together?
25. All those coins on the kitchen table ______ my father’s.
26. The boys ______ having their hair cut tomorrow.
27. Jim’s mother _________ talking on the phone at the moment.
28. I _________ going out for a walk in a few minutes.
29. The three dogs ______ running around the garden now.
30. The Eifel Tower _______ one of the highest towers in the world.
Translate the verbs above and write 15 sentences about you using them. / Traduce los
verbos de arriba y escribe 15 oraciones sobre ti usándolos.
Analyze the following information and watch the video to reinforce it.
II. Write the negative form for the following statements. Look at the example:
1. Lucy plays the piano very well. Lucy doesn’t play the piano very well_____
Valora tu aprendizaje
Si No A
Elabora frases cortas
utilizando el verbo Ser y/o
estar en formas afirmativa,
negativa e interrogativa
Diferencia los auxiliares Do y
Does para la formulación
de preguntas.