Exploring Future Sales Prediction Using Classification and Regression
Exploring Future Sales Prediction Using Classification and Regression
Exploring Future Sales Prediction Using Classification and Regression
ISSN No:-2456-2165
UG Scholar, Dept. Of IT, NRI Institute of Technology, A.P, India-521212
Abstract:- Future forecast The greatest way to If we are trending below target, it offers us time to
accomplish the targeted marketing objectives is through adjust the sales plan, allowing us to manage our revenue
sales analysis. It would be better to advance your career projections for the predicted timeframe.
once you have the capacity to make strategic decisions in
sales forecasting. When predicting sales numbers, it is It gives individual sales reps visibility into their
important to remember that future product prices will ongoing deals, enabling them to anticipate future roadblocks
have an impact on the volume of sales in addition to past and make necessary course corrections.
sales data. Multivariate time series first appear to be the
best model for this problem. Since there is only ever one It makes it possible for the entire organisation to plan
price for a product at any given time in sales history, forward, looking at potential growth prospects in new use
unlike in real life where history is not always repeating. cases or even emerging markets.
It makes creating a multivariate time series more
challenging. However, the price is more dependent on The act of assessing future sales by foreseeing the
the expiration date for some seasonal or perishable volume of goods or services that a single salesperson, a sales
products. This additional data can aid in the creation of team, or an organisation is likely to sell over the course of a
a causal time series model that is more precise. The specific time period, such as the upcoming week, month,
proposed remedy makes use of a univariate time series quarter, or year is known as sales prediction, sometimes
model, but includes the product's price as a factor that known as sales forecasting. There are many different
systematically affects the prediction. Based on previous approaches to estimating sales, but what's crucial is that they
sales data, the price influence is calculated using data are all supported by data of some form. You may replace gut
correlation analysis and customizable price ranges to instincts with evidence-based decision-making by using
find products with comparable histories. This unique sales prediction. There are two ways to forecast sales:
strategy is simple to compute compared to other
methods and enables the pricing parameter for Since quantitative forecasting makes use of both recent
simulations and forecasts to be chosen in advance. trends and historical company data, it is the most
Keywords:- Sales Predicton,Forecasting, Linear
Regression,Random Forest,Classification, Regression, Qualitative forecasting is individualised and draws on
Decision Trees, Training set. expert opinions, market research, and surveys of future
In order to analyse previous company data and
Future sales prediction is the practise of estimating a patterns, such as completed and won deals and win/loss
company's short- or long-term sales success in the future records, sales forecasting software uses mathematical
utilising historical data and sales records from previous methodologies. This analysis results in an accurate report of
years. One benefit of careful financial preparation is this. A predicted sales income. Forecast reports contrast the sales
sales forecast is an estimate of future revenue for a given goals with the actual results and the projected results.
time frame, such as a week, month, quarter, or year.
Linear Regression
A machine learning approach called linear regression
is based on supervised learning. The regression task is
carried out. Regression uses independent variables to model
the desired predicted value.
To produce classifications or predictions or to find Hence, linear regression is so named. In the diagram
significant trends in data mining projects, algorithms are above, a person's pay is represented by Y (output) and their
developed and refined using statistical approaches. Ideally, job experience by X (input). The line that fits a model the
these insights have an impact on important growth metrics best is the regression line.
since they are used to drive decision-making within services
and enterprises.