UTSquiz 1
UTSquiz 1
UTSquiz 1
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Strictly no erasure, alteration and superimposition. Erasable pen and pencil are also prohibited. Use
CAPITAL letters only. Use the back portion of the exam paper as scrap if needed.
I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read carefully the following questions and decide which among the choices is correct. Encircle the letter
of your choice using black or blue pen.
1. The first philosopher who ever engaged in a systematic questioning of the self.
a. Winnicott c. Plato
b. Socrates d. Thales
2. It is defined as the unified being essentially linked to consciousness and awareness of making rational choices.
a. self c. persona
b. being d. soul
3. All of the following philosophers believe in dualism, except:
a. Descartes c. Socrates
b. St. Augustine d. Plato
4. According to him, the “I” refers to the product of multiple interactions, systems, and schemes.
a. James c. Mead
b. Freud d. Cooley
5. The use and display of wealth and other possessions, all the physical elements that reflect who a person is, make up the
a. material self c. social self
b. spiritual self d. “I” self
6. The “cycle of work and spend” is best illustrated in
a. work more to buy more c. buy more to spend more
b. work less to buy more d. work more to provide enough
7. After working for several over-time shifts, Jose would treat himself for his own comfort and luxuries. What does he satisfy?
a. economic self c. social self
b. political self d. spiritual self
8. It is a part of the soul which thinks, analyzes, decides and proposes what is best.
a. spirited c. appetitive
b. nous d. affective
9. A theory of self which states that how we see ourselves does not come from who we really are but rather from how we believe
others see us.
a. Social Self Theory c. Psychosexual Theory of Development
b. Cognitive Development d. Looking Glass Self
10. All of the following believed in the sociological perspective of the self, except:
a. Cooley c. Gennep
b. Geertz d. Mead
11. He believed that understanding the self is centered on religious convictions and beliefs.
a. St. Augustine c. Freud
b. St. Aquinas d. none of the choices
12. He said that what truly matters in understanding the self is the behavior that a person manifests in his day-to-day life.
a. Descartes c. Churchland
b. Merleau-Ponty d. Ryle
13. It refers to the “self” as subject, and individual’s impulse.
a. “I” c. “Others”
b. “Me” d. “You”
14. Mead’s “Me” refers to:
a. The “what do I want”? c. how my internalized view has been created
b. How others interpret our action d. how my personal beliefs affect others
15. Mead’s “I” refers to:
a. The “what do I want”? c. Individual cultural origin
b. How others interpret our action d. the symbol that others give us
16. In which Mead’s stages of the self do children merely mimic the people around them?
a. game stage c. preparatory stage
b. play stage d. sensori-motor stage
17. He believed that the self is not in the body but it is outside the body and even outside the qualities of the body, meaning
a. Churchland c. Horney
b. Merleau-Ponty d. none of the choices
18. Determine the proper order of Freud’s psychosexual theory of development.
I. Phallic
II. Genital
III. Anal
IV. Latency
V. Oral
a. V,III, II, IV, I c. V, III, I, IV, II
b. II, IV, III, V, I d. II, IV, I, III, V
19. When you were asked what TV show you used to watch during your childhood, the information rests in what level of the mind
according to Freud?
a. conscious c. unconscious
b. preconscious d. id
20. the following are properties of cultural identity, except:
a. avowal and ascription c. enduring and changing aspect of identity
b. salience or prominence d. egocentric and sociocentric
21. A child who has reached this stage of logical thinking can reason about hypothetical events that are not necessarily in accord
with his experience.
a. formal operational c. preoperational
b. concrete operational d. sensorimotor
22. He said that the “I” is that knower, thinker, and philosopher of the self.
a. Mead c. James
b. Winnicott d. Freud
23. It refers to the imaginary picture of the “self”
a. me c. false self
b. actual self d. ideal self
24. When the daughter is competing with the mother for the father's attention, the daughter is said to be experiencing
a. electra complex c. fixation
b. oedipus complex d. libido
25. Which will probably happen when a child becomes fixated in the anal stage?
a. the child may have problem with trust c. the child may become obsessed with cleanliness
b. the child may become a smoker d. the child may become sexually promiscuous
26. Alex, 5 yrs old, is fund of playing with his penis whenever he urinates. In which psychosexual stage can Alex be considered?
a. oral c. phallic
b. anal d. genital
27. Freud : Psychosexual stages as Mead is to ______________.
a. cognitive development c. I and Me
b. social self theory d. three-phase rite of passage
28. Alex views his father as a rival to his mother’s love and attention. This is associated to ______________.
a. separation phase c. electra complex
b. liminality phase d. oedipus compex
29. id is to pleasure principle as superego is to ______________.
a. ego c. reality principle
b. conscience d. fixation
30. Carla, a high school teacher picks Julia, her student to answer a question about her childhood experiences that
leads to better understanding about herself. This is a/an
a. recitation c. rhetorical questioning
b. sharing of experiences d. socratic method
31. All of them believed that self-knowledge constitutes sense perceptions and experiences, except:
a. Hume c. Locke e. both B and D
b. Aquinas d. Descartes
32. It is the faculty of the soul that can do abstract and analytic thinking.
a. formal operational c. nous
b. concrete operational d. both A and B
33. For St. Augustine, the immortal soul strives to achieve eternal realm through _________ and ___________.
a. faith and reason c. self-presentation and self-realization
b. senses and experiences d. none of the choices
34. An example of this is the “tip of the tongue” effect.
a. conscious c. unconscious
b. preconscious d. ego
35. A stage where children anticipate the actions of their playmates based on rules such as playing chess.
a. preparatory c. game
b. play d. concrete operational
36. This theory refers to other’s perception towards the self.
a. looking glass c. assimilation and accommodation
b. cognitive development d. social self
37. George is described by his teacher, Mr. Marquez as the most diligent and industrious student in the class. Hence,
all of them expect George to be the class valedictorian. This is a/an example of what perspective of the self?
a. self-presentation c. labeling bias
b. self-labeling d. internalized prejudice
38. It simply refers to the way of life
a. culture c. understanding the self
b. self d. anthropology
39. Anthropology : study of human societies and cultures as __________ is to the study of human behavior
a. sociology c. psychology
b. philosophy d. physiology
40. Its view is that self is contingent on a situation or social setting
a. egocentric view c. love view
b. sociocentric view d. kal view
41. object permanence : _____________ as conservation : concrete operational
a. formal operational c. sensorimotor
b. preoperational d. schema
42. It is the most intimate self according to James because it is who we are and it is something permanent.
a. spirited self c. true self
b. social self d. real self
43. Karen believes that to be likeable and of value, she must always be presentably beautiful. She, then, creates a
defensive façade to protect herself from anxiety provoking situations. This is associated to ____________.
a. body c. idealized self
b. true self d. false self
44. In adaptation, as children _______________ existing information and experiences, they eventually change their
way of thinking to ____________ new knowledge.
a. assimilate; accommodate c. scheme; assimilate
b. accommodate; assimilate d. scheme; accommodate
45. an ancient greeting of highly civilized Greeks which means gaining information of oneself that are measurable.
a. “know thyself” c. “socratic method”
b. “I know that I do not know” d. “an unexamined life is not worth living”
46. A component of the soul responsible for controlling a person’s feelings and emotions.
a. nous c. appetitive
b. spirited d. rational
47. A Greek philosopher who is considered to be the Father of Modern Philosophy.
a. Descartes c. Socrates
b. Kant d. Freud
48. It strives for wisdom and perfection
a. mind c. soul
b. body d. both B and C
49. The following are ways of knowing oneself, except:
a. examine how you interact with others c. observation of one’s moods and emotions
b. awareness of likes and dislikes d. all of the choices
50. All of the following are advantages of knowing oneself, except:
a. establish self-control to resist bad habits c. lead to clearer understanding of who you are
b. eliminate confusions and doubt about oneself d. make you unhappy when expressing yourself
II. IDENTIFICATION. Identify what are being asked by the following questions. Write your answers on the space
provided before each number.
______________________________ 2. It is the part of the self which pertains to the things that we perceived about us.
______________________________ 4. A stage where individuals are more attracted with opposite sex peers.
______________________________ 5. Level of the mind where aggression and unacceptable desires reside.
______________________________ 6. A stage of development where language conveyed should be screened as these languages
will eventually be understood when the child grows up.
______________________________ 7. It refers to self-identification and a sense of belonging to a group that affirms itself.
______________________________ 8. Age, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, and among others are examples of?
______________________________ 9. It occurs when a person undergoes transition from one identity to another.
______________________________ 10. A property of cultural identity which refers to how individuals interact with one another.
- Dr. Farrah Gray
Prepared by:
Instructor, UTS