Learning objectives ;
(a) explain the uptake of water and mineral ions from the soil by the root hairs involving water potential;
(b) describe the apoplast, symplast and vacuolar pathway of water movement through the root tissues;
(c) describe the root pressure, cohesion-tension theory and transpiration pull in relation to water
movement from the roots to leaves;
(d) explain translocation using the mass flow, electro-osmosis, cytoplasmic streaming and peristaltic
waves hypotheses;
(e) explain the concept of source and sink, and phloem loading and unloading in translocation
according to pressure flow hypothesis.
Chapter 8 : Transport in Animals and Plants
Structure Function
3 Atrium o The atrium plays a role to collect blood before entering ventricle
(right and left atrium) o right atrium receives deoxygenated blood from two main vena
o The left and the right atrium are made cava which are vena cava posterior and vena cava anterior
up of thin cardiac muscle o left atrium receives oxygenated blood from pulmonary artery
b) Semilunar valves
o Pulmonary o Prevent the backflow of blood into the heart, keeping the
o Aortic blood flowing in one direction.
Blood vessel
a) Venae cavae o carry deoxygenated blood from the body (except the
lungs) to the right atrium of the heart
(superior vena cava and inferior vena
b) Pulmonary arteries o carry deoxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs
c) Pulmonary veins o carry oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left atrium of
the heart
Atrio-ventricular node (AVN), o Delay the electrical impulse or excitatory wave (0.1s)
o is specialised tissue, located in the wall from atria to spread into the ventricular wall
between the left and right atria
o These tissues form a relay point o The electrical impulses are then conducted from the
AV node, the bundle of His, the Purkinje fibres to the
Bundle of His and Purkinje fibres. muscles to stimulate ventricular contraction.
Chapter 8 : Transport in Animals and Plants
Define systole and diastole, and explain the sequence of events in a cardiac cycle
including changes in pressure and volume in aorta, left atrium and left ventricle
Cardiac cycle
Systole is the contraction phase ; occurs when the heart muscle contracts. … all or any of
the events related
2 types , i.e atrial systole and ventricular systole
to the flow of blood
that occur from the
Diastole is the relaxation phase ; occur when the heart muscle relaxes. beginning of one
2 types , i.e atrial diastole and ventricular diastole heartbeat to the
beginning of the
The sequence of events in one heartbeat are;
Each beat of the heart begins with the contractile action of the heart muscle or systole, followed by relaxation or
Definition of Electrocardiogram -
o ECG is a record or display of a person's heartbeat produced MedicineNet
by electrocardiography.
An ECG is a simple, noninvasive
o It is a record of electrical wave caused by atrial systole (P), ventricular procedure. Electrodes are placed
systole (QRS) and the start of ventricular diastole (T).The cardiac muscle on the skin of the chest and
contracts as a result of electrical stimulation . connected in a specific order to a
machine that, when turned on,
o Certain heart defects produce a modified trace and this makes the measures electrical activity all over
ECG a useful diagnostic tool the heart. Output usually appears
on a long scroll of paper that
displays a printed graph of activity
on a computer screen
Normal ECG
1 The contraction of the cardiac muscle is stimulated and controlled by a specialised nodal tissues in the wall
of the right atrium of the heart called the sinoatrial node (SAN). Therefore, the cardiac muscle is myogenic,
as the nodal tissues trigger and control the strength and the speed of contraction
2. The second nodal tissue is the atrioventricular node (avn ), located in the centre of the heart, between the atria
and ventricles.
3. Connected to the AVN is AV bundle and AV bundle is than connected to the left and right bundles of His
which then continue to form Purkinje fibres that stretches across the base of ventricular septum and penetrate
the entire ventricular wall .***
node (SAN) …
4. Electrical impulses from the SA node first spread rapidly through the walls is specialised
of the atria, causing both atria to contract. tissue, located
in the wall of
5. During atrial contraction, the electrical impulses originating at the SA node reach other the right
specialised autorhythmic tissue located in the wall between the left and right atria. atrium near
the point
These tissue form a relay point called the atrioventricular node (AVN). Here the where the
impulses are delayed for about 0.1 second before spreading to the heart apex superior vena
This delay allows the atria to empty completely before the ventricles contract. cava enters
the heart
Act as
6. Then the impulses/excitation wave from the AVN are conducted to the heart apex and throughout pacemaker
the ventricular walls by specialized muscle fibers called bundle of His and Function –
Purkinje fibers in the the inter-ventricular septum. The excitation is passed to the generates
apex of the heart and then through the ventricle walls. signals (wave
of excitation)
7. This causes the ventricles to contract from the base upwards ensuring that the blood and timing at
which all the
is forced up and out in the vessels(pulmonary artery and aorta ) leaving the heart.
muscle cells
Chapter 8 : Transport in Animals and Plants
Figure 42.9 The control of heart rhythm. The sequence of electrical events in the heart is shown at the top; red highlights
specialized muscle cells involved in the electrical control of the rhythm. The corresponding components of an
electrocardiogram (ECG) are highlighted at the bottom in yellow. In step 4, the portion of the ECG to the right of the “spike”
represents electrical activity that reprimes the ventricles for the next round of contraction
Regulation of heatbeat
*SAN or pacemaker sets the tempo (rhythm) for the entire heart (70-80 beats per min) but it also is
influenced by a variety of physiological cues such as nervous system and hormones
1. The rate of the heartbeat can be affected by nervous system or hormonal control thro` the control centre,
located in the medulla of the brain. The centre is called a cardiovascular centre.
3. The cardiac inhibitory centre – connected to the SAN (heart) by parasympathetic nerve (vagus) .
and cardiac acceleratory centre – connected to the SAN (heart) by sympathetic nerve
Chapter 8 : Transport in Animals and Plants
Cardiovascular centre
(in medulla of the brain)
4. The sinoartriol nodes (SAN) that initiate the heartbeat on its own rhythym but the heart rate may be modified
by extrinsic factors such as the nervous system
5. The sympathetic nerve speeds up the pacemaker (SAN) , increases the heart rate and the stroke volume
by releasing noradrenaline, as a result of receiving impulse from the stretch receptors of the vena cava
Example ;
When we exercise or under emergency condition/angry/ frightened
more blood is sent back to the heart
stretching the receptors in the vena cava, impulse sent to cardiac accelerator centre,
sympathetic nerve transmit impulses to SAN, increase the rate of the heartbeat
this adaptation /activity enables the circulatory system to provide the additional O2 needed by the muscles
that are powering the activity / condition
6. The parasympathetic (vagus) nerve slows down the heart rate and lowers the strength of contraction
(by releasing the acetylcholine), as a result from stimulation of stretch receptors in the aorta and carotid
arteries. happens after exercise or emergency condition when the heartbeat already increased. It restore
the heartbeat to the normal resting state.
also inhibit adrenals directly to stop epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine ( noradrenaline)
7. Hormones
Certain hormones secreted into the blood by specific glands also influence activity of SAN ( pacemaker)
Example ;
(a) Adrenaline (epinephrine ) – the` fight and flight` hormone., secreted by the adrenal gland, increases
the heart rate . (This hormone is produced when we exercise or under stress)
Chapter 8 : Transport in Animals and Plants
(b) thyroxin – secreted by thyroid gland, increases the basal metabolic rate of the body especially
when in cold
8. Temperature
SAN is also affected by the rise in body temperature
Example ;
An increase of only 1°C of body temperature , raises the heart rate by about 10 beats per minute.
This is the reason your heart beats faster when you have a fever.
d) Explain hypertension, , atherosclerosis, arteriosclerosis and, and state their causes and preventions;
Cardiovascular diseases ..
All diseases related to the heart and the circulatory system of human.
The major causes of death in many countries
Causes of hypertension
The diseases are hypertension, arteriosclerosis, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction..
i. In short term, it occurs because of
contraction of smooth muscle in the wall of
arteries and arterioles. This may happen
o because
is a condition
of anwhen arterial
increase blood
in the pressure is
of elevated
the hormone abovein140/90
adrenaline at rest
the blood
iii. a) higher
hardeningrisk of
of the
getting haemorrhaging
artery wall – loose stroke – i.e
bursting of cerebral arteries
elasticity. Result in higher blood resulting in paralysis of
the body or may cause the death for a serious stroke.
exerted on the artery wall Excesses smoking
b) heart attack /myocardial infarction
iv. Alcohol consumption
- if occurs the coronary artery
- heart muscle will be deprived of oxygen supply
v. - cause
Salt diediet
in the if serious
Interstitial fluid
Fluid that filters out of capillaries into spaces
1. To returns of tissue fluid back to the between tissue cells is called interstitial fluid.
circulatory system (blood) in the form
of lymph It is a liquid that surrounds all cells, substances
like carbon dioxide and are exchanged through it.
2. Lymph nodes found along the ducts
produce lymphocytes and filter It has a similar composition to blood, except for
bacteria and other foreign bodies to larger proteins which are too big. A basic outline
prevent them from entering the blood of the capillary is shown below along with the
pressure changes through it.
3. To absorbed fatty acids and glycerol
from villi of the small intestine by Interstitial fluid enters lymph capillaries and is
lacteals called lymph; vessels called lymphatics return
lymph to the blood.
Chapter 8 : Transport in Animals and Plants
Determine the direction of fluid movement at the arterial and venous ends of
the capillaries by calculating the differences between osmotic pressure/solute
potential and hydrostatic pressure.
Chapter 8 : Transport in Animals and Plants
Example :
( * the fluid move from interstitial fluid into the blood capillary )
Eg Calculate the net filtration pressure at the arterial end and venous end.
Chapter 8 : Transport in Animals and Plants
i) Calculate the net filtration pressure at the arterial end and venous end.
ii) State the conclusion of the exchange of fluid across capillary at the arterial end and at venous end. [2m]
Arterial end :
Venous end :
c) i) Name the structure that allows the mixture of lymph fluid and blood plasma. [1m]
Chapter 8 : Transport in Animals and Plants
Explain the uptake of water and mineral ions from the soil by the root hairs involving
water potential
3. Transpiration –creates
transpiration pull which pull
water up to the shoot
1. Absorption of water by root hairs, epidermis and transport through the cortex
1. Water is absorbed from the soil by root hairs and other epidermal cells through osmosis
Water is absorbed into the root hairs through osmosis as a result of different water potential between two
regions. The root hair has a lower water potential compared to the water molecules in the soil solution due
Chapter 8 : Transport in Animals and Plants
to the higher concentration of dissolved substances such as sugars and other metabolites ( from leaves
photosynthesise ) .
Therefore, water molecules move from soil solution into the cell vacuoles
From the root hairs, water enters and pass through the root cortex which comprises of parenchyma cells
a) Apoplast pathway
o Water moves across spaces between the cellulose fibres of the cell wall from one cell to another
o until reaches the endodermis
o The cohesive forces between water molecules enable the stream of water to be pulled along the apoplast
b) symplast pathway
o Water diffuses from cytoplasm of one cell to cytoplasm of another cells by osmosis
o Through the plasmodesmata
o down a water potential gradient
c) vacoular pathway
o Water moves from a sap vacuole of one cell to a sap vacuoles of another cell
o through the plasma membrane and also through plasmodesmata
o Down a water potential gradient (by osmosis ) to reach the xylem vessel
* Continuous discharge of water from the cells of the cortex into the xylem vessels of the root produces an osmotic
gradient, which is needed for water to be absorbed from one parenchyma cell to the next in the root
[ Osmotic pressure created in leaves due to transpiration produces a suction power, called transpiration pull
o Water crosses the endodermal cells which lie next to the parenchyma cells on the inner side of the cortex
o The endodermal cell has a special feature called the Casparian strip, a lining that is made of suberin
(waterproof waxy material) around the radial and horizontal walls of the cell which is impermeable to water
and ions.
o It blocks the water passing along the cell walls (apoplast pathway) and thus water has to move through the
cytoplasm (symplast pathway) in the endodermis
o water has to cross over actively from the parenchyma cortical cells into the xylem vessels through the
cytoplasm of the endodermal cells – symplast pathway.
o Water from root cells are drawn into the xylem, and produces a hydrostatic pressure known as root pressure
o This pulling force causes water to be sucked into xylem vessels
o Root pressure also known to be responsible for pushing water upwards along the stem
Chapter 8 : Transport in Animals and Plants
Whenever water in the mesophyll cells of , leaf cells will absorb water from the vascular tissues in the veins of
the leaf
This will cause negative pressure in the water inside the xylem, and thus more water is continuously pulled into
the mesophyll cells to replace the water lost
Adhesion and
Chapter 8 : Transport in Animals and Plants
Evaporation by leaf
creates transpiration
Cohesion-Tension or Transpiration-Cohesion
Transpiration pull
This explains that the upward movement of water is
mainly due to the creation of a negative force or
tension attributed to the continuous evaporation of
water at the surfaces of leaves in the process of
small diameter of tracheids and vessels is important to adhesion results in capillary action
movement of liquids in narrow tubes
capillary action makes small contribution unless coupled with transpirational pull
upward pull of sap causes tension in xylem, decreases Ψ, and allows passive flow soil to stele
flowing water via capillary action forms a meniscus in xylem
Water vapor diffuses from the moist air spaces of the leaf to the drier air outside via stomata. Evaporation
from the water film coating the mesophyll cells maintains the high humidity of the air spaces. This loss of
water causes the water film to form menisci that
become more and more concave as the rate of transpiration increases. A meniscus has a tension that is
inversely proportional to the radius of the curved water surface.
Thus, as the water film recedes and its menisci become more concave, the tension of the water film
increase. Tension is a negative pressure, a force that pulls water from locations where
hydrostatic pressure is greater. The tension of water lining the air spaces of the physical basis of
transpirational pull, which draws water out of xylem.
actively flowing water in xylem tissues never forms
meniscus because there is continuously flowing water
b) Explain the concept of source and sink, and phloem loading and
unloading in translocation according to pressure flow hypothesis.
Is a process by which organic substances such as sucrose is transported from source (leaves) to the other
parts of plant or sink by phloem sieve tubes
Translocation is the movement of organic solutes e.g. sucrose and amino acids from the leaves (source) to the
sieve tubes to be carried to other parts of the plant (sink)
A source is a region in the plant where photosynthesis occurs and organic solutes are synthesised
• E.g. green leaves of plants, tuber (carrot, potato), paddy
• Organic solutes for example sucrose and amino acids are then loaded into the sieve tubes
A sink is an area where organic solutes is unloaded from the sieve tube
• Examples of sink are growing shoot and root regions, developing flowers, fruits, and storage organs such
There are as
hypothesis for the mechanism of translocation ;
and bulbs
o Organic solutes (e.g. sucrose) are actively transported from mesophyll cells of the leaves by companion cell
into the sieve tube elements of phloem
o Hydrogen ions are pumped out of sieve tube, producing a proton gradient that drives the uptake of sugar
through specific channels by cotransport of proton back into sieve tube
o The solute (sugar) therefore accumulates in the sieve tube at the source, decreasing the water potential of
the sieve tubes.
o As a result, water move by osmosis from the xylem vessels (leaf ) into the sieve tubes, along the water
potential gradient
o The increase in hydrostatic pressure( becomes turgor pressure) at source drives the phloem sap down the
pressure gradient (passive mass flow of water and solutes) from the source to the sink where turgor
pressure is lower there
o At the sink (e.g. roots), sugar is unloaded by active transport into the tissues for cellular respiration, the
synthesis of cellulose cell wall or the change into starch of storage
o With the loss of sugar, the water potential in the sieve tube increases
o Therefore, water moves out of the sieve tube by osmosis and into surrounding ( mostly into xylem
vessel) where the water potential is more negative
o From xylem , water is transported upward assist by transpiration pulls from shoot
Alternative hypothesis
Overall processes
Transpiration pull
Pressure flow
2. Electro-osmosis hypothesis
Potassium ions are actively transported from the companion cell into sieve tube against its concentration
Chapter 8 : Transport in Animals and Plants
As a result, potassium accumulates in the sieve tube and increases the positive charge in the sieve tube.
Potassium ions from one side of sieve plate of the sieve tube then are secreted on the other side.
An electrochemical potential difference is created across the sieve plate . The potential difference causes the
positive charged potassium ions to move across the sieve plate .
As the positive ions move across, so water and dissolved sucrose which are attracted by the positive ions
( water is bipolar molecule) together move across the sieve pores into the adjacent sieve tube. Acct water
move by osmosis
Positive ions easily pass from the upper cell to the lower one through the sieve plate However negative ion
tend to accumulate in the upper side of the sieve plates
When the concentration of negative ions reach a certain critical value, potassium ion are transported actively
from companion cells into the sieve tube
This result in the movement of negative ions across the sieve plate into the cell below then the potassium
ion transported back into the companion cells and the process is repeated.
B) In Electro-Osmosis Mechanism:
potential diff develops across sieve plate
by companion cell (actively transport K+ into sieve tube).
K+ accumulate at one end of sieve plate
creates a potential diff between sieve plate.
caused K+ speed across sieve plate
water + dissolved sucrose follow (attracted by +ve charge).
water in phloem moves by osmosis
accumulation of K+ lower the water potential in sieve tube compared to next cell.
The potassium ion are actively transported back into companion cell.
Suggested that solutes (sucrose) might be transported by streaming along the cytoplasmic strands and
the energy provided by the sieve tubes or the companion cells
Chapter 8 : Transport in Animals and Plants
involves a circular movement of water and dissolve substances in sieve tube element in one direction
the solution diffuse passively through the cytoplasmic strand from one sieve tube to the neighbouring sieve
tube down the concentration through the sieve pore
Also can flows from one sieve tube to another against concentration by actively transport through
cytoplasmic streaming
This hypothesis explain the both way flow of substances event at the same times.
Unaccepted because ;
o Only observed in a certain plant / cannot be observed in mature sieve tube.
o Cannot explain the different rates of the different substances within the sieve tube in the
same times the flow is very slow, takes several days to transport from leaves to roots
Mass or pressure flow hypothesis proposed by Munch has enjoyed wider acceptance. The general
agreement with this view is due to certain experimental evidences.
A membranous bag a filled with a lot of sucrose or other organic compounds and another
membranous bag B-filled with just water are interconnected with a narrow bent glass tube.
The bags are immersed in two interconnected troughs filled with water. As soon as the bag A is
immersed in water, water from the trough rushes into the membranous bag A and push the liquid
from A towards B for bag A is filled with water only.
Munch's model best describes the movement in the phloem. His model suggests that there is a
turgor-pressure gradient that drives the directional mass flow of the solutes and water through sieve
4. Peristaltic wave hypothesis
tubes of the phloem
Sieve tube element is filled with fine cytoplasmic strands. Continuous from one sieve tube to the next and
passing through the pores of sieve plate
In Peristaltic Wave Mechanism:
The cytoplasmic strands contain phloem sap (dissolved
substances) . sieve tube is filled with fine
cytoplasmic filaments
In the peristaltic mechanism, the stands constrict and continuous from sieve tube to the
relax alternately , pushing the phloem sap from one sieve next
to the next. thru pores of sieve plate.
At first constriction, solute / phloem sap is pushed contain phloem sap tube constrict +
forwards. In second constriction, the phloem sap is relax alternately
pushed forwards further and the first point constriction pushing sap from one sieve tube to
relaxes. the next.
constriction + relaxation/peristaltic
the rhythmic constriction and relaxation produces movement form a pattern of wave =
peristaltic waves and facilitate the movement of phloem peristaltic wave
sap (solutes) in phloem sieve tube. can be at diff speed + in
It has
This cansuggested that the subs
be demonstrated move
with an in different
osmometer speed and
permeable direction
only with
to water thewith
filled same sieve tube
a high
concentration of solutes in one arm as shown below.
This hypothesis explains movement of substances at different rate in opposite direction
When the osmometer is put in distilled water, the water potential is less than that of surrounding
water in the one arm, and water will enter by osmosis which the generates a turgor pressure,
The solutes are carried by bulk flow when the water moves in. Eventually this process will stop
when the pressure throughout equalizes.
Chapter 8 : Transport in Animals and Plants
1. a) Describe how the lymphatic system complements the blood circulatory system. [7]
b) Explain the concept of pressure flow in transport system of vascular plants. [8]
(a) Describe how the lymphatic system complements the blood circulatory system.
Chapter 8 : Transport in Animals and Plants
1. Blood plasma is forced out into the interstitial space at the arteriole capillary junction.
2. The blood plasma then forms the tissue fluid.
3. A large amount of the tissue fluid is reabsorbed at the venule end and returns to the blood flow
4. However a small amount of the tissue fluid diffuses into the lymphatic capillaries and is
transported as lymph
5. the lymph is transported along the lymphatic vessels, lymphatic duct and finally to the subclavian
6. at the subclavian vein lymph is emptied into the blood circulatory system
7. Upon digestion fat soluble nutrients such as fatty acids, glycerol, Vitamins A, D, E & K diffuse into
the lacteal
8. Lacteal is a lymphatic capillary/ Nutrients are transported by the lymphatic system
9. These nutrients are returned to the blood circulatory system at the subclavian vein.
10. Lymph nodes in lymphatic system trap and filter the lymph from pathogen
11. Lymph nodes are rich with lymphocytes that help destroy the pathogen
12. This helps the blood circulatory system to maintain health and prevent infections
4. The sucrose diffuses through the plasmodesmata from the companion cells to the sieve tube
5. As concentration of sucrose increases, water diffuses by osmosis from the nearby xylem
7. Hydrostatic pressure moves the sucrose through the sieve tube cells, towards a sink.
8. The phloem sugar is removed by the cortex of root, and is used for cellular respiration or
converted into starch for storage
10. As a result, water diffuses out of the sieve tube cells by osmosis into nearby xylem vessels,
lowering the hydrostatic pressure within them.
11. So a pressure gradient is established due to the diffusion of sugars into the sieve tube
elements at the source and removal of sucrose at the sink.