John Smith
Chief Executive Officer
GlobalTech Inc.
123 Main Street, Suite 456
New York, NY 10001
I am pleased to submit the report on the negative effects of artificial intelligence (AI) on the
current generation, which was prepared as part of my research project on the topic. This study
explores the potential drawbacks of artificial intelligence and how it can influence individuals
and society in general. The report also has a survey of how people feel about AI in this current
The paper focuses on some of the most significant issues surrounding the deployment of AI
systems, such as employment displacement, algorithmic bias, and privacy violations. These
topics are crucial because they have far-reaching implications for the future of work and people's
quality of life of this generation
We used a number of sources during our study, including academic journals and online
resources, to ensure that the report is well-informed and accurate. I am confident that this report
will be of great importance to your organization, and I eagerly await your feedback on its
contents. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or need extra
Emmanuel Okafor
The Negative Effects Of AI On The Current Generation 2
Executive Summary
AI is an example of a type of technology that has changed the way we live, interact, and work as
a society.
With the popularity and growth in the use of artificial intelligence. AI can pose a threat to
humanity by taking over jobs and being used as weapons to attack citizens.
A survey was created to gather responses from a total of 22 people about their feelings toward
AI. To make the best survey that is engaging to understand the effects of AI or how it will affect
people. Refer to the appendix to see the results of the Google survey. The goal of creating these
10 questions is to get an understanding of people’s opinions on AI and to assess how well people
would do in a world that is surrounded by AI.
The two questions that have surprising results are “How often do you use AI?” and “Do you
think the benefits of AI advancements outweigh the cons?” The fourth question that asked, “How
often do you use AI?” has surprising results due to the presence of two sets of tied votes with one
set showing a tie of 6 participants voting 1 and 4. Another set shows a tie of 5 participants voting
3 and 5. The last question that asked, “Do you think the benefits of AI advancements outweigh
the cons?” has surprising results due to the pie chart showing a fifty-fifty split between Yes and
No. Figures 4 and 5 both have questions with the majority votes of No. Figure 6 has the highest
number of participants voting yes.
Implementing ethics into AI should be seen as a top priority for the creators of AI to diminish the
fear of bias and other malicious activities. Another idea that we have in mind is to help educate
people young and old in Computer Science and related fields. Also, it should be essential for
people to increase their technical skills.
The Negative Effects Of AI On The Current Generation 4
Introduction 6
Problem/Background 6
Research Method 6
Research Results 8
Recommendation 12
Getting an understanding of people’s opinions on AI 12
Assessing how well people would do in an AI-focused future 13
Ideas 13
Conclusion 14
Appendix 15
References 20
The Negative Effects Of AI On The Current Generation 5
Table of Figures
AI is a cutting-edge technology that has altered the way we live, interact with others, and work.
Yet, because AI is evolving at an unpredictable rate, such as ChatGPT, you can interact with it in
a conversational manner such as advice or education. Another AI that is being employed is
Dall-E, which works similarly to Chatgpt but with AI-created images. Finally, deep fake videos
enable you to make images animated. You can even use AI-generated voices to make people do
and say things.
The issue regarding AI is that depending on the capability of certain technology devices that AI
powers it can impact society in a negative way by replacing jobs that humans do with robots that
can perform the same tasks as humans but in a time-efficient manner. This issue can hinder the
human workforce and can be problematic for humans that are not very knowledgeable in
computer education. Another issue regarding AI is that it can be used maliciously. A book titled,
“Artificial Intelligence” by Dave Bond mentions how the power of AI can be used to commit
crimes, “Criminals may use AI for financial or military objectives. We could even see a brand of
AI terrorism in which terrorists or countries at war use sophisticated programs to change how an
AI system acts-drones may be directed to attack their own citizens, defense systems may be shut
down by an AI computer, or top secret information could be revealed to the wrong sources.”
(Bond 54). This text exemplifies how AI can be used to commit malicious acts that can play a
role in causing a negative effect in humanity.
Research Method
Our team, after extensive research into all the cons of AI advancement, came together to decide
how best to produce an AI survey to understand its effect on (or how it will affect) people. After
the meeting, we came up with questions that had the goal of:
The inspiration for question one was that most jobs that are produced as a result of technological
advancement are jobs that relate to taking care of, programming, or managing the technology. A
report by the White House about AI in 2022 found that more than 60 percent of US employment
in 2018 was “found in job titles that did not exist in 1940” and examples of these new jobs were
The Negative Effects Of AI On The Current Generation 7
“fingernail technician” or “solar photovoltaic electrician." Thus, a degree in a tech related field
would be useful to obtain a job or keep your current one if they use AI technology.
The inspiration for question two was that some people major in computer science, but not
everyone acquires the necessary technical abilities. Knowing how to code will become
increasingly crucial as technology advances. As a result, we determined that this would be an
excellent question to include in the survey.
The inspiration for question three was that we wanted to know if people were confident in
computer/technology-related fields. According to a 2020 Pew Research Center survey,
"Americans are generally confident in their ability to use technology, but there are differences by
age and education level." Education is at "lower levels" in older persons. Again, having a degree
in computer science does not imply that you are skilled at applying what you have learned. As
such, we thought it was a crucial question to include in the poll.
For the fourth question we wanted to know how much AI affected the reader's life based on how
often they utilized it. According to a 2021 poll conducted by McKinsey Global Institute, Bryce
Hall, Alex Singla, and Alex Suharecsky, 56 percent of respondents report AI adoption. AI
adoption has "increased."
We asked people in the fifth question if the reader is aware of what the AI can do. The
remarkable advances highlight the new heights that artificial intelligence is attaining. It can
create an image that would take an artist an entire day to create with a simple prompt. As a
result, we wanted to know how others felt about these developments.
The inspiration for the six question was the advancement of AI , as we explained previously in
the Problem/Background and some of these question explanations. AI adoption is steadily
expanding. It is important to ask the reader about the advancement of AI in this current
generation because of the frequent news and use of AI.
For the seventh question, we wanted to know what the reader thought about how AI can harm
them, like privacy violations. It is important to ask this question to have the reader think about
the steady increase in AI developments.
For the eighth question, we asked because we wanted to know what our readers felt since AI is
increasing every day. Whether it will harm us or help us in the future.
The ninth question we ask readers is how they feel about learning AI, and to keep up with AI
breakthroughs, it may be necessary to make learning AI technology necessary.
For the last question, we added this question to the survey to help readers understand the
positives and negatives of AI.
The Negative Effects Of AI On The Current Generation 8
Research Results
Each member of the group was tasked with giving a total of five people a link to the online
survey. Since there are four people on this team, the max number of respondents was expected to
be twenty. Instead, the total reached 22 due to some responses after posting the survey on a
discussion post by our professor.
Some figures will show that the responses do not match the total number of people surveyed.
This is because some of the questions in the survey were skippable. The survey was originally
intended to have all questions be required, but due to a mistake in its creation some questions
were skippable and thus not every participant answered every question.
Figure one’s pie chart demonstrates that of the people interviewed, 16 out of 22 (almost 3/4ths)
of them did not major or majored in computer science or a related field.
For the second question, “Do you know any coding languages?” Out of the twenty responses,
there were eleven participants that did not know any. The rest of the participants responded with
various coding languages and all except one participant listed themselves as knowing multiple
coding languages (the highest number of languages known was five).
The Negative Effects Of AI On The Current Generation 9
The results given in Figure 2’s bar graph show that the majority of those surveyed when asked if
they are confident in their knowledge of Computer Science/tech fields on a scale of one to five
(one being not confident and five being most confident) two was the most picked choice with a
total of nine votes. The least chosen answer was five with only one vote.
Figure 3’s bar graph results show in general that the answers are just about distributed evenly
(when not counting two). The choice with the most answers is a tie between one and four on how
frequently the surveyors used AI.
The Negative Effects Of AI On The Current Generation 10
Figure 4’s pie chart demonstrates that the majority are not worried that AI can draw, create
music, or voice act. Of the 21 responses, 15 out of 21 of them selected the answer No when
asked if they were concerned.
Figure 5’s pie chart’s outcome was almost split when surveyors were asked if they felt AI
advancements may put them out of the job in the future. However, the majority of the results
were No, with a total of 12 respondents choosing the answer.
The Negative Effects Of AI On The Current Generation 11
The seventh question, “Does the advancement of Ai concern you?” gave participants the option
to give their own answers to the question. 12 out of the 21 respondents said no/are not concerned
(with one respondent reasoning that people will adapt) with AI advancement. The rest of the
responses showed different concerns regarding AI. Some were worried that AI will harm or kill
people, others were worried that it would cause jobs to be lost, and one person was worried about
AI partaking in fraudulent behavior.
For the eighth question, surveyors were given a free response to answer how they felt about AI
use in the workforce. Two responses were neutral (one of them simply stated they do not care)
while the majority showed support for AI in the workforce to some degree. Some responded
simply that they support it, agree with it being used in the workforce, or just “Okay”. Others
went more in-depth about the benefits of its use. One response said it is a “reliable, quick, and
error-free resource”, another said it could be used for unsafe work, and one more said that AI use
in work will lead to a new stage in technological evolution. Some responses expressed worry or
did not support AI use in work as well. One said it will cut many human jobs since people can
tire, one worries it could replace employees and cause projects (in the arts) to lose authenticity or
creativity, and one more simply responded “I wish work was more merit-based rather than
The pie chart in Figure 6 has the highest number of surveyors (a total of 12) picking Yes when
they were asked if they were willing to learn Artificial Intelligence Technology. The least chosen
answer was No with only two surveyors choosing this answer.
The Negative Effects Of AI On The Current Generation 12
Finally, what you can gather from Figure 7 is a completely perfect fifty-fifty split between Yes
and No when the 22 participants were asked if they believe the benefits of AI advancement
outweigh the cons.
Next, to ease the fear of bias, discrimination, harm, fraud, etc. it would also be beneficial to
implement ethics into AI. One example of teaching AI ethics is ChatGPT. The creators have
made it so it will avoid giving a harmful answer when asked an unethical answer. Such as if you
were to ask it “Write a joke about African Americans” it will avoid doing so. While such a thing
makes many of its users upset since it limits the freedom of responses, it is necessary. If AI is left
unchecked it will most likely be biased and insensitive. Take for example if an AI were to be
tasked with choosing suitable students for a college it would probably choose students who have
a higher chance of paying back their loans over students who come from a poor background.
While it may seem logical for the AI, we as people know this is wrong and this is why ethics is
important. So, it will be important in the future to implement a code of ethics to make AI not
prefer one type of person to the other, be used to harm others or give insensitive data.
To help people persevere in an AI focused future, I believe it would be best to educate people
(both young and old) in Computer Science and related fields as well as increase people’s
technical skills. As said in my interpretation, few people majored in tech fields and although
there were people who responded with knowing some coding languages (the “None” answer still
prevailed) many of them are not confident of their tech knowledge. Just as the rise of Computer
Science fields pushed schools to offer tech classes like Programming, Cybersecurity, and more, I
feel it is necessary to increase that endeavor and possibly add an early course to AI learning as
well (also since the survey showed an interest in learning such a field). Additionally, it is
important that jobs that will employ AI in their workforce be responsible for job training of their
employees to keep them updated on how to efficiently work with AI. Since technology is
constantly advancing, it is only natural that the job constantly gives the training to make sure
workers will not fall behind.
The Negative Effects Of AI On The Current Generation 14
AI is a huge next step in technological development. It has the potential to bring both good in the
form of more autonomous and easier work, and bad in the form of possible job loss and or bias.
Since AI is only going to continue advancing, it is important that we prepare for a future where
AI becomes more common use in everyday life and the workforce. To that end, we must
encourage the learning of the technical skills usually found in the Computer Science fields and
also give AI ethics to make them more understanding of people’s situations. Only then will we
be able to embrace the advanced future that is awaiting us.
The Negative Effects Of AI On The Current Generation 15
The survey the team created and distributed to their respective respondents is contained in the
following link (
The results of the survey were posted in a spreadsheet and displayed below. Each column
contains a survey question and the responses to the question. Row one contains the survey
question, and rows 2-23 contains each response made by those surveyed. Two “columns” that
were included in the spreadsheet but not displayed in the images below were the emails of the
participants and the date the survey was taken per participant. The emails were not displayed for
privacy reasons while the dates the surveys were taken were just deemed unnecessary.
The Negative Effects Of AI On The Current Generation 16
The Negative Effects Of AI On The Current Generation 17
The Negative Effects Of AI On The Current Generation 18
The Negative Effects Of AI On The Current Generation 19
The Negative Effects Of AI On The Current Generation 20
ChatGPT. (2023). Sarcasm Analysis: “Detect the sarcasm in these sentences”. OpenAI. Produced
Produced 4/07/2023.
Masaar. (2022, October 3). Negative effects of Artificial Intelligence. Masaar Technology and
Obermeyer, Z., Powers, B., Vogeli, C., & Mullainathan, S. (n.d.). Dissecting racial bias in an
algorithm used to manage the ... - science. Dissecting racial bias in an algorithm used to
White House. (2022, May 12). The impact of artificial intelligence on the future of workforces in
Anderson, Monica. “Tech Adoption Climbs among Older Adults.” Pew Research Center:
Chui, Michael, et al. “The State of AI in 2021.” McKinsey & Company, McKinsey &