Jobm 201800252
Jobm 201800252
Jobm 201800252
DOI: 10.1002/jobm.201800252
Revised: 24 September 2018
| Accepted: 30 November 2018
actinobacteria, antimicrobials, haloalkaliphils, Nocardiopsis sp. AJ1, non ribosomal peptide synthetase
Nocardiopsis genus may be playing a degradative role in same agar slants at 4 °C as well as at 20% (v/v) glycerol stock
mediating the breakdown of naturally occurring complex at −80 °C for future use.
polymers [6]. To aid their survival under these conditions,
they mainly produce extremozymes, compatible solutes, and
2.2 | In vitro antagonistic screening
surfactants [6]. Important antimicrobial agents obtained from
this genus include polyketides, phenzines, quinoline alka- Antagonistic screening was performed against the pathogenic
loids, terphenyls, proteins, thiopeptides, and amines [8,9]. bacterial and fungal species (Escherichia coli, Staphylococ-
Several isolates obtained from soil, marine forms, marine cus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Vibrio parahaemoly-
sediments, and mine tailings also produce different types of ticus, Aeromonas hydrophila, Aspergillus niger, Fusarium
antibiotics. The Nocardiopsis genus has the gene clusters for sp., and Pythium sp.) based on the method described by
polyketide synthases (PKSs) and non-ribosomal peptide Shomurat et al. [16] using the isolated Actinobacterial sp. The
synthetases (NRPSs) and many of the natural isolates may be Actinobacterial isolates were spot inoculated in starch casein
producing antibiotics [5,10]. A broad range of biologically agar (pH 9, 0.0614 M) for 4 days. After 4 days, they were
active polyketide and peptide compounds with applications overlaid with 5 ml of sloppy agar (0.6%) layer previously
in medicine, agriculture, and biochemical research are seeded with the test microbes, bacteria, and fungi. Further this
synthesized by type-I polyketide synthases (PKS-I) and was incubated for 24 h at 37 °C and the diameter of the
non ribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPS). Structurally, both incubation zone was measured using ruler and recorded in
PKS-I and NRPS are multifunctional polypeptides encoded millimeters. For bacterial pathogen, the major inhibition zone
by a variable number of modules with multiple enzymatic was calculated as above 10 mm and the minor calculated to
activities [11]. Marine Nocardiopsis species produced cyclic below 10 mm. For fungal pathogens, major inhibition zone
hexapeptides have antimicrobial activity [12]; soil-derived was calculated as above 5 mm and minor calculated to below
N. trehalosei produced a novel antibiotic 3-trehalosamine; 5 mm of zone of inhibition.
N. mutabilis produced dopsisamine and Nocardiopsis sp.
TFS65-07 isolated from marine sediments secreted thiopeptide
2.3 | Characterization and identification
antibiotics [13]. To assess the capacity of Nocardiopsis sp. AJ1
in secondary metabolism, the present study is performed to The potent Actinobacteria isolates selected from primary
analyze the structural and molecular characterization of the antagonistic screening were characterized by morphological,
antimicrobial secondary metabolites, their antimicrobial biochemical, and physiological methods. The morphological
influence, and the molecular characterization of biosynthetic method consists of macroscopic and microscopic characteri-
cluster gene Nonribosomal Peptide Synthetase (NRPS). The zation. Macroscopically the Actinobacterial isolates were
genome sequence data of Nocardiopsis sp. AJ1 suggested its differentiated by their colony characters, for example, size,
high potentiality for the secondary metabolism and gave shape, colour, consistency, etc. For the microscopy, the
important information for the discovery of new bioactive isolates were grown by a cover slip culture method [17]. The
compounds. morphology of spore chain, pigment production, color of
aerial mycelium, color of substrate mycelium, consistency,
Gram's staining, and growth of Actinobacteria were done by
following the method of Lim et al. [18].
The highly antagonistic strain, Nocardiopsis sp. AJ1 was
2.1 | Sampling, isolation, and maintenance of
further identified by 16S rRNA sequencing. The genomic
actinobacterial cultures
DNA was extracted from the Nocardiopsis sp. AJ1 by high
Soil samples were collected from the man made solar salterns salt method. The single colony of the strain was inoculated in
in Kovalam (8°05′04.35″N 77°31′17.07″E), Kanyakumari to the 5 ml of starch casein broth (pH 9, 0.08 M salinity). The
District, Tamilnadu, India in sterile plastic bags at a depth of cells were harvested by centrifugation at 10,000 rpm for
4–5 cm. The salinity (7.14 M) and pH (11) were also 25 min. To the collected pellet, added 100 µl of TKM I
measured by using hydrometer and pH meter, respectively. solution containing 5 µl Triton X100 and incubated for 25 min
Upon arrival of the sample to the laboratory, serial dilution, at room temperature. The suspended cells were once again
and plating technique was performed using starch casein agar collected by centrifugation at 10,000 rpm for 10 min. The
medium (pH 9, 0.0614 M) [14], then the plates were incubated collected pellet was again added with TKM II solution and
at 28 °C for 7 days. The suspected colonies were picked up 20 µl of 10% SDS, vortexed and incubated at 55 °C for
and streaked on the same agar media and incubated at room 10 min. Then added 125 µl of 5 M NaCl and centrifuged at
temperature for 7 days based on the protocol followed by 10,000 rpm for 10 min. The supernatant was transferred to a
International Streptomyces Project (ISP-2) [15]. The pure microfuge tube and added double the volume of 100% ethanol
culture of the isolates were sub-cultured and maintained in the with 1/10 volume of 3 M sodium acetate and kept at −20 °C
| 3
overnight. The suspended pellet was washed with 100 µl of 2.6 | Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC)
70% ethanol by centrifugation at 12,000 rpm for 5 min and the and minimum bactericidal concentration
collected pellets were allowed to dry at 37 °C for 30 min. (MBC)
Then, the pellet was suspended in TE buffer and run on 1%
The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) was deter-
agarose gel. The genomic DNA was extracted from the gel by
mined as the lowest concentration, and the highest dilution,
genomic DNA extraction buffer.
which completely inhibited the growth of bacteria. To
The extracted DNA was amplified by PCR using 16S
determine the minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC),
rRNA universal primers, further cloned into the “T” vector
the two lowest concentrations which inhibited bacterial
pTZ57R and used to transform E. coli DH5α as described in
growth were plated out on a Müller Hinton Agar and
Sambrook et al. [19]. The transformants were sequenced
incubated at 37 °C for 24 h. The MIC and MBC were carried
using an ABI 3700 automated DNA sequencer and the
out against V. parahaemolyticus using the ethyl acetate
sequences were compared with other 16S rRNAs obtained
extract based on the highest activity.
from GenBank using the BLAST program. The phylogenetic
tree was constructed by MEGA X software and evolutionary
history was inferred using Neighbor-Joining method [20]. 2.7 | Analytical characterization of secondary
2.4 | Extraction of antimicrobial secondary Based on the better antimicrobial activity, the metabolite was
metabolites extracted from the ethyl acetate solvent and characterized by
Nocardiopsis sp. AJ1 was inoculated into starch casein broth Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis
(pH 7, 0.0614 M) and incubated at 28 °C on a shaker to identify the active compounds. Agilent GC–MS 5975 Inert
(200–250 rpm) for 7 days. After 7 days of incubation, the XL MSD (United States) gas chromatography equipped with
culture was spun at 5000×g for 30 min and the supernatant J and W 122–5532G DB–5 ms 30 × 0.25 mm × 0.25 μm and
was filtered through a 0.22 μm membrane filter. The filtrate mass detector (EM with replaceable horn) that operated in
was extracted with the equal volume of ethyl acetate, ethanol, EMV mode was used to characterize the compounds.
benzene, methanol, and chloroform. The extraction process
was repeated for four times and the extract was collected.
2.8 | Molecular characterization of
Then the collected extract was concentrated in a rotary
biosynthetic cluster gene NRPS
evaporator, lyophilized and stored at 4 °C.
Degenerate PCR primers A3F (5′-GCSTACSYSATSTA-
2.5 | Antimicrobial influence of secondary
3′), was used [11], to amplify the NRPS gene from the
genomic DNA of Nocardiopsis sp. AJ1. PCR reactions were
The different extracts of the secondary metabolite (benzene, performed to a final volume of 50 µl containing 10% of
methanol, ethyl acetate, chloroform, and ethanol) were extracted DNA, 0.4 µM of each primer, 0.2 mM of each of the
screened against pathogenic bacteria, fungi, and White four dNTPs, 5 µl extracted DNA, 1 U Taq polymerase with its
Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV). In vitro antibacterial activity recommended reaction buffer. The PCR conditions were
was performed by using different solvent extract against few 95 °C for 5 min of initial denaturation, 95 °C for 30 s of
pathogenic bacteria by agar diffusion method. For antifungal denaturation, 59 °C for 2 min of annealing, 72 °C for 4 min
activity, known quantity of fractions was poured into a well and 72 °C for 10 min for final elongation. Amplification was
made in the centre of Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) plates and resolved in 1% agarose gels stained with ethidium bromide.
fungal spores (approximately 10 spores) were inoculated onto The PCR product was purified by using gel extraction kit
the plates and incubated at 28 °C for 48 h. The zone of (Medox Biotech India Pvt. Ltd.) and sequenced using an ABI
inhibition was recorded [21]. 3700 automated DNA sequencer by M13+ and M13− primers.
Antiviral activity was performed against WSSV following Sequences were compared with other NRPS gene obtained
the method of Balasubramanian et al. [22]. The secondary from GenBank using the BLAST program. Nucleotide
metabolite incubated WSSV suspensions (29 °C for 3 h) were sequence alignment and identity were analyzed by using
injected intramuscularly to the Indian white shrimp, Fenner- Clustal X (1.8.1) software (European Bioinformatics Insti-
openaeus indicus. Hemolymph was bled from the shrimps after tute). The phylogenetic tree was constructed by MEGA X
the 3rd day of injection, and extracted the genomic DNA [23]. software and tree was built by using the Neighbor Joining
Double step diagnostic PCR were performed from the genomic method. The genetic distance was also calculated [20].
DNA template using the WSSV VP28 primer [24] and standard The secondary structure and the function of the NRPS
PCR protocols were followed [25]. protein were predicted by using Iterative Threading Assembly
Refinement (I-TASSER) online bioinformatics software the other sequences in the NCBI database confirmed the AJ1
( This al- isolates as Nocardiopsis sp. AJ1. The sequence was deposited
gorithm modeled and worked based on LOMETS multiple- in NCBI database (GenBank Accession No: JX575136.1).
threading alignment and TASSER iterative simulation. I- Nocardiopsis sp. AJ1 was closely related (>90%) to the other
TASSER server results predicted the accurate structure and Nocardiopsis sp. including Nocardiopsis aegypptia-DY-R11,
function base on state-of-the-art algorithm [26,27]. After Nocardiopsis sp. NH2, N. dassonvillei ADVJ1 (97%), N.
running the sequence, the protein 3D structure was down- aegypptia-TGT-R2, N. aegypptia-SCAU-A-11 (94%),
loaded and visualized using molecular visualization tool Nocardiopsis sp. 6–1, and N. flavescens SA-6 (93%) (Fig. 2).
RasMol. The quality of the predicted protein models was
estimated using C Score and the calculation is based on Z-
3.3 | Antimicrobial influence of secondary
Score of threading alignment in LOMETS multiple-threading
alignment and cluster density of I-TASSER simulation. TM
and C Score determined the structure similarity and confidence The secondary metabolites precipitated by different solvents
between the predicted protein model and the native protein (benzene, methanol, ethyl acetate, chloroform, and ethanol)
structure [28]. For binding the drug molecules to bind the revealed that, the ethyl acetate extract proved the maximum
cluster, the ligand binding site was also determined. inhibitory zones against tested bacterial and fungal
pathogens followed by methanol, ethanol, chloroform,
and benzene extracts. The secondary metabolites precipi-
tated by the ethyl acetate solvents showed significant
antibacterial activity of 20.14, 17.15, 13.57, 13.25, and
3.1 | In vitro antagonistic screening
10.88 mm of zone of inhibition against V. parahaemolytics,
Among the ten isolates (AJ1–AJ10) isolated; only four strains P. aeruginosa, S. aureus, A. hydrophila, and E. coli,
(AJ1, AJ2, AJ3, and AJ4) were selected for antagonistic respectively. The same metabolites also highly influenced
screening. The actinobacteria AJ1 exhibited most significant to suppress the fungal growth by 13.14, 8.33, and 6.43 mm
activity against bacterial and fungal pathogens. The isolate AJ2 of zone of inhibition against A. niger, Fusarium sp and
showed minimum activity and the other isolates AJ3 and AJ4 Pythium sp., respectively. The other extractions including
had low activity against the tested pathogens. The significant ethanol, chloroform, methanol, and benzene had only minor
zone of inhibition was observed against the bacterial pathogens antimicrobial activities (Table 3). Two way ANOVA
V. parahaemolyticus (19.5 mm), P. aeruginosa (16.5 mm), and revealed that, the values were significantly differed from
A. hydrophila (12.2 mm). In addition, the antifungal activity of each other's (F = 2.72; p < = 0.05–column and (F = 24.38;
12.4, 8.2, and 6.8 mm of zone of inhibition was observed p < = 0.001–row).
against A. niger, Fusarium sp., and Pythium sp., respectively, The ethyl acetate precipitation also suppressed the shrimp
by the actinobacteria AJ1 (Table 1). killer virus WSSV by 83% when compared with the control
group. 100% PCR positive signals were observed in the genomic
DNA template used for PCR from F. indicus treated with WSSV
3.2 | Characterization and identification
alone without Nocardiopsis sp. AJ1s’ secondary metabolites
The actinobacterial isolate AJ1was able to grow well on incubation. The different solvent precipitations with WSSV
nutrient agar and starch casein agar media supplemented with incubations gradually decreased the PCR positive signals at a
9 and 10% NaCl and had well-developed branched aerial significant (p < 0.05) level of 70, 41, 37, 28, and 17% by double
hyphae. The aerial hypha were white, long, and at the step PCR detections in methanol, benzene, ethanol, chloroform,
beginning of sporulation. Spores were elongated and have and ethyl acetate precipitations, respectively (Fig. 3).
smooth surfaces. A good growth was observed on starch The MIC and MBC of the five extraction methods against
casein agar which is supplemented with 10% NaCl, glucose as V. parahaemolyticus were given in the Table 4. The ethyl
sole carbon sources and alanine as nitrogen source and grown acetate extraction helped to control V. parahaemolyticus at
at pH 9 (Table 2). The isolate was the characteristics of the minimal level of 20 μg due to the presence of
aerobic, Gram-positive, non-acid-fast, and non-motile which antimicrobial active principles whereas the other extractions
forms an extremely branched substrate mycelium that had the range of 50–70 μg.
fragments into rod and coccal elements. The substrate
mycelium bears the aerial hyphae, which frequently form
3.4 | Analytical characterization of secondary
chains of smooth spores was observed under scanning
electron microscope (Fig. 1).
Multiple sequence alignment and graphical phylogenetic The GC peak of secondary metabolites from Nocardiopsis sp.
tree analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequence compared with AJ1 confirmed two different compounds with the help of
| 5
TABLE 1 In vitro antagonistic screening of dominant haloalkaliphilic actinobacterial colonies isolated from Kovalam solar salt works against
bacterial and fungal pathogens
Dominant Actinomycetes strains screened
NIST library database. The peak at the retention times of 3.5 | Molecular characterization of
17.26, 17.91, and 21.86 was confirmed as pyrrolo [1,2-A] biosynthetic cluster gene NRPS
pyrazine-1,4-dione, hexahydro-3-(2-methylpropyl). The
other peak with the retention times of 18.07 and 18.21 was A set of forward and reverse degenerated primers (A3F/
confirmed as actinomycin C2 (Fig. 4). A7R) helped to amplify the NRPS gene product at the
TABLE 2 Phenotypic identification of the highly antagonistic Actinobacteria strain AJ1 isolated from Kovalam solar salt works
Sl. no Characteristics Variables Confirmation
1 Biochemical Gram's staining Gram positive
Colony colour Puffy white
2 Cultural characteristics Nutrient agar ++
Starch casein agar ++
Actinomycetes isolation agar +
Malt extract agar +
Glucose aspargine agar +
3 Utilization of carbon source Glucose ++
Starch ++
Fructose +
Dextrose +
Lactose +
4 Utilization of nitrogen source D-alanine ++
L-histidine +
Potassium nitrate +
5 pH 7 ++
8 ++
9 ++
6 NaCl tolerance (%) 7 -
8 +
9 ++
10 ++
7 Enzyme activity Protease ++
Lipase ++
Amylase -
Xylanase -
FIGURE 2 Graphical phylogenetic tree analysis of Nocardiopsis lucentensis AJ1 based on 16S rRNA gene sequence data compare with
other Nocardiopsis sp
| 7
TABLE 3 Antimicrobial screening of N. lucentensis AJ1s’ secondary metabolites extracted from different solvent system against bacterial and
fungal pathogens
Solvent extraction
*, Bacterial pathogens; **, Fungal pathogens. The values significantly differed from each other's (F = 2.72; p <= 0.05 – column and (F = 24.38; p <= 0.001 – row) – two
way ANOVA.
NRPS may be belonging the family of surfactin A synthetase species N. lucentensis sp. nov. DSM 44048 from a salt marsh
C (SRFA-C) (Fig. 7). soil sample near Alicante, Spain and they produced yellowish
to yellowish brown substrate mycelium and a white aerial
mycelium. N. salina sp. nov YIM 90010T, a novel halophilic
actinomycete isolated from saline soil in China produced
abundant aerial mycelia grown well in 10% NaCl and
Members of the genus Nocardiopsis are generally encoun-
7 ± 2 pH [32]. The Nocardiopsis strains isolated from saline
tered in locations that are inherently extreme. They are
environments were able to tolerate or abundantly in the NaCl
present in frozen soils, desert sand, compost, saline, or
concentrations of maximum 10% and withstand high
hypersaline habitats (marine systems, salterns, and soils) and
alkaline pH. The Nocardiopsis sp. AJ1 grown well at 7 to
alkaline places [9]. They are frequently isolated from habitats
9 pH and 9 to 10% NaCl concentrations due to the alkalophilic
with moderate to high salt concentrations such as saline soil or
nature. Nocardiopsis alkaliphila YIM 80379T sp. nov., a
marine sediments [29] and salterns [30]. Recently, our team
novel alkaliphilic actinobacteria isolated from desert soil in
has isolated a few Nocardiopsis strains including N. salina,
Egypt produced substrate and aerial mycelia on different
N. alba, N. lucentensis, and Nocardiopsis sp. from the solar
media, with an optimum pH for growth of 9 ± 0.5 to 10 [33].
salterns at Thamaraikulam, Kovalam, Puthalum, and Thar-
N. halotolerans sp. nov., isolated from salt marsh soil in
uvaikulam of southern India and which are having potential
Kuwait produced substrate and aerial mycelium and grew
bioactivities. Yassin et al. [31] isolated and identified a new
well in the NaCl concentrations of 0–15% [29].
Hypersaline environments are extreme habitats; their
actinomycete inhabitants are largely unexplored for discovery
of novel bioactive secondary metabolites [34]. Members of
the genus Nocardiopsis produce a wide array of antimicrobial
and cytotoxic agents. Due to the presence of NRPS and PKS
gene clusters and respective antibiotics, the Nocardiopsis
species was highly influenced to control different bacterial,
fungal pathogens, and had potent anticancer activities [32,35].
The potential strain Nocardiopsis sp. AJ1 showed a
significant antibacterial and antifungal activity at the range
of 7 to 19 mm of zone of inhibition against human and aquatic
important bacterial and fungal pathogens due to the
antimicrobial secondary metabolite production. The MIC
and MBC results also confirmed that the ethyl acetate
FIGURE 3 Double step PCR detection in the genomic DNA extraction controlled the V. parahaemolyticus pathogen at a
template of F. indicus injected with WSSV incubated the secondary minimal level due to the presence of active compounds.
metabolites of N. lucentensis AJ1s’. Means with the same superscripts Pyrrolo[1,2-a]pyrazine-1,4-dione,hexahydro-3-(2-methylpropyl)
(a–e) do not differ from each other (p < 0.05)–One Way ANOVA characterized from Streptomyces albus CN-4 had
TABLE 4 Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) of the N. lucentensis AJ1s’ secondary
metabolites extracted with different organic solvents against V. parahaemolyticus
10 ++++ ++++ ++ ++++ ++++
20 +++ ++++ 20 + ++++ ++++
30 +++ +++ - ++++ +++
40 ++ ++ - +++ +++
50 50 + 50 + - +++ ++
60 - - - ++ ++
70 - - - 70 + 70 +
80 - - - -
effectively controlled several bacterial and fungal pathogens line in the Nocardiopsis sp. The Nocardiopsis sp. AJ1closely
including Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aerugi- related to most of the Nocardiopsis sp. and N. flavescens SA6.
nosa, and Fusarium solani [36]. This compound was also Nocardiopsis lucentensis (lu. cen. ten'sis. M. L. adj,
identified from the secondary metabolites of Stretomyces lucentensis, referring to Lucentum, the ancient Latin name
werraensis KBR01 [37] and Streptomyces sp. UPMRS4 of Alicante, a city in Spain, where the type strain was
which had antimicrobial activities [38]. Likewise, actino- isolated). The discovery of many natural products from
mycin C complex extracted from S. pratensis effectively biosynthetic gene clusters in microbial genomes is very
controlled S. aureus [39]. Actinomycin C2 and actinomycin interesting and recently genomic sequencing has been used to
C3 isolated from red soil Actinomyces effectively inhibit the unveil the hidden production of natural products from
growth of Micrococcus luteus and S. aureus [40]. Nocar- microbes [43]. The NRPS gene sequenced from the
diopsis sp. isolated from Puducherry coast had 18, 20, and Nocardiopsis sp. AJ1was more identity to the other NRPS
15 mm zone of inhibition against E. coli, P. aeruginosa, and family of Streptomyces and Actinoplanes actinomyces genus.
K. pneumonia, respectively [41]. Saccharopolyspora salina Most of the nucleotides showed 100% similarity among the
VITSDK4, isolated from a saltpan soil sample collected at compared sequences of the actinomyces genus only. The
the Marakkanam coast of the Bay of Bengal, India, was sequencing and further bioinformatics approach of the NRPS
profoundly antagonistic with fungal and Gram positive gene of Nocardiopsis sp. AJ1helped to characterize the
bacterial pathogens [42]. bioactive molecules. Multiple gene clusters for secondary
The comparison of 16S rRNA sequence of Nocardiopsis metabolism appear also to be a hallmark of several non-
sp. AJ1with corresponding homologous DNA sequences Streptomyces filamentous actinobacteria [44] and of the
clearly revealed that the test organism form a distinct phyletic myxobacteria [45]. Chakrabortti et al. [46] identified eight
FIGURE 4 GC peak of partially purified secondary metabolites from N. lucentensis AJ1. *: pyrrolo [1,2-A]pyrazine-1,4-dione, hexahydro-3-
(2-methylpropyl)- (retention times 17.26, 17.91, and 21.86); **: actinomycin C2 (retention times 18.07 and 18.21)
| 9
FIGURE 5 (a) Phylogenetic analysis of the nucleotide sequence of NRPS gene of N. lucentensis AJ1 with that reported in other
Actinobacteria sp. by Neighbor Joining method. (b) Nucleotide alignment identities of NRPS gene of N. lucentensis AJ1 with its homologues.
Asterisks indicate 100% similarity among the nucleotide sequences
NRPS gene clusters and two PKS gene clusters in the genome to the diverse of antimicrobial molecules in the secondary
of N. jinanensis. metabolites of Nocardiopsis sp. AJ1, they were effectively
The secondary metabolites were extracted from the inhibiting the bacterial and fungal growth. Halophilic
Nocardiopsis sp. AJ1 fermentation with different solvent Nocardiopsis gilva YIM 90087, produced three p-terphenyl
systems, and the solvent ethyl acetate helped to precipitate the derivatives including the antimicrobial 60-hydroxy-
potent antimicrobial compounds. The extracts effectively 4,20,30,4″-tetramethoxyp-terphenyl, novobiocin, nine cyclo-
suppressed the multiplication of bacterial, fungal growth, and dipeptides, and two aromatic acids [47]. Novobiocin is an
arrest the replication of the killer shrimp virus WSSV. aminocoumarin antibiotics that inhibits bacterial gyrases [48]
Generally, the gene clusters in the Nocardiopsis sp. had the and act as a good antifungal against Fusarium avenaceum,
ability of synthesizing potent antimicrobial compounds. Due F. graminearum, F. culmorum, and C. albicans [49].
FIGURE 6 (a) FASTA format of NRPS protein query sequence of N. lucentensis AJ1. (b) Secondary structure prediction of the NRPS
protein of N. lucentensis AJ1. (Color indications: H Helix; S Strands and C Coil). (c) The predicted 3D model and the estimated global and local
accuracy of the NRPS protein of of N. lucentensis AJ1
Novobiocin [47] isolated from Nocardiopsis sp. showed bacteria, fungi and helped arrest the transcription, translation
antibacterial activity against B. subtilis and Staphylococcus leading to arrest the multiplication of WSSV. It reflected in
aureus with a MIC of 16 and 64 µg ml−1, respectively. the lowest (<20%) PCR positive detected by double step PCR
Griseusins obtained from an alkalophilic Nocardiopsis sp. detection against the ethyl acetate treated group. K-252a, the
(YIM DT266) displayed antibacterial activity toward Micro- protein kinase C inhibitors are representative bioactive
coccus luteus, S. aureus ATCC 29213, and B. subtilis [50]. alkaloids derived from Nocardiopsis sp. K-252a also
The NRPS based molecules produced by Nocardiopsis sp. displayed antiviral effects [51]. The replication of vesicular
AJ1 helped to disturb the cell wall synthesis in the pathogenic somatitis virus in baby hamster kidney cells line (BHK-21)
| 11
TABLE 5 Showing the ligand binding sites of the NRPS protein of N. lucentensis AJ1
Rank C-score Cluster size PDB hit Ligand name Downloaded complex Ligand binding site residues
1 0.43 58 4d4jA ANP Rep. Mult 7,8,41,103,104,105,130,132,133,
2 0.41 55 4g37A SLU Rep. Mult 41,42,43,47,100,101,102,103,104,105,
3 0.04 6 5burA ATP Rep. Mult 8,9,10,12,17,103,104,131,132,133,
4 0.02 4 2wd9C IBP Rep. Mult 41,42,43,102,133,134,135
5 0.02 3 3IVRA 3IVRA02 Rep. Mult 101,105,106,130,131,160,162
was specifically inhibited by K-252a and its derivative structural studies the two effective compounds having high
KT5926. antimicrobial properties have been identified. Further second-
Structural analysis by GC-MS analysis revealed that two ary structure prediction of the NRPS protein may help to
peptide based compounds including actinomycin C and identify some more molecules.
pyrrolo[1,2-A]pyrazine-1,4-dione, hexahydro-3-(2-methyl- The I-TASSER analysis for secondary structure, ligand
propyl)- were present in the secondary metabolites of binding sites and top most similarity results clearly revealed
Nocardiopsis sp. AJ1. Actinomycin was first isolated from a that, the NRPS based metabolites is most resemble to
culture of Streptomyces antibioticus by Waksman and surfactin A synthetase C (SRFA-C). The PDB hit no 2vsqA is
Woodruff [52] and later its derivatives were characterized responsible for surfactin A synthetase C (SRFA-C) and it
and designated as A, B, C, D, I, J, and X [53]. Actinomycin C, displayed four times among the top 10 hits. The SRFA-C
actinomycin C2, and C3, are differed from other actinomycin peptides are involving in the synthesis of lipopeptide
groups in the presence of D-alloisoleucine in the peptide part of biosurfactant and surfactin molecules. Surfactin is mostly
the molecule [54]. Actinomycin is a cyclic polypeptide- identified in the Bacillus sp. and actinobacteria. The surfactin
containing antibiotic that binds to DNA and inhibits RNA biosynthetic assembly line consists of three large NRPSs:
synthesis [55]. Due to the DNA binding and RNA synthesis SrfA-A, SrfA-B, and SrfA-C, comprising of a total of seven
inhibition properties of actinomycin C in the secondary modules. These modules are arranged into core and
metabolites of Nocardiopsis sp. AJ1, they are effectively elongation domains which are responsible for lipopeptide
inhibiting the transcription and translation of the bacterial, chain formation [59]. SrfA-C bears a thioesterase domain,
fungal, and viral pathogens. Like actinomycin C, pyrrolo 1,2-a SrfA-C-TE, located at its C-terminal end. The srfA-C-TE
pyrazine group is a group of potent naturally occurring gene, one of the genes required for surfactin biosynthesis, is
antibiotics from various Streptomyces species, which are directly involved in surfactin biosynthesis [60]. Surfactin is
among the most promising types of lead compounds [56]. one of the most powerful lipopeptide biosurfactants produced
Pyrone derivatives are a class of important secondary by various strains of Bacillus subtilis, having exceptional
metabolites synthesized via such PKS gene clusters [57]. surface activity as well as antiviral, antibacterial and
The pyrones derivatives including nocardiopyrone A and antitumor properties [61]. Surfactin is considered to be
nocardiopyrone B were effectively suppressing different antibiotics due to their broad antimicrobial spectrum [62].
pathogenic bacteria and fungi species [6]. Pyrrolo derivatives The crude surfactin possesses antimicrobial activity against
including pyrrolo[1,2-a]pyrazine-1,4-dione, hexahydro-3-(2- antibiotic resistant Staphylococcus aureus, E. coli strains and
methylpropyl); pyrrolo[1,2-a]pyrazine-1,4-dione, hexahydro- the pathogenic yeast Candida albicans [63]. Surfactin and its
3-(phenylmethyl) characterized from Streptomyces sp. by GC- derivatives also act as antiviral agents, antibiotics, antitumor
MS analysis had potent antifungal activity [58]. Based on the agents, immunomodulators, or specific toxin-inhibitors [64].
TABLE 6 The predicted enzyme commission numbers and active sites of the NRPS protein
Rank C-scoreEC PDB hit TM-score RMSDa IDENa Cov EC number Active site residues
1 0.357 3fccA 0 .820 2.32 0.127 0.926 NA
2 0.324 3e7wA 0.848 2.07 0.153 0.939 NA
3 0.323 3e7xA 0.845 2.15 0.157 0.943 103,136
4 0.321 1amuA 0.826 2.11 0.153 0.913 NA
5 0.319 318cB 0.824 2.41 0.112 0.939 6,136
TABLE 7 Top 10 proteins structurally close to the the target NRPS In conclusion, Haloalkaliphilic Nocardiopsis sp. AJ1
protein identified in the PDB by TM-align isolated from the solar salterns had the ability of producing
PDB NRPS based secondary metabolites with potent antagonistic
Rank Hit Top 10 identical protein by structure activity against pathogenic bacteria and fungi. The
1 2vsqA Surfactin A synthetase C (SRFA-C) metabolites were found to control several pathogenic
2 2vsqA Surfactin A synthetase C (SRFA-C) bacteria, fungi, and the killer virus shrimp white spot
syndrome virus (WSSV) very effectively. Structural
3 3e7Wa D-alanine: D-alanyl carrier protein liagase
elucidation and prediction revealed that, different peptide
4 2cb4A Catalytic domain of mosquitocidal toxin
compounds such as pyrrolo [1,2-A]pyrazine-1,4-dione,
5 2vsqA Surfactin A synthetase C (SRFA-C)
hexahydro-3-(2-methylpropyl), actinomycin C2 and surfac-
6 4oxiA Adenylation domain AlmE in complex with tin A synthetase C (SRFA-C) were present in the
glycyl adenosine 5’ phosphate
7 2vsqA Surfactin A synthetase C (SRFA-C)
8 4oxiA Adenylation domain AlmE in complex with
glycyl adenosine 5’ phosphate ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
9 4gr5A Crystal structure of SlgN1 delta Asub in
complex with AMPcPP
The authors acknowledge the Department of Science and
Technology (DST), New Delhi, Government of India for
10 4gr4A Crystal structure of SlgN1deltasub
funding (DO NO. SR/SO/HS-0161/2012 dated 28.07.2014)
and also thank Dr. Yang Zhang's Research Group, Depart-
In our study, the I-TASSER analysis clearly confirmed that ment of Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics,
the sequenced NRPS PCR products was more resemble to University of Michigan, MI 48109–2218, USA for perform-
SRFA-C gene which indicates the presence of SRFA-C gene ing the I-TASSER analysis for the study.
in the Nocardiopsis sp AJ1 genome, which responsible for the
production of surfactin. Surfactin is formed by non-ribosomal
peptide synthetases (NRPSs), which govern all necessary CONFLICT OF INTEREST
steps in this process [65]. All authors declare no financial conflicts of interest.
Thavasimuthu Citarasu
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